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Six Sigma Technische Universität München

Six Sigma
Statistics with Minitab

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker
[email protected]

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 1

DMAIC > Statistics >> Content Technische Universität München


Analysis Strategies 3

Hints and typical errors in Minitab 7

Measurement System Analysis (MSA) 10

Graphical Analysis 21

Process Capability and Process Control (Introduction) 31

Process Capability (Details) 36

Process Control (Details) 58

Statistical Tests (Introduction) 76

Statistical Tests (Details) 87

Design of Experiments (DoE) 118

Literature 135

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 2

DMAIC > Statistics >> Analysis Strategies Technische Universität München

Analysis Strategies

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 3

DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategies Technische Universität München

In the DEFINE-Phase the critical output variables (Y= CtQ´s= Problems) will be identified …

SIPOC/ Process-Mapping- S Input Process Output C

Analysis Method Ressource
Influence Influence Influence Problem
XI1 XM1 XR1 Yt1_Q_1_n
XI2 XM2 XR2 Yt1_T_1_n
XIn XM3 XRn Yt1_R_1_n

C&E-Matrix Input Method Resource

XI1_n XM1_n XR1_n
Output Yt1_Q_1_n   
Yt1_T_1_n 
Yt1_R_1_n Hypothesis 

Hypothesis Relationship: If X, then Y

The... X, the... Y

Difference: in: Y between: Xn /Xm/ …

Data Collection Variable Scale Scale Level Hypothesis Chart Perf.-Ind. Test
Yt1_Q_1_n Error Type nominal  Pareto-Diagram
Yt1_T_1_n Cycle Time cardinal  Histogram Sigma Level Correlation
Yt1_R_1_n Rating ordinal  Mood-Median
XI1_n cardinal 
XM1_n ordinal 
XR1_n nominal 

… and in the ANALYSIS-Phase the relevant influences (x) will be identified

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 4
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

Procedure to prepare and perform Statistical Analyses and …

1. Operationalize Measurands (x/Y)

2. Determine Scale Level of Measurand (nominal, ordinal, cardinal)
3. Formulate Hypothesis
4. Select Statistical Test

5. Determine significance level (α= 1%/ 5% / 10%)

6. Calculate Power/ Sample Size
7. Check Measurement System
8. Organize Data Collection
9. Collect Data
10. Check plausibility of Data (Distribution, Min/ Max)
11. Perform Statistical Test
12. Check the results:

- Statistical Significance (p > α: H0 or p<α: HA)

- Practical Relevance/ Value (size of Difference (Y1 – Y2 or Strength of Relationship Y= f(x)
13. Interpret results
14. Analyse Root-Causes
15. Identify anchor points for Solutions in Improve

… and its consequences for IMPROVE

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 5
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

Root-Cause-Analysis: combines focusing by differentiation and analysing of causal relations

Problem Cookie Taste bad
(Selection e.g. via

(Test: Correlation/ Regression)

Difference Hypothesis causal chain

Relationship Hypothesis
Problem-Focus Choc-Cookie Van-Cookie
2. Taste bad Y1 =/ ≠ Y2 …
Taste bad top-down
(Differentiation) (Test: Chi2, t-Test/ ANOVA)
(Y1) (Y2) 5 x WHY …? BECAUSE …!
Y= f(x) 1. Δ= 1,52 grades
R2= 96,5% 1. Why? n. If …,
1. Cause-Level Because! then …!
(Causation by Trigger) weight of chocolate
too low (x)

The logical links between

Choc-Cookies: Chef did Choc-Cookies: Chef ate the causes determine the
Problem-Focus entry points for Solutions:
NOT eat weighed 3. Δ= 3,1 grades weighed Chocolate
- or: select both
Chocolate (Y1.1) (Y1.2)
- and: select (at least) one
2. Why? 3. If …,
or and Because! then …!
2. Cause-Level Chef likes to nibble
Chef wants to test the
Chef thinks the time is
(Causation) Quality of chocolate
chocolate (x1.2.1) right for a test (x1.2.3)

3. Why? 2. If …,
Chef has too few Because! then …!
3. Cause-Level Quality of chocolate is
to nibble chocolate is a opportunities to test
a determinant of Cust.
basic need (x1.2.1.1) (eat) chocolate
Satisfaction (x1.2.2.1)

Develop Solution to n. Why? 1. If …,

unchangeable facts unchangeable facts
n. Cause-Level Manager forbids Chef - circumvent Because! then …!
of reality of reality causal chain
(Causation by Root Cause) too eat too much - adjust or
- eliminate (Root) Cause bottom-up
chocolate (x1.
5 x IF … THEN …!

… as well as quantitative statistical and qualitative logical reasoning to identify the Root-Causes
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 6
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hints and typical errors in Minitab Technische Universität München

Hints and typical errors

in Minitab

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 7

DMAIC > Statistics >> Hints and typical errors in Minitab Technische Universität München

Grouped data can be arranged in two alternative ways:

2.a 3.

1.a All Y data are in one column

1.b Y data are in more than one column

2.a select one Y-Variable

2.b select all relevant Y-Variables

2.b 2.b 3.a select grouping Variable x for Y


1.b 2.b

1.a All Y data in one column with a grouping x - or - 1.b Y data grouped in different columns
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 8
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hints and typical errors in Minitab Technische Universität München

More hints and errors

 The type of data must be appropriate for the procedure. Minitab offers
different types of data, e.g.: a) numeric, b) text and c) date/ time. The type of
date in a column is indicated in the top row.
The data type can be changed, if necessary, with: Data/ Change Data Type

 Missing Values are indicated by:

- „*“ for a) numeric and c) date/ time
- „Missing“ for b) text values

 All columns of data, used for the same procedure, must have the same
length. If they do not have the same length, then enter a value in the
„shorter“ column, one position under the needed length. The empty cells will
then be filled with the Missing Value indicator. At least delete this value
again. The Missing Value indicator will remain and the columns have the
same length.

 If you enter data manually, then you can change the direction for entering
data – in a column or in a row – by a click on the arrow.

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 9
DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Technische Universität München

Measurement System
Analysis (MSA)

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 10

DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Technische Universität München

Every measured value is error-prone

Measured Value= True Value + Error

Measured Variation= True Variation + Error Variation

True Variation Measurement Error

Long-Term- Short-Term-
Sampling Error Reliability Validity
Variation Variation

Precision of the Measurement Accuracy of the Measurement

Deviation between measured and true value Deviation with repeated measurement

Linearity of the measurement scale Repeatability: error within operator

Unique relation of measured value and scale Reproducibility: error between operator

Stability of scale over time

Gage Linearity & Accuracy Study Gage R&R Study

The Measurement System Analysis (MSA) helps to reduce the size of error
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 11
DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Technische Universität München

Separate intentional from unintentional sources of variation

Variation between
Variation overall = Outputs + Variation of Measurement System
Measured Values True Values Error
SS overall SS between Outputs SS Measurement System(Gage R&R)

consistency consistency
within each between
operator operator

Repeatability Reproducibility

SS Repeatability SS Reproducibility

These sources of variation

can be estimated within a Gage R&R

The variation between Outputs should be larger than

the variation of the Measurement System
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 12
DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Technische Universität München


Repeatability:= Variation due to

N repeated appraisals
 repeated appraisal of the same Output (Trials)

 same output l

 same operator l l


 same measurement system l l l


l l

l l

Operator A

Operator A

Variation due to repeated measurement

Variation of values due to repeated measurements

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 13
DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Technische Universität München


Reproducibility:= Variation due to

1st Trial
 repeated appraisal
Operator B
 same output N appraisals
Operator A
 different operators N appraisals

 same measurement system

Operator C
N appraisals

Operator B

2nd Trial
Operator B

Operator A Operator C Operator A

Operator C

Variation due to reproduced measurement

Variation of values due to reproduced measurements

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 14
DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Technische Universität München

Minitab Assistant: Measurement Systems Analysis

2. 1.

5. 7.

2.a 2.b 1.a 1.b

Attribute Agreement Analysis and Gage R&R Study

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 15
DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) >>> Attributive Agreement Analysis Technische Universität München


Attributive Agreement Analysis: Evaluation of Nominal-Scaled Measurements

MSA 1.a
Attributive Agreement Analysis (= attribute gage R&R study)

1. a. c.
Evaluates the agreement of subjective Nominal-/ Ordinal-Scale based ratings by multiple
Operators to determine how likely a Measurement System is to misclassify an Output 2. b.
Focus 3.

Reliability Repeatability and Reproduceibility (R&R)


Evaluate R&R of Inputs and Outputs of your Process d. a. b. f. c.

Evaluate R&R of: supplied (spare) parts, guarantee claims, credit decisions, answers
from a call center, produced rods, mounted clips e.

Evaluate R&R of: M&M´s 3.

Y Scale Level
1 nominal/ ordinal Dialog: Create Worksheet
x Scale Level a. Number of Determine the Operators, which should be included as appraisers into the study; if
./. appraisers possible select all involved Operators
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu
b. Number of trials Select at least 2 trials for each appraiser, good style is 3
Stat/ Quality Tools/ Attribute Agreement Analysis
To use the real names of the appraiser supports specific training, that may become
c. Name of appraiser
note … necessary; but aka-names might be better, starting a series of MSA´s
Assure a balanced mix of: 0/good and 1/bad items. A small percentage of items of one
type reduces the ability to assess R&R d. Number of items select at least 10 items (5 good/ 5 bad)

e. values for good/ to differentiate the good vs. bad items, attributive and numeric labels can be assigned (My
bad preference: 0= good; 1= bad)

classify the test items according to their attributes; the items will be randomly arranged in
f. classify items
the worksheet, to avoid sequence effects;

Example: Evaluate the R&R of good vs. bad Inputs or Outputs (like Decisions or M&M´s)
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DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) >>> Attributive Agreement Analysis Technische Universität München


Attributive Agreement Analysis: Evaluation of Nominal-Scaled Measurements

a. b. c. d. e. f.


Result: Created Worksheet Dialog: Attribute Agreement Analysis

Run order: randomly calculated sequence for evaluating the items; use this order to avoid
a. a. Column with name of Appraisers (in previously created Worksheet)
sequence effects

b. Name of appraiser for the specific evaluation b. Column with trial numbers (in previously created Worksheet)

c. specific trials for specific appraiser c. Column with names of the test items (in previously created Worksheet)

d. item, the appraiser should evaluate in this evaluation d. Column with answers/ results of evaluations (entered in previously created Worksheet)

result of evaluation of appraiser; enter the coded answers here, e.g. 0 for good of 1 for
e. e. Column with the standard evaluations from experts (in previously created Worksheet)

f. previously - by experts - defined standard evaluations of the test items f. selection of the coded value which was selected for the category "good"

Example: Evaluate the R&R of good vs. bad Inputs or Outputs (like Decisions or M&M´s)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 17
DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) >>> Attributive Agreement Analysis Technische Universität München


Attributive Agreement Analysis: Evaluation of Nominal-Scaled Measurements

Attribute Agreement Analysis for Results Attribute Agreement Analysis for Results
Report Card 2.c Misclassification Report
Check Status Description
Overall Error Rate = 42,5%
Mix of It is good practice to have a fairly balanced mix of 0 and 1 items. Your data shows that you have 50% 0 items and 50% 1 items. If you have a
1. Items i small percentage of items of one type, you reduce your ability to assess how well the appraisers rate that type of item. 4.
Most Frequently Misclassified Items
1. 3.d % 0 rated 1 3.e % 1 rated 0
Accuracy The accuracy and error rates are calculated across all appraisals. Suppose you test 50 items, 25 Good and 25 Bad, and 3 appraisers test each
2. and Error i item 2 times. Item 1 Item 7
2.a To calculate the accuracy and error rates, you need to determine the total number of appraisals:
• Overall accuracy and error rates: (50 items x 3 appraisers x 2 trials) = 300 appraisals Item 2 Item 6
• Good items rated as Bad: (25 items x 3 appraisers x 2 trials) = 150 appraisals
• Bad items rated as Good: (25 items x 3 appraisers x 2 trials) = 150 appraisals
• Items rated both ways: (50 items x 3 appraisers) = 150 appraisals Item 3 Item 8

2.b Overall % Accuracy: If 240 appraisals match the standard, the accuracy rate is:
(240/300) x 100 = 80% Item 5 Item 9

Overall Error Rate: If 60 appraisals do not match the standard, the error rate is: 2.
2.c (60/300) x 100 = 20% Item 4 Item 10

Good rated Bad: If appraisers rate a Good item as Bad 30 times, the misclassification rate is: 0 15 30 45 60 0 15 30 45 60
2.d (30/150) x 100 = 20%

Bad rated Good: If appraisers rate a Bad item as Good 15 times, the misclassification rate is: 5.
2.e (15/150) x 100 = 10%
4.d 4.e
Appraiser Misclassification Rates
% 0 rated 1 % 1 rated 0 % Rated both ways
Rated both ways: If appraisers rate 15 items inconsistently across trials, the misclassification rate is:
2.f (15/150) x 100 = 10%

Result: Report Card B B B

Mix of Items: the highest power to differentiate between appraisers results from a
balanced mix of good (0) vs. bad (1) items. C C C

2. Accuracy and Error Rates: Example for the calculation of:


a. - Calculation of Number of appraisals overall 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100

e. - % bad rated good (= false alarms)

Result: Misclassification Report
d. - % good rated bad (= missed signals) 3.d Evaluation of Items: % good rated bad (= missed signals)

- % good rated good (= hit) 3.e Evaluation of Items: % bad rated good (= false alarms)

- % bad rated bad (= correct rejection) 4.d Evaluation of Appraiser: % good rated bad (= missed signals)

b. - Overall % Accuracy= % hit + % correct rejection 4.e Evaluation of Appraiser: % bad rated good (= false alarms)

Evaluation of Appraiser: % Inconsistency (% accurate in one trial and error in another

c. - Overall % Error Rate= % false alarms + % missed signals 4.f

f. - % Inconsistency (% accurate in one trial and error in another trial)

Example: Evaluate the R&R of good vs. bad Inputs or Outputs (like Decisions or M&M´s)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 18
DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) >>> Attributive Agreement Analysis Technische Universität München


Attributive Agreement Analysis: Evaluation of Nominal-Scaled Measurements

Attribute Agreement Analysis for Results Attribute Agreement Analysis for Results
Accuracy Report Summary Report
All graphs show 95% confidence intervals for accuracy rates.
Intervals that do not overlap are likely to be different. a. Is the overall % accuracy acceptable? b. Misclassification Rates
< 50% 100%
b.1 % by Appraiser b.4 % by Appraiser and Standard
No Yes
Overall error rate
0 rated 1
1 rated 0 40,0%
0 57,5%
A Mixed ratings (same item rated both ways) 20,0%
The appraisals of the test items correctly matched the standard 57,5% of the
A time.

c. % Accuracy by Appraiser d. Comments
Consider the following when assessing how the measurement system
0 25 50 75 100 C can be improved:
• Low Accuracy Rates: Low rates for some appraisers may indicate a
need for additional training for those appraisers. Low rates for all
b.2 % by Standard A 100,0
appraisers may indicate more systematic problems, such as poor
0 D operating definitions, poor training, or incorrect standards.
• High Misclassification Rates: May indicate that either too many 0
items are being rejected, or too many 1 items are being passed on to
1 1 the consumer (or both).
• High Percentage of Mixed Ratings: May indicate items in the study
B 80,0
0 25 50 75 100 were borderline cases between 0 and 1, thus very difficult to assess.

% by Trial
b.3 B
C 50,0

2 D 0,0

0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Result: Accuracy Report Result: Summary Report

Appraiser Accuracy % (= % correct rejections + % hits; with Confidence Intervals (CI)) Is the overall % accuracy acceptable?
(Hyp: There is a/ no Difference in: evaluations between: the Appraisers (A vs. B vs. C …)) Overall % Accuracy (% hits + % correct rejections) with bar-chart (50% - 100%), indicating
Standard Accuracy % (= % correct rejections + % hits; with Confidence Intervals (CI)) the answer (no - yes) with an orange line).
b.2 (50% = random Accuracy; 100% = perfect Accuracy)
(Hyp: There is a/ no Difference in: evaluations between: the two standards (good vs. Bad))
Misclassification Rates:
Trial Accuracy % (= % correct rejections + % hits; with Confidence Intervals (CI))
b.3 - Overall % Error Rate= % false alarms + % missed signals
(Hyp: There is a/ no Difference in: evaluations between: the Trials (1st vs. 2nd vs. …))
b. - % good rated bad (= missed signals)
Appraiser by Standard Accuracy % (= % correct rejections + % hits; with CI´s) - % bad rated good (= false alarms)
(Hyp: There is a/ no Difference in: evaluations between: the Appraisers (A vs. B vs. C …) - % Inconsistency (% accurate in one trial and error in another trial)
between: Standards (good vs. bad)
Look for interactions, i.e. reciprocal results on the two Levels of Standard c. Appraiser Accuracy % (= % correct rejections + % hits)

Summary and comments about results

Example: Evaluate the R&R of good vs. bad Inputs or Outputs (like Decisions or M&M´s)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 19
DMAIC > Statistics >> Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Technische Universität München

Manual Calculation: Attributive Gage R&R …

known Population Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3
Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Try 1 Try 2 Y/N
Sample # Attribute

1 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
2 defect defect defect defect defect defect defect Y
3 ok ok defect ok ok ok ok N
4 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
5 ok ok defect ok ok ok ok N
6 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
7 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
8 defect defect defect defect defect defect defect Y
9 defect defect defect defect defect defect defect Y
10 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
11 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
12 defect defect defect defect defect defect defect Y
13 ok defect defect ok ok ok ok N
14 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
15 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
16 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
17 defect defect defect defect defect defect defect Y
18 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
19 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
20 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
21 defect defect defect defect defect defect defect Y
22 defect defect defect defect defect defect defect Y
23 defect defect defect defect defect defect defect Y
24 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
25 ok defect defect defect defect defect defect N
26 defect defect defect defect defect defect defect Y
27 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
28 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Y
29 ok defect defect ok ok ok defect N
30 ok defect ok ok ok ok ok N
Appraiser Score: 24/30= 80% 29/30= 97% 28/30= 93% 80%
Repeatability Repeatability Repeatability Reproducibility

… to evaluate the Repeatability and Reproducibility of a Nominal-Scale based Measmt-System

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 20
DMAIC > Statistics >> Graphical Analysis Technische Universität München

Graphical Analysis

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 21

DMAIC > Statistics >> Graphical Analysis Technische Universität München

Overview of important Charts …

Scale Scale
Chart Purpose Hypothesis Y x Mintab Menu Options Alternative
Level Level

- Assistant/ Graph. Analysis

- Frequency distribution of values for one variable;
1. Histogram
- Comparison of the data distributions with the ND curve
Difference 1 cardinal - Chart/ Histogram Grouping Dot Plot
- Statistics/ Basic Statistics/ Graph. Sum

Various data
Distribution of the frequency of results in categories of one - Assistant/ Graph. Analysis
2. Pareto-Diagram
Difference 1 nominal
- Statistics/ Quality Tools/ Pareto Chart
formats are Pie Chart

Comparison of the differences between center (median, mean) - Assistant/ Graph. Analysis
ordinal/ Interval Plot;
3. Boxplot and dispersion (Quartile) of dependent variable (Y), grouped Difference 1
>=1 nominal - Graph/ Box Plot Grouping
by an independent variable (x) (also available in t-Tests/ ANOVA)

Comparison of the difference between averages and

4. Interval Plot confidence intervals of a variable (Y), grouped by an Difference 1 cardinal 1 nominal - Graph/ Interval Plot Grouping Boxplot
independent variable (x)

ordinal/ cardinal - Assistant/ Graph. Analysis Grouping/ Various
5. Time Series Plot Chronological representation of one or more variables Difference 1
time - Graph/ Time Series Plot Time Stamps
Control Chart

Compare the differences between the averages of the

- Statistics/ Quality Tools/ Multi-Vari
6. Multi-Vari Chart dependent variable (Y) resulting from multiple scaled Difference 1 cardinal >=2 nominal
Box Plot
independent variables (x)

- Assistant/ Graph. Analysis Grouping/
7. Scatter Plot Examine the relationship between two variables (Y= f(x)) Relationship 1 cardinal 1 cardinal
- Graph/ Scatter Plot Regression
Marginal Plot

Examin the relationship between two variables as well as the

Marginal Plot Relationship 1 cardinal 1 cardinal - Graph/ Marginal Plot Scatter Plot
respective distributions and outliers (Y= f(x))

Examine the relationships between multiple variables (multiple Grouping/ Multiple Scatter
Matrix Plot Relationship >=2 cardinal >=2 cardinal - Graph/ Matrix Chart
Scatter Plots within one chart) (Y= f(x)) Regression Plots

… to describe and summarize data

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 22
DMAIC > Statistics >> Graphical Analysis Technische Universität München

Minitab Assistant: Graphical Analysis

1. 5. 7.


= Dot Plot


4. Interall-Plot: Graph/ …

6. Multi-Vari-Chart: Stat/ Quality Tools/ …

I-Chart, I-MR Chart, Xbar-R Chart, P Chart and U Chart are part of Control-Charts
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 23
DMAIC > Statistics >> Graphical Analysis >>> Histogram (as part of the graphical Summary) Technische Universität München

1. Histogram: Frequency Distribution of Variables

Chart Graphical Summary of Y_Cookie-T
Summary Report
Distribution of Data

Purpose a.
Examine the center, shape, and variability.
d. Descriptive Statistics
N 200
- Frequency distribution of values for one variable; Mean 3,22
StDev 1,4976
- Comparison of the data distributions with the ND curve Minimum 1

Description Deviation from normality 5th percentile

25th percentile
Median 3
x-axis: Categorized values of a variable, e.g. dependent variable (Y) 75th percentile
95th percentile
y-axis: Probability of a variable Maximum 6

Hypothesis 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

e. 95% Confidence Intervals

There are (no) differences in parameters between the distribution of
c. Mean (3,0112; 3,4288)
Median (2; 3)
Difference the sample and the ND StDev (1,3638; 1,6607)

Data in Time Order

b. Normality Test
Look for patterns and trends. Investigate any outliers (marked in red).
Decision Fail
Example P-value <0,005

Distribution of the body size

Distribution of landing areas for airplanes on the runway


Distribution of the weight of the cookie 2

Y Scale Level 0 50 100 150 200

1 cardinal
x Scale Level
Mintab Menu a. Histogram of the sample with shape of the expected ND
- Assistant/ Graph. Analysis b. Anderson Darling ND Test: tests if sample and the shape
- Chart/ Histogram correspond (H0: Sample= ND; HA: Sample <> ND
- Statistics/ Basic Statistics/ Graph. Sum
c. Boxplot with Min; Percentiles (25, 50 (Median), 75) Max
d. Statistics Parameter of the sample
Grouping e. Confidence Intervals for the Parameter of the sample as
Alternative estimations of the Parameter in the population
Dot Plot
f. Time Series Plot

Example: Lead Time / Diameter/ Cookie weight/ Scale Level: ordinal, cardinal
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 24
DMAIC > Statistics >> Graphical Analysis >>> Pareto-Diagram Technische Universität München

2. Pareto Chart: Freqency distribution of categorized results

Chart Pareto Chart of Y_Type_of_Cookie-Problem
Summary Report a.
Pareto Chart
Defects Ordered by Frequency of Occurrence
Focus on the defects with the greatest impact on your process.

