What Is A Computer Network?

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What is a Computer Network?

A computer network is a collection of computing devices that are

connected with each other for the purpose of information and
resource sharing among a wide variety of users.

Each device in the network is called a node which is connected to

other nodes through wired or wireless media.

The features of a computer network are −

 Sharing − Computer networks enable sharing of files, software,

hardware resources and computing capabilities.
 Speed: The communication speed among the components is fast
enough to be comparable with a centralized system.

 Scalability − Sizes of computer networks dynamically increase
with time. The networks have to be scalable so that they can
evolve adequately for future deployments.
 Integration − All the components of the network work in a
coordinated manner for a seamless user experience.
 Security − Networks allow security and access rights to the users
for restricted sharing of resources and information.
 Cost Effectiveness − Networking reduces the deployment cost of
hardware and software of a centralized system.
Computer Network Types

Generally, networks are distinguished based on their geographical

span. A network can be as small as distance between your mobile
phone and its Bluetooth headphone and as large as the internet itself,
covering the whole geographical world,

Personal Area Network

A Personal Area Network (PAN) is smallest network which is very

personal to a user. This may include Bluetooth enabled devices or
infra-red enabled devices. PAN has connectivity range up to 10
meters. PAN may include wireless computer keyboard and mouse,
Bluetooth enabled headphones, wireless printers and TV remotes.

For example, Piconet is Bluetooth-enabled Personal Area Network
which may contain up to 8 devices connected together in a master-
slave fashion.

Local Area Network

A computer network spanned inside a building and operated under

single administrative system is generally termed as Local Area Network
(LAN). Usually,LAN covers an organization’ offices, schools, colleges or
universities. Number of systems connected in LAN may vary from as
least as two to as much as 16 million.

LAN provides a useful way of sharing the resources between end

users.The resources such as printers, file servers, scanners, and internet
are easily sharable among computers.

LANs are composed of inexpensive networking and routing
equipment. It may contains local servers serving file storage and other
locally shared applications. It mostly operates on private IP addresses
and does not involve heavy routing. LAN works under its own local
domain and controlled centrally.

LAN uses either Ethernet or Token-ring technology. Ethernet is most

widely employed LAN technology and uses Star topology, while
Token-ring is rarely seen.

LAN can be wired,wireless, or in both forms at once.

Metropolitan Area Network

The Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) generally expands throughout

a city such as cable TV network. It can be in the form of
Ethernet,Token-ring, ATM, or Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI).

Metro Ethernet is a service which is provided by ISPs. This service
enables its users to expand their Local Area Networks. For example,
MAN can help an organization to connect all of its offices in a city.

Backbone of MAN is high-capacity and high-speed fiber optics. MAN

works in between Local Area Network and Wide Area Network. MAN
provides uplink for LANs to WANs or internet.

Wide Area Network

As the name suggests,the Wide Area Network (WAN) covers a wide

area which may span across provinces and even a whole country.
Generally, telecommunication networks are Wide Area Network. These
networks provide connectivity to MANs and LANs. Since they are
equipped with very high speed backbone, WANs use very expensive
network equipment.

WAN may use advanced technologies such as Asynchronous Transfer
Mode (ATM), Frame Relay, and Synchronous Optical Network (SONET).
WAN may be managed by multiple administration.


A network of networks is called an internetwork, or simply the internet.

It is the largest network in existence on this planet.The internet hugely
connects all WANs and it can have connection to LANs and Home
networks. Internet uses TCP/IP protocol suite and uses IP as its
addressing protocol. Present day, Internet is widely implemented
using IPv4. Because of shortage of address spaces, it is gradually
migrating from IPv4 to IPv6.

Internet enables its users to share and access enormous amount of

information worldwide. It uses WWW, FTP, email services, audio and

video streaming etc. At huge level, internet works on Client-Server

Internet uses very high speed backbone of fiber optics. To inter-

connect various continents, fibers are laid under sea known to us as
submarine communication cable.

Internet is widely deployed on World Wide Web services using HTML

linked pages and is accessible by client software known as Web
Browsers. When a user requests a page using some web browser
located on some Web Server anywhere in the world, the Web Server
responds with the proper HTML page. The communication delay is
very low.

Internet is serving many proposes and is involved in many aspects of

life. Some of them are:

 Web sites
 E-mail
 Instant Messaging
 Blogging
 Social Media
 Marketing
 Networking
 Resource Sharing
 Audio and Video Streaming

Computer Network Types

A computer network is a group of computers linked to each other that
enables the computer to communicate with another computer and
share their resources, data, and applications.

A computer network can be categorized by their size. A computer

network is mainly of four types:

o LAN(Local Area Network)

o PAN(Personal Area Network)
o MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
o WAN(Wide Area Network)

LAN(Local Area Network)

o Local Area Network is a group of computers connected to each
other in a small area such as building, office.
o LAN is used for connecting two or more personal computers
through a communication medium such as twisted pair, coaxial
cable, etc.

o It is less costly as it is built with inexpensive hardware such as
hubs, network adapters, and ethernet cables.
o The data is transferred at an extremely faster rate in Local Area
o Local Area Network provides higher security.

