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PD-1 (Rev. $810) , Geereine Reaoas UNCLASSIFIED FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Complaint Form Title: (U) PAL2014 337pjn01 Threats made Organization via internet Date: 02/26/20 Approved By: bs BIA Drafted By: cud case ID #: (w) Drug Trafficking organization Full Investigation Initiated: 11/03/2014 Enclosure(s): Enclosed are the following item: 1. (0) & ail chain from Oath Keepers re: Complaint Synopsis: (U) Report to the Public Access Line by bs a threat via internet to the oath Keepers bre TERT Received On: 12/03/2014 Receipt Method: Telephone Incident Type riminal Activity Drafted By: Complaint Details: bé bic ently residing at telephone number ‘Ontacted the Public Access Line to advise that his organization, OATH KEEPERS, had received death threats via internet. stated that on 12/2/2014, he was on the organization's website, reading comments concerning the organization the threat made stated "Since I ama white man that literally UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Title: (U) PAL2014 337pjn01 Threats made to Organ Re: 02/26/2016 zation via internet hates every god damn mother fucker in the Oath Keepers, I will personally kill or attempt to kill every god d mn rat bastard inbred cocksucker coward that wears a hat, shirt, patch or emblem. I hope t 1 as many treasonous ds as possible before you fuck up wha’ left of America." said there w other comments made. He said the comments were signed, e-mail address said he can provide the en to the FBI iF needed of OATH KEEPERS, and the main office is located_at telephone number Said Steward Rhodes is president £ the organization. A query of land Sentinel _revealed was subject of prior threats to businesses per query for produced 0 match in currency transa report ID number Drafted By: Pre-Assessment Finding 1: On December 12, 2014, Si spoke with the complainant, regarding the internet threats received by the Oath Keepers from believes that is mentally ill based on the Threatening post he Keepers website. advised that they have had these types of post before and in the past the person ended up being mentally i was able to forward the email that was originally sent by Which read as follow original Message Name; UNCLASSIFIED 6 BIA prc bé prc BIE B6 Ic CT UNCLASSIFIED Title: _(U)_PAL2014_337pjh01 Threats made to Organization via internet Re: 02/26/2016 Department: General Bie fires to churches in Ferguson, Mo. Black churches, to be frank. E oa jadvised that Oath Keepers' Information Technology (IT) personal w located in Kentucky (based on his enail address) bat appears to have moved to Florida. Also from the latitude/longitude recovered from the TP address, it appears that []was located in orlande, Florida (on Alona Avenue) when he sent the Wessage. A search by SA Jof email address ae showed that it belonged to a A Clear search showed a date of birth Social Secu Account Number residing at Es bé UNCLASSIFIED 3 BIA UNCLASSIFIED Title: (U) PAL2014 337pjn01 Threats made to Organization via internet Re: 02/26/2016 each ot Little Rock Division/Fayetteville RA is forwarding this information to the Louisville Division for use as deemed appropriate. Final Pre-Assessment Finding: on 2/16/2016, SA and SA spoke wit! e | &Y Police Department regarding bre Y_PD advised is a homeless person living shelter to shelter The reported would not have the ity to carry out a threat in Nevada, Recommended Action: File to Bxistin Entities: (Complainant, Person, U. on? Unknown) Address code — united States Communication Account Type: Telephone Account| Ic (Main, Person, U.S. Person? Unk: Location Address: unknown city: unknown State: Unknown Zip Code: 00000 country: United states UNCLASSIFIED 4 [[seeaeeeesentesctre7) UNCLASSIFIED Title (U)_PAL2014_337pjh01 Threats made to Organization via internet Oath Keepers (Main, Organization, U.S. Person? Unknown) Location Address: 5130 S$ Fort Apache Rd bé Suite 215 IA City: Las Vegas oe State: NV Zip Code: 89148 Country: United States Communication Account +o UNCLASSIFIED 5 Page 1 of 6 Fro Sent Friday, December 12, 2014 10:47 AM To: Subject: Fw: Fw: Insanity ‘On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 12:39 PM wrote: ae This is what our IT guys found on] Thanks for your help Deputy| (On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 12:22 PM, rote Same Sent fom my Face 4G LTE Dee Original message ——— a From bre Date: 12/03/2014 10:53 AM (GMT-07:00) To: Ce! Subject: Re: Fw: Insanity GTG on my endJ On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:50 AM, rote: | think this is good for now[ _] The local Sheriff's Department asked that I share with them any information we dig up. Are alTof you good with that? file:///H:/Exports/OathKeepers/245D-LS-5726096 