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Cagayan Valley Computer

and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Barangay E-complaint and Management System

A Capstone Project

Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Information Technology and Engineering

Cagayan Valley Computer and Information Technology College, Inc.

Santiago City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Radley De Asis
Jessa Mae Laguerta
Rodalita Mando
Venturito Taguinod

June 2022
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines


I. Introduction

Nowadays, where the computer and the technology is very critical and

online communication is part of living, the people who are using it all over the

world are different. Most of the barangays here in Santiago City are using paper-

based material in keeping all the records of a resident, but they all know that day

by day the population of their barangay is increasing. In the past, it was easy to

use paper because there were fewer residents and it was easier to manage

them. But as the years went by, the population got bigger just like in one of the

barangay in Santiago City- Centro East which they couldn’t handle all the request

and complaint of the residents and it this made it difficult to manage because of

bigger population and many complaints. Centro East, formerly Poblacion, is one

of the barangays in the City of Santiago, Province of Isabela. It has 905

population as determined by the 2020 Census.

Many people would seek several information they require that can be

found in the barangay. With only manual processing it would take time to search

for keywords to retrieve content. But with the help of computers it would greatly

enhance the time and end result you will get in comparison to manual time or

work done by hand. According to Lorenzo (2015), one of the problems of

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

barangay officials for providing timely response to constituents is the lack of

facilities, materials and resources, consequently, the performance of the

barangay officials is adversely affected by this inadequacy of non-human

resources. The use of modern computer technologies will accelerate the reform

process by assuring the standardization of the procedures on the level of the

entire system, their unification, as well as by including some indicators for

measuring the efficiency of the legal actions (Stefan, I. 2006), hence, to truly fulfill

its function of delivering justice and aid to its people, Barangay E-Complaint

needs to have adequate facilities that will help in the ease of information access

and efficient processes for the people.

Computerization is a control system that manages processes in the

industrial workplace. It reduces human errors and processing time; thus, it can

boost productivity and result in a high quality of production. This can result in a

system well integrated process that can perform much faster and more accurate

than the manual system (Martinez, et. al, n.d). In order to correct disputes,

reconcile people and address concerns of the local community more efficiently,

the Barangay E-Complaint System needs to adopt to the advancement of

technology. Information System involves a variety of information technologies

such as computers, softwares, communication systems, the internet, mobile

devices and much more to perform specific task interact with and inform various
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

actors in different organizational or social context of general context to the field of

Information system are all aspects of the development, deployment

implementation, use and impact of it in organizations and society (Boell &

Kecmanovic, 2015).

With this, Barangay E-Complaint Management System is propose. An E-

Complaint Management System that will help residents in barangay Centro East

to file a complaint through online transaction. In this study, the researchers want

to allow the barangay Centro East the ability to avoid paperwork transaction, for

the furtherance of barangay justice system and improve the local community so

that they can serve their residents more easily.

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

II. Review of Related Literature and Related Studies

Many Governments of the world have started e-Government strategies to

renew the public sector in order to promote the rapid step of technological

change. In line with e-Government plans and with the help of ICT, Government

Agencies (Gas) are increasingly called upon to reduce costs and to deliver better

public services tailored to the needs of the citizen and business. Sharing

information and functions of the different legacy Information Systems (IS), in local

and central GA’s, is fundamental in a plan focusing on the improvement of the

quality of services through new technologies. Government Information Systems

are a complex environment that must be reused rather than replaced because

replacement is cost-prohibitive. To achieve this goal, government have started

projects foro the development of interoperability frameworks (Castilliano, Pastore

& Arcieri, 2005) Inexpensive and powerful microcomputers, telecommunications

technologies, and information systems have become an essential element of the

development process of developing countries. Information systems for

governance and public administration, as one of the most important aspects of

computer applications in developing countries, have been a high priority concern

in almost all developing countries. Governance and public administration cannot

be productive, effective and efficient without the support of modern information

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

technology. The use of information technology has been an absolute requirement

for public administration and management development. The governance and

Public Administration and Development Management of UN/DDSMS has been

continuously and increasingly under pressure from developing countries to

provide advisory services and technical assistance in this important area (United

Nations, n.d)

Through e-government, an increasing number of nations are making major

commitments to modernize and reform government in an effort to achieve greater

efficiency, broaden access to government services and improve service levels.

