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THANH HOÁ Năm học: 2015 - 2016

TRƯỜNG THPT LÊ LỢI Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
Lớp 12 THPT
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Đề này gồm 6 trang.

Học sinh làm bài vào tờ giấy thi.

Phần trắc nghiệm chỉ cần viết chữ cái A, B, C hay D.
( Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kì tài liệu gì )

Part A : LISTENING ( 10pts )

Listen to the tape twice and do the tasks below.
I. Listen to the second newspaper article about Halloween and write ONE WORD or A NUMBER for
each answer to complete the sentences below.
1. Every year Halloween seems to get _________.
2. The festival of Halloween has its roots in Celtic and Roman _________.
3. The Celts celebrated Samhain to mark the beginning of winter over _______years ago.
II. Continue listening to the second newspaper article about Halloween and choose the best answer A
or B, C, D.
4. When was All Saints Day, or "All Hallows"?
A. October 31 B. November 1 C. November 30 D. October 1
5. What did poor people go around houses asking for in the soul in the past?
A. sweets B. pumpkins C. milk D. food
6. Halloween game has been for children in ___________.
A. Asia B. America C. Europe D. Australia
7. How many witches does Shakespeare's play "Macbeth" open with?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
8. When did the "witchcraft trials" take place in the state of Massachusetts?
A. in 1692 B. In 1962 C. In 1269 D. In 1629
III. Keep listening to the second newspaper article about Halloween and write ONE WORD for each
9. What animals are associated with Halloween? Black cats, frogs, mice and______
10. What do vampire bats like doing? _________ blood


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same line.
( 2pts )
11. A.allegedly B. confusedly C. supposedly D. wickedly
12. A. sustitute B. muddled C. shutter D.substantial
II. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others. (3pts)
13. A. television B. Vietnamese C. cigarette D. volunteer
14. A. tuberculosis B. mathematician C. inheritance D. communication
15. A. trigonometry B. explanatory C. immediately D. democracy

Part B : GRAMMAR AND LEXICO ( 30pts )

I. Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.
16._ “What do you think of the film we’ve watched?” _ “____________”
A. It’s a breeze! B. No kidding!
C. I’ve seen better. D. None of your business!
17. He was arrested for having ______.
A. set fired on my house B. set my house to fire
C. set my house on fire D. made my house go in flames

18. ________ she’s got a job that she likes, she’s a lot happier.
A. Now that B. Just as C. Since when D. Just now
19. Sorry, but that book is ________. We’ll get some copies from the publisher next Monday.
A. out of print B. out of order C. off shelf D. out of stock
20. He looks very aggressive and threatening, and so his soft, gentle voice ia rather ……..
A. disembodied  B. disconcerting C. dismissive D.discordant
21. The new manager is ______ easy-going. He is always very serious about the work.
A. by no means B. by means of C. by all means D. in the mean time
22. Those trousers are far too big. Why don’t you have them ….?
A. taken on B. taken in C. taken over D. taken out
23. My father ………. when he found out that I had damaged his car.
A. hit the roof B. saw pink elephants
C. made my blood boil D. brought the house down
24. The hijackers have demanded a ………….. to be paid for releasing the civilian hostages from the
A. currency   B. revenue C. deposit   D. ransom
25. One of the men who ______ being interviewed ______ from Hong Duc University.
A. are _ are B. are _ is C. is _ is D. is _ are
Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
26. In the United States, a party can nominate a single candidate for office
A. refuse B. keep
C. change D. name
27. He didn’t bat an eyelid when he realized he failed the exam again.
A. wasn’t happy B. didn’t want to see
C. didn’t care D. didn’t show surprise
28. She is always diplomatic when she deals with angry students
A. strict B. tactful C. firm D. outspoken
Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the questions
29. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important
A. explicit B. implicit C. obscure D. odd
30. Unless the two signatures are identical the bank won’t honor the check
A. similar B. different C.fake D. genuine
II. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. ( 10pts )
31.Did you know that Oscar Wilde ( live ) .......... in Paris during his final years?
32. So fast the thief ……….(run) that the police couldn’t catch him.
33. ………..(Take) to the hospital, the injured victim felt much better yesterday.
34- 35. Living in a fast-paced and mobile society ......(create) family stresses that ………
(not imagine) by our great grandparents.

