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Growth Hacking, as the name suggests is a hack.

It’s a bunch of methods/things

we do to make our business thrive. The primary aim is to make random people checkout
our services & hence, make them visitors. Ultimately, we want these visitors to be our
customers. Talking in context of NM assets, we want to sell our services online. So,
there are the bunch of steps that we could follow. The effectiveness depends on how
well these methods suit our business. For instance, a sale of 30% on a TV set might be
favored instead of 30% on candy. These are just the blueprints we could follow, nothing
is static.

Tracking tools :-
➔ First & the foremost step will be to analyze the traffic coming to our website. By
this, I mean tracking how many people are using our website. We can actually do
this page by page. By this, I mean we can check how many users viewed the
website & then further how many of them went on to make the purchase etc.
So, first step is to register our site with Google Analytics. For WP, we have a
few plugins to make our life easier & do it more efficiently.
➔ Next, we need to activate sitemaps on our site. This’ll help us see the list of the
posts on our pages. Hence, it makes tracking easier.

How to make the user buy stuff from our website?

✔ Give user a content upgrade. By content upgrade I mean, give the users
something extra when they do something extra. The best example of this is that
some sites offer a free pdf when we provide them our email address. This might
seem silly but the marketing strategy behind this is that people’ll provide their
email addresses in exchange for something they want. This leaves us with plenty
of email addresses to whom we can reach out for if we want to market some of
our other products. To implement the above, we need an email provider
(preferably mailchimp) & then on getting the API token, we’ll get the option to
customize our menu & then the code generated should be used in our website. It
sounds complicated but I’ll handle it!
✔ Another import aspect is to get people to visit our site i.e our service needs to
marketed. We need to spread the word. Here are a few things we can do in
order to achieve that target :-
 Get bloggers to write for us. There is a lot of traffic that certain bloggers
attract. We need to contact them to write for us. The easiest way to do so is
visit tomson or hittail. We can find different people who are willing to write
about our service for free (some need to be paid too). They give 5 star
reviews & also share it across social media. As a return-favor, we can
provide the bloggers with exclusive coupons which their subscribers can use
in order to avail discounts at our website.
✔ We must have seen websites offering giveaways. People are crazy for free stuff.
The success of this purely depends on how well we market this. We can get
people to sign-up for this through their email addresses or phone numbers & in
return we get a lot of email addresses/phone numbers to whom we can market
our product to. We can increase its efficiency by:-
st nd rd
 Keeping 3 prize winners i.e 1 , 2 & 3 instead of 1.
 Doing it quarterly or annually.
 Providing the name of the month for which its valid (increase trust of the
people who are about to sign up for this)
 Use a timer
 Use kingsumo
✔ Make quizzes about your product. Make a quiz about our product & let people
take them for free. Also, provide them with the option of sharing the results
across different social media platforms. This’ll attract more traffic to our site.
✔ Use Google ads to advertize about our product.
✔ This next tip will be explained with the help of an example. Suppose, a want to buy
a e-book worth $30 but there’s an offer from the company which lets us have it
for free if we get 5 of our friends to sign-up for this. This’ll lead to mouth-to-
mouth marketing. In turn, we get more people to market our product to. We’ll use
viral sign ups for this.
✔ Inform people regarding a sale on our website. People tend to buy more stuff
when they are offered for cheap.
 Don’t put all items on sale. Discount should be offered on some products only
so that psychologically, people can be tempted to buy.
 To inform people about the sale, we’ll use sumone
✔ Use hello bars on top of nav bars. We need to inform people about the products
on our website. As soon as the page loads, a hello bar will be visible on top on the
original one which’ll contain the info about new services, products our site is
 Use bright colors for the hello bar (make it flashy)
✔ Use scroll box. When a user scrolls down our website, a new pop-up will be
visible on the bottom of the screen. This may contain info about some other
related pages or ask for email subscription or even offers for them.
✔ Use 2-step subscription processes. First, we ask people if they are interested
& then ask for their email.
 We may also introduce a check where people have to confirm their email
addresses. This filters out the valid emails from the fake ones that some
people may enter
✔ Use actual pop-ups to show different offers or subscription requests.
 We can even make the pop-ups appear after a certain time interval by using a