PAN(Personal Area Network)

o Personal Area Network is a network arranged within an individual
person, typically within a range of 10 meters.
o Personal Area Network is used for connecting the computer
devices of personal use is known as Personal Area Network.
o Thomas Zimmerman was the first research scientist to bring the
idea of the Personal Area Network.
o Personal Area Network covers an area of 30 feet.

o Personal computer devices that are used to develop the personal
area network are the laptop, mobile phones, media player and
play stations.

There are two types of Personal Area Network:

o Wired Personal Area Network

o Wireless Personal Area Network

Wireless Personal Area Network: Wireless Personal Area Network is
developed by simply using wireless technologies such as WiFi,
Bluetooth. It is a low range network.

Wired Personal Area Network: Wired Personal Area Network is

created by using the USB.

Examples Of Personal Area Network:

o Body Area Network: Body Area Network is a network that
moves with a person. For example, a mobile network moves
with a person. Suppose a person establishes a network
connection and then creates a connection with another device to
share the information.
o Offline Network: An offline network can be created inside the
home, so it is also known as a home network. A home network
is designed to integrate the devices such as printers, computer,
television but they are not connected to the internet.
o Small Home Office: It is used to connect a variety of devices to
the internet and to a corporate network using a VPN

MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)

o A metropolitan area network is a network that covers a larger
geographic area by interconnecting a different LAN to form a
larger network.
o Government agencies use MAN to connect to the citizens and
private industries.

o In MAN, various LANs are connected to each other through a
telephone exchange line.
o The most widely used protocols in MAN are RS-232, Frame Relay,
ATM, ISDN, OC-3, ADSL, etc.
o It has a higher range than Local Area Network(LAN).

Uses Of Metropolitan Area Network:

o MAN is used in communication between the banks in a city.
o It can be used in an Airline Reservation.
o It can be used in a college within a city.
o It can also be used for communication in the military.

WAN(Wide Area Network)
o A Wide Area Network is a network that extends over a large
geographical area such as states or countries.
o A Wide Area Network is quite bigger network than the LAN.
o A Wide Area Network is not limited to a single location, but it
spans over a large geographical area through a telephone line,
fibre optic cable or satellite links.
o The internet is one of the biggest WAN in the world.
o A Wide Area Network is widely used in the field of Business,
government, and education.

Examples Of Wide Area Network:
o Mobile Broadband: A 4G network is widely used across a region
or country.
o Last mile: A telecom company is used to provide the internet
services to the customers in hundreds of cities by connecting
their home with fiber.
o Private network: A bank provides a private network that
connects the 44 offices. This network is made by using the
telephone leased line provided by the telecom company.

Advantages Of Wide Area Network:

Following are the advantages of the Wide Area Network:

o Geographical area: A Wide Area Network provides a large

geographical area. Suppose if the branch of our office is in a
different city then we can connect with them through WAN. The
internet provides a leased line through which we can connect
with another branch.
o Centralized data: In case of WAN network, data is centralized.
Therefore, we do not need to buy the emails, files or back up
o Get updated files: Software companies work on the live server.
Therefore, the programmers get the updated files within
o Exchange messages: In a WAN network, messages are
transmitted fast. The web application like Facebook, Whatsapp,
Skype allows you to communicate with friends.
o Sharing of software and resources: In WAN network, we can
share the software and other resources like a hard drive, RAM.
o Global business: We can do the business over the internet
o High bandwidth: If we use the leased lines for our company
then this gives the high bandwidth. The high bandwidth
increases the data transfer rate which in turn increases the
productivity of our company.

Disadvantages of Wide Area Network:

The following are the disadvantages of the Wide Area Network:

o Security issue: A WAN network has more security issues as

compared to LAN and MAN network as all the technologies are
combined together that creates the security problem.
o Needs Firewall & antivirus software: The data is transferred on
the internet which can be changed or hacked by the hackers, so
the firewall needs to be used. Some people can inject the virus in
our system so antivirus is needed to protect from such a virus.
o High Setup cost: An installation cost of the WAN network is
high as it involves the purchasing of routers, switches.
o Troubleshooting problems: It covers a large area so fixing the
problem is difficult.

o An internetwork is defined as two or more computer network
LANs or WAN or computer network segments are connected
using devices, and they are configured by a local addressing
scheme. This process is known as internetworking.
o An interconnection between public, private, commercial,
industrial, or government computer networks can also be
defined as internetworking.
o An internetworking uses the internet protocol.
o The reference model used for internetworking is Open System

Types Of Internetwork:
1. Extranet: An extranet is a communication network based on the
internet protocol such as Transmission Control
protocol and internet protocol. It is used for information sharing.
The access to the extranet is restricted to only those users who have
login credentials. An extranet is the lowest level of internetworking. It
can be categorized as MAN, WAN or other computer networks. An
extranet cannot have a single LAN, atleast it must have one
connection to the external network.

2. Intranet: An intranet is a private network based on the internet

protocol such as Transmission Control protocol and internet
protocol. An intranet belongs to an organization which is only
accessible by the organization's employee or members. The main
aim of the intranet is to share the information and resources among
the organization employees. An intranet provides the facility to work
in groups and for teleconferences.
Intranet advantages:
o Communication: It provides a cheap and easy communication.
An employee of the organization can communicate with another
employee through email, chat.
o Time-saving: Information on the intranet is shared in real time,
so it is time-saving.
o Collaboration: Collaboration is one of the most important
advantage of the intranet. The information is distributed among
the employees of the organization and can only be accessed by
the authorized user.
o Platform independency: It is a neutral architecture as the
computer can be connected to another device with different
o Cost effective: People can see the data and documents by using
the browser and distributes the duplicate copies over the
intranet. This leads to a reduction in the cost.

