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Style and design

5.1 Clothes style p46 Exercise 3
1 usually wear
Exercise 2a 2 sometimes go
3 never buy
4 always wears
Most people wear different types of clothes at different
5 often visits
6 usually goes
Exercise 2b
ANSWERS 5.2 Amazing architecture p48
1  Sophie  ​2  Philip  ​3  Hussain  ​4  Philip  ​5  Hussain
Exercise 2b
Exercise 3a
ANSWERS 1  Germany  ​2  football  ​3  colour  ​4  6.00  ​5  office  ​
1  before  ​2  after 6  people  ​7  10.00

Exercise 5b  Exercise 3b

1  C  ​2  D  ​3  B  ​4  A 1  different  ​2  red  ​3  blue  ​4  white

Exercise 6b  Exercise 4b 

One-syllable words: dress, hat, jeans, shirt, shoes, skirt, top 1  Where  ​2  What  ​3  Why  ​4  When
Two-syllable words: jacket, jumper, trainers, trousers,
T-shirt Exercise 5
Reading skills 1  What  ​2  Where  ​3  When  ​4  Why  ​5  is  ​6  do
Exercise 1b Exercise 6b 
1  d  ​2  a  ​3  f  ​4  c  ​5  b  ​6  e 1  Where  ​2  What  ​3  When  ​4  Why  ​5  When  ​
6  What  ​7  Where  ​8  Why
Exercise 2b
ANSWERS Exercise 7a
1 Because they are different. ANSWERS
2 They like old clothes. 1 Where do you go on holiday?
3 David wears his grandfather’s old clothes – cowboy 2 When do you speak English?
shirts and leather jackets. 3 Where is your house?
4 She likes fashion from the 1950s and 1960s. 4 Why do you study English?
5 She works in a clothes shop and she’s a clothes 5 When is your birthday?
designer. 6 What clothes do you wear at work?
6 Their clothes aren’t expensive, but they look great. 7 What do you do at the weekend?

Exercise 8
Exercise 1 Student A: 1  Royal Ontario Museum   ​2  Toronto, Canada   ​
1  never  ​2  sometimes  ​3  often  ​4  usually  ​5  always 3  an art, science and history museum   ​4  old and new
architecture, great for children   ​5  10.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Exercise 2 Student B: 1  Heydar Aliyev Center   ​2  Baku, Azerbaijan   ​
1 We never read newspapers in the morning. 3  A museum, library and cultural centre   ​4  Amazing
2 I sometimes have breakfast in bed. design by Iraqi-British architect, Zaha Hadid; it doesn’t
3 They usually get up early. have any straight lines   ​5  10.00 a.m. to 11.30 p.m.
4 He always drives to work.
5 She doesn’t often buy expensive clothes.

Navigate A1 Coursebook answers © Oxford University Press  PHOTOCOPIABLE Unit 5 1

Listening skills Exercise 7b 
Exercise 2b
1  body  ​2  head  ​3  hair  ​4  face  ​5  arm  ​6  hand  ​
ANSWERS 7  leg  ​8  foot
1 [I play football] [every Thursday.]
2 [What car] [do you drive?] Exercise 8b 
3 [They live] [next to the station.] ANSWERS/AUDIOSCRIPT 5.14
4 [I never wear] [blue jeans.] /z/: arms, bodies, hands, heads, legs
/ɪz/: faces
Exercise 3a 
ANSWER Exercise 9b 
It’s got shops, restaurants, a swimming pool and a ANSWERS
museum. 1  hair  ​2  faces  ​3  heads  ​4  bodies  ​5  feet
Exercise 3b  Exercise 11a 
1 Do you know? very and really have the most stress
2 What is it?
3 It’s a big hotel Exercise 11b
4 It’s got a swimming pool
5 It looks amazing
1 That hat is very nice.
6 museum of art and science
2 She’s got a really lovely face.
7 Do you want to go?
3 My jacket is very old.
8 It’s very expensive.
4 They wear really beautiful clothes.


Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1  Where  ​2  What  ​3  When  ​4  When  ​5  What  ​
1 I sometimes wear really long skirts.
6  What  ​7  Why
2 She has lots of beautiful clothes.
Exercise 2 3 A Do you wear shoes at home?  B No, I don’t.
1  do  ​2  does  ​3  are  ​4  do  ​5  do  ​6  are 4 He doesn’t like smart clothes.
5 We have different hairstyles.
Exercise 3 6 A Does he put cream on his face?  B Yes, he does.
a  2  ​b  3  ​c  1  ​d  4  ​e  6  ​f  5
Exercise 2
1  do, come   ​2  live  ​3  work  ​4  have  ​5  wear  ​6  wear  ​
5.3 Styles around the world p50 7  has  ​8  do, wear   ​9  ’ve got   ​10  Do, like   ​11  like  ​

Exercise 2
5.4 Speaking and writing p52
1  d  ​2  c  ​3  a  ​4  b Exercise 1a 
Exercise 3 ANSWERS
1  bus  ​2  Las Arenas   ​3  time  ​4  price of a ticket
1 cold in their country 4 China Exercise 1b 
2 trousers 5 No, they don’t.
3 white 6 Japan ANSWERS
1  buy  ​2  go  ​3  next  ​4  much
Exercise 4
Exercise 2b
1  wear  ​2  lives  ​3  don’t  ​4  doesn’t  ​5  Do  ​6  Does  ​ ANSWERS
7  do  ​8  does  ​9  don’t  ​10  doesn’t 1  d  ​2  b  ​3  c  ​4  a

Exercise 5 Exercise 4c
1 does a Miao woman wear, puts 1 Place: Istanbul 4 Place: New York
2 doesn’t wear/does not wear 2 Time: 8.45 5 Time: fourteen minutes
3 do Chinese women wear 3 Time: two minutes 6 Flight: FW1632
4 don’t like/do not like

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Exercise 5b Exercise 3a
1  What  ​2  What  ​3  Is  ​4  When  ​5  Do  ​6  Why
Student A: Bus leaves every hour  $10 for a single Exercise 3b
ticket  Buy ticket at ticket office in airport 1  e  ​2  c  ​3  a  ​4  f  ​5  d  ​6  b
Student B: Train leaves at 9.53 a.m., 10.26 a.m.,
11.05 a.m.  It costs 13 euros  Buy ticket at ticket machines Exercise 4a
1a Where on the body does a Tuareg man wear a
Exercise 7a tagelmust?
ANSWERS 1b Why is a tagelmust important in the Sahara desert?
1  e  ​2  d  ​3  b  ​4  f  ​5  a  ​6  c 2 What colour are these men’s football shirts?
3 Where do Indian women put henna?
Exercise 7b 4 Why do people in Russia wear hats like this?
ANSWERS 5 When does a woman wear this dress?
a About 2.00. By the museum? 
b I need a new jacket. Do you want to come into town
Exercise 5a
1  really  ​2  heads  ​3  faces  ​4  blue  ​5  black  ​6  rich  ​
with me?
7  beautiful  ​8  very  ​9  don’t  ​10  always
Exercise 8
Exercise 6a
ANSWERS 1  next  ​2  go  ​3  Excuse, Does   ​4  do  ​5  much
Time Place Reason
4 at 3 o’clock 2 on the High 1 I need to go to
Street the pharmacy.
5 at midday 3 in the park 6 I want to buy a
8 on Tuesday 7 near the bank

Exercise 9b
1 b Yes. Where is it on?
2 c What time?
3 a OK. See you at the cinema at 6.15. 

Exercise 10b
1  Where?  ​2  Yes.  ​3  Jamie’s at 2.30?   ​4  Why 2.30?

5.5 Video p54

Exercise 2
1, 5, 7, 8, 9

Exercise 3
1  c, f   ​2  d, j   ​3  e, h   ​4  a, i   ​5  b, g

Review p55

Exercise 1a
yellow  ​green  ​
blue  ​white  ​red  ​
brown  ​
black  ​

Exercise 2a
1 I never wear yellow clothes.
2 My father sometimes wears sports clothes.
3 My work clothes are always smart.
4 I usually buy my clothes online.
5 I often go clothes shopping at the weekend.

Navigate A1 Coursebook answers © Oxford University Press  PHOTOCOPIABLE Unit 5 3

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