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1.Complete the paragraphs with the correct tense and modals .

1. There a) ______ (be) many people at the funeral. They b) ______ (come) to pay their last respects to
the deceased. One of the guests c) ______ (give) a small envelope that probably contained some
money for the family.
2. One of the reasons why university students fail in English is because they a) ______ (not, speak) the
language regularly with friends or parents. Another reason is that they b) ______ (rarely, read)
English novels or stories to improve their grammar and vocabulary. In addition, they c) ______ (not,
take) the subject seriously. As a result, they d) ______ (still, not, acquire) proficiency in the language.

3. Youngsters these days a) ______ (not, have) good manners when addressing the elderly when they b)
______ (be) together. They are ignorant on how to speak properly and how to respect the elderly.
Some youngsters even dare to interrupt or disagree with their elders, if they dislike what the person is
saying. Sometimes, youngsters c) ______ (not, even, bother) to practice common courtesy, such as
offering a seat to the elderly on the bus.
4. Students should help their parents financially by spending money wisely. First, they a) ______ (shall,
plan) their daily budget based on their allowance. The budget b) ______ (shall, include) savings at the
end of the month. Saving even a ringgit a month, helps during an emergency. Second, they c) ______
(shall, cut) their expenses on 'prepaid card phone' and accessories. Spending too much on clothes,
shoes and phone bills d) ______ (burden) and e) ______ (add) to their parents' expenditure. Third,
they should stop the habit of eating outside and eat more home-cooked meals. This f) ______ (keep)
them healthy. Male students should stop smoking and the money saved can be g) ______ (use) to buy
something more important than a pack of cigarettes.
5. They a) ______ (be) the best cartoons ever... Mickey Mouse, Pink Panther, and even Transformers!
They have been a popular cartoon series for more than 50 years. Recently, Superman, Ultraman,
Spiderman and Batman have now b) ______ (make) into films and all these have an impact on
children. Children c) ______ (tend) to imitate their superheroes. Today, new types of cartoon d)
______ (enter) the industry, such as Ben Ten, Angry Birds and our own local production, Upin and
Ipin. There are many types of merchandise, such as stickers, school bags, key-chains, stationery, mugs
and shirts e) ______ (portray) these cartoon characters. It f) ______ (be) good business even though
we get more pirated stuff than the original on shelves.
2. Supply the correct verb forms.
1. Albert Maltz was a progressive American writer. He (be) (1)…………. born in 1908. He (write) (2)
…………………his first play “Peace on Earth” in 1943. It was against wars, so the American police (arrest) (3)
………………. him and (put) (4)………………… him in prison in 1950.

2. Ha (come) (1) ………………… back a moment ago and (turn) (2) ………………… the television on very loudly. My
son (sleep) (3) ………………… then, so I (tell) (4) ………………… her to turn it off.
3. Mary and John are neighbors. They (know) (1) ………………… each other for several years. Mary (move)
(2) ………………… into her house in 1985 and John (live) (3) …………………next door since he (come) (4) …………………
to the area in 1980.
4. While I (walk) (1) …………………to class yesterday morning, I (see) (2) ………………… Tom. We (say) (3)
…………………hello and (walk) (4) ………………… the rest of the way to school together.

5. Yesterday afternoon I (go) (1) …………………to visit the Greens. …………………She (plant) (4) …………………
flowers in her garden. Mr Green (be) (5) ………………… in the garage. He (work) (6) ………………… on their car. The
children (play) (7) …………………in the front yard.
6. When I (hear) (1) ………………… a knock at the door last night, I (walk) (2) ………………… to the door and
(open) (3…………………) it. When I (open) (4) ………………… the door, I (see) (5) ………………… my brother. I (greet) (6)
………………… him and (ask) (7) ………………… him to come in.