Technology is seen as a key enabler for e-government (Elmagarmid & McIver,

2001). Ultimately, e-government seeks to centralize and make a cohesive and

seamless set of government services available to end-users. Hence, the

integration of information systems (IS), both within and between different

government departments, will become a critical issue as ee-government matures

(Golden, Hughes, & Scott, 2003). As e-government matures, information systems

(IS) integration will become critical to the ability to provide centralized and

seamless online services (Lam,2008)

Acording to Schware & Deane (2003) in the study “Deploying e-

government programs: the strategic importance of “I” before “E”, many

developing countries are in the initial phases of adopting electronic government

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

(e-government) programs to improve public services and deliver them as

efficiently and conveniently as possible. Their experience with a variety of

governments throughout the developing world at different stages of implementing

e-government programs with citizens (G2C), businesses (G2B), and other

entities of government (G2G) suggests that a major reason behind the success

or failure of e-government projects is the extent to which, first, the governments

address technological infrastructure encouraged by appropriate

telecommunciations policies; and second, the legal and regulatory instruments

required for e-government. Information and communication technology (ICT)

infrastructure (the “I”) development is at the heart of successful deployment and

sustainability of e-government programs.

According to Hussein, et. Al (2007) in the study entitled “The Influence of

Organizational Factors on Information Systems Success in E-government

Agencies in Malaysia”, Information system success continues to be a subject of

interest among IS researchers. The literature nevertheless offers limited

understanding in regard to organizational factors influencing IS success

particularly in public sector organizations. Using perceptual measures, this study

aims to investigate the influence of organizational factors on IS success in

selected public sector agencies in Malaysia. Data was gathered from 201 users

from four central agencies located at the central administration complex in

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Putrajaya. Based on related studies in the literature, six organizational factors

and four IS success dimensions were used to investigate the relationship

between the identified organizational factors and IS success dimensions within

the scope of the selected e-government agencies. The organizational factors are

top management support, decision-making structure, management style,

managerial IT knowledge, goal alignment, and resources allocation, whereas the

IS success dimensions include systems quality, information quality, perceived

usefulness, and user satisfaction. The study found that all the organizational

factors are significantly correlated with the four IS success dimensions under

investigation. Further analyses reveal that goal alignment is the highest predictor

of IS success, followed by management style and centralization of decision-

making structure. Least expected was the top management support factor which

appear to be the weakest predictor of IS success is insignificant. The study

concludes that the findings are generally consistent with previous studies. On a

specific note related to goal alignment, the public sector agencies can be seen

experiencing a similar iimpact to that of their private counterparts in terms of IS

strategy alignment, though they still generally subscribe to the traditional and

centralized decision-making structure.

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

III. Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to develop a complaint system for the barangay of Centro East,

Santiago City which intends to help the barangay officers in charge in the

particular office in the ease of access of information and processes for a more

efficient render of service in the community of jurisdiction improving the barangay

justice service.

This study aims to develop a Barangay E-complaint Management system.

Specifically, it seeks to present the following:

1. What are the practices and problems encountered in the existing

Barangay complaint system?

2. What system can be developed to address the problems in the

Barangay complaint system?

3. What is the extent of compliance of the developed system to ISO

25010 Software Quality Satndards as assessed by IT experts in

terms of?

3.1 Functional Sustainability

3.2 Performance Efficiency

3.2 Compatability

3.3 Usability

3.4 Reliability
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

3.5 Security

3.6 Maintainability; and

3.7 Portability

4. What enhancement can be made to improve the developed


IV. Research Paradigm Commented [U1]: Input improve the content of your

INPUT Practices and Problems Encounterd

Problems and need analysis Forms Complaint

Practices, problems and Development of Information Process and procedures in Filing Complain in the Barangay
issues in the barangay System Barangay E-Complaint
Management System
ISO 25010: 2015 Software Software Development OUTPUT
Quality Standards
Define Requirements Resuls of Evaluations (include)

System Development

System Testing

System Evaluation

Figure 1.Research Paradigm

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

The figure above presents the research paradigm of the study. The study will

revolve under the Input Process Output framework in developing an information

system intended for the barangay e-complaint management system. The input of

the study will include the practices and problems encountered by a citizen in a

certain barangay. Additionally, the input will integrate the ISO standards of 2015

for software quality standards. The process of this study will involve an analysis

of the identified problems and practices for the development of the system,

practical test, deliver and system evaluation. After the aforementioned

procedures, the expected output will be the barangay E-Complaint Management


V. Significance of the Study

The development of Barangay E-Complaint System in Barangay Centro East

will be of great help to the citizens in the local premises of the Barangay as they

will experience faster transaction and efficient services from the office for the

automation of processes, more specifically the following:

The Barangay & its officials. This system will bring long-term benefit to the

barangay as the system can be used by current and succeeding administrations

and officials. The system will be of great help to the officers in terms of time
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

maximization and office procedures, it will enable easier processes of

documents, filing, retrieval and issuance.

Barangay Residents (Complainant/Defendant). The system will be beneficial

to them in terms of faster access to the needed services. Through this system,

transactions will be accomplished at a shorter time, hence the clients will be

catered at minimal time and maximum utility.

The Local Government Unit. Once proven effective, this will be a good model

system for other barangays to replicate and implement, improving the services of

all barangays within the city.

