Road Map For Digital Design and Construction

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Road Map for Digital Design and

Introduction of modern, IT-based processes and technologies for the design,
construction and operation of assets in the built environment
In order to leverage this potential in Germany, we need a
new digital design and construction culture. Here, Building
Information Modelling (BIM) is an essential component.
BIM creates a virtual image of the whole life cycle of a
construction project: from planning and designing an asset
to its construction and operation up to its demolition. With
this innovation, all participants obtain access to virtual
plans, control of processes, comprehensive databases
and 3D to 5D asset models. Architects, clients, designers,
engineers, operators and building services suppliers work
hand in hand.

We want to establish digital design and construction as

Alexander Dobrindt, Member of the German Bundestag the nationwide standard. As a major construction client,
Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure the public sector must lead and drive the cultural change.
That is why we have established the Construction of Major
Projects Reform Commission and formulated a clear
Digitalization signifies a substantial economic and social motto: “First build digitally, then in reality”. That is why we
revolution. It changes the conditions for growth, prosperity have launched four pilot projects to test BIM. And that is
and the work of tomorrow – and revolutionizes, in a why my Ministry has developed a Road Map for Planning
disruptive process, industries and services, value chains and Building of the future that will establish BIM as the
and manufacturing processes, innovation and product life new standard for transport infrastructure projects by 2020.
This Road Map is a joint project of government and
This presents a great challenge but also, above all, a industry and a strong signal for the “Made in Germany” seal
great opportunity. Especially in the field of our core of quality. I am convinced: if we work in close partnership,
competencies, such as manufacturing, design and we will manage to maintain design and construction as
construction, digital technologies offer enormous potential German core competencies also in the global-digital age
in terms of quality, efficiency and speed. With their help, that will continue to strengthen the foundation of our
we can ensure early on networking, close cooperation and prosperity – with innovative capacity and expertise, with
intensive communication between all participants when structural steel and concrete and with data and algorithms.
carrying out major projects. We can visualize different
design options early on, standardize processes, create Yours,
transparency, identify and mitigate risks - and significantly Alexander Dobrindt, Member of the German Bundestag
reduce construction times and costs. Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Table of contents
1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 3

2 General information.................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Definition of Building Information Modelling (BIM)...................................................................................... 4
2.2 Conditions for digital design, construction and operation............................................................................ 4
2.3 Structure of the Road Map.................................................................................................................................... 5

3 Potentials and objectives........................................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Increasing design accuracy and cost certainty................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Optimization of life cycle costs............................................................................................................................ 7
3.3 Implementation of the Reform Commission's key recommendations....................................................... 8

4 Performance Level 1................................................................................................................................... 9

4.1 Data............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Processes................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Skills..........................................................................................................................................................................11

5 Activity areas and measures..................................................................................................................... 12

5.1 Data...........................................................................................................................................................................12
5.2 Processes.................................................................................................................................................................13
5.3 Contract award, drawing up of contracts and skills......................................................................................14

6 Looking ahead............................................................................................................................................ 15

