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Data consolidation :
Data consolidation is a process of collecting and integrating data (i.e., consolidating)
from multiple sources into a single destination, while applying a specific function
such as sum, average, count, max, min etc.

Data Consolidation facilitates easier editing and viewing of information since it

shows the data in aggregate/summary form.

Steps for consolidating data :

1. Open the document that contains the cell ranges to be consolidated.
2. Click command Data → Consolidate. It will open the Consolidate dialog.
3. From the bottom half of the consolidate dialog, either select a Source data range
from the left box or if the range is not named, click in the field on the right in the
Source data area.
4. A blinking text cursor appears. Type a reference for the first source data range or
select the range with the mouse.
5. Click Add to insert the selected range in the Consolidation ranges field.
6. In the same manner, select additional ranges and click Add button after each
7. Now specify where you want to display the result by selecting a target range from
the Copy results to box. Like earlier you can either select the range name from the
left box or click in the right box and select the cell where you want to place the
results. We chose to place the result in sheet4's B4 cell onwards.
8. From the top of the Consolidate dialog, select a function from the Function box.
The consolidation will take place as per your selected function. The "Sum" function
is the default setting. We selected the Sum function.
9. Once done, click OK to consolidate the ranges. Calc will show the consolidated
result in the cell which you selected in step 7 (i.e., Copy results to cell).

Subtotal, totals/adds data arranged in an array-that is, a group of cells with labels for
columns and/or rows. Using the Subtotals dialog, one can select arrays, and then choose a
statistical function to apply to them.

What -if analysis :

What-If Analysis is the process of changing the values in cells to see how those changes
will affect the outcome of formulas on the worksheet.

Open Office Calc provides these tools for What-if analysis O: ne can find tools for what-if

(i) Scenarios (ii) Goal Seek (iii) Solver

To insert a new sheet:

Select Insert > Sheet from the menu bar,
or Right-click on the tab and select Insert Sheet,
or Click in an empty space at the end of the line of sheet tabs.

Deleting a Sheet:
1. Right click on sheet's name.
2. Choose Delete Sheet from the shortcut menu.

Renaming a Sheet:
analysis on Tools menu in Open
Office Calc :
Command Tools →
Solver /Goal Seek

The active sheet's

name is shown as
active tab .
1.Right-click on a sheet tab.

2. Select Rename Sheet from the pop-up menu . Rename sheet dialog box opens .

3. Type the new name for the sheet and click OK.

Q. How to insert a sheet from a different spreadsheet?

• Insert menu sheet option
Within a sheet, a cell is referred to as :
• Choose from file radio button. <cell reference> = <Col letter>+<row no.>
• Browse another worksheet. Outside a sheet, its any cell would be
• Choose a sheet which you want to add. referred to (within th yeh

Within a sheet, a cell is referred to as : <Sheet name> <Cell reference>

<cell reference> = <Col letter>+<row no.>

Outside a sheet, its any cell would be referred to (within th yeh

<Sheet name> <Cell reference>

A document hyperlink is a link, clicking on which opens the linked document such as a
spreadsheet or a text document or an image file and so on.

To add hyperlink to a spreadsheet file in the current worksheet:

1. Click in the cell where you want to place the hyperlink.

2. Click command Insert ➡️Hyperlink.

3. It will Open Hyperlink dialog, where :

(a) From the left pane, click on


(b) Click on the folder icon next to Path box to select the filename from your


(c)Click on the target icon next to target box if you want the hyperlink to point to a
specific section/range/part of the spreadsheet. It will open Target in document box where
click on Sheets group and select the desired component and click Apply.
(d) Under Further Settings, choose the Hyperlink format from the Form box. Either choose
Text if you want hyperlink in text format or choose Button if you want Hyperlink in button

(e) Click Apply in Hyperlink dialog. Depending on your chosen format, the hyperlink will
get added to the current cell of your worksheet. () Clicking on a hyperlink will open the
linked document.

Relative Hyperlinks tell the path of a document with respect to the current active location .
A relative link will stop working only if the start and target locations change relative to
each other.

