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International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)

Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp: (612-620), Month: October 2021 - March 2022, Available at:

Effectiveness of Social Media Advertisement

towards Customer Engagement of Selected
Fast-Food Restaurants in Dasmariñas
Juntilla, Beatrice Regimae, 2Castillo, Manolo Jr., 3Subito, Mike Gabriel,
Ms. Princess Joy Buenviaje, MSBA-HRM
Research Scholar 1, 2, 3, Adviser4
De La Salle University- Dasmarinas College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Dasmarinas City, Cavite, Philippines
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This study focuses on the usage of technology continues to expand, more and more businesses are turning
to social media platforms as a means of promoting their products and services. The objective of this study is to
determine the Effectiveness of Social Media Advertisement Towards Customer Engagement of Selected Fast-Food
Restaurants in Dasmariñas. This paper uses a descriptive research design and a purposive sampling method. The
data gathering procedure was done through an online survey. Majority of the respondents are 21-30 years old,
female, for the status single and are in bachelor’s degree.
In relation to the discovery of finding regarding the study, results of the survey showed in terms of the choice of
network that most respondents more likely to engage with a fast-food restaurant and purchase the food being
advertised if its channel is YouTube. Feedback or review from the product is crucial to customer engagement. The
owners of businesses need to consider an alternative approach to promoting their products. The shopping
innovation not only gives a large market and a large number of company opportunities, but it also provides a vast
number of products and a large number of potential clients.
Keywords: Social Media Advertisement, Fast-Food Restaurants, company opportunities. customer engagement.

The use technology has been growing more and more as time passes, many businesses are opting for a way to introduce
their business on social media platforms. Businesses owners need to think on a different way to endorse their product.
Online shopping has become a popular way of shopping for consumers. This innovation for shopping not only brings a
great number and variety of merchandise to potential consumers, but also offers a numerous business activities and huge
market. So that we also want to discuss about the customers engagement, Customer engagement monitors the relationship
between a consumer and a company. This can be done through various channels, varying from email, click-through-rate,
online reactions, feedback, re-purchasing and more. This relationship is important for encouraging customer loyalty,
increasing awareness and looking at customer satisfaction. Customer engagement marketing isn’t an entirely new concept.
It’s supposed to be the goal of all marketing, and most brands intend to engage with their customers. But some do it better
than others. Social media is no longer known only as a media that facilitates its users to present themselves on the internet
but also as media to sell some products to consumers known as an online shop. Because of the numerous advantages and
benefits, more people say that they prefer online shopping over conventional shopping these days Using social media was
difficult because people do not know if everyone like the post. Because not everyone will agree but anyone can put
comment or opinion on other post so that everyone needs to be careful.
Social media facilitates a dynamic space to reach customers, interact with them and leverage their voices for greater
impact (Hewett, Rand, Rust, & Heerde, 2016, cited in Tafesse & Wien, 2018). It becomes a hot topic, and it is becoming
more important in corporate marketing to engage customers buy their product. Customer engagement, according to
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)
Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp: (612-620), Month: October 2021 - March 2022, Available at:

Bowden (2019) is a mental process that models the hidden instruments through which client loyalty is credited to gain
new clients. However, firms struggle to effectively implement social media to drive strategic marketing actions. Previous
studies have investigated the influence of media advertising, including consumers’ acceptance of social media advertising
as well as the effects of social media advertising on consumers’ decision-making process stated by (Chiang et al. ,2017).
The preceding observations indicate that previous studies on social media advertising have focused on the conventional
effects of Internet advertising; however, few studies have discussed consumer engagement behavior in Internet
advertising and its consequences.
Almost all establishments and businesses were affected by the pandemic, some survived, and others could do nothing but
to close their business. The internet today plays a significant role in customer engagement and communication, making it
useful to businesses of all sizes, particularly when the pandemic strikes. Social media platforms have arisen and are now
used by both personal and business users all over the world. It digs the researchers’ interest on how businesses adjust to
the new normal and by what method to still be successful despite of everything. How social media affect or helps the
business industry on advertising products and engage customers with this kind of situation specifically in the food
business focusing on the fast-food operations in Dasmarinas City, Cavite.
The use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising is prohibited under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) Act. The Federal Trade Commission is committed to safeguarding the interests of consumers in the United States.
The Guides lay the groundwork for advertising and endorsers to voluntarily comply with the law. Furthermore, the
instructions lay out the fundamental principles that the commission will use in analyzing endorsements and testimonials,
as well as instances of how those principles will be applied.
Now that the world is experiencing a pandemic, in the protocols implemented people really need to stay at home everyone
must follow so everything can be done through online set up. On a personal and professional level, the internet now plays
a significant role in our everyday lives. One of these is the use of social media platform. The researchers came up with
this topic because as a student who are the one that are always used social media to communicate, socialize, gather
information, even shopping. As a consumer influenced to buy online, researchers are curious on what factors that the
consumers underlie to buy a food only through social media advertisement. The fast-food industry's social media
marketing approach has recently grown in popularity. Different companies use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and YouTube to sell their products to a larger audience. The researchers want to examine how restaurants
particularly fast-food restaurants in Dasmarinas City Cavite use social media as a marketing tool in their businesses. Why
and how it impacts and hits the customers to buy their product.
In this paper, the researchers aimed to measure Social Media Advertisement Towards Customer Engagement of Selected
Fast-Food Restaurants in Dasmarinas. To begin with, the researchers will explore the key elements use to effective social
media advertising. And then, the relationship between demographic profile of the respondents and key elements use to
effective social media advertising will be investigated. Furthermore, the objective of this study is to generalize the
empirical results of this analysis and provide suggestions and recommendations to the future researchers will conduct a
study that is connected to this research. The data in this research shall serve as their background materials in their research
Conceptual Framework
The diagram below shows the research paradigm of the proposed study:
Independent variable Dependent Variable

