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Mission Statement:

Creating tomorrow’s successful and

caring citizens today.

Attendance &
Punctuality Policy
Policy Updated By Latest Publish Date Monitoring Cycle

Akram Tarik August 2022 Annually

Schedule for Development / Monitoring / Review

This policy was ratified on: 18th August 2022

The implementation of this policy will be monitored by the: Principal and Senior Leadership Team

The Policy will be reviewed annually, or more regularly in the August 2023
light of any significant new developments. The next
anticipated review date will be:
Please read this policy alongside: Parent Contract, Code of Conduct & Zero Tolerance policy

This policy is applied at GFM alongside our school’s vision, mission and values. Interwoven with the
principles of High-Performance Learning; values, attitudes, attributes and A.C.P. Characteristics.

1. Purpose
At GEMS Founders School Mizhar we take the issue of children’s attendance and punctuality
extremely seriously. Evidence shows that both lateness and poor attendance have a detrimental
effect on a child’s educational attainment and life chances. It may also make it more difficult for
them to make firm social bonds with other children. The odd day off here and there soon mounts up
as does late arrival resulting in missing lesson time in a morning and these have a significant impact
on learning.

2. Aims
Through this policy we aim to:

Vision Page 1 of 9
‘At GFM we empower students to have the heart to celebrate uniqueness and the mind to be
innovative, creative problem solvers, bringing a positive change to the world in which we live.’
Attendance &
Punctuality Policy
• Keep the School’s attendance above 98%.
• Outline the steps the School will take to promote positive attendance and punctuality.
• Outline absence procedures for parents to follow.

3. Attendance
The National Foundation for Educational Research in the UK ( has shown that there
is a significant association between absence and attainment and that there is also evidence that
there may be critical thresholds of absence linked to significantly lower performance outcomes.
Furthermore, this is supported by the KHDA.
The Parent School Contract states that parents have a responsibility for:
‘Understanding and upholding the school’s policy which states continued tardiness and absenteeism
will result in disciplinary measures and will affect the students’ chances of enrolment for the
upcoming academic year.’
The Ministry of Education for the UAE also states that ‘if a student is absent from school for 20
consecutive days or 25 nonconsecutive days’ the school can remove the child’s place. Additionally, Dr
Malak Zaalouk, Unicef's regional education adviser, said that pursuing an education is the right of
every child and this is supported by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-
President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.
DSIB guidelines for attendance are as follows:
98% Outstanding
96% Very Good
94% Good
92% Acceptable
Less than 92% Weak
Less than 90% Very weak

Therefore, all parents should ensure that their child is at school on time every day of the school year,
except for illness. The reason for an absence must always be communicated to the school. If a child is

Vision Page 2 of 9
‘At GFM we empower students to have the heart to celebrate uniqueness and the mind to be
innovative, creative problem solvers, bringing a positive change to the world in which we live.’
Attendance &
Punctuality Policy
sick parents should complete the absence reporting process as defined in this policy explaining the
reason for absence. The principal cannot authorize absences other than for medical reasons.
The following mark scheme should be followed:
Registration Codes used at GFM
Present codes:
P- Present
L- Late
D- Distance learning (for when students have COVID-19 but are accessing online learning)
E- Educated offsite (students attending pre-approved visits/educational events)
M- Internal exclusion
X- External exclusion
Absence codes:
A- Unauthorised absence (when the Parent has not contacted the class teacher/form tutor/school to
inform us that the child is ill)
C-Authorised absence (COVID-19 illness)
I- Authorised absence (for when families have contacted class teacher/Secondary form to inform of
O-Authorised absence – other circumstance (authorised only by HoS & DHoS)
S- Authorised absence- study leave (phase 3 and 4 only)

Procedures for reporting and escalating absence

Vision Page 3 of 9
‘At GFM we empower students to have the heart to celebrate uniqueness and the mind to be
innovative, creative problem solvers, bringing a positive change to the world in which we live.’
Attendance &
Punctuality Policy
FS & Primary Attendance Reporting and Escalation Route

