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\ SANGITA-RATNAKARA SARNGADEVA Sanskrit Tess ed English Translation with Comments and Notes gp” Vol. 1 TREATMENT OF SVARA f= AOU } ; ; English Translation by t Dr. R, K. SHRINGY, M.A,,-Ph.D. 1 i Under the Supervision of Dr. (Miss) PREM LATA SHARMA MOTILAL BANARSIDASS ‘ Delhi ot: Varanasi Dena. MOTILAL BANARSIDASS Yadolofical Publishers and Booksellers Hud Ofer: wav0n10¥ ROsD, awanAn HAA Brads 1 cuowe, vananat (02) AIWOE anjratuy rarmach, (otuan) Spotl by the Usioriy Grats Commision, Now Debt © + be Ravindra Kumar Siringy 2. Dr. Prem Lata Shanna First Edition : Varanasi, 1978 Price : Rs, 100 Pit in Tia AE TARA ruTNG WoRts, kaaAccA Vasa, ano ronunaD "MMGNONA FRALADNJnn, Yor OTIAL bavamoney tocnntoa petoe in naan; uaa Pur eee 10. i, GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Note on Translation Transliteration Code List of Abbreviations Introduction Table of Contents of Scarddlydya-Chapter-I Sanskrit + Introductory + The Genesis of the Human ‘Embodiment Nada, Sruti and Seara + Grama, Marcchond, Krama and Tana + Overlapping (Sadharaza) : Varpalaakava Jati-s (Melodic Types) 2 Gltbs Appendices Word-index cum-glossary of technical words Halfline Index to Sanskrit sloka-s Errata iw vix xxiv xii 1386 1.20 21-107 108-159 160-228 229-289 234-265 266-368 969-386 387-417 418-432 433-648 449-450 PREFACE I was inspired to undertake the present project of translating Satgttaratnakara into English by two factors viz. the inadequacy of the available English translation of the Ist chapter by C. Kunhan Raja, and the education and training that I received from Dr. (Miss) Premlata Sharma, Head of the Department of Musicology, Banaras Hindu University, while I was her student for Diploma in Music Appreciation during 1967-69. Even though the textual study of Sangita- ratudkara was not, strictly speaking, a part of the curriculum, she was kind and generous enough to recognise the special position of some of the students, who were also the members of the staff of the department, and to extend to them the benefit of-her wide learning and research experience by way of Gtiating Shem into the art of interpreting original Sanskrit text fc with the help of available commentaries, and luckily I was one of them. So, even though Ihad been working as Research Assistant in the Department of Musico- logy and in the College of Music & Fine Arts prior to the formation of the department in 1966, for about ten years or so, Sanskrit texts on music could become meaningful to and enjoyable for me only after I could avail of this opportunity of learning the intricacies, the technicalities and the symbo- lism of the language of Saigtta-sastra from Dr. Sharma. Hence, the need for a music-oriented, topic-wise, tec] ly precise English translation of Sangita-ratnakara written ina flowing prose style unhindered by frequent Sanskrit inter jections and accompanied by an elaborate and lucid com- mentary, was fle by_me-not asa scholar of Sanskrit but as 2 student of Musicology. A detailed note on the method ant the manner of the translation has been written separately pointing out the peculiarities of the execution of the work. In 1970, the University Grants Commission introduced ascheme of writing university level books and monographs,

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