7. John hasn’t got a job. He (be) (1) ………………… unemployed for six months. He (work) (2) …………………
for a textile firm which (have) (3) …………………to close because it (not have) (4) …………………enough orders.
8. One day John’s father (buy) (1) ………………… a computer for him. He thought it was a good replacement
for John’s typewriter, which (break down) (2) …………………. John could use the computer to write essays. He
(not expect) (3) ………………… that John would spend all his time playing computer games on it, which (be) (4)
…………………what he did it. John neglected his studies and he actually failed his tests.

When that happened, John (realize) (5) ………………… that he (make) (6) ………………… a terrible mistake. Now he
(play) (7) ………………… computer games only in his free time. Recently he (top) (8) …………………his classmates in
the mid-year examination.
9. Short after the war, my brother and I (invite) (1) ………………… (spend) (2) ………………… a few days’
holiday with an uncle who (just/ return) (3) …………………from abroad. He (rent) (4…………………) a cottage in the
country, although he rarely (spend) (5…………………) much time there.
We (understand) (6…………………) the reason for this after our arrival. The cottage (have) (7…………………) no
comfortable furniture in it, many of the windows (break) (8) …………………and the roof (leak) (9) …………………,
making the whole house damp.
10. Today there (be) (1) …………………more than 3.000 different (speak) (2) ………………… languages in the world.
English (be) (3) ………………… the most widely spoken language, over 350 million people (speak) (4) …………………
it but more people speak Chinese. You may wonder why English (more widely/speak) (5) …………………
although more people speak Chinese. This is because people who (speak) (6) ………………… Chinese are found
in China but English (speak) (7) ………………… by people (find) (8) …………………in almost every comer of the
3. C h o o s e t h e c o r r e c t f o r m ( t e n s e ) o f t h e v e r b s i n b r a c k e t s .
1. I waited for my friend until he ( come ).
2. He ran as quickly as he ( can ).
3. You make so much noise that I ( can't ) work.
4. He speaks as though he ( be ) very angry.
5. The soldier advanced as far as he ( dare ).
6. I do it because I ( choose ) to.
7. I would not attempt it if you ( ask ) me.
8. Hannah asked her teacher what she ( can ) do.
9. We shall rest here until Gerard ( come ).
10. He stayed at home because he ( be ) tired.
11. Whenever we meet, we ( talk ) of old times.
12. Answer the first question before you ( continue ).
13. As soon as Penny ( hear ) the news she wrote to me.
14. After the shower ( be ) over, the sun shone again.
15. My grandmother's health ( improve ) after she gave up eating meat.
4. Put the verb into the most suitable form.
1. Who ______ ( invent ) the bicycle ?
2. 'Do you still have a headache?' 'No, ______ (it/go). I'm all right now.'
3. I was the last to leave the office. Everybody else ______ ( go ) home.
4. What ______ (you/do) last weekend? ______ ( you/go ) away ?
5. I like your car. How long ______ ( you/have ) it ?
6. We decided not to go out because ______ ( it/rain ) quite hard.
7. Jill is an experienced teacher. ______ ( she/teach ) for 15 years.
8. ______ ( I/buy ) a new jacket last week but ______ ( I/not/wear ) it yet.
9. A few days ago ______ (I/see) a man at a party whose face ______ (be) very familiar. At first I
couldn't think where ______ (I/see) him before. Then suddenly ______ ( I/remember ) who ______
( it/be ).
10. ______ (you/hear) of Agatha Christie? ______ (she/be) a writer who ______ (die) in 1976. ______
(she/write) more than 70 detective novels. ______ ( you/read ) any of them ?
11. A: What ______ (this word / mean)?
B: I've no idea. ______ (I/never/see) it before. Look it up in the dictionary.
12. A: _______ (you/arrive) at the theater in time for the play last night?
B: No, we were late. By the time we got there, ______ ( it/already/begin ).
13. I went to John's room and ______ ( knock ) on the door but there ( he/go ) out or ______ (
he/not/want ) to see anyone.
14. Angela asked me how to use the photocopier. ______ ( she/never/use ) it before, so ______ (
she/not/know ) what to do.
15. Mary ______ (go) for a swim after work yesterday. ______ ( she/need ) some exercise because
______ ( she/sit ) in an office all day in front of a computer.
5.Read these sentences and underline the correct option in