Vision Page 4 of 9
‘At GFM we empower students to have the heart to celebrate uniqueness and the mind to be
innovative, creative problem solvers, bringing a positive change to the world in which we live.’
Attendance &
Punctuality Policy
Secondary Attendance Reporting and Escalation Route

Persistent Absenteeism
In addition to the above escalation routes, absence data will be analysed by primary and secondary SLT
on a weekly basis. Any students identified as persistently absent will have a bespoke support action plan
provided to rapidly improve attendance. All stakeholders will be expected to fully engage in the action
plan and attend all meetings. Failure to support the process to reduce absence may affect the students’
chance of enrolment for the following academic year.

Vision Page 5 of 9
‘At GFM we empower students to have the heart to celebrate uniqueness and the mind to be
innovative, creative problem solvers, bringing a positive change to the world in which we live.’
Attendance &
Punctuality Policy
4. Punctuality
Poor punctuality is not acceptable. If a pupil misses the start of the day, they miss work and important
information. Late arriving pupils also disrupt lessons and the learning of others.
How we manage lateness:
Registration starts at 7.40am and we expect pupils to be present in their class at 7.40am ready for the
National Anthem at 7.55am. Registers will be taken, and pupils will receive a late mark if they are not in
by that time.
FS & Primary Punctuality Reporting and Escalation Route

Vision Page 6 of 9
‘At GFM we empower students to have the heart to celebrate uniqueness and the mind to be
innovative, creative problem solvers, bringing a positive change to the world in which we live.’
Attendance &
Punctuality Policy
Secondary Punctuality Reporting and Escalation Route

5. Clinic collection
Clinic Procedure for students leaving school early:
1. Student who reports illness and has permission attends the clinic
2. Clinic staff will decide if the student requires to leave the site
3. If the student needs to go home the clinic will:

Vision Page 7 of 9
‘At GFM we empower students to have the heart to celebrate uniqueness and the mind to be
innovative, creative problem solvers, bringing a positive change to the world in which we live.’
Attendance &
Punctuality Policy
✓ call the child’s parent and ask them to enter in main reception to collect their child
✓ email the class teacher/form tutor and the head of school
✓ call/email reception to inform them that a parent will be arriving shortly
✓ keep the unwell student in the clinic until parent arrives
4. Once the parent arrives at main reception a security guard will collect the student from the clinic
and bring them to their parent.

6. Early collection
Early collection of students is not acceptable unless in exceptional circumstances. If a pupil misses the
end of the day, they miss work and important information. Ealy collection of pupils also disrupt lessons
and the learning of others.
How we manage early collection:
Early collection of students is only approved in exceptional circumstances by Principal or Vice Principal
and evidence may be requested to be provided before any request is approval. To request early
collection the parent must email reception ([email protected]) at least 1 hour before the
collection time.

7. Removal from bus for collection

If a parent wishes to collect their child instead of the student taking the school bus home the parent
must email reception ([email protected]) and copy in Service Delivery Executive
([email protected]) at least 1 hour before the collection time.

8. Late Collection
Collecting your pupil late from school is unacceptable. If a pupil is not collected at the end of the school
day it can create extreme distress and anxiety for the child. Staff have scheduled meetings after school
and supervising students not collect causes disruption to the smooth running of the school and staff
How we manage lateness:

Vision Page 8 of 9
‘At GFM we empower students to have the heart to celebrate uniqueness and the mind to be
innovative, creative problem solvers, bringing a positive change to the world in which we live.’
Attendance &
Punctuality Policy
FS & Primary End of Day Collection Reporting and Escalation Route

Secondary End of Day Collection

Where parents are repeatedly late collecting their child secondary SLT will meet with specific families
and create a bespoke plan of action. All stakeholders will be expected to fully engage in the action plan
and attend all meetings. Failure to support the process to reduce absence may affect the students’
chance of enrolment for the following academic year.

Vision Page 9 of 9
‘At GFM we empower students to have the heart to celebrate uniqueness and the mind to be
innovative, creative problem solvers, bringing a positive change to the world in which we live.’

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