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PRELIM EXAM IN LEA 1 Date: __________

Name: ___________________________________ Yr&Section: ____________

Instructor: __________________________ Score: ____________
Direction: Read and understand the questions. Write your answers in ALL CAPITAL LETTER.
Test I. Instruction: Identify what is being asked. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. He is the first Chief of Philippine Constabulary and was called as the Father of Constabulary in the Philippines.
2. What do you call a Japanese Police force? __________________________
3. It is a police force where the Royal Judge conducts criminal investigation and gives appropriate punishment for
the crime committed. _______________________
4. It is a Roman word which means condition of a state, government and administration. ____________________
5. It is an organization that focuses on the internal safety of our country. ______________________
6. The last American Chief of Police. ____________________
7. What police force that was created by virtue of Act No. 183 of the Philippine Commission.
8. It is a method of Interrogation where threats were made to wives and families of the victim.
9. An Act otherwise known as the Police Act of 1966 and created the NAPOLCOM. ____________________
10. Another method of Interrogation where the victims’ limbs were twisted causing dislocation and permanent
damage to limbs and joints. __________________________
11. What is the age requirement of the PNP today? __________________
12. An act that is also known as the DILG Act of 1990. _____________________
13. It is a theory of the Police Service where the police officers are considered as the servants of the community.
14. An act that extended the reglementary period for complying with the minimum educational appointment for
appointment to the PNP. ______________________
15. What is the Act that reform and reorganized the PNP? _____________________
16. It is a theory of the Police Service where the police officers are considered as the servants of the higher
authorities. ______________________
17. The Kempeitai’s are experts in what field? _________________________
18. It is a body of rural police organized in each town which composed of 5% of the able-bodied male inhabitants of
each town.
19. It is a period where the police force was considered as part of the military system by the Spanish Government.
20. What do you call a group of 9 male over 12 years old that perform the police work? _______________________

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