John Ray Felix - 01 - 21st Century Education Activity

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John Ray C. Felix

Rafael Junar Gamido

Lesson: 21st Century Education

Activity: Form a group, composed of 3-4 members. Share with one another a personal
experience or observation of 21st century education. List those 21st century concepts on each ray
of the sun. Below the figure, share the life lessons and values have you gained as a group. (35

Students learn in groups; work

with their classmates; Collabotive
Digital Integration
on teaching Learning is flexible

Students learns
Teachers serves as a
guide or mentor to the
21st Century asking/inquiring and
Education doin; Student-centered
assessment is regular and
Teaching relevant/important integrated to the lesson proper and
skills and informations in the student receive a immediate
21st century to the students feedback regagrding to heir work
So much informations are
readily avaible for students
Note: Choose one (1) uploader of your output. He/She will only be the in-charge in submitting your work.
Just be sure that you listed all your group members above on the upper portion of this document. Refer to
the rubric on the succeeding page as a guide in crafting your output.


Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor

(8-10 points) (6-7 points) (3-5 points) (0-2 points)

Focus and Details Insights are clear Insights are clear Insights are Insights are
and are but vague. irrelevant or no
answer was given.
well supported by are not supported
detailed and by detailed
accurate information or
information. facts.

Word Choice Used vivid words Used vivid words Used words that Used a
and and
communicate limited
phrases. The phrases. The clearly, but the vocabulary.
choice and choice and
writing lacks Jargon or clichés
placement of placement of variety and seems are not used
words seems words is
inappropriate to properly and
accurate, natural, inaccurate at times the subject detract from the
and and/or
matter. meaning.
appropriate seems overdone or
inappropriate for
the subject

Sentence Made very few Made a few errors Made several Made numerous
in grammar, errors in errors
Structure, errors in grammar,
mechanics, mechanics, and/or grammar, in grammar,
spelling, but mechanics, and/or mechanics,
and/or spelling.
Mechanics, &
these mistakes do spelling that and/or spelling
Spelling not interfere interferes with
that interfere with
understanding. understanding. understanding

Timeliness (5 points) (3-5 points) (2 points) (0-1point)

Submitted by Submitted 1 day Submitted 2 days Submitted 3 days
deadline after the deadline after the deadline or more after the

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