2 Table of contents
1 Introduction
Design and construction are internationally recognized The Road Map initiated by the Reform Commission
core competencies of Germany. Every year, the German defines a common understanding of the BIM method
design and construction industries demonstrate and lays down the requirements the Federal Ministry of
thousands of times that they are capable of building Transport and Digital Infrastructure will set for digital
efficiently and with high-quality results. Nevertheless, in models and the collaborative work in BIM. Thus, the
a number of major projects, there have been delays and Road Map brings clarity for all participants regarding the
cost overruns. Therefore, the former Federal Ministry of future requirements they should prepare for. It also gives
Transport, Building and Urban Development convened the everybody sufficient time to make the necessary changes
Construction of Major Projects Reform Commission to take by setting the timetable for the gradual introduction of
action to prevent undesirable developments. In its final BIM and specifying the next steps to be taken to achieve
report, the Reform Commission highlighted, in addition Performance Level 1. The Road Map is mainly targeted
to making numerous further recommendations, that at public sector clients in the field of infrastructure
digital methods such as Building Information Modelling construction, as they will have to demand Performance
(BIM) offer great advantages and should therefore be Level 1 when procuring new projects, and at members of
applied more widely. Specific advantages are, for instance, the supply chain, as they will have to acquire the necessary
enhanced visualization of design options, significantly skills if they do not already have them. But also other
fewer design errors due to early and - thanks to clash public and private sector procurers can benefit from the
detection - largely consistent design as well as a smooth Road Map as the basis for the introduction of BIM.
construction process on the basis of computer-aided
simulations. In order to achieve the desired outcomes across the
industry, the public sector is to become a role model and
The future of design, construction and operation largely catalyst for digital construction. The many small and
depends on digital change. The creation of digital, virtual medium-sized enterprises are to receive help in mastering
asset models that subsequently become a reality on the the transition. For this purpose, the Federal Ministry of
construction site and then serve as a basis for the operating Transport and Digital Infrastructure will make available
phase will be the norm in the construction sector in a few millions of euros, for instance to fund pilot projects
years and will also play a decisive role in the transport to identify, in each case, the optimum approach to the
infrastructure sector. This is reflected in the developments application of BIM and to promote the standardization of
abroad: in particular in the United States, Eastern Asia, asset descriptions. The existing interface issues with the
the Scandinavian countries, the United Kingdom and exchange of data are to be resolved to allow for an efficient
the Netherlands, the use of BIM is being systematically application of BIM.
The present Road Map has been developed by the “planen-
However, the introduction of BIM in Germany cannot be bauen 4.0 Gesellschaft zur Digitalisierung des Planens,
achieved in one fell swoop. Working with digital models Bauens und Betreibens mbH” (planen-bauen 4.0) on
requires a high degree of coordination and collaboration behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
and a bespoke project organization. What is more, new Infrastructure. A more detailed document will be available
IT skills have to be acquired and the associated hard- and from planen-bauen 4.0. The company was established
software purchased. by the major associations of the design and construction
industries in order to advance the digitalization of design
All this leads to uncertainty on the part of the clients and construction in Germany. Representatives of all
and the members of the supply chain. In particular for industries involved in design and construction as well
small and medium-sized enterprises, the dynamics of as of public and private sector clients participated in the
digitalization lead to uncertainty regarding the speed of development of the Road Map.

Introduction 3
2 General information
2.1 Definition of Building Information Modelling 2.2 Conditions for digital design, construction
(BIM) and operation

A basic condition for a wider application of BIM is a clear For the BIM method to generate added value, several basic
and common understanding of what BIM means. conditions need to be fulfilled:

The core element of the BIM method is the creation of Working with BIM requires clear contractual arrangements,
digital, three-dimensional asset models. These models close collaboration and a team-oriented approach to the
contain pre-defined components and spaces. The design process. This is because the individual discipline
geometric design information is successively developed models of all participants – e.g. architect, construction
and linked with further relevant information in a expert, structural engineer or building services supplier –
collaborative design process with all parties involved. This that are derived from the coordinated model have to
additional non-geometric information may, for instance, be developed in close collaboration and checked for
describe the material, service life, environmental and consistency regularly.
other characteristics, such as acoustic transmissivity and
fire safety properties. Spaces are described separately on The step towards all parties involved in the design and
the basis of the structural components bounding them. construction processes working in a collaborative and
They can be assigned properties such as volume or possible partnering way can be regarded as a “cultural change”
uses. The entirety of all these data serves as a basis of and requires new roles and functions to organize smooth
information during design, construction, operation and collaboration. The roles and responsibilities must be
maintenance of the asset. In this way, BIM makes it much defined before design in BIM starts.
easier to assess and analyse the entire asset life cycle. If
time and costs are examined in addition to the geometric For the collaborative work with BIM, the data exchanged
dimensions, the results are referred to as four- or five- between the participants have to be compatible. Therefore,
dimensional models. Special computer programmes use it is indispensable for making full use of BIM that all
the data to visualize the geometry but also other desired software manufacturers use the same standardized
aspects of the asset or of the design and construction and non-proprietary exchange formats and structural
processes. component descriptions. A non-proprietary, open
exchange standard is available in the form of what is
In conclusion, BIM can be defined as follows: referred to as the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). For
building construction, this standard is already highly
developed. It is an international standard that is used in
“Building Information Modelling means a
large parts of the world. In the construction of federal
collaborative work method that creates and uses
trunk roads, the national “Catalogue of Objects for Roads
digital models of an asset as a basis for the consistent
and Traffic” (OKSTRA) is currently used for the exchange
generation and management of information and
of data.1 In order to ensure the full usability of the
data relevant to the asset’s life cycle as well as for the
international standard IFC also in the infrastructure sector,
sharing or passing on of such information and data
the Catalogue of Objects is presently being expanded with
between the participants for further processing by way
funding from the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
of transparent communication.”

There are also other open exchange standards than IFC and
OKSTRA which are, however, not discussed here, since they are less
important in the overall context.