Your answers
31. 32. 33.
34. 35

III.. Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. ( 10pts )

The only real solution appears to be to hand over the night shift to a corps of permanent night
workers whose nocturnal (36.WAKE) _________ may persist through all weekends and holidays. An
interesting study of the domestic life and health of night-shift workers was carried out by Brown in 1957.
She found a high incidence of disturbed sleep, digestive (37.ORDER)_________ and domestic disruption
among those on alternating day and night shifts, but no (38. NOMAL) _________ occurrence of these
symptoms among those on permanent night work.
This latter system then appears to be the best long-term policy, but meanwhile something may be
done to relieve the strains of (39. ALTER) _________ day and night work by selecting those people who

can adapt most quickly to the changes of routine. One way of knowing when a person has adapted is by
measuring his performance, but this can be (40. LABOUR). Fortunately, we again have a (41.PHYSIC)
________ measure which correlates reasonably well with the behavioral one, (in this case performance at
various times of the day or night) and which is easier to take. This is the level of body temperature, as
taken by an ordinary 42. (CLINIC) _______ thermometer. People engaged in normal daytime work will
have a high temperature during the hours of wakefulness and a low one at night; when they change to
night work the pattern will only gradually reverse to match the new routine and the speed with which it
does so parallels, (43. BROAD) _________ speaking, the adaptation of the body as a whole, particularly
in terms of performance and general (44. ALERT) _____. Therefore by taking body temperature at
intervals of two hours throughout the period of wakefulness it can be seen how quickly a person can adapt
to a (45. RESERVE) _______routine, and this could be used as a basis for selection. So far, however,
such a form of selection does not seem to have been applied in practice.
Your answers
36. 37. 38.
39. 40. 41.
42. 43. 44
Part C : READING ( 30 pts )
I. Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space. (10 pts
An American professor who studied the Mayas has come up with a new theory about the sudden end of
their empire. (0) ______ to Professor Richard Hansen, an archaeologist at the University of California,
the (46) ______ of the Mayan civilization in Central America was (47) ______ about by the Mayas
Their object was to display their wealth and power by making their buildings and decoration as
beautiful as possible. This (48) ______ using large quantities of lime, which they put on the walls to make
them smooth. Unfortunately, the creation of lime is a process which requires intense heat, and they
therefore (49) ______ to cut down huge numbers of trees. This affected the quality of the soil, and it
became almost impossible to farm.
Professor Hansen, who has (50) ______ returned from an excavation in the El Mirador region of
northern Guatemala, told a meeting of archaeologists in Philadelphia that the Mayas, having (51) ______
this mistake in the 3rd century, repeated it 600 years later, at which time it proved fatal. Increasing food
(52) ______ among the Mayas created a Central American equivalent of the Peloponnesian War which
ravaged ancient Greece. However, (53) ______ the Greek civil war, which only (54) ______ for 27 years,
the Mayas wars went on for many centuries and left many of their great cities and temples in (55)
______ .
0. A. Referring B. Relating C. According D. Respecting
46. A. collapse B. drop C. crash D. stop
47. A. made B. came C. turned D. brought
48. A. depended B. needed C. involved D. requested
49. A. obliged B. forced C. must D. had
50. A. still B. just C. already D. yet
51. A. done B. had C. taken D. made
52. A. lack B. shortages C. droughts D. failures
53. A. unlike B. apart C. without D. unless
54. A. stayed B. spent C. lasted D. longed
55. A. injuries B. damages C. spoils D. ruins

II. Supply the most suitable word for each blank. (10 pts)
There came a time, maybe 20,000 years ago, when man, instead of (56)______ merely a hunter,
started to domesticate animals. The dog helped in his hunting activities, geese and ducks were kept and
bred as a source of food, (57)______ was easier than (58)______ to go out and hunt them. Once humans
had domesticated animals, they turned their (59)______ to plants. Instead of being nomads, drifting from
place to place following the game animals, they began to create farms and thus enter (60)______ more
settled way of life. Villages and towns sprang up in places where previously (61)______ had been only a

hamlet. Now animals and plants began to be kept not merely for food, but also for interest’s sake or for
their beauty.
The first writers on animal life was Aristotle, in 33 BC, and Pliny, in 75 AD, but for many hundreds
of years after Pliny the subjects of natural history, in common with many (62)______areas of knowledge,
hardly progressed at all. For the most part such zoos as existed were in the hands of the dilettante nobility
and were no more than second-rate menageries, without (63)______ scientific purpose.
However, in the seventeenth century, naturalists began to realize that they needed a system
(64)______ classifying living things because as more plants and animals were discovered, it was difficult
to (65)______ track of them all.
Your answers
56. 57. 58.
59. 60. 61.
62. 63. 64.

