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Model Implementation Conformance Statement

for the IEC 61850 interface in SEL-351S

February 20, 2012

UCA International Users Group

Testing Sub Committee

Template version 0.1

Date: April 24, 2008

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


INDEX ...........................................................................................................ii

1. Introduction.........................................................................................5

2. Logical Nodes List..............................................................................6

3. Logical Node Extensions ...................................................................8

3.1. New Logical Nodes ....................................................................8
3.1.1 MDST Demand Metering Statistics ..................................8
3.1.2 SCBR Circuit Breaker Supervision ..................................9

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

1. Introduction

This model implementation conformance statement is applicable for SEL-351S-5, SEL-351S-

6 and SEL-351S-7, with firmware R511:

This MICS document specifies the modelling extensions compared to IEC 61850 edition 1.
For the exact details on the standardized model please compare the ICD substation
configuration file: “0351S 004.ICD”, version R103.

Clause 2 contains the list of implemented logical nodes.

Clause 3 describes the new and extended logical nodes.

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

2. Logical Nodes List

The following table contains the list of logical nodes implemented in the device:

L: System Logical Nodes

LPHD (Physical device information)

LLN0 (Logical node zero)

P: Logical Nodes for protection functions

PFRC (Rate of change of frequency)

PIOC (Instantaneous overcurrent)

PTOC (Time overcurrent)

PTOF (Overfrequency)

PTOV (Overvoltage)

PTRC (Protection trip conditioning)

PSCH (Protection scheme)

PTUV (Undervoltage)

R: Logical nodes for protection related functions

RBRF (Breaker failure)

RDIR (Directional element)

RFLO (Fault locator)

G: Logical Nodes for generic references

GGIO (Generic process I/O)

M: Logical Nodes for metering and measurement

MDST (Demand metering statistics)

MMXU (Measurement)

MSQI (Sequence and imbalance)

S: Logical nodes for sensors and monitoring

SCBR (Circuit breaker supervision)

C: Logical Nodes for control

CSWI (Switch controller)

X: Logical Nodes for switchgear

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

XCBR (Circuit breaker)

Z: Logical Nodes for further power system equipment

ZBAT (Battery)

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

3. Logical Node Extensions
The following table use
M : Data is mandatory in the IEC-61850-7-4.
O: Data is optional in the IEC-61850-7-4 and is used in the device.
E: Data is an extension to the IEC-61850-7-4.

3.1. New Logical Nodes

New logical nodes have the lnNs attribute in the Name plate. The value of lnNs is a reference
to the MICS document.

3.1.1 MDST Demand Metering Statistics

This LN shall be used for calculation of demand currents and energy in a three-phase system.
This shall not be used for billing purposes.

MDST class

Attribute Attribute
Explanation M/O/E Remarks
Name Type

Shall be inherited from Logical-

LNName Node Class (see IEC 61850-7-


Common Logical Node Information

LN shall inherit all Mandatory

Data from Common Logical M
Node Class.

Measured Values

DmdA WYE Demand currents E

PkDmdA WYE Peak demand currents E

Real energy supply (default

SupWh MV direction: energy flow towards E

Reactive energy supply (default

SupVArh MV E
direction: energy flow towards

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.


Real energy demand (default

DmdWh MV direction: energy flow from E

Reactive energy demand

DmdVArh MV (default direction: energy flow E
from busbar)

3.1.2 SCBR Circuit Breaker Supervision

This LN shall be used for supervision of circuit breakers.

MDST class

Attribute Attribute
Explanation M/O/E Remarks
Name Type

Shall be inherited from Logical-

LNName Node Class (see IEC 61850-7-


Common Logical Node Information

LN shall inherit all Mandatory

Data from Common Logical M
Node Class.

Status Information

ColOpn SPS Open command of trip coil E

OpTmAlm SPS Switch operating time exceeded E

OpCnt INS Operation counter E

Measured Values

OpTmOpn MV Operation time open E

OpTmCls MV Operation time close E

Abrasion (in %) of parts subject

AbrPrt MV E
to wear

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

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