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Submitted as a Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Educational Degree

(Sarjana Pendidikan) in English Education Program

Student Id. 02.18.4124


This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, the content of this

thesis entitled “Analysis of Students’ Motivation for Hybrid Learning in
English Learning at Second Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo” is my own
work. This thesis has not been submitted for any degree or other purposes.
I certify that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work
and this is proven by the result of plagiarism check attached in this thesis. Further,
all the assistance received in preparing this thesis and sources have been

Bone, 5 October , 2022

The Researcher,

Widya Sari
Student Id. 02.18.4124


The two consultants of Widya Sari, Student Id. 02184126, the student of English

Education Department of IAIN Bone had carefully examined and corrected the

thesis on the title “Analysis of Students’ Motivation for Hybrid Learning in

English Learning at Second Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo”, and assumed

that the thesis fulfilled the requirements to be scientific writing and can approved

to be submitted to final examination.

Approved by:

Consultant I Consultant II


NIP. 197801082005012006 NIP. 197702072005012003


The thesis untitled “Analysis of Students’ Motivation for Hybrid Learning in

English Learning at Second Grade of Smp Negeri 4 Barebbo” is written by
Widya Sari, students Id. 02184126 The student of English Education Program,
Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Bone, has seen examined and defended in the final
examination held on 30 September 2022 and it is accepted to fulfill the
requirements for the degree of bachelor of English Study Program.

Bone, 05 October, 2022

Rabi’ul awal 1443 H


Dean : Dr. Ishak, S.Pd., M.Pd. (………………..)

Secretary : Andi Muhammad Yauri S., SS., M.Hum., PhD. ( ……………….)

Examiner I : (………………..)

Examiner II : (………………..)

Supervisor I : Nirwana Darwis, S.S., M.Pd. (………………..)

Supervisor II : Nursidah, S.Pd., M.Pd. (………………..)

Approved by:

Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Bone

Dr. Ishak, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIP. 197910072009011011


Alhamduillaahi rabbil ‘Aalamiin, all praises be to Allah almighty, the lord

of the worlds, who has given the health and strength to the researcher in

completing this script. May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon his final prophet

and messenger, Muhammad, his family and his companions.

During the writing of this script, the researcher received much assistance

from a number of people, for their valuable guidance, correction, suggestion,

advice and golden support. Without them, the writing of this research would never

been possible completed. Therefore, the researcher would like to express the

greatest thanks and appreciation for those people, they are:

1. The greatest thanks to researcher’s parent Hatibe and Furwo Asri who

always educate, give affection, support and pray for the researcher’s


2. Prof. Dr. H. Syahabuddin, M.Ag. as the Rector of State Institute of Islamic

Studies of Bone (IAIN Bone).

3. Dr. Ishak, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty of State Institute of

Islamic Studies of Bone (IAIN Bone).

4. Nirwana Darwis, S.S., M.Pd. as the Head of English Study Program for his

motivation, support and big contributions.

5. Nirwana Darwis, S.S., M.Pd and Nursidah, S.Pd., M.Pd the first and the

second consultant for their guidance and advice during writing script.

6. All staffs of the library of IAIN Bone for their help to find some who have

provided and lent many references.

7. Kamise, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the head master of SMP Negeri 4 Barbbo who has

given chance, support and guidance to complete the research in SMP Negeri

4 Barbbo.

8. Heriyanti, S.Pd,.M.Si. as the English teacher of SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo

who has given chance and support to complete the research

9. The researcher’s beloved brothers, Irsan Prastyo and Iron Sudarmanto

thanks for always support and understanding the researcher.

10. The best appreciation to the researcher’s beloved cousins Anjar Utari,

Leny Melyani, Ratu Ayu DJ, and Nindi Aulia who have given time,

assistance and motivation to the researcher during this writing script.

11. The best appreciation most profound thanks to Zaizal, Nurfifiana, An Nisa

Arya , Rina Ritsna Gisma, and all of the researcher’s classmates at 18 TBI

5 that could not be mentioned here.

12. The researcher’s friends who always give happiness, Isallary, Muchaimin,

Nurasyiki Safitri, Yuni wira, Miranda, Yusya Renilda thanks for always

give the researcher support and understanding the researcher.

13. The researcher’s extraordinary friends, Siti syamsuriani and other

members of KKLP Posko Latteko village that could not be mentioned

here. Thanks for friendship, kindness and togetherness.

The researcher realizes that, this writing script is still far the simplest one.

Remaining errors are the researcher’s own. Therefore, constructive criticism and

suggestion will be highly appreciated.

Finally, willingly the researcher prays may all our efforts are blessed by

Allah almighty. Aamiin.

Watampone, October 2022

The Researcher,

Widya Sari
Student Id. 02.18.4126


Cover Page..........................................................................................................i

Statement of Originally.......................................................................................ii

Supervisor Approval ..........................................................................................iii

Thesis Ratification..............................................................................................iv


List of Content.....................................................................................................vii

List of Tables.......................................................................................................x


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................24

A. Background.............................................................................................24

B. Problem Identification.............................................................................25

C. Research Question...................................................................................26

D. Research Objectives................................................................................26

E. Research Significance.............................................................................26

F. Research Scope.......................................................................................26

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................27

A. Review of Related Literature..................................................................27

B. Theoretical Review.................................................................................28

1. Students’ Motivation..........................................................................28

a. Definition of Online Students’ Motivation....................................28

b. The aspect of Students’ Motivation...............................................30

c. Types of Students’ Motivation......................................................30

d. The Form of Students’ Motivation................................................32

e. The factors of students’ motivation...............................................33

2. English Hybrid Learning....................................................................33

a. Definition of English Hybrid Learning..........................................33

b. Model in Hybrid Learning.............................................................34

c. The part of hybrid learning............................................................36

C. Conceptual Framework...........................................................................37

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD.......................................................38

A. Research Approach and Design..............................................................38

B. Site and Participants................................................................................38

C. Research Instruments..............................................................................38

D. Validity and Relibiality of Instrumens....................................................39

E. Procedure of Collecting Data..................................................................40

F. The technique of Data Analysis..............................................................41

CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION...........................................42

A. Findings...................................................................................................42

1. Analysis of the result observation......................................................42

2. Analysis of the result interview..........................................................44

B. Discussion...............................................................................................50

1. Observation.........................................................................................50

2. Interview.............................................................................................50

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION................................53

A. Conclusion...............................................................................................53

B. Suggestion...............................................................................................54



CURRICULUM VITAE...................................................................................68


Table I............................................................................................................42

Table II...........................................................................................................43


Author Name : Widya Sari

Student Id. Nuumber : 02184126
Tiltle of Thesis : Analysis of Students’ Motivation for Hybrid
Learning in English Learning at Second Grade of
SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo

This thesis discuss about the Students’ Motivation for Hybrid Learning
in English Learning at Second Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo academic year
2021/2022. This research used a qualitative method with descriptive qualitative.
Sampling in this study using the purposive sampling technique, where the
sampling technique were take one teacher and 5 students. The data was collected
by interview and observation.
This research is intended to find two problems. The first problem is to find
out motivation on using hybrid learning in English learning and the second
problem is the teachers’ difficult in using hybrid learning.

Keywords: Students’ motivation, English Hybrid Learning



A. Background
English learning is not foreign to developing language in both
Indonesia and the world because it has become a political, cultural, economic,
and scientific and technological language. English education is a goal for all
nations to learn it both formally and informally.
English learning is now part of the curriculum as both compulsory
subjects and preferred from elementary school to high school. English
language has been approved as an active universal language in the world.
Indonesia is one of the countries infected with pathocovid-19. An
infectious disease caused by acute respiratory syndrome virus 2 (sars-cov-2).
And thus impact society primarily in the field of education. Therefore the
process of teaching learning is carried out from home using media and various
applications to create learning media.
Thus, any activity at home would require a Smartphone or a laptop
equipped with Internet connectivity, or computer. And keep a clean, healthy
lifestyle by running the process of learning teaching from home.
During the completion of the teaching process is known to have many
obstacles. Schools and educators must work hard to seek learning. In addition,
many educators are either struggling with learning media applications or are
just too sophisticated to handle digital technologies. As well as students who
need parental guidance when online learning.
“The result is a decline in students' learning motivation. This can be
seen from students' activation during online learning, there are some students
not following full online learning. Many learners do not collect assignments at
the given time limit. Low study motivation can result in later study results”
(Ghofur&Annauval, 2021, p.2115).