Distribution of the frequency of results in categories of one variable

Description 40
x-axis: Categorized values of a variable, e.g. dependent variable (Y)
y-axis: Probability of a variable

Hypothesis 30

There are (no) differences in the parts of categories of variables

Difference 20

Example 10

Distribution of election results

Y_Type_of_ Y_Q_Taste Y_Q_Substa Y_Q_Form Y_Q_Ingred Y_Q_Color Y_Q_Weight Y_Q_Textur Other
Distribution of the frequency/ costs of different types of problems c. Count
Cum % 34,0 51,1 61,7 72,3 80,9 89,4 95,7 100,0
Y Scale Level
1 nominal
x Scale Level
./. a. Pareto-Diagram of the distribution of Defects/ Problems
Mintab Menu b. Frequency of Defercts/ Problems
- Assistant/ Graph. Analysis c. Defects/ Problems sorted by the frequency (Count/
- Statistics/ Quality Tools/ Pareto Chart Percent) plus their cumulative frequency in Percent
Options d. Cumulative line of frequency
e. Pareto-Principle: 80–20 rule, the law of the vital few, and
Various data formats are accepted
the principle of factor sparsity. For many deviations
roughly 80% of the Problems (Cookie defect) come from
Pie Chart 20% of the causes (Problem-Types)

Example: Problem Frequency of Types of defects/ Problems / Scale Level: nominal

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 25
DMAIC > Statistics >> Graphical Analysis >>> Box-Plot Technische Universität München

3. Box-Plot: Integrated plot of the center and the dispersion of (grouped) variables
Chart Boxplot of Y_Cookie_Weight_Chocolate; Y_Cookie_Weight_Vanilla
Summary Report
Box Plot
Distribution of Data by Group
Compare the center and the variability across samples. Identify any outliers.
Comparison of the differences between center (median, mean) and dispersion (Quartile) of c.
dependent variable (Y), grouped by an independent variable (x)
Description 10 h.
x-axis: nominal scaled categories (Factor levels) b.
y-axis: dependent variable ( e.g. cycle time, errors per order) g.
a. f. } = topview

Hypothesis 8 on distribution
There are (no) differences in the values of the dependent variable (Y) between
the factor levels (x)
6 j. d.
Example 4
Y_Cookie_Weight_Chocolate Y_Cookie_Weight_Vanilla
Comparison of compensation based on gender and profession
Y_Cookie_Weight Y_Cookie_Weight
Statistics _Choc _Van
N 100 100
Comparison of the weight of Chocolate vs. Vanilla" cookies Mean 8,1040 9,9665
StDev 1,0307 0,29468
Minimum 5 9,3374
Y Scale Level Maximum 12 10,590

1 ordinal/ cardinal
x Scale Level a. Box
>=1 nominal b. Whisker
Mintab Menu c. Outlier
- Assistant/ Graph. Analysis d. Smallest not extreme value (Minimum if there are no outliers)
- Graph/ Box Plot
(also available in t-Tests/ ANOVA)
e. 1. Quartile (= Q1: 25% cases below)
f. 2. Quartile (= Q2: 50% of cases below and above = Median)
g. 3. Quartile (= Q3: 75% cases below)
Grouping h. Biggest not extreme value(Maximum if there are no outliers)
Alternative i. Interquartil-Range (IRQ) = 50%
Interval Plot; j. Mean
Multi-Vari-Chart k. Grouping of Results (Y) by Factors (x)

Example: Cycle Time duration / Cookie Weight/ Cookie Taste / Scale Level: ordinal, cardinal
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 26
DMAIC > Statistics >> Graphical Analysis >>> Box-Plot Technische Universität München

4. Interval-Plot: Differences in Parameters of central tendency (Y) between groups (x)

Interval Plot of Y_Cookie_Weight
Interval Plot 95% CI for the Mean

Purpose 10,0
Comparison of the difference between averages and confidence intervals of a variable (Y), grouped by an
independent variable (x)
Description 9,5

x-axis: nominal/ ordinal or cardinal scaled categories (Factor levels)
y-axis: dependent variable ( e.g. cycle time, weight)

There are (no) differences in the values of the dependent variable (Y) between the factor 8,5
levels (x)

d. [ b.
Area of normal, i.e. expected values for parameters of medicine Y_Cookie_Weight_Choc Y_Cookie_Weight_Van
Comparison of the consistency of "dark" vs. "light" cookies Individual standard deviations are used to calculate the intervals.

Y Scale Level
1 cardinal
x Scale Level a. Upper Confidence Limit for Mean
1 nominal b. Mean
Mintab Menu
c. Lower Confidence Limit for Mean
d. Confidence Interval CI (error margin of the Mean)
- Graph/ Interval Plot
:= with a 95% Confidence the Mean of the Population is expected
within this Interval ( CI= xbar +/- 1,96* s/sqrt(N) )
e. Grouping of Results (Y) by Factors (x)



Example: Cycle Time duration / Cookie Weight/ Cookie Taste / Scale Level: cardinal
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 27
DMAIC > Statistics >> Graphical Analysis >>> Time Series Plot Technische Universität München

5. Time Series Plot : Representation of one or more varibales in chronological order

Chart Time Series Plot of Y_Cookie_Taste_Chocolate; Y_Cookie_Taste_Vanilla
Summary Report
Time Series Plot
Data in Time Order
Compare patterns and trends across samples.
6 a. Variable
Chronological representation of one or more variables Y_Cookie_Taste_Vanilla

x-axis: Time Series (e.g. Days/ Hours/ order number) in chronological order
y-axis: dependent variable ( e.g. cycle time, errors per order)

Hypothesis 3

There are (no) differences in the values of the dependent variable (Y) 2
Difference between the time points (x)

1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Example Index

"Temperature Curve" Y_Cookie_Taste_Chocolate b. Y_Cookie_Taste_Vanilla

Progression of the cookie consumption in the month of December c.

Y Scale Level
1 ordinal/ cardinal
x Scale Level
1 ordinal/ cardinal time stamps a. Every data point represents a measurement of the dependent
Mintab Menu variable (Y) at a specific point in time or in a chronological
- Assistant/ Graph. Analysis series (x)
- Graph/ Time Series Plot b. By grouping the parallel progression of two or more interacting
Options variables can be represented
Grouping/ Various Time Stamps
c. After a 90° rotation a time series plot becomes a histogram, if
the data points fall on the Y-axis and are stacked
d. The Time Series Plot is the basis for the Control Charts
Control Chart

Example: Lead Time over time/ Cookie Taste over time / Scale Level: cardinal
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 28
DMAIC > Statistics >> Graphical Analysis >>> Multi-Vari Chart Technische Universität München

6. Multi-Vari Chart: Differences in Y between n>1 levels of n> 1 factors x

Multi-Vari Chart for Y_Cookie_Taste by X1_Sweetener - X4_Cookie-Type
b. Wheat
e. Choc; Butter d. Choc; Margarine d. X1_Sweetener
16 Nutrasweet


e. Vanilla; Butter Vanilla; Margarine

a. 8

Spelt c. Wheat
X2_Flour c.
Panel variables: X4_Cookie-Type, X3_Fat

a. Differences in the dependent variable (Y) resulting from

multiple independent factors (x)
b. X1: type of sweetener (Spelt vs Wheat)
c. X2: type of flour (Spelt vs Wheat)
d. X3: type of fat (Butter vs. Margarine)
e. X4: type of Cookie (Chocolate. vs. Vanilla)
f. Every data point represents the Mean of the Y-values for a
specific combination of levels of multiple x.
g. The greater the slope between two data points, the
greater influence of the compared factor levels
h. The Multi-Vari Chart is an alternative graphical
representation for the results of the ANOVA

Example: Screening of complex influence factors (x) on the Problem (Y)/ Scale Level: cardinal
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 29
DMAIC > Statistics >> Graphical Analysis >>> Scatter-Plot Technische Universität München

7. Scatter Plot: representation of the Relationship between two or more variables


Scatter Plot

Purpose e.
Examine the relationship between two variables

x-axis: continuous independent variable (x)
y-axis: continous dependent variable ( e.g. cycle time, error per job)
There is (no) ("the...the...") relationships between: the independent
variable (x) and the dependent variable (Y) d.

Relationship between: gasoline consumption vs. speed

Relationship between: baking time of the dough (x) and the brightness of the cookie (Y) a.
Y Scale Level
1 cardinal
x Scale Level a. X-Variable: Length of baking time (from 1- 30 min)
1 cardinal b. Y-Variable: Brightness of Cookies (from bright=0 to dark=10)
Mintab Menu c. Data points for each measured Cookie
- Assistant/ Graph. Analysis d. (Linear) Regression line: Y= b+ ax (+error)
- Graph/ Scatter Plot e. Descriptive Statistics/ Parameter
Options f. Type of relationship (Linear, Quadratic, …)
Grouping/ Regression
The scatter plot is the graphical display for the:
- Correlation (rxy) and the
Scatterplot (groups)/ Marginal Plot - Regression Analysis (Y= b+ ax +e)

Example: Relationship Y= f(x) between speed (x) and mileage (Y)/ Scale Level: Cardinal
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 30
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability and Process Control Technische Universität München

Process Capability and

Process Control

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 31

DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Ability and Process Control Technische Universität München

Process control refers to the historical compliance with calculated control limits

Process Control: Process Capability :

▪ Focuses on single, obvious, systematic, ▪ Considers the position (e.g. Mean) and the scatter (z.B.
Standard Deviation) of the random variation in the
observations over time
▪ Sets the sequence of the results in relation to the
▪ Puts position and scatter of the results in relationship to
control limits (for example: X+/- 3s)
the specification limits and/ or a target value (:= Target)
▪ The control limits are calculated using the ▪ Specification limits are based on the requirements from
variation of the results and therefore mirror past „outside“ e.g. customers
▪ Depending on requirements and the range the following
▪ The following becomes relevant depending on become relevant:
the extent of the variation and range of values : - Upper specification limit (USL)
- Lower specification limit (LSL)
- Upper control limit (UCL)
- Target value
- Lower control limit (LCL)
▪ The level of the process capability reveals :
▪ Through the control limits and other tests more - the size of the deviation of the results from the
systematic influences are identified: specification limits and
- Outliers - how accurate the target values meet the goal
- Patterns and
▪ Tool: Process Capability Index (cp/ cpk, dpu, dpmo,
- Trends. Sigma-Level, …)
▪ Tool : Control Chart (xbar/s, …)

Process Capability refers to the compliance with externally defined specification limits
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 32
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Ability and Process Control Technische Universität München

The Type of Variation Defines the Type of Problem

Systematic variation: Random variation:

▪ Spars and few deviations in the results of the ▪ Across all data points and permanent variation in
dependent variable (Y) the dependent variable (Y)

Systematic influences (x), are Random influences (x), are

▪ Occurs rarely, ▪ latent and permanent occurance,
▪ Mostly as a result of having few and ▪ is mostly as a result of having many and
▪ typically easier to identify causes ▪ harder to identify the cause

The Type of Problem Determines the Causal Analysis

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 33
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Ability and Process Control Technische Universität München

Effective process optimization is only possible if …

If you treat a systematic variation like a random variation you loose the opportunity to…
▪ to eliminate a permanent and specific negative causes
▪ to use a specific positive trigger as an information of best practice for improvement

When you treat a random variation like a systematic variation…

▪ you will most likely increase the variation by repeated adjustments of the process parameter


… the type of variation - systematical vs. random – is identified

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 34
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability and Process Control Technische Universität München

Strategies for systematic and random variations

Systematic Variation: Random Variation:

■ Continuously gather the needed data so that the ■ The target is to improve a stable process
deviations can be quickly identified
■ Do not try to find causes for single events,
■ Find the cause of each deviation. Find why or how just like in systematic variation
that cause came about e.g. what was different in
this situation ■ Variation is seldom reduced by identifying causes for
differences between two data points because all data
■ Find in the causes a lever to improve the situation points relevant
■ Implement an improvement as soon as possible to
■ The optimization requires basic changes to the
avoid damages and eliminate future outliers
■ Develop a longterm provision that eliminates the
possibility of repetition of the systematic error ■ The sample must be investigated for relationships
between independent and dependent variables:
Y= f(xI, xM, xR)
On the other hand:
■ Hypotheses must be formed and data must be
■ With positive outliers the cause can help to statistically
systematically improve the process

The types of causes of variation define the improvement strategies

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 35
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability and Process Control Technische Universität München

Process Capability

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 36

DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability Technische Universität München

Examples of specification limits can be found in many areas of life

From every day life we already have an idea of the specification limit spectrum, for example, the standard
„quarter of an hour“ with appointments, the cut off points with grades (must be better than Grade x), the
minimum requirement for elections (more than x%), the speed limit on a street and the experation date of a
The specification limit defines a value on a scale that defines acceptable and not acceptable, basically it
separates problematic and not problematic result areas. Through the comparison of the product‘s results with
its specification limits it can be deduced if the product meets expectations.


50 150

0 50 100

The process capability is deduced from the comparison of the observed values with the specified
expectations. This comparison comes from the calculation of a process capability measurement.

The specification values separate the acceptable from the unacceptable values
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 37
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability Technische Universität München

The suitable process capability analysis depends upon...

Determination of Scale Level:

1. A basic evaluation of product quality is possible through a measurement of the product as a whole:
{ok vs. ko}, {works vs. does not work}, {yes vs. no} oder {right vs. wrong}.
Here are identified two classes and through the measurements the product is categorized to one. The
measurements here are attributive on a nominal scale.
The specification limits and the target are defined through the acceptable percentage of errors.
2. An advanced evaluation of a product‘s characteristic is possible, if the characteristic can be measured on
a continuous scale, e.g. one an ordinal- or a Cardinal Ccale:
{km/h}, {Time/ Product} oder {Volume/ Time}.
The specification limts and the target are identified as values on the scale.

Scale Level of the data of the relevant Product/ Service attribute (CtQ)

Nominal Ordinal/ Cardinal

acceptable problematic acceptable problematic

above LSL below OSG

below USL above USL below USL above LSL

between LSL and USL outside the LSL - USL interval

… the Scale Level of the product characteristics and the distribution of the measurements
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 38
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability Technische Universität München

Criteria and characteristics of important Process Capability Analyses

Process-Performance Error-% Error/ Unit cpk/ ppk/ Z-Bench

Tool (1- Yield-%) (DPU)

Example Defective cookies/ baking sheet Defective/ Cookie Weight of the cookies within specification limits
Routes with traffic jam/ all routes Incorrect transfers/ Call Call times within specification limits
Traffic jams/ Route Delivery accuracy within specification limits

Distribution Binomial Poisson Normal

USL Tolerated Error-% Tolerated Defects/ Unit Tolerated value of the upper limit on the scale
LSL ./. ./. Tolerated value of the lower limit on the scale
Target Values ./. ./. Target value on the scale

Basis all products (variable or fixed) Opportunities * Units Cp/ Pp= (USL-LSL)/ 6 s
Portion of defective Products/ Services Defects/ Unit Cpk/ Ppk= min((USL-Xbar); (Xbar-LSL))/ 3 s

Reference to the Accurate Units, e.g.: Accurate Units, e.g.: Accurate Units, e.g.:
formation of - per Hour - concrete product - per Hour
Subgroups (subsamples) - per Day - per Day
- per Shift - per Shift
- per Lot - per Lot

Prerequisite Stable Process: Stable Process: Stable Process:

- no outliers - no outliers - no outliers
- no trends; no patterns - no trends; no patterns - no trends; no patterns
Test with p-Chart Test with with u-Chart Test with with Xbar/s-Chart

Performance-Measure Comparison with the target Comparison with the target Comparison with the target
Sigma-Level (Z-Bench) DPU-% Cp/ Pp; Cpk/ Ppk
Error-%; Yield-% Error-%; Yield-% Sigma-level (Z-Bench)

The Process Capability can be calculated for all Products and Services
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 39
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability Technische Universität München

Selecting the suitable Process-Capability Analysis …

Critical Customer and Business Requirements of the Product: Cookie

Target Outcome (ok) Process Capability Analysis
Evaluation Problem
Product Characteristic Scale Level Stakeholder
Category LSL USL (ko) Version 1 Version 2

Cookie Quality Weight 18g Goal: 20g 22g > 22g Cardinal/ Ordinal normal (cp/pp/ Z) binomial (%-Z) Customer

Consistency Chewy Crunchy doughy// crumbly Ordinal normal (cp/pp/ Z) binomial (%-Z) Customer

Shape 52 prongs ≠ 52 prongs Nominal binomial (%-Z) Customer

neutral, extreme//
Sweetness low middle high Nominal/ Ordinal binomial (%-Z) normal (cp/pp/ Z) Customer
Colour sandy beige chocolate brown white/ blue/ … Nominal binomial (%-Z) Customer
1. Vanilla// 2. Coconut// 3. Honey// 4. Lemon// 5. Orange//
Ingredients missing ingredients Nominal Poisson (DPU) binomial (%-Z) Customer
6. Almonds// 7. Nuts// 8. Cinnamon// 9. Clove// 10. Nutmeg
binomial (%-Z)/
Quantity/ Package 30 < 30 Nominal Poisson (DPU) Customer
normal (cp/pp/ Z)
Availability Quantity 10 Cookies 30 Cookies 0 Cardinal normal (cp/pp/ Z) Customer

Time 24.12./ 14:00 24.12./ 15:30 24.12./ > 15:30 Cardinal normal (cp/pp/ Z) Customer

Used Resources Price yi,- €/ Cookie yj,- €/ Cookie Cardinal normal (cp/pp/ Z) Customer

Material consumption 4 Eggs > 4 Eggs Cardinal normal (cp/pp/ Z) Business

Energy consumption 3 kw > 3 kW Cardinal normal (cp/pp/ Z) Business

Working hours 2h > 2h Cardinal normal (cp/pp/ Z) Business

▪ The weight of the Cookie can be measured with a scale using a Cardinal Ccale. Then if the weight< 5g (ko), 5 < Weight < 20g (ok), Weight > 20g (ko).
The suitable Process Capability Analysis for normal distributed data is: (normal) cp/pp/ Z
▪ The sweetness can attributely measured on a nominal scale, with : {low, medium, high = ok vs. neutral, salty, bitter = ko}.
The suitable Process Capability Analysis is: binomial (%-Z)
▪ The sweetness can also be measured by a rating on an Ordinal Scale, then for example z.B.: 0= neutral taste (ko),
1= low, 2= medium, 3= high sweetness (ok), 4= extreme sweet (ko). Process Capability for normal distributed data is: normal (cp/pp/ Z)
▪ If 10 ingredients belong to the composition of the Cookie and each missing ingrediant is a Problem (Opportunity for Defect), then the Defects would be the
missing ingrediants per Cookie: {0 = ok vs. 1-10 = ko}. The suitable Process Capability Analysis is: Poisson (DPU)

… based on the Scale Level of the tolerated characteristics and the definition of the Problem
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 40
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability Technische Universität München

The selection of the suitable Process Capability Analysis

3. 1. 2.
1. 2. 3. 4.

Weight (cardinal) Cookie (ok vs. ko) (nominal) Different Types of Defects in a Cookie (x Defects/ Unit) (nominal)
Taste (ordinal) Taste (ok vs. ko) (nominal) Different Types of Defects in a Call (x Defects/ Unit) (nominal)
Cycle Time (cardinal) Quantity/ Tin (ok vs. ko) (nominal) Traffic jams on different Highways (x / 1 km) (nominal)

Processes are affected by many influences – the Outputs can be checked by various analyses
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 41
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Binomial Technische Universität München


Binomial Process Capability Analysis (1/3)

Process Capability Analysis

Binomial Capability

Purpose a.
Checks whether a certain Process is capable to yield Products/ Services that meet Business/ Customer

Overall status of a Product/ Service as being: defective vs. not defective


Chance (p) that a selected Product/ Service is defective. The data collected are the number of defective
Products in individual subgroups, which is assumed to follow a binomial distribution with parameter p.
- Number of defects
- in a series of constant/ variable subgroups of a sample
Specification Limits

Upper Specification Limit (USL)

Result Dialog
- % defective and its 95% Confidence Interval (CI)
- ppm/ dpmo
- Process Z (Sigma-Level) Y-Variable with the summarized number of defects in a subgroup
Probability Mass Function (defects/ day; defects/ batch; defects/ shift; defects/ sheet)
n= Number of Products
k= Number of Defects
p= prob(Defect) 1. Constant Size for all Subgroups: e.g. always 30 Cookies/ sheet
(which is related to the number of defects)
Example b.
2. Column of Subgroup Sizes: e.g. variable number of Cookies/ day
engine starts (yes/ no)
mobile network access (yes/ no) (which is related to the number of defects)
Cookie (ok/ ko)
Y Scale Level
Upper Specification Limit (USL) in %
1 nominal c.
(Example: 3%)
Transform Scale Values
not defective = 0 vs. defective= 1
Mintab Menu
- Assistant/ Capability Analysis/ Binomial Capability
- Stat/ Quality Tools/ Capability Analysis/ Binomial

Capability for the overall statement: Product/ Service is: ok vs. ko

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 42
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Binomial Technische Universität München


Binomial Process Capability Analysis (2/3)

Binomial Capability Analysis for Y_Cookies_Defect Binomial Capability Analysis for Y_Cookies_Defect
Report Card Diagnostic Report
Check Status Description

a. Stability
Stability is an important assumption of capability analysis. To determine whether your process is stable, examine the control charts on the
Diagnostic Report. Investigate out-of-control points and eliminate any special cause variation in your process before continuing with this Process Stability
analysis. Use the best chart to confirm that the process is stable.

b. Number of
Subgroups i You have 200 subgroups. For a capability analysis, this is usually enough to capture the different sources of process variation when
collected over a long enough period of time.
P Chart
** Laney P′ Chart (correction factor = 1,660)

a. b.
Expected The variation in your data does not match the expected variation (overdispersion or underdispersion), resulting in a P chart on the 0,50
b. !

