Words Meanings Sentences

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Words/ classification Meanings Sentences

Campaign A series of planned activities that The police launched (=began) a
Noun are intended to achieve a campaign to reduce road
particular, social, commercial, or accidents.
political aim
Maintain To make something continue at the The two countries have always
Verb same level and standard maintained close relations.
Administrative Connected with organizing the It is an administrative job.
Adjective work of a business or an institution
Academic Connected with education, The students return in October
Adjective especially studying in schools and for the start of the new academic
universities year.
Global Covering or affecting the whole The commission is calling for a
Adjective world global ban on whaling.
Challenge A new or difficult task that test The role will be the biggest
Noun somebody’s ability and skill challenge of his acting career.
Safeguard To protect something / somebody To safeguard a person interests
from loss, harm or damage; to
keep something safe.
Hygiene Keeping yourself and your living In the interest of hygiene, please
Noun and working areas clean in order wash your hands.
to prevent illness and disease.
Hardware A physical part of computer The things that we can see and
Noun touch are called hardware.
Nutrient A substance in food that provides Plants draw minerals and other
Noun nourishment essential for life and nutrients from the soil.
Deficiency A lack, shortage or shortfall Vitamin deficiency in the diet
Noun can cause illness.
Appreciate Recognize the full worth/ value of Her family does not appreciate
Verb her.
Gossip To engage in a casual conversation Don’t believe all the gossip you
Verb about someone in their absence hear.
Guilt The fact of having committed a His guilt was proved beyond all
Noun crime or offence doubt by the prosecution.
Jealousy The state or felling jealous/ envy I felt sick with jealousy.
Function An activity that is natural to or the The function of the heart is to
Noun purpose of a person or thing pump blood through the body.

Typed by: Syed Ali Haider Class:6th Subject English


Health In a good physical or mental Keep healthy by eating well and

Adjective condition exercising regularly
Imagine Form a mental image or concept of The house was just as she has
Verb imagined it.
Shallow Of little depth These fish are found in shallow
Adjective waters around the coast.
Moss A small flowerless green plant Moss covered walls.
Noun which lacks true roots and grows
in damp places.
Bragged To say something in a boastful He bragged to his friends about
Verb manner the crime.
Stubborn Not to change one’s attitude or He was too stubborn to admit
Adjective position on something that he was wrong.
Eagerly To emphasize a strong desire to do The band’s eagerly awaited new
Adverb or have something CD.
Blink Shut and open the eyes quickly I will be back before you can
Verb blink.
Scampering Learn with quick light step The animal by this time was
Verb through fear of excitement. scampering away
Gerund or present participle
Abundant Existing or available in large Fish are abundant in the lake
Adjective quantities; plentiful
Decay Rot or decompose through the The leaves of the plant are
Verb action of bacteria and fungi decaying
Uninterrupted Without a break in continuity We managed to eat our meal
Adjective uninterrupted by phone calls
Infidel A person who has no religion or David neighbors constantly
Noun who does not believe in one God asked him to go to Mosque and
called him an infidel when he
Slumber Sleep She felt into a deep and peaceful
Noun / verb slumber
Gust A sudden strong rush of wind A gust of wind blew his hat off.
Rumble Make a co continuous deep, The machine rumbled as it
Verb resonant sound started up
Astonish Surprise or impress (someone) The news astonished everyone
Verb greatly

Typed by: Syed Ali Haider Class:6th Subject English


Pious Devoutly religious; Fearing Allah We should love him because he

Adjective is a pious person.
Conceal Not allowed to be seen; Hide From a long time his death was
Verb concealed from her.
Innovate Make changes in something We must constantly adopt and
Verb established, especially by innovate to ensure success in a
introducing new ideas growing market.
Maximize Make as large or great as possible You should maximize your
Verb efficiency
Potential Qualities or abilities that may be First we need to identify actual
Adjective/ Noun developed and lead to future and potential problems
Spectacular Beautiful in a dramatic and eye- Ali scored a spectacular goal
Adjective catching way
Architect A person who designs buildings He was one of the principal
Noun and supervises construction architect of the revolution
Blossoms A flower or a mass of flowers, The trees are in blossoms.
Noun especially on a tree or bush
Luxuries An essential or desirable item I love having a long hot bath- it
Noun which is expensive or difficult to is one of life little luxuries.
Gratitude The quality of being thankful; He smiled at them with
Noun readiness to show appreciation and gratitude
to return kindness
Creative An animal as distinct from a You should have respect for all
Noun human being living creatures
Cultivate Prepare and use land for crops or The land around here have never
Verb gardening been cultivated
Enormous Very large in size, quantity or The problems facing the
Adjective extent President are enormous
Dwellings A house, flat or other place of The development will consist of
Adjective residence 66 dwelling and a number of
Luxurious Extremely comfortable or elegant, It is a luxurious hotel
Adjective especially when involving great
Deprive Prevent (a person or place) from They were imprisoned and
Verb having or using something deprived of their basic rights.