Rauf, Suarman, and Kartikowati (2020, p.881) states that “Motivation

to learn is internal and external encouragement for students who are learning to
make changes in behavior, generally with several indicators or supporting
elements”. So as a problem in the classroom motivation is the process of
generating, maintaining, and controlling.
After the pandemic has subsided and people's lives have returned to
new normal, the government has found solutions to learned policies during the
pandemic by combining school and home study by obeying the government's
prescribed health protocols.
In the current pandemic situation, English can be learned by face to face
or in a direct situation with the teacher (offline learning), or the online media
learning. Therefore various educators’ efforts in carrying out the method of
embalming. One of them is the hybrid learning method.
Desprayoga (2019,p.1002) states that “A face-to-face class can be used
to engage learners in interactive experiences, while online classes promise
informed multimedia content at all times, and anywhere as long as Internet
access is available. The merging of these two learning forms is called the
hybrid learning.”
By interview English teacher at SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo in Bone
regency, the teacher said that hybrid learning method is the learning model is
being implemented in schools today specially in English teaching. The limiting
students can follow face-to-face learning and online class. And students are
attending a face-to-face class applying health protocol.

B. Problem Identification
The researcher have done interview and found several problems including:
1. Students are getting saturated at the time of studying online
2. Lack of motivation for students to study online
3. Master has not been good at using digital technology
4. There's a lot of hindrance in the house during the teaching process

C. Research Question
1. How are the students’ motivation for hybrid learning in english learning at
second grade of SMP Negeri 4 barebbo?
2. Whats are the teachers’ difficulties in using hybrid learning?
D. Research Objective
The purpose of the research is to find out motivation on using hybrid
learning in English learning and to find out teachers’ difficult in using hybrid
learning at the second grade of SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo in Bone Regency.
E. Research Significance
1. Theoretically, the result of this research is expected to be able to give the
following benefits for educational practitioners, such as teachers, students,
and the researcher.
2. Practically, this research is expected to be one of the source of knowledge
and information for all people, are:
a. For the teachers, this research is expected to help the teacher to give
information about students’ motivation, so it can help them to improve
their learning process.
b. For the students it can help the students to know more about building
their motivation and students can achieve better learning outcomes.
Moreover, students also cannot be separated to the technology especially
Smartphone. Therefore, they could study enjoy and fun.
c. For the next researchers, it can be used to reference to conduct future
research this research can provide a source of knowledge to get more
information for other researchers that will have same discussion and give
contribution in future research.

F. Research Scope

To simplify the research, the scope of this research is students in

English learning motivation through hybrid learning at the second grade of

SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo in Bone Regency.




A. Review of Related Literature

This part presents various terms and theories and related research
studies that are relative and helpful to this analysis.
Abdul Rauf, Suarman & Sri Kartikowati (2020), in their research
entitled “this study aims to determine the effect of emotional intelligence,
learning behavior, motivation on learning outcomes either simultaneously or
partially”. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Based on
the data analysis and hypothesis testing that has been carried out in this study,
the results of the research show that there is an influence of emotional
intelligence and learning behavior on motivation with a t-count of 5,912
emotional intelligence on motivation and learning behavior with a bear t-count
of 4.408 thus it can it is known that emotional intelligence and learning
behavior affect learning motivation. The conclusions are as follows: 1) the
influence of emotional intelligence and learning behavior on motivation. 2) the
influence of emotional intelligence and learning behavior, motivation on
student learning outcomes”.
Anggi Oktavia, (2021), in her thesis entitle “Students' Motivation in
Learning Vocabulary through Hybrid Learning at the Eighth Grade of SMPN
27 Pesawaran in the Academic Year of 2020/2021” The results show that the
mean score of intrinsic motivation (1.30) was higher than the mean score of
extrinsic motivation (1.10) was considered a low degree of motivation. It
means that the level students motivation is categories as low level of
motivation. It can be concluded that students at the eighth grade of SMPN 27
Pesawaran had higher intrinsic motivation than extrinsic motivation. In other
words, the motivation to learn vocabulary through hybrid learning comes from
inside of the students was bigger than the motivation comes from outside


I Wayan Dana Ardika, I Gusti Ayu Dewi Paramita and Evin Yudhi
Setyono, (2021), in their research entitled “The Effect of Blended Learning on
Student Motivation in Civil Engineering Politeknik Negeri Bali”. The research
is quantitative research using Pre-test and Post-test design. In the end, the
tabulated data is formulated using the statistic method. The findings show that
the application of Blended Learning has a significant influence on the students’
motivation. This is shows by Sig. Value or P-Value 0,000 < 0,05. This result
means that there is a significant P-Value between Control and Experiment
Class. While the Students achievement Score is also showing a significantly
different show by Sig value. 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore, Blended Learning has a
significant effect on the students’ motivations in class.
B. Theoretical Review
1. Students’ Motivation
To sustain optimal motivation, learners need to have positive
feelings about their learning experiences and accomplishment.
a. Definition of motivation
Motivation comes from the latin, movement which means to
move or in English to move. Mottive is defined as the power contained in
the organization that pushed to do (driving force).
Motivation is a change in energy in a person's (personal) self who
is marked by the emergence of feelings and reactions to achieve goals.
Motivation can be in the form of basic or internal impulses and
incentives outside of the individual or gifts (Afdareza, Yuanita &
Maimudah, 2020).
Motivation is something mainspring has to do with anything. The
origin of that prompting is both an external and an internal factor that is
changing behavior, and is supported by a variety of elements. It is the
same as learning in the student body, with the encouragement it is
expected to achieve any desired achievement. A student potentially gets
high learning results if they have a high motivation for carrying out the
learning process.

According to Harahap (2021) the success of learning is often due

to a strong motivational strength. In addition, motivation learning
determines the quality of student learning outcomes.
Ghofur and Annauval (2021, p.2116) state that students’ who have
the motivation to learn inside the study will seek to understand topics that
are indiscriminately interesting or uninteresting in the learning process. A
student's general motivation is:

1) Students have a positive attitude toward school as enjoyable.

2) Hang on to a difficult task and have a little trouble dealing with it.

3) A superior, profound learning experience in the information process.

Motivation is the overall encouragement from within and outside

of students that causes learning activities, so that the learning objectives

are achieved. Satisfaction can come from a sense of achievement, value,

or inherent joy in the act of learning. This study aims to determine the

effect of emotional intelligence, learning behavior, and motivation on

learning outcomes either simultaneously or partially. As a problem in the

classroom motivation is the process of generating, maintaining, and

controlling interests.

Pandemics conditions that plague many individuals deserve an

online learning system that makes it difficult for the student to interact

with both his and her friend and teacher. On the issue the student should

have the motivation to be able to organize independently in order to

remain enthusiastic and not give up.

If in a family it can create a pleasant atmosphere of studying, it

will certainly affect the learning result of a learner. Of course these

should be supported by the family. To achieve success in online learning

must be accompanied by a family environment and mutual motivation.


If a student cannot show positive behavior, he will experience

difficulties in learn (Rauf, Suarman & Kartikowati, 2020, p.882). In

addition to emotional intelligence and student learning behavior, factors

that influence learning outcomes are the encouragement of the individual.

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that motivation

is an important energy that every people has to have, because it can be as

direction to do and achieve something that will change someone's life to

be better than before. Our family and neighborhood support can make it

easier for a person to succeed.

b. The Aspect of Motivation
According to Walgito (1989), three aspects of motivation are:
1) The state of encouragement and readiness to move in the organization
that arises because of physical needs, environmental conditions,
mental states (thinking and memory)
2) Behavior that arises and is directed because of the situation.
3) The goal or goal pursued by behavior.
Meanwhile, the asaspects that affect learning motivation are to
move, direct, support behavior that is realized by the existence of certain
needs, drives, and goals.
c. Types of Motivation
Harmer (as cited in Oktavia, 2021, p.10) outlined the four main
concepts intrinsic motivation comes from within individual and extrinsic
motivation is a result of any number of outside factors. It means that,
students might be motivated by enjoyment of the learning process or
desire to make themselves fell better and extrinsic motivation come from
outside of the person. The interesting thing about learning or doing
something is an indicator that a person has intrinsic motivation, and
extrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from outside the person.

There are a lot of things that motivate a person to do something in

life. However, generally the motivation in learning is two types, which
are intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations types.

1) Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation is defined as the doing of an activity for its

inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable consequence.

When intrinsically motivated a person is moved to act for the fun or

challenge entailed rather than because of external prods, pressures, or

rewards. ( M. Ryan & Edward L. Deci 2000), so that intrinsic

motivation involves the internal motivation to do something because

of encouragement of desire or feeling from inside. For example, a

person studies English because he/she likes or enjoys learning

English. It means that intrinsic motivation comes from inside of the

person. When students have intrinsic motivation, they have internal

desire to learn and they do not have the need for external outcomes.

2) Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is a construct that pertains whenever an activity

is done in order to attain some separable outcome. Extrinsic

motivation thus contrasts with intrinsic motivation, which refers to

doing an activity simply for the enjoyment of the activity itself, rather

than its instrumental value. ( M. Ryan & Edward L. Deci, 2000)

Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation involves doing something to obtain

something else. Extrinsic motivation is often influenced by external

incentives such as rewards and punishments. For example, a student

may study hard for a test in order to obtain a good grade in the course.

Similarly, a student who does the work because she personally

believes it is valuable for her chosen career is also extrinsically


motivated because she too is doing it for its instrumental value rather

than because she finds it interesting.

d. The form of students motivation
According to Sardiman (2005, p.90), eight form of motivation are:
1) Giving numbers
Giving numbers to students is expected to provide encouragement or
motivation so that the results can be further improved.
2) The prize
The prize will be able to increase or increase the spirit, pre – law
student learning because it will be considered as a very valuable
award for student.
3) Praise
The existence of praise means that there is attention given to students,
so that the competitive spirit of students to learn will be higher.
4) Movement the body
Movement the body when giving a response from the student means
that the student is listening to something matters easier.
5) Giving assignments
Giving assignments to students will provide encouragement and
motivation to students to pay attention to all the contents of the lesson
6) Testing
Testing is the most important strategy for testing teaching outcomes
and also provide motivation for students to repeat the lessons they
have learned delivered and giving by the teacher.
7) Score
In this case, students have the right to know the results of the work
they have done.

8) Punishment
In the teaching and learning process, giving sanctions to students
who make mistakes are the thing to do to attract and increase
attention students.
e. The factors of students’ motivation
1) Aspirations
2) The students ability
3) Students conditions and environment
4) The dynamic elements and teaching
5) Teacher efforts and learning process.
2. English Hybrid Learning
a. Definition of English Hybrid Learning
Desprayoga (2019, p.1184) state that Hybrid learning consists of
the words hybrid (combination/ mixture) and learning (learning).
Another term that is often used is hybrid course (hybrid = combination,
course = course).
Hybrid learning is a learning model that combines face-to-face
teaching methods with teaching methods that require computers both
offline and online to form an integrated learning approach. So hybrid
learning refers to learning that combines or mixes between face to face
learning (face to face) and computer -based learning (online).
According to Bersin (as cited in Fauzan & Arifin, 2017)
outlined the four main concepts, Hybrid Learning is the combination of
different training media (technologies, activities, and type of events) to
create an optimum training program for a specific audience. I suppose
that the term combination mean traditional learning (face to face
learning) is being supplemented with other electronic formats.
Based on some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that
hybrid learning is learning that combines one or more learning models
or approaches. One example is the combination of the use of web -

based learning and the use of face-to-face methods that are done
simultaneously in learning.
Hybrid learning facilitates students obtaining materials for
learning activities via the Internet. Teachers can also monitor student
activities over the Internet. It's just that in application there needs to be
an adjustment, which depends on the condition of the school and the
student residence.
Whitelock D and Jelfs, A. (2013, p.99) state that, hybrid
learning integrates traditional learning and web-based approaches in
teaching English effectively. Overall, there exist the three most
common meanings for hybrid learning:
1) The integration of traditional learning with web-based online
2) The combination of media and tools (e.g. textbooks) employed in
learning environments.
3) The combination of a number of teaching and learning approaches
irrespective of the technology used.
b. Model in Hybrid Learning
The hybrid learning model is learning which combines learning
strategies using face-to-face activities, learning. Computer based
(offline), and computer online or Internet of things. (Erawati &
Desprayoga, 2019, p.1003).
According to Soekamto (as cited in Nurdyansyah & Fahyuni,
2016, p.17), The learning model is a conceptual design a stage of
systematic learning in order to organize learning experiences to achieve
desired purposes, and function as a teacher's guide in learning activities.
The learning model is a setup for instruction in class or tutorials
to determine learning tools including books, videos, curriculum, and
other so it can help students achieve the purpose of learning. (Erawati &
Desprayoga, 2019, p.1003) A model is defined as a concept that serves
to represent something.

Hybrid learning is known as learning that combines one or more

learning model. This is reinforced by the opinion of Heny and Budhi
(2016, p.185) states that the hybrid program that develops is a
combination of one or more dimensions:
1) Face-to-face learning
Face-to-face learning is held in the form of learning activities in in
class, practical activities in the laboratory, mentoring or on the job
training. Learning activities in the classroom include the delivery of
material through learning face to face, discussion presentations,
exercises and exams
2) Synchronous Virtual Collaboration
Synchronous Virtual Collaboration is a teaching format that is
collaborative that involves interaction between teachers and students
delivered on time the same one. This collaborative activity is carried
out by utilizing Instant Massaging (IM) or chat. This facility will be
used to communicate between teachers and students.
3) Asynchronous Virtual Collaboration
Asynchronous Virtual Collaboration is a teaching format that is
collaborative that involves interaction between teachers and students
delivered on time different.
4) Self-Pace Asynchronous
Self-Pace Asynchronous is a self-learning model in different times
where students can learn the material provided by the teacher in the
form of a material module teach or do assignments and exercises
online. Self-pacing asynchronous students can learn the subject
matter by means of links to other teaching resources.
The category of the hybrid learning model, which can do
differently, it can be concluded that the use of the hybrid learning
model can be implemented according to agreement between teachers
and learners, since it is a mass-learning model that makes it easier for
the user.

c. The part of hybrid learning

The hybrid composition that is often used is 50/50, meaning that
from the time allocated, 50% is for face-to-face learning activities and
50% is done online learning. Or there are also those who use the 75/25
composition, meaning that 75% face-to-face learning and 25% online
learning. Likewise, it can be done 25/75, meaning 25% face-to-face
learning and 75% online learning.
Based on the cross-analysis of these various considerations, the
teacher will be able to determine the most appropriate composition
(presentation) of learning.(Verawati & Desprayoga, 2019, p.1186)
However, the main consideration in designing the composition of
learning is the provision of suitable learning resources for various
characteristics of students in order to make learning more effective,
efficient, and interesting. In the next learning scenario the course must
decide for which purpose to do with face-to-face learning, and which
parts are offline and online.
Won Kim (2008, p.20) state that the hybrid learning process
occurs from the planned stages of implementation design and testing.
The following are the stages of the hybrid learning cycle, namely:
1) Planning
A teacher must make a learning program plan first. In a hybrid
learning stage of planning can establish strategies, methods, media
and other forms of delivering material online and offline.
2) Collection and analysis
After the planning process, teachers can collect lesson materials on
the hybrid learning model. Teachers use tools in the teaching
process. During online learning, teachers can use management e-
learning and analyze the learning result

3) Examination
It tests electronic learning systems. Teachers can make sure the use
of the learning application can be desired. And the students can
make good use of it.
4) Valuation
Feedback from the use of e-learning can be conveyed by learners
and users. There are obstacles, misunderstandings, advantages and
deficiencies in the application. From this comment, teachers can
judge how effective and successful they are using the application.
5) Enhancement
With an assessment of hybrid learning in e-learning usage, teachers
can improve the learning program. Teachers can record what the
learning process feels like to be reduced.

C. Conceptual Framework

Hybrid learning

In Learning English

Students Motivation

In the conceptual framework above, it can be seen that the researcher

focuses on analysis motivation hybrid learning, and the researcher wants to see

dominant factor in student motivation in the hybrid learning students.



A. Research Approach and Design

In this research, the researcher will employ a qualitative research
method. This method will select because qualitative research is the activity
used to find the results of observers. It consists of a series of practices and
materials. These changing practices include field notes, interviews,
conversations, photos, recordings, and memos to you. A qualitative research
refers to process-oriented methods use to understand, interpret, describe, and
develop a theory on a phenomena or setting. It is a systematic, subjective
approach used to describe life experiences.
According to Kohlbacher (2006) In fact, qualitative research involves
interpretive and naturalistic approaches to the world. In means that qualitative
researchers study things that naturally they are, trying to understand, or
interpret, phenomena in terms of socialized meaning
B. Site and Participants
1. Site of the research
This research is going to take place in second grade of SMP Negeri 4
Barebbo which is a formal education institution at the school level in the
district Barebbo, Bone regency, South Sulawesi Province.
2. Participants of the research
The participants of this research will be one class of second grade students
of SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo which has 24 students and the researcher used a
simple random sampling technique where every student has a chance of
being selected in the sample.

