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Project Manager,
Ardanuy India Plivate Limited.
C-4t 145, 3'd Floor, Safdarj ung Development,
Area (SDA), New Delhi-l10016

Subject: Submission of Water Reports.

Reference No. : A 1 /P 1 37 9 IPK/PMC/SR/RVNL|223

Project: Construction of important rail Bridge No.-8 with span arrangement of 3x90 m through Truss
(Ballasted Deck) at CH:63+105m to CH: 63+383m over river Alaknanda at Lachmoli including other
ancillary works like river training, protection works etc. in connection with Rishikesh- Karanprayag New
BG Rail Line Project in the state of Uttarakhand, India.

As per above sub.iect matter, Parmar Testing Lab And Research Centre has Submitted
Following Construction Materials Testing Reports.

S. No. Sample Ouantity

1. River Water (Janasu Side) 01
) River Water (Lachmoli Side) 01

Thanks with ftards,

Er.,/aydeep Parmar
pa rH3 liel'tilf;u$%%t tea rch ce ntre
Mothorowala Pigana, Near Doon University
Dehraduri (U'lQPlN ' 248001

(lSO Gertified & NABL Accredited Lab)

Doon Univet,sity Road, Near Shiv Vihar, Mothorowala, Dehradun (UK), 248001
Mobile.: +91 9068697634,635,636 I Email.: [email protected]
(lSO Gertified & NABL Accredited Lab)
Doon University Road, Near Shiv Vihar, Mothorowala, Dehradun (UK), 248001
Mobile. : +91 9068697634,635,636 I Email.: [email protected]

Test Report

Description of Sample: Construction Water Report No.: PTLR/DDN/2020i03 7(09)

Letter Date: 25 I 09 12020
Letter Ref. : AI/P I 3 7 9 I P\<IPMCISR/RVN L/223 Date of Receiptz 27109/2020
Issued to: Ardanuy India Private Limited. Date of Testing: 28-30/0912020
C-41 1 45, 3'd Floor, Safdarj ung Development Date of Reportz 30109/2020
Area (SDA), New Delhi-110016.
Client Namc: Rail Vikas Nigarn Lirnited.
Contractor: M/S Rahee Infratech Liniited.
N.O.W: Construction of important rail Bridge No.-8 with span arrangement of 3x90 m through Truss (Ballasted Deck)
at CH:63+105m to CH: 63+383m over river Alaknanda at Lachmoli including other ancillary works like river training,
protection works etc. in connection with Rishikesh- Karanprayag New BG Rail Line Project in the state of
Uttarakhand, India.
LOA No. : RVNL/RKSH/T/WRaiI Bridge-9 129 I 1321 Dated 24.05 .20 19
CA No.: RVNL/RKSH/T/W/RaiI Bridge-8/29 llCA-43 Dated 05.08.20 1 9
Location of Sampling: Janasu Side.

S-rNo. Characteristics Test Value Max. Permissible Limit Method of

As per 15-456-2000 Test Ref to.
(Clause 5.4)
1. 0.02N NaOH consumed to 1.5 5ml rs- 302s(P-22) 1986
neutralize l00ml of water using
Phenolphthalein as indicator.
2, 0.02 NH2SOa consumed 4.5 25 ml rs- 302s(P-23) 1986
to neutralize l00ml of water using
Mixed indicator, ml.
3. Organics, mg/I. 3l 200 rs-302s (P-i8) 1984
4. lnorganic, mg/I. 403 3000 rs-302s (P-r8) 1984
5. Sulphate as SO3, mg/I. 21.4 400 IS-3 025 (P -24) Reaff: 2009
6. Chloride as Cl, mg/l 4 500 mg/l for RCC & rs-302s (P-32) 1988
2000 mg/l for concrete
without embedded steel.
7. pH 8.40 Not less than 6.0 rs-302s (P-r 1) 1983
Suspended matter, mg/l
TDS, mg/l
434 2000
2000 rs-302s (P-17)
rs-302s (P-16) ::tr
1 /
Remark: With Respect to above test, Sample complies with IS-456-2000 Clause 5.4.