4 General information
Another condition for the use of BIM is sufficient expertise Government's main investor in the construction sector,
in the application of the digital methods on the part of the will lead by example in the implementation of the Road
designers and construction companies as well as on the Map.
client side. Clients have to be capable of defining their BIM
requirements when tendering design and construction The introduction of BIM will be effected through a gradual
works. To this end, the public sector clients have to acquire application over time of Performance Level 1, as defined in
the necessary know-how in good time. The same applies to chapter 4, to specific projects. Moreover, the preparatory
the supply chain. measures required for its implementation are described
for all parties involved, and it is specified as of when and to
As regards the legal framework, there is no imperative need what extent it is to be applied. All parties involved are given
for adjustments in order to implement the Performance sufficient time to prepare for the new method. This means:
Level 1 presented herein. Even today, projects can be
carried out with BIM – without legislative changes. „„ From mid-2017 onwards, a systematically increasing
However, the legal framework should be examined so number of transport infrastructure projects will be
as to determine whether changes would be helpful to carried out within the framework of an extended pilot
facilitate the application of BIM. Moreover, toolkits should phase, applying the BIM requirements of Performance
be developed for the parties concerned that explain what Level 1.
should be paid attention to when drawing up contracts or
calling for BIM tenders. „„ Once the basic conditions have been established,
Performance Level 1 is to be applied on a regular basis
In conclusion, for BIM to be applied more widely, all to new projects in the entire transport infrastructure
participants will first have to complete numerous tasks. construction sector from the end of 2020 onwards.
In addition, financial resources are needed to acquire the
necessary skills and establish the prerequisite technical Thus, the first phase covers the period from today to
conditions. Moreover, the new design and construction 2017 and constitutes the preparatory phase. This phase
processes have to be tested in pilot projects and the is dedicated, for instance, to carrying out pilot projects
findings shared. and standardization measures, conducting initial and
continuing training, resolving potential legal issues
2.3 Structure of the Road Map and preparing BIM guidelines on effective approaches
(processes) to design, construction and operation in BIM.
The Road Map is a model that offers a transparent In 2017, the second phase will start with the systematic
description of the path towards the application of digital scaling up of the application of Performance Level 1 in
design, construction and operation, which it invites clients a larger number of pilot projects. From the end of 2020
and members of the supply chain to follow. The aim of onwards, the broad implementation of Performance
the Road Map is the gradual introduction of BIM in the Level 1 will begin.
area of responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Transport
and Digital Infrastructure. It therefore applies primarily A more advanced level of BIM is outlined in chapter 6; it
to infrastructure construction and infrastructure-related takes the form of a look ahead to the future, since making
building construction but can also be used as a model in specific determinations is not realistic at this time.
other areas. The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital In conclusion, the following picture emerges for the Road
Infrastructure, which has the lead responsibility for Map:
digitalization in the Federal Government and is the Federal

General information 5
In the Federal Government’s buildings projects, too, the
method has already been applied on a pilot basis. The plan
is to put the BIM method to the test in further suitable pilot
projects in cooperation with the respective clients.

The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital

Infrastructure will widely share and communicate its
experience of BIM for the benefit of the clients and the
supply chain alike. Here, the hope is that as many other
public sector clients from the Federal Government, federal
states and local authorities as possible and also private
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the Road Map (author's illustration) sector clients will follow and benefit from it. This will
create incentives for the members of the supply chain – i.e.
designers, contractors and operators – to quickly acquire
All participants are invited to promote the application of and offer the necessary skills.
the Road Map in order to achieve as wide a response as
possible. The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital In view of the advanced international development and the
Infrastructure has already started collaborating with the pace at which digitalization is progressing, both clients and
federal state authorities responsible for road construction members of the supply chain are urgently advised to rise to
to apply BIM. The German railway infrastructure provider this challenge now. Those who wait too long risk being left
DB Netz AG intends to start scaling up the application of behind.
BIM in the infrastructure sphere from 2017 onwards, as
provided for in the Road Map.

