Motion in 2 Dimensions - Lesson 1

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Teacher Candidate: ___Christopher Reeves__________________ Lesson Plan Template Unit Title: _____Motion in 2 Dimensions_____ Subject: ___Physics_______ Grade Level:

_12_ Essential Question(s):__What is motion? How can it be used to describe events in our daily lives? (*****You may not use every box everyday during field experience.)

Lesson Title/Number Lesson Question (s)

Lesson 1: Motion in 2 Dimensions (Direct Instruction)

How can we explain the motion of an object through vertical and horizontal components?

State Standards and Performance Indicators

Key Idea 5: Energy and matter interact through forces that result in motion. Performance Indicator 5.1: Students can explain and predict different patterns of motion of objects. Major Understanding 5.1f: The path of a projectile is the result of the simultaneous effect of the horizontal and vertical components of its motion; these components act independently.

(Perhaps number for clarity) Lesson Objectives

(Blooms Taxonomy)

---------------------Acceptable Evidence
*Could be collected for accountability/auditing purposes.

1. Students will be able to recognize the motion of an object consists of two separate components. 2. Students will be able to, with the use of trigonometric functions, separate an objects motion into horizontal and vertical components. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Students will participate in an activity that will demonstrate the components of velocities. At this the teacher will lead a discussion guided by student questions. 2. Students will work individually on the in class worksheet. 3. Students will answer questions involving the days lesson as an exit slip before leaving class.

Bell Ringer and Prior Knowledge Tap

This can be together or separate. Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review

At the beginning of class students will come to the front of the room and participate in an activity that will demonstrate components of velocities by tossing a ball to a partner. As the activity is done the teacher will discuss how we are able to calculate these components easily given a few initial conditions. This will introduce the days lesson. ________________________________________________________


Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

*Accommodations for learning modalities are required. Labelvisual, auditory, and kinesthetic

Introduction/Review: The teacher will post the days objectives on the board for students to see upon entering the class. After students are seated the teacher will discuss the objectives for the day then ask students to come to the front to participate in a demonstration (Visual/Kinesthetic) (Activity/Modeling) (RBIS: Nonlinguistic Representation). The teacher will lead a brief discussion involving the days topic as the activity goes on (Auditory) (Modeling). Development: When finished students will go back to their seats. The teacher will distribute guided notes then introduce new and past knowledge required to calculate components of velocities (Guided Practice) (RBIS: Note Taking). Students will fill in any blank areas on the guided notes throughout the lesson (Auditory/Visual). Guided Practice: After the notes are completed the teacher will give some examples at the board, the first will be done as a class and the final two will be dont individually then discussed (Kinesthetic) (Guided Practice). Independent Practice: When finished the teacher will distribute a worksheet to be worked on in class (Kinesthetic) (Independent Practice). At the end of class students will be told to complete any remaining questions on the worksheet for homework (RBIS: Homework). At this time the teacher will also introduce the authentic writing assignment which will involve describing and event where motion is present. The teacher will assign a due date of at least a week later to give students time to attend an event. Closure: The teacher will end class by referring back to the objectives then distributing an exit slip that students will complete before leaving class for the day. Evaluation: The teacher will judge student progression and understanding by use of the exit slip. Homework will also be collected the following day to evaluate understanding.

Checks for Understanding Label: directions, procedures, routines, and content (formative)

As students participate in the opening demonstration the teacher will ask students to comment on their observations. This will demonstrate their past knowledge on the topic and ability to draw conclusions (Content). Before completing the example problems the teacher will ask students to repeat the directions (Directions/Procedures). At the end of class the objectives will be referred back to and the days exit slip will provided evidence of understanding on the lesson (Content).

Students will complete a worksheet during the class period. (Formative) Assessment Type and purpose
(sometimes called evaluation)

Remaining sections of this worksheet will be completed for homework (Formative). Written assignment: Students will be required to attend a school related event and write a brief (~ 1 page) summary of how motion in 2Dimensions was present at the event.


As class comes to a close the teacher will reflect upon the objectives for the day. For the days exit slip students will be asked three questions that demonstrate their understanding of the content and completion of the objectives.

No accommodations are required. Accommodations



Students will be required to have everyday materials including notebook, reference tables, pen and calculator. In addition to a chalk/white board the teacher will need access to a computer and projector. The teacher will need objects to be tossed for the opening demonstration. The teacher must also have any lessons and notes that will be distributed in class. This lesson can be completed in 1-2 class periods (~40-80 minutes)

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