Artificial Intelligence: Fuzzy Logic (FL)

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 Fuzzy Logic (FL):

Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a way of thinking similar to human thinking. The Fuzzy Logic (FL)
approach mimics a public decision-making process that includes all the intermediate
opportunities between digital values YES and NO.
Possibilities between Yes and No, such as;


Cannot Say


 Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence:

 Details are incomplete, inconsistent, uncertain, or all three. In other words, the information
is often unsuitable for problem solving.
 Uncertainty is defined as the lack of exact information that will enable us to reach a
completely reliable conclusion. Classical logic permits only allows exact reasoning. It
assumes that perfect knowledge always exists, and that the law of excluded middle can
always be applied:
 IF A is true
 Then A is not false


 IF A is false
 Then A is not true

Reasons for uncertainty:

1. Stochastic environments
2. Adversarial environments
3. Partially observable environments
4. Agent limits:
 Sensor limits
 Memory or storage limits/ignorance computational limits/laziness

 Basic Components of AI:

Computer programs also learn in different manners as humans. Learning is one of the essential
components of AI, learning for AI includes the trial-and-error method. Solving problems keeps
on by the solution until it comes across the right results. So in this way, the note of all the
moves that gave positive results keeps by Program and stores it in its database to use the next

Learning component of Artificial intelligence includes individual items like different solutions to
problems, foreign languages, etc. By using the generalization method, this learning method is
later implemented.

Reasoning was something that was only limited to humans (until five decades ago) . Reasoning
is one of the essential components of artificial intelligence that has ability to differentiate.
These inferences are also categorized as inductive or deductive. In an inferential case, the
difference is that the solution of a problem provides guarantees of conclusion. On other hand,
the accident is always a result of instrument failure (In the inductive case).
The deductive interferences (used by programming computers) has provided them with
considerable success.


A set of different system signs that justify their means using convention
known as language. It occur as one of the mostly used artificial intelligence components,
distinctive types of language uses language understanding over different forms of natural
meaning, exemplified overstatements.
The one of the essential characteristics of languages is English, that's allow us to differentiate
between different objects. AI is developed in a manner that can easily understand the most
commonly used human language that is English. It allows the computers to understand the
different computer programs executed over them.

One of the basic component of Artificial Intelligence is perception. By using different sense-
organs, the element scans any given environment ( artificial or real). The processes are
maintained internally that's allow the perceiver to analyze other scenes in suggested objects
and understand their features and relationship .

Perception is one of those components of artificial intelligence that can propel self-driving cars
at moderate speeds.

 Application of AI:

Application of AI in Medicine:

 Medical clinic can use Artificial intelligence systems to organize bed schedules, provide
medical information and make a staff rotation.
 AI has also application in fields of cardiology (CRG), neurology (MRI), embryology
(sonography), complex operations of internal organs, etc.
 It also has an application in Image guided surgery and image analysis and enhancement.
Application of AI in Music:

 Scientists are trying to make computer to emulate the activities of skillful musician.
 Composition, performance, music theory, sound processing are some of the major areas
on which research in music and AI are focusing on. E.g. chucks, smart music, etc.

Application of AI in Telecommunications:

 In the management of their workforces many telecommunications companies make use

of heuristic search.
 Heuristic search in a scheduling application that provides the work schedules of 20000
engineers. (Developed by BT Group)

Application of AI in Banking:

 Manage properties, organize operations and invest in the stocks.

 Humans beat by Robots in a simulated financial trading competition.(In August 2001)
 Here are some applications include loan investigation, ATM design, safe and fast
banking, etc.

Robotics and AI:

 A ROBOT is a virtual artificial or mechanical agent, usually a computer program or

electronic circuitry that guided the electro mechanical machine
 Robots that's can be autonomous or semi-autonomous.
 A sense of intelligence or thoughts can be convey by a robot of its own

 Mini-Max Algorithm in Artificial Intelligence:

• The Min-max algorithm is a Recursive algorithm used in decision-making.