 We may use exit pop-ups. These will appear when the user wants to close the
website. The screen that’ll come next will contain info about different features
& offers that they can avail on our website.
✔ We may use progress bars to let the people show how much they need to more
in order to avail an offer.
✔ We may use landing pages in order to increase traffic.
✔ There are some websites which’ll have links to Facebook, Twitter etc. on the left
side of the screen. This social menu on the left side of the page can be
extremely effective in order to increase our reach socially.
✔ Modify broken pages. There are some pages which may no longer be accessible
(probably removed). The default UI for such links can be modified. We can show
the user about the offers he/she can avail from our website.
✔ Using leading pages.
✔ Use attention grabbing buttons. People tend to like buttons that are rounded &
have images over the ones that look normal.
✔ Offer free PDFs for email addresses. If we do this then we’ll have a lot of email
addresses to whom we can market our product to.
✔ Personalize different pages according to the products being offered there.
For instance, if we want to sell roses online, we should use white background in
order to produce a contrast & make the user focus on the product itself.
✔ While using analytics, if we get conflicting results, use the p values to resolve the
tie. P values are generated by A/B significance test which can be done via a
software online.
✔ While reaching out to our email subscribers, the best days to send email are
Tuesday & Thursday. When we’ll use mailchimp, it’ll gather data & tell when our
subscribers are more likely to read the emails
✔ Send welcome & thank you emails to our clients. Interact with them. Use
automated mail sending bots & interact with them for each of the activity done
on the website.
✔ Keep people on our mailing list by reducing the length of the email sent & re-
use the links that you think might be helpful for the client.
 Also, there’s an option at the end where people can unsubscribe to the emails.
So, remove the link & replace it with a hyperlink contained inside some text.
✔ Change email signatures. Send emails which have images of your products &
some offers related to that
 Say, if I get my friend to login then I get 15% off.
 Use wisestamp for generating a signature like this.
 Videos inside the email also improved the response rate of the consumers.
 Use litmus to check whether the phones are compatible to play those videos
✔ Check if the email we are sending is spam or not.
 Use mail-tester for this.
 Type in your email message & then check the score
 It’ll show the words that should not be used inside the emails as major emails
have spam filters & they send the emails directly to the spam folder
 If the emails is being sent to promotions label then:-
✔ We can ask people to change their email preference
✔ We can change our email content so that our email goes directly to the
primary inbox
✔ Inside mailchimp (premium), we can check
 if our email will be compatible with different browsers
 if our email will be categorized as spam
✔ Pictures of humans on the website tend to increase conversion rates. They tend
to attract customers. Pictures of attractive women are seen as more friendly &
✔ We need to use slideshows & carousels (image sliders). They tend to have much
better effect on the website’s conversion rates.
 Dont overuse them as they increase the loading time of our site
 This’ll make the customer wait which can be annoying.
 So, for carousels, use images which load faster i.e low resolution images
✔ Use large HD images. They tend to look more real & also make a belief with the
customer that the work is done in a professional way.
 Use 360* Images to show the product to the customer
✔ Use badges for products.
 People tend to buy stuff that is more appealing to them
 Instead of showing a feature as normal text, make a badge & then display it
 Use Woocommerce Products Badge Management.
 May also use iconfinder for badges
✔ Use image hover effects
 Messaging coming in from the side, bottom etc.
 Use HoverAlls
✔ Use search bars. People visiting the site use the search bar to view the
 Make the search bar stand out from the rest of the site.
✔ Make it wider & brighter
 Use heat maps to see where the user is more likely to click
 Use images to show with the suggested text option
 If the customer cant find the page they are looking for then use zero search
pages that is, display some other results/products
 Integrate it with Google Analytics
✔ Use Swifttype./relevansi/cyber search plus for
 auto-correct
 auto-suggest
 spell check
 synonyms/antonyms while searching
✔ While selling products, give people a choice of 3. They are more tempted to buy
the middle one. If we have 2 options then add an extra option (doesn’t need to
make sense) as the person will buy the middle one. When we have option of $1, $3
& $5, people’ll go with $3 mostly.
 Use WP Canvas to emphasis the middle option
✔ Group products together which have large difference in pricing as people tend to
judge it by the values.
 Introduce a $10,000 program (contains nothing)