Researchers. The researchers will be benefit from the study; it makes them

more knowledgeable in performing and increases their potential in conducting

research for their thesis. This study will also be an additional resource or an

essential reference in making the same study or in developing the same study.

Future Researchers. This study can be a basis for future extension studies or

studies of similar domain.

VI. Project Highlights

Barangay E-complaint Management System is a system that will be

effectively cater the complaints in the barangay. It will help the barangay officers

in providing an efficient and effective system to their residents.

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Digitization- the complainants may upload an image in the complaint system for

the supporting details in their complain.

SMS- the system has an sms feature for the updates to the complainant about

the status of his complaint.

VII. Scope and Limitation

This study aims to create a computerized system which focused on

developing an E-Complaint System for the barangay complaint desk of barangay

Centro East, Santiago City. This involves the recording procedures, practices

and problems encountered by the officer-in-charge of the complaint desk and

figure out a system that will be able to address the identified problems. More so,

assessment on functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability,

portability wil be made to determine its marketability and acceptability as well.

Owing to the aforementioned constraints, findings are applicable only to the

areas that were covered by the study.

VIII. Definition of Terms

Barangay- A small territorial and administrative district forming the most local

level of government.
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Complaint- Refers to a statement expressing that something is unsatisfactory or


Complaint Desk- In the context of this study, this refers to the official desk of

barangay justice system where residents seek for local mediation assistance

over circumstances that requires the help of Lupong Tagapamayapa.

Data- A distinct pieces of information, usually formatted in a special way.

Digitization- The process of inserting image in the system.

Database- Collection of information organized in such a way that a computer

program can quickly select desired pieces of data. A stored data of complainant

and defendant informations, user, puroks, and officials

System- A set of connected things or devices that operate together.

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines


I. Research Design

This study will use the developmental research design since it proposed a

Barangay E-complaint Management System. The Barangay E-complaint

management System is firmly analyzed to provide a good quality of service for

the Barangay and its citizens. The system was created using the method and

procedures of Rapid Application Development. Commented [U2]: What Methodology you used in the

Since you use the ISO, include descriptive research and SDLC
in the Development. SDLC is the RAD

Figure 2. Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Analysis and Quick Design. The researchers will gather the data neded to fulfill

the requirements for the system; The researchers gathered the data needed to
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

fulfill the requirements for the system; they decided on the quick design of the


Prototype Cycle. The Prototype Cycle has three components, namely: 1) the

Develop Phase where the system was developed, 2) the Demo Phase, where

the researchers demonstrated the developed system, and 3) the Refine Phase

where the researchers defined and decided for the refinements and

improvements of the system for better performance.

Testing. The developed system is now ready to be tested in the Barangay

Centro East with its Residents. Commented [U3]: Improve the activities, what are the
activities each phase
II. System Architecture

Commented [U4]: Is there an access of the complainant

or the residents to the system?

Figure 3. System Architecture

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

This figure illustrates the System architecture of the system.

Complainant/Barangay Residents will use the system and input their credentials

to verify their identity then followed by their complaint and after submission the

admin/respondent will have a notification about the complainant’s complaint at

the same time the transaction and information will be stored in the database and

upon completion of processing and analyzation of the complaint. The

complainant will receive a notification based on the completed analysis and

response to the complaint. Commented [U5]:

III. Hierarchical Input Process Output Commented [U6]: Improve the HIPO
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Figure 4. Hierchical Input Process Output Diagram

This Figure illustrates the Hierarchical Input Process Output of the system. It

shows how the system works and the components of each of the processes as

well as the overall design of the system being implemented and its specific

requirements. The Setup module contains one sub module, the user details while

the Process module contains three sub modules: the Time in/Time out , Date and

Notification to the Complainant and Barangay Official. The Complaints module

contains another three sub modules, the Personal Complaint, Serial Complaint

and Formal Complaint. Finally, the Tools module contains two sub modules, the

Database Backup and Transaction Backup.

IV. Software Requirements

Software Requirement

Operating System Microsoft Windows 10

Apache Server XAMPP

Database Server MySQL

PHP Maker 2022 Version Commented [U7]: What is Programming Language and
the version
Table 1. Software Requirements
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Table 1 above shows what the software to be used, this software is commonly

used and they’re available online for installation.

V. Hardware Requirements

Hardware Requirement



Motherboard GIGABYTE GA-H110-DS2 1151,

DDR3, HDMI Commented [U8]: Do not include any brand

Memory RAM 4GB DDR3 PC10600/1333 or Higher

Hard Disk Drive (HDD) SP550 120GB SSD

Processor Intel core i3 or higher


Table 2. Hardware Requirements

Table 2 shows the hardware requirements that is suitable for the proposed

system since it is easy to use and has low-cost maintenance. Commented [U9]: Why the recommended should be

VI. Locale of the Study

This study will be carried out in Santiago City in the municipality of Barangay

Centro East where the resident of their community are commonly reside and

work. Furthermore, to make the study more feasible, it will be conducted and
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

applied to their Barangay Officials as well to provide insights for the residents to

make the system easier to use. At the same time, the written, vocal, and online

complaints data gathering will be complied to the Barangay Officials to

understand the feelings and behavior of their residents.