Effectiveness of
Social media

Figure 1: The Research Paradigm

The conceptual Framework which is shown in the Figure 1 present the study showing the relationship of the variables
involved. The independent variable is the effectiveness of social media advertisement while the dependent variable is the
Customer Engagement. It conceptualized that social media advertisement has a significant effect on the customers
engagement of Selected Fast-Food Restaurants in Dasmarinas.
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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)
Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp: (612-620), Month: October 2021 - March 2022, Available at:

Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis

This study aimed to discover and examine the effectiveness of social media advertisement towards customer engagement
of selected fast-food restaurants in Dasmarinas.
Specifically, it answers the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents according to:
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Status
d. Educational Attainment
e. Income
2. What is the effectiveness of social media advertising in terms of:
2.1 Choice of network
2.2 Communication
2.3 Social media advertisement trend
3. What is the level of customer engagement in terms of:
3.1 Likes & Shares
3.2 Audience Growth/Rate of Followers
3.3 Audience Demographics
3.4 Lead Generation
3.5 Audience Mentions
4. Is there significant relationship between the effectiveness of social media advertisement towards customer engagement?
The study hypothesizes that there is a significant relationship between the effectiveness of social media advertisement
towards customer engagement. The results of this study will determine whether these null hypotheses will be rejected or

According to Sharmila (2017), the growing importance of social media marketing among businesses is very clear. So, the
question is no longer if you must use the social media tool in your marketing activities, but how to do it better. Business
owners should pay attention to which social platforms help them reach their goals with relevant audiences, whether that is
generating sales or greater visibility.
Appel, Hadi, Grewal, and Stephen (2020) found all these use cases are essentially WOM (Word of Mouth) in one form or
another. This, at least, is how marketing scholars have mainly characterized social media, as discussed by (Lamberton &
Stephen 2016). Indeed, online WOM has been—and we contend, will continue to be—important in marketing (e.g., in the
meta-analysis by Babić Rosario et al. 2016 the authors found, on average, a positive correlation between online WOM and
On the one hand, some articles have adopted a rather narrow definition of advertising as ―persuasive and planned
communication by advertising professionals deliberately placed on third-party websites‖ (Knoll, 2016, p. 267), thus
neglecting many forms of brand communication in social media, such as owned brand pages, and stimulating or reacting
to user-generated content (UGC). On the other hand, some other articles have been too all-encompassing, investigating
digital media, social media, and mobile marketing together (e.g., Lamberton and Stephen 2016); the latter articles lack
concrete guidance for future research on brand communication in social media (Voorveld,2019).
Content marketing has become a leading marketing technique in digital marketing communication and uses the point of
view of consumers to build relationships by creating and sharing engaging content in social media that enhance their daily