C. Research Instruments
The instrument as a data collection tool must be designed and made in
such a way that it produces empirical data as it is, in order to facilitate the
acquisition of the data needed in the field or research location, the researcher


used the instrument as a tool to collect the required data. The main instruments
in collecting data in this research are:
1. Observation guidelines, namely this instrument is a tool use to record the
situations that occur at the research site. The instruments can be provided
such as observation of checklist sheets and pens.
2. The interview guide will use it to help researcher conduct the interview.
Generally, the interview guidelines can be broadly divided into three stages
such as the interview preparation, interview process, and evaluation,
including the problems that usually arise in research which was using
interview techniques. The interview of the research was contained any
questions about several problems that related to the case of research. In this
analysis, the research instrument was using structural interview which is
very important to exchange the information between researcher and
informant. It is necessary to conduct in order to collect data as the results of
the observation related to the thesis in particular. The interview guide is a
list of questions conduct questions and answers or direct dialogue between
researcher and informants, namely the teacher and students.

D. Validity and Relibiality of Instrumens

Qualitative research is must have an examination of the validity of the

data in order to guarantee the accuracy of the research data. Incorrect data will

result in drawing wrong conclusions, and vice versa. In this study, the data

validity technique used is triangulation. It is a data validity checking

techniques which harness something else of the data for checking or as a

comparison of the data. In this research, researchers use data source

triangulation techniques.

Moleong (2008: 330) stated that triangulation is a technique of data

verification which using something that could be in a form of theories, sources,

etc. which is used only as examining the needed or comparing the data.

According to Agustinova (2015:45), triangulation is one of process that

must be got by a researcher in adjunct to the other processes, in which this

process specify some aspects of the validity in the information obtained to then

be drew up in a study.

It concluded that a data source triangulation method is a data which

credibility test by examining the data that has been obtained through several

sources. Data from various sources are then described and processed. From

those types of triangulation, the researcher uses methodological triangulation to

get validity of data. Besides, the researcher collects the data by using

questionnaire which is supported by interview

E. Procedure of Collecting Data

Every research have a require data collection procedure that is a
strategic step in the research because the aim of the research is to obtaining the
desired data. As for the study of this thesis, the researcher used the research
data collection techniques in the following ways:
1. Observation
The researcher used an observation sheet to collect data during the
observation. When in the class, the researcher examined the students’
activities as well as the teachers’ teaching methods.
2. Interview
The interviewer has to conduct collecting data with doing interaction
or communication directly. But, it can be conducted face to face or through
via electronic. The most important things is for researcher to understand and
observe informants who are being interviewed and the researcher used the
interview to obtain data that needed, specifically holding meetings with a
number of informants from whom data will be organized the interview by
online call to the speakers and used an application named WhatsApp.

3. Documentation
Documentation is the process of collecting data by looking at the
documentation related to the research being conducted. Documents are
historical records of past events. Documents can be written, photographed,
or monumental works created by someone.
F. Technique of Data Analysis
The data analysis technique used in this research was an interactive
model of analysis. It defined there are four concurrent verification flow of
activity in the model: data collection, data reduction, data display, and data
conclusion drawing and verification.
1. Data Collection
After identifying the problem, the researcher collected the data by
interviewing students as information and observing the teaching and
learning process to gain more supporting data. All the recording data and
observation checklist were collected and then the researcher wrote the
transcription of the recording.
2. Data Reduction
It is process of minimizing the amount of the data that needs to be
stored in a data storage environment. In this research, the researcher select
data obtain at the time of research regarding the user students’
motivation on hybrid learning in English learning and then the data
classifies and choose simply.
3. Data Display
In this step, the researcher made describe and discusses the finding of the
researcher in the form systematically. Therefore, it is easy to be analyzed.
Display the data means to present data into organization.
4. Conclusion Drawing and Verification
The last step, the researcher wrote the conclusion in the form of a
description or a reflection and the researcher made conclusion and
suggestion based on the analysis data.



This chapter consists of two sections. The first section deals with data
findings through observation, and interview. The data consists of observation and
interview result. The second section deals with discussion.

A. Findings
1. Analysis of the result of observation
The data collected through the observation to know identification the
students’ perception towards blended learning method on reading at the
eleventh grade in SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo. The researcher implemented to 12
students of the second grade in SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo.
The observation was made directly in the classroom during the
learning process. In this observation, the researcher used the observation
checklist to make it more effective. It was presented as follows:
a. Observation Of Checklist for Teacher
No Observation Of Checklist for Teacher yes No
1 Disekolah ini pembelajaran bahasa inggris masih v
menggunakan metode hybrid learning
2 Disekolah ini mengikuti protokol kesehatan v
3 Guru mempersiapkan all of tools to teach in hybrid v
4 Orangtua menyetujui model pembelajaran hybrid v
5 Pembagian waktu belajar secara online dan belajar v
secara offline sudah merata
6 Pengaturan jadwal dan waktu yang fleksibel v
7 Students dapat bersosialisasi dengan guru dan teman v
8 Students are more enthusiastic to follow hybrid learning v
Table 1. Observation Of Checklist for Teacher

1) Based on the data above, the researcher could conclude the students
studied with combining between online and offline learning. In


learning process, the students had the same opportunity to follow the
material synchronous virtual collaboration.
2) Based on the data above, a teaching format that is collaborative that
involves interaction between teachers and students delivered on time
the same one. In the learning process to add learning various methods
to build students motivation who get supprort from parents.
3) Base on the data above, the researcher could conclude that the teacher
berupaya menyiapkan materi pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan
variasi belajar melalui hybrid learning method untuk membangun
semangat siswa dalam belajar menggunakan media.
b. Observation Of Checklist for students
No Observation Of Checklist for Teacher Yes No
1 Siswa mengikuti protokol kesehatan disekolah
2 Siswa senang mengikuti pelajaran bahasa inggris
3 Siswa senang belajar menggunakan metode hybrid
4 Siswa merasa kesulitan dalam proses belajar dalam
metode hybrid learning
5 Orang tua mendampingi siswa belajar online
6 All of students participated to following online class and
offline class
7 Belajar menggunakan metode hybrid learning dapat
memotivasi siswa untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti
proses belajara bahasa inggris
8 Siswa mudah memahami tugas yang diberikan oleh guru
Table 2. Observation Of Checklist for students

1) Base on the data above, the researcher could conclude that 11 siswa
dari 12 siswa senang belajar bahasa inggris menggunakan metode
hybrid learning. The student studied with balancing between online
and offline learning.
2) Base on the data above, the researcher could conclude that students
also cannot be separated to the technology especially Smartphone.

Therefore, they could study enjoy and fun with combining between
online and offline learning.
2. Analysis of the result of interview
The interviews were conducted by using voice note feature in
WhatsApp application, where the researcher was doing question-and-answer
process via voice note. The students must answer the question from the
researcher, as follows:
a. interview of question research for teachers
1) The first question, the researcher wanted to know the opinion of
hybrid learning from the teacher.
Q: In learning English, the teacher used with a form of hybrid
learning. What is your opinion about it?
A: Hybrid learning is combines or mixes learning between face to
face learning and online learning. Hybrid learning began to be
implemented during the pandemic where students could go to
school and apply rules by following health protocols such as:
Using masks, using hand sanitizer, using thermometers and
maintaining distance.
2) The second question, the researcher wanted to know the teachers’
difficulties in using hybrid learning
Q: Whats the teachers’ difficulties in using hybrid learning?
A: The difficulty in teaching using the hybrid learning method are
the teacher prepares two or more learning models and than i must
control to complete in the class. During the pandemic, students
were new to the zoom application, Google meet and others
because they were in the village so that it be one of the difficulties
for teachers. In addition, many students complain because of
internet quota or they don't have cell phones so they didnot
worked assignments.

3) The third question, the researcher wanted to know how the

explanation of the lesson is when the teacher teach them with hybrid
learning method.

Q: How to present English materials using the hybrid learning

method to increase motivation?
A: The teacher makes an agreement with the students by dividing
the min to two groups, namely group A and group B. When this
week the schedule for group A to study at home, so the next
week to study at home is group B. For the presentation of
materials in schools, students study in the computer lab because
the computer lab has tools to support learning activities using
the hybrid learning method. In joining the online class, students
can greet the friend’s who have participated in during learning.
For online class, i have make a power point to learning but
sometimes i use Whatsapp to shering their video. And for
offline class, i take the flash card to learning.
4) The forth question, the researcher wanted to know are what times in
hybrid learning.
Q: How about the time in hybrid learning?
A: The students who take part in learning at home have made
learning materials in the form of power points, but the learning
models that we apply also vary so that they are enthusiastic about
participating in class or at home. The distribution of the hybrid
learning method is 50:50, meaning that in one class consisting of
24 students, 12 students who can take online classes and 12
students can take offline classes. But only the eighth graders can
do this hybrid learning method because they have an English
study schedule on Friday where the day is very short and there is
only one subject.