Variation Diagnostic Report that may not signal appropriately. Consider using the Laney P′ chart instead, which corrects the control limits to account
for this condition.

d. Amount
of Data i The 95% confidence interval for the % of defective items is (4,66; 5,36). If this interval is too wide for your application, you can gather more
data to increase the precision.

Excess variation results in control limits that are too narrow The Laney P′ chart corrects the control limits to account for the
for your data, which can cause an elevated false alarm rate. excess variation. The chart should signal appropriately.

Cumulative % Defective
As the points level out, the estimate of % defective becomes more reliable.


% Defective

Report Chart with statements about:


Stability of the Process:

a. - Outliers and Patterns in the data indicate low Stability of the Process 0
> interpret Parameters of Process Capability with reservation 0 50 100 150 200

Number of Subgroups:
b. - too few observations (subgroups) indicate short term observation
> interpret Parameters of Process Capability with reservation
Control Charts to asses the stability of the Process
p-Chart for the Process
Expected Variation: Overdispersion and Underdispersion
- Variation in Subgroup Sizes can lead to Overdispersion and false alarms a. = Time Series Plot with Upper/ Lower Control Limits (UCL/ LCL)
c. - Intercorrelation of Subgroup results can lead to Underdispersion and missed = Outliers and Patterns indicate deviation from Stability
Laney p-Chart for the Process
Amount of data: b. = corrected p-Chart due to overdispersion
d. - too few data/ small sample size might prevent Significance = Outliers and Patterns indicate deviation from Stability
> Collect more data
Chart with cumulative % Defective:
c. - an asymptotic progress of the line indicates the reliability of the
estimation of the % Defective Process Capability Parameter

Check fulfillment of prerequisite conditions

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker LeanControl
** See also and Six Sigmap-Chart
Charts: 43
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Binomial Technische Universität München


Binomial Process Capability Analysis (3/3)

Results Binomial Capability Analysis for Y_Cookies_Defects
Summary Report
Significance Test (here: 1p-Test, One-Sample-p-Test):
a. Is the % defective at or below 3%?
Process Characterization
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5
H0: % Defective > USL (Example: 3%) Number of subgroups
Average subgroup size
HA: % Defective <= USL (Example: 3%) Yes No
Total items tested
Number of defectives
P = 1,000

The bar of the chart indicates: c. Process Capability (Overall)

- orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
a. { % Defective 5,00
- dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5% 95% CI (4,66; 5,36)

- light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%

d. Observed % Defective per Subgroup
Where are the data relative to the acceptable level?
Process Z


Example: e. Comments
- p= 1,000 Acceptable % defective: 3%

- Confirmation of H0 The process % defective is not significantly less than the

maximum acceptable level (p-value > 0,05).
- % Defective is not <= 3% (USL)

Process Characterization:

Description of the Sample:

- Number of subgroups (Nos)
b. - Average subgroup size (Ass)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
- Total items tested (= Nos * Ass)

Result: Observed % Defective per Subgroup

- Number of defectives
- Bar Chart with the distribution of % Defectives/ Subgroup
- green dashed line: USL (3%)
Process Capability: d. - red dot: % Defective
- red interval: 95% Confidence Interval (CI) for % Defective
- % Defective: 5% (= 750/ 15.000)
- 95% CI (for % Defective) (4,66 - 5,36) Interpretation:
- PPM (DPMO)= 50.000 (/ 1Mio) - USL is below 95% CI of % Defective -> indicates confirmation of H0
- Process Z= 1,64 (= Sigma-Level)
- Summary of results and additional hints

Results: % defective, ppm/ dpmo, Z (Sigma-Level)

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 44
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Poisson Technische Universität München


Poisson Process Capability Analysis (1/3)

Process Capability Analysis

Poisson Capability

Checks whether a certain Process is capable to yield Products/ Services that meet Business/ Customer Requirements.


Product/ Service can have multiple defects and the number of defects on each item is counted. b.

Number of defects per unit. The data collected are the total number of defects in k
units contained in individual subgroups, which is assumed to follow a Poisson
distribution with an unknown mean number of defects per unit (u).
- Number of defects in a Number of units * opportunity for defect
- in a series of constant/ variable subgroups of a sample
Specification Limits

Upper Specification Limit (USL)

- Defects per Unit (DPU and its 95% Confidence Interval (CI)
- Yield (Probability of producing a unit without defects)
Y-Variable with the summarized number of defects in a subgroup
Probability Mass Function a.
(Opportunities * Defects/ sheet)
lambda= average number of events per interval
e= 2.71828 (Euler's number, base of natural logarithm)
k= Number of defects
k! = factorial of k
1. Constant Size for all Subgroups: e.g. always 50 Cookies/ sheet (which is
Example related to the number of defects)
aircraft (1.000.000 Opportunities for Defect) -> 1 aircraft= 1.000.000 units, e.g. compared with 2. Column of Subgroup Sizes: e.g. variable number of Cookies/ sheet (which is
Chewing Gum (5 Opportunities for Defect) -> 1 Chewing Gum= 5 units related to the number of defects)
Cookie (10 Opportunities for Defect) -> 1 Cookie= 10 units
Y Scale Level
1 nominal Upper Specification Limit (USL) in DPU
Transform Scale Values (Example: 0,1)
Opportunity not defective = 0 vs. defective= 1, count number of defect Opportunities

Mintab Menu
- Assistant/ Capability Analysis/ Poisson Capability
- Stat/ Quality Tools/ Capability Analysis/ Poisson

Capability for the overall statement: Unit (Opportunity * No. of Product/ Service) is: ok vs. ko
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 45
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Poisson Technische Universität München


Poisson Process Capability Analysis (2/3)

Poisson Capability Analysis for Y_No_of_Defects_per_Sheet Poisson Capability Analysis for Y_No_of_Defects_per_Sheet
Report Card Diagnostic Report
Check Status Description

a. Stability
Stability is an important assumption of capability analysis. To determine whether your process is stable, examine the control charts on the
Diagnostic Report. Investigate out-of-control points and eliminate any special cause variation in your process before continuing with this Process Stability
analysis. Use the best chart to confirm that the process is stable.

b. Number of
Subgroups i You have 100 subgroups. For a capability analysis, this is usually enough to capture the different sources of process variation when
collected over a long enough period of time.
U Chart
** Laney U′ Chart (correction factor = 0,179)

a. b.

Defects per Unit

Expected The variation in your data does not match the expected variation (overdispersion or underdispersion), resulting in a U chart on the
b. Variation ! Diagnostic Report that may not signal appropriately. Consider using the Laney U′ chart instead, which corrects the control limits to account
for this condition. 1

Amount The 95% confidence interval for the number of defects per unit is (0,48; 0,52). If this interval is too wide for your application, you can gather
d. of Data i more data to increase the precision.

Excess variation results in control limits that are too narrow The Laney U′ chart corrects the control limits to account for the
for your data, which can cause an elevated false alarm rate. excess variation. The chart should signal appropriately.

Cumulative DPU
As the points level out, the estimate of DPU becomes more reliable.



Defects per Unit


Report Chart with statements about: 1,0

Stability of the Process:

a. - Outliers and Patterns in the data indicate low Stability of the Process 0,5

> interpret Parameters of Process Capability with reservation 0 20 40 60 80 100


Number of Subgroups:
b. - too few observations (subgroups) indicate short term observation
> interpret Parameters of Process Capability with reservation
Control Charts to asses the stability of the Process
u-Chart for the Process
Expected Variation: Overdispersion and Underdispersion
- Variation in Subgroup Sizes can lead to Overdispersion and false alarms a. = Time Series Plot with Upper/ Lower Control Limits (UCL/ LCL)
c. - Intercorrelation of Subgroup results can lead to Underdispersion and missed = Outliers and Patterns indicate deviation from Stability
Laney u-Chart for the Process
Amount of data: b. = corrected u-Chart due to overdispersion
d. - too few data/ small sample size might prevent Significance = Outliers and Patterns indicate deviation from Stability
> Collect more data
Chart with cumulative Defects per Unit (DPU):
c. - an asymptotic progress of the line indicates the reliability of the
estimation of the DPU Process Capability Parameter

Check fulfillment of prerequisite conditions

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker LeanControl
** See also and Six Sigmau-Chart
Charts: 46
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Poisson Technische Universität München


Poisson Process Capability Analysis (3/3)

Results Poisson Capability Analysis for Y_No_of_Defects_per_Sheet
Summary Report
Significance Test (here: 1p-Test, One-Sample-p-Test):
a. Is the DPU at or below 0,1?
Process Characterization
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5
H0: % Defective > USL (Example: 0,1) Number of subgroups
Subgroup size
HA: % Defective <= USL (Example: 0,1) Yes No
Total units tested
Total defects
P = 1,000

The bar of the chart indicates: c. Process Capability (Overall)

- orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
a. { Defects per unit (DPU) 0,5
- dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5% 95% CI (0,481; 0,520)
d. Observed DPU per Subgroup Yield 60,7%
- light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10% Where are the data relative to the acceptable level?
Yield is the chance of producing a unit with no defects.

Example: e. Comments

- p= 1,000 Acceptable DPU: 0,1

- Confirmation of H0 • The process DPU is not significantly less than the maximum
acceptable level (p > 0,05).
- DPU is not <= 3% (USL) • The chance of producing a unit with no defects is 60,7%.

Process Characterization:

Description of the Sample:

- Number of subgroups (Nos)
b. - Subgroup size (SS)
0,0 0,4 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0
- Total items tested (= Nos * SS)

Result: Observed DPU per Subgroup

- Number of defectives
- Bar Chart with the distribution of DPU/ Subgroup
- green dashed line: USL (0,1)
Process Capability: d. - red dot: DPU
- red interval: 95% Confidence Interval (CI) for DPU
c. - Defects per Unit (DPU): 0,5 (= 2500/ 5000)
- 95% CI (for DPU) (0,481 - 0,520) Interpretation:
- Yield= 60,7% - USL is below 95% CI of % DPU -> indicates confirmation of H0

- Summary of results and additional hints

Results: DPU, Yield

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 47
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Technische Universität München


The Cp/ Pp Index relates the Dispersion and …

 Cp = Capability Index tolerance range (USL – LSL)
Dispersion of Results

Dispersion-Index Cp shows the tolerance range LSL USL

in relation to the dispersion of the results (Standard
Deviation), without considering the center (Mean) of
the results.
-5 s -3 s -1s 1s 3s 5s

tolerance range (USL – LSL)

 Cpk = Capability „katayori“ Index (= Japanese „center“)
–x - LSL USL- x–
USL - x x - LSL
= min ; Dispersion of Results
3si 3si

Centering-Index Cpk relates the distance of the
center (mean) to the nearest Specification Limit to
the dispersion of the results -5 s -3 s -1s 1s 3s 5s

… Cpk/ Ppk relates the Center of the Results to the nearest Specification Limit
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 48
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Technische Universität München


Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Process Capability Analysis (1/4)

Process Capability Analysis

Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Capability

Purpose a.
Checks whether a certain Process is capable to yield Products/ Services that meet Business/ Customer
Product/ Service has a single, cardinal scaled attribute, with an Upper and/ or Lower Specification Limit (as b.
well as a target vale on the scale), which should be met.
Evaluation c.
Mean and Standard Deviation of the a) Subgroups of the sample (Within) and b) the whole sample (Overall)
is related to the Specification Limits/ Target to calculate a) the actual (Cp/ Cpk) and b) the potential (Pp/ d.
Ppk) Capability.
- Values of the attribute of the Product/ Service
- in a series of constant/ variable subgroups of a sample e.
Specification Limits
- Upper Specification Limit (USL)
- Lower Specification Limit (LSL)
- Target
- Pp/ Ppk (actual Performance)
- Cp/ Cpk (potential Performance)
- Z-Bench/ % out of Spec./ PPM (DPMO)
Probability Mass Function
m= Mean of the Population Dialog
s= Standard Deviation of the Population
- Complete: if data in sample are collected from a continuous time series
s2= Variance of the Population a. - Snapshot: data are arbitrary collected and arranged (data are seldom ND!)
- Data in one column, Subgroups in another column with Subgroup Id´s
Cycle Time b. - Data in multiple columns, with one column for each Subgroup
Weight of Cookies within Specification Limits (9g < Cookie Weight < 11g) c. Y-Variable with single data for each Product/ Service
Y Scale Level
1 cardinal - Constant Size for all Subgroups: e.g. always 30 Cookies/ sheet
d. - Column with Subgroup ID´s
Transform Scale Values
Data of attribute must be normal distributed; if not: a) transform data or b) use alternative Capability Index - Lower Specification Limit (LSL
e. - Upper Specification Limit (USL) in DPU
Mintab Menu
- Assistant/ Capability Analysis/ Capability Analysis Cpk, Ppk, Z
- Stat/ Quality Tools/ Capability Analysis/ Normal f. Target Value (optional; typically between LSL and USL)

Capability for the overall statement: Unit (Opportunity * No. of Product/ Service) is: ok vs. ko
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 49
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Technische Universität München


Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Process Capability Analysis (2/4)

Capability Analysis for Y_Cookie_Wei Capability Analysis for Y_Cookie_Wei
Report Card Diagnostic Report
Check Status Description

a. Stability
Stability is an important assumption of capability analysis. To determine whether your process is stable, examine the control charts on the
Diagnostic Report. Investigate out-of-control points and eliminate any special cause variation in your process before continuing with this
Xbar-S Chart
Confirm that the process is stable.

b. Number of
i You only have 10 subgroups. For a capability analysis, it is generally recommended that you collect at least 25 subgroups over a long 10

Subgroups enough period of time to capture the different sources of process variation.

Normality Your data failed the normality test. A Box-Cox transformation will not correct the problem. Get help to determine next steps because the 9
b. ! capability estimates may be inaccurate.

Amount The total number of observations is 100 or more. The capability estimates should be reasonably precise. b.
of Data
d. 1,6


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Normality Plot
The points should be close to the line.
Normality Test
Results Fail
P-value < 0,005
Report Chart with statements about:
Stability of the Process:
a. - Outliers and Patterns in the data indicate low Stability of the Process
> interpret Parameters of Process Capability with reservation

Number of Subgroups:
b. - too few observations (subgroups) indicate short term observation
> interpret Parameters of Process Capability with reservation Control Charts to asses the stability of the Process
Expected Variation: Overdispersion and Underdispersion Xbar-Chart for the Process
- Variation in Subgroup Sizes can lead to Overdispersion and false alarms a. = Time Series Plot with Mean of Subgroups and Upper/ Lower Control Limits (UCL/ LCL)
c. = Outliers and Patterns indicate deviation from Stability
- Intercorrelation of Subgroup results can lead to Underdispersion and missed
S-Chart for the Process
Amount of data: b. Time Series Plot with Standard Dedivation (SD) of Subgroups and UCL LCL for SD
d. - too few data/ small sample size might prevent Significance = Outliers and Patterns indicate deviation from Stability
> Collect more data

Normality Chart and Anderson-Darling Normality Test

c. - Data are not normal distributed (note the bimodal distribution of data)

Check fulfillment of prerequisite conditions

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean
** See also andCharts:
Control Six Sigma
Xbar-S Chart 50
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Technische Universität München


Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Process Capability Analysis (3/4)

Results Capability Analysis for Y_Cookie_Wei
Summary Report
Process Capability: a. How capable is the process? b. Customer Requirements
0 6
Z actual: = Z-Bench actual = Sigma-Level for the overall Capability based on Ppk, i.e. the Upper spec 11
Z potential = 0,65
a. overall standard deviation= 0,23 Low High
Target 10
Lower spec 9
Z actual = 0,23

Z potential = Z-Bench potential = Sigma-Level for the within Capability based on Cpk, i.e. c.
the within standard deviation= 0,65 (see next slide) d. Process Characterization
Does the process mean differ from 10?
Mean 9,8333
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5 Standard deviation (overall) 1,1987

Customer Requirements: Yes No

Actual (overall) capability
Pp 0,28
P = 0,017 Ppk 0,23
b. - Upper Specification Limit (USL) Z.Bench 0,23
% Out of spec 40,87
- Target PPM (DPMO) 408669
- Lower Specification Limit (LSL) Actual (Overall) Capability
e. Are the data inside the limits and close to the target?
LSL Target USL f. Comments
Process Capability:
• The process mean differs significantly from the target (p < 0,05).
• The defect rate is 40,87%, which estimates the percentage of parts
Parameter of the sample: from the process that are outside the spec limits.

- Mean (overall) Actual (overall) capability is what the customer experiences.

- Standard Deviation (overall) Potential (within) capability is what could be achieved if process shifts
and drifts were eliminated.
Actual (overall) Capability
- Pp (dispersion related)= 0,28
- Ppk (centre related)= 0,23
- Z-Bench (actual, i.e. overall)= 0,23
- % Out of Specification= 40,87 (408669/ 1 Mio * 100)
- PPM (DPMO)= 408669 4,5 6,0 7,5 9,0 10,5 12,0

Significance Test (here: One-Sample-t-Test):

Actual (overall) Capability
H0: Mean = Target (Example: 10)
HA: Mean <> Target (Example: 10) - Histogram with the distribution of the data
e. - Normal Distribution (Model) based on the Standard Deviation
The bar of the chart indicates:
- orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
d. - LSL, Target, USL
- dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
- light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10% - % Out of Specification= 40,87
- p= 0,017
- if alpha= 10%= Rejection of H0, i.e.: Mean differs from Target Comment:
- if alpha= 5%= Rejection of H0, i.e.: Mean differs from Target f.
- Summary of results and additional hints

Results: Pp, Ppk, Z-Bench, % Out of Specification, PPM

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 51
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Technische Universität München


Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Process Capability Analysis (4/4)

Further Results Capability Analysis for Y_Cookie_Weight_pre_equal
Process Performance Report
Capability Histogram:

- distribution of data Capability Histogram

Process Characterization
a. - LSL, Target, USL a. Are the data inside the limits and close to the target?
Total N 260
LSL Target USL Subgroup size 30
- Actual overall Capability, based on the overall Standard Deviation
Mean 9,8751
- Actual within Capability, based on the within Standard Deviation Standard deviation (overall) 1,1918
Standard deviation (within) 0,90363
(see next slides)

Capability Statistics
Process Characterization
Actual (overall)
Pp 0,28
Ppk 0,24
Description of the Sample Z.Bench 0,24
- Total N= 300 % Out of spec (observed) 32,69
% Out of spec (expected) 40,40
- Subgroup Size= 30 PPM (DPMO) (observed) 326923
b. (- Number of Subgroups= 10) PPM (DPMO) (expected) 404016
Potential (within)
Cp 0,37
Parameter of the Sample: Cpk 0,32
Z.Bench 0,60
- Mean % Out of spec (expected) 27,30
PPM (DPMO) (expected) 273007
- Standard Deviation (overall)
4,5 6,0 7,5 9,0 10,5 12,0
- Standard Deviation (within)

Actual (overall) capability is what the customer experiences.

Potential (within) capability is what could be achieved if

Capability Statistics: process shifts and drifts were eliminated.

Actual (overall) Capability

- Pp (dispersion related)= 0,28
- Ppk (centre related)= 0,23
- Z-Bench)= 0,23
- % Out of Specification (observed)= 34,33
- % Out of Specification (expected)= 40,87
- PPM (DPMO) (observed)= 343333 (in the sample)
c. - PPM (DPMO) (expected)= 408669 (based on the estimation for the Population, with the
given overall Standard Deviation)

Potential (within) Capability

- Cp (dispersion related)= 0,38
- Cpk (centre related)= 0,32
- Z-Bench= 0,65 (see previous slide)
- % Out of Specification (expected)= 25,89
- PPM (DPMO) (expected)= 258881(based on the estimation for the Population, with the
given overall Standard Deviation)

Further Results: Pp, Ppk, Z-Bench, % Out of Specification, PPM

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 52
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Technische Universität München

Relationships between Cp und Cpk:



Cp = 1,33 Cp = 1,33 Cp = 1,33 Cp = 1,33
Cpk = 1,33 Cpk = 1,0 Cpk = 0,0 Cpk = -0,33

Defects: ≈ 63 dpm ≈ 1350 dpm 50% 84%

If the Process is centered, then Cpk = Cp, in other cases Cpk < Cp
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Source: SiemensLean
AG, Kennzahlen zur Prozessqualität
and Six Sigma 53
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Technische Universität München

Capability Index and Sigma Level are equivalent

Cp = 2 = USL – LSL 12s = USL – LSL tolerance range of a 6-Sigma Process = 12s
In a centered Process this is also true for Cpk: (USL – Xbar) = (Xbar – LSL) = tolerance range/ 2 = 6s or cp * 3= Sigma Level

Cp/ Pp Sigma-level of the

Meaning and Interpretation
Cpk/ Ppk Process

0,33 Current position still within the defined tolerance range 1

Current scatter of the values significantly outside of the tolerance

0,66 = unacceptable process 2

1,00 Current position within the defined tolerance range 3

Current scatter of the values significantly within the tolerance range

1,33 = acceptable process 4

1,67 Current position centered in the tolerance range 5

Current scatter of the values much smaller than the defined tolerance

2,00 = very good Process 6

The interpretation of the Sigma Level depends on the type of Process

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 54
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Technische Universität München

Staements about: Cp / Cpk and Pp / Ppk (1/3)

Prozess Capability Cp, Cpk Process Perfomance Pp, Ppk

on the basis the Standard Deviation (within) si on the basis the Standard Deviation (overall) st

 Short Term Capability of a stable Processes,  Long term Capability of a Process

i.e. the potential of a Process  Sample based on many large subgroups
 Sample based on a several small subgroups  Uses the overall Standard Deviation st of
or large sample in a time series the data
 Uses the within Standard Deviation si of the
m m n 2
1 1
 sj   ( x ij − x )
si = m
st =
m * n −1
j =1 j =1 i =1

si st
sj sj

sj sj

In a stable Process: Pp = Cp and Ppk = Cpk

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Quelle: Siemens Lean and Six Sigma
AG, Kennzahlen zur Prozessqualität 55
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Technische Universität München

Staements about: Cp / Cpk and Pp / Ppk (2/3)

Cp good (2) Cp insufficient (6)
Cpk good (2) Cpk insufficient (6)
Pp good (2) Pp insufficient (6)
Ppk good (2) Ppk insufficient (6)


Cp good (2) Cp very good (1)

Cpk sufficient (4) Cpk sufficient (4)
Pp good (2) Pp deficient (5)
Ppk sufficient (4) Ppk deficient (5)

In a stable Process: Pp = Cp and Ppk = Cpk

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Quelle: nach Siemens AG,
Lean Kennzahlen
and Six Sigma zur Prozessqualität 56
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Cpk/ Ppk/ Z Technische Universität München

Statements about: Cp / Cpk and Pp / Ppk (3/3)

Cp very good (1) Cp satisfactory (3)
Cpk good (2) Cpk sufficient (4)
Pp satisfactory (3) Pp deficient (5)
Ppk satisfactory (3) Ppk deficient 5)

Cp good (2) Cp good (2)
Cpk deficient (5) Cpk satisfactory (3)
Pp insufficient (6) Pp deficient (5)
Ppk insufficient (6) Ppk deficient (6)

In a stable Process: Pp = Cp and Ppk = Cpk

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Quelle: nach Siemens AG,
Lean Kennzahlen
and Six Sigma zur Prozessqualität 57
DMAIC > Statistik >> Prozess-Kontrolle Technische Universität München

Process Control

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 58

DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> Tests Technische Universität München

The Control Charts offer 8 tests** to identfy Signals …

# Control Chart Tests to Identify Signals Mintab Assistant tests:

1 Point > K Standard deviation** from the center line

1 Identifying the outliers, e.g. rare results 
Cause: differentiable, single influence on the process

K points in a row on the same side of the center line

2 Identifying a series of similar results on the same level of deviation 
Cause: consistant negative influence (?)

1. K points in a row, all increasing or decreasing

3 Identifying upwards and downward trends 
Cause: cumulative changeing influence (?)
2. K points in a row, alternating up and down
4 Identifying repeated "Ping-Pongs" 
Cause: dependency bewtween influences, alternating the direction of the next influence (?)
K out of K+1 > 2 standard deviations** from the center line (same side)
5 early notification if something is amiss 
4. (:= warning limit; UWL= upper warning limit, LWL= lower warning limit)

K out of K+1 > 1 standard deviations** from the center line (same side)
6 early notification if something is amiss
5. (:= warning limit; UWL= upper warning limit, LWL= lower warning limit)

K points in a row within 1 standard deviation** of the center line (either side)
6. 7 early notification of a series of similar results on the same level of deviation
Cause: consistant negative influence (?)