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)
Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp: (612-620), Month: October 2021 - March 2022, Available at:

lives. Existing research on social media communities has focused mainly on social media marketing and virtual brand
community perspectives while content marketing’s valuable and unobtrusive role in social media content communities
has largely been overlooked. (Plessis, 2017).
Choice of Network
By the beginning of 2019, the most popular social media worldwide are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook
Messenger, WeChat, and Instagram (Statista, 2019).
Brand communication in social media is defined as any piece of brand-related communication ―distributed via social
media that enables internet users to access, share, engage with, add to, and co-create‖ (Alhabash, Mundel, and Hussain
2017, p. 286, also see the broader definition by Dahlen and Rosengren 2016). This definition diverges from the chosen
angle in recent articles that provide a review and research agenda on social media. The study conducted by Akbar and
Özgül (2018) in Izmir on young consumers detected that social media could have a meaningful impact on brand
awareness. This study concluded that Facebook that is among social media channels has a significant level of impact on
increasing brand awareness. Another study concluded that social media marketing activities significantly affect levels of
brand awareness. Social media has exclusive superiority in creating awareness thanks to especially online communities,
interaction, content sharing, easy access, and confidentiality (Elaydi, 2018).
According to Cho and Park (2019), as the development of digital technologies creates new opportunities and challenges
for marketers, digital advertising has made consumers more engaged with loyal to brands by using creative and innovative
new technologies such as social media, augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR), big data analytic tools, and much
more. Social media advertising has become a more important communication tool for marketers to create authentic brand
conversation and build long-lasting relationship with customers.
Social Media Advertisement Trend
Interactive marketing has recently emerged as a crucial technique for businesses looking to strengthen their brands and
attract more customers. Social media is an internet-based program that allows users to contribute their thoughts,
knowledge, and past experiences through social networking sites, content sections, and blogs. To put it another way,
social media refers to a variety of online tools and platforms that are designed to make interactions, assistance, and
information transmission easier. Weblogs, wikis, social blogs, podcasts, micro blogging, rating, photos, video, and social
bookmarking are examples of such media advertisements. The primary goal of social media is to enable customers to
publicly express their opinions about a company's products or services. Many customers believe that by using social
media, they may communicate their opinions and perspectives with a large number of people in a short amount of time,
indicating that consumers are becoming more accustomed to receiving news quickly rather than searching for it. Social
media has arisen as a new avenue for brands to communicate with their customers and vice versa (Hanaysha,2016).
Making their communications interactive by obtaining client feedback on a variety of topics, instead of just sharing
information about a company's products or services, share newsworthy facts, rather than the other way around, liking and
sharing some of their postings, they are being asked to connect directly with company posts via "likes" and
"shares"(Newlands, 2017). Further research could investigate the long-term positive and negative consequences of social
media marketing on a small business. Small businesses have a lesser budget and fewer limits, but they provide more
personalized service, therefore a study that looks at how these factors play into a small store's social media methods might
be valuable.
According to Appel, Hadi, Grewal, and Stephen (2020), the platforms themselves have been primarily responsible for the
emergence of social media and the way it has influenced consumer behavior and marketing practice. Because social
media has become a major marketing and communications channel for enterprises, organizations, and institutions alike,
including those in the political realm, it is critical to assess the future of social media in the context of consumer behavior
and marketing. Furthermore, social media has become, for many, the major area in which individuals acquire large
amounts of information, share material and elements of their lives with others, and receive information about the world
around them, making it culturally significant (even though that information might be of questionable accuracy). Social
media, on the other hand, is always evolving. Social media as we know it today is not the same as it was even a year ago
(much alone a decade ago), and it will most certainly be different in a year. This is due to ongoing innovation in social
media, both on the technological side (e.g., major platforms adding new features and services) and on the user/consumer
side (e.g., people discovering new uses for social media).

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)
Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp: (612-620), Month: October 2021 - March 2022, Available at:

Vinney (2019) found people utilize media to satiate specific wants and requirements, according to Vinney's 2019 Uses
and gratifications theory. Unlike many media theories that portray media users as passive consumers, uses and
gratifications sees them as active participants in their own media consumption. Scholars have highlighted that new media
has certain characteristics that were not present in previous types of media. Users have more control over what they
interact with, when they interact with it, and what they interact with, as well as more content options. This expands the
range of gratifications that new media can provide. Information seeking, aesthetic pleasure, monetary recompense,
diversion, personal status, relationship maintenance, and virtual community were identified as seven gratifications for
internet use in an early study published in the journal Cyberpsychology & Behavior. Because it has no analog in other
types of media, virtual community could be regarded a new satisfaction. Another study, published in the journal Decisions
Sciences, discovered three benefits of using the internet. Content and process gratifications have previously been
discovered in investigations of the uses and gratifications of television. However, a new form of social satisfaction
associated with internet use has been discovered. People use the internet to meet their social and communal needs,
according to these two studies. The suggested study integrates the Uses and Gratifications (U&G) Theory and the Theory
of Reasoned Action (TRA), as futuristic investigations necessitate a well-defined theoretical model (Ahmed & Raziq
,2018). Two (2) theories are relevant to understanding the key concepts behind this study: first is Uses and Gratifications
Theory (U&G), and the second one is Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA). The integration of two theories into a well-
integrated model contributes to the depth of knowledge about social media advertising by providing fresh theoretical
insights. The U&G hypothesis pinpoints the consumer's gratification-seeking beliefs and motivations when it comes to
social media advertising. The TRA aspect, on the other hand, gives a solid framework for assessing a consumer's
behavioral intentions after exposure to advertising mediums via social media. The suggested model combines
additional/unexplored consumer beliefs and motives in a holistic manner, providing practitioners and advertisers with
important and practical consumer insights when creating their social media campaigns.

