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Activity 1: Differentiate solute from solvent thru wide variety of What am I made of?


What am I made of?

a. Name the components of the example solution.
b. Identify the solute and the solvent on the given examples of
Objectives: solution.
a. Name the components of the example solution. c. Differentiate solute from solvent.
b. Identify the solute and the solvent on the given examples of
solution. Materials
c. Differentiate solute from solvent. Example pictures of solutions

Materials Direction: From the given pictures below, name the components
Example pictures of solutions of the example solution. Write which one is the solute and which
is the solvent.
Direction: From the given pictures below, name the components
of the example solution. Write which one is the solute and which Solution solute solvent
is the solvent.

Solution solute solvent

Ethyl alcohol
(ethanol + water)

Ethyl alcohol
(ethanol + water)
Orange juice
Orange juice water)
(coffee powder +
(coffee powder +
water) Saline solution
(salt + water)

Saline solution
(salt + water)
(acetic acid
+ water)
(acetic acid
+ water)

Guide Questions:
What is solution?
What are the components of solution?
Guide Questions: How will you differentiate solute from solvent base on the activity?
What is solution?
What are the components of solution? Conclusion:
How will you differentiate solute from solvent base on the activity? Complete the statement:
Solution is ___________________________________________
Conclusion: The two components of solution are _______________________
Complete the statement:
Solution is ___________________________________________ Activity 2: Saturated or Unsaturated?
The two components of solution are _______________________ Direction: Put a check mark inside the box to answer the given question.

Activity 2: Saturated or Unsaturated? 1. When a solution CANNOT dissolve more solute it is called
Direction: Put a check mark inside the box to answer the given question. __________?
Saturated Unsaturated
1. When a solution CANNOT dissolve more solute it is called
__________? 2. A solution that CAN HOLD more solute is called _______________?
Saturated Unsaturated Saturated Unsaturated

2. A solution that CAN HOLD more solute is called _______________? 3. A solution that has more solute than it can hold is called
Saturated Unsaturated ____________?
Saturated Unsaturated
3. A solution that has more solute than it can hold is called
____________? 4. You are given 40 mL solution in a beaker. You add solute to the
Saturated Unsaturated beaker and it dissolves, the solution was ___________?
Saturated Unsaturated
4. You are given 40 mL solution in a beaker. You add solute to the
beaker and it dissolves, the solution was ___________? 5. Solution that can ADD more solute is called ___________?
Saturated Unsaturated Saturated Unsaturated

5. Solution that can ADD more solute is called ___________?

Saturated Unsaturated

Activity 1: Differentiate solute from solvent thru wide variety of


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