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The Leader In You

how to win friends, influence people, and succeed in a changing world

For nearly a century, the words and works of Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., have
translated into proven success—a claim verified by millions of satisfied graduates; a
perpetual 3,000-plus enrollment roster per week; and book sales, including the mega-
bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People, totaling over thirty million copies.

Now, in The Leader In You, coauthors Stuart R. Levine and Michael A. Crom apply the
famed organization’s time-tested human relations principles to demonstrate how
anyone, regardless of his or her job, can harness creativity and enthusiasm to work
more productively.

With insights from leading figures in the corporate, entertainment, sports, academic, and
political arenas—and encompassing interviews and advice from such eminent
authorities as Lee Iacocca and Margaret Thatcher—this comprehensive, step-by-step
guide includes strategies to help you: identify your leadership strengths; achieve your
goals and increase your self-confidence; eliminate an “us vs. them” mentality; become a
team player and strengthen cooperation among associates; balance work and leisure;
control your worries and energize your life; and much more!
The most important investment you will ever make is in yourself—once you discover the
key that unlocks The Leader In You.

For eighty years, Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., has been training people at all
levels to get the most out of what they put into their careers. Now, drawing on insights
from some of this century's most important voices, two of its top executives bring the
Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., time-tested human relations principles to a new level
of relevance in today's unpredictable business environment. 
The ability to communicate and motivate people will determine who wins and who loses
in the next decade. The Leader In You builds on the fundamentals of human
relationships to help you develop your own innate leadership skills and discover how to: 
* Achieve goals and increase self-confidence
* Gain the respect you deserve
* Build trusting relationships
* Control your worries and energize your life
* Become a team player 
Three generations of students and business people have benefited from Carnegie's
timeless, essential wisdom. Now, you can apply these basic techniques and lessons in
your own life -- and find the leader in you to succeed in today's fast changing world.

For nearly a century, the words and works of Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., have
translated into proven success — a claim verified by millions of satisfied graduates; a
perpetual 3,000-plus enrollment roster per week; and book sales, including the mega-
bestseller How to Win Friends and Influence People, totaling over thirty million copies.

Now, in The Leader In You, coauthors Stuart R. Levine and Michael A. Crom apply the
famed organization's time-tested human relations principles to demonstrate how
anyone, regardless of his or her job, can harness creativity and enthusiasm to work
more productively — 1990s style.

With insights from leading figures in the corporate, entertainment, sports, academic, and
political arenas — and encompassing interviews and advice from such eminent
authorities as Lee Iacocca and Margaret Thatcher — this comprehensive, step-by-step
guide includes strategies to help you:

 Identify your leadership strengths

 Achieve your goals and increase your self-confidence
 Eliminate an "us vs. them" mentality
 Become a team player and strengthen cooperation among associates
 Balance work and leisure
 Control your worries and energize your life

And much more!

The most important investment you will ever make is in yourself — once you discover
the key that unlocks The Leader In You.

Redefines the message of How to Win Friends and Influence People for the 1990s.


Introduction: The Human-

Relations Revolution
Chapter 1 Finding the Leader in You
Chapter 2 Starting to Communicate
Chapter 3 Motivating People
Expressing Genuine Interest
Chapter 4
in Others
Seeing Things from the Other
Chapter 5
Person's Point of View
Chapter 6 Listening to Learn
Chapter 7 Teaming up for Tomorrow
Respecting the Dignity of
Chapter 8
Recognition, Praise, and
Chapter 9
Handling Mistakes,
Chapter 10
Complaints, and Criticism
Chapter 11 Setting Goals
Chapter 12 Focus and Discipline
Chapter 13 Achieving Balance
Creating a Positive Mental
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Learning Not to Worry
Chapter 16 The Power of Enthusiasm
Conclusion: Making it

Review by Publisher's Weekly Review

Essentially an updating of Dale Carnegie's enormously successful books of the 1930s

and '40s ( How to Win Friends and Influence People has thus far sold 30 million copies),
this book adds little new material. The major difference is that this effort is more
unabashedly focused on influencing people in order to make money, which is logical
since the book is aimed at business people. Carnegie's rules are reiterated: be euphoric
if you can and, if you can't, at least don't be negative; respect others and try to make
them feel praiseworthy and deserving of recognition; listening is just as important as
talking, perhaps more so. Business people are advised that they can be leaders if they
realize that the pyramidal structure of the corporation is being replaced by teamwork;
and if they set goals and keep them constantly in mind, business people have a good
chance of realizing their objectives. Thus, while Levine, CEO of Dale Carnegie, and
Crom, a vice-president of the firm, offer little that's original, one senses that sales will be
excellent. (Dec.) (c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved
(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved


Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (spelled Carnagey until 1922) was born on November 24,
1888 in Maryville, Missouri. He was the son of a poor farmer but he managed to get an
education at the State Teacher's College in Warrensburg. After school he became a
successful salesman and then began pursuing his dream of becoming a lecturer.
At one point, he lived, penniless, at the YMCA on 125th street in New York City. There
he persuaded the "Y" manager to allow him to give courses on public speaking. His
technique included making students speak about something that made them angry --
this technique made them unafraid to address an audience. From this beginning, the
Dale Carnegie Course developed. (Dale also changed the spelling of his last name from
Carnagey to Carnegie due to the widely recognized name of Andrew Carnegie.)
Carnegie wrote Public Speaking: a Practical Course for Business Men (1926), but his
greatest written achievement was How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936). The
book has still made it on to the bestsellers' list in 2014.
Carnegie died at his home in Forest Hills, New York on November 1, 1955. He was
buried in the Belton, Cass County, Missouri, cemetery. The official biography from Dale
Carnegie & Associates, Inc. states that he died of Hodgkin's disease.
(Bowker Author Biography)
Book review : The leader in you by Dale Carneige
Posted on July 23, 2014 by Living simplyy

     Hi folks. It’s been a while since i posted my first book review on the blog, so I thought
I could use my free time this month writing more book reviews about the tons of book I
now, finally, have the time to read. “The leader in you” by the life and work coach Dale
Carneige  is my last reading. Dale Carneige was already an inspiration to me before I
read any of his work since I read online some amazing paragraphs he wrote in his first
book “How to make friends” and great reviews about his self-development training and
coaching. He had inspired millions around the world and I still had absolutely no idea
what his books were about. So I finally fed my curiosity and here’s what I think about it.

First thing I have to say is that the Dale Carneige training can be thought of as a
professional group and work development that only big, rich, influent companies choose
to take so as to double their productivity and look ‘trendy’. But in reality his tips and
advice are applicable on all aspects of life, and everyone could benefit from them either
it’s at work, in the community, marriage life, with friends and family… It’s really amazing
to see how everyone can fit into the resourceful training his books provide. To
summarize all the amazing techniques I already learned thanks to just this one little
book, I’ll say I learned my leadership aptitudes, and how to build them stronger, how to
communicate more efficiently, how to motivate others, earn respect rather than ask for
it… and so many other things we all think we already know and manage well in our
lives. But the truth is, we still suffer from bad communication problems, low motivation at
work, lack of leadership in everyday life situations… So I would really recommend you
to get a copy of this book, or anything Carnegie in that matter.

Most self-development books that help you manage your time better, make friends or
find happiness as an example, use vague concepts such as: be yourself, communicate
better, love the others like you would love yourself and blablabla. This book breaks this
‘let’s speak theoretically’ rule as it has clear, simple and direct points on how to find the
results you’re seeking. This means you get unambiguous directions to follow and that is
certainly what we’re all looking for rather than the ‘glimpse’ of an answer. We want clear
solutions to our problems, not an idea about the solutions. When we read: be yourself,
we get the idea, but don’t know how to apply that obvious rule in real life, it’s too
obvious actually we don’t know how to put it into actions. While when we read: smile
more, have lunch with your co-workers more often, dress to impress, encourage people
to open up about their opinions… Well, you just can’t go wrong (unless you don’t put
that into realization). And to me, something that simplified and applicable is the best
thing that could possibly be given to readers and that is what draw me into Dale
Carneige’s book.

I’m gonna recommend you guys to read this article on the very beautiful positivity Blog
that sums up the book in 10 important points.

 “The leader in you” also provides the reader with tons of un-famous success stories,
and not just renowned people who made it  against all odds who we hear about a little
bit too often I think (Einstein, Disney, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates.. to name a few), but un-
famous people (ceo’s, directors, entrepreneurs, chefs..) who don’t have the fame of all
the illustrious successful people I just talked about, but have the same amount of
success and could motivate us to get up each time we fall as efficiently. We wouldn’t
hear about these stories on any other book or media, and the Dale Carneige group
interviewed them, sat down with them to name and enumerate the factors behind their
success, their struggle to arrive at the top they’re now on, the problems they faced and
still face, and how they resolve them… It’s really a huge amount of work, Dale Carneige
spent his entire life coaching people, making seminaries and workshops, interviewing
people… And now, his huge company “Dale Carneige & Associates, Inc” helps improve
quality of life in companies and businesses all over the world (more than 73 countries,
and most companies on the ‘400 most successful companies’ list issued on Forbes
Magazine). I personally think this, on its own, is very admirable and should be taken into

So, final thoughts? I think the book is definitely worth reading, very helpful overall, well
structured… Basically a neat and clean book. So, if you can give it a try, don’t think
twice: you’ll come out with at least one new idea in mind. And hey, it could also change
your entire life around, who knows what leader you could be?
 “The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.”