VII. Respondents of the Study

Respondents No. of Respondents Description

1. IT Practitioner 3 IT practitioner will determine

the acceptability of the system.

Total 3 individuals
Table 3. Respondents

The table above represents the respondents, the developers used an interview

guide and purposive sampling technique to produce a sample representative

most often from a population that is difficult to measure. Three IT experts whom

will test the development of the system, with a total of (3) three respondents.

VIII. Instrumentation
The instruments used in the study in gathering required information were

interview with the participants of this study, document review, and questionnaire.

The interview and questionnaire were used to guide the researchers in designing

and developing the system.

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

The ISO 25010:2015 Software Quality Standards was used as questionnaire

to evaluate the quality of the system being developed on its functionality,

reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability of the system among

end users.

IX. Data Gathering Procedure

Figure 5. Prototype-Feedback-Improved Prototype

Data Gathering. Data needed in designing and crafting of the system was

gathered. The gathering of data was done through meetings with the

Administration, Students and Parents. Moreover, the internet was used for

conceptualization of the system and overview.

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Prototype Development. The prototype system that is intended for presenting

the design and how the system works was crafted and presented to the

administration of the school to identify and collect additional requirements

needed for the improvement of the system. In addition, the construction of the

system includes the creation of databases, application programs, and user and

system interface.

Present System Workflow. First is the Data Entry which a user or complainant

must input his credentials/identification/information and his/her complaint.

Second step is the Data Process where the complaint will be analyzed and

verify the complainant’s identity. The last step is the Output where the complaint

details are displayed on the screen and the information and date of inquiry is

stored in the database. The system will then notify the barangay official or the

person in charge of the system and notify the respondents for its response in the


X. Data Analysis

The weighted mean is used as the statistical tool. The weighted mean is

computed to measure the system’s compliance with ISO 25010:2015. The formula

is written as;

Weighted mean = Σwx/Σw

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Σ = the sum of.

w = the weights.

x = the value.

The system will be evaluated using the ISO 25010 Software Quality

Characteristics. Thus, this type of research will only be using the survey form:

use Weighted Mean and Likert Scale of 1-5: (5-Complant to the very high extent,

4-Compliant to a high extent, 3-Compliant to a moderate extent, 2-Compliant to a

low extent, 1-Compliant to a very low extent)

Table 4. Likert Scale with Numerical Interpretation

Likert Scale Weighted Mean Description

5 4.01-5.00 Compliant to a very high extent

4 3.16-4.00 Compliant to a high extent

3 2.51-3.15 Compliant to a moderate extent

2 1.76-2.50 Compliant to a low extent

1 1.00-1.75 Compliant to a very low extent

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines


This chapter presents the results of the data gathering and analysis in

terms of problems and issues, features of the developed system to address the

mentioned difficulties, the acceptance level of the developed system, and the

improvements for continuous and future development. The developed modules of

Barangay Complaint Managements System undergoes ISO 25010 Software

Quality Standards had been assessed by the IT Experts.

1. The practices and problems encountered in the existing Barangay

Complaint System.

Maintaining an accurate complaint log book can be a tedious affair. When you

have a complaint, the most important thing is that your complaint is heard and

your problem is addressed. If complaints get lost, they can’t be resolved. Good

complaint management software will allow you to set up automatic

acknowledgements. The Barangay E-Complaint Management System is a simple

system that greatly simplifies and assist in the processing of complaint records.

Compared to the traditional manual logbook that takes up lot of space and

resources and prone to being misplaced or damage. The Barangay E-Complaint

Management System if far more reliable and efficient in doing the task. Most

especially in making changes to the records and the security of the said records.
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

2. Developed Web Application design that solved the identified problem

and issues.

The system was developed using the latest web development tools:

PhpMaker2022 and MySql for its database. Distinct modules of the developed

system were as follows:

Figure 6. Module for Resident Records Management

Resident Records Management. This module is used to manage the profiles

and records of the resident.

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and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Figure 7. Module for Managing Complaints

Complaint Records. The barangay Secretary will be the one who will create the

account and manage the complaints of the residents.