1. If he arrives late just one more time I ( will/would ) suspend him.

2. I am happy he was promoted. He ( has/had ) worked very hard over the past six years.
3. I (am having/have) a high temperature and a sore throat. I feel terrible !
4. They ( consider/are considering ) her to be one of the best players in Thailand.
5. He is such a lazy man. His boss ( would/will ) often find him sleeping in the afternoon.
6. The boss ( considers/is considering ) my application for promotion.
7. They ( lived/have lived ) for twenty years in the same old house before they moved to Manhattan.
8. The letters V.I.P. ( stand/are standing ) for Very Important Person.
9. I'm sorry I haven't had time to see you recently. I ( write/am writing ) a new book.
10. If all the countries of the world cooperated a little more, the world ( will/would ) be a nicer place to
live in.
11. When they got home they found that their house ( was/had been ) burgled.
12. They ( are seeming/seem ) like a very nice couple.
13. Many people in Vietnam ( are owning/own ) their own house these days.
14. We (are keeping/keep) an eye on his house while he is away on holiday. He is due back next week.
15. I ( am loving/love ) my brothers and sisters very much although we often argue.
6.Read these sentences and underline the correct option in

1. Sam and Peter ( are coming/come ) to watch TV at our house this evening.
2. If you drive all the way without stopping you ( will/would ) feel really tired.
3. The moon ( is going/goes ) around the Earth.
4. They ( are going/go ) to aerobics class twice a week.
5. Indians ( eat/are eating ) a lot of curry and spicy dishes.
6. Your perfume (smells/is smelling) rather nice. What is it ?
7. If they knew how much work you did, they ( will/would ) feel obliged to give you  rise.
8. She ( sold/has sold ) her old car to a student last week.
9. They ( have/ are having ) a Volvo and van too.
10. He promised that he ( will/would ) return the money to me by next week.
11. Michael (is/is being) very selfish about this. I think it's time he started thinking of others a little !
12. The two girls arrived after the concert ( has/had ) started.
13. Hussein ( went/has been ) jogging three times already this week.
14. We ( have/are having ) a lot of fun with the new video games at the moment.
15. The law ( applies/is applying ) to all who live in this country.
7.Underline the correct tense in the brackets.
1. He ( is being / is ) deliberately difficult about selling you the house.
2. He (isn't understanding / doesn't understand) what you mean. Explain it to him again ?
3. I ( am feeling / feel ) that part of what she claims is true.
4. I ( am feeling / feel ) a pain in my knee every time I try to run.
5. Mr. Lee and his wife ( are having / have ) a small business in Queensland.
6. They ( are finding / find ) lots of new friends in New Jersey.
7. They ( are weighing / weigh ) the fish at this very moment.
8. The tea they serve at that stall ( is tasting / tastes ) delicious.
9. The quality of his work ( is comparing / compares ) with the best in his field.
10. I ( am finding / find ) him rather a difficult person to get on with.
8. Underline the correct tense in the brackets.
1. The actor ( is appearing / appears ) in a new stage comedy at the moment.
2. You should think more of others! You ( are being / are ) very selfish about this.
3. This rule ( is applying / applies ) to all newcomers.
4. Don't stop the children from playing. They ( are having / have ) a lot of fun.
5. The new national car ( is costing / costs ) only a little more than the old model.
6. Ahmad ( is applying / applies ) for a new job in the private sector.
7. My mother ( is having / has ) the flu so I must stay at home to look after her.
8. The Prime Minister ( is holding / holds ) a press conference this evening.
9. The letters ASAP ( are standing / stand ) for AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
10. The container ( is holding / holds ) up to 2500 cubic meters of goods.
9.Select the correct option in the brackets.
1. She ( has / had ) lived so long in Canada no one ever thought she would leave.
2. The curry ( tastes / is tasting ) too salty.
3. I ( look / am looking ) after his two cats until he returns from abroad.
4. If you worked a little more consistently you ( will / would ) be the best student in the class.
5. She ( looks / is looking ) like her mother a little more each day.
6. I ( hate / am hating ) people who are dishonest.
7. My wife ( goes / is going ) swimming on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
8. We ( are going / go ) to the restaurant to celebrate Tracy's birthday.
9. I felt certain he ( will / would ) manage to find our house.
10. The government ( had / has ) recently decided to provide all households with rubbish bins.
11. They ( have / are having ) a very nice house in New Hampshire.
12. I (understand / am understanding) you have a serious problem. Can I help in any way ?
13. If you hand in your assignment late I ( will / would ) deduct some marks.
14. They ( bought / have bought ) a new bungalow three years ago.
15. Malays ( eat / are eating ) a lot of spicy food.