5) The fifth question, the researcher wanted to know in the teacher

opinion, what the factors that makes the students most excited and
building interaction when learning with hybrid learning system.
Q: Can hybrid learning build students and teacher interactions?
A: Before using this method, students and teacher make an
agreement to know their preparation. For the assigment, the
teacher gives the same task. For the student that following
online class, they can gather task for the next week in the
school. This method makes it easy to students for understand
and memorize vocabulary via digital literacy. So it makes
students more excited to learn and build interaction with the
teacher and friends.
It concluded that the innovative factor is reached the students by
presenting unordinary ways in learning. But teacher must prepare many
thinks before teaching. Teachers must understand the needs of students to
generate interest in learning that is fun for building motivation.

b. interview of question research for students

1) The first question, the researcher wanted to know the opinion of
hybrid learning from the students
Q: In learning English, you are presented with a form of hybrid
learning. What is your opinion about it?
Student 1:
English lessons are very fun. I like to learn english taking online
class because i can add more days off and i can see my friends
through computer or handphone.
Student 2:
It is only English learning sister
Student 3:
It so good method sister because we can study at home
Student 4:

Hybrid learning is combines or mixes learning between face to

face learning and online learning.
Student 5:
Hybrid learning is study at home and study at school via zoom.
2) The second question, the researcher wanted to know students’ opinion
before and after learning English with hybrid learning Method.
Q: What is your opinion before learning English with hybrid
Student 1:
When i was in elementary school, i had difficulties in English
learning but now i enjoy with english learning because the
learning method is easy for me to understand. I use a HP and also
use an interesting method.
Student 2:
We use the hybrid learning method since the pandemic but we
just study at home with zoom and now we can combain learning
beetween onlline class and offline class in the same time.
Student 3:
I think for before is so so but for after is very well
Student 4:
Before i study with hybrid learning that English learning is
normal but when we learn with hybrid learning where we can do
each other’s assigments without having to look at our friends,
assignments because we learn with fun.
Student 5:
Before we study through the zoom application we all study in the
class and we feel sleepy in the class but when we study with
hybrid learning that we are fun.
3) The third question, the researcher wanted to know student motivation
factors through differences in learning methods between traditional
learning and hybrid learning.

Q: Did you get different motivation when learning with hybrid

learning? Why?)
Student 1:
Yes, we spirit because that are funny. if the teacher told to make
a video. Sometimes we all laugh at the result of the video.
Student 2:
The Hybrid learning is as better as the tradisional learning.
Hybrid learning. Hybrid learning make it easy for me to
Student 3:
I think thats all is same because in English learning get deffrence
beetwen writing and speaking.
Student 4:
I like the both of learning methods because i hope can speaking
english with people from other country.
Student 5:
I very excited when i study at home because i can stay at home
more time and i dont bother to come at school.
4) The fourth question, the researcher wanted to know in the students’
opinion, what the factors that makes the students most excited when
learning with Hybrid learning.
Q: Did you get different motivation when learning with hybrid
learning? Why?
Student 1:
My spirit increases. If i have a schedule to take online class i will
be more enthusiastic because i like to study from home
Student 2:
Hybrid learning makes us more excited. If the teacher says we
will use hybrid learning method then all my friends are happy.

Student 3:
Regarding improvement, i feel an improvement because i start to
follow learning English
Student 4:
Sure, because i like both of method
Student 5:
Yes, i have improvement because i have never gotten a bad score.
I like learn with video than it make me dont sleepy and it make
me always miss to learn using zoom aplication
5) The fifth question, the researcher wanted to know the role of parents
in supporting students’ motivation with hybrid learning.
Q: How do your parents support the learning process with the hybrrid
learning system?
Student 1
They always reminds me to do work the task every night
Student 2
My parents give me phone
Student 3
My parents bought me network quota to study and forbade me to
play game
Student 4
My parents always tell me to learn. And they remind me to do my
Student 5
My parents bought me handphone and quota internet.

Based on the explanation above, So they understood the material by

applying this method were just agreement between teacher and students in
eight grade well even though sometimes teacher found the difficulties but this
method with parental support could be built students’ motivation for English
learning. The researcher could conclude that the learning variety is solution of
students by presenting unordinary ways in learning for building motivation.

Then hybrid learning is one of solution for English learning by media


B. Discussion

This section discussed the results of data analysis of observation and

interview above that were intended to analysis of Students’ Motivation for Hybrid
Learning in English Learning at Second Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo.
1. Observation
Based on the above data, it showed that when the students studied
using hybrid learning, the student studied combining and balancing between
offline and online at the same time.
The condition of students’ motivation in class 8 of SMP Negeri 4
Barebbo is high positive motivation. They used more than one method in
English learning process. It makes more them interested in English lesson.
The students felt funny when they studied using hybrid learning
method, because they could get more knowledge not only from the teacher but
also from the internet, video, and others. As the teacher said:
“I have initiative to use the hybrid learning method in accordance
with the mutual agreement of the students.”
When the teacher said about this method was more than method in
the class to building motivation. Besides that, the method of English
learning with hybrid learning used more media including: Dictionary,
English text book, flashcard, speaker whiteboard, LCD projector, laptop and
handphone. Media used by teacher in english learning that must be eqquiped
with internet network.
We could showed that when the students studied using hybrid
learning, the student studied enthusiastic and then even thought they enjoyed
the learning process in hybrid learning,
2. Interview
Based on the data interview above, the researcher found that the
students’ motivation of the hybrid learning method was that they felt in all

funny this method was very good. For using it they could gain a great deal
of various learning with hybrid learning that used more media application.
a. The media application
The teacher used media application , for the application of this
method the students were divided into two groups. Each of the groups
had earned a turn to study online at home then the group used media for
including: Handphone or laptop, internet network, text book. Besides that
the students used more than one aplication in English learning process.
As the student said:
“We studied at home with zoom”
Beside that they used WhatsApp and video aplication to learning.
Each of the groups had earned a turn to study offline at class then the
group used media for including: Dictionary, English text book, flashcard,
speaker whiteboard, and LCD projector.
b. The process of learning
We could showed that when the students studied using hybrid
learning, the teacher made a deal with student where student be divided
into two groups with a portion of 50:50 which means the amount of
students were 24 so 12 peoples taked online class and 12 students more
taked offline class.
Where, they used more than applications in this method that were
Zoom and WhatsApp, video app, Microsoft power point, Tiktok, Youtube
alternative according to the circumstances. But, they mostly used Zoom,
WhatsApp, and Microsoft power point application because of easy to
combining. When the students in the class were give flash card, then the
students at home made videos about materials. Or the teacher prepared other
teaching materials. It makes more them interested in English lesson.
The teacher still informed about the material to be studied for the
next meeting and closed the lesson by saying thanks and greetings to the

c. The benefit of using hybrid learning

The students were more flexible in study hours as well as even
more cost-effective in transportation. They could off to come in the
school and studied at home. As the student said:
“it so good method sister because we can study at home”
Where students felt happy if their could study at home. and also
they felt more focused when learning English because there are extra
explanation in every media in hybrid learning.
The students were more enthusiastic in the class because they
could used media to learn in lab computer and they could say to hello
with their friends who studied at home that they felt fun.
d. The difficults of hybrid learning
The blended learning method was really good. But, because of the
big problem was the bad network connection made this method less. We
know that every student had different networks and devices.
The teachers’ difficulties in using hybrid learning was prepared
two or more learning models in of one meeting. The teacher alsofound
the difficult of students control in the class when they were noisy because
students were excited to learn.
Based on the finding above, the researcher concluded that mostly the
students’ motivation on hybrid learning method showed that this method was
effective to apply in their school with that condition. So this method could
build their motivation in this case. Although this method had difficulty but it
had more positive to English learning.

In this chapter, the researcher discusses the conclusion for the result of
Analysis of Students’ Motivation for Hybrid Learning in English Learning at
Second Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Barebbo. The researcher presents conclusions and
suggestions regarding the research result.

A. Conclusion
Based on the result of the analysis and discussion in the previous
chapter, the researcher concludes, as follows:
1. Hybrid learning is combines or mixes learning between face to face learning
and online learning at the same time. The application of the hybrid learning
model is strongly influenced by the conditions of the school environment
and the readiness of the available technology.
2. The difficult of using hybrid learning are the teacher prepares two or more
learning models and than i must control to complete in the class. Besides
that the bad network connection made this method less. We know that every
student had different networks and devices.
3. The process of teaching with hybrid learning are the teacher make a deal
with student where student divide into two groups with a portion of 50:50
which means the amount of students were 24 so 12 peoples taked online
class and 12 students more taked offline class then the teacher displays both
of learning models at once, namely learning for students who take online
class and students who take offline class.
4. Students are motivated by being involved and engaging in conversations
with their teachers and classmate. a communicate service like WhatsApp
and zoom allows classes to communicate in a mode that feels comfortable
and fun for teaching learning. Then having a sense of humor and
remembering not to take things too seriously will help students become
more receptive. It makes learning exciting, and focus on learning. Besides
that, students also get support from parental.


