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“Hapit Anay” Resto

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte
Surigao City

“Hapit Anay” Resto

A Marketing Plan
Presented to


Principles of Marketing-Subject Teacher

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Principles of Marketing Subject
First Semester – S.Y. 2022-2023



Hapit Anay Resto is the proposed name of the business. It is a Surigaonon

term which means “Please drop by”. The said business name was selected due to its

uniqueness and ability to attract attention and curiosity of the potential customers.

The business will be in partnership form wherein every member shares equal

profit and losses. The members of the venture are Name, Name, Name and Name.

Each member will contribute P8,000.00 as their initial capital. Furthermore, other

group members will also help in contributing the same amount as additional


The Entrepreneurship laboratory of the ABM and the establishment itself

which is located within the college will be the production sites of the business. The

partners will be paying the rent amounting to P2, 000.00 per month, which includes

water and electricity. The project target market will be the students, faculty and staff

of the campus. Furthermore, the business will be operating seven (7) times a week to

cater the needs of the customers.

Promotional activities will be done 2 weeks before the opening of the

business. Posters will be posted and flyers will be given around the campus.

Furthermore, discounts will also be given to the first 20 customers during the opening

of the venture.

Adopting the social marketing concept, the establishment and its products will

pose no harm to the society. Proper disposal method will be strictly implemented

throughout the operation.

It was projected that for every peso sales, Php 0.70 will cover the operating

expenses as well as provide the desired profit. At the first month of operation, it is
expected that 48.07% will be the net income. The return on investment will be Php

0.31 in every peso sales. After one (1) month and seventeen (17) days, initial

investment will be recovered.


A. Name of the Business

The name of the business will be “Hapit Anay” Resto. It is a

Surigaonon term which means “Please drop by”. The proponents selected this

name because it’s very unique, native and it attracts the attention and

curiosity of the potential customers to at least try the offerings of the business.

B. Project Proponents

The group will be composed of four (4) members namely: Name, Name,

Name and Name. however, other groups of the class will also help the business

especially on the investment matters. Each group will be assigned with

different tasks. Moreover, we consider having job rotation to develop the

flexibility of each group members. However, all groups will be participating in

the production and selling activities. Furthermore, all of them will join in the

different activities that will enable them to generate profit. Each will also

contribute their special skills, activities and talents for the success of the


C. General Description of the Business

The group will be engaging in food business specifically a restaurant

venture. The proposed business will be targeting the students, faculty and

staff of the campus, school year 2010 – 2011, first semester.

There are some reasons why the group decided to choose a Resto.

One of which is to actually experience the real scenario of having a food

establishment since we are entrepreneurial marketing students. Lastly, is to

provide the student, faculty and staff of the campus with nutritious and

delicious foods at a very affordable price.

D. Product/Service

(Describe the product/service in detail. What is its purpose, and to whom

should it be addressed? What is the reason for this? Make sure to give the

product a name and specify which container(s) or packaging will be utilized. It

would be beneficial to provide a drawing of the label or packaging.)


In the establishment of a business, there are lots of things that need to

be considered. These are the 4 P’s of marketing namely, the product, price,

place and promotion. Furthermore, it also includes description of the

competition, supply and demand analysis that will serve as determining

factors whether the business could withstand and can be realized in the


A. Marketing Objectives:

1. To satisfy the needs and wants of the customers starting next

semester, school year 2010-2011.

2. To penetrate the market considering that there are many food

establishments in the campus.

3. To increase sales by 3% every month starting June 2010.

4. To provide the students, faculty and staff of the campus with

nutritious and delicious products and to inform them of its benefits.

B. Market Analysis

1. Customer/Demand Analysis

The Mindanao State University – main campus has a total

population of 15,992 for students, faculty and staff. And a total of 1,599

questionnaires which is 10% of the total population have been distributed. For

the students 13, 232 and 10% of its population 1,323 will be the respondents

of the survey and stratified random sampling method will be used in getting

the number of respondents in every colleges. (Stratified Random Sampling is

the process of grouping members of the population into relatively

homogeneous subgroups before sampling.)

For the faculty and staff 2,760 and 10% of their population 276 will

serve as the respondents. Convenient sampling method will be used in

computing the number of respondents per college.

Formula (For students):

𝑛𝑖 = ( 𝑁 ) x n

where: 𝑛𝑖 = number of respondents

𝑁 = Total student population (13, 232)

𝑁𝑖 = College student population

n = Total number of respondents (10% of 13, 232)

College of Public Affairs:

n1= ( ) x 1,323

= 141.47 or 141 respondents (See exhibit 4)

1.a Target Market

The Mindanao State University constituents particularly the

students, faculty and staff whose ages range from 15 and above are our

target market. Students with monthly allowance of at least P1, 000 so as the

faculty and staff with monthly salary of at least P5, 000 are the main focus of
the business. On the survey being conducted, it shows that most of the

potential customers like an entertainment theme of the restaurant and are

willing to spend Php 50.00 for value meal. It also shows that cleanliness and

sanitation motivates them to patronize a food establishment. Moreover, they

want to recognize the business through personal experience with the product

and service including discounts.