Measuring Customer Engagement

According to Devgan (2019), the amount of likes and shares gives a quick indication of how well an entrepreneur's post
performed on social media. The bulk of social media networks, including Twitter and YouTube, have imitated Facebook's
original "Enjoy" function, which allows users to share items with their friends or followers that they like or find
interesting. Both choices allow the entrepreneur to get an immediate idea of how well their article is performing and to
exponentially expand and reach as people share their posts with their networks of followers. The number of followers
gained in the recent month, week, or even day is another clear metric to keep an eye on. It's crucial to keep track of how
quickly they are gaining followers. Companies may wish to boost their posting speed if they notice a slow and unreliable
trickle of people following their accounts. If they are losing followers, look at what's been shared or uploaded recently
and consider whether the strategy needs to be adjusted. While it's exciting to see fan base grow, not all of them are created
equal. Keep track of how many people interact with your business on social media, whether it's by commenting on your
Facebook posts, leaving a review on your Facebook page, retweeting your tweets, or otherwise talking to or about it.
These supporters are far more valuable than fans who may just visit the business page once or twice. Continue to
communicate with them and see an increase in the number of active fans. When sharing blog posts or third-party material,
it's crucial to track how many times readers have clicked on the included links. This enables businesses to assess how
much traffic their social media initiatives are generating and whether they need to publish more frequently. It also tells
them if the material is consistent with their brand messaging and the demographic they're seeking to reach. Demographics
are important because they help you construct a picture of your target market, even though they are often overlooked.
Assume your company has 1,000 Twitter followers. You can now acquire critical data about those 1,000 followers, such
as their age, gender, geographic area, and even their likes and interests, and, most crucially, what they want (which you
will provide). thanks to developments in analytics software. Keep track of how many people come to your site through
your social media networks and which ones generate the most leads. While developing and distributing content is a
crucial part of social media marketing, your audience shouldn't only look at your posts and never connect with your
business. To better tracking, UTM attributes can be used. Your organization can be mentioned on other websites, such as
blogs or personal social media accounts, by users of social media. If you don't pay attention to what people are saying
about your business, you can miss a serious complaint, resulting in a strained client relationship. It's never good to have
your reputation damaged in the eyes of potential clients. Respond to comments, questions, or criticisms whenever
possible, and portray the image of a company that values what its customers have to say (Siu,2021).

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)
Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp: (612-620), Month: October 2021 - March 2022, Available at:

The review of related literature and studies gives various information and motivation to the researchers’ present study.
This may help them come out with good results about the social media advertisement toward customer engagement. It
also may keep this new research valid as a basis for developing strategies in using social media for advertising. This study
may also help future researchers in gathering information about the topic to be able to understand and have insights about
these social media advertising to engage customers.

This chapter contains the discussion of the research design that will be used, the respondents of the study, the research
instrument, the data gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment of data. It also allows the reader to critically
evaluate a study's overall validity and reliability.
Research Design
The researchers used descriptive quantitative research design to study the social media advertisement has a huge impact
on the Fast-food restaurant in Dasmarinas, Cavite. As stated by Siedlecki (2020, cited in Versher 2020) descriptive
research designs involve observing and describing the phenomenon without influencing other variables. This research
design is used for gathering numerical data that describes the population and situation. The descriptive method of research
best fits the study to describe the variable in evaluating the social media advertisement towards community engagement
on the Fast-Food Restaurants in Dasmarinas, Cavite.