7. 8
K points in a row > 1 standard deviation** from center line (either side)
early notification of a series of similar results on the same level of deviation
Cause: consistant negative influence (?)
8. ** applies to the different dispersion parameter of the choosen Chart, like MR, R, …

… like Outliers, Patterns, Trends

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker ** see Statistic/Lean and
Control Six/ Sigma
Chart …/ … Options/ Tests 59
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts Technische Universität München

Examples for identified Signals in the I-MR Chart

Test Results for I Chart of Y_Choc-Cookie-Taste first Week

I-MR Chart of Y_Choc-Cookie-Taste first Week
TEST 1. One point more than 3,00 standard deviations from center line.
8 Test Failed at points: 1
Individual Value

2 2 2 4
2 _
TEST 2. 7 points in a row on same side of center line.

3 4 Test Failed at points: 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 TEST 3. 5 points in a row all increasing or all decreasing.
Observation Test Failed at points: 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20

8 UCL=7,80 TEST 4. 12 points in a row alternating up and down.

Test Failed at points: 31; 32
Moving Range

2 2 2 2 2 2

2 Test Results for MR Chart of Y_Choc-Cookie-Taste first Week
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 2 2
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 TEST 1. One point more than 3,00 standard deviations from center line.
Test Failed at points: 2
 Signals in the Ouptuts indicate, that the Process is not
TEST 2. 7 points in a row on same side of center line.
under control. Before the Control Limits can reliably be
Test Failed at points: 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19; 20; 27; 28;
interpreted, the Signals have to be eliminated. 29; 30; 31; 32
 To do so, every single Signal needs to be inspected by
analysing the corresponding Product/ Service for the Root * WARNING * If graph is updated with new data, the results above may
Cause of the Signal. no longer be correct.
 The Root Cause needs to be eliminated because a
controlled Process shows only random fluctuation and is
therefore normal distributed.
 Then apply the Control Chart again and check it for Signals.

Every Signal probably has a specific Root Cause

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 60
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts Technische Universität München

Overview to important Control Charts

Purpose: Scale
# Control Chart Variables and Grouping Y Mintab Menu Option
Identify Signals in a sequence of chronological collected ... Level
... Single values in relation to other single values.

each value of the variable is represented as one Assistant/ Control

1 I/ MR I-Card: deviation of single values (Individual) from Mean (Xbar) cardinal
number and one dot in the chart Charts/ I-MR Chart
MR-Card: deviation of the difference between two adjacent values (Moving Range), from the
average of the difference of all adjacent values (= Mean Moving Range= MRbar)

... Subgroups in relation to other subgroups (N_Subgroup <=8).

each value of the variable is pooled with adjacent
Xbar Chart: deviation of the Mean of the subgroup (Xbar_Subgroup) from the overall Mean values to a subgroup, with a dot for each subgroup Assistant/ Control
2 Xbar/ R cardinal
(Xbar_Sample) - Number of values per subgroup: <= 8; Charts/ Xbar-R Chart
R-Card: Deviation of the Range per subgroup (R) from overalll average Range (Rbar) - Size of the subgroup: constant or variable

... Subgroups in relation to other subgroups (N_Subgroup >8).

each value of the variable is pooled with adjacent
Xbar Chart: deviation of the Mean of the subgroup (Xbar_Subgroup) from the overall Mean
values to a subgroup, with a dot for each subgroup Assistant/ Control
3 Xbar/ S (Xbar_Sample) cardinal
- Number of values per subgroup: > 8; Charts/ Xbar-S Chart
R-Chart: Deviation of the Standard Deviations per subgroup (S) from the overall Standard
- Size of the subgroup: constant or variable
Deviation (Squer)

... Amount of errors in one subgroup compared to the Amount of errors in other subgroups. each value of the variable represents the number of
defective Units in a subgroup, with a dot for each
Assistant/ Control
4 p-Chart subgroup nominal
Charts/ P Chart
pbar-Chart: deviation of the percentage of defective Units of every subgroup (p_Subgroup) from - Number of values per subgroup: > 5;
the average deviation of defective Units of all subgroups (pbar) - Size of the subgroup: constant or variable

... amount of Defects per Unit in relation to the average Defects per Unit. each value of the variable represents the number of
Defects per Unit, with a dot for each Opprtunities
Assistant/ Control
5 u-Chart ubar-Chart: deviation of the Defects per Unit (DPU) from the average amount of Defects per Unit subgroup nominal
Charts/ U Chart
(ubar, specifically: DPUbar) - Number of Opprtunities: > 5
- Number of Opportunities can be: constant or variable

** for the type of identified Signals (:= systematic results) refer to slide:
Examples for identified Signals in the I-MR Chart

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 61
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts Technische Universität München

Selection of the suitable Control Chart with the Minitab Assistant

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 62
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> Options Technische Universität München

Two options for the Calculation of the Control Limits and the Center Line in the Control Charts

Recommended for first analyses of a Process.

Mintab then detects systematic deviations and indicates them in

a table before displaying the Chart. Exclude these suspicious
values (Signals) to only include the presumably controlled
values in the calculation of the Control Limits and thus to
a. Estimate probably indicate them as Signals in the Charts.
from the
data Not excluding these values means to include these Signals into
the calculation of the Control Limits. This might broaden the
limits and e.g. Outliers might not be detected, because they are
handled as normal/ controlled values and might fall within the
Control Limits after calculation. Take care, that not more than
20% of the values are excluded to assure a reliable calculation

Recommended for Processes, which are or have been under


- Enter the historic values of a controlled Process and enter the

already calculated values for the Control Limit and Center Line. b.

b. Use - If a Process does not meet the Customer Requirements, then

known calculate an additional Control Chart and enter the Target value
values as Center Line and the Specification Limits as Control Limits, to
show the Process Performance in relation to the Customer
If the data have been Box-Cox transformed, to normalize non-
normal distributed values then the resulting Lambda-Value
should be entered here.

a. Estimate Control Limits and Center Line or b. use known, i.e. historical data
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 63
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> Reports Technische Universität München

The Report Card and the Stability Report are very similar for all Control Charts
I-MR Chart of Y_Choc-Cookie-Taste first Week I-MR Chart of Y_Choc-Cookie-Taste first Week
Report Card Stability Report
Check Status Description a.1 Look for these patterns: c.
a. Stability
The process mean and variation may not be stable. 5 (15,6%) points are out of control on the I chart. 1 (3,2%) point is out of control on the
MR chart, which may affect the validity of the control limits on the I chart. You may see 0,7% out-of-control points on the I chart and 0,9%
Global Trend Cyclical

Individual Value
out-of-control points on the MR chart by chance, even when the process is stable. You should investigate out-of-control points and omit
those with special causes from the calculations.
Normality If the data are nonnormal, you may see an increased number of false alarms. Because fewer than 2 points are outside the control limits on
the I chart, the normality test is not needed.

b. Amount You may not have enough data to estimate precise control limits. At least 100 data points should be included in the calculations.
Shifts Drifts
of Data !
d. Correlated
If the data are correlated, you may see an increased number of false alarms. Because fewer than 2 data points are outside the control limits
on the I chart, the correlation test is not needed.

Moving Range
Alternative This chart is intended to monitor process control. If your primary objective is to explore your data or compare your process before and
e. Charts i after a change, use the Graphical Analysis Control Charts or the Before/After Control Charts.

Oscillation Mixture

Assess the stability of the mean and variation of your process and look for patterns that
can help you distinguish between common and special causes. Typically, a process that
exhibits only common causes has a constant mean and constant variability. However, global
trends or cyclical patterns may also be common causes. Other patterns, such as shifts and
drifts, may be special causes.
Excessive Out
of Control

Report Chart with statements about: b.

Stability of the Process: Chart Test Out-of-Control Points
a. - Outliers and Patterns in the data indicate low Stability of the Process I Test 1: Outside control limits 1
Test 2: Shift in mean 10-13
> interpret Parameters of Process Capability with reservation MR Test 1: Outside control limits 2

- If the data are not normal distributed, then a
b. > Box-Cox Transformation might help to align the data, especially for the Xbar-S Stability Report
Chart. Unfortunately, also after this transformation the data are still not normally The Charts show the:
distributed. a.1: Deviation of the data from the Center (Line of the overall Mean)
Amount of Data: a.2: Variability between adjacent values (I/MR) or Dispersion within Subgroups
- too few observations might lead to too narrow corridor between the Control Limits a. (Xbar-R, Xbar-S)
c. and a wrong position of the Center Line
> a Sample Size of at least 100 values is recommended Signal are indicated by:
Correlated Data:
- correlated values within a time series might lead, especially for extreme values, to Explanation of indicated Signals by the underlying test
d. false alarms, i.e. a sequence of Outliers which depend on the cause of the correlation b. (see also slide: Control Charts > Tests)
> identify the cause of the correlation, i.e. the dependency between values

Alternative Charts: Further patterns (Signals), beside the tested and identified Signals
e. c. > Identify Root Causes of this Patterns, if they occur
- hints about alternatives to the selected Control Chart

Check these information and follow the advices

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 64
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> I/MR Chart Technische Universität München


I/MR-Chart: monitor cardinal scaled single values of a time series

Control Chart

Identify Signals in a sequence of chronological collected ...
... Single values in relation to other single values.

I-Card: deviation of single values (Individual) from Mean (Xbar)

MR-Card: deviation of the difference between two adjacent values (Moving Range), from the
average of the difference of all adjacent values (= Mean Moving Range= MRbar)

Variables and Grouping

YSingle value

Data Typecardinal

each value of the variable is represented as one number and one dot in the
Relation Data Column:
a. Y- Variable with single values, observed in a consecutive time series
Recommended for usage if N< 50, otherwise charts are blacked with dots

Monitoring the accessibility by phone/ day
Monitoring fuel consumption/ 100km
Determination of Control Limits and Center Line:
b. see slide: Two options for the Calculation of the Control Limits and the Center Line
Monitoring the amount of Cookies/ baking sheet (backing time/ backing sheet)

Mintab Menu Commands

Assistant/ Control Charts/ I-MR Chart

Example: monitor the Taste of single Cookies

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 65
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> I/MR Chart Technische Universität München


I/MR-Chart: monitor cardinal scaled single values of a time series

I-MR Chart of Y_Choc-Cookie-Taste first Week Results: Charts

Summary Report
Is the process mean stable? c. Comments
d. a. I-Chart Parameter for the Center of the individual values and the corresponding Control Limits
Evaluate the % of out-of-control points.
The process mean may not be stable. 5 (15,6%) data points are out of control
0% > 5% on the I chart. Keep in mind that you may see 0,7% out-of-control points by
chance, even when the process is stable.

Yes No ∑ 𝑥
15,6% Xbar 𝑥̅ =
Individual and Moving Range Charts
f. 𝑈𝐶𝐿 = 𝑥̅ + 2,66 ∗ 𝑀𝑅 ∑
Investigate any out-of-control points.
𝑥 −𝑥
10 UCL=10,04
e. 𝐿𝐶𝐿 = 𝑥̅ − 2,66 ∗ 𝑀𝑅 𝑛−1
Individual Value

5 _

b. MR-
Parameter for the Dispersion of the individual values and the corresponding Control Limits
LCL=-1,88 Chart
b. 10

UCL=7,32 ∑ 𝑥 −𝑥
Moving Range


0 LCL=0
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31
f. 𝑈𝐶𝐿 = 3,267 ∗ 𝑀𝑅
N: 32 Mean: 4,0833 StDev(within): 1,9870 StDev(overall): 2,1659
f. Control limits are estimated using the StDev(within).
𝐿𝐶𝐿 = 0
Result: Comments (2/2) Result: Comments (1/2)
Dots in Chart
Process stability statement:
e. Each dot in both Charts represents a single value of the data. If the Charts are blacked out c. - displays the percentage of values out of control
due to a too large number of dots, then choose the Xbar-R (Grouping with <= 8 values) or
- the coloured bar indicates, whether the Process is under (yes) or out of control (no)
the Xbar-S Chart (Grouping with > 8 values)

f. Difference between Procedures in the Assistant and the Stats menu: d.
Summary and comments about results
- the Minitab Assistant uses the Standard Deviation (within) to determine the Control Limits

Example: monitor the Taste of single Cookies

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 66
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> Xbar-R Chart Technische Universität München


Xbar-R Chart: monitor cardinal scaled and grouped values (n_Subgroup <=8)
Control Chart

Xbar/ R a.
Identify Signals in a sequence of chronological collected ...
... Subgroups in relation to other subgroups (N_Subgroup <=8).

Xbar Chart: deviation of the Mean of the subgroup (Xbar_Subgroup) from the overall Mean
R-Card: Deviation of the Range per subgroup (R) from overalll average Range (Rbar)

Variables and Grouping
Yvalues summarized in subgroups (Size <=8)

Data Typecardinal

each value of the variable is pooled with adjacent values to a subgroup, with a
dot for each subgroup
- Number of values per subgroup: <= 8;
- Size of the subgroup: constant or variable
Data Column:
Example - Y-Variable with single values, observed in a consecutive time series
Monitoring the accessibility by phone/ day (Subgroup: week) - Data will be pooled in Subgroups, size for Subgroups can be <= 8, e.g. one value for each
Monitoring the jogging time for a specific route (Subgroup: week) a. day of the week

Definition of Subgroup:
Monitoring the weight of the Cookies (Subgroup: tin with 8 Cookies) see slide: Grouped data can be arranged in two alternative ways

Mintab Menu Commands

Assistant/ Control Charts/ Xbar-R Chart Determination of Control Limits and Center Line:
b. see slide: Two options for the Calculation of the Control Limits and the Center Line

Example: monitor the weight of eight Cookies boxed in a Tin (Subgroup)

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 67
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> Xbar-R Chart Technische Universität München


Xbar-R Chart: monitor cardinal scaled and grouped values (n_Subgroup <=8)

Xbar-R Chart of Y_Weight_of_Cookies_in_Tins Results: Charts

Summary Report
d. a. Xbar-
Is the process mean stable?
Evaluate the % of out-of-control subgroups.
c. Comments
Parameter for the Center of the grouped values and the corresponding Control Limits
The process mean may not be stable. 7 (70,0%) subgroups are out of control on
0% > 5% the Xbar chart. Keep in mind that you may see 0,7% out-of-control subgroups
by chance, even when the process is stable.

Yes No ∑ 𝑥̅ ∑ 𝑥
70,0% Xbar 𝑥̿ = 𝑥̅ =
𝑚 𝑛
Xbar and R Charts
Investigate any out-of-control subgroups.
f. 𝑈𝐶𝐿 = 𝑥̅ + 𝐴 ∗ 𝑅 𝑅=𝑥 −𝑥
a. 10 UCL/ LCL ∑ 𝑅 −𝑅
e. 𝐿𝐶𝐿 = 𝑥̅ − 𝐴 ∗ 𝑅 𝑅=
__ 𝑛

(A2 is more stable and is based on the normal distribution )
5 LCL=4,98

b. R-Chart Parameter for the Dispersion of the grouped values and the corresponding Control Limits

10 ∑ 𝑅 −𝑅
Rbar 𝑅=

5 UCL=5,59 𝑛

0 LCL=0,41

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f. 𝑈𝐶𝐿 = 𝐷 ∗ 𝑅
Subgroups: 10 Mean: 6,1 StDev(within): 1,0537 StDev(overall): 4,0365
f. Control limits are estimated using the StDev(within). 𝐿𝐶𝐿 = 𝐷 ∗ 𝑅
(D3/ D4 are two variables, based on the Normal Distribution to correct the Control Limits)
Result: Comments (2/2) Result: Comments (1/2)
Process stability statement:
The dots in both Charts represent the subgroups with values of the data. If the Charts are c.
e. blacked out with a too large number of dots, then the Xbar-S Chart (Grouping with > 8 dots) - displays the percentage of values out of control
- the coloured bar indicates, whether the Process is under (yes) or out of control (no)

note: Comments:
f. d.
Difference between Procedures in the Assistant and the Stats menu: Summary and comments about results
- the Minitab Assistant uses the Standard Deviation (within) to determine the Control Limits

Example: monitor the weight of eight Cookies boxed in a Tin (Subgroup)

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 68
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> Xbar-S Chart Technische Universität München


Xbar-S Chart: monitor cardinal scaled and grouped values (n_Subgroup >8)
Control Chart

Xbar/ S a.
Identify Signals in a sequence of chronological collected ...
... Subgroups in relation to other subgroups (N_Subgroup >8).

Xbar Chart: deviation of the Mean of the subgroup (Xbar_Subgroup) from the overall Mean
R-Chart: Deviation of the Standard Deviations per subgroup (S) from the overall Standard
Deviation (Squer)
Variables and Grouping
Yvalues summarized in subgroups (Size >8)

Data Typecardinal

each value of the variable is pooled with adjacent values to a subgroup, with a
dot for each subgroup
- Number of values per subgroup: > 8;
- Size of the subgroup: constant or variable
Example Data Column:
- Y-Variable with single values, observed in a consecutive time series
Monitoring inbound calls (Subgroup: 30 min.) - Data will be pooled in Subgroups, size for Subgroups can be > 8, e.g. all Cookies of a day
Monitoring of daily expenses (Subgroup: Month) a. pooled to a subgroup each

Monitoring the weight of the Cookies of Cookies per Sheet (Subgroup: Sheet with about 30 Definition of Subgroup:
Cookies) see slide: Grouped data can be arranged in two alternative ways

Mintab Menu Commands

Assistant/ Control Charts/ Xbar-S Chart Determination of Control Limits and Center Line:
b. see slide: Two options for the Calculation of the Control Limits and the Center Line

Example: monitor the weight of ca. 30 Cookies on a sheet (Subgroup)

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 69
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> Xbar-S Chart Technische Universität München


Xbar-S Chart: monitor cardinal scaled and grouped values (n_Subgroup >8)

Xbar-S Chart of Y_Weight_of_Cookies Results: Charts

Summary Report
d. a. Xbar-
Is the process mean stable?
Evaluate the % of out-of-control subgroups.
c. Comments
Parameter for the Center of the grouped values and the corresponding Control Limits
The process mean may not be stable. 5 (55,6%) subgroups are out of control on
0% > 5% the Xbar chart. Keep in mind that you may see 0,7% out-of-control subgroups
by chance, even when the process is stable.

Yes No
∑ 𝑥̅ ∑ 𝑥
𝑥̿ = 𝑥̅ =

𝑚 𝑛
Xbar and S Charts
Investigate any out-of-control subgroups.
f. 𝑈𝐶𝐿 = 𝑥̅ + 3 ∗ s
a. 14
UCL/ LCL ∑ 𝑥 − 𝑥̅
e. UCL=12,407 𝐿𝐶𝐿 = 𝑥̅ − 3 ∗ s 𝑛−1


LCL=10,250 b. S-Chart Parameter for the Dispersion of the grouped values and the corresponding Control Limits

∑ 𝑠 ∑ 𝑥 − 𝑥̅
_ S-bar 𝑠̅ = 𝑠=


𝑚 𝑛−1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
f. UCL= 𝐵 ∗ 𝑆̅
Subgroups: 9 Mean: 11,328 StDev(within): 2,2158 StDev(overall): 2,2016
f. Control limits are estimated using the StDev(within).
𝐿𝐶𝐿 = 𝐵 ∗ 𝑆̅
(B3/ B4 are two variables, based on the Normal Distribution to correct the Control Limits)
Result: Comments (2/2) Result: Comments (1/2)
Process stability statement:
The dots in both Charts represent the subgroups with values of the data. If the Charts are
e. blacked out with a too large number of dots, then combine more values to a group or c. - displays the percentage of values out of control
narrow the time interval
- the coloured bar indicates, whether the Process is under (yes) or out of control (no)

f. Both Procedures in the Assistant and the Stats menu use the Standard Deviation (within) d.
Summary and comments about results
to determine the Control Limits

Example: monitor the weight of ca. 30 Cookies on a sheet (Subgroup)

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 70
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> P Chart Technische Universität München


P Chart: monitor nominal scaled and grouped defective Units (n_Subgroup >5)
Control Chart

Identify Signals in a sequence of chronological collected ...
... Amount of errors in one subgroup compared to the Amount of errors in other subgroups.

pbar-Chart: deviation of the percentage of defective Units of every subgroup (p_Subgroup)

from the average deviation of defective Units of all subgroups (pbar) b.