B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusions above, the researcher would like to give
suggestions to readers and especially for teachers, students, and researcher:
1. For teacher, the teacher should prepare a simple learning material in order
the students can understand it easily. The teachers are expected to be able to
apply effective learning techniques and are supported by adequate
infrastructure such as good networks, mobile phones that support
applications from online learning.
2. For parents, the role of parents to increase effectiveness in online learning.
Parents make sure their children learn with safely and effectively, online
class and offline class then parents can provide facilities and build
enthusiasm for learning.
3. For students, the students must increase their knowledge in the online
learning process and better understand the media used by the teaching
4. For the next researcher, the researcher hopes that the next researcher can
prepare everything as good as possible in conducting. However, it is hoped
that the next researcher can take advantage of the hybrid learning in the
teaching and learning process well.

The researcher also expects that this research can give advantages and

source of knowledge as information especially for English education. Besides

that, this thesis is far from being perfect, because of that; constructive advice

and critics are really needed to support this thesis in the future..


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Research Paper
Observation Checklist

No Observation Of Checklist for Teacher Yes No

1. Disekolah ini pembelajaran bahasa inggris masih 
menggunakan metode hybrid learning
2. Disekolah ini mengikuti protokol kesehatan 
3. Guru mempersiapkan all of tools to teach in hybrid learning 
4. Orangtua menyetujui model pembelajaran hybrid learning 
5. Pembagian waktu belajar secara online dan belajar secara 
offline sudah merata
6. Pengaturan jadwal dan waktu yang fleksibel 
7. Students dapat bersosialisasi dengan guru dan teman 
8. Students are more enthusiastic to follow hybrid learning 
No Observation Of Checklist for Students Yes No
1. Siswa mengikuti protokol kesehatan disekolah 
2. Siswa senang mengikuti pelajaran bahasa inggris 
3. Siswa senang belajar menggunakan metode hybrid learning 
4. Siswa merasa kesulitan dalam proses belajar dalam metode 
hybrid learning
5. Orang tua mendampingi siswa belajar online 
6. All of students participated to following online class and 
offline class
7. Belajar menggunakan metode hybrid learning dapat 
memotivasi siswa untuk lebih tertarik dalam mengikuti
proses belajara bahasa inggris
8. Siswa mudah memahami tugas yang diberikan oleh guru 

No List of question for teacher

1 In learning English, you are presented with a form of hybrid learning. What
is your opinion about it?
2 Whats the teachers’ difficulties in using hybrid learning?
3 Bagaimana cara penyajian materi belajar bahasa inggris menggunakan
metode bahasa inggris untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa?
4 Bagaimana dengan pembagian waktu belajar siswa dalam metode hybrid
learning ini apakah sudah merata untuk jumlah siswa ?
5 Apakah siswa mudah bersosialisasi dengan guru dan temannya dalam
pembelajaran bahasa inggris menggunakan metode hybhrid learning?
No List of question for student
1 In learning English, you are presented with a form of hybrid learning. What
is your opinion about it?
2 What is your opinion before and after learning English with hybrid
3 Did you get different motivation when learning with hybrid learning? Why?
4 Does your learning motivation increase when learning with the hybrid
learning system? Why?
5 Bagaimana cara orang tua anda mendukung proses belajar with the hybrid
learning sistem?
No Question & Answer
Q: Dalam belajar bahasa inggris , guru telah menerapkan dengan
metode Hybrid learning. Bagaimana menurutta puang tentang
metode hybrid Learning?

(In learning English, teacher are presented with a form of hybrid

learning. What is your opinion about it?)

A: Hybrid learning itu nak metode belajar yang di gunakan mulai dari
waktunya pandemi. Siswa bisai pergi sekolah tapi harus jaga jarak,
harus juga pakai masker, ee handsanitiser, sama di cek suhu tubuhnya
dulu baru bisa masuk kelas. Itupun tidak semua siswa bisa datang
sekolah tetapi sebagianji jadi metode hybrid learning mi dipakai untuk
belajar. Sebagian siswa belajar di sekolah sebagian siswa belajar

(Hybrid learning began to be implemented during the pandemic where

students could go to school and apply rules by following health
protocols such as: Using masks, using hand sanitizer, using
thermometers and maintaining distance.)

Q: apa kesulitanta puang dalam penggunaan metode hybrid learning?

(Whats the teachers’ difficulties in using hybrid learning?)

A: Kalau kesulitannya itu mengajarki, mau di siapkan dulu dua model

pembelajaran untuk online sama yang dikelas lalu mauki juga
kondisikan siswa supaya perhatianta merata untuk siswa supaya bisaka
kontrol menyeluruh dikelas sama yang ikut kelas online.

(The difficulty in teaching using the hybrid learning method are the
teacher prepares two or more learning models and than i must control
to complete in the class.)

Q: Kalau masalah masalah lainnya puang tidak adaji kendalata seperti

jaringan atau lainnya?

( how about the network?)

A: Kalau itu nak waktunya saja pandemi, karna disini kan kampung nda
nataupi juga pakai aplikasi kayak zoom atau google meet jadi yang
kupakai kadang Whats app saja. Lalu banyak siswa mengeluh karna
kuota internet, banyak juga bilang tidak ada hpnya. Toh ada juga tidak
kerja tugasnya alasannya susah napahami pelajaran.

(During the pandemic, students were new to the zoom application,

Google meet and others because they were in the village so that it be
one of the difficulties for teachers. In addition, many students complain
because of internet quota or they don't have cell phones so they didnot
worked assignments.)

Kalau sekarang bebasmi dari covid, sudahmi juga di vaksin anak

sekolah lalu bisami kembali belajar di sekolah. Tapi kalau saya nak
tetap terapkan metode hybrid di kelas delapan karna satu saja mata
pelajaran di hari jumat. Pelajaran bahasa inggris saja supaya siswa tau
juga belajar menggunakan teknologi dan tidak setiap pertemuan itu
pakai ki metode hybrid learning tapi sekali-kali tergantung kesepakatan
dengan siswa dikelas.

(But now it is the new normal, students and teachers have been
vaccinated so they can go back to school. The English teacher has
implemented hybrid learning in the eighth grade because on Friday the
eighth grade has a schedule that is only for learning English. So that
the teacher has the initiative to use the hybrid learning method in
accordance with the mutual agreement of the students)

Q: Bagaimana cara penyajian materinya itu puang belajar bahasa inggris
menggunakan metode hybrid untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa?

(How to present English materials using the hybrid learning method to

increase motivation?)

A: Jadi pertama-tama itu nak bikinki dulu kesepakatan dikelas delapan.

Karena sudah ku bagi jadi dua kelompok. Kelompok A dan kelompok
B. Kalau minggu ini sudah janjian untuk menggunakan metode hybrid
learning tentukan mi kelompok apa yang belajar disekolah dan
kelompok apa yang belajar dirumah. Misal toh kelompok A dapat
giliran di sekolah jadi kelompok B yang dirumah ikuti pelajaran. Jadi
kalau pertemuan berikutnya diadakan hybrid learning yahh tukaran lagi
sama temannya sebelumnya.

(for the first, the teacher makes an agreement with the students by
dividing the min to two groups, namely group A and group B. If this
week the schedule for group A to study at home, so the next week to
study at home is group B.
Untuk penyajian materinya eee yang di sekolah belajar iii di lab
komputer karna disana nak lengkapmi toh ada lcd juga bisa sambil say
hello sama temannya yang dirumah ikuti belajar lewat zoom supaya
tambah semangat i.

For the presentation of materials in schools, students study in the

computer lab because the computer lab has tools to support learning
activities using the hybrid learning method. In joining the online class,
students can greet the friend’s who have participated in during

Kalau yang dirumah sudah saya bikinkan materi lewat power point.
Tapi kadang juga variasi belajarnya pakai media sosial mmm jadi lewat
Whatsapp seperti eee kalau ku suruh bikin video toh untuk na hafalkan
kosakata kusuruhmi kirim lewat Whats app kalau yang dikelas ku kasi
mi flash card.

(if online class, i have make a power point to learning but sometimes i
use Whatsapp to shering their video. And for offline class, i take the
flash card to learning.)

Q: Bagaimana dengan pembagian waktu belajar siswa dalam metode
hybrid learning ini apakah sudah merata untuk jumlah siswa puang ?

(How about the time in hybrid learning?)