10.Select the correct option in the brackets .

1. I don't have much time for relaxation these days. I ( learn / am learning ) Mandarin.
2. When we arrived at the bank we sensed that something strange ( happened / had happened ).
3. If we had a little more capital it ( will / would ) be much easier to start a business.
4. He ( is holding / holds ) the post of chairman for this club.
5. It was such a friendly monkey. It ( will / would ) often jump on to people's shoulders.
6. I ( think / am thinking ) you are too old to wear clothes like that !
7. If you do a little extra work you ( will / would ) pass the exam.
8. Don't disturb your brother. He ( thinks / is thinking ) about a serious problem.
9. I think he (is having / has) the flu. He has all the symptoms.
10. He (is deserving / deserves) to win the gold medal. He is by far the best competitor.
11. Sue ( ate / has eaten ) two big meals already this morning.
12. I think you (are / are being) rather childish about this matter. Try to see my point of view too !
13. We (have / are having) a party to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Would you like to come ?
14. The problem of world overpopulation ( is concerning / concerns ) all of mankind.
15. When I ( had / have ) arrived they started the meeting.
11.Supply the Tenses. Re-write the Sentences if necessary.
1. It is not pleasant to go out while it (rain), but we do so while the sun (shine).
2. I am glad you (write) with a new pen today, as yesterday your writing (be) untidy.
3. What you (do) when I came into the room? I (write ) my composition.
4. Whenever I (see) him, he (walk) quickly.
5. I see you (wearing) your new suit today.
6. (Go) you to a wedding ?
7. No, I (go) to visit my uncle.
8. What you (do) in my house? I (mend) the chairs.
9. Some thieves once (enter) the palace of a king disguised as workmen.
10. When the king (ask) them what they (do), they (say) they (take) away the clock to mend it.
11. I must have the house repaired, as it (begin) to fall to pieces, and the plaster (drop) off the walls.
12. When (come) your uncle to see you ?
13. He (come) as often as he can.
14. I was obliged to leave Kuala Lumpur, as I (find) I (spend) too much money at that time.
15. I hope your brother is better. He is not well yet, but his health (improve).

12.Fill in the spaces with the Present, Present Continuous, Past,

Past Continuous, or Present Perfect Tenses according to the sense
1. He is not ( come ) home yet.
2. I cannot tell you whether I like the book, as I not ( read ) it.
3. I did not know you ( think ) I ( come ) yesterday.
4. As you ( write ) this page badly, you must write it again.
5. I must revise this chapter, as I not ( study ) it for some time.
6. He was once very kind to me, and I never ( forget ) it.
7. A man who does not finish what he undertakes not ( deserve ) to succeed.
8. He will not be able to continue his journey as he ( lose ) his passport.
9. I (lose) my keys, and cannot remember when I last ( see ) them.
10. It is cold today; the weather ( change ) since yesterday.
11. The village not yet ( be ) supplied with pure water.
12. I work late now that electric light ( be ) put in my house.
13. When you ( lend ) it to him ?
14. I ( lend ) it to him before you ( meet ) me yesterday.
15. I cannot tell you the year when this battle ( be ) fought, as I ( forget ) my history.
16. A man who ( be ) born blind ( can ) not recognize objects if he ( gain ) his sight, unless he first ( feel )
17. I do not trust people who not ( keep ) their promises.
18. Many new houses ( be ) built in this street recently.
19. I never ( work ) in the afternoon if I ( be ) tired.
20. What you (think) of? I ( think ) of my work.