Variables and Grouping

YAmount of defective units

Data Typenominal

each value of the variable represents the number of defective Units in a

subgroup, with a dot for each subgroup Dialog
- Number of values per subgroup: > 5; Data Column:
- Size of the subgroup: constant or variable - Y-Variable with single values of the number of defective Products/ Services, observed in a
consecutive time series
a. - Data will be pooled in Subgroups, size for Subgroups should be > 5
Monitoring of wrong transferred calls per day Definition of Subgroup:
Monitoring of the portion of privately spent time in the Internet per day see slide: Grouped data can be arranged in two alternative ways

Monitoring the defective Cookies/ baking sheet

Determination of Control Limits and Center Line:
Mintab Menu Commands b. see slide: Two options for the Calculation of the Control Limits and the Center Line

Assistant/ Control Charts/ P Chart

Example: monitor the defective Cookies per day (Subgroup)

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 71
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> P Chart Technische Universität München


P Chart: monitor nominal scaled and grouped defective Units (n_Subgroup >5)

P Chart of Y_N_of_defect_Cookies_day Results: Charts

Summary Report
d. a. p-chart Parameter for the Center of the grouped values and the corresponding Control Limits
Is the proportion of defective items stable?
Evaluate the % of out-of-control subgroups.
c. The proportion of defective items may not be stable. 2 (0,7%)
subgroups are out of control. Keep in mind that you may see 0,7%
out-of-control subgroups by chance, even when the process is
0% > 5% stable. 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝

Yes No p-bar 𝑛_𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝
0,7% 𝑝̅ =

P Chart
Investigate any out-of-control subgroups.
𝑝̅ ∗ 1 − 𝑝̅
UCL/ LCL 𝑈𝐶𝐿 = 𝑝̅ + 𝐿𝐶𝐿 = 0
a. 𝑛
0,12 UCL=0,1185

b. Variation
not defined

0,08 chart

e. P=0,0385

0,00 LCL=0

1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271


Number of subgroups: 300 Total items: 22688 % Defective: 3,85

Average subgroup size: 75,85 Number of defectives: 873 PPM (DPMO): 38478

Result: Comments (2/2) Result: Comments (1/2)

Process stability statement:
The dots in both Charts represent the subgroups with values of the data. If the Charts are
e. blacked out with a too large number of dots, then combine more values to a group or c. - displays the percentage of values out of control
narrow the time interval - the coloured bar indicates, whether the Process is under (yes) or out of control (no)

note: Comments:
f. The variable Upper Control Limit results from the variable Subgroup size, because the d.
Control Limits depend on a) the % Defective and b) the size of each Subgroup Summary and comments about results

Example: monitor the defective Cookies per day (Subgroup)

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 72
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> U Chart Technische Universität München


U Chart: monitor nominal scaled Defects per Units

Control Chart

Identify Signals in a sequence of chronological collected ...
... amount of Defects per Unit in relation to the average Defects per Unit.

ubar-Chart: deviation of the Defects per Unit (DPU) from the average amount of Defects per
Unit (ubar, specifically: DPUbar)

Variables and Grouping

YAmount of defects per unit

Data Typenominal

each value of the variable represents the number of Defects per Unit, with a dot
for each Opprtunities subgroup
Relation Data Column:
- Number of Opprtunities: > 5
- Y-Variable with the number of Defects/ Unit, observed in a consecutive time series, e.g.
- Number of Opportunities can be: constant or variable
the number of defects per Cookie
Example Definition of Subgroup: Opportunites for defect, which can be
- constant: e.g. always 10 Opportunites for Defect in the same Product/ Service
Monitoring of permission changes per call - variable: e.g. different "complex" Cookies measured, with a variable number of Opps.
Monitoring of traffic jams per highway section

Monitoring the amount of different errors per Cookie

Determination of Control Limits and Center Line:
b. see slide: Two options for the Calculation of the Control Limits and the Center Line
Mintab Menu Commands

Assistant/ Control Charts/ U Chart

Example: monitor the Defects per Unit for Cookies with 10 Opportunities for Defect per Cookie
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 73
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> U Chart Technische Universität München


U Chart: monitor nominal scaled Defects per Units

U Chart of Y_Defect_per_Cookie Results: Charts

Summary Report
d. a. u-chart Parameter for the Center of the average Defects per Unit

Is the number of defects per unit stable?

Evaluate the % of out-of-control subgroups.
c. The number of defects per unit may not be stable. 1 (1,0%)
subgroups are out of control. Keep in mind that you may see 0,7%

0% > 5%
out-of-control subgroups by chance, even when the process is
stable. 𝐷𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑠

u-bar 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡
Yes No

U Chart
Investigate any out-of-control subgroups. 𝑢
USL/ LSL 𝑈𝐶𝐿 = 𝑢 + 𝐿𝐶𝐿 = 0

a. f. UCL=0,3585

Defects per Unit

Variation chart not defined


0,1 _

0,0 LCL=0

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

Number of subgroups: 100 Total units: 990 Defects per Unit (DPU): 0,08
Subgroup size: 10 Total defects: 83 PPM (DPMO): 83838

Result: Comments (2/2) Result: Comments (1/2)

Process stability statement:
The dots in both Charts represent the single Products/ Services with their Defects in their
e. Opportunties for Defects c. - displays the percentage of values out of control
If the Charts are blacked out with a too large number of dots, then narrow the time interval
- the coloured bar indicates, whether the Process is under (yes) or out of control (no)

note: Comments:
f. The stable Upper Control Limit results from the constant number of Opportunities; with a d.
variable number of Opportunities the Upper Control Limit becomes variable respective Summary and comments about results

Example: monitor the Defects per Unit for Cookies with 10 Opportunities for Defect per Cookie
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 74
DMAIC > Statistics >> Process Capability >>> Control Charts >>>> Implementation Technische Universität München

Procedure to implement a Control Chart …


Select Process

Identify Scale Level

Define sampling procedure

Collect data (n> 20)

Select Control Chart

no yes
normal distributed ?
no yes
Transform data (Box-Cox) or Signals identified ?
Select other Control Chart

no yes
Freeze Control Chart, i.e. save: Root-Cause known ?
Center Line and Control Limits

Analyse Root-Cause Eliminate Root Cause

Continuously monitor the


… up to ist continuous monitoring

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 75
DMAIC > Statistics Technische Universität München

Statistical Tests

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 76

DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

Observations of the reality are modelled as Hypothesis about Relationships or Differences …

format of the statistical examination

modeled observation

There is no relationship between x and Y according to: There is a relationship between x and Y according to:
- If (x), then (Y). - If (x), then (Y).
- The (x), the (Y). - The (x), the (Y).

There is a/no relationship between x and Y according to:
- If the temperature of oven is (too) high (x), then the Cookie is burnt (Y).
- The higher the temperature of the oven (x), the darker the Cookie (Y).
statistical formulation

rxY = 0 rxY ≠ 0
modeling of the
observations modeled observation

There is no Difference There is a Difference

- in the degree of: Y - in the degree of: Y
- between the Levels of: x (xi, xj, ...) - between the Levels of: x (xi, xj, ...)

There is a/ no Difference
- in: the weight of Cookies (Y)
- between: Types of Cookies (x) (e.g. Vanilla vs. Chocolate vs. ...)
statistical formulation

Yi = Yj Yi ≠ Yj

… and formally split into the Hypothesis H0 vs. HA for their statistical examination
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 77
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

Selection of the appropriate Statistical Test for the examination of Hypothesis …

Data in 2 Levels Data in > 2 Levels Data Rank Ordered Data discrete or continuous
(Nominal-Scale) (Nominal-Scale) (Ordinal-Scale) (Cardinal-Scale)
Relationship Hypothesis Relationship Hypothesis Difference Hypothesis Difference Hypothesis
Data in 2 Levels
(Nominal-Scale) Chi-Square-Test Chi-Square-Test Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-Test t-Test

Relationship Hypothesis Relationship Hypothesis Difference Hypothesis Difference Hypothesis

Data in > 2 Levels
(Nominal-Scale) Chi-Square-Test Chi-Square-Test Kruskal-Wallis-Test ANOVA

x Relationship Hypothesis Relationship Hypothesis Relationship Hypothesis Relationship Hypothesis

Data Rank Ordered
(Ordinal-Scale) Rank Correlation (Spearman) /
Binary-Logistic-Regression Nominal-Logistic-Regression Rank Correlation (Spearman)

Relationship Hypothesis Relationship Hypothesis Relationship Hypothesis Relationship Hypothesis

Data discrete or continuous
(Cardinal-Scale) Rank Correlation (Spearman) / Product-Moment-Correlation
Binary-Logistic-Regression Nominal-Logistic-Regression
Ordinal-Logistic-Regression (Pearson) / General Regression

… in the dependence of the Scale Level of the involved Variables (x and Y)

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 78
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

Example: right and wrong decisions of a car alarm

Frequency H0 : no manipulation HA : manipulation

β-error α-error

μ0 trigger μΑ signal strength


gust cat jumps oncar ball shot person jostled Earth quake

towrope door lock steering-wheel towing

mounted pulled drilled Lock broken vehicle

Every decisions has at least two outcomes and every outcome can be right and wrong
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 79
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

Decisions and Risks in Testing Statistical Hypothesis …

True is in reality/ in the population:


correct decision wrong decision

correct rejection missed signal

1-alpha beta (type 2 error)

Specifiity of the test Sensitivity error

Decision based on results of
a Statistical Test:
wrong decision correct decision

false Alarm hit

alpha (type 1 error) 1-beta

Specification error Sensitivity of the test

… then consider these Significance Levels:

alpha (type 1 error) beta (type 2 error)

H0 20% 5%

If a decision should support:

5% 20%
(typical case)

… and recommended Significance Levels

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 80
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

The Decisions about Hypothesis depend on …


- 1σ μ0 + 1σ attribute
- 1σ μA + 1σ

… the variability of attributes, effect size, alpha-error, beta-error and sample size
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 81
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

Every Statistical Test supports the Decision between H0 and HA …

The purpose of each Statistical Test is to support the decision between H0 and HA, i.e. to support the
decision whether a Difference or a Relationship in the Population is given or not.

This Decision depends on several factors:

- the “true” Difference/ Relationship between the attributes in the Population
- the “true” dispersion of the Difference/ Relationship between the attributes in the Population
- the degree of Difference/ Relationship that has a practical relevance/ value
- the dispersion of Difference/ Relationship in samples
- the alpha-error of the Decision to accept “false alarms”
- the beta-error of the Decision to “miss signals”
- the sample size.

These factors mutually influence each other and we have to specify the optimal tradeoff for our decision. If
the “rule of the thumb” values for the different purposes are accepted for the
- alpha-error (1%, 5%, 10%) and
- beta-error (20%) and its inverse value (Power= 1-beta= 80%)

then the tradeoff remains between Sample Size and the degree of Difference/ Relationship that has a
practical relevance/ value. Thus in practice, the Sample Size is determined by the tradeoff between:

- the expense of data collection, and

- the size of Difference/ Relationship we want to identify - due to its Practical Relevance.

… based on Statistical Significance and Practical Relevance of ist results

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 82
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

Basic ideas and concept of all Statistical Tests (1/2)

Calculate Test Statistic: Chi-Square (χ2):

Chi-Square Tests evaluate the Observed Frequencies of at least two categories in relation to Expected Frequecies in these at
least two categories. The Expected Frequecies assume a H0 with uniform distributions in the categories.

(O − )

χ =  i Ei
2 k
Chi-Square Test Statistic:
i =1 i

If the Difference between O_bserved and E_xpected frequencies is small, than (O-E)2 is small, Chi-Square is small, meaning:
- H0 confirmed
If the Difference between O_bserved and E_xpected frequencies is high, than (O-E)2 is high, Chi-Square is high, meaning:
- H0 to be rejected
Preferences for O_bserved E_xpected (O-E)2/ E
Cookie-Types frequencies Frequencies (Contributions to Chi2)

Vanilla 30 25 25 1
The larger the Difference between:
O_bserved and E_xpected, Chocolate 25 25 0 0
i.e. the larger the Chi-Square Value,
Cocos 40 25 225 9
the lower the probability, that the O_bserved
frequencies are collected from a Population,
Muffins 5 25 400 16
where H0 is true.
Summe 100 100 650 Chi-Square= 26

(1. Develop a Test Statistic) 2. Calculate the value of the Test Statistic and …
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 83
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

Basic ideas and concept of all Statistical Tests (2/2)

Sampling Distribution of Chi-Square: Distribution Plot

Chi-Square; df=3
The Sampling Distribution of the Chi-Square Test Statistic follows
the Chi-Square-Distribution, with degrees of freedom df= i-1 0,20
(Number of different categories (Cookie-Types) -1; df= 4- 1= 3).
H0 is rejected, if the value of Chi-Square is so high, that its

probability p ≤ alpha 0,10


0 7,815
Example for Cookies: X

Chi-Square= 26,
df= 3 Distribution Plot
Chi-Square; df=3
p= 0,00000954. 0,25

With alpha= 5% the result is significant (p<= alpha): 0,20

H0: rejected 0,15

HA: There is a Difference in: the Preference (Y)
between: Cookie-Types. 0,10


0 26

3. Calculate the probability of the value of the Test Statistic and 4. compare it with alpha
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 84
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

The balanced optimum between Sample Size and detectable Difference/ Relationship …
If you want to evaluate, whether the Quality of the Cookies meets the target of: < 3% (ca. 1 defect/ Sheet)
and if you could easily collect data about the status of 30 produced Cookies of one sheet, then you could
calculate the detectable % of Defects, which are necessary to indicate that the target has been exceeded:

Power Curve for One Proportion

2 of these Sample
= 1st trial (one sheet) 3 fields 30

need 0,8
Power= 1-beta Assumptions
= to be calculated α 0,05

= 1- beta (20%) to be Hypothesized p 0,03

Alternative >

specified 0,6
= Target (3%)



0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25
Comparison p

Testing p = 0,03 (versus > 0,03); α = 0,05

= unilateral upper-tailed test
Size Power Comparison p
= alpha (5%)
30 0,8 0,133488

… can be identified by starting with a 1st idea of an affordable sample size

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 85
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Analysis Strategy Technische Universität München

If the Difference/ Relationship, that can at least be detected is too large for your purposes …
If you promised your Customer to refund the money, if there are: >= 10% Defects, then you could recalculate,
how big the sample needs to be, to detect at least 10% of Defects, if they are given in the Population:

Power Curve for One Proportion

2 of these Sample
= to be calculated 3 fields 58
Power= 1-beta
= at least discriminatable need 0,8

= 1- beta (20%) to be Hypothesized p 0,03

Alternative >

specified 0,6
= Target (3%)



0,050 0,075 0,100 0,125 0,150 0,175
Comparison p

Testing p = 0,03 (versus > 0,03); α = 0,05

= unilateral upper-tailed test
Sample Target
= alpha (5%) Comparison p Size Power Actual Power
0,1 58 0,8 0,800025

… then start a 2nd trial with the Difference/ Relationship which at least must be detected
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 86
DMAIC > Statistics Technische Universität München

Statistical Tests

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 87

DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Overview Technische Universität München

Overview of Statistical Tests in the Mintab Assistant

Scale Scale
# Test Purpose Hypothesis Y x note … Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu
Level Level

1-Sample % Compare the percentual amount of a variable (Y_Sample) with a (counted - Input: single %-value (not a data
a.1 Difference 1 ./. ./. Stat/ Basic Statistics/ 1 Proportion
Defective target value (Y_Target) > discrete column)

Chi-Square Compare the relative frequencies of the categories of a variable (Y), (counted - Input: enter values in Table or get Data Stat > Tables > Chi-Square Goodness-
a.2 Difference 1 ./. ./.
Goodness-of-Fit in relation to a) their expected values or b) specific target values (YT) > discrete from Worksheet of-Fit Test (One Variable)

Y-Variable: normal distributed; Sample

a.3 1-Sample t-Test Compare the Mean of a variable (Y) with a target value (YT) Difference 1 cardinal ./. ./. Stat/ Basic Statistics/ 1-Sample t
Size N: > 20

Compare the Means of two independent variables with each other (Y1 Y-Variable: normal distributed; Sample
b.4 2-Sample t-Test Difference 1 cardinal 1 nominal Stat/ Basic Statistics/ 2-Sample t
vs Y2) Size N: > 20

Compare the Means of two dependent/ matched variables with each Y-Variable: normal distributed; Sample
b.5 Paired t-Test Difference 1 cardinal 1 nominal Stat/ Basic Statistics/ Paired t
other (Ya vs. Ya´ ) Size N: > 20

Compare the Standard Deviations of two independent variables (Y1 Y-Variable: normal distributed; Sample
b.6 Standard Difference 1 cardinal 1 nominal Stat/ Basic Statistics/ 2 Variances
vs. Y2) Size N: > 20

Y-Variable: normal distributed; Sample

Compare the differences in the Means of a dependent variable (Y) in nominal /
c.7 One-Way ANOVA Difference 1 cardinal 1 Size N: > 20; N of all Factorial Levels Stat/ ANOVA/ One-Way or other
respect to factorial scaled independent variable (x) ordinal
must be the same

nominal Test does not have to be about defects,

Chi-Square % Compare the percentual amounts Y of different factor levels of one (counted > but about interesting portions in any
c.8 Difference 1 1 nominal
Defective attribute x (e.g. % defective vs. not; % sold vs. not) discrete other attribute X. - Number of Factor
cardinal) Levels of Xi can vary from: 3 - 12.

Chi-Square Test Compare the percentual amounts of Y in respect to the factorial levels (counted > Number of Factor Levels for Xi and Xj Stat/ Tables/ Chi-Square-Test for
c.9 Difference 1 2 nominal
for Association of 2 categorial Variables (Xi, Xj) discrete can vary from: 3 - 6. Association

X- and Y-Variables: normal distributed;

d.10 Regression Analyse the relationship between (multiple) x and Y Relationship 1 cardinal n cardinal Stat/ Regression
Sample Size N: > 15

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 88

DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Overview Technische Universität München

Selection of the suitable Statistical Test: Overview

a. b. c.

3. 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 89

DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Overview Technische Universität München

a. Compare one sample with a target

3. 1. 2.

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 90

DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Overview Technische Universität München

b. Compare two samples with each other

4. 5. 6.

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 91

DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Overview Technische Universität München

c. Compare more than two samples

7. 8. 9.

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 92

DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> 1-Sample % Defective Technische Universität München


1-Sample % Defective: compare a percentual amount with a target value


1-Sample % Defective
Compare the percentual amount of a variable (Y_Sample) with a target value (Y_Target) 3.

There is no/ a Difference in: the percentual amount of Defectives

Difference 4.
between: Y_Sample and Y_Target


The portion of errors compared to a target value 5.

The votes for a specific political party compared with the electoral threshold (e.g. 5%)

The portion of defect Cookies in one package

Y Scale Level
1 nominal (counted -> discrete cardinal) 7.
x Scale Level
./. ./.
1. Name Enter the name of your variable Y
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu
2. No. of Items tested Data input: all units of the sample (integer)
Stat/ Basic Statistics/ 1 Proportion
3. Defective Units Data input: defective Units of the sample (integer)
note …
4. Target Maximum-/ Target value or proportion of errors that is acceptable (integer as %)
Input: single %-value (not a data column)
5. Direction of Test % defective > target value (one-sided significance test)

% defective < target value (one-sided significance test)

% defective ≠ target value (two-sided significance test)

6. Alpha-Level Significance level for the decision of the Test

Critical difference between %-defectives and the %-target values, that should be at least
7. Effect Size
discriminated, because of its practical value for the analysis

Example: compare the % defective Cookies baked per day with a target
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 93
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> 1-Sample % Defective Technische Universität München


1-Sample % Defective: compare a percentual amount with a target value

1-Sample % Defective Test for Y_Cookie Results
Summary Report
Hypothesis: Is the % defective greater than target%?
The bar of the chart indicates:
1. 2. 1. Significance Test
- orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
Is the % defective greater than 3%? - dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5
Total number tested 60 - light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%
Number of defectives 6 accept H0 , if p> alpha, e.g. There are no differences
Yes No % Defective 10,00
P = 0,009 90% CI (4,45; 18,79) accept HA, if p<= alpha, e.g. There is a difference
Target 3
The % defective of Y_Cookie is significantly greater than the target (p <
2. Values to
Statistics with description of Sample, Parameter and Confidence Interval

Comments Details for the significance test: Interval Chart with confidence intervals for the
• Test: You can conclude that the % defective is greater than 3% at
3. Chart Parameter of the variable, that includes the value of the Target (H0) or does not include
the 0,05 level of significance. (HA)
3. 90% CI for % Defective • CI: Quantifies the uncertainty associated with estimating the %
Is the entire interval above the target? defective from sample data. You can be 90% confident that the true
3 % defective is between 4,45% and 18,79%, and 95% confident that 4. Comments Summary and comments about results
it is greater than 4,45%.

5. Power & Sample Power of the Sample Size to detects the practical relevant difference (if it is present in
Size the population)
Example: the critical, to be identified difference of 7% if present (3% Defects:= Target
value, 10% Defects:= Customer gets money back -> Difference =7%), can be identified
with the probability of 80,8% with the Sample Size of 60 (Rule of the thumb: necessary
5 10 15 20
Power= 80% = 1-beta)

6. Power & Sample - Relations between Power and Sample Size for different levels of Power
Size - actual Power and Sample Size of the Test


Example: compare the % defective Cookies baked per day with a target for defects
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 94
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Technische Universität München


Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test: Compare actual with expected or target frequencies


Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit 1.

Compare the relative frequencies of the categories of a variable (Y), in relation to a) their
expected values or b) specific target values (YT) 6.
There is a/ no Difference in: percentual amounts of Y and Target-
Value/ Expected-Value between: categories of Y 3. 4. 5.