Absolute Hyperlinks tell the path to reach to a document starting from the top most
folder.An absolute link will stop working only if the target is moved.

Uses of hyperlinks:

(1)A document does not become very large with lot of information.

(2)Additional information is also available by clicking at the hyperlinks.

(3)Hyperlinks make documentation reader friendly.

Linking to external data

1. Open the Calc worksheet where the external data is to be inserted. This is the target

2. Select the cell where the upper left-hand cell of the external data is to be inserted.

3. Choose Insert -> Link to External Data.

4. On the External Data dialog, type the URL of the source worksheet or click the [...]
button to open a file selection dialog. Press Enter to get Calc to load the list of available

5. In the Available tables/range list, select the named ranges or tables you want to insert.

6. Click OK to close this dialog and insert the linked data.

Registered data source in Open Office means if a database is in *.odb format or not.

Sharing of a document means when multiple users can view, edit and review the changes
made in a document.

Setting up a Spreadsheet for Sharing:

1. Open the spreadsheet document to be shared.

2. Click command Tools → Share Document. It will activate the collaboration features for
this document.

3. Now Share Document dialog will open. Here, choose to enable sharing by clicking on
checkbox option Share this spreadsheet with other users.

4. It will ask you to save the spreadsheet first, to activate shared mode. Click Yes to

5. Once saved, the word (shared) is then shown on the title bar after the document's title.

✓The command Tools ➡️Share Document can be used to switch the mode for a
document from unshared to shared.

Comments are the descriptions about the changes made in cells during Record changes
mode.Click command Edit → Changes Comments.

How can we add comments to the changes made?

1. Make the change to the spreadsheet.

2. Select the cell with the change.

3. Choose Edit > Changes > Comments. The dialog shown below appears. The
automatically-added comment provided

by Calc appears in the title bar of this dialog and cannot be edited.

4. Type your own comment and click OK.

Recording of changes is a specific editing mode wherein it is possible to make temporary

changes in a document, which can later be made permanent by accepting them or undone
by rejecting them.

The Record Changes mode is started by command Edit ➡️Changes ➡️Record.

Changes can later be accepted or rejected using command Edit ➡️Changes → Accept or

Two documents can be compared using command Edit →Changes→ Compare


Two documents can be merged using command Edit →Changes → Merge Document.

A macro is a saved,named sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for later
Advantages of Macros

1.Macros reduce the possibility of human error that increases with many, repetitive
keystrokes and tasks.

2. Macros reduce the amount of time spent in basic, repetitive computing tasks, i.e., they
make things faster.

3. Macros are useful for making complex computations easier to perform by storing them
in a name, which can re-run every time one needs to perform the same complex

To Record or run a macro,use Tools ➡️Macro

Recording a macro:

1. Open a new spreadsheet.

2. Enter numbers into a sheet.

3. Now click command Tools➡️Macros➡️Record Macro.

4. It will start recording of actions in a macro and display *Record macro toolbar* with
one icon on it to *Stop Recording*.

5. Now, start performing the actions needed to be included in a macro.

6. When satisfied with the formatting,click **Stop Recording** button on *Record Macro

7. It will open OpenOffice Basic Macros dialog. In this dialog, click the small + icon next
to My Macros and under it on Standard and click Modulel under it.

8. Now type the name of the macro inside Macro name box at the top. After typing name,
click Save in this dialog.

Running a macro:

1. Open the required worksheet to run a macro.

2. Select the range to play the formatting (recorded in macro).

3. Click Command Tools → Macros ➡️Run Macro.

4. Click on + icon to expand My Macros and Standard groups and select Module1.

After selecting Module1, the list of macros in it will be displayed.

5.Choose the macro to be run and click on **Run button**.

#Internally, for each recorded macro, some code is generated, which is stored inside Sub
and End Sub clauses.

# Macros written in Function and End Function clauses can be used like other functions of

# The values passed to a macro are called its Arguments.

Click command Data ➡️Sort to sort the data .

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