Design Issues for the Layers of Computer Networks

A number of design issues exist for the layer to layer approach of computer networks.
Some of the main design issues are as follows −


Network channels and components may be unreliable, resulting in loss of bits while data
transfer. So, an important design issue is to make sure that the information transferred
is not distorted.


Networks are continuously evolving. The sizes are continually increasing leading to
congestion. Also, when new technologies are applied to the added components, it may
lead to incompatibility issues. Hence, the design should be done so that the networks
are scalable and can accommodate such additions and alterations.


At a particular time, innumerable messages are being transferred between large

numbers of computers. So, a naming or addressing system should exist so that each
layer can identify the sender and receivers of each message.

Error Control

Unreliable channels introduce a number of errors in the data streams that are
communicated. So, the layers need to agree upon common error detection and error
correction methods so as to protect data packets while they are transferred.

Flow Control

If the rate at which data is produced by the sender is higher than the rate at which data
is received by the receiver, there are chances of overflowing the receiver. So, a proper
flow control mechanism needs to be implemented.

Resource Allocation

Computer networks provide services in the form of network resources to the end users.
The main design issue is to allocate and deallocate resources to processes. The
allocation/deallocation should occur so that minimal interference among the hosts
occurs and there is optimal usage of the resources.

Statistical Multiplexing

It is not feasible to allocate a dedicated path for each message while it is being
transferred from the source to the destination. So, the data channel needs to be
multiplexed, so as to allocate a fraction of the bandwidth or time to each host.


There may be multiple paths from the source to the destination. Routing involves
choosing an optimal path among all possible paths, in terms of cost and time. There are
several routing algorithms that are used in network systems.


A major factor of data communication is to defend it against threats like eavesdropping

and surreptitious alteration of messages. So, there should be adequate mechanisms to
prevent unauthorized access to data through authentication and cryptography.

OSI Model

o OSI stands for Open System Interconnection is a reference model that

describes how information from a software application in one computer moves
through a physical medium to the software application in another computer.

o OSI consists of seven layers, and each layer performs a particular network

o OSI model was developed by the International Organization for Standardization

(ISO) in 1984, and it is now considered as an architectural model for the inter-
computer communications.

o OSI model divides the whole task into seven smaller and manageable tasks. Each
layer is assigned a particular task.

o Each layer is self-contained, so that task assigned to each layer can be performed

Characteristics of OSI Model:

o The OSI model is divided into two layers: upper layers and lower layers.

o The upper layer of the OSI model mainly deals with the application related issues,
and they are implemented only in the software. The application layer is closest to
the end user. Both the end user and the application layer interact with the
software applications. An upper layer refers to the layer just above another layer.

o The lower layer of the OSI model deals with the data transport issues. The data
link layer and the physical layer are implemented in hardware and software. The
physical layer is the lowest layer of the OSI model and is closest to the physical
medium. The physical layer is mainly responsible for placing the information on
the physical medium.

Functions of the OSI Layers

There are the seven OSI layers. Each layer has different functions. A list of seven layers
are given below:

1. Physical Layer

2. Data-Link Layer

3. Network Layer

4. Transport Layer

5. Session Layer

6. Presentation Layer

7. Application Layer

Physical layer

o The main functionality of the physical layer is to transmit the individual bits from
one node to another node.

o It is the lowest layer of the OSI model.

o It establishes, maintains and deactivates the physical connection.

o It specifies the mechanical, electrical and procedural network interface


Functions of a Physical layer:

o Line Configuration: It defines the way how two or more devices can be
connected physically.

o Data Transmission: It defines the transmission mode whether it is simplex, half-

duplex or full-duplex mode between the two devices on the network.

o Topology: It defines the way how network devices are arranged.

o Signals: It determines the type of the signal used for transmitting the

Data-Link Layer

o This layer is responsible for the error-free transfer of data frames.

o It defines the format of the data on the network.

o It provides a reliable and efficient communication between two or more devices.

o It is mainly responsible for the unique identification of each device that resides
on a local network.

o It contains two sub-layers:

o Logical Link Control Layer

o It is responsible for transferring the packets to the Network layer of

the receiver that is receiving.

o It identifies the address of the network layer protocol from the


o It also provides flow control.

o Media Access Control Layer

o A Media access control layer is a link between the Logical Link

Control layer and the network's physical layer.

o It is used for transferring the packets over the network.