t< * t! *,. r< **** rt t<

E n d Of Rep O f t * * * * r< * * 1t r< ** *

1. The result llsted refer only to the tested samples and appllcable parameters endorsement of product ls nelther enferred nor lmplled.
2. Total llability of our lab ls limited to the involced amount.
3. Samples will be destroyed after 90 days from the date of issue of test report.
4. This report ls not reproduced wholly or ln part and cannot be used as an evldence in the court of law and should not be used ln any
advestislng medla without our special permlssion in wrltlng
(lSO Gertified & NABL Accredited Lab)
Doon University Road, Near Shiv Vihar, Mothorowala, Dehradun (UK), 248001
Mobile.: +91 9068697634,635,636 I Email.: [email protected]

Test Report
Description of Sample: Construction Water Report No. : PTLR/DDNi2020/03 7(09)
Letter Date: 25 I 09 12020
Letter Ref.: AI/P I 3 7 9 IPKIPMC/SR/RVNL/223 Date of Rec eiptz 27 I 09 /2020
Issued to: Ardanuy India Private Limited. Date of Testing: 28-30/0912020
C-4 I I 45, 3'd Floor, Safdarjung Development Date of Rep ortz 30 I 09 /2020
Area (SDA), New Delhi-l10016.
Client Name: Rail Vikas Nigam Limited.
Contractor: M/S Rahee Infratech Limited.
N.O.W: Construction of irnportant rail Bridge No.-8 with span arrangement of 3x90 m through Truss (Ballasted Deck)
at CH:63+105m to CH: 63+383m over river Alaknanda at Lachmoli including other ancillary works like river training,
protection works etc. in connection with Rishikesli- Karanprayag New BG Rail Line Project in the state of
Uttarakhand, India.
LOA No.: RVNL/RKSH/T/W/RaiI Bridge-8/29 l32l Dated 24.05.2019 1

CA No. : RVNL/RI(SH/T/W/Rai I Bridge-8129 1 I C A-43 Dated 05.0 8.20 I 9

Location of Sampling: Lachmoli Side.

S.No. Characteristics Test Value Max. Permissible Limit Method of

As per 15-456-2000 Test Ref to.
(Clause 5.4)
1. 0,02N NaOH consumed to 0.2 5ml rs- 302s(P-22) 1986
neutralize I 00rnl of water using
Phenolphthalein as indicator.
0.02 NH2SOa consumed 21.1 25 ntl rs- 302s(P-23) 1986
to neutralize 100rnl of water using
Mixed indicator, ml.
3. Organics, mg/I. l8 200 rs-302s (P-18) 1984
4. Inorganic, mg/l. 68 3000 rs-302s (P-18) 1984
5. Sulphate as SOj, mg/I. t4.24 400 IS-3 025 (P -24) Reaff:2009
6. Chloride as Cl, mg/l 28 500 mg/l for RCC & rs-302s (P-32) 1988
2000 mg/l for concrete
without embedded steel.
7. pH 6.85 Not less than 6.0 IS-302s (P-1 1) r983
8. Susperrded matter, mg/l J 2000 IS-302s (P-17) 1984
9. TDS, mg/l B6 2000 rs-302s (P-r6) 1984
Remark: With Respect to above test, Sample complies with 15-456-2000 Clause 5.4.

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E n Cl O f

1. The result listed refer only to the tested samples and applicable parameters endorsement of product ls nelther enferred nor lmptled.
2. Totalliability of our lab is limited to the invoiced amount.
3. Samples will be destroyed after 90 days from the date of issue of test report.
4. This report is not reproduced wholly or ln part and cannot be used as an evidence in the court of taw and should not be used in any
advestislng media wlthout our special permission ln wrltlng

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