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< Online Course Management System >

Design Document

Version 1.0

Group Id: S1902167AB (BC130402882)

Supervisor Name :<Nida Anwar>

Revision History

Date Version Description Author

2-7-2019 1.0 1. Introduction of Design Mc180201596
2. Entity Relationship
Diagram (ERD)
3. Sequence Diagrams
4. Architecture Design
5. Class Diagram
6. Database Design
7. Interface Design

Table of Contents

8. Introduction of Design Document

9. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

10. Sequence Diagrams

11. Architecture Design Diagram

12. Class Diagram

13. Database Design

14. Interface Design

15. Test Cases

1. Introduction of Design Document

The design is a process by which the software/Websites requirements are translated into a
representation of software/websites components, interfaces and data necessary for the
implementation phase. This phase defines the problem that the customers/clients are trying to

Design is the bridge between the requirement gathering and the final product.
We create the design to give the model of a system which is used later to Create the system.

Important Points Regarding System Analysis:

 User requirements are based upon the accomplishment according to the

requirement and the specifications of the new system.
 The new system and the relationship with each other performed functions with
specific Functional hierarchy.

Objective of Design Document:

The main objective of this design is to analyze and understanding the system in
detail. In this way the features and constitute parts of at least feasible solution are
identified and then documented.

During design phase, the focus shifts from “what to how” i.e. in which we try
toanswer the questions of how to build the system.

Road Map for Projects:

The design activity provides a roadmap to progressively transform the requirements through a
number of stages into the final product by describing the structure of the system to be
implemented. It enables the user to organize IT requirements for a business and make the blue
print of the software that is built by the person to facilitate the business operations.

Activities Used in This Design Document:

Different activities that are used in this document are briefly explained below:

 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

It is a graphical representation of entities and their relationships with each other.

 Sequence Diagrams

It is the most popular kind of Interaction Diagram. It is helpful in both when

checking requirements and when checking designs.

 Architecture Design Diagram

This describes the layered Architectural model for the software system.

 Class Diagram

This describes the system by showing the classes, their attributes and relationships
among objects etc.

 Database Diagram

This describes a way to logically group objects.

 Interface Design

This design shows the important features of a product.

 Test Cases
Finally test cases are provided in detail.

2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) (To be developed using Microsoft Visio or
any other drawing software of your choice)

3. Sequence Diagrams (To be developed using Rational Rose or any other drawing
software of your choice)

4. Architecture Design Diagram

4. Class Diagram

5. Database Design

6. Interface Design

<Provide here the screenshots (GUI) of the system (Provide 3 or 4 main

GUIs/interfaces, to show the most important features of the application as you
are visualizing your application to be, in actual development phase. You can
update these GUIs in Final Report and Final Presentation, in case they are
changed after the actual development.>

7. Test Cases

Test Case Title: Registration

Actions: Fill the Form and hit Register to create new user account.
Pre-Conditions: 1. Database should be ready.
Post-Conditions: User must be register and save to database
Actors: Admin
Exceptions: In case of any error an message must be shown
Check by: S1902167AB (BC130402882)
Result Pass

Test Case Title: Loign

Actions: Enter username and password to login.
Pre-Conditions: 1. Database should be ready.
Post-Conditions: User must be register and save to database
Actors: Student
Exceptions: In case of any error an message must be shown
Check by: S1902167AB (BC130402882)
Result Pass


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