Comparison of the Portions of different Types of Errors with Targets

Comparison of the Election Results of different Parties, based on a Sample, with the
electoral threshold (e.g. 5%)
Sales Success of different Cookie Types
Portion of different Cookies in a package
Y Scale Level
1 nominal (counted -> discrete cardinal)
x Scale Level
./. ./.
1. Name Enter a name for this Analysis
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu
2. No. of Outcomes Number of different categories of the variable
Stat > Tables > Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test (One Variable)
3. Outcome Name Names of the different categories of the variable Y
note …
4. Sample Count Number of cases in the specific categories
Input: enter values in Table or get Data from Worksheet Number of cases or percentage of cases expected or Target-% for each category of the
5. Target Percent
6. Input Format (enter values or get Data from Worksheet)

7. Alpha-Level Significance level for the decision of the Test

Example: Sales Success of different Cookie Types

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 95
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Technische Universität München


Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test: Compare actual with expected or target frequencies

Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test for SalesSuccess Results
1. Summary Report
2.a Hypothesis: Do the actual and target values of the Output differ (over the categories)?
Do the process and target percents differ? Outcome Table
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5 Which outcomes differ from their target? The bar of the chart indicates:
Target - orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
Yes No
Outcome Sample Percent Percent Differ 1. Significance Test
Chocolate 5,0 25 Lower
- dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
P < 0,001
Vanilla 50,0 25 Higher - light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%
The percents for SalesSuccess are significantly different from the target Cocos 20,0 25 No
percents (p < 0,05). Almond 25,0 25 No
accept H0 , if p> alpha, e.g. There are no differences
Total count = 100 accept HA, if p<= alpha, e.g. There is a difference

Outcome Comparison Chart a) Description of the Sample values, Target values and deviation for each category
Compare the sample and target percents. 2. Statistics
b) 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) for Sample Values (%)
Chocolate Target
a) Sample % and Target %

3.a 4. 3. Chart b) Contribution to the Chi-Square Value (= Test Value) by Category , i.e.
Comments the higher the value/ longer the bar, the more contributes the effect of this category to the
• Test: You can conclude that the process percents differ from the target
Significance of the result
percents at the 0,05 level of significance.
• Outcome Table: Shows which process percents differ from their target
percent. Consider the size and direction of the difference to determine if
4. Comments Summary and comments about results
it has practical implications.
• Outcome Comparison Chart: Compare the relative size of the sample
and target percents for each outcome.


0% 12% 24% 36% 48%

3.b 2.b

Example: Sales Success of different Cookie Types

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 96
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> 1-Sample t-Test Technische Universität München


1-Sample t-Test: Compare the Mean of a Variable with a Target Value


1-Sample t-Test

Purpose 1.
Compare the Mean of a variable (Y) with a target value (YT)

There is a/ no Difference in: the level of Values (Y) between: Sample
and Target

Example 3.
Comparison of Cycle Times with a Target

Comparison of a Share Value with a Target 4.

Comparison of Oven temperature with a Target

Y Scale Level 5.
1 cardinal
x Scale Level
./. ./.
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu Dialog
1. Data Column Variable with the measured values
Stat/ Basic Statistics/ 1-Sample t
2. Target Value Target Value, which should be compared with the Mean of the Variable
note …
Mean of Sample > Target Value (one-sided significance test)
Y-Variable: normal distributed; Sample Size N: > 20
3. Type of Test Mean of Sample < Target Value (one-sided significance test)

Mean of Sample ≠ Target Value (two-sided significance test)

4. Alpha-Level Significance level for the decision of the Test

Critical Difference between Sample and Target, that needs to be at least discriminable, if
5. Power

Example: Comparison of the Oventemperature with a Target given in a recipe

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 97
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> 1-Sample t-Test Technische Universität München


1-Sample t-Test: Compare the Mean of a Variable with a Target Value

1-Sample t Test for the Mean of Y_Oventemp Results

Summary Report
Does the Mean differ from 180 (Target Value)?
The bar of the chart indicates:
- orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
1. 2. 1. Significance Test
Does the mean differ from 180?
- dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5 - light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%
Sample size 50
Mean 179,04
accept H0 , if p> alpha, e.g. There are no differences
Yes No 95% CI
Standard deviation
(177,72; 180,35)
4.a accept HA, if p<= alpha, e.g. There is a difference
P = 0,147
Target 180
The mean of Y_Oventemp is not significantly different from the target (p Description of the Sample, Mean, Standard Deviation and Target Value and the 95%
> 0,05). 2. Statistics
Confidence Interval (CI) for the Mean

3. Histogram Distribution of the Y-Variable

Distribution of Data
3. Where are the data relative to the target?
Comments 5. a) numerical values of the Mean and its Confidence Interval (CI)
180 4. Target und CI
b) graphical representation of the Mean, its CI and the Target. If the target value is within
• Test: There is not enough evidence to conclude that the mean
differs from 180 at the 0,05 level of significance. the confidence interval, then the H0 is accepted, otherwise it is rejected.
4.b • CI: Quantifies the uncertainty associated with estimating the mean
from sample data. You can be 95% confident that the true mean is 5. Comments Summary and comments about results
between 177,72 and 180,35.
• Distribution of Data: Compare the location of the data to the target.
Look for unusual data before interpreting the test results. Power (%) for critical Difference between Mean and Target, that needs at least to be
6. Power
The difference of >=2 can with the current sample size (N= 50) be identified with a
probability of 85% (Rule of the Thumb: Power >= 80%)
Power (%) for the to be identified critical difference between the Mean and the Target
Value for different Sample Sizes (N)
7. Power
168 171 174 177 180 183 186 189
Example: the critical difference of 2 can be detected, if given, with a probability of 80%, if
the Sample Size= 44

6. 7.

Example: Comparison of the Oventemperature with a Target given in a recipe

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 98
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> 2-Sample t-Test Technische Universität München


2 Sample t-Test: Comparison of the Means of two (unmatched) Variables


2-Sample t-Test

Compare the Means of two independent variables with each other (Y1 vs Y2)

Hypothesis 2.
There is a/ no Difference in: Mean between: Variables (Y_pre vs.


Comparison of the Revenue with the old vs new Product

Comparison of Cycle Time before vs. after the Project

Comparison of the weights: Chocolate Cookies vs. Vanilla Cookies 4.

Y Scale Level
1 cardinal
x Scale Level
1 nominal
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu Arrangement of Data: see slide: Grouped data can be arranged in two alternative ways
1. Sample Data
two cells with the measured data of both variables
Stat/ Basic Statistics/ 2-Sample t
Mean of Sample Y_1 > Mean of Sample Y_2 (one-sided significance test)
note … 2. Type of Test Mean of Sample Y_1 < Mean of Sample Y_2 (one-sided significance test)

Y-Variable: normal distributed; Sample Size N: > 20 Mean of Sample Y_1 ≠ Mean of Sample Y_2 (two-sided significance test)

3. Alpha-Level Significance level for the test

4. Power Critical Difference between Samples, that need to be at least discriminable, if given

Example: Comparison of the Weight of two different Types of Cookies

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 99
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> 2-Sample t-Test Technische Universität München


2 Sample t-Test: Comparison of the Means of two (unmatched) Variables

2-Sample t Test for the Mean of Y_Weight_Cho and Y_Weight_Van Results
Summary Report
Do the Means differ?
1. Do the means differ? Individual Samples 2.a The bar of the chart indicates:
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5 Statistics Y_Weight_Cho Y_Weight_Van - orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
1. Significance Test
Sample size 50 50 - dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
Yes No Mean 15,133 16,117
95% CI (14,90; 15,37) (15,990; 16,243) - light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%
P < 0,001
Standard deviation 0,83444 0,44634 accept H0 , if p> alpha, e.g. There are no differences
The mean of Y_Weight_Cho is significantly different from the mean of
Y_Weight_Van (p < 0,05). accept HA, if p<= alpha, e.g. There is a difference
Difference Between Samples 2.b a) Description of the Sample, Mean, Standard Deviation and the 95% Confidence Interval
Statistics *Difference
2. Statistics (CI) for the Means;
3. 95% CI for the Difference
95% CI
(-1,2500; -0,71669) b) difference between the Means, Confidence Interval of the difference
Is the entire interval above or below zero?
*Difference = Y_Weight_Cho - Y_Weight_Van
3. Interval-Plot Confidence Interval of the difference in relation to the Value 0; (If CI contains 0, then H0)
• Test: You can conclude that the means differ at the 0,05 level of Distribution of Y_1 and Y_2
-1,2 -0,9 -0,6 -0,3 0,0 significance.
• CI: Quantifies the uncertainty associated with estimating the difference in
4. Histogram
means from sample data. You can be 95% confident that the true difference Interval Plots for the Means of Y_1 and Y_2 and CI´s (If CI´s overlap, then H0)
is between -1,2500 and -0,71669.
4. Distribution of Data
Compare the data and means of the samples.
• Distribution of Data: Compare the location and means of samples. Look
for unusual data before interpreting the results of the test. 5. Comments Summary and comments about results
Power (%) for critical Difference between Mean and Target, that needs at least to be
6. Power
The difference of >=1 can with the current sample size (N= 50) be identified with a
probability of 100% (Rule of the Thumb: Power >= 80%)
Power (%) for the to be identified critical difference between the Mean and the Target
Value for different Sample Sizes (N)
7. Power
14 15 16 17 18 Example: the critical difference of 1 can be detected, if given, with a probability of 80%, if
the Sample Size= 9

6. 7.

Example: Comparison of the Weight of two different Types of Cookies

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 100
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Paired t-Test Technische Universität München


Paired t-Test: Compare the Means of two dependent/ matched Variables


Paired t-Test

Purpose 1.
Compare the Means of two dependent/ matched variables with each other (Ya vs. Ya´ )


Difference There is a/ no Difference in: Mean between: Variables (Ya vs. Ya´) 2.


Compare the performance of Computers before vs. after Software update

Comparison of Six Sigma Competence before vs. after Training

Comparison of the weights of: Cookies_raw vs. Cookies_baked 4.

Y Scale Level
1 cardinal
x Scale Level Dialog
1 nominal
1. Sample Data Two columns necessary for the Variables (no alternative grouping possible)
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu
Mean of Sample Y_1 > Mean of Sample Y_2 (one-sided significance test)
Stat/ Basic Statistics/ Paired t
2. Type of Test Mean of Sample Y_1 < Mean of Sample Y_2 (one-sided significance test)
note …
Mean of Sample Y_1 ≠ Mean of Sample Y_2 (two-sided significance test)
Y-Variable: normal distributed; Sample Size N: > 20
3. Alpha-Level Significance level for the test

4. Power Critical Difference between Samples, that need to be at least discriminable, if given

Example: Compare the Change in Weight of Cookies_raw vs. Cookies_baked

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 101
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Paired t-Test Technische Universität München


Paired t-Test: Compare the Means of two dependent/ matched Variables

Paired t Test for the Mean of Y_Weight_C_1 and Y_Weight_C_2 Results

Summary Report
Do the Means differ?
1. 2.a
Do the means differ? Paired Differences The bar of the chart indicates:
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5 *Paired
Statistics Differences - orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
1. Significance Test
Sample size 50 - dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
Yes No
Mean 3,2403 - light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%
P < 0,001 95% CI (3,0122; 3,4685)
The mean of Y_Weight_C_1 is significantly different from the mean of Standard deviation 0,80280 accept H0 , if p> alpha, e.g. There are no differences
Y_Weight_C_2 (p < 0,05). accept HA, if p<= alpha, e.g. There is a difference
*Difference = Y_Weight_C_1 - Y_Weight_C_2
a) Description of the Sample, Mean-Difference, Standard Deviation of Mean-Difference
2.b Individual Samples 2. Statistics and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) for the Mean-Difference;
Statistics Y_Weight_C_1 Y_Weight_C_2 b) Means, Standard Deviation of Means
Mean 15,200 11,959

3. Distribution of the Differences

Where are the differences relative to zero?
Standard deviation 0,81565 0,41531
Distribution o the Difference between the Means
3. Histogram Mean Difference and Confidence Intervals of the difference
• Test: You can conclude that the means differ at the 0,05 level of
significance. The mean of the paired differences is greater than zero.
• CI: Quantifies the uncertainty associated with estimating the mean The Value: Difference= 0 (If the Confidence Interval includes the Difference 0 -> H0
difference from sample data. You can be 95% confident that the true
mean difference is between 3,0122 and 3,4685.
• Distribution of Differences: Compare the location of the differences 5. Comments Summary and comments about results
to zero. Look for unusual differences before interpreting the results
of the test.
Power (%) for critical Difference between Mean and Target, that needs at least to be
6. Power
The difference of >=4 can with the current sample size (N= 50) be identified with a
probability of 100% (Rule of the Thumb: Power >= 80%)
4. Power (%) for the to be identified critical difference between the Mean and the Target
Value for different Sample Sizes (N)
7. Power
0 1 2 3 4 5 Example: the critical difference of 4 can be detected, if given, with a probability of 80%, if
the Sample Size= 3 (I would not rely on this, due to the risk of sampling errors)

5. 6.

Example: Compare the Change in Weight of Cookies_raw vs. Cookies_baked

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 102
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> 2-Sample Standard Deviation Test Technische Universität München


2-Sample Standard Deviation Test: Compare the Standard Deviations of two Variables

2-Sample Standard Deviation


Compare the Standard Deviations of two independent variables (Y1 vs. Y2)

There is a/ no Difference in: Standard Deviation between: Variables

(Y_1 vs. Y_2)

Compare the Standard Deviations of Cycle Time between Experts vs. Beginners

Comparison of the variation of Six Sigma Competence before vs. after Training
Comparison of the Distribution of Chocolate Pieces for 2 different stirring durations

Y Scale Level
1 cardinal 4.
x Scale Level
1 nominal
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu
Stat/ Basic Statistics/ 2 Variances Arrangement of Data: see slide: Grouped data can be arranged in two alternative ways
1. Sample Data
two cells with the measured data of both variables
note … Mean of Sample Y_1 > Mean of Sample Y_2 (one-sided significance test)

Y-Variable: normal distributed; Sample Size N: > 20 2. Type of Test St. Dev. of Sample Y_1 < St. Dev. of Sample Y_2 (one-sided significance test)

St. Dev. of Sample Y_1 ≠ St. Dev. of Sample Y_2 (two-sided significance test)

3. Alpha-Level Significance level for the test

4. Power Critical Difference between Samples, that need to be at least discriminable, if given

Example: Compare the Distribution of Chocolate Pieces for 2 different stirring durations
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 103
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> 2-Sample Standard Deviation Test Technische Universität München


2-Sample Standard Deviation Test: Compare the Standard Deviations of two Variables

2-Sample Standard Deviation Test for Y_Choc_Dis_1 and Y_Choc_Dis_2 Results

Summary Report
Do the Standard Deviations differ?
1. Standard Deviation Test Statistics
2. Y_Choc_Dis_1 Y_Choc_Dis_2 The bar of the chart indicates:
Is Y_Choc_Dis_1 greater than Y_Choc_Dis_2?
Sample size 50 50 - orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5
Mean 14,593 15,243 1. Significance Test
Standard deviation 3,2539 0,89786
- dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
Yes No Individual 90% CI (2,804; 3,904) (0,7896; 1,056) - light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%
P < 0,001 accept H0 , if p> alpha, e.g. There are no differences
The standard deviation of Y_Choc_Dis_1 is significantly greater than accept HA, if p<= alpha, e.g. There is a difference
Y_Choc_Dis_2 (p < 0,05).

Sample Size, Mean, Standard Deviation and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) for the
2. Statistics
Standard Deviation
3. Standard Deviations Comparison Chart
Red indicates the standard deviations differ.

Standard Deviation with Confidence Intervals for: Y1 vs.Y2 (Test: H0: Confidence Intervals
• Test: You can conclude that the standard deviation of Y_Choc_Dis_1 3. Interval Chart
Y_Choc_Dis_2 is greater than Y_Choc_Dis_2 at the 0,05 level of significance. intersect ; HA: CI do not intersect)
• Comparison Chart: Red intervals indicate that the standard deviations
1 2 3 4 differ. Consider the size of the difference to determine if it has practical
• Distribution of Data: Compare the spread of the samples. Look for
4. Histogram Distributions of the Values Y1 and Y2
unusual data before interpreting the results of the test.
4. Distribution of Data
Compare the spread of the samples. 5. Comments Summary and comments about results
Power (%) for critical Difference between Mean and Target, that needs at least to be
6. Power
The difference of >=50% can with the current sample size (N= 50) be identified with a
probability of 96,6% (Rule of the Thumb: Power >= 80%)
Power (%) for the to be identified critical difference between the Mean and the Target
Value for different Sample Sizes (N)
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 7. Power
Example: the critical difference of 50 can be detected, if given, with a probability of 80%, if
the Sample Size= 27

6. 7.

Example: Compare the Distribution of Chocolate Pieces for 2 different stirring durations
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 104
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> ANOVA Technische Universität München


ANalysisOfVAriance: Comparison of the Means of > 2 Variables


Compare the differences in the Means of a dependent variable (Y) in respect to factorial
scaled independent variable (x)

Difference There is a/ no Difference in: Mean of Y between: Factor Levels of x

Compare the Cycle Time of more than 2 Processes

Vergleich der Bearbeitungszeiten des eines Prozesses an mehr als 2 Standorten

Vergleich des Ressourcenverbrauchs vor vs. nach Verbesserung 4.
Compare the Taste of >2 Cookie-Types

Y Scale Level
1 cardinal
x Scale Level
1 nominal / ordinal
Arrangement of Data: see slide: Grouped data can be arranged in two alternative ways
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu 1. Sample Data
two cells with the measured data of both variables
2. Y-Column Y (Cardinal Scaled Results)
Stat/ ANOVA/ One-Way or other
2. X-Column X (Nominal Scaled Factorial Levels)
note …
Y-Variable: normal distributed; Sample Size N: > 20; N of all Factorial Levels must be the 3. Alpha-Level Significance level for the test
same 4. Power Critical Difference between Samples, that need to be at least discriminable, if given

Example: Compare the Taste of >2 Cookie-Types

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 105
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> ANOVA Technische Universität München


ANalysisOfVAriance: Comparison of the Means of > 2 Variables

One-Way ANOVA for Y_Taste_Rati by X_Cookie_Typ Results
Summary Report
Do the Means differ?
1. Do the means differ? 2.a Which means differ?
The bar of the chart indicates:
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5 # Sample Differs from
- orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
1. Significance Test
1 Choc 3 4 - dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
Yes No 2 Vanilla 4
P < 0,001
- light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%
3 Cocos 1 4
Differences among the means are significant (p < 0,05). 4 Muffin 1 2 3 accept H0 , if p> alpha, e.g. There are no differences
accept HA, if p<= alpha, e.g. There is a difference

2. Comparison of a) Table indicates sign. Differences between every xi and every other Factor Level of x
Means Comparison Chart Means b) Interval Plot indicates sign. Differences by red/ non overlapping CI´s for x´s
2.b Red intervals that do not overlap differ. 3. Comments

• Test: You can conclude that there are differences among the means
at the 0,05 level of significance. 3. Comments Summary and comments about results
Choc • Comparison Chart: Look for red comparison intervals that do not
overlap to identify means that differ from each other. Consider the size
of the differences to determine if they have practical implications. 4. Histogram Distribution of Y (for the different Factor Levels of x)

5. Time Series Plot Time Series Plot of Y with Outliers (for the different Factor Levels of x)

6. Statistics N, Mean, Standard Deviation and CI for Mean

Power (%) for critical Difference between Mean and Target, that needs at least to be
The difference of >= 0,5 can with the current sample size (N= 25) be identified with a
probability of 25,6 - 99,7% (Rule of the Thumb: Power >= 80%) (The Differences in the
7. Power Intervals result from the variations in the Standard Deviations of the Factor Levels of x)
Power (%) for the to be identified critical difference between the Mean and the Target
Value for different Sample Sizes (N)
1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
Example: the critical difference of 0,5 can be detected, if given, with a probability of 80%,
if the Sample Size= 94

4. 5. 6.


Example: Compare the Taste of >2 Cookie-Types

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 106
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Chi-Square % Defective Test Technische Universität München


Chi-Square % Defective Test: Compare the percentual amounts Y of different factor levels of x

Chi-Square % Defective
Compare the percentual amounts Y of different factor levels of one attribute x (e.g. % 2.a 2.b
defective vs. not; % sold vs. not)

There is a/ no Difference in: % amounts of (Y) between: Factor Levels

of Attribute (Xi)

Example 2.c 3.a 3.b.

Compare the amount of Defects for different Processes

Compare the number of car accidents by car manufacturer 4.

Compare the amount of Defects (Y) for different Cookie-Types (Xi)

Y Scale Level 5.
1 nominal (counted > discrete cardinal)
x Scale Level Dialog
1 nominal 1. Test item name Name of the Analysis
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu
2.a X variable name Name of x

2.b Number of X Number of different factor levels/ categories of x (3 … 12)

note … 2.c Factor Levels Factor Levels/ Categories of X; Data can be imported from Worksheet or entered manually
Test does not have to be about defects, but about interesting portions in any other
3.a Total Number Total Number of Units on each Factor Level/ Category x
attribute X. - Number of Factor Levels of Xi can vary from: 3 - 12.
3.b Number of
Number of Units with interesting attribute (e.g. defects) on each Factor Level/ Category x
4. Alpha-Level Significance level for the test

5. Power Critical Difference between Samples, that need to be at least discriminable, if given

Example: Compare the percentual amounts of Defects for different Cookie-Types

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 107
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Chi-Square % Defective Test Technische Universität München


Chi-Square % Defective Test: Compare the percentual amounts Y of different factor levels of x
Chi-Square % Defective Test for Cookie_Defec by Cookie_Type Results
Summary Report
Do the % defectives differ?
1. Do the % defectives differ? 2.a Which % defectives differ? The bar of the chart indicates:
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5 # Cookie_Type Differs from - orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
1. Significance Test
1 Vanilla 4 - dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
Yes No 2 Choc 4
P < 0,001 3 Cocos
- light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%
Differences among the % defectives are significant (p < 0,05). 4 Muffin 1 2 accept H0 , if p> alpha, e.g. There are no differences
accept HA, if p<= alpha, e.g. There is a difference

a) Table indicates sign. Differences between every xi and every other Factor Level of x
2. Comparison of %
2.b % Defectives Comparison Chart
Red intervals that do not overlap differ.
b) Interval Plot indicates sign. Differences by red/ non overlapping CI´s for x´s

• Test: You can conclude that there are differences among the %
defectives at the 0,05 level of significance. 3. Comments Summary and comments about results
Vanilla • Comparison Chart: Look for red comparison intervals that do not
overlap to identify % defectives that differ from each other. Consider
oberseved and expected frequencies, (from the deviations the Chi^2 statistic is
the size of the differences to determine if they have practical 4. Statistics
implications. calculated)
Number of tested Units, defective Units, % defect Units and Confidendence Interval (CI)
5. Statistics
for % Defectives
Power (%) for critical Difference between Mean and Target, that needs at least to be
The difference of >= 10% can with the current varying sample sizes (10 .. 1000) be
identified with a probability of 97,7 - 100% (Rule of the Thumb: Power >= 80%)
6. Power
Power (%) for the to be identified critical difference between the Mean and the Target
Value for different Sample Sizes (N)
Example: the critical difference of 10% can be detected, if given, with a probability of
0 20 40 60 80
80%, if the Sample Size>= 26 in each Category/ Factor Level



Example: Compare the percentual amounts of Defects for different Cookie-Types

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 108
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Chi-Square Test for Association Technische Universität München


Chi-2 Test for Association: Compare the frequencies (Y) of 2 concatenated Variables (Xi, Xj)

Chi-Square Test for Association

Compare the percentual amounts of Y in respect to the factorial levels of 2 categorial 2.
Variables (Xi, Xj)
3. 4.
There is a/ no Difference in: Frequencies of Yij between: the
conditions of Xi/ Xj
5. 6.