Figure 8. Module for Managing Users Access Level

System Users Management. The security module of the system is used to

manage by the system administrator for registration and maintenance of users

who will be the only ones allowed to access the system and create flexible user
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

level and its access permission to the system, the administrator can put


Figure 9. Barangay Complaint Statistical Report

Barangay Complaint Statistical Report. The system is capable of generating

important statistical reports for top or most complaint in a Purok. Commented [U10]: Discuss each modules or features.
The functional features of the system
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and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

3. The extent of acceptance level of the developed system to ISO 25010

Software Quality Standards as assessed by the IT Experts.

Table 5. IT Experts’ acceptance level of the developed system in terms of

Functional Sustainability Commented [U11]: No spacing

Arial size 12

Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent Follow format to the Table’s Description

1. Functional Completeness 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

2. Functional Correctness 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

3. Functional Appropriateness 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Category Mean 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

This table shows the assessment of users on the acceptance level of the

developed system using ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards in terms of

functional sustainability. The system got a category mean of 3, descriptively

interpreted as compliant to a moderate extent. The result implies that participants

agreed that system functions met the specified tasks, requirements, and users’

objectives provide accurate output, protection from unauthorized access and the

processing time is reasonably fast. Commented [U12]: Check your Respondents

In your Repondents you select IT experts but in the results

and discussion you use users

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Table 6. IT Experts’ Acceptance Level of the Developed System in Terms of

Performance Efficiency

Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent

Time-Behavior 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Resource Utilization 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Capacity 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Category Mean 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

This table shows the assessment of users on the acceptance level of the

developed system using ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards in terms of

Performance Efficiency. The system got a category mean of 3, descriptively

interpreted as compliant to a moderate extent. The result implies that the system

attained specification from users, produces desired output with optimum time,

and processes required the least amount of hardware and perform greater useful

work transactions. Commented [U13]: Check your Respondents

Table 7. IT Experts’ Acceptance Level of the Developed System in Terms of In your Repondents you select IT experts but in the results
and discussion you use users
Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent

Co-Existence 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Interoperability 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Category Mean 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

This table shows the assessment of users on the acceptance level of the

developed system using ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards in terms of

Compatibility. The system got a category mean of 2.67, descriptively interpreted

as Compliant to a Moderate extent. The result implies the system is compatible

with different system configurations and specifications and compatible with

different operating systems. This also shows that compatibility of the developed

system as expected with the customer platform configuration is made. Commented [U14]: Check your Respondents

In your Repondents you select IT experts but in the results

and discussion you use users
Table 8. IT Experts’ Acceptance Level of the Developed System in Terms of

Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent

Co-Existence 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Interoperability 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Category Mean 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

This table shows the assessment of users on the acceptance level of the

developed system using ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards in terms of

Commented [U15]: Check your Respondents
Usability. The system got a category mean of 2.67, descriptively interpreted as
In your Repondents you select IT experts but in the results
Compliant to a Moderate extent. The result implies that the system is user-
and discussion you use users

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

centered, fit to use by different categories if end-user, easy to use and learn

attractive and responsive graphical user interface.

Table 9. IT Experts’ Acceptance Level of the Developed System in Terms of


Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent

Maturity 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Availability 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Fault Tolerance 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Recoverability 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Category Mean 2.84 Compliant to a Moderate extent

This table shows the assessment of users on the acceptance level of the

developed system using ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards in terms of

Reliability. The system got a category mean of 2.84, descriptively interpreted as

Compliant to a Moderate extent. The result implies that the system failure-free

operation for a specified period in a specified environment. The system performs

its intended functions and operations in a system's environment, without

Commented [U16]: Check your Respondents

experiencing a system crash.

In your Repondents you select IT experts but in the results
and discussion you use users

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Table 10. IT Experts’ Acceptance Level of the Developed System in Terms of


Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent

Confidentiality 2.33 Compliant to a Low extent

Integrity 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Non-Repudiation 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Accountability 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Authenticity 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Category Mean 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

This table shows the assessment of users on the acceptance level of the

developed system using ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards in terms of

Reliability. The system got a category mean of 2.67, descriptively interpreted as

Compliant to a Moderate extent. The result implies the system is protected with Commented [U17]: Check your Respondents

unauthorized access.
In your Repondents you select IT experts but in the results
and discussion you use users

Table 11. IT Experts’ Acceptance Level of the Developed System in Terms of


Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent

Modularity 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Reusability 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Analyzability 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Modifiability 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Testability 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Category Mean 2.93 Compliant to a Moderate extent

This table shows the assessment of users on the acceptance level of the

developed system using ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards in terms of

Maintainability. The system got a category mean of 2.93, descriptively interpreted

as Compliant to a Moderate extent. The result implies the system can be easily

customized, continues functioning if changes are made, the system can easily be

tested and deficiencies can be easily diagnosed from the system. Commented [U18]: Check your Respondents

In your Repondents you select IT experts but in the results

and discussion you use users
Table 12. IT Experts’ Acceptance Level of the Developed System in Terms of

Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent

Adaptability 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Installability 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Replaceability 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Category Mean 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

This table shows the assessment of users on the acceptance level of the

developed system using ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards in terms of

Portability. The system got a category mean of 3, descriptively interpreted as

compliant to a Moderate extent. The result implies the system can be easily

customized, continues functioning if changes are made, the system can easily be

tested and deficiencies can be easily diagnosed from the system. The result

implies the system is easy to install, transferable from one computer to another

without much effort, can run on windows operating systems without explicit

requirements, and be easily integrated into another environment with consistent

functional correctness. Portability saves time for anyone involved in moving new

versions of the software across environments. Commented [U19]: Check your Respondents

In your Repondents you select IT experts but in the results

and discussion you use users

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Table 13. Summary of IT Experts’ Acceptance Level of the Developed System in

Compliance with ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards.

ISO 25010 Software Indicators Mean Descriptive Rating

Functional Sustainability 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Performance Efficiency 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Compatibility 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Usability 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Reliability 2.84 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Security 2.67 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Maintainability 2.93 Compliant to a Moderate extent

Portability 3 Compliant to a Moderate extent

GRAND MEAN 2.85 Compliant to a Moderate extent

This table shows the summary assessment of users on the acceptance level of

the developed system using ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards in terms of

Functionality Sustainability, Performance Efficiency, Compatibility, Usability,

Reliability, System Security, System Maintainability and System Portability. The

system got a grand mean of 2.85, descriptively interpreted as Compliant to a

Moderate extent. The result implies that the system is highly compliant with all of

the indicators of ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards thus accepted by the

users with high satisfaction. Commented [U20]: Check your Respondents

4. Enhancement can be made to improve the system.

In your Repondents you select IT experts but in the results
and discussion you use users
With the basis of the findings of the study, the following are some of the
recommendations offered to our project to further improve the performance of our


The researcher should include “referral report” in case problem cannot be

solved within barangay. A summary report should also be included as reference.

Also make a manual or Guideline, which discusses that the Barangay Secretary
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

has the full access to the system. And last add features for the recording of case

investigation/ proceedings with uploading of attachment.


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations based on the results of the study.

A. Summary of Findings

1. Barangay Complaint system in the barangay is administered using the

traditional pen-paper approach. When you are going to complaint in the

barangay you will state your complaints manually and these might take

some time writing in the log-book. Also the barangay needs to spend

some time arrange all the file and record of complaints manually.

Barangay E-complaint Management System is a system that will be

developed to overcome the above statement problem. This study was

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

developed to provide a computerized complaint system in the Barangay of

Centro East.

2. To address the identified features, the Barangay E-Complaint

Management System was developed. The developed system was build

using the latest web development tools for easier accessibility and

usability. Distinctive features of the system include digitization, recording

of files and also profile management.

3. The system got a grand mean of 2.85, descriptively interpreted as

Compliant to a moderate extent result from the evaluation of IT Experts

using ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards. All the eight (8) categories:

System Functionality, System Efficiency, System Usability, System

Reliability, System Portability, System Maintainability, System Security,

and System Compatibility got a Compliant to Moderate extent to

Compliant to High Extent.

B. Conclusions

Based on the findings, the developed system was significant to the

Barangay Centro East in terms of data recording. The system provided

paperless transactions, faster and better data collection. Different features

and functionality have met acceptable quality standards. Feedback from the

user has proved the system is usable and addresses the needs of the
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Barangay E-complaint Management System in terms of data recording or

management records. The researcher should also focus on the improvement

of the different criteria based on the ISO 25010 Software Quality Standards

that got lowest mean for the betterment of the system.

C. Recommendation

The researcher recommends the following for the improvement of the

currently developed systems:

1. The system is highly recommended for continuous development for

improvement, in order to increase its effectiveness. Commented [U21]: efficiency, effectiveness. Check the
categories in the criteria where the scores were very low
2. Include new features to further enhance its performance. Commented [U22]: What particular features?
Be specific
3. Implement the system in its designated area to test its functionality


4. Apply generic design in order to cater more barangays.

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines


Boell, S.K., & Kecmanovic, D.C. (2015). What is an Information System? Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences ResearchGate

Castillano, M., Pastore, N., & Arcieri, F. (2005). An e-Government Cooperative

Framework for Government Agencies. Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences

Elmagarmid, A.K., & McIver, W.J. (2001). The ongoing march toward digital
government. Institute on Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Golden, W., Hughes, M., & Scott, M. (2003). Implementing E-Government in

Ireland: A Roadmap for Success. Journal of electronic Commerce in

Hussein, R., Karim, N.S.A., Mohamed, N., & Ahlan, A.R (2007). The influence of
Organizational Factors on Information Systems Success in E-government
Agencies in Malaysia. The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in
Developing Countries