Functions of the Data-link layer

o Framing: The data link layer translates the physical's raw bit stream into packets
known as Frames. The Data link layer adds the header and trailer to the frame.
The header which is added to the frame contains the hardware destination and
source address.

o Physical Addressing: The Data link layer adds a header to the frame that
contains a destination address. The frame is transmitted to the destination
address mentioned in the header.

o Flow Control: Flow control is the main functionality of the Data-link layer. It is

the technique through which the constant data rate is maintained on both the
sides so that no data get corrupted. It ensures that the transmitting station such
as a server with higher processing speed does not exceed the receiving station,
with lower processing speed.

o Error Control: Error control is achieved by adding a calculated value CRC (Cyclic

Redundancy Check) that is placed to the Data link layer's trailer which is added to
the message frame before it is sent to the physical layer. If any error seems to
occurr, then the receiver sends the acknowledgment for the retransmission of the
corrupted frames.

o Access Control: When two or more devices are connected to the same

communication channel, then the data link layer protocols are used to determine
which device has control over the link at a given time.

Network Layer

o It is a layer 3 that manages device addressing, tracks the location of devices on
the network.

o It determines the best path to move data from source to the destination based
on the network conditions, the priority of service, and other factors.

o The Data link layer is responsible for routing and forwarding the packets.

o Routers are the layer 3 devices, they are specified in this layer and used to
provide the routing services within an internetwork.

o The protocols used to route the network traffic are known as Network layer
protocols. Examples of protocols are IP and Ipv6.

Functions of Network Layer:

o Internetworking: An internetworking is the main responsibility of the network

layer. It provides a logical connection between different devices.

o Addressing: A Network layer adds the source and destination address to the
header of the frame. Addressing is used to identify the device on the internet.

o Routing: Routing is the major component of the network layer, and it determines
the best optimal path out of the multiple paths from source to the destination.

o Packetizing: A Network Layer receives the packets from the upper layer and
converts them into packets. This process is known as Packetizing. It is achieved by
internet protocol (IP).

Transport Layer

o The Transport layer is a Layer 4 ensures that messages are transmitted in the
order in which they are sent and there is no duplication of data.

o The main responsibility of the transport layer is to transfer the data completely.

o It receives the data from the upper layer and converts them into smaller units
known as segments.

o This layer can be termed as an end-to-end layer as it provides a point-to-point

connection between source and destination to deliver the data reliably.

The two protocols used in this layer are:

o Transmission Control Protocol

o It is a standard protocol that allows the systems to communicate over the


o It establishes and maintains a connection between hosts.

o When data is sent over the TCP connection, then the TCP protocol divides
the data into smaller units known as segments. Each segment travels over
the internet using multiple routes, and they arrive in different orders at the
destination. The transmission control protocol reorders the packets in the
correct order at the receiving end.

o User Datagram Protocol

o User Datagram Protocol is a transport layer protocol.

o It is an unreliable transport protocol as in this case receiver does not send

any acknowledgment when the packet is received, the sender does not
wait for any acknowledgment. Therefore, this makes a protocol unreliable.

Functions of Transport Layer:

o Service-point addressing: Computers run several programs simultaneously due

to this reason, the transmission of data from source to the destination not only
from one computer to another computer but also from one process to another
process. The transport layer adds the header that contains the address known as
a service-point address or port address. The responsibility of the network layer is
to transmit the data from one computer to another computer and the
responsibility of the transport layer is to transmit the message to the correct

o Segmentation and reassembly: When the transport layer receives the message

from the upper layer, it divides the message into multiple segments, and each

segment is assigned with a sequence number that uniquely identifies each
segment. When the message has arrived at the destination, then the transport
layer reassembles the message based on their sequence numbers.

o Connection control: Transport layer provides two services Connection-oriented

service and connectionless service. A connectionless service treats each segment
as an individual packet, and they all travel in different routes to reach the
destination. A connection-oriented service makes a connection with the transport
layer at the destination machine before delivering the packets. In connection-
oriented service, all the packets travel in the single route.

o Flow control: The transport layer also responsible for flow control but it is
performed end-to-end rather than across a single link.

o Error control: The transport layer is also responsible for Error control. Error
control is performed end-to-end rather than across the single link. The sender
transport layer ensures that message reach at the destination without any error.

Session Layer

o It is a layer 3 in the OSI model.

o The Session layer is used to establish, maintain and synchronizes the interaction
between communicating devices.

Functions of Session layer:

o Dialog control: Session layer acts as a dialog controller that creates a dialog

between two processes or we can say that it allows the communication between
two processes which can be either half-duplex or full-duplex.

o Synchronization: Session layer adds some checkpoints when transmitting the

data in a sequence. If some error occurs in the middle of the transmission of data,
then the transmission will take place again from the checkpoint. This process is
known as Synchronization and recovery.

Presentation Layer

o A Presentation layer is mainly concerned with the syntax and semantics of the
information exchanged between the two systems.

o It acts as a data translator for a network.

o This layer is a part of the operating system that converts the data from one
presentation format to another format.

o The Presentation layer is also known as the syntax layer.

Functions of Presentation layer:

o Translation: The processes in two systems exchange the information in the form

of character strings, numbers and so on. Different computers use different
encoding methods, the presentation layer handles the interoperability between
the different encoding methods. It converts the data from sender-dependent
format into a common format and changes the common format into receiver-
dependent format at the receiving end.

o Encryption: Encryption is needed to maintain privacy. Encryption is a process of
converting the sender-transmitted information into another form and sends the
resulting message over the network.

o Compression: Data compression is a process of compressing the data, i.e., it

reduces the number of bits to be transmitted. Data compression is very important
in multimedia such as text, audio, video.