13.Rewrite these sentences, using the Simple Past or the Past

Perfect of the verbs in the brackets.
1. I ( rush ) to the hospital as soon as I ( hear ) the news.
2. We ( already pack ) all our things before the taxi ( arrive ).
3. They ( finish ) their breakfast just before the school bus ( come ) for them.
4. The fire ( destroy ) almost the whole village before someone ( bring ) help.
5. He ( never see ) a kiwi or a Maori dance before he ( go ) to New Zealand.
6. After I ( wash ) my hands, I ( sit ) down to dinner.
7. The film ( already begin ) when we ( reach ) the cinema.
8. He ( tell ) me that the bus ( leave ) half an hour before I ( reach ) there.
9. After I ( lock ) the door behind me, I suddenly ( remember ) that I ( not take ) the book along with me.
10. I ( go ) out to see a friend after I ( have ) my bath.
11. When I ( reach ) the place, I ( discover ) that he ( already shift ).
12. It ( be ) only last week that I ( give ) him the money; but he ( come ) to me yesterday and ( say ) that
he ( need ) more money.
13. When I ( meet ) him yesterday, I ( realize ) that I ( not see ) him in over three years.
14. It ( be ) very late when I ( reach ) home, but my sister ( be ) still waiting up for me.
15. I ( realize ) that I ( not seal ) the letter; but it ( be ) too late since I ( already post ) it.

14.Put in the Present Perfect or Simple Past tense ( active or

passive ) of the verb in the brackets
1. We (not visit) the zoo for many months. We ( want ) to go yesterday but ( prevent ) from doing so by
the rain.
2. I ( find ) the watch that you ( lose ) yesterday but I ( leave ) it at home.
3. I'm afraid that I (not see) your cat. Perhaps it ( wander ) into the neighbor's garden.
4. I ( know ) him for many years but I ( not see ) him cry before.
5. She just ( return ) from the hospital where she ( go ) to visit her mother.
6. This is the first time that he (go) to a dentist. His teeth always ( be ) in good condition ever since he
( be ) a child and he ( have ) no reason to visit the dentist before.
7. I (not see) your aunt for some time. She (return) from her world trip yet? I ( telephone ) her at the
house yesterday but no one ( answer ).
8. Someone (leave) a banana peel on the pavement. Eddie ( slip ) on it just now and ( have ) a bad fall.
9. We ( try ) to persuade her to think otherwise, but she ( convince ) that she ( be ) right and ( refuse ) to
listen to anyone.
10. The members finally (agree) to pay the increased subscription. They ( not want ) to do so before, not
until we ( explain ) everything to them.
11. I (borrow) a book from the library last week. I ( not return ) it because I ( not finish ) reading it yet.
12. You ever (scold) by the teacher before? Yes, I ( have ) but for a very good reason.
13. She (be) in Australia for a month now but she (not send) us any letters. She ( promise ) to write the
minute that she ( arrive ) there.
14. My brother (give) a new scooter by my father. Since then, he ( seize ) every chance to show it off to
his friends.
15. Two strangers (catch) in the rain and (take) shelter in front of our house just now. They ( leave )
because the rain ( stop ).
16. The water-meter in her house (break) down last month. She ( report ) the matter to the authorities but
no one ( come ) to repair it so far.
17. I always (want) to tour this country but (have) no time. In fact, I ( postpone ) a trip last month because
something urgent ( crop ) up at the last minute.
18. Contraband goods successfully (smuggle) across the border many times. The police ( plan ) more
effective measures to catch the smugglers.
19. We (see) the film last night but they (not see) it yet. We ( enjoy ) it so much that we want to see it a
second time.
20. We ( ring ) the airline office an hour ago but all the seats for the flight already ( book ).