A: Mmm jadi pembagian nya itu 50-50 artinya nak kan dalam satu kelas
itu 24 siswanya kelas delapan toh eee 12 orang naikutimi kelas online
lalu 12 orangnya lagi ikuti belajar dikelas. Tapi kelas delapan saja
belajar bahasa inggris pakai hybrid learning karna hari jumat jadwalnya
na satu saja pelajarannya jadi 12 orang yang belajar dirumah tidak
masuk mi sekolah jadi semangat i juga kah sepertimi natambah liburnya
tapi tetap harus hadir ikut belajar lewat hp. Kalau untuk kelas lain ee
kelas sembilan sama kelas tujuh belajarji juga media menggunakan
teknologi tapi dapatpi moving class mmm di kasi nonton film edukasi
atau zoomki sama salah satu guru yang ada disekolah terus nabawakan
materi seperti tentang bencana, bahaya narkoba, atau pembulian tapi na
hari minggupi biasanya itu dan tidak setiap pekan. Jadi itu nak
tergantung dari guru kalau ada yang mau bawa materi supaya siswa
tidak ketinggalan juga toh penggunaan media teknologi.

(The students who take part in learning at home have made learning
materials in the form of power points, but the learning models that we
apply also vary so that they are enthusiastic about participating in class
or at home. The distribution of the hybrid learning method is 50:50,
meaning that in one class consisting of 24 students, 12 students who
can take online classes and 12 students can take offline classes. But
only the eighth graders can do this hybrid learning method because
they have an English study schedule on Friday where the day is very
short and there is only one subject.)

Q: jadi puang, apakah dengan pembelajaran online mampu membangun
interaksi sosial antara siswa dengan guru?

(Can hybrid learning build students and teacher interactions?

A: Jadi kalau soal interaksinya itu nak ee bagaimana dih, bagusji karna ini
hybrid learning di adakan kalau mau lagi siswa toh jdi itumi makanya
sebelum diadakan metode ini, bikin dulu kesepakatan sama siswa
supaya dilihat kesiapannya dan senang semua juga. Kalau untuk
tugasnya yang ku kasikan juga sama tidak ku bedakan kelas online atau
offline. Jadi siswa yang sudah ikuti online kelas kumpul tugasnya
pertemuan berikutnya di dalam kelas kadang juga saya tanyakan apanya
yang kurang dipahami, tapi yang kulihat lebih mudah napahami.
Apalagi kalau media pembelajarannya itu unik seperti kemarin saya
suruh bikin video untuk penghafalan kosakatanya lewat tiktok lalu
kusuruh tandai akunku. Jadi siswa itu tertarik apalagi kalau anak
kekinian lebih mau terus main hp. Na sedangkan hp sekarang banyak
larinya ke negatif eeee jadi kita ubah supaya mereka juga toh bisa
gunakan untuk belajar. Lalu kalau anak anak dikota mungkin biasami
na dapat metode belajar begini tapi anak anak dikampung kasian
menjadi hal yang menyenangkan dalam belajar. Jadi kalau ke kota mi
lanjutkan pendidikan atau bersaing diluar atau bagaimana itu tidak kaku
mi juga karna sudahmi nadapat dan naterapkan disekolah jadi fun
teaching. Kalau senangmi siswa pasti kita gurunya ikut bahagia juga
karena bagus interaksi antara siswa dan guru.

(before using this method, students and teacher make an agreement to

know their preparation. For the assigment, the teacher gives the same
task. For the student that following online class, they can gather task
for the next week in the school. This method makes it easy to students
for understand and memorize vocabulary via digital literacy. So it
makes students more excited to learn and build interaction with the
teacher and friends.)


Question & Answer

Student 1
Q: Dalam belajar bahasa inggris, guru telah menggunakan metode Hybrid
learning. Bagaimana menurutta dek tentang metode hybrid Learning
yang itu kalau belajarki ada dirumah ada juga di sekolah?
(In learning English, teacher are presented with a form of hybrid
learning. What is your opinion about it?)

A: Oh pelajaran bahasa inggris kak, iye kak seru sekali ku suka karna kalau
belajar di rumah enak kah liburki juga tapi kalau disekolah ki eee bagus
juga apalagi kalau di lab komputerki belajar bisa dilihat teman ta

(English kessons are very fun. I like to learn english taking online class
because i can add more days off and i can see my friends through
computer or handphone.)

Q: Menurut ta dek bagaimana itu sebelum ta belajar bahasa inggris pakai
metode hybrid learng sama sesudah ta belajar pakai metode itu?

(What is your opinion before and after learning English with hybrid

A: Waktuku di sd itu kak nda bisa masuk dikepalaku belajarka bahasa

inggris ndakutau apa nabilang bu guru pusingka baru na suruh ki saja
terus menghafal. Naik ka SMP corona pusing sekalika karna ndada
masuk dikepalaku tapi kembaliki disekolah belajar senang ma lalu ini
pelajaran bahasa inggris masih pakai hp ki belajar tapi seru karna main
games ki juga baru minggu depan di sekolah ki lagi jadi kusuka.

(When i was in elementary school, i had difficulties in English learning

but now i enjoy with english learning because the learning method is
easy for me .. I use a HP and also use an interesting method.)
Q: jadi dek menurutta ini ada perbedaan motivasi kalau belajarki pakai
metode hybrid learning? keanapa bisa?

(Did you get different motivation when learning with hybrid learning?

A: Iye kak karna jadi semangatki lalu lucu lucu juga teman temanku kalau
belajar jadi ketawa semuaki lalu kalau disuruhki kerja tugas video sama
ibu pasti kadang na putar di lab jadi ketawa semuaki lagi lihat hasilnya.
(Yes sis, we spirit because that are funny. if the teacher told to make a
video. Sometimes we all laugh at the result of the video.)

Q: Menurutta dek meningkatji motivasi ta belajar bahasa inggris begitu.
Kalau meningkat kenapa bisa apa yang kasi semangat ki sama kalau
tidak kenapa bisa?

(Does your learning motivation increase when learning with the hybrid
learning system? Why?)

A: Kalau saya kak bertambah semangatku apalagi kalau jadwalku di rumah

hauu tambah semangat ka karna kusuka libur juga hahah tapi
sebenarnya nda libur jki itu kak karna belajarki di rumah.

(My spirit increases. If i have a schedule to take online class i will be

more enthusiastic because i like to study from home.)

Q: Bagaimana cara orang tua anda mendukung proses belajar with the
hybrid learning sistem?

(How do your parents support the learning process with the hybrrid
learning system.)

A: Nda adaji wee nabilang orang tuaku kak. Ituji saja kalau malam
natanyaka lagi tidak ada ji tugas ta nak. Itu saja.

( they always reminds me to do work the task every night)

Student 2
Q: Dalam belajar bahasa inggris, guru telah menggunakan metode Hybrid
learning. Bagaimana menurutta dek tentang metode hybrid Learning
yang itu kalau belajarki ada dirumah ada juga di sekolah?
(In learning English, teacher are presented with a form of hybrid
learning. What is your opinion about it?)

A: Bahasa inggris saja itu kak kalau pelajaran lain ndaji

(it is only English learning sister)

Q: Iye dek menurutta bagaimana itu ?

(Yes of course, what do you think about that?)

A: Kalau saya kak bah kusukaji sepotong ada belajar di sekolah sama ada
juga dirumah tapi samaji waktu ta baru ganti gantianki.

(I think hybrid learning is combination learning beetwen online class

and offline class)

Q: Menurut ta dek bagaimana itu sebelum ta belajar bahasa inggris pakai
metode hybrid learng sama sesudah ta belajar pakai metode itu?

(What is your opinion before and after learning English with hybrid

A: Lamami belajar begituki kak wettunna ada corona tapi dulu dirumah
semua jeki ikut ma zoom ne sekarang beda pe dibagi jaki ikut disekolah
sebagian. lalu ini seru magampang urasa belajar.

(We use the hybrid learning method since the pandemic but we just
study at home with zoom and now we can combain learning beetween
onlline class and offline class in the same time.)

Q: Jadi dek menurutta ini ada perbedaan motivasi kalau belajarki pakai
metode hybrid learning? keanapa bisa?

(Did you get different motivation when learning with hybrid learning?
A: Kalo nda belajar begituki biasa biasaji kak tapi kalo bahasa inggris
bagus sedding begitu carana kak pe na gampang masuk di otakku
kurasa gampang kuhapal kak

(The Hybrid learning is as better as the tradisional learning. Hybrid

learning. Hybrid learning make it easy for me to understand.)

Q: Menurutta dek meningkatji motivasi ta belajar bahasa inggris begitu.
Kalau meningkat kenapa bisa apa yang kasi semangat ki sama kalau
tidak kenapa bisa?

(Does your learning motivation increase when learning with the hybrid
learning system? Why?)

A: Iye kak pasti tambah semangatki pe na kalau bilangmi ibu moki lagi
belajar online hau marennu maneng ni satu kelas

(Hybrid learning makes us more excited. If the teacher says we will use
hybrid learning method then all my friends are happy.)