Application Layer

o An application layer serves as a window for users and application processes to

access network service.

o It handles issues such as network transparency, resource allocation, etc.

o An application layer is not an application, but it performs the application layer


o This layer provides the network services to the end-users.

Functions of Application layer:

o File transfer, access, and management (FTAM): An application layer allows a

user to access the files in a remote computer, to retrieve the files from a
computer and to manage the files in a remote computer.

o Mail services: An application layer provides the facility for email forwarding and

o Directory services: An application provides the distributed database sources and

is used to provide that global information about various objects.

TCP/IP model
o The TCP/IP model was developed prior to the OSI model.
o The TCP/IP model is not exactly similar to the OSI model.
o The TCP/IP model consists of five layers: the application layer, transport layer, network
layer, data link layer and physical layer.
o The first four layers provide physical standards, network interface, internetworking, and
transport functions that correspond to the first four layers of the OSI model and these
four layers are represented in TCP/IP model by a single layer called the application layer.
o TCP/IP is a hierarchical protocol made up of interactive modules, and each of them
provides specific functionality.

Here, hierarchical means that each upper-layer protocol is supported by two or more lower-level

Functions of TCP/IP layers:

Network Access Layer

o A network layer is the lowest layer of the TCP/IP model.

o A network layer is the combination of the Physical layer and Data Link layer defined in
the OSI reference model.
o It defines how the data should be sent physically through the network.
o This layer is mainly responsible for the transmission of the data between two devices on
the same network.
o The functions carried out by this layer are encapsulating the IP datagram into frames
transmitted by the network and mapping of IP addresses into physical addresses.
o The protocols used by this layer are ethernet, token ring, FDDI, X.25, frame relay.

Internet Layer

o An internet layer is the second layer of the TCP/IP model.

o An internet layer is also known as the network layer.
o The main responsibility of the internet layer is to send the packets from any network, and
they arrive at the destination irrespective of the route they take.

Following are the protocols used in this layer are:

IP Protocol: IP protocol is used in this layer, and it is the most significant part of the entire
TCP/IP suite.

Following are the responsibilities of this protocol:

o IP Addressing: This protocol implements logical host addresses known as IP addresses.

The IP addresses are used by the internet and higher layers to identify the device and to
provide internetwork routing.
o Host-to-host communication: It determines the path through which the data is to be
o Data Encapsulation and Formatting: An IP protocol accepts the data from the
transport layer protocol. An IP protocol ensures that the data is sent and received
securely, it encapsulates the data into message known as IP datagram.
o Fragmentation and Reassembly: The limit imposed on the size of the IP datagram by
data link layer protocol is known as Maximum Transmission unit (MTU). If the size of IP
datagram is greater than the MTU unit, then the IP protocol splits the datagram into
smaller units so that they can travel over the local network. Fragmentation can be done
by the sender or intermediate router. At the receiver side, all the fragments are
reassembled to form an original message.
o Routing: When IP datagram is sent over the same local network such as LAN, MAN,
WAN, it is known as direct delivery. When source and destination are on the distant
network, then the IP datagram is sent indirectly. This can be accomplished by routing the
IP datagram through various devices such as routers.

ARP Protocol

o ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol.

o ARP is a network layer protocol which is used to find the physical address from the IP
o The two terms are mainly associated with the ARP Protocol:
o ARP request: When a sender wants to know the physical address of the device, it
broadcasts the ARP request to the network.
o ARP reply: Every device attached to the network will accept the ARP request and
process the request, but only recipient recognize the IP address and sends back

its physical address in the form of ARP reply. The recipient adds the physical
address both to its cache memory and to the datagram header

ICMP Protocol

o ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol.

o It is a mechanism used by the hosts or routers to send notifications regarding datagram
problems back to the sender.
o A datagram travels from router-to-router until it reaches its destination. If a router is
unable to route the data because of some unusual conditions such as disabled links, a
device is on fire or network congestion, then the ICMP protocol is used to inform the
sender that the datagram is undeliverable.
o An ICMP protocol mainly uses two terms:
o ICMP Test: ICMP Test is used to test whether the destination is reachable or not.
o ICMP Reply: ICMP Reply is used to check whether the destination device is
responding or not.
o The core responsibility of the ICMP protocol is to report the problems, not correct them.
The responsibility of the correction lies with the sender.
o ICMP can send the messages only to the source, but not to the intermediate routers
because the IP datagram carries the addresses of the source and destination but not of
the router that it is passed to.

Transport Layer
The transport layer is responsible for the reliability, flow control, and correction of data which is
being sent over the network.

The two protocols used in the transport layer are User Datagram protocol and Transmission
control protocol.

o User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

o It provides connectionless service and end-to-end delivery of transmission.
o It is an unreliable protocol as it discovers the errors but not specify the error.
o User Datagram Protocol discovers the error, and ICMP protocol reports the error
to the sender that user datagram has been damaged.

o UDP consists of the following fields:
Source port address: The source port address is the address of the application
program that has created the message.
Destination port address: The destination port address is the address of the
application program that receives the message.
Total length: It defines the total number of bytes of the user datagram in bytes.
Checksum: The checksum is a 16-bit field used in error detection.
o UDP does not specify which packet is lost. UDP contains only checksum; it does
not contain any ID of a data segment.

o Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

o It provides a full transport layer services to applications.
o It creates a virtual circuit between the sender and receiver, and it is active for the
duration of the transmission.
o TCP is a reliable protocol as it detects the error and retransmits the damaged
frames. Therefore, it ensures all the segments must be received and
acknowledged before the transmission is considered to be completed and a
virtual circuit is discarded.
o At the sending end, TCP divides the whole message into smaller units known as
segment, and each segment contains a sequence number which is required for
reordering the frames to form an original message.
o At the receiving end, TCP collects all the segments and reorders them based on
sequence numbers.