Typed by: Syed Ali Haider Class:6th Subject English


Calamity An event causing great or often It was a natural calamity

Noun sudden damage or distress; a
Deplete Use up the supply or resources of Food supplies were severely
Verb depleted
Conquer To gain a victory over; master; The Normans conquered
Verb overcome England in 1066.
Summit The highest point or part, as or a We reach the summit at noon
Noun hill, a line of travel or any object;
top; apex
Motivated To provide with a motive, or a He is motivated entirely by self
Verb cause or reason to act interest
Expedition An excursion, journey or voyage Three members of the Everest
Noun made for some specific purpose as expedition were killed
of war or exploration
Avalanche A large mass of snow, ice etc Alpine Villages destroyed in an
Noun detached from a mountain slope avalanche.
and sliding or falling suddenly
Crevasse A deep cleft, in glacial ice the I had no rope and there were
Noun earth’s surface etc hidden crevasses ahead.
Intentionally Done with intention or on purpose; She would never intentionally
Adverb intended hurt anyone
Inspiration A thing or person that inspires Dreams can be a rich source of
Noun inspiration for an artist
Glittering Shinning with a shimmering or He has a glittering career ahead
Adjective sparkling light of him.
Glistening Shining with a sparkling light Her eyes were glistening with
Adjective tears
Swallow A small bird A beautiful shallow.
Flutter Fly unsteadily or hover by She fluttered her eyelashes
Verb flapping the wings quickly and
Thimble A small metal or plastic cap with a She put a thimble over the finger
Noun closed end, worn to protect the when swing.
finger and push the needle in

Typed by: Syed Ali Haider Class:6th Subject English


Merry Cheerful and lively He laughed at that, and his laugh

Adjective was merry and frank.
Murmur A softly spoken or almost He murmured something in his
Verb inaudible utterance sleep
Shiver Shake slightly and uncontrollably Do not stand outside shivering-
Verb as a result of being cold, come inside and get warm
frightened or excited
Scribbling To write or draw in a hasty or She scribbled a note to him and
careless way. then dashed off to her meeting
A note or other writing that has
little or no meaning
Doodling To draw to waste (time) aimlessly I often doodled when I am on
Verb/Noun (verb) the phone
A design, figure, made by idle
Creativity To create meaningful new ideas, Creativity and originality are
Noun forms, methods, interpretations, more important than technical
etc ; originality, progressiveness, skill
or imagination
Crooked A bend, turn, or curve Your glasses are on crooked
Traits A distinguishing quality (as of Personality traits
Adjective personal character)
Predict To declare or indicate in advance Nobody could predict the
Verb outcome
Revolution A sudden or complete change A revolution in information
Noun technology is taking place
Sculpture To form an image in solid material He collects modern sculpture.
Noun such as wood or stone
Combatant A person or nation engaged in The total combatant strength
Noun fighting during war was 40,000.
Humility The quality of having a modest or Her first defeat was an early
Noun low view of one’s importance lesson in humility.
Timidity Lack of courage or confidence He showed timidity during fight
Fierce Having or displaying an intensive He suddenly looked fierce
Adjective aggressiveness
Bully A person who consistently seek to The school bully.
Noun harm others

Typed by: Syed Ali Haider Class:6th Subject English


Ruin A physical destruction of The country was ruined by war.

Verb something
Thrill A sudden feeling of excitement It gave me a big thrill to meet
Noun and happiness my favorite author in person
Adversity A difficult or unpleasant situation He overcome many personal
Noun adversities
Opportunity A time or set of circumstances that You will have the opportunity to
Noun makes it possible to do something ask any question at the end

Typed by: Syed Ali Haider Class:6th Subject English

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