15.Put in the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tense

( active or passive ) of the verb in the brackets
1. He just ( finish ) his essay. He ( work ) hard at it since he came home from school.
2. That girl ( stand ) outside the gate for the past half an hour. She ( not move ) from that spot at all.
3. My sister ( bake ) a birthday cake for me. She just ( take ) it out of the oven.
4. The committee ( discuss ) the issue all morning but they ( not reach ) a decision yet.
5. She ( work ) for him for ten years and she never ( meet ) a more considerate employer.
6. Mr Robinson ( think ) of emigrating to Canada but he ( not make ) any definite plans yet.
7. My mother ( sew ) a shirt for my father. She ( spend ) many hours at it.
8. I just ( see ) my brother off at the harbor. He ( take ) a berth on 'The Mermaid'.
9. He ( consider ) taking a long vacation as he ( not have ) a real holiday for years.
10. She ( learn ) to cook many new dishes but she ( not put ) what she ( learn ) into practice yet.
11. I  ( not see ) you for a long time. What you ( do ) ? I ( be ) ill all this while.
12. She ( not be ) here since November. I often ( wonder ) what ( happen ) to her.
13. The Smiths ( live ) in that house for the past six months. They recently ( decide ) to move. Perhaps
their decision ( influence ) by rumors that the house is haunted.
14. I ( look ) at the photograph of the twins for the past ten minutes and I ( not be ) able to tell who is
15. We ( catch ) butterflies near the waterfall all day and we ( not have ) a decent meal at all.
16. We ( try ) to reconcile the two brothers. They ( not speak ) to each other since that argument.
17. Fanny ( practise ) on the piano the whole morning. No one ( allow ) to interrupt her playing.
18. I ( know ) them for some time now but I never ( visit ) them at their house.
19. That clock ( hang ) there for as long as I can remember. It ( not break ) down even once and it ( show )
the correct time too.
20. They ( concentrate ) so much on winning the trophy that they ( neglect ) their studies.

16.Fill in the blanks with the simple present or the present

continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. "Latifah cannot come to the telephone right now because she ______ the baby," Karim told the caller.
( bathe )
2. Margaret ______ her hair every other day. ( wash )
3. Khatijah usually ______ in the front row during Science lessons but today she ______ in the back
row. ( sit )
4. Can you turn down the volume ? I ______ to concentrate on my work. ( try )
5. "Do you always ______ the keys under the mat ?" she asked. ( leave )
6. My friend still hasn't replied my letter. I ______ for her reply. ( wait )
7. After four days of continuous rain, it's wonderful to see that the sun ______ brightly again today.
( shine )
8. Every morning, my cat ______ in through the window and ______ my hand. ( come, lick )
9. He ______ the children to the movies. He ______ them to watch movies every fortnight. ( take )
10. " ______ carefully to this announcement. Sujatha, ______ you _______ ?" said the teacher. ( listen )
17.Complete the sentences using the present perfect or present
perfect continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. The child's temperature ______ since he had the vaccination two days ago. It shows no sign of coming
down ( rise )
2. "Your clothes ______ on the clothes line for two days. Aren't you going to collect them ?" he asked.
( hang )
3. They ______ a huge lunch; they are too full to budge ! ( have )
4. Kenneth and Anne ______ an apartment. They will be moving in next month. ( buy )
5. The hardcore criminal ______ in solitary confinement for 65 days. ( be )
6. A man who resembles the kidnapper ______ loitering outside that private school. ( spot )
7. The girls ______ hard about interesting slogans to write in their entries for the competition. They
hope to win some of the prizes. ( think )
8. That cancer patient ______ very well to chemotherapy. He should be well again very soon. ( respond )
9. Sullivan ______ his school at district-level sports for two years now. ( represent )
10. We ______ not ______ from Marry for months; we hope she is all right. ( hear )
18.Fill in each of the blanks with the correct form of the past
1. The emergency meeting _______ a while ago. ( end )
2. The pupil unintentionally _______ the window pane. ( break )
3. when the telephone rang, no one _______ in the house. ( to be )
4. The error in the notice _______ already. ( correct )
5. If you had called, we _______ readily. ( respond )
6. We _______ the good news last night. ( receive )
7. How I wish I _______ the champion. ( to be )
8. Edwin _______ the riddle for the past hour before he decided to give up. ( solve )
9. By the time the firemen came, the houses _______ to the ground. ( raze )
10. All the stolen goods _______ by the police. ( confiscate )
11. When Aida was a Guide, she always _______ our campfire. ( join )
12. The shopkeeper _______ the door when the robbers appeared. ( close )
13. Before the house owner reached home, the police _______ . ( arrive )
14. If you _______ us, we would have reserved the seat. ( tell )
15. The scouts felt tired since they _______ for the past three hours. ( trek ).