( See appendix B )

2. Supply Analysis

The raw materials to be used in production of the products to be

sold will be acquired at Iligan City. To save expenses, the proponents would

purchase every week and in bulk especially those ingredients that have longer

shelf life.

The materials and ingredients needed are not difficult to find

since the market has regular stock of it. If there will be shortage of stock

during operation, the proponents can easily buy it in the commercial center for

it has high availability rate.

3. Competitive Analysis

The possible competitors of the business are the Dining Room,

Pastel Tat’s, Ram’s Café, Rhatsous Capade, Jeco’s, The Porch, The Kitchen,

Angels, Star Venue, etc. These are strategically located in commercial center

since lots of people pass by. All of these establishments have the same

objective that is to satisfy the hunger of the customers however, the weakness

of most of them is its service. Customers need to wait for how many minutes

or even an hour before they can have their orders. Another thing is that, the
foods are set in high prices which the customers particularly the students

could hardly afford. Aside from the direct competitors, we are also considering

some indirect competitors like those boarding houses located in the 5th street

that also offers good taste and satisfying foods.

On the survey being conducted, it shows that the proposed

venture could compete to its direct and indirect competitors since it does not

only offer delicious food and fast service but it also provides benefits to the

customers and an entertaining environment.

4. Demand and Supply Analysis

In the survey conducted, it is expected that there’s a greater

demand for the food offerings of the business. The proponents decided to

acquire only the best yet favorably-priced materials and ingredients in the

stores in Iligan City. If there will be shortage of stock, then it will be bought in

the commercial center since the raw materials are highly available in there.

The proponents will cater the needs in response to the demand

of the market. They believe that the proposed business can get a market

share if launched in the market.

C. Marketing Program

1. Product Offering

The proposed venture will offer the following products:

Individual Serving (Main Courses)

Pineapple Chicken Salsa Php 40.00
Saucy Chicken Fillet Php 25.00
Baked Fish Fillet Php 25.00
Spicy Tomato Chicken Php 40.00

Snacks and Desserts

Spaghetti Php 30.00
Maja de Ube Php 10.00
Dark Chocolate Cake Php 25.00
Mango Float Php 25.00

Shakes Php 30.00
Iced Tea Php 10.00
Soft Drinks
Combo Meal (Main dish + Rice + Iced tea +Sidings)
The proponents decided also to offer combo meals (contains any of the

main dish plus rice, sidings and iced tea) and other products that are being

offered by the competitors in the campus like fried chicken, lumi and the like.

In positioning the venture and its products, we will make sure to

provide a lively environment in the establishment since it’s an entertainment –

inspired restaurant. We will also emphasize fast service, delicious and

nutritious food at a very affordable price.

2. Pricing

In pricing the products to be offered, the proponents decided to

use cost plus pricing method. It includes all the overhead and other expenses.

Table 1. Retail Price of Pineapple Chicken Salsa

Quantity Unit Description Total Price
200 Kilos Dressed Chicken P 24, 000.00
20 Cans 234g Pineapple Chunks 500.00
20 Bulbs Garlic 180.00
20 Bulbs Onion 200.00
1 Gallon Cooking Oil 150.00
1 Gallon Vinegar 70.00
P25, 100.00
Add: Manufacturing
10, 400.00
35, 500.00
(Note: Other ingredients are already placed in other dishes. If short, the
proponents will purchase it at the Commercial Center).
Total Production Cost P 35, 500.00

Divided by no. of unit produced 1, 200

Product Cost/Unit P 29.58

Multiply by Mark-up (%) 36%

Mark-up P 10.64

Total Cost/Unit P 29.58

Add: Mark-up 10.64

Retail Price (Single order only) P 40.22 or 40.00

Single order P 40.00

Add: 1 cup Rice 10.00

1 Glass Iced Tea 10.00

Combo Meal (With free Sidings) P 60.00

3. Place

a. Business Location

The restaurant will be established in front of the College of Business

Administration and Accountancy. The location may not be that strategic as

putting the establishment in the commercial center but the proponents will do

some measures to compete against its potential competitors like massive

promotion and the like. (See Appendix D)

b. Distribution Strategies
Direct distribution will be used by the proponents since it’s basically a
restaurant. Also, there will be free delivery services for those who wanted to
order the products being offered.
4. Promotion

In order to achieve awareness of the market, the proponents will

allocate Php 1,000.00 for the cartolina-sized posters as a way of promoting

the establishment and its products to the market 2 weeks before launching. It

will be posted on the bulletin boards of the different colleges in the campus. In

addition to that, Php 500.00 budget for the leaflets will be distributed also to all

colleges. Furthermore, an allocation of Php 2,000.00 for the streamers will be

placed in all of the strategic areas in the campus like the commercial center

where everybody can see and notice it (See Appendix D). Discounts will be

given to the first 20 customers during launching. A product demonstration will

be conducted also to let customers see and taste the products being offered.

For the succeeding months, constant promotion will be done to

attract more potential customers to patronize the business. A membership

card that contains 5% discount in every purchase will also be given to the

customer in every 300 pesos worth of order to encourage constantly buy the



(A brief summary that identifies the expected outcomes with successful

implementation of the marketing plan)


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