6 General information
3 Potentials and objectives
Digital construction is the future – model-based, than in conventional design thanks to model-based, precise
collaborative and efficient across all phases of a project. determinations of quantities and costs. Errors resulting
Design errors, unidentified risks, unexpected cost increases, from complicated changes can be prevented through clash
disrupted construction processes and unnecessarily high detection.
costs of operation – all this will reduce significantly, leading
to substantial economic gains that should be generated Thanks to the simulation of the construction processes
as soon as possible. That is the main objective of the Road with the help of the BIM model, interface risks can
Map. If it is achieved, the German design and construction be reduced. This also improves the planning of the
industries will remain internationally competitive in the construction processes. The construction processes can be
future. In concrete terms, BIM offers three key advantages implemented on the construction site in accordance with
that are to be exploited with the help of the Road Map: the optimized planning. All relevant data are available to all
participants in real time.
3.1 Increasing design accuracy and cost certainty
In conclusion, the following can be said: BIM facilitates
BIM allows for the visualization of design options right more accurate planning, specifications of services, cost
from the start of the design work, thus offering significant estimates and construction scheduling. Many risks, such
advantages. Asset simulations facilitate better decision as planning risks, technical risks, planning approval
making and choosing the option that is best for the client risks, interface risks, etc., can be reduced with BIM while
or user. Cost certainty will improve, since change orders transparency as well as acceptance, for instance in the
due to changes in requirements are among the main case of public participation, can be improved. Risks are
reasons for cost increases in public sector construction. manageable to such an extent that the insurance of project
With regard to public participation, which plays an cost risks for large-scale projects is to be examined in a
important role particularly in infrastructure projects, number of initial pilot projects.
visualizations reduce existing uncertainties and help make
the public feel better informed, thus improving project 3.2 Optimization of life cycle costs
acceptance and reducing the risk of public protests as well
as project delays that these may entail. In the conventional approach, project planning and
construction are often modified without giving sufficient
Team-oriented, collaborative problem-solving mechanisms consideration to the costs arising during the operating
result in significant efficiency and productivity gains. phase. Since these operating costs (OPEX) are usually much
Design errors or gaps can be largely avoided due to the higher than the capital expenditure (CAPEX), there is great
close collaboration of the designers and IT-based clash potential for reducing the life cycle costs. The model-based
detection as well as rule-based quality checks. Moreover, simulation of the design and construction costs together
the design work can be automatically and thus more with the costs of future maintenance and replacement
efficiently checked for compliance with various building measures as well as the costs of operation allows for cost
regulations. Both of these advantages are significant, since optimization.
they help to prevent change orders and cost increases.
A further advantage is that the information relevant to The client and/or operator receives the digital model as a
the individual parties involved is available at all times. basis for the operation of the asset. This prevents the loss
Important decisions can thus be taken on the basis of of knowledge that usually occurs during the transition
transparent, robust and comprehensive data. from construction to operation. The model contains,
in particular, information on every single structural
BIM simplifies the measurement of work and construction component – e.g. material, manufacturer, costs, location in
invoicing significantly. If there are design changes, for the structure, service life, maintenance cycles – and thus
example due to change requests by the client, the resulting enables, among other things, the combined optimization
costs for the overall project can be calculated more quickly of investment in maintenance and replacement. Moreover,

Potentials and objectives 7

the model allows for the simulation of technical facilities, This applies primarily to the recommendation to intensify
thereby supporting the optimization of the facilities' cooperation and collaborate in teams, both in design
energy efficiency (e.g. tunnel ventilation and lighting). and construction. Implementation of the Commission's
proposal to make sound risk management mandatory for
In the federal trunk roads sector, life cycle assessment major public projects is simplified significantly through the
plays an important role, especially for public-private use of BIM.
partnerships (PPPs). The private sector contracting partners
of public sector clients not only build the roads, they The Reform Commission has proposed that the award of
also operate and maintain them for a contract period of construction works be made dependent on quality criteria
usually thirty years. The range of services of a PPP project to a greater degree than is the case in existing practice.
additionally includes the (pro-rata) financing of the project. It is still too common for contracts to be awarded to the
Within the framework of a PPP project, certain design cheapest tenderers whose offers often do not even cover
services which build on the design provided by the clients their own costs and who then try to remedy this shortfall
are, moreover, performed by the supply side. The tenderers by way of subsequent change orders. When designing
have to optimize the life cycle costs in order to compete in BIM, it is easier to detect design errors or gaps in the
successfully. specifications that could lead to change orders later on. In
this way, it becomes more transparent which bid actually
3.3 Implementation of the Reform Commission’s represents best value for money.
key recommendations
The Reform Commission’s call for more transparency
The Construction of Major Projects Reform Commission and control is also supported through BIM. This is true
presented its recommendations in June 2015. One of the both within the project, since BIM facilitates continuous
10 key recommendations for action refers to increasing the controlling with its geometric, time- and cost-based
use of BIM. However, the application of BIM also supports modelling of the project, as well as for the public because
other key recommendations. of the aforementioned visualizations and the more reliable
assessment of costs and risks.