Application Layer

o An application layer is the topmost layer in the TCP/IP model.

o It is responsible for handling high-level protocols, issues of representation.
o This layer allows the user to interact with the application.
o When one application layer protocol wants to communicate with another application
layer, it forwards its data to the transport layer.
o There is an ambiguity occurs in the application layer. Every application cannot be placed
inside the application layer except those who interact with the communication system.
For example: text editor cannot be considered in application layer while web browser
using HTTP protocol to interact with the network where HTTP protocol is an application
layer protocol.

Following are the main protocols used in the application layer:

o HTTP: HTTP stands for Hypertext transfer protocol. This protocol allows us to access the
data over the world wide web. It transfers the data in the form of plain text, audio, video.
It is known as a Hypertext transfer protocol as it has the efficiency to use in a hypertext
environment where there are rapid jumps from one document to another.
o SNMP: SNMP stands for Simple Network Management Protocol. It is a framework used
for managing the devices on the internet by using the TCP/IP protocol suite.
o SMTP: SMTP stands for Simple mail transfer protocol. The TCP/IP protocol that supports
the e-mail is known as a Simple mail transfer protocol. This protocol is used to send the
data to another e-mail address.
o DNS: DNS stands for Domain Name System. An IP address is used to identify the
connection of a host to the internet uniquely. But, people prefer to use the names
instead of addresses. Therefore, the system that maps the name to the address is known
as Domain Name System.
o TELNET: It is an abbreviation for Terminal Network. It establishes the connection
between the local computer and remote computer in such a way that the local terminal
appears to be a terminal at the remote system.
o FTP: FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a standard internet protocol used for
transmitting the files from one computer to another computer.

What is Transmission Media in
Computer Networks & Its Types
The representation of data can be done through computers as well as other types of
telecommunication devices with the help of signals. These are broadcasted from one
device to another in the shape of electromagnetic energy. The signals like
electromagnetic can travel throughout vacuum, air otherwise other transmission
mediums to travel from one sender to another receiver. Electromagnetic energy mainly
includes voice, power, radio waves, visible light, UV light, & gamma rays. In the OSI
model, the first layer is the physical layer which is dedicated to the transmission media.
In data communication, a transmission media is a physical lane between the Tx& the Rx
and it is the channel where data can be transmitted from one area to another.

What is Transmission Media?

Definition: A communication channel that is used to carry the data from the transmitter
to the receiver through the electromagnetic signals. The main function of this is to carry
the data in the bits form through the Local Area Network (LAN). In data communication,
it works like a physical path between the sender & the receiver. For instance, in a
copper cable network the bits in the form of electrical signals whereas in a fiber network,
the bits are available in the form of light pulses. The quality, as well as characteristics of
data transmission, can be determined from the characteristics of medium & signal. The
properties of different transmission media are delay, bandwidth, maintenance, cost, and
easy installation.

Different Types of Transmission Media

Transmission media is classified into two types namely wired media & wireless media.
The medium characteristics of wired media are more significant but, in wireless media
the signal characteristics are important.

These transmission media may be of two types −
Guided − In guided media, transmitted data travels through cabling system that has a
fixed path. For example, copper wires, fibre optic wires, etc.
Unguided − In unguided media, transmitted data travels through free space in form of
electromagnetic signal. For example, radio waves, lasers, etc.
Each transmission media has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of
bandwidth, speed, delay, cost per bit, ease of installation and maintenance, etc. Let’s
discuss some of the most commonly used media in detail.

Twisted Pair Cable

Copper wires are the most common wires used for transmitting signals because of good
performance at low costs. They are most commonly used in telephone lines. However, if
two or more wires are lying together, they can interfere with each other’s signals. To
reduce this electromagnetic interference, pair of copper wires are twisted together in
helical shape like a DNA molecule. Such twisted copper wires are called twisted pair. To
reduce interference between nearby twisted pairs, the twist rates are different for each

Up to 25 twisted pair are put together in a protective covering to form twisted pair cables
that are the backbone of telephone systems and Ethernet networks.

Advantages of twisted pair cable

Twisted pair cable are the oldest and most popular cables all over the world. This is due
to the many advantages that they offer −

 Trained personnel easily available due to shallow learning curve

 Can be used for both analog and digital transmissions
 Least expensive for short distances
 Entire network does not go down if a part of network is damaged

Disadvantages of twisted pair cable

With its many advantages, twisted pair cables offer some disadvantages too −

 Signal cannot travel long distances without repeaters

 High error rate for distances greater than 100m
 Very thin and hence breaks easily
 Not suitable for broadband connections

Shielding twisted pair cable
To counter the tendency of twisted pair cables to pick up noise signals, wires are
shielded in the following three ways −

 Each twisted pair is shielded.