0000042 140000022 0000001 .htm 1/3/2018 On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 11:48 Al i wrote: Page 2 of 6 Also as | said forgive me if | ramble on , when | am on pain meds | tend to sleep or talk a lot. | am still trying to recover after this last attack On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:46 AM, wrote: Do you need more info or is his good for now? I can keep digging? Dang! You guys are good. Thanks. On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:42 AM, wrote: On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 11:39 AM| wrote: But from the long-lat it was from Orlando on Aloma Ave , guessing cell tower On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:37 AM] wrote: A\so from his youtube channel he travels around a lot On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:36 AM| wrote: It looks like he moved from KY to FLA On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:36 AM, wrote: ound his email leads to a| in KY, — Original message From Date: 12/03/2014 10:27 AM (GMT-07:00) file:///H:/Exports/OathKeepers/245D-LS-5726096 0000042 140000022 0000001 .htm b6 b7c 1/3/2018 To: Subject: Re: Fw: Insanity Ok well Orlando FLA, looks like from a bike path or driving next to it. Doing a search on the name now, unless you have already done that? On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 12:21 PM, |wrote: Name Email Department General ve noticed that you racists goddamn sons of bitches have set fires to churches in Ferguson, Mo. Black churches, to be frank. From: Wednesday, Since I'm a white man that literally hates every goddamned motherfucker in the Oath December Keepers, I will personally kill or attempt to kill every goddamn rat bastard inbred 3, cocksucker coward that wears an Oath Keepers patch, hat, or emblem. You motherfuckers 2OWiessage give us sane white people a bad rap. 9:03 AM Thope to kill as many of you treasonous bastards as possible, before you fuck up what's Be Lo: left of America, bic Le Fuck you and may everyone of your eternal souls burn in the deepest and hottest pits of 5 hell. 1 empty fields were not displayed. ‘Pexig Submitted Subjectdec 1, 2014 05:47 PM Beowser Treanty * Android Webkit 15 | * Android 4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich WPRUess Ss Wasa nt Apion our email system? On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 10:01 AM, wrote: Thanks file:///H:/Exports/OathKeepers/245D-LS-5726096 0000042 140000022 0000001 .htm 1/3/2018 Page 4 of 6 On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 9:52 AM, Jrrote Iwill see what i can find. ‘Sent tom my Tobie 46 LTE Device From Date: To: Subject: Fw: Insanity Guys, Look into the IP address of the guy who sent this threat, please. | reported this to the FBI but Stewart wants to know if we can figure out who this guy is and where he might be located. f tyranny are rarely b6 On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 7:46 PM, wrote: b7c 444 Lui Stewart és J) y4 Ana ma bashoof Stewart fil Al Jazeera, | don't see Stewart on Al Jazeera, On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 5:30 PM, rote: Watch for Stewart on Al Jazeera, inter view at 19:40 hrs Sent from my iPhone On Dec 2, 2014, at 17:29, Jrrote: Noooo doubt. him who On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 5:28 PM rote: file:///H:/Exports/OathKeepers/245D-LS-5726096 0000042 140000022 0000001 .htm 1/3/2018 Page 5 of 6 A true fan Sent from my iPhone On Dec 2, 2014, at 17:18] wrote: y him who re On Monday, December 1, 2014 9:37 PM, "[email protected]" wrote Original Message — Subject; oe B6 < Sood Sao TGs Tossa romslackcom> noreply Gacdase ior casau@ lomstack com ee Date: Mon, December 1, 2014 5:47 pm To: gontact@o s, Heads up! Probably all hat, no cattle but you never know about the head cases C Formstack Submission for form Contact at 12/01/14 5:47 PM Name| Email Department: General Message: I've noticed that you racists goddamn sons of bitches have set fires to churches in Ferguson, Mo. Black churches, to be frank Since I'm a white man that literally hates every goddamned motherfucker in the Oath Keepers, | will personally kill or attempt to kill every goddamn rat bastard inbred cocksucker coward that wears an Oath Keepers patch, hat, or emblem. You motherfuckers give us sane white people a bad rap. hope to kill as many of you treasonous bastards as possible, before file:///H:/Exports/OathKeepers/245D-LS-5726096 0000042 140000022 0000001 .htm 1/3/2018 Page 6 of 6 you fuck up what's left of America Fuck you and may everyone of your etemal souls bum in the deepest and hottest pits of hell file:///H:/Exports/OathKeepers/245D-LS-5726096 0000042 140000022 0000001 .htm 1/3/2018

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