8 Potentials and objectives

4 Performance Level 1
Performance Level 1 describes the minimum requirements discipline-specific models are to be merged to form a
that are to be fulfilled from mid-2017 onwards in the coordinated model and checked for consistency.
extended pilot phase and later, from 2020 onwards, by all
projects that are to be newly planned. By then, public sector „„ The data delivered by members of the supply chain
clients that are executive agencies of the Federal Ministry have to be tested for conformity with the EIRs. The
of Transport and Digital Infrastructure will have to be able client should contractually agree the test criteria and
to apply the requirements specified herein to new design procedures so that the members of the supply chain
tenders. This also includes the decision as to whether the can use these test procedures for their own validation
coordination of BIM activities remains with the client or purposes and quality improvement.
is delegated to the supply chain. Members of the supply
chain will have to acquire the skills to offer their services in „„ The invitation to tender should require the provision
conformity with the requirements of the clients. of non-proprietary data exchange formats in order
to facilitate the exchange of data. It is also possible to
The requirements can be divided into three areas – “data”, require a combination of non-proprietary formats, as
“processes” and “skills”: long as a clear assignment to components, spaces or
facilities is ensured.
4.1 Data
„„ When awarding design services in accordance with
„„ The client has to provide precise specifications of the BIM method, it must be ensured that the hard- and
which data it needs at what time in its “Employer’s software necessary to fulfil the requirements described
Information Requirements” (EIRs). This includes, in herein is generally available. Since the software industry
particular, information on when, in how much detail is following international standards, such as IFC, more
and in which format the requested data are to be and more closely, this condition is already met in many
delivered so as to enable the client to make necessary cases. Moreover, the award of services must be non-
decisions on the basis of these data. The requested discriminatory. Prescribing specific software products is
data should not only include the geometry but also not permitted. The public sector clients, too, have to be
further attributes of the asset and/or its components equipped with appropriate soft- and hardware.
with relevance for the client, such as the construction
materials along with their properties (e.g. thermal „„ BIM is to be included in the contract as the design
transmittance, sound insulation properties or instrument that is to be used. The contract should also
ecological footprint). The client can, moreover, specify contain arrangements concerning the rights of use the
that a digital description of the construction process client has regarding the 3D discipline-specific models.
and a detailed break-down of the costs (5D model) have With a view to potential liability issues, the respective
to be included, too. When preparing the EIRs, close responsibilities have to be laid down in detail. Since
collaboration with the future user or operator of the design takes place in separate discipline-specific
asset is essential. models in BIM, too, all disciplines, in principle, remain
responsible for their part of the design work.
„„ All deliverables are to be provided in digital form on
the basis of working with discipline-specific 3D models 4.2 Processes
(e.g. plans, schedules, hand-over documentation). If 2D
plans continue to be prepared, these must be derived „„ The process for the production of the required data
from 3D models which are to be provided to the client. is to be defined in what is referred to as the BIM
The principle of designing in separate disciplines is Execution Plan (BEP), specifying all necessary roles,
maintained, and the distinct authoring disciplines functions, processes, interfaces, interactions as well as
develop their respective discipline-specific models. The the technologies used. The responsibility for drawing
up the BEP lies with the client; however, the latter can