So that’s it for today, thanks for reading and if you liked or disliked today’s review and
book, or if you have any books to recommend me you can comment in the section down
below. Have a great week!

Book Review: The Leader In You by Dale Carnegie

November 11, 2011 Peninsula Blog

‘About 15 per cent of one’s financial success is due to one’s technical knowledge and
about 85 per cent is due to skill in human engineering – to personality and the ability to
lead people’. Dale Carnegie.

In today’s fast moving business world, clients are looking for something more.
Businesses can no longer avoid the need to consistently consider quality improvement
and ignore the wants and needs of their customers. Dale Carnegie, in his book ‘The
Leader In You’ refers to relationships as the cornerstone of business development, not
least fundamental because the ‘human-relations revolution’ is necessary. He suggests
that in order to survive in the business world, ‘their people will have to think quicker,
work smarter and dream wilder and relate to each other in very different ways…’

Carnegie suggests that this new culture requires a completely different breed of leader,
‘the day has long since passed when a company could be run with a bullwhip and
chair…’  The type of leader he refers to will have to communicate and motivate others
using very different skills, compelling one to be pre-emptive and responsive to constant
change, and by making use of the untapped and creative talent that exists within their
workforce, central as they are part of driving the business forward.  

Carnegie may not have known how fast things would change, as they have done so
over the last 30 years, although he did leave a set of principles which are just as
relevant today, appropriate to the highly stressed, fast and changing world.  An
interesting read detailing basic tools that any business leader can apply practically:

– Look at things from the other person’s perspective,

– Offer genuine appreciation and praise,
– Harness the power of enthusiasm,
– Respect the dignity of others,
– Don’t be overly critical,
– Give people a good reputation to live up to,
– Keep a sense of fun and balance in your life.

The Leader in You - Dale Carnegie

缀 评论 The Leader in You   2013-08-22 13:16:12
I picked up this book in Pudong Library which coverd a green look, and it won my
attraction at first glance.

It was not the very first book i read written by Carnegie. In this book, Introduction Part
about The Human-Relations Revolution,

Keep your mind open to change all the time. Welcome it. Court it. It is only by examining
and re-examining your opinions and ideas that you can progress,

To survive in the years to come, successful organizations in business, in government, in

the non-profit world will have to undergo a profound cultural change. Their people will
have to think quicker, work smarter, dream wilder and related to each other in very
different ways.

The leader tomorrow will have to establish a real vision and a sense of values for the
organizations they wish to lead. These leaders will have to communicate and motivate
far more effectively than did leaders of the past. They will have to keep their wits about
them through conditions of near-constant change. And these new leaders will have to
mine every ounce of talent and creativity that their organizations possess-from the shop
floor to the executive suite.

Every chapter of this book will begin at a story telling some meaning idea about every
theme, it's reading friendly.
And every chapter contains all about 3 main conclusion.

Nowadays worldwide companys are talking about leadership, but what is meant by it
In this book, Carnegie addressed that Leadership is to help people achieve what they
are capable of, to establish a vision for the future, to encourage, to coach and to
mentor, and to establish and maintain successful relationships.

There is every charpter summary of the book for potential readers.

1. Finding the leader in you
The first step toward success is identifying your own leadership strengths.
2. Starting to communicate
Make communicate a top priority.
Be open to other people.
Create a receptive environment for communication.
Communication is bulid on trust relationships.
3.Motivating people
Employee must be included in all parts of the process, every step of the way. Teamwork
is the key here, not hierarchy.
People must be treated as individuals. Always acknowledge their importance and show
them respect. They are people frist, employees second.
Superior work must be encouraged, recognized and rewardsed.
4. Expressing Genuine Interest in Others
5. Seeing things from the other person's point of view
Step outside yourself to discover what's important to someone else.
6. Listerning to learn
Nobody is more persuasive than a good listener.
7.Teaming up for tomorrow
Creat a shared sense of purpose.
Make the goals them goals.
Treat people like the individuals they are.
Make each member responsible for the team product.
Share the glory, accept the blame.
Take every opportunity to build confidence on the team
Be involved, stay involved.
Be a mentor.
8. Respecting the Dignity of others
9. Recognition, praise and rewards
People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards.
10. Handing mistakes, Compaints and Criticism
Be quick to admit mistakes and slow to critize. Above all, be constructive.
11. Setting Goals
Setting goals that are clear, challenging, and obtainable.
12. Focus and discipline
13. Achieving Balance
Consistently high performance comes from a balance between work and leisure.
14. Creating a postive mental attitude
15. Learn not to worry.
16. The power of Enthusiasm

Apply these basic lessons and techniques. Make them part of your daily life. Use them
with your friends, family, and colleagues. See what a difference they can make.

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