Compare the Salary (Y) in respect to Profession (Xi) and Country (Xj)

Compare the number of car accidents (Y) by car manufacturer (Xi) and Level of
Expertise of Driver (Xj)

Compare the amount of sold Cookies (Y), differentiated by Type (Xi) and Continent (Xj)

Y Scale Level
1 nominal (counted > discrete cardinal) Dialog
x Scale Level
1. Sample Data The data can be a) imported from the Worksheet or b) entered directly into the data table
2 nominal
2. Orientation of the
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu table The table can be inverted. This switching of variables in the table influences their
orientation in the result charts, but does not affect the resulks/ significance test
Stat/ Tables/ Chi-Square-Test for Association
3. Name descriptive name for Y/ X
note …
4. Number of
3-6 different categories are possible
Number of Factor Levels for Xi and Xj can vary from: 3 - 6. Categories
4. Number of
3-6 different categories are possible
6. Data Table Data imported from the Worksheet through Drop-Down-Lists or entered directly

7. Alpha-Level Significance level for the test

Example: Compare the amount of sold Cookies (Y), differentiated by Type (X1) and Continent (X2)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 109
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Chi-Square Test for Association Technische Universität München


Chi-2 Test for Association: Compare the frequencies (Y) of 2 concatenated Variables (Xi, Xj)
Chi-Square Test for Association: Cookie_Type by Cookie-Type Results
Summary Report
Do the percentage profiles differ?
1. Do the percentage profiles differ? 4. Comments
0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5 • Test: You can conclude that there are differences among the The bar of the chart indicates:
outcome percentage profiles at the 0,05 level of significance. - orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
Yes No • Percentage Profiles Chart: Use to compare the profile for each value 1. Significance Test
P < 0,001
of Cookie-Type and the average profile. - dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
• % Difference Chart: Look for long bars to identify outcomes with the
Differences among the outcome percentage profiles are significant (p < greatest % difference between observed and expected counts.
- light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%
0,05). You can conclude there is an association between Cookie_Type and accept H0 , if p> alpha, e.g. There are no differences
accept HA, if p<= alpha, e.g. There is a difference
Percentual distribution of Y in Xi/ Xj pairings. The average describes the profile of variable
2. Percentage-Profile
Percentage Profiles Chart
over all Xi categories. The deviations of Xi on the different Levels of Xj shows the specific
2. Compare the profiles. Xi/ Xj profile. The deviations are explicitly depicted in the % Difference chart.
Average 25% Vanilla
25% Choc
% Difference between Observed and
3. Expected Counts
The difference chart shows the differences in Xi and Xj between expected and observed
Africa 0% Africa
3. % Difference Chart values. The larger the difference, positive or negative, the greater the contribution to the
Cocos Chi^2-Test-Value and thus to the significance of the results.
America 25%
25% 4. Comments Summary and comments about results
Asia 10%
Number of observed vs. expected values for each Xi/Xj combination, as well as violations
5. Statistics
40% Australia
of conditions of the Chi2-Test
Australia 40%
10% Europe

Europe 50%
49% -100% -50% 0% 50% 100%
Positive: Occur more frequently than expected
0% 15% 30% 45% 60% Negative: Occur less frequently than expected


Example: Compare the amount of sold Cookies (Y), differentiated by Type (X1) and Continent (X2)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 110
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> General Linear Model Technische Universität München

The General Linear Model (GLM) allows the forecasting of Y, if x is known

Many parametric Statistical Tests are based on the General Linear Model:

Dependent Variable y = b + ax + e Error

Constant Independent Variable

Weight of the independent variable (Effect)

 This regression line quantifies the relationship between x and Y (Effect).

 The higher a, the stronger the relationship. Since a is not a standardized value, the strength of the
relationship between x and Y is expressed as a correlation.
 The determination coefficient R2 (= squared correlation coefficient) expresses in percent how much the
variability in Y can be explained by the variability in x (= explained portion of variability)
 The higher the correlation/ the determination coefficient, the smaller the error (e).
 By a perfect correlation (r=-1.00 ∨ r=1.00) respectively total determination (R2= 1.00) is e= 0.

Examples for GLM based Tests are: Correlation, Regression, ANOVA, Factor-Analysis, Discriminant Analysis
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 111
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> General Linear Model Technische Universität München

The predictions from the general linear model (GLM) are more accurate, …

Fitted Line Plot Fitted Line Plot

Y_Choc-Cookie-Taste_1 = 7,000 - 0,5000 x_01_Chocolate-Weight Y_Choc-Cookie-Taste_1 = 6,592 - 0,5014 x_01_Chocolate-Weight
S 0 S 0,701714
6 6 R-Sq 84,5%
R-Sq 100,0%

y= b + ax (+ e) y= b + ax + e
R-Sq(adj) 100,0%
y= b + ax + e R-Sq(adj) 83,8%

5 5





2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
x_01_Chocolate-Weight x_01_Chocolate-Weight

Perfect, positive relationship between: strong, positive relationship between:

 X= Chocolate Weight  X= Chocolate Weight
 Y= Taste  Y= Taste
 b= 7 (y-intercept/ constant term)  b= 6,592 (y-intercept/ constant term)
 a= -0,5 (slope of regression line)  a= -0,5014 (slope of regression line)
 r= 1,00 (correlation-coefficient)  r= 0,837 (correlation-coefficient)
 R = 100% (determination-coefficient) 2
 R = 70,17% (determination-coefficient)
 e= 0 (error-term)  e> 0 (error-term)

… the smaller the variability in the collection of values around the regression line (=Residuals).
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 112
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> General Linear Model Technische Universität München

Even though the relationship between Y and X is not perfect, …

Fitted Line Plot Sum of Squares due to Regression = Ʃ ( yi - y )2 (SSR)

Y_Choc-Cookie-Taste_1 = 6,592 - 0,5014 x_01_Chocolate-Weight
Sum of Squares due to Error = Ʃ ( yi - yi )2 (SSE)
data-pair (xi,yi)
S 0,701714
6 R-Sq 84,5%
R-Sq(adj) 83,8%
Sum of Squares total = Ʃ ( yi - y )2 (SST)

residual yi - yi

yi - y
estimated yi - y
3 yquer (3,5)
y= b + ax + e R2= SSR/ SST

Regression Line
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

 The Regression Line is placed between the datapoints

so that the squared deviations of all points to the line is minimized.
 Since the relationship is not perfect in work environments, there are always (residual-) deviations= errors (e).
 The stronger the a-weights, the steeper the slope up to 45°, the better Y can be estimated by x.
 Influences x with significant, i.e. from zero different a-weight is a suitable anchor point for improvements.

… the Determinmation with R2= 84% offers a good basis for forecasts and improvements
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 113
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> General Linear Model Technische Universität München

Correlation and Regression …

 Starting point for the Correlation/ Regression is the Scatter Plot.
 The X-axsis rshows one of the independent variables, i.e. the Influences in a Process (Xi, Xp)
 The Y-Achse shows the dependent variable, i.e. the attribute of an Output (Y)
 Hypothesis: There is a/ no (the … the …)Relatonship between x and Y (Y= f(x))

 The positions of the xY datapoints give a first impression of the degree of Relationship between x and Y.

 The Correlation-Coefficient: rxY numerically indicates the degree of Relationship between x and Y.
 rxY can vary between -1 and +1,
- 1 := perfect negative linear Relationship,
0 := no Relationsdhip
+ 1 := perfect positive linear relationship. -1 ≤ rxy ≤ 1

 The Regression Analysis calculates the influences of multiple independent variables (Xi, Xp) on the
dependent variable (Y) at the same time.
r = 0,85 r = 0,5 r = 0,1 r = - 0,8
Value of “r“ Definition
. ... . ....... . ... .
... . . .. . .. . ... .

< r <_ 1
0,7 _ Strong positive correlation

. ..
... .
. . . .. . .

0,3 _< r _ Medium positive correlation
< 0,7
.. .

. . ... .

- 0,3 _< r _ ... .
. ..

< +0,3 no correlation

. .. .. ... .
.. . ...

. .
- 0,7 _< r _

< - 0,3 medium negative correlation

.. .

... .
.. . . .


- 1 _< r _
< - 0,7 strong negative correlation


… are statistical hypothesis tests

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 114
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Regression Technische Universität München


Regression: Y= f(x) - Relationship between cardinally scaled variables x and Y



Purpose 1.
Analyse the relationship between (multiple) x and Y
Relationship There is a/ no Relationship between: Influence (x) and: Result (Y)


Relationship between complexity of task (x) and Cycle Time (Y)

a. b. c.
Relationship between speed (x) and fuel consumption (Y)

Relationship between baking time (x) and browning degree of the Cookie (Y)
Y Scale Level
1 cardinal
x Scale Level
n cardinal Dialog
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu Y := cardinal scaled variable of Results
1. Sample Data
x := cardinal scaled variable of Influence
If data are collected in time order then the time dependency of the Residuals can be
Stat/ Regression 2. Order of Data
shown, if present
Based on the type of assumed Relationship between x and Y the type of model can be
note … 3. Type of Model
selected, that will be tested
Choose for me: Minitab chooses the model with the best adjustments according to the
X- and Y-Variables: normal distributed; Sample Size N: > 15 a)
collected data
b) Linear: Influence is represented as x in the Model to predict Y

c) Quadratic: Influence is represented as x and x2 in the Model to predict Y

Linear Model is to be preferred if the Determination Coefficients (R2) of the tested
Models are of similar size
4. Alpha-Level Significance level for the test

Example: Relationship between baking time (x) and browning degree of Cookie (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 115
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Regression Technische Universität München


Regression: Y= f(x) - Relationship between cardinally scaled variables x and Y

Regression for Y_Browning_of_Cookie vs x_Baking_Time Regression for Y_Browning_of_Cookie vs x_Baking_Time
Y: Y_Browning_of_Cookie
Prediction Report Diagnostic Report
X: x_Baking_Time Look for these patterns:
Prediction Plot
X Predicted Y 95% PI
1. Residuals vs Fitted Values
Look for nonrandom patterns and large residuals. 3.
1. The red fitted line shows the predicted Y for any X value. The blue
dashed lines show the 95% prediction interval.
2. 9 9,1653 (7,9627; 10,368)
Large Residuals Strong Curvature
9,5 9,6599 (8,4602; 10,860)
24 10 10,154 (8,9576; 11,351)
10,5 10,649 (9,4546; 11,843)
11 11,144 (9,9514; 12,336)
11,5 11,638 (10,448; 12,828)
12 12,133 (10,944; 13,321)
12,5 12,627 (11,440; 13,814)

1.a 13
(11,936; 14,308)
(12,432; 14,801) Clusters Unequal Variation
14 14,111 (12,927; 15,295)
14,5 14,606 (13,422; 15,789)
15 15,100 (13,916; 16,284) -1

15,5 15,595 (14,411; 16,778)

16 16,089 (14,905; 17,273)
16,5 16,584 (15,399; 17,769)
10 12 14 16 18 20
16 17 17,078 (15,893; 18,264)
17,5 17,573 (16,386; 18,760)
1.b 18 18,067 (16,879; 19,256)

(17,372; 19,752)
(17,864; 20,249) 2. Residuals vs Observation Order
Look for nonrandom patterns and large residuals.
19,5 19,551 (18,357; 20,746) Large Residuals Cyclical
20 20,046 (18,849; 21,243)
12 20,5 20,540 (19,341; 21,740) 1
21 21,035 (19,832; 22,238)

10 1.b

8 Trend Shifts

10 12 14 16 18 20 22

1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
To obtain additional predicted values, right-click the graph and use the crosshairs tool.

Results Results
Plot shows the Residuals, i.e. the deviation of the data points from the Regression Line,
1. Prediction Plot Scatter Plot for the Variables x and Y 1. Residuals vs. Fitted
along the scale of x, i.e. from small to large values of x
Plot shows the Residuals, i.e. the deviation of the data points from the Regression Line,
1. Residuals vs.
a) Regression Line along the time order of the collected data, as given in the Worksheet, i.e. from first to last
Observation Order
collected data of x
95% Prediction Intervall (PI), i.e. the interval in which the predicted value of Y will be with a Signals as different patterns which show, that the Residuals are systematically influenced;
b) 3. Signals
95% confidence, for a given x try to identfy the Root-Causes of these patterns and eliminate them;

2. Statistics Values for x, the predicted Y and ist 95% Prediction Interval (PI)

Example: Relationship between baking time (x) and browning degree of Cookie (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 116
DMAIC > Statistics >> Hypothesis >>> Tests >>>> Regression Technische Universität München


Regression: Y= f(x) - Relationship between cardinally scaled variables x and Y

Regression for Y_Browning_of_Cookie vs x_Baking_Time Regression for Y_Browning_of_Cookie vs x_Baking_Time
Y: Y_Browning_of_Cookie
Model Selection Report Y: Y_Browning_of_Cookie
Summary Report
X: x_Baking_Time X: x_Baking_Time

Fitted Line Plot for Linear Model

1. Y = 0,2632 + 0,9891 X 4. Fitted Line Plot for Linear Model
1. Is there a relationship between Y and X? Y = 0,2632 + 0,9891 X

1.a Large residual 0 0,05 0,1 > 0,5

Yes No

P < 0,001

1.b The relationship between Y_Browning_of_Cookie and x_Baking_Time is

statistically significant (p < 0,05).

2. % of variation explained by the model 10
12 0% 100%
10,0 12,5 15,0 17,5 20,0
Low High x_Baking_Time
R-sq = 96,58%
96,58% of the variation in Y_Browning_of_Cookie can be explained by the
10 12 14 16 18 20 regression model. The fitted equation for the linear model that describes the
x_Baking_Time relationship between Y and X is:
Y = 0,2632 + 0,9891 X
If the model fits the data well, this equation can be used to predict
Y_Browning_of_Cookie for a value of x_Baking_Time, or find the
Selected Model
Alternative Model
Quadratic 3. settings for x_Baking_Time that correspond to a desired value or
2. R-squared (adjusted) 96,54% 96,51% -1
Correlation between Y and X
0 1
range of values for Y_Browning_of_Cookie.

P-value, model 0,000* 0,000* Perfect Negative No correlation Perfect Positive A statistically significant relationship does not imply that X causes Y.
P-value, linear term 0,000* 0,000*
P-value, quadratic term — 0,848
Residual standard deviation 0,594 0,597 0,98
The positive correlation (r = 0,98) indicates that when x_Baking_Time
increases, Y_Browning_of_Cookie also tends to increase.
* Statistically significant (p < 0,05)

Is there a Relationship between X and Y?
Results The bar of the chart indicates:
- orange line: actual p-value of the Significance Test
1. Significance Test
1. Fitted Line Plot Scatter Plot for the Variables x and Y - dark blue sector: 0% > alpha <= 5%
- light blue sector: 5% > alpha <= 10%
accept H0 , if p> alpha, e.g. There are no differences
a) Regression Equation for the Prediction of Y by the values of x accept HA, if p<= alpha, e.g. There is a difference

2. % variation The determination coefficient (R-squared/ R2) shows the percentage of variation of Y that
Large Residuals (if the Root-Cause of these deviating values is known, then they might be explained can be explained by the variation of x. The remaining percentage is the error portion.
exluded from the calculation)
Level of Correlation between x and Y, which can be positive or negative. (The correlation
2. Statistics for the - R2 (adjusted): Percentual degree of variation of Y explained by x 3. Correlation
rxy in this univariate Model (only one X) is the squareroot of R2.)
tested Models - p-values for the tested Models
4. Scatter Plot Scatter Plot for X and Y with Regression Line and the Regression Equation

5. Comments Summary and comments about results

Example: Relationship between baking time (x) and browning degree of Cookie (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 117
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) Technische Universität München

Design of Experiments

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 118

DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) Technische Universität München

The DoE is a systematic approach …

Design of Experiments is:

 an effective and efficient method to analyse Y= f(x)
 Cause- & Effect Relationships between
 Influences of the Input and Process (XI, XM, XR) and
 Attributes of the Output, like Quality, Availability and Resource Consumption (Y)

The DoE:
 identifies Variables (X) with the highest impact (Main Effects) on the result of the Outputs
(Y) and thus can be seen as Root-Causes of the Variation
 identifies interdependencies (Interactions) between different levels of at least two
Influences (X) on the result of the Outputs (Y)
 quantifies and thus predicts, how and to which degree the variation of Influences (X) affect
the result of the Outputs (Y)
 identifies the specific adjustments for the Influences (X) to optimize the results of the
Outputs (Y) in direction of a target

… to identify the best Solutions

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 119
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) Technische Universität München

SigmaCopter AG


 You are a Engineer in the Development Department of the SigmaCopter AG.

 Your Customer require longer flight durations of the SigmaCopter.
 Thus your Company decides to improve the actual aircraft model.

Basic design of the SigmaCopter

 Paper
 Clip

What is your approach?

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma Exercise 120
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) Technische Universität München

SigmaCopter: Task (1/2)

Target of the Project:

 Optimize the duration of the free fall from the ceiling of this room (x meter) by:
 Development and Test of Prototypes

Legal conditions:
 It is not allowed to change the basic design of the SigmaCopter (e.g. „paper planes“ are not admitted)
 Budget for material and tests is limited to 2.500.000 €.
 Each Prototype can be tested in repeated measurements but:
It is not allowed to modify a configured and tested Prototypes to serve as another Prototype
Allowed Tools: short long
Fuselage Fuselage
 scissors, glue stick, timer straight cut straight cut

 Zeit: 90 min.




Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma Exercise 121
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) Technische Universität München

SigmaCopter: Task (2/2)

Use a sequential experimentation process**

 A sequential experimentation approach uses a sequence of smaller experiments where the results at each
stage guide the experimentation at the next stage. An advantage of the sequential approach is that at each
stage, only a small number of experimental trials are run so that you are less likely to waste resources.
 A typical sequential experimentation process includes several stages. You should only use the stages that
are appropriate for your situation. Typically, the stages include the following:
 Preliminary screening: Create a list of potential factors and then eliminate unimportant factors
using brainstorming, hypothesis tests, graphical analysis, or other tools.
 DOE Screening: Use a screening experiment when you need to reduce the number of factors
further. In the Assistant, screening experiments examine the main effects of 6–15 factors to help you
identify the critical few factors that influence the response.
 Modeling: Use a modeling design to construct a model that describes the relationship between the
response and the critical factors. In the Assistant, a modeling design examines main effects and
interactions for 2–5 factors and looks for curvature in the continuous factors. If curvature is detected,
the Assistant will add experimental trials that will allow you to fit a quadratic model.
 Optimization: Use the final model to search for an optimal solution. In the Assistant, you can identify
optimal settings for each factor, if that is important for your process.

Your available time: 90 min.


** Source: Minitab 17
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma Exercise 122
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> SigmaCopter (Size: big; …) Technische Universität München

SigmaCopter SigmaCopter



B  D

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma Exercise 123

DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> SigmaCopter (Size: small; …) Technische Universität München

 




 
 

 




 
 

 



 
 

 



 
 

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma Exercise 124
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) Technische Universität München

Screening of probable and Optimization of important Influences (X)



Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 125

DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> Screening Experiment Technische Universität München


DoE Screening Experiment: Identify the important Influences x for the Result Y
Design of Experiments (DoE)

Screening Design

Purpose 1.
Evaluate 6-15 probably relevant Factors with 2 categorical (nominal) or continuous
(cardinal) levels each (= Influences x) on one (or more) attributes of the Output (Y), to 2.
identify the important x for the succeeding Modelling Design.
3.a 3.b 3.c
An experiment based on a Screening Design is the most efficient
method to identify the relevant x in a large number of x´s. Screening
Efficiency Designs are typically of resolution III or IV (fractional designs) which
allow to identify significant main effects of many factors with an
efficient number of runs without considering interaction effects.

Identify important influences of Inputs, Methods and Resources (x) on attributes of (Y)

Identify important influences of your lifestyle (x) on your fitness (Y)

Identify important influences of the layout (x) of the sigmaCopter on its flight duration (Y)
Y Scale Level
1 cardinal Dialog: Create Screening Design (Worksheet)
x Scale Level 1. Name of the Y-Variable (in the Worksheet) (arbitrary)
6-15 nominal or cardinal, slit in 2 levels each
2. Number of Factors/ Influences x (in the Worksheet)
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu
3 Specification of Factors/ Influences x
Stat/ DoE/ Factorial 3.a Name of the x-Factors (arbitrary)
Type of the Factor:
note … 3.b - Categorical (= nominal) (a categorical variable cannot be handled as continuous)
- Continuous (=cardinal) (a continuous variable can be handled as categorical)
Identify the probably relevant Influences (x) in a preceding Brainstorming / Graphical Range of the Factors/ Influences (x) that should be investigated:
Analysis. Then specify the probably relevant range of the 2 Levels (low vs. high) of each 3.c - Low: lower corner point for each Factor
- High: upper corner point for each Factor
selected Influence/ Factor (x).
Number of Runs (determines the sample size; the higher the number of Runs, the higher
the Power, the smaller the Differences, that could be detected, if present)

Example: Evaluate six probably relevant design features (x) for the flight duration (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 126
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> Screening Experiment Technische Universität München


DoE Screening Experiment: Identify the important Influences x for the Result Y
1. Create Screening Design
Report Card
Check Status Description
i When you create a screening design, Minitab automatically randomizes the order of the experimental runs. Randomization balances
the effect of uncontrollable conditions, such as changes to materials or personnel, and reduces the chance that these conditions will
bias the results. When you conduct the screening experiment, make sure you perform the runs in random order as specified in the
1.a worksheet.