III. Read the following passage, and then choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.(10pts)

Baseball evolved from a number of different ball-and-stick games (paddle ball, trap ball,
one-old-cat, rounders, and town ball) originating in England. As early as the American
Revolution, it was noted that troops played “base ball” in their free time. In 1845 Alexander
Line Cartwright formalized the New York Knickerbockers’ version of the game: a diamond shaped
(5) infield, with bases ninety feet apart, three strikes-you’re-out, batter out on a caught ball, three outs
per inning, a nine man team. The “New York Game” spread rapidly, replacing earlier localized
forms. From its beginnings, baseball was seen as a way of satisfying the recreational needs of an
increasingly urban-industrial society. At its inception it was played by and for wealthy gentlemen.
A club might consist of 40 members. The president would appoint two captains who would choose
(10) teams from among the members. Games were played on Monday and Thursday afternoons, with
the losers often providing a lavish evening’s entertainment for the winners.

During the 1850-70 period the game was changing, however, with increasing
commercialism (charging admission), under-the-table payments to exceptional players, and
gambling on the outcome of games. By 1868 it was said that a club would have their regular
(15) professional ten, an amateur first-nine, and their “muffins” (the gentlemanly duffers who once ran
the game) Beginning with the first openly all-salaried team (Cincinnati’s Red Stocking Club) in
1869, the 1870-1890 period saw the complete professionalization of baseball, including formation
of the National Association of Professional Baseball Players in 1871. The National League of
Professional Base Ball Clubs was formed in 1876, run by business-minded investors in joint-stock
(20) company clubs. The 1880s has been called Major League Baseball’s “Golden Age”. Profits
soared, player’s salaries rose somewhat, a season of 84 games became one of 132, a weekly
periodical “The Sporting News” came into being, wooden stadiums with double-deck stands
replaced open fields, and the standard refreshment became hot dogs, soda pop and peanuts. In
1900 the Western League based in the growing cities of the Midwest proclaimed itself the
(25) American League.

66. What is the passage mainly about?

A. the origins of baseball
B. the commercialization of baseball
C. the influence of the “New York Game” on baseball
D. the development of baseball in the nineteenth century

67. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. the wealthy gentlemen who first played baseball, later needed to find another recreational
opportunity if they did not want to mix with others or become a “muffin.
B. hot dogs would not have become as popular as they did, without the professionalism and
commercialism that developed in baseball.

C. the “New York Game” spread rapidly because it was better formalized
D. business-minded investors were only interested in profits

68. The word “inception” in line 8 is closest in meaning to

A. requirements B. Beginning C. insistence D. rules

69. The word “lavish” in line 11 is closest in meaning to

A. Prolonged B. very generous C. grand D. extensive

70. Which of the following is true of the way the game was played by wealthy gentlemen at its inception
A. a team might consist of 40 members
B. the president would choose teams from among the members
C. they didn’t play on weekends
D. they might be called “duffers” if they didn’t make the first nine

71. According to the second paragraph, all of the following are true except
A. commercialism became more prosperous
B. the clubs are smaller
C. outstanding players got extra income
D. people gamed on the outcome of games

72. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a feature of the 1880s “Golden Age”?
A. wooden stadiums replaced open fields
B. a weekly periodical commenced
C. the National Association of Professional Baseball Players was formed
D. profits soared

73. The word “somewhat” in line 21 is closest in meaning to

A. to a significant extent C. to not the same extent
B. to a minor extent D. to some extent

74. The word “itself” in line 24 refers to

A. the Western League C. the Midwest

B. growing cities D. the American League

75. Where in the passage does the author first mention payments to players
A. lines 5-9
B. lines 9-13
C. lines 14-18
D. lines 20-25