Performance Level 1 9
contractually delegate this task to a service provider. For the successful generation of digital models and
The BEP specifies how frequently and when design construction with BIM, clearly defined collaborative
meetings and clash-detection runs of the combined processes are essential. The Major Projects Reform
model are to take place, which parts of the design work Commission has also established the importance of such
have to be delivered by when and in how much detail, processes for projects carried out in a traditional manner
as well as when and to what extent visualizations, if they are to be delivered to time and cost. Process
determinations of quantities, simulations of technical descriptions, as provided in the BEP, such as the definition
facilities, life cycle assessments, etc. have to be of the roles and tasks of the parties involved, do not require
carried out. Thus, the BEP is the backbone for every additional effort, since the necessary information must be
BIM project as regards the creation, sharing and created in any case.
management of data.
Even if the implementation of processes might vary
„„ A “common data environment” (CDE) that all depending on the individual project, it is possible to
participants can access has to be established for the define a generic “reference process” which describes the
organized storage and exchange of all data created work phases of a project, including the use of BIM and
in the design and construction process. The CDE the preparation of the BEP. This reference process defines
forms the basis for the processes outlined in the BEP. a rough structure on which the BEP builds to define the
Common standards and rules for the efficient use of project-specific processes. The BIM reference process
BIM within this data environment are currently being outlined below (see Figure 2) is based on traditional, mature
developed in the form of an ISO standard (ISO 19650). and proven construction project management activities.
On the basis of this standard, a CEN standard is to be The consistent application of this process makes it possible
developed subsequently, from which a corresponding to exploit the envisaged benefits of this method, such as
DIN standard will then be derived. The national the improvement of planning certainty, transparency and
implementation is being developed within the efficiency, in a cost-effective and low-risk manner.
framework of the VDI 2552 guidelines.
The creation and provision of information during the
„„ In order to ensure an efficient approach that minimizes design and construction phases (light and dark blue
costs and to thereby satisfy the principle of lean project portions, work phases 1 - 8) follows the process described in
execution, an excessive generation or processing of the common data environment standard, which is outlined
information and data should be avoided. For this in detail in the BEP and takes place in conformity with the
purpose, the generation of data should be geared Employer’s Information Requirements. The BEP appears
towards the requirements of the later operating phase twice in the reference process: once before design starts, i.e.
and not towards the available technical possibilities. before work phase 1, and once before construction starts,
i.e. before work phase 8. The reference process therefore
„„ In order to promote a collaborative and partnering- applies to all procurement strategies and contract types.
oriented behaviour, the client and the members of the
supply chain should agree a project charter which lays The following illustration of the BIM reference process
down the rules for fair and open collaboration on equal shows the principle of information provision as well as the
terms, taking into account the German Construction corresponding project management. Red dots indicate the
Industry Vision and Values. transfer of data to the client. The times of the data transfers
can vary depending on the individual project.
„„ In addition, the client should establish rules for internal
dispute resolution procedures and, where appropriate, The EIRs at the beginning of the project (green portion) can
also agree external dispute resolution procedures so as already be partially based on the application of BIM, since
to simplify cooperation within the framework of the visualizations may help the client to choose their preferred
application of BIM. option.

10 Performance Level 1
Figure 2: Schematic illustration of the BIM reference process (planen-bauen 4.0 GmbH)

4.3 Skills Relevant BIM skills and capabilities should therefore be

considered when awarding the contract. BIM skills and
As part of the procurement process, it must be ensured experience are also required on the client’s side to enable
that the members of the supply chain have the BIM-related them to draw up proper tender documents and evaluate
skills needed for the implementation of Performance the incoming bids.
Level 1 and are ready to work in a collaborative way.

Performance Level 1 11
5 Activity areas and measures
From mid-2017 onwards, the BIM minimum requirements is to be applied in the first project of the “new generation”
of Performance Level 1 are to be applied in an increasing – the A 10 / A 24 in Brandenburg – on a road section that
number of projects. From the end of 2020 onwards, is still to be determined. For this purpose, the Federal
Performance Level 1 is to be used, on a regular basis, in Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure and
Federal Government transport infrastructure projects DEGES, acting as the procurement agency on behalf of the
that are to be newly planned. The purpose of the first State of Brandenburg to which administrative powers have
phase, which is currently underway, is to prepare for the been delegated by the Federal Government, are working in
application of BIM by creating the necessary conditions close collaboration.
and providing targeted support to clients and members of
the supply chain alike. For the rail sector, the Federal Ministry of Transport
and Digital Infrastructure will – in addition to the pilot
The first phase also aims to help convince the market projects already underway – assist the German railway
participants of the significant advantages BIM offers. At the infrastructure provider DB Netz AG in carrying out further
same time, it is being examined for which types of projects BIM pilot projects in the years 2016 to 2018 by making
BIM makes sense and in which way it should be applied. available eight-figure sums. DB Netz AG is aiming for a
In addition, it is important that the market participants rapid introduction of BIM and implementation of the
themselves gain concrete experience with BIM. For this Road Map in the infrastructure sector. DB Station & Service
purpose, simple projects are a good way to start. At the AG has progressed the implementation of BIM to such an
beginning, it may also make sense to plan and carry out extent that it is looking to design and construct all stations
projects in the traditional way and in BIM in parallel. This in BIM from 2017 onwards.
means additional effort but also reduces risks, especially
in the initial period when BIM skills are still limited, and For the waterways, too, pilot projects for the systematic
permits a direct comparison of alternative approaches. application of BIM are to be launched. A concrete project
proposal from the Federal Waterways and Shipping
The tasks to be tackled in the coming years involve Administration already exists.
financial effort that will be shared among the public sector
and other clients, associations and chambers but also the 5.1 Data
companies of the design and construction industries.
5.1.1 Employer’s Information Requirements (EIRs)
The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
Infrastructure is already providing funding totalling € 3.8 The initial impulse for a wide take-up of BIM is to come
million for four BIM pilot projects including accompanying from the client side through the EIRs. Clients have to learn
research in the road and rail sectors. The research findings to use BIM and need to be enabled to formulate project-
will be available in 2017. specific requirements for digital construction.