 Set of multiple twisted pairs in the cable is shielded.
 Each twisted pair and then all the pairs are shielded.
Such twisted pairs are called shielded twisted pair (STP) cables. The wires that are
not shielded but simply bundled together in a protective sheath are called unshielded
twisted pair (UTP) cables. These cables can have maximum length of 100 metres.

Shielding makes the cable bulky, so UTP are more popular than STP. UTP cables are
used as the last mile network connection in homes and offices.

Coaxial Cable
Coaxial cables are copper cables with better shielding than twisted pair cables, so
that transmitted signals may travel longer distances at higher speeds. A coaxial cable
consists of these layers, starting from the innermost −

 Stiff copper wire as core

 Insulating material surrounding the core
 Closely woven braided mesh of conducting material surrounding the insulator
 Protective plastic sheath encasing the wire
Coaxial cables are widely used for cable TV connections and LANs.

Advantages of Coaxial Cables

These are the advantages of coaxial cables −

 Excellent noise immunity
 Signals can travel longer distances at higher speeds, e.g. 1 to 2 Gbps for 1 Km
 Can be used for both analog and digital signals
 Inexpensive as compared to fibre optic cables
 Easy to install and maintain

Disadvantages of Coaxial Cables

These are some of the disadvantages of coaxial cables −

 Expensive as compared to twisted pair cables

 Not compatible with twisted pair cables

Optical Fibre
Thin glass or plastic threads used to transmit data using light waves are called optical
fibre. Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) or Laser Diodes (LDs) emit light waves at
the source, which is read by a detector at the other end. Optical fibre cable has a
bundle of such threads or fibres bundled together in a protective covering. Each fibre is
made up of these three layers, starting with the innermost layer −

 Core made of high quality silica glass or plastic

 Cladding made of high quality silica glass or plastic, with a lower refractive
index than the core

 Protective outer covering called buffer

Note that both core and cladding are made of similar material. However, as refractive
index of the cladding is lower, any stray light wave trying to escape the core is
reflected back due to total internal reflection.

Optical fibre is rapidly replacing copper wires in telephone lines, internet

communication and even cable TV connections because transmitted data can travel
very long distances without weakening. Single node fibre optic cable can have
maximum segment length of 2 kms and bandwidth of up to 100 Mbps. Multi-node fibre
optic cable can have maximum segment length of 100 kms and bandwidth up to 2

Advantages of Optical Fiber

Optical fiber is fast replacing copper wires because of these advantages that it offers −

 High bandwidth

 Immune to electromagnetic interference

 Suitable for industrial and noisy areas

 Signals carrying data can travel long distances without weakening

Disadvantages of Optical Fiber

Despite long segment lengths and high bandwidth, using optical fibre may not be a
viable option for every one due to these disadvantages −

 Optical fiber cables are expensive

 Sophisticated technology required for manufacturing, installing and maintaining

optical fiber cables

 Light waves are unidirectional, so two frequencies are required for full duplex

Low frequency infrared waves are used for very short distance communication like TV
remote, wireless speakers, automatic doors, hand held devices etc. Infrared signals
can propagate within a room but cannot penetrate walls. However, due to such short
range, it is considered to be one of the most secure transmission modes.

Radio Wave
Transmission of data using radio frequencies is called radio-wave transmission. We
all are familiar with radio channels that broadcast entertainment programs. Radio

stations transmit radio waves using transmitters, which are received by the receiver
installed in our devices.

Both transmitters and receivers use antennas to radiate or capture radio signals. These
radio frequencies can also be used for direct voice communication within
the allocated range. This range is usually 10 miles.

Advantages of Radio Wave

These are some of the advantages of radio wave transmissions −

 Inexpensive mode of information exchange

 No land needs to be acquired for laying cables
 Installation and maintenance of devices is cheap

Disadvantages of Radio Wave

These are some of the disadvantages of radio wave transmissions −

 Insecure communication medium

 Prone to weather changes like rain, thunderstorms, etc.

What is Topology?
Network topologies describe the methods in which all the elements of a network are
mapped. The topology term refers to both the physical and logical layout of a network.

Physical topology:

This type of network is an actual layout of the computer cables and other network

Logical topology:

Logical topology gives insight's about network's physical design.

Different types of Physical Topologies are:

 P2P Topology
 Bus Topology
 Ring Topology
 Star Topology
 Tree Topology
 Mesh Topology
 Hybrid Topology

Point to Point
Point-to-point topology is the easiest of all the network topologies. In this method, the
network consists of a direct link between two computers.

P2P Topology Diagram

 This is faster and highly reliable than other types of connections since there is a
direct connection.
 No need for a network operating system
 Does not need an expensive server as individual workstations are used to
access the files
 No need for any dedicated network technicians because each user sets their


 The biggest drawback is that it only be used for small areas where computers are
in close proximity.
 You can't back up files and folders centrally
 There is no security besides the permissions. Users often do not require to log
onto their workstations.

Bus Topology

Bus Topology Diagram

Bus topology uses a single cable which connects all the included nodes. The main
cable acts as a spine for the entire network. One of the computers in the network acts
as the computer server. When it has two endpoints, it is known as a linear bus topology.


