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Submit Date 06/01/2022

Submit Time 04:23 PM

Application Number 1367430

Application Summary

Programs Food (CalFresh)

Health Coverage (Medi-Cal)

Cash Aid for Adults (GA/GR)

Your Information

Main Applicant deja gallagher (18)

What language do you prefer to read? English

What language do you prefer to speak? English

First Name deja

Middle Name justine

Last Name gallagher


Other Names

Are you a person with a disability and need help to apply? No

Are you a person who is deaf or hard of hearing? No

Do you want to authorize someone to help you with your No

CalFresh case?
What language do you prefer to read? English

What language do you prefer to speak? English

First Name deja

Middle Name justine

Last Name gallagher


Other Names

Are you a person with a disability and need help to apply? No

Are you a person who is deaf or hard of hearing? No

Do you want to authorize someone to help you with your No

CalFresh case?
CalFresh Authorized Representative

Do you want to name someone to get and spend your CalFresh No

benefits for you?

Spend CalFresh Benefits

Health Coverage Authorized Representative

Are you a certified counselor, navigator, agent or broker?

Application Start Date

Organization Name

I.D. Number (if applicable)


Have you applied for Medi-Cal or other health insurance No

through Covered California?

Covered California Case Number

Are you experiencing homelessness? Yes

Can you get mail where you currently stay? Yes

What county are you currently in?

Temporarily Mailing Address 903 W Hillcrest Blvd

Monrovia,California 91016 Los Angeles

Home Address

Mailing Address

Home Phone

Mobile Phone (for password reset) (626) 540-6227

Work Phone/Alternate Phone

Email [email protected]

Can we email you information about your application?

Can we email you information about your case?

Date of Birth 01/26/2004

What's your gender? Female

Gender Identity Female

Sexual Orientation Straight or Heterosexual

Do you have a Social Security number? Yes

Social Security Number 623-43-4699

Why don't you have a Social Security number?

Please explain.

Have you applied for an Social Security number?

Marital Status

Are you a U.S. citizen or national? Yes

Date Entered U.S. (if you know)

Do you have an eligible immigration status?

Immigration Document Type

Immigration Document Number

Have you lived in the U.S. continuously since 1996?

Are you a naturalized or derived citizen?

Are you a sponsored noncitizen?

Did the sponsor sign an I-134?

Did the sponsor sign an I-864?

Sponsor's First Name

Sponsor's Last Name

Sponsor's Phone

Does the sponsor regularly help you with money?


Does the sponsor regularly help with any of the following?

Please explain.

Do you have at least 10 years (40 quarters) of work history?

Do you have, applied for, or plan to apply for the following: T-

Visa, U-Visa, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petition

Did your immigration status change in the last 12 months?

What's changed?

Date of Change

Alien Number

Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? Yes

What is your Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? Mexican

What ethnic origin do you identify as?

What is your race and ethnic origin? White

Ethnic Origin

Are you a member of a federally recognized tribe?

What ethnic origin do you identify as?

Tribe Name

Did you ever get a service from, or did someone refer you to,
Indian Health Service or Tribal Health Programs?

Are you eligible to get services from the Indian Health Services,
tribal health programs or through a referral from one of these

Are you applying for benefits for yourself? Yes



Do you have other people living in your household? No


Employment Change Information deja gallagher (18)

Did this occur in the last 60 days? Yes

Change Date 05/13/2022

Last Pay Date 05/13/2022

What is the reason for this job change? cut hours and lived too far away from work

Did the County help deja get this job? No

Telephone/Mobile Phone deja gallagher (18)

Amount $ 100.00

How often? Monthly

Does anyone outside of your household help deja pay for this No

First Name

Last Name


How often?


Checking Account deja gallagher (18)

Today's Balance $ 1.23

Bank/Credit Union bank of america

Is this jointly owned? Yes

Who is it joint with?

First Name marina

Last Name fernandez

Cash deja gallagher (18)

Amount $ 20.00

Where Held

Is this jointly owned?

Who is it joint with?

First Name

Last Name

Other Situations
Convictions and Felony

Convicted of receiving duplicate food assistance in any state No

after 09/22/1996?

Who received duplicate food assistance in any state after


Convicted of sharing or selling EBT cards worth $500 or more No

after 09/22/1996?

Who was guilty of trafficking (trading or selling) EBT cards

worth $500 or more after 09/22/1996?

Convicted of parole or probation violation? No

Who was guilty of a parole or probation violation?

Found guilty of trading food assistance for drugs in any state No

after 09/22/1996?

Who traded food assistance for drugs after 09/22/1996?

Found guilty of trading food assistance for guns, ammunitions, No

or explosives after 09/22/1996?

Who traded food assistance for guns, bullets, or shells after


Had cash aid stopped for Welfare Fraud? No

Had cash aid stopped for penalty, sanctions, or No

noncooperation with eligibility requirements?

Hiding or running from the law for a felony crime or attempted No

felony crime? (This could be to avoid prosecution, being taken
into custody, or going to jail.)

Who is hiding or running from the law for a felony crime or

attempted felony crime?
Review & Submit

Food Assistance

Is your household's monthly gross income less than $150 Yes

and cash on hand, checking and savings accounts have $100
or less?

Thinking about your rent/mortgage and utilities: is your No

household's gross income and liquid assets less than your
rent/mortgage and utilities?

Are you a migrant/seasonal farm worker household with No

liquid assets under $100?
Immediate Need

Has their utilities shut off or a shut-off notice

Will run out of food in 3 days or less Yes

Needs essential clothing

Needs rides to get food, clothing, medical care, or other

emergency items

Has an eviction notice or a notice to pay rent or leave

Has immediate medical needs

Is a victim of child abuse

Is a victim of domestic abuse

Is a victim of elder abuse

Is pregnant

Has other emergency which threatens health or safety

Please explain.


Do you prefer an in-person or phone interview for CalFresh? Phone

Do you need any other arrangements due to a disability? No

Main Applicant Signature

First Name Deja

Last Name Gallagher

Date 06/01/2022

Spouse/Other Parent/Other Aided Adult/Registered Domestic Partner Signature

First Name

Last Name


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