In the federal trunk roads sector, the Federal Ministry Measures:

of Transport and Digital Infrastructure is funding two
road construction projects that are being carried out by
„„ Public sector clients should develop catalogues of
DEGES (Deutsche Einheit Fernstraßenplanungs- und -bau
model requirements that cover a major part of the
GmbH). In coordination with the 16 federal states that are
typical requirements. Specific requirements can be
responsible for the implementation of BIM on behalf of
added in accordance with the needs of the project.
the Federal Government and that were already involved in
The requirement catalogues should be developed
the preparation of the Road Map, the Federal Ministry of
for different types of infrastructure and buildings
Transport and Digital Infrastructure is currently planning
projects. Within the framework of the research
further road construction pilot projects. The Federal
accompanying the pilot projects of the Federal
Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure is also
Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure,
devising pilot projects within the framework of the PPP
concrete EIR recommendations for road and rail
procurement option in the federal trunk roads sector. BIM

12 Activity areas and measures

as ISO 16739. The IFC format has the advantage that it
are being developed. For the waterways, these is used around the world and thus serves international
recommendations are to be evolved. competition. The development of IFC, which is already
very advanced for buildings, is currently being progressed
„„ Moreover, recommendations on the drawing up of at international level for road and rail by buildingSMART.
contracts including apportionment of liability, fee Subsequently, the outcomes are to be used for the further
distribution, ownership and intellectual property development of ISO 16739 and, based on that, become
rights (IPR) are being prepared. part of a European and/or DIN standard. While IFC is still
insufficiently developed in certain areas, users can fall back
„„ Furthermore, advice is being prepared on when the on other already available formats, such as OKSTRA.
application of the BIM method is only advisable for
some parts of the project or not at all, e.g. in very Measures:
simple projects or projects with special and unique
„„ The public sector should ensure that German
„„ The clients should conduct pilot projects that also experts participate in the international
cover the early phase of a project including the standardization processes in order to introduce the
preparation of EIRs. For this purpose, the Federal lessons learned from the German standards, such
Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure as OKSTRA, into these processes and safeguard
is expanding its pilot schemes. The clients should German interests. To this end, the Federal
develop rules for the testing of digital data against Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
the requirements specified in the EIRs in order is promoting German participation in the
to be able to check the data they receive from development of IFC for road and rail. This process
their service providers. The Federal Ministry is expected to be completed in 2017.
of Transport and Digital Infrastructure as the
competent authority is examining funding options „„ The private sector should develop certification
for this purpose. procedures for the assessment of software with
a view to the implementation of IFC. Flawed
„„ BIM databases should be set up in which certain implementation can, for instance, result in data
BIM use cases (clash detection, visualizations, bills loss during the exchange of data or errors during
of quantities, etc.) and parameter templates for data processing. In addition, for the purposes
components of assets are linked with the necessary of quality assurance, the private sector should
information requirements. These databases should develop software-independent checking rules for
also contain information on the typical BIM implementation in testing tools for the validation
requirements (EIRs) and levels of detail (LoD) for of data exchanges within projects. Both should
the data drops in the individual work phases. To be done in a coordinated manner so as to avoid
support these databases, classification systems for duplication of work and parallel development.
asset components and corresponding databases of
functional properties of components are needed. 5.2 Processes
The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
Infrastructure will identify the best approach to A basic characteristic of BIM is the collaborative way of
achieve this and present a suitable approach for the working within a framework of processes – who does what,
infrastructure sector. when and how – specified at the start of the project. For
this purpose, a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) is developed that
5.1.2 Non-proprietary data formats and standards clearly defines the interfaces between the different parties
involved as well as their roles and interactions. The basic
The development of the non-proprietary data format IFC principles and rules for the creation, use, administration
is taking place at international level; it is already available and sharing of information are described in ISO standard