Q: Bagaimana cara orang tua anda mendukung proses belajar with the
hybrid learning sistem?

(How do your parents support the learning process with the hybrrid
learning system.)

A: Na kasi jaki hp kak untuk belajar

(My parents give me phone)

Student 3
Q: Dalam belajar bahasa inggris, guru telah menggunakan metode Hybrid
learning. Bagaimana menurutta dek tentang metode hybrid Learning
yang itu kalau belajarki ada dirumah ada juga di sekolah?

(In learning English, teacher are presented with a form of hybrid

learning. What is your opinion about it?)
A: Aga diaseng kak? Dewisseng i kak

(What are you saying? I dont know about it.)

Q: Itu dek kalau belajarki bahasa inggris sebagian dirumah sebagian

disekolah namanya hybrid learning.

(Hybrid learning in English learning is combination learning beetwen

study at home and study at class.)

A: Oh itu kak, bah bagus seru pe nulleki tambah liburta magguru di bolae.

I see, it so good method sister because we can study at home

Q: Menurut ta dek bagaimana itu sebelum ta belajar bahasa inggris pakai
metode hybrid learng sama sesudah ta belajar pakai metode itu?

(What is your opinion before and after learning English with hybrid

A: Sebelumnya biasa biasaji kalau sesudah seruki belajar

( I think for before is so so but for after is very well)

Q: Jadi dek menurutta ini ada perbedaan motivasi kalau belajarki pakai
metode hybrid learning? keanapa bisa?

(Did you get different motivation when learning with hybrid learning?

A: Sma semuaji wee kak susah ka saya belajar bahasa inggris pe beda
ukina beda to dibacai

(I think thats all is same because in English learning get deffrence

beetwen writing and speaking.)

Q: Menurutta dek meningkatji motivasi ta belajar bahasa inggris begitu.
Kalau meningkat kenapa bisa apa yang kasi semangat ki sama kalau
tidak kenapa bisa?

(Does your learning motivation increase when learning with the hybrid
learning system? Why?)

A: Kalo meningkat bah meningkat mua kak pe dulu malas sekalika kalau
belajar bahasa inggris kalo sekarang kuikutimi

(Regarding improvement, i feel an improvement because i start to

follow learning English)
Q: Bagaimana cara orang tua anda mendukung proses belajar with the
hybrid learning sistem?

(How do your parents support the learning process with the hybrrid
learning system.)

A: Nabelikanga quota kak tapi na gelli toka ko naitaka ma game.

Nasuruhka bawang pakei magguru.

(my parents bought me network quota to study and forbade me to play


Student 4
Q: Dalam belajar bahasa inggris, guru telah menggunakan metode Hybrid
learning. Bagaimana menurutta dek tentang metode hybrid Learning
yang itu kalau belajarki ada dirumah ada juga di sekolah?

(In learning English, teacher are presented with a form of hybrid

learning. What is your opinion about it?)

A: Hybrid learning adalah belajar didalam kelas dan belajar di rumah. Ituji
kak kutau lalu secara bersamaan.
(hybrid learning is combines or mixes learning between face to face
learning and online learning.)
Q: Menurut ta dek bagaimana itu sebelum ta belajar bahasa inggris pakai
metode hybrid learng sama sesudah ta belajar pakai metode itu?

(What is your opinion before and after learning English with hybrid

A: Menurut saya kak sebelum belajar hybrid learning ee di pelajaran

bahasa inggris itu biasa biasa saja tetapi ee kita belajar semuanya
didalam kelas bersama teman teman dan setiap tugas itu mm kita bisa
kumpul bersama lalu kalau sesudah belajar hybrid learning di pelajaran
bahasa inggris ee kita masing masing kerja tugas jadi tidak ada lagi
yang menyontek karena belajar ki juga seru belajar bahasa inggris.

(Before i study with hybrid learning that English learning is normal but
when we learn with hybrid learning where we can do each other’s
assigments without having to look at our friends, assignments because
we learn with fun)

Q: Jadi dek menurutta ini ada perbedaan motivasi kalau belajarki pakai
metode hybrid learning? keanapa bisa?

(Did you get different motivation when learning with hybrid learning?

A: Kalau motivasi saya motivasi semuanya kak ee karena saya suka sekali
belajar bahasa inggris karena saya ee mau bicara bersama bule nanti
cita-citaku kalau ee ku dapat.

(I like the both of learning methods because i hope can speaking

english with people from other country)

Q: Menurutta dek meningkatji motivasi ta belajar bahasa inggris begitu.
Kalau meningkat kenapa bisa apa yang kasi semangat ki sama kalau
tidak kenapa bisa?

(Does your learning motivation increase when learning with the hybrid
learning system? Why?)

A: Biasa biasaji kak ee kusuka ji dua duanya

(Sure, because i like both of method.)

Q: Bagaimana cara orang tua anda mendukung proses belajar with the
hybrid learning sistem?

(How do your parents support the learning process with the hybrrid
learning system.)

A: Kayak apa itu kak ee ? kayak nasuruhki belajar ee, nasuruhki ingat keja

(My parents always tell me to learn. And they remind me to do my


Student 5
Q: Dalam belajar bahasa inggris, guru telah menggunakan metode Hybrid
learning. Bagaimana menurutta dek tentang metode hybrid Learning
yang itu kalau belajarki ada dirumah ada juga di sekolah?

(In learning English, teacher are presented with a form of hybrid

learning. What is your opinion about it?)

A: Hybrid learning itu kak eee pergiki sekolah pergiki rumah eeh salah ii
belajarki dirumah sama ada juga di sekolah to kak? Yang itue kalau ma
zoom ki juga.

(Hybrid learning is study at home and study at school via zoom app.)

Q: Menurut ta dek bagaimana itu sebelum ta belajar bahasa inggris pakai
metode hybrid learng sama sesudah ta belajar pakai metode itu?
(What is your opinion before and after learning English with hybrid

A: Kalo wettutta belumpi ma zoom dikelas semua jeki belajar kak tapi
susah dipahami apa karna gampangki cakkaruddu tapi semenjak
belajarki ko di hp ee di bolata ii ee kadang engka tugas ta na lucu lucu
sedding magatti dipahami

(before we study through the zoom application we all study in the class
and we feel sleepy in the class but when we study with hybrid learning
that we are fun.)

Q: Jadi dek menurutta ini ada perbedaan motivasi kalau belajarki pakai
metode hybrid learning? keanapa bisa?

(Did you get different motivation when learning with hybrid learning?

A: Bertambah semangatta belajar kak ee pe karena apa dii kalo saya mauki
lagi belajar begitu semangat ka tuu apalagi ko nakennaki giliran di
rumah kak ee pe pada toha ditambah liburta. Massikola mokia tapi de di
cape cape si pergi di sekola lo

(I very excited when i study at home because i can stay at home more
time and i dont bother to come at school.)

Q: Menurutta dek meningkatji motivasi ta belajar bahasa inggris begitu.
Kalau meningkat kenapa bisa apa yang kasi semangat ki sama kalau
tidak kenapa bisa?

(Does your learning motivation increase when learning with the hybrid
learning system? Why?)

A: Iye kak meningkat pe na kalau belajar begitu siki lagi nda pernah ji ta
dapat ka nilai jelle karna bagus wee kak apalagi kalau video video
magattika sedding hapala ii ko disekolah ki saja terus cakkeruddu pasti
rindu siki ma zoom

(yes, i have improvement because i have never gotten a bad score. I like
learn with video than it make me dont sleepy and it make me always
miss to learn using zoom aplication.)

Q: Bagaimana cara orang tua anda mendukung proses belajar with the
hybrid learning sistem?

(How do your parents support the learning process with the hybrrid
learning system.)

A: Nabelikan ki hp nabelikanki juga quotanya kak ee

(my parents bought me handphone and quota internet.)



(Teacher Interviews)
(Student Interviews)

(Using Flashcard as Learning Media)

(Hybrid Learning Process

Widya sari, she was born in Watampone, August

1th 2000. She is the last child of 3 children from the
marriage of Hatibe and Furwo Asri. She has two
She started education in Elementary school at SD
Inpres 3/77 Manurunge. She continued her study in
Junior High School at SMP Negeri 1 Watampone
and finished in 2015. Then she contineud her study
in senior high school at SUPM Negeri Bone and
finished in 2018, in 2018 she finally contineud her
study at State Institute of Islamic Studies IAIN Bone, English Education
Department (Tarbiyah Faculty), she tried to improve her English by joining a
course Briton English Education. As for the organizational experience, she joined
in the FKI Ulul Albab IAIN Bone. As for the community experience, she joined in
1000 Guru management; Himpunan Mahasiswa islam; and Masyarakat Relawan

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