Lam, W. (2008). Information Systems Integration in E-Government. IGI Global

Lorenzo, L.C. (2015). Most Encountered Problems in the Barangay. Academia

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Martinez, K.C., Lalata, M.A., Agra, J.D., & Abogado, R.C. (n.d). Management
Information System in Barangay Calahan, Cardon Rizal. Renaissance
School of Science and Technology



Republic Act 7160 The Local Government Code of 1991

Rojo, S.R. (2002). The Barangay Justice System in the Philippines: Is it an

Effective Alternative to Improve access to Justice For Disadvantaged
People? Dissertation for the MA in Governance and Development Institute
of Development Studies University of Sussex

Schware, R., & Deanne, A. (2003). Deploying e-government programs: the

strategic importance of “I” before “E”. ResearchGate

Stefan, I. (2006). The computerization of The Judicial System. Curentul Juredic

United Nations (n.d). Government Information Systems; A Guide to effective Use

of Information Technology in the Public Sector of Developing Countries

Vigo, M., & Saligan, M.M. (2004). Katarungang Pambarangay- A Handbook.

Philippines-Canada Local Government Support Program Commented [U23]: Follow APA format
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines




This questionnaire presents the ACCEPTABILITY of the proposed Barangay E-

Complaint Management System. Please tick the relevant boxes as honestly as
you can, this is a highly confidential. The contents of this questionnaire are
absolutely confidential and no other individual will able to see the data which you
will be given. The answers to these questionnaires will proceed immediately to
the project researcher (Rodalita C. Mando, Venturito B. Taguinod, Radley M. De
Asis, and Jessa Mae Laguerta) and to our project adviser (Mr. Winston G.

I. Personal Data
Name (Optional)._____________________________________

Please rate each of the items with the scale shown below:
5- Strongly Agree, 4-Agree, 3- Neither, 2- Disagree, 1- Strongly Disagree
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5


The system does what is appropriate (Adequacy)

The system has the available function required for

its execution (Adequacy)

The system does what was proposed correctly


The system is precise in executing its function


The system is precise in its result (Adequacy)

The system interacts with the specified modules


The system has capacity for multiuser processing


The system has capacity to operate with networks


The system has secure access through passwords

(Secure Access)

The system has internal backup routine (Secure




The system don’t have frequent failures (Maturity)

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

The system reacts appropriately when failures

occur (Tolerance to failures)

SSThe system informs the user concerning invalid

data entry (Tolerance to failures)

The system is capable of recovering data in the

event of failure (Recoverability)



It is easy to understand the concept and application


It is easy to perform its functions (Intelligibility)

It is easy learn how to use (Learnability)

The systems facilitates the users’ data entry


The systems facilitates the users’ retrieval of data


It is easy to operate and control (Operability)

The system provides help in clear manner




The systems response time is appropriate (Time)

The system’s execution time is appropriate (Time)

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

The resources used is appropriate (Resources)



It is easy to find a failure when it occur


It is easy to modify and adapt (Modifiability)

There is no great risk when changes are made


Changes are easy to test (Testability)



It is easy to adapt to other environment


It is easy to install in other environment (Capacity to

be installed)

It is easy to use to replace another program

(Capacity to be replace)

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines



Respondent’s Signature over Printed Name
APPENDIX B. User Guide/Manual

Step 1:

Log-in to the system using the

username and password.

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Step 2:

Fill-out the form for the Profile of the


Step 3:

Right after you made the profile of the

resident, you can fill-out the complaint

record form.
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Step 4:

After the process of filing a complaint,

the Secretary will send a message for

the follow-up of the complaint.

Step 5:

Log-out into the system.

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Work Experiences

• Work Immersion
Human Resource Management Office at Local Government
Unit of City of Santiago
• On-The-Job Training
College of Information Technology and Engineering office at
CVCITC Centro East, City of Santiago.

Trainings and Webinars

• “Web Development using NuxtJS AND Vue.js”

MANDO, RODALITA C. College of Computing Studies, Information and
Communication Technology (CCSICT) Isabela State
University - Echague, Isabela - April 02, 2022
• “Flourishing the True Spirit of Genuine Leaders”
Address: Lower Magat Eco-Tourism Park, Diadi Nueva Vizcaya
Plaridel, City of Santiago, Isabela October 4-5, 2019
Birthdate: • “Breaking Boundaries Amidst Diversity: Reaching the
September 15, 1999
CVCITCians Goal”
0909-664-0525 Mt. Atio-an Ramon Isabela
Email: September 25-26, 2018
[email protected] • ROADSHOW @ 9th: ROAD to Leading an Vibrant Country,
Show it through the Engineering Technology
Isabela State University, Echague Isabela
March 15, 2018
Skill Highlights
• Possesses Leadership Skills
• Computer Literate Education
• Ability to work independently
or as part of the group. Primary: Dubinan Elementary School
• Can work under pressure Dubinan, City of Santiago
• Willing to be trained for 2006 - 2012
Secondary: Cagayan Valley Computer and Information
Technology College Inc.
Language Centro East, City of Santiago
2016 - 2018
English Tertiary: Cagayan Valley Computer and Information
Filipino Technology College
Centro East, City of Santiago
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Objective Career
Technology Enthusiast; Well-versed in both computer and
Information technology. Both a team-player and a leader; can
accomplish tasks on time even under pressure, and eager to
work with a company that shares the same values.