Research Locale
The study will be conducted at Dasmarinas City, Cavite. The respondents of the study are the customers from the fast-
food restaurants located in Dasmarinas. Due to the protocols implemented because of the danger posed by Covid -19, the
study will be conducted through online-electronic forms. Respondents will be provided a link of the Google form that will
direct them to the survey questionnaire that will supply the study with the necessary data. The researchers chose the place
because it is easy to access and has enough respondents that can provide valid information. Moreover, due to time-
constrained and the limited possibilities due to the pandemic to look for other locales, therefore researchers chose this
locale for the research study. The research survey will be conducted in the second semester of the academic year 2020–

Participants of the Study and Research Sampling

In this research, the respondents are the customers of the fast-food restaurants located in Dasmarinas Cavite. In an
identified situation, Fast food restaurants are also one of the most affected by Covid-19, to reach their customers are
mostly in place of online set up, wherein social media advertisement can be classified. The fast food restaurant referring
by this study is a multinational chain of fast food restaurants. The researchers choose them to be their respondents because
they are the exact candidates that are related to the research study and will answer the prepared questions of the
researchers. This study involves the participation of 100 customers of fast-food restaurants at Dasmarinas Cavite, which is
identified using Purposive sampling technique. Students of De Lasalle Dasmarinas who are also a customer of Fast-Food
Restaurants in Dasmarinas will be included to the 100 respondents of this study. The researchers will reach out them to
answer the questionnaire and provide the data needed in this research. There will be 5 fast food restaurants includes in this
study, each of them will have 20 respondents to complete the 100 respondents of this study.
This study will used Purposive Sampling, a type of sampling cuts a smaller sample size from a larger population and uses
it to research and generalize about the larger group. The researcher relies on their judgment when choosing their
respondents. The only subject of their study is the customer from fast-food restaurants in Dasmarinas so they will be the
only members of the population to participate in the study. Researchers will not include people who no longer customers
within that place.
Research Instrument
The researchers used questionnaires as the instrument for data gathering. A questionnaire is a research instrument
consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. The questionnaires and
response of the respondents will be done online using Google Forms. The questionnaire was made based on the problems
stated in this study.

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Research Publish Journals
International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online)
Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp: (612-620), Month: October 2021 - March 2022, Available at:

Part 1- The Background of the Respondents

In this part, will be the demographic identification of the respondents; the researchers will identify the participant’s (1)
Sex - GENDER, and (2) Age, (3) Status, (4) Educational Attainment, (5) Income
Part 2 – The Effectiveness of Social Media Advertisement Towards Customer Engagement.
In this part, a questionnaire was constructed into 4-point Likert scale questions. Wherein the respondents need to put a
check on the space provided ranging (4) ―Strongly Agree‖, (3) ―Agree‖, (2) ―Disagree‖, and (1) ―Strongly Disagree‖.
Data Gathering Procedures
The study intended to collect information regarding on "
Effectiveness of Social Media Advertisement Towards Customer Engagement of Selected Fast-Food Restaurants in
Dasmariñas". Before the gathering of data, the researchers will formulate a survey questionnaire that will be validated by
the research adviser. After the research instrument validation, for the researchers to be able to gather the needed data for
the interpretation and analysis of the study, the researchers will construct a letter of permission to acquire the respondent’s
data with the assurance that the data will collect would maintain confidentially and disclose. The letter will present to the
person that can authorize the researchers to survey that fast- food restaurant, the researchers will proceed to the research
survey to the respondents for the actual data gathering process. The questionnaires and response of the respondents will
be done online using Google Forms and will be given enough time to answer the questionnaire. The researchers will
carefully tally the data collected from the survey and the results served as the basis for the statistical treatment of this
Data Treatment and Analysis
To make use of the information obtained, statistical treatment of data is required. As raw data gathering is merely the first
stage in data analysis, it must be done correctly. This is where the research and the result from the research depend on.
The data that will be gathered by the researchers will carefully tally, analyze, and interpret using statistical tools to
discover ―Social Media Advertisement Towards Customer Engagement of Selected Fast-Food Restaurants in
Frequency and Percentage
It is used to present the demographic profile of the respondents; the frequency and percentage is used to determine the
proportion of the respondents’ profile from the total number of respondents.
Weighted Mean
In this study, the weighted mean is used to interpret the customers engagement in social media advertising.
For the interpretation of the weighted mean, the table below is used.
LIMIT Description
3.51 - 4.00 Strongly Agree Very High
2.51 - 3.50 Agree High
1.51 - 2.50 Disagree Low
1.00 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree Very Low
In testing the hypothesis, the researchers used chi-square test.
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