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Think of communication transactions in your daily life. Enumerate situations where

communication takes place. Then, indicate the result of the communication transaction and tell
whether it is successful or not by writing the elements that made it so and specify its function on
the third column. An example is provided for you. Provide three (3) situations.

Situation Result of Communication Function of


When I was 12, my father told Message was clear that I to inform and to clarify
me that I was incharge of needed to perform my task. At
cooking rice for lunch everyday first the communication was
whenever I was available. One successful. I thought other
time, I forgot to cook rice family members would do my
because I got busy on my task because I was doing other
assignment. As a result, we did things. My fault there was I
not have rice to eat. My father failed to communicate to them
reminded me about the task that I was busy doing my
assigned to me. assignment. Should I have
communicated this earlier,

When the pandemic started, The message was clear and To inform
my parents told me how made me become an
essential it is to follow all obedient person. I
COVID-19 protocols. They understand that with those, it
told me that I must not leave would help us to avoid getting
our house if not necessary, infected with COVID-19.
always sanitize and use a
facemask. They remind me
that we must rely on one
another to do the right thing.

I was in 7th grade when my The communication was To interact and to encourage
teacher noticed that I was successful. It boosts my
alone. She called me and told confidence. At first, I was shy
me that I must interact and but I still get along and have
make friends with my a relationship with my
classmates. She assured me classmates.
that I would have enjoyed
each other’s company.

When I was in 8th grade, one The message made my To motivate and to convinced
of my classmates convinced decisions change because of
me to go to their house after persuasion. At first, I thought
school to watch a movie. At my classmate would let me
first, I did not agree because not come with her. In the end,
we must do our assignments she successfully convinced

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first but she did not stop me also our communication
persuading me. I nodded and became clear.
said yes because she said
we would do our task after
watching the movie.

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