Trainings and Webinars

• “Web Development using NuxtJS AND Vue.js”

College of Computing Studies, Information and
Communication Technology (CCSICT) Isabela State
TAGUINOD, VENTURITO B. University - Echague, Isabela - April 02, 2022
• “Flourishing the True Spirit of Genuine Leaders”
Lower Magat Eco-Tourism Park, Diadi Nueva Vizcaya
October 4-5, 2019
• “Breaking Boundaries Amidst Diversity: Reaching the
120 Panganiban St., City of Santiago,
Isabela CVCITCians Goal”
Birthdate: Mt. Atio-an Ramon Isabela
February 18, 1998 September 25-26, 2018
Phone: • ROADSHOW @ 9th: ROAD to Leading an Vibrant Country,
0995-177-5230 Show it through the Engineering Technology
Email: Isabela State University, Echague Isabela
[email protected]
March 15, 2018

Skill Highlights Education

• Computer Literate
Secondary: University of La Sallette
• Ability to work independently
or as part of the group. High School Diploma
• Can work under pressure Santiago City, Philippines
• Willing to be trained for May 2018
improvement Tertiary: Cagayan Valley Computer and Information
Technology College
Centro East, City of Santiago
Language June 2022

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Work Experiences

• SERVICE CREW at Mcdonald MartOne, Mabini Santiago City

• SERVICE CREW at Mang Inasal, Victory Norte Sabtiago City
• ASSISTANT SECRETARY at R&M Paint Center, Villasis
Santiago City
• Graphic Artist at Ara G Captures Robinson’s Mabini, Santiago
• Graphic Artist at Best Picture Malvar, Santiago City
• Cashier at Red Ribbon Victory, Santiago City

LAGUERTA, JESSA MAE Trainings and Webinars

• On-the-Job Training at San Andres, Santiago City
• Anti-Drugs Seminar at Sistech College Santiago City
Address: • On-the-Job training at Cagayan Valley Computer and
Malvar, City of Santiago, Isabela Information Technology College Inc.
November 15, 1997
Primary: Mary Child Academy
[email protected]
Lawa, Meycauayan Bulacan
2004 - 2010
Secondary: Infant Jesus Montessori School
Malvar, Santiago City
Skill Highlights Sistech College
Villasis Santiago City
• Computer Literate: (MS Word,
MS Excel, MS PowerPoint) 2014-2016
• Adobe Photoshop Tertiary: Cagayan Valley Computer and Information
• Great Communication Skill Technology College
Centro East, City of Santiago

Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

Work Experiences

• Engineering Office – Work Immersion at LGU Santiago City

October – December 2016
• On-the-Job Training at PSCC LGU Santiago City
February- April 2022

Trainings and Webinars

• “Web Development using NuxtJS AND Vue.js”

College of Computing Studies, Information and
DE ASIS, RADLEY M. Communication Technology (CCSICT) Isabela State
University - Echague, Isabela - April 02, 2022
• “Flourishing the True Spirit of Genuine Leaders”
Lower Magat Eco-Tourism Park, Diadi Nueva Vizcaya
Purok 5, Villa Gonzaga City of October 4-5, 2019
Santiago, Isabela • “Breaking Boundaries Amidst Diversity: Reaching the
Birthdate: CVCITCians Goal”
June 21, 1999 Mt. Atio-an Ramon Isabela
Phone: September 25-26, 2018
• ROADSHOW @ 9th: ROAD to Leading an Vibrant Country,
[email protected] Show it through the Engineering Technology
Isabela State University, Echague Isabela
March 15, 2018

Skill Highlights Education

• Computer Literate: (MS Word, Primary: Villa Gonzaga Elementary School
MS Excel, MS PowerPoint)
Villa Gonzaga, Santiago City
• Electrical Servicing Skills
• Ability to work under pressure
2011 - 2012
• Good communication skills Secondary: Patria Sable Corpus College
• Good written and Verbal skill Calao East, Santiago City
Tertiary: Cagayan Valley Computer and Information
Language Technology College
Centro East, City of Santiago
English 2019-2022
Cagayan Valley Computer
and Information Technology College
#28 Carreon St., Centro East, Santiago City, Philippines

APPENDIX D. Source Code


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