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Teacher: Daniel Oscata

Student: Fatima Jade

Vicuña León
Draft of writing 1 .......................................................... 3

Draft 1 correction ........................................................ 4

Draft of writing 2 .......................................................... 5

Draft 2 correction ........................................................ 6

Worksheet 1 (Future time) .......................................... 7

Worksheet 2 (Should have and Could have) ............. 8

Worksheet 3 (Degrees of certainty about the future) 9

Draft of writing 1

With love, my cell phone

My cell phone is very essential for me and I am going to tell you three
reasons. The first reason is that I read newspaper online, I used to buy
newspaper in the store but I didn’t read it and spent more time on my
cell phone. The second reason is that technology is advancing rapidly.
For example, when I had studied in Colombia por two years, I would
make video calls by WhatsApp with my family without being charged.
The third reason of why my cell phone is important is that I can pay
wherever I am. Last week I was talking with my mom and she say “hey,
you were going to pay my cell phone today and you didn’t” so I tell her
“don’t worry the bank hadn’t been working but I just paid it from my
phone”. So, my phone has been working fine, so I recommend you
don´t charge to much.
Draft 1 correction
With love, my cell phone

My cell phone is main for me and I will say three reasons. The first reason is
that I read newspapers online, I used to buy newspapers in the store but I didn’t
read it and I spent more time on my cell phone. Also, I avoid spending money and
do the environment a favor. The second reason is that technology is advancing
rapidly. For example, when I had studied in Colombia for two years, I would make
video calls by WhatsApp with my family without being charged. In addition,
technology has been looking good, such as when I have to read a book and it runs
out, but now from my cell phone I can find it. The third reason why my cell phone is
important is that I can pay where I am. Last week I was talking with my mom and
she say “hey, you were going to pay my cell phone today and you didn’t so I tell her
“don’t worry the bank hadn’t been working but I just paid it from my phone”. So, my
phone has been working fine, so I recommend you don’t charge to much.
Draft of writing 2

The Bermuda Triangle

Many people have heard about that mysterious place. Unexplained situations
of some accidents, people who never returned and were not found, there are many
theories about the events that occurred but nothing explains what happens un that
place. Ships, planes and people disappear and leave no traces, opening theories
and legends that are not resolved.

First, legends that appear to be true but are not proven to this day. Like the black
hole, as everyone knows a black hole has a powerful mass so everything that
passed through that area must have disappeared. For example, a ship that is
through that hole could happen two things: It may turn to ashes or it would go to
another dimension. However, people also say that they inhabit sea monsters, such
as the Kraken. Others say that OVNIS might have taken missing people and
experimented on them.

Theories are another reason for the mystery that this island hides. Some scientists
talk about this concept, such as electronic fog, according to Rob and Bruce Gernon
survivors of this fog, they were in that electronic fog for 75 minutes and then they
appeared in Miami. Rog said “it’s impossible for us to be here in such a short time,
that could have teleported us”. The compasses may not have been damaged, but
they always end north, within the triangle, some survivors have confirmed.

Finally, the incident that gave rise to the mystery of the triangle. 66 years ago, a
plane with 14 people who could have traveled elsewhere but decided to go through
there, disappeared and the bodies or the plane were never found. An audio could be
found about that flight, they said "We don't know where we are, we’re completely
lost, we see some men in the distance but you’re ..." the transmission was cut off, it
was speculated that they had to have seen something traumatic and related it to
OVNIS but they never found them.

In conclusion you will never know what happens in that place. Many theories come
to light but they may not have been verified, we might say that it’s located in an area
where space and time are deformed, but it remains a mystery for more than eighty
years without responses.
Draft 2 correction
The Bermuda Triangle

Many people have heard about that mysterious place. Unexplained

situations of some accidents, people who never returned and were not found,
there are many theories about the events that occurred but nothing explains
what happens in that place. Ships, planes and people disappear and leave no
traces, opening theories and legends that are not resolved.

First, legends that appear to be true but are not proven to this day. Like the
black hole, as everyone knows a black hole has a powerful mass which is why
everything that passed through that area must have disappeared. For example, a
ship that is through that hole could happen two things: It may turn to ashes or it
would go to another dimension. However, people also say that they inhabit sea
monsters, such as the Kraken. Others say that OVNIS might have taken missing
people and experimented on them.

Theories are another reason for the mystery that this island hides. Some
scientists talk about this concept, such as electronic fog. According to Rob and
Bruce Gernon survivors of this fog, they were in that electronic fog for 75
minutes and then they appeared in Miami. Rog said “it’s impossible for us to be
here in such a short time, that could have teleported us”. The compasses may
not have been damaged, but they always end north, within the triangle, some
survivors have confirmed.

Finally, it is necessary to mention the incident that gave rise to the mystery of
the triangle. 66 years ago, a plane with 14 people who could have traveled
elsewhere but decided to go through there, disappeared and the bodies or the plane
were never found. An audio could be found about that flight, they said "We don't
know where we are, we’re completely lost, we see some men in the distance but
you’re ..." the transmission was cut off; it was speculated that they had to have seen
something traumatic and related it to OVNIS but they never found them.

In conclusion, you will never know what happens in that place. Many theories
come to light but they may not have been verified, we might say that it’s located
in an area where space and time are deformed, but it remains a mystery for
more than eighty years without responses.
Worksheet 1 (Future time)

1. I think I will be a lawyer because I love to debate, read and above all I am
passionate about the laws and articles of our country.
2. I think in five years I will be living in Manchester-London because I like the
landscape and the culture.
3. I’m going to read a book for my homework because she will leave us an
economics questionnaire.
4. I’m going to visit Tumbes after I see my dad in vacation because I haven’t
seen him for eight months.
5. I’ll ear after I leave my English class because I’m starving and also have to
take my medications.
6. My next English class starts at 9 pm, they are classes that I have to take yes
or yes in the university.
7. I will have finished in eight months of course my English classes
8. I will have been studying English for two years at IPCNA and I hope to finish it
this year.
Worksheet 2 (Should have and Could have)
1. I should have studied more for my Principles and People test because I got a
low grade.
2. I should have been more careful to avoid breaking my leg, now I must wear it
all May.
3. I should have been in the meeting last week but I was late and the host
wouldn’t let me in after hours.
4. I shouldn't have gone out often to avoid catching it, now I have to be in
5. I shouldn't have taken money from my mom now she’s hiding it well.
6. I could have taken the vitamins and avoided getting worse but I ignored the
7. I could have gone to the 1975 concert but that day I had class at ICPNA and I
had to sell my ticket.
8. I could have stayed up late, but I decided to go to bed early.
9. I could have gone directly to college, but I decided to travel for a year.
10. I could have given more in this questionnaire but I didn’t prepare well.
Worksheet 3 (Degrees of certainty about the future)
1. I should write a draft of the book that I want to publish in 5 or 8 years, as it
takes a long time and has to be perfect.
2. I should travel to Spain in six years to finish my master's degree and doctorate
in that country. since it is one of the best countries for lawyers.
3. I might get married in ten years if I first manage to have a couple.
4. I might buy a mansion in ten years and take my whole family to live with me, it
would be great to have them all.
5. I may get a good job in ten years at one of the best law firms.
6. I may go to Greece in ten years to buy a summer house in the style of the
mamma mia movie.
7. I could speak English very well in three years
8. I could teach English to children in a couple of years.
9. I ought to learn French in 3 years to be able to graduate and also visit the
10. I ought to visit my uncle in two years or suddenly four because there is still a
pandemic and I must wait for the infections to go down

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