Here are pros/benefits of using a bus topology:

 Cost of the cable is very less as compared to other topology, so it is widely used
to build small networks.
 Famous for LAN network because they are inexpensive and easy to install.
 It is widely used when a network installation is small, simple, or temporary.
 It is one of the passive topologies. So computers on the bus only listen for data
being sent, that are not responsible for moving the data from one computer to


Here are the cons/drawbacks of bus topology:

 In case if the common cable fails, then the entire system will crash down.

 When network traffic is heavy, it develops collisions in the network.
 Whenever network traffic is heavy, or nodes are too many, the performance time
of the network significantly decreases.
 Cables are always of a limited length.

Ring Topology

Ring Topology Diagram

In a ring network, every device has exactly two neighboring devices for communication
purpose. It is called a ring topology as its formation is like a ring. In this topology, every
computer is connected to another computer. Here, the last node is combined with a first

This topology uses token to pass the information from one computer to another. In this
topology, all the messages travel through a ring in the same direction.


Here are pros/benefits of ring topology:

 Easy to install and reconfigure.

 Adding or deleting a device in-ring topology needs you to move only two

 The troubleshooting process is difficult in a ring topology.
 Failure of one computer can disturb the whole network.
 Offers equal access to all the computers of the networks
 Faster error checking and acknowledgment.


Here are drawbacks/cons of ring topology:

 Unidirectional traffic.
 Break in a single ring can risk the breaking of the entire network
 Modern days high-speed LANs made this topology less popular.
 In the ring, topology signals are circulating at all times, which develops unwanted
power consumption.
 It is very difficult to troubleshoot the ring network.
 Adding or removing the computers can disturb the network activity.

Star Topology

In the star topology, all the computers connect with the help of a hub. This cable is
called a central node, and all other nodes are connected using this central node. It is
most popular on LAN networks as they are inexpensive and easy to install.


Here are pros/benefits of start topology:

 Easy to troubleshoot, set up, and modify.

 Only those nodes are affected, that has failed. Other nodes still work.
 Fast performance with few nodes and very low network traffic.
 In Star topology, addition, deletion, and moving of the devices are easy.


Here are cons/drawbacks of using Star:

 If the hub or concentrator fails, attached nodes are disabled.

 Cost of installation of star topology is costly.
 Heavy network traffic can sometimes slow the bus considerably.
 Performance depends on the hub's capacity
 A damaged cable or lack of proper termination may bring the network down.

Mesh Topology

The mesh topology has a unique network design in which each computer on the
network connects to every other. It is develops a P2P (point-to-point) connection
between all the devices of the network. It offers a high level of redundancy, so even if
one network cable fails, still data has an alternative path to reach its destination.

Types of Mesh Topology:

 Partial Mesh Topology: In this type of topology, most of the devices are
connected almost similarly as full topology. The only difference is that few
devices are connected with just two or three devices.

 Full Mesh Topology: In this topology, every nodes or device are directly
connected with each other.



Here, are pros/benefits of Mesh topology

 The network can be expanded without disrupting current users.

 Need extra capable compared with other LAN topologies.
 Complicated implementation.
 No traffic problem as nodes has dedicated links.
 It has multiple links, so if any single route is blocked, then other routes should be
used for data communication.
 P2P links make the fault identification isolation process easy.
 It helps you to avoid the chances of network failure by connecting all the systems
to a central node.


 Installation is complex because every node is connected to every node.

 Dedicated links help you to eliminate the traffic problem.
 A mesh topology is robust.
 Every system has its privacy and security
 It is expensive due to the use of more cables. No proper utilization of systems.
 It requires more space for dedicated links.

 Because of the amount of cabling and the number of input-outputs, it is
expensive to implement.
 It requires a large space to run the cables.

Tree Topology

Tree topologies have a root node, and all other nodes are connected which form a
hierarchy. So it is also known as hierarchical topology. This topology integrates various
star topologies together in a single bus, so it is known as a Star Bus topology. Tree
topology is a very common network which is similar to a bus and star topology.


Here are pros/benefits of tree topology:

 Failure of one node never affects the rest of the network.

 Node expansion is fast and easy.
 Detection of error is an easy process
 It is easy to manage and maintain


Here are cons/drawback of tree topology:

 It is heavily cabled topology

 If more nodes are added, then its maintenance is difficult
 If the hub or concentrator fails, attached nodes are also disabled.

Hybrid Topology

Hybrid topology combines two or more topologies. You can see in the above
architecture in such a manner that the resulting network does not exhibit one of the
standard topologies.

For example, as you can see in the above image that in an office in one department,
Star and P2P topology is used. A hybrid topology is always produced when two different
basic network topologies are connected.


Here, are advantages/pros using Hybrid topology:

 Offers the easiest method for error detecting and troubleshooting

 Highly effective and flexible networking topology
 It is scalable so you can increase your network size


 The design of hybrid topology is complex

 It is one of the costliest processes

How to select a Network Topology?

Here are some important considerations for selecting the best topology to create a
network in your organization:

 Bus topology is surely least expensive to install a network.

 If you want to use a shorter cable or you planning to expand the network is
future, then star topology is the best choice for you.
 Fully mesh topology is theoretically an ideal choice as every device is connected
to every other device.
 If you want to use twisted pair cable for networking, then you should build star


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