Part D : WRITING ( 25 pts )
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it.(5pts)
76. In my opinion, classical music is far puperior than jazz (RATHER)
77. It is believed that his father died in a car accident. (HAVE)
 ........................................................................................................................
78. Attendance at the additional evening lectures is not obligatory for students.
 Students .............................................................................................................................
79. His rude behaviour is too much for me. (PUT)
 .........................................................................................................................
80. He's not sure whether to go or not. (MINDS)
 ...........................................................................................................................
II. Writing a report to describe the column chart (10 pts)
The chart below show the average hours of housework per week by people of different sexes (men
and women) and with different marital status (married men and married women) in Thanh Hoa.
Write a report within about between 130 and 150 words describing the information shown in the
column chart.

III. Writing a paragraph (10 pts):

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Use specific reasons and examples to support your
Write a paragraph ( about 130 to 150 words) to express your personal point of view.

---------- THE END ---------

THANH HOÁ Năm học: 2015-2016
TRƯỜNG THPT LÊ LỢI Môn thi: Tiếng Anh
Lớp 12 THPT
HD CHẤM CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi: 28 / 1 /2016
Hướng dẫn chấm gồm 2 trang.

Part A : LISTENING ( 15pts )

I. Write ONE WORD or A NUMBER for each answer to complete the sentences below.
1) bigger 2) traditions 3) 2,000
II. Choose the best answer A or B, C, D.
4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A
III. Write ONE WORD for each answer to complete the sentence
9. spiders 10. drinking
11. B 12. D 13. A 14. C 15.A
Part C : GRAMMAR AND LEXICO ( 30 pts )
I. Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase which best completes each
16. C 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. B
21. A 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. B
26. D 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. B
II. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. (5pts )
31. lived 32. did the thief run
33. Having been taken 34. has created
35. couldn’t have been imagined
III. Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. (10pts )
36. wakefulness 37. disorder 38. abnormal 39. alternate
40.laborious 41. physiological 42. clinical 43. broadly
44.alertness 45. Reversed
Part D: READING ( 30 pts )
I. Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space. (10
pts )
46 A 47. D 48. C 49 D 50B
51 D 52B 53 A 54 C 55 D

II. Supply the most suitable word for each blank. (10 pts)
56. being 57. which 58. having 59. attention 60. a
61. there 62. other 63. any 64. for 65. keep

III. Read the following passage, and then choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.(10pts)
66.D 68. B 70. C 72. C 74. A
67. C 69. B 71. C 73. D 75. C

Part E : WRITING (25 pts )

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it.(5pts)
76. I’d rather listen to classical music than (listen) jazz
77. His father is believed to have died in a car accident.
78. Students are under no obligation to attend the additional evening lectures. 

79. I can’t put up with his rude behaviour
80. He's in two minds about whether to go or not.

II. Writing a report to describe the column chart: (10 points)

The chart below show the average hours of housework per week by people of different sexes
(men and women) and with different marital status (married men and married women) in Thanh
Hoa. Write a report within about between 130 and 150 words describing the information shown in
the column chart.

1.Format: 2 pts ( coherence , cohesion , style )

The report of descibing the column chart should have 3 parts
a. Introduction: should be put in one paragraph in which students’ points of view are expressed
b. Body: should consist of from one to three paragraphs to analyse the whole information from the
c. Conclusion (summary of the main reasons, students’ comment)

2. Content : 5pts
Describe information and compare figures from the columns in order to make a report about the

3. Language : 3pts ( grammatical accuracy , wide range of vocabularies and structures )

III. Writing a paragraph (10 points)

1. Form: (1 point)
2. Content: (4 points )
Good topic sentence and appropriate supporting ideas
3. Language: (5 pts)
+ Appropriate vocabulary
+ Suitable connectors
+ Correct grammar
+ Punctuating/ Spelling


Bài thi chấm theo thang điểm: 20

Điểm bài thi làm tròn đến 0,25
Tổng số point thí sinh làm đúng
Điểm bài thi = ---------------------------------------
__________________________ The End __________________________

Nguyên tắc làm tròn điểm:

5.1 5.0 5.6 5.5

5.2 5.25 5.7 5.75
5.3 5.25 5.8 5.75
5.4 5.5 5.9 6.0
5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0

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