Next Steps
i To complete the screening process:
1. Complete all pre-experiment activities. For more information, view the Pre-Experiment Checklist.
2. Run your experiment in the order specified in the worksheet and collect the response data.
1.b 3. Enter the response data in column C11.
4. Fit the screening model.
5. Identify the critical few factors (5 or fewer) to include in the modeling design.

Create Screening Design

2. Summary Report

Experimental Goal Effect Estimation

Reduce the number of factors down to the critical This design will estimate the linear main effects for all factors.
few that have the greatest influence on the Interactions will not be estimated with this design.

2.a Y
Main effect: Describes how the response (Y) changes if you
change the setting of one factor (X).

Design Information X

Response Y_Fl_time
Base design 6 factors, 12 runs
Total runs 24
2.b Detection Ability
What effect sizes can you detect with this 24-run design?
< 40% 60% Power 80% 100%

Factors and Settings

Factor Low High
Result: Created Worksheet x_Size_mm 125 250
x_Weight_g 80 120 0,81 Effect 1,06
Standard Order resulting from systematic combination of all Factors and their Levels x_Rotor_Lgth short long
C1 (StdOrder) x_Rotor_Des straight cut You have a 60% chance of detecting effects of 0,81 standard deviations or
(experimental run). x_Fuselage_L short long more and an 80% chance of detecting effects of 1,06.
x_Fuselage_D straight cut

C2 (RunOrder) Randomized Standard Order to avoid sequence effects.

Column with the point type. If you create a 2-level design, Minitab names this
C3 (CenterPt or Effect Size (Shift in the Mean)
column CenterPt. If you create a Plackett-Burman or general full factorial design, Minitab Small Moderate Large
names this column PtType. The codes are: 0 is a center point run and 1 is a corner point.
Column with the blocking variable. When the design is not blocked, Minitab sets all
C4 (Blocks)
column values to 1.
< 1 std dev shift 1-2 std dev shift 2+ std dev shift

C5 - Cn Columns with the Factor-Level-Combinations for the experimental runs. Result: Report Card and Summary Report
1. Report Card Information about: a) Randomization StdOrder into RunOrder and b) next steps
empty Column for the measured Results of each experimental run (Factor-Level- Information about: a) the specified Design and b) Power of the experiment, i.e.
C11 2. Summary Report
Combination) probabilities to detect differences of a certain size, i.e. portions of standard deviations

Example: Evaluate six probably relevant design features (x) for the flight duration (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 127
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> Screening Experiment Technische Universität München


DoE Screening Experiment: Identify the important Influences x for the Result Y
Fit Screening Model for Y_Fl_time Fit Screening Model for Y_Fl_time
Report Card Diagnostic Report
Check Status Description
Look for these patterns: 3.
1. Unusual Data
One data point has a large residual and is not well fit by the model. This point is marked in red on the Diagnostic Report and is in row
3 of the worksheet. Because unusual data can have a strong influence on the results, try to identify the cause for its unusual nature.
1. Residuals vs Fitted Values
Look for nonrandom patterns and large residuals.
Correct any data entry or measurement errors. Consider performing trials associated with special causes again and redoing the 0,2
Large Residuals Unequal Variation

2. Randomization
i When you create a designed experiment, Minitab automatically randomizes the order of the experimental runs. Randomization
balances the effect of uncontrollable conditions, such as changes to materials or personnel, and reduces the chance that these
conditions will bias the results. If you did not perform the runs in random order, consider repeating the experiment.

3. Next Steps Your screening experiment identified 5 critical factors, which are represented by the blue bars in the Pareto chart. You can now use
those factors in a modeling design to create a predictive model for the response. When you set the factor levels in the modeling
design, it is common practice to set them closer together than in the screening design. This can increase the chances of identifying
optimal settings for the critical factors.

3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0

2. Residuals vs Observation Order

Look for nonrandom patterns and large residuals.
0,2 Large Residuals Cyclical


Trend Shifts



Create modeling design. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Result: Report Card Result: Diagnostic Report

Plot shows the Residuals, i.e. the deviation of the data points from the Factor Means,
1. Unusual Data Warning of unusual data, to be seen in the Residuals Plots (next chart, right side) 1. Residuals vs. Fitted
along the scale of Y, i.e. from small to large values of Y
Plot shows the Residuals, i.e. the deviation of the data points from the Factor Means,
1. Residuals vs.
2. Randomization Information about advantage od Randomization of the Standard Order into the Run order along the Run Order of the collected data, as given in the Worksheet, i.e. from first to last
Observation Order
collected data of Y
Summary of the Results of the Screening Experiment and advice for the selection of Signals as different patterns which show, that the Residuals are systematically influenced;
3. Next Steps 3. Signals
Factors and the range/ difference of their Levels. try to identfy the Root-Causes of these patterns and eliminate them;

Example: Evaluate six probably relevant design features (x) for the flight duration (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 128
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> Screening Experiment Technische Universität München


DoE Screening Experiment: Identify the important Influences x for the Result Y
Fit Screening Model for Y_Fl_time Fit Screening Model for Y_Fl_time
Effects Report Summary Report
1. 1. 2.
Main Effects Plot for Y_Fl_time Pareto Chart of Effects Design Information
Describes how changes to a single factor affect the mean of Y_Fl_time. Factors with longer bars have more influence on Y_Fl_time.
Base design 6 factors, 12 runs
x_Weight_g x_Size_mm x_Rotor_Lgth x_Fuselage_D x_Rotor_Des x_Fuselage_L Total runs 24

Mean of Y_Fl_time

Design was folded to increase total runs.

1.c x_Size_mm

4,4 x_Fuselage_D

1.b x_Rotor_Des
80 120 125 250 short long straight cut straight cut short long
A gray background represents a factor that was removed from the model because it is not statistically significant.
1.c0,25 0,50
0,75 1,00
You can conclude that 5 of the factors in your model are significant at
The red line is the effect size at the 0,10 level of significance. the 0,10 level of significance.
Gray bars represent non-significant factors that were removed from
the model. The blue bars in the Pareto chart represent the significant factors that
are included in the model. Evaluate the size of the effects to
determine whether they have practical implications.

The model explains 98,48% of the variation in Y_Fl_time.

% of variation explained by the model
0% 100%

R-sq = 98,48%
98,48% of the variation in Y_Fl_time can be explained by the model.

Result: Effects Report Result: Summary Report

Main-Effects Plots for Y, showing the separated impact of each Factor (x) on Y, separated 1. Pareto Chart of Factors (x) ranked according to their influence on Y, i.e. the Effect-Size, i.e. their influence
according to their specific Factor Levels; Effects on the Flight time
- white background means: Main-Effect of Factor is significant 1.a Blue bars indicate Factors (x) with significant influence (alpha= 10%)
- grey background means: Main-Effect of Factor is not significant
1.b Grey bars indicate Factors (x) with non-significant influence (alpha= 10%)
Result of Factor: x_Weight, Level: 80g on: Y_Flight-time
(while the impact of all other Factors is balanced) Red Line: shows the size of the Effect at the threshold of non-significant vs. significant
results (alpha= 10%): all Effect Sizes right to this alpha-threshold are significant, all Effect
Result of Factor: x_Weight, Level: 120g on: Y_Flight-time 1.c
1.b Sizes left to this limit are not significant. If it is necessary, to also significantly identify
(while the impact of all other Factors is balanced)
Effect Sizes below this threshold, then a larger Sample Size is needed.
2. Design Information Information of the analysed Design
Statement about R-square (R2), i.e. the % of variation in Y that can be explained by the
3. Determination
model (= Factors and their Levels).
4. Comment Summary and comments about results

Example: Evaluate six probably relevant design features (x) for the flight duration (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 129
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> Modeling Experiment Technische Universität München


DoE Modeling Experiment: Identify Main-Effects, Interactions of x and optimize the Result Y
Design of Experiments (DoE)

Modeling Design

Purpose 1.
Evaluate 2-5 significant Factors (x) on the Result (Y), identified in the previous Screening
Design, to find those Factor-Level combinations to a) maximize Y, b) minimize Y or c)
achieve a target value of Y.
An experiment based on a Modeling Design is the most effective
method to identify the optimal settings of a small number of x´s. 3.
Effectivity Modeling Designs are typically full-factorial designs with as many
replicates, which are necessary to identify Effect Sizes of a certain 4.
Optimize attributes of (Y) based on identified influences of Inputs, Methods and
Resources (x)

Optimize your fitness (Y) based on the identified influences on your lifestyle (x)
4.a 4.b 4.c
Identify the Levels of the design features (x) for the optimal flight duration (Y) 5.
Y Scale Level Dialog: Create Modeling Design (Worksheet)
1 cardinal 1. Name of the Y-Variable (in the Worksheet)
x Scale Level 2. Goal for Y: a) maximize, b) minimize Response or c) achieve a target value for Y
2-5 nominal or cardinal, split in 2 levels each 3. Number of Factors/ Influences x (in the Worksheet)
Alternative in Minitab Stat Menu 4. Specification of Factors/ Influences x
4.a Name of the x-Factors (arbitrary)
Stat/ DoE/ Factorial
Type of the Factor:
note … 4.b - Categorical (= nominal) (a categorical variable cannot be handled as continuous)
- Continuous (=cardinal) (a continuous variable can be handled as categorical)
Range of the Factors/ Influences (x) that should be investigated:
Verify the selected range of the 2 Levels (low vs. high) of each selected Influence/ 4.c - Low: lower corner point for each Factor
- High: upper corner point for each Factor
Factor (x).
Number of Replicates (multiple experimental runs with the same factor settings (levels)
which increase the precision of the model)

Example: Identify the Levels of the design features (x) for the optimal flight duration (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 130
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> Modeling Experiment Technische Universität München


DoE Modeling Experiment: Identify Main-Effects, Interactions of x and optimize the Result Y
1. Create Modeling Design
Report Card
Check Status Description
Randomization When you create a modeling design, Minitab automatically randomizes the order of the experimental runs. Randomization balances
i the effect of uncontrollable conditions, such as changes to materials or personnel, and reduces the chance that these conditions will
bias the results. When you conduct the modeling experiment, make sure you perform the runs in random order as specified in the
1.a worksheet.

Next Steps To complete the optimization process:

i 1. Complete all pre-experiment activities. For more information, view the Pre-Experiment Checklist.
2. Run your experiment in the order specified in the worksheet and collect the response data.
1.b 3. Enter the response data in column C10.
4. Fit the linear model.
5. If curvature is significant, add points for curvature, collect the response data, and fit a quadratic model.

Create Modeling Design

Summary Report
Experimental Goal Effect Estimation
Construct a model that describes the relationship This design will estimate all linear main effects and two-way interactions.
between the response and critical factors. If the
model is adequate, use it to find optimal settings
for the factors.
Main effect: Describes how the response (Y) changes if you
change the setting of one factor (X).
2.a X

Design Information Interaction: Describes how the response (Y) changes if you
Response Y_Fl_time change the settings of two factors (X).
Goal Maximize
Base design
5 factors, 16 runs
1 2.b Detection Ability
What effect sizes can you detect with this 1-replicate design?
Center points 16
Total runs 32 < 40% 60% Power 80% 100%

Result: Created Worksheet

Standard Order resulting from systematic combination of all Factors and their Levels 0,99 Effect 1,30
C1 (StdOrder) You have an 80% chance of detecting effects of 1,30 standard deviations or more. With
(experimental run). 2 replicates, you can detect effects of 0,89.

Factors and Settings

C2 (RunOrder) Randomized Standard Order to avoid sequence effects. Factor Low High
x_Size_mm 125 250
Column with the point type. If you create a 2-level design, Minitab names this x_Weight_g 80 120
C3 (CenterPt or x_Rotor_Lgth short long Effect Size (Shift in the Mean)
column CenterPt. If you create a Plackett-Burman or general full factorial design, Minitab x_Rotor_Des straight cut Small Moderate Large
PtType) x_Fuselage_D straight cut
names this column PtType. The codes are: 0 is a center point run and 1 is a corner point.
Column with the blocking variable. When the design is not blocked, Minitab sets all
C4 (Blocks)
column values to 1. < 1 std dev shift 1-2 std dev shift 2+ std dev shift

C5 - Cn Columns with the Factor-Level-Combinations for the experimental runs. Result: Report Card and Summary Report
1. Report Card Information about: a) Randomization StdOrder into RunOrder and b) next steps
empty Column for the measured Results of each experimental run (Factor-Level- Information about: a) the specified Design and b) Power of the experiment, i.e.
C10 2. Summary Report
Combination) probabilities to detect differences of a certain size, i.e. portions of standard deviations

Example: Identify the Levels of the design features (x) for the optimal flight duration (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 131
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> Modeling Experiment Technische Universität München


DoE Modeling Experiment: Identify Main-Effects, Interactions of x and optimize the Result Y
Fit Linear Model for Y_Fl_time Fit Linear Model for Y_Fl_time
Report Card Diagnostic Report
Check Status Description
Residuals vs Fitted Values
Look for these patterns:
1. Unusual Data
One data point has a large residual and is not well fit by the model. This point is marked in red on the Diagnostic Report and is in row
11 of the worksheet. Because unusual data can have a strong influence on the results, try to identify the cause for its unusual nature.
1. Look for nonrandom patterns and large residuals.
Correct any data entry or measurement errors. Consider performing trials associated with special causes again and redoing the 0,2
Large Residuals Unequal Variation

2. Randomization
i When you create a designed experiment, Minitab automatically randomizes the order of the experimental runs. Randomization
balances the effect of uncontrollable conditions, such as changes to materials or personnel, and reduces the chance that these
conditions will bias the results. If you did not perform the runs in random order, consider repeating the experiment.

3. Curvature
i Minitab did not detect any evidence of curvature in your data. When curvature exists, the average response at the center points is
either higher or lower than the average response at the corner (cube) points. A linear model may adequately describe the relationship
between the response and the factors.
4. Next Steps Evaluate the optimal solutions in the Summary Report and the Prediction and Optimization Report, which show factor settings that
optimize Y_Fl_time. The Prediction and Optimization Report also shows alternative solutions that are nearly optimal. If the settings
from the optimal solution or one of the alternative solutions are adequate, you should perform 20-30 confirmation runs using those
settings to verify the solution. If the solutions do not meet your goals, you may need to run another experiment using different factor -0,2
settings. If necessary, get help to determine the appropriate next steps. 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0

Residuals vs Observation Order

2. Look for nonrandom patterns and large residuals.
0,2 Large Residuals Cyclical


Trend Shifts


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

Result: Report Card Result: Diagnostic Report

Plot shows the Residuals, i.e. the deviation of the data points from the Factor Means,
1. Unusual Data Warning of unusual data, to be seen in the Residuals Plots (next chart, right side) 1. Residuals vs. Fitted
along the scale of Y, i.e. from small to large values of Y
Plot shows the Residuals, i.e. the deviation of the data points from the Factor Means,
1. Residuals vs.
2. Randomization Information about advantage od Randomization of the Standard Order into the Run order along the Run Order of the collected data, as given in the Worksheet, i.e. from first to last
Observation Order
collected data of Y
Detection of Curvature means: non linear Influence of a Factor (x) on the Result (Y), based
Signals as different patterns which show, that the Residuals are systematically influenced;
3. Curvature on the Results of the Center Point (x) in Relation to the Corner Points (x); Curvature would 3. Signals
try to identfy the Root-Causes of these patterns and eliminate them;
make a Response Surface Design necessary;

4. Next Steps Summary of the Results of the Modeling Experiment and advices for validating the Result.

Example: Identify the Levels of the design features (x) for the optimal flight duration (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 132
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> Modeling Experiment Technische Universität München


DoE Modeling Experiment: Identify Main-Effects, Interactions of x and optimize the Result Y
Fit Linear Model for Y_Fl_time
Prediction and Optimization Report
1. Goal: Maximize Y_Fl_time Solution: Optimal Settings
Predicted Y 7,00188 A: x_Size_mm 250 D: x_Rotor_Des straight
95% PI (6,7507; 7,2531) B: x_Weight_g 120 E: x_Fuselage_D cut
C: x_Rotor_Lgth long

2. Settings and Sensitivity for Optimal Solution
Blue lines show optimal settings. Black lines or symbols show the predicted Y at different settings.
x_Size_mm x_Weight_g x_Rotor_Lgth x_Rotor_Des x_Fuselage_D

6 1.b

150 20
0 80 100 1 20 sho
a igh
a igh

Predicted Y for All Design Points Top Five Alternative Solutions

3. Use brushing to see the factor settings for
any predicted Y.
4. Design points with predicted Y values closest to the optimal solution. Evaluate
these and the optimal solution to determine if any are adequate.

A B C D E Predicted Y
250 120 long cut cut 6,9275
250 120 long straight straight 6,74125
250 120 short straight cut 6,46125
250 80 long straight cut 6,33688
250 80 long cut straight 6,24688

4,5 5,5 6,5

Predicted Y

Result: Prediction and Optimization Report Alternative: Response Optimizer

Optimal settings of all significant Factors, i.e. their Levels for the selected goal of Y (a. 1. Menu: Stat/ DoE/ A more flexible tool to find the optimal solution and systematically identify alternative
1. Optimal Settings
maximize, minimize or achieve a target value) Factorial/ Response solutions, based on the given Results is the Response Optimizer. It is immediately
Optimizer available after the results in the Prediction and Optimization Report have been calculated.
2. Settings and Graphical Display of optimal settings, with the blue lines indicating the selected Factor-
Sensitivity Level (x) for the optimal result (Y)

3. Predicted Y Predicted values for Y for all Design Points, i.e. all Factor-Level combinations (x)

4. Alternative Ranking of alternative solutions to the optimal solution, which might have advantages, not
Solutions investigated in the experiments (e.g. costs)

Example: Identify the Levels of the design features (x) for the optimal flight duration (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 133
DMAIC > Statistics >> Design of Experiments (DoE) >>> Modeling Experiment Technische Universität München


DoE Modeling Experiment: Identify Main-Effects, Interactions of x and optimize the Result Y
Fit Linear Model for Y_Fl_time Fit Linear Model for Y_Fl_time
1. Effects Report Summary Report
Interaction Plots for Y_Fl_time 1. Pareto Chart of Standardized Effects
Design Information
1.a x_Size_mm * x_Weight_g
Describes how the mean of Y_Fl_time changes if you change the settings of two factors.
Terms with longer bars have more influence on Y_Fl_time.
Base design 5 factors, 16 runs
6 120 A Factor Name Replicates 1
C A x_Size_mm Center points 16
5 B x_Weight_g Total runs 32
C x_Rotor_Lgth
x_Size_mm * x_Rotor_Lgth x_Weight_g * x_Rotor_Lgth
E 1.a D x_Rotor_Des
x_Rotor_Lgth E x_Fuselage_D
short D
Mean of Y_Fl_time

BD Optimal Factor Settings Predicted Y

CD 1.b x_Size_mm

x_Size_mm * x_Rotor_Des x_Weight_g * x_Rotor_Des x_Rotor_Lgth * x_Rotor_Des BC

x_Rotor_Des x_Rotor_Lgth long
straight AC
x_Rotor_Des straight
6 cut CE x_Fuselage_D cut
x_Size_mm * x_Fuselage_D x_Weight_g * x_Fuselage_D x_Rotor_Lgth * x_Fuselage_D x_Rotor_Des * x_Fuselage_D
straight 0 10 20 30
6 cut Comments
Standardized Effect
5 The red line is the effect size at the 0,10 level of significance. You can conclude that there is a relationship between Y_Fl_time and
Gray bars represent non-significant terms that were removed from the factors in the model at the 0,10 level of significance.
the model. Main effects for factors included in interactions are
125,0 250,0 80 120 short long straight cut
never removed. The blue bars in the Pareto chart represent the terms that are
x_Size_mm x_Weight_g x_Rotor_Lgth x_Rotor_Des
included in the model.

Your goal is to maximize Y_Fl_time. Using the optimal settings for the
Main Effects Plots for Y_Fl_time factors included in the model, the predicted value of Y_Fl_time is
Describes how changes to a single factor affect the mean of Y_Fl_time. 4. 7,00188.
1.b If there is an interaction between factors, use the interaction plots to determine the optimal factor settings. % of variation explained by the model
The model explains 98,33% of the variation in Y_Fl_time.
x_Size_mm x_Weight_g x_Rotor_Lgth x_Rotor_Des x_Fuselage_D 0% 100%

R-sq = 98,33%
5 98,33% of the variation in Y_Fl_time can be explained by the model.

125,0 250,0 80 120 short long straight cut straight cut
A gray background represents a term that was removed from the model because it is not statistically significant.

Result: Effects Report Result: Summary Report

Main-Effects Plots and Interaction Plots for Y, showing the separated and combined 1. Pareto Chart of Factors (x) and Interaction of Factors ranked according to their influence on Y, i.e. the
impacts of Factors (x) on Y; Standardized Effects Standardized Effect-Size, i.e. their influence on the Flight time
- white background means: Effect is significant 1.a Blue bars indicate Factors and Interactions with significant influence (alpha= 10%)
- grey background means: Effect is not significant
1.b Grey bars indicate Factors and Interactions with non-significant influence
1.a Interaction Plots for all Factor x Factor combinations and their Levels
Red Line: shows the size of the Effect at the threshold of non-significant vs. significant
results (alpha= 10%): all Effect Sizes right to this alpha-threshold are significant, all Effect
1.b Main-Effects Plots for each Factor x and their Levels Sizes left to this limit are not significant. If it is necessary, to also significantly identify
Effect Sizes below this threshold, then a larger Sample Size is needed.
2. Design Information Information of the analyzed Design
3. Optimal Settings Optimal settings for the Factors (x) and the corresponding predicted Result for Y
4. Determination R-square (R2), i.e. the % of variation in Y that can be explained by the Factors (x)
5. Comment Summary and comments about results

Example: Identify the Levels of the design features (x) for the optimal flight duration (Y)
Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 134
DMAIC > Statistics >> Literature Technische Universität München


Breyfogle, Forrest W. (2003): Implementing Six Sigma; John Wiley & Sons; 2 edition

Minitab Version 17.3.1 (2016); Minitab Inc.

Montgomery, Douglas C. (2012): Design and Analysis of Experiments; John Wiley & Sons; 8 edition

Rother, M. & Shook, John (1999): Learning to see; The Lean Enterprise Institute; Spi edition

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 135

Technische Universität München

end of course

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker
Kurztrum 31
A-8966 Aich-Assach
[email protected]

Dr. Reiner Hutwelker Lean and Six Sigma 136

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