 This’ll make other products look reasonable on our website
✔ Introduce a 100% money back guarantee if people dont like the product we are
 it’ll increase trust
 we may loose money in short term but in long term its profitable
✔ The cancel account/order button should be re-structured
 Take feedback from the customers
 Make the customer call the help center & let the guy tell why he is canceling
 it gives valuable feedback on how to improve future products/services
✔ Introduce live chat
 increases sales
 people make a more refined choice
 we get valuable feedback
 start the chat with out of the box & engaging questions
 the guy operating should know about the person
 search such people on upwork
 use liveperson (software)
✔ Use games/rewards in your website
 reward the people who answer questions, rate a products
 we get loyal customers
 with a certain amount of points, they can buy stuff
 use Gratiisfaction/myCRED/Captain Up
 Give customized conditions for providing badges (including social sharing etc)
✔ Use referrals to increase mouth-to-mouth
 Give people money/points/free services in exchange for people to sign up
 Use glean
 It has variety of different structures we can use
✔ Prefer add to cart button in comparison to buy now or checkout
✔ Use different checkouts & try
 1 step checkout
 3 step checkout
✔ Ask email of the client before checkout in case they drop out before ordering
 use abandon aid
 it tracks which people dropped out
 it sends email to them
 it guarantees returns (one of its features)
✔ Cross selling vs Up selling
 Suggest products similar to the one we are purchasing (Cross)
 at the time of checkout, offer the same product with more features like
extended warranty etc at a higher price (up)
 use timers/”only 1 left” as it increases panic
✔ use upsell
 use smart offers
✔ Get product reviews
 they increase sales
 help us improve our services
 use WP Customer Reviews
✔ While a user searches on Google, our product should come up with the reviews
alongside. This makes the customer choose our product even if some result is
there above it.
 Tell Google about how we want our result to be displayed
 after setting it up, we can do testing too
✔ Use catchy titles as they’ll attract a customer to continue further
 Use celebrity pix/names as reference inside the page.
 This makes the customer stay on the page for longer
 Use curiosity generating headlines
 the length depends on how catchy the headline is
 go to & check how catchy the headline is
 go to to generate worthy headlines
 test which works better for our product
 to create interest, misspell a work & just after that tell people about it
 positive headlines are shared more than negative ones
 use stories for product description
✔ Publish your website in different languages
 use Google translate
 use
✔ Use different font sizes & styles in order to woo the user
 we can use either sarif or san sarif fonts for header
 we should use sarif for body
 prefer Georgia
 change line height to 24px
 use easy Google fonts
 use less number of fonts as more the number slower will be the site
✔ Do usability test
 choose a person who has never seen the website before
 give them a series of task to perform
 we’ll judge their response to check how conveniently the users are able to use
our website
 use cam recorder to record what actions they performed
 we may use,
 to track what users are doing on the site. It provides tracking
data, heat maps, screen recordings etc
✔ Take surveys/responses/feedbacks/polls from the customer
 may use hotjar for this
✔ Do webinars
 join hands with similar firms
✔ saves time
✔ increases our reputation if we pair up with other big firms
✔ set up additional features on Google analytics
 do marketing of the webinar
✔ send reminders
✔ send one 10 mins before the webinar which reads “Starting now”
 choose topic according to the post for which we have maximum views
 setup a webinar by using gotowebinar
✔ Use videos to advertise product
 include a video which is modified by simplevideopro
 normal video doesn’t create the buzz
 custom integration is required in both the cases
✔ Get people to tweet (embed your info in their tweets) by
 using clicktotweet
 paywithatweet
✔ Increase social media shares by
 viarcontentbuzz
✔ increase speed of website
 test the speed of the website →
 check the problems at Google speed analysis
 compress images
✔ use WP smush
 Host the website on cloud server. The cloud server will automatically make
the contents available to diff. People in diff. Continents such that minimum
distance is travelled
 use cloudflare (has SSL)
 set it up manually with customized options
✔ go to emailhunter & type a URL. It’ll show the people who are running the
website. By this, we can ask them to share our service across their domain.
✔ Partner with charitable organizations so that we increase our reach &
improve our reputation
 choose something that is related to the organization
 publicize it. Use stickers/logos of the company
✔ Market the product according to the environment
 Eg. Sell blankets in winter not summer
 Sell pillow cover along with bedsheets not grocery

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