• Recursion used by Min-Max algorithm to search through the game-tree.

• To play the game in AI, Min-Max algorithm is used. Like Chess, Checkers, tic-tac-toe, and more
two player games.

• Two players play a game in this algorithm, one is called MAX and the other is called MIN.
• Both of these players fight it, ( as opponent player get min benefit and they get the max

• Both Players of the game are opponents, where MAX will select the maximized value and MIN
will select the minimized value.

• Min-max algorithm performs a DFS algorithm for the exploration of the complete game tree.

• Min-max algorithm proceeds all the way down to the terminal node of the tree and then backtrack the
tree as the recursion.

Working of Min-Max Algorithm with Example:

 In first step algorithm generate the game tree; let’s take A as initial state.

 We will compare each value in terminal state.

 Here, we will find the maximizer value among the all.
 It's a turn for minimizer.
 Here, we will find the minimizer value among the all.
 It's a turn for maximize again.
 Here, we will again find the maximizer value among all the node values.

Properties of Min-Max algorithm:

 Complete:
o The Min-Max algorithm is complete. It will certainly find a solution (if any), in a
limited search tree.

 Optimal:
o The Min-Max algorithm is optimal, when both opponents play well.

 Complex Time:
o As it do DFS for game tree, so is the time complexity of the Min-Max algorithm is
O (bm), where b is the branch factor of the tree, and m the maximum depth of
the tree.

 Space Complexity:
o Min-max algorithm space complexity is also similar to DFS O (b m).
 Alpha-Beta Pruning:

 Problem with Min-max search:

The number of game state to be examine are exponentially in
the depths of the tree.
 Problem Avoidance strategy:
Calculate the correct min-max decision without looking at all
the nodes in the game tree.
 Pruning:
Exponential depth can be cut in half by eliminating large parts of the tree from

 It can be applied to a standard min-max tree and return the same move as min-max but
removes branches that cannot possibly influence the final decision.

 This includes the two-border limit Alpha and beta for future expansion, hence it is
called alpha-beta pruning. Also called the Alpha-Beta Algorithm.
 Alpha-beta pruning can be applied to any depth of the tree, and sometimes not only cut
the leaves of the tree but also everything under the tree.

 Two parameters can be defined as:

o Alpha: The best option (of the highest value) we have found so far by any means on
the Maximizer path. The first value of alpha is ∞.
o Beta: The best selection (the lowest price) we have found so far in any way in
Minimizer. The maximum beta value is + ∞.

 Alpha-beta pruning in the standard min-max algorithm returns the same move as the
standard algorithm, but it removes all the nodes that don't really affect the final
decision but make the algorithm go slower.

 So by pruning/cutting these nodes, it makes the algorithm faster.

Working of Alpha-Beta Pruning with Example:

 In Node D, the value of α will be calculated as its probability in Max.

 The value of α is compared to the first 6 and then 5, and the max (6, 5) = 6 will be the
value of α in node D and the value of the node will also be 6.

 Now Algorithm backtrack to node B, where beta will change as a turn of Min
 At node B now α = - ∞, β =6
 Algorithm traverse the successor of node B that’s is node E, here α = - ∞, β =6
 At node E, Max will take turn.
 The Value of Alpha compared with 8, here α = 8, β =6
 So α >= β, the right of node E will be pruned, algorithm will not traverse it.
 At node A, the value of alpha will be changed, α = 6, β =∞
 These values now passed to right of A that’s is node C
 At node C, the values of α = 6, β =∞, same value passed on to node F

 At node F, value of alpha will compared with 2, so max will be 6.

 But here node value will become 2.
 Now F return value 2 to node C, here α = 6, β =2, again satisfied the condition.
 Next to node C which is Node G will be pruned.
 C returns the value 2 to A, here A is max (6,2)=6.
 This is final tree which is showing the nodes which are computed and nodes which has
never computed.
 Hence the optimal value for the maximize is 6.

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