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Research 2:
Objectives and

Group 2
ABM 12
The correlation between expenses and allowances of Senior High School Students of
TAPS Alicia


This study aims to correlate expenses and allowances of Senior High School
Students of TAPS Alicia

 To determine the profile of respondents in terms of age, sex, status (student/

employed/ unemployed)

 To determine the daily allowance of selected Senior High School Students of TAPS

 To figure out how much expense of selected Senior High School Students of TAPS

 To determine what expenses do the respondents incur.

 To ascertain how the respondents allocate their allowances.

 To determine how daily expenses impact student allowances particularly in Senior

High School Students of TAPS Alicia
The correlation between expenses and allowances of Senior High School Students of
TAPS Alicia


Section A:

Name (Optional): ___________________________________

1. Demographic profile of the respondents

( ) 12-13
( ) 14-15
( ) 16-17
( ) 18-19

( ) Male ( ) Female

( )Student
( )Employed
( )Unemployed

2. How much is the allowance of the respondent in a daily basis?

( ) P100
( ) P200
( ) P500
( ) P1000

3. How much is the student’s expenses on a daily basis?

( ) 100 - 200
( ) 300 - 400
( ) 500 and above

4. What expenses do the respondents incur?

( ) Food
( ) Transportation
( ) School Projects
( )Premium account on educational website
5. What expenses do the respondents incur the most?

( ) Food
( ) Transportation
( ) School Projects
( ) Premium account on educational website

Section B:Budgeting Practice

Please justify your level of agreement based on the statements below and according to
your practice in managing cash.

1 = Always 2 = Often 3 = Sometimes 4 = Never

Preferences/Values 1 2 3 4
I do budget planning/preparation either written or electronic.
I planned but I did not record (such as preparing some amount of
money for specific purposes: saving and entertainment).
Committed to budget plan.
Price comparison.
Kept receipts and bills.
Record expenses.
I spend within my budget
I make sure to save at least P20 a day
I set aside my wants in order to save my allowance
I used an application to properly allocate my expenses in a detailed
I used to limit my expenses

Section C: Spending Habits

A. Please choose the amount of money,which describe your daily expenses

Where [ 1= P100], [ 2= P200- P300], [ 3= P400-P500],[ 4= 600 above]

Daily Expenses 1 2 3 4
Study Material
Food Beverages
Premium Account on educational website ( such as Canva,
grammarly, and etc.)
Other Personal needs and wants

B. Range your spending habit from 1 being the most and 7 being the least, choose N/A
if the option is not applicable for you

Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A
Study materials (such as stationary, lecture notes,
Books and Magazines
Entertainment and Leisure.
Bill (e.g phone bills and top up).
Shopping (e.g. Clothes, accessories, shoes, etc…)

Section D: Effect of Price and Brand

Please choose the answer to the statement that best describe your choice

Preferences/Values Yes No
The lower price products are usually my choice.
I look carefully to find the best value for my money.
I post pone my shopping until during sales period.
I compare prices between shops before buying a product.
I carefully watch what I spend while shopping.
I prefer to buy known national brands.
The popular international brands are my choice.
The more expensive brands are usually good choices.
I prefer buying best selling brands.

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