Activity areas and measures 13

19650 (under development). This leads to the following
measures: „„ Public sector clients whose skills are still
insufficient should use the negotiated procedure or
Measures: the competitive dialogue procedure for the award
of contracts, taking into account the applicable
procurement law. The competitive dialogue
„„ The German standardization bodies should actively procedure is permissible if the client is objectively
participate in the development of a European incapable of specifying the technical means needed
mirror standard for ISO 19650 and progress to fulfil its wishes and requirements.
the development of national implementation
guidelines. „„ The academic education of architects and
engineers should take account of BIM and the
„„ Guidelines and model examples for BEPs should requirements resulting from Performance Level 1.
be developed that outline the ideal processes for All parties involved in design and construction
different types of assets. The Federal Ministry should actively approach the institutions of higher
of Transport and Digital Infrastructure will education and identify together with them ways to
make a significant contribution to this in the meet the technical needs of a modern construction
infrastructure sector through the ongoing and industry.
upcoming pilot projects.
„„ In vocational training, the skills necessary for the
„„ The private sector should develop training courses application of BIM must be taught within the
on BIM-based design and construction processes framework of the German dual training system.
for clients and estate owners, project managers, This is a task for the professional associations.
future BIM managers, designers and other
members of the supply chain in order to ensure the „„ According to the current state of knowledge, the
transfer of knowledge. application of BIM does not entail an imperative
necessity to change the HOAI (Official Scale of Fees
5.3 Contract award, drawing up of contracts and for Services by Architects and Engineers). 3D and
skills 4D modelling are explicitly mentioned as “special
services” in the service profile for buildings. If
The condition for the use of BIM is that both clients and “special services” are performed when using
members of the supply chain have adequate BIM skills and BIM, the fees can be agreed freely. With a view
capabilities and are ready to work in a collaborative way. to a broad-based introduction of BIM, it should
Moreover, BIM must find its way into higher education and however be examined to what extent a better
vocational training in order to meet the growing demand incorporation of BIM services into the service
for specialists. profiles could simplify the agreement of fees and
make it more transparent.
„„ The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
Infrastructure will evaluate whether the
„„ During the procurement process, it must be development of model contracts may be helpful.
ascertained whether the BIM skills of a bidder Where appropriate, checklists should be developed
are sufficient for the task. Therefore, their BIM that indicate the contractual arrangements that
skills, and also their readiness and ability to work need to be agreed for a smooth implementation of
in a team, should be verified by way of suitable BIM, such as arrangements regarding the transfer
questions. of data to the client.

14 Activity areas and measures

6 Looking ahead
Performance Level 1 was specified in such a way that it devices are producing an ever-wider data basis. Thus, data
can be achieved within the current legal and technical on temperature, humidity, energy consumption, user
frameworks. The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital behaviour, occupancy, failure or down-time provide ever
Infrastructure will expand its pilot schemes and progress more information on the state and performance of assets.
the broad-based introduction of BIM within its area of
responsibility from 2020 onwards. Therefore, a higher future performance target will
primarily focus on the improvement of the functional
The pace of digital change is so fast that it would not make performance of assets. Especially in the case of highly
sense to define concrete and specific targets for the time complex assets, such as hospitals or airports, the costs
after 2020 at this early stage. Nevertheless, we must give of poor performance can exceed the actual design and
thought early on to how the requirements for asset models construction costs many times over.
will develop in the future and what adjustments will
become necessary as a result of these developments. An improvement of performance can be achieved primarily
by re-using data generated during the construction and
Today, the operation, servicing and maintenance of particularly during the operating and maintenance phases
assets can already be partially automated using modern in the specifications for the design of new assets; this
management systems. Currently, the data required for means that the currently usually linear flow of information
this purpose stems only partially from the design and from design to construction to operation and demolition
construction phases of an asset; but in the future, it will will, in the future, change even more to become the
be possible to make increased use of BIM data for their feedback loop illustrated by the reference process (Figure 2).
generation. Due to the increasing level of automation, In order to achieve this, information must be better
these data will play an even greater role in the future, in integrated into a shared data environment than it currently
particular in the operating phase. is.

At the same time, information acquired during the The efficient structuring of this feedback loop will be at
operating phases of different assets can be re-used in the core of a post-2020 performance target and should be
the life cycle assessment of projects that are to be newly fleshed out further in the coming years.
planned. Measurements of sensors, facilities and mobile

Looking ahead 15
Publication data

Published by
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Invalidenstr. 44
D-10115 Berlin
on the basis of a research project
planen-bauen 4.0 - Gesellschaft zur Digitalisierung des Planens, Bauens und Betreibens mbH
Budapester Str. 31
D-10787 Berlin
Project management
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Bramann, Dr. Ilka May
As at
December 2015
Layout | Print
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Division Z 32
Picture credits
DEGES Deutsche Einheit Fernstraßenplanungs- und -bau GmbH
Federal Government/Kugler
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
planen-bauen 4.0 GmbH

This brochure is part of the Federal Government’s public relations work.

It is issued free of charge and may not be sold.

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