19.Fill in each of the blanks with the correct form of the present
1. Janet ______ karate class every Saturday. ( attend )
2. The market ______ usually noisy in the morning. ( to be )
3. The delivery man ______ the parcel already. ( delivery )
4. The athletes ______ for Canada tomorrow. ( leave )
5. Aida ______ her room for the past hour. ( paint )
6. The breadman ______ to our housing estate every evening. ( come )
7. Warren ______ badminton since primary school. ( play )
8. The meeting ______ due to lack of quorum. ( postpone )
9. You are late. The bus ______ already. ( leave )
10. Everyone ______ about Lin Dan's achievement in the Beijing Olympics. ( talk )
11. When in season, we ______ durians almost every other day. ( eat )
12. Be patient. The circus ______ in a few minutes' time. ( start )
13. Jessie is not in. She ______ a seminar in Kansas City. ( attend )
14. I ______ the orphan a number of times since I first met him. ( help )
15. The eldest brother _______ the family since his father passed away. ( support ).

20.Put the verb in the brackets into the Simple Past tense
1. He ______ ( drink ) a glass of fruit juice before he ______ ( drive ) to the airport.
2. The whole basket of fruit ______ ( fall ) off the lorry, but the lorry-driver _____ ( not notice ) it.
3. The ambulance ______ ( take ) the injured persons to the hospital.
4. The hunters ______ ( not catch ) the tiger although they ______( keep ) watch for it for two days.
5. His voice never ______ ( shake ) when he ______ ( stand up ) to address the audience.
6. The child ______ ( hide ) the toy when he ______ ( see ) his brother approaching.
7. The dress _____ ( shrink ) when she ______ ( wash ) it.
8. She ______ ( prepare )lunch before she ______ ( go ) out.
9. The tree ______ ( be struck ) by lightning last night. Luckily, no one ______ ( be hurt ).
10. He ______ ( pay ) for the book but ______ ( forget ) to take it home.
11. He ______ ( mean ) what he ______ ( say ) when they ______ ( quarrel ) with him.
12. The man who ______ ( run ) amok ______ ( be captured ) by the police before he ______ ( can ) kill
anyone else.
13. Mr White ______ ( not paint ) the mural. We ______ ( do ) it by ourselves.
14. ______ you ______ ( count ) the money before it ______ ( be handed ) in ?
15. They always ______ ( leave ) the light on so that latecomers ______ ( can ) find the way in.
21.Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of the verbs in
the brackets
1. We ______ ( never forget ) what you _____ ( do ) for us.
2. Did you know that an adult human ______ ( breathe ) in and out about 25,000 times a day ? Breathing
______ ( draw ) air into the lungs, part of which ______ ( diffuse ) through the walls of the lungs and
______ ( reach ) the blood in he lung capillaries.
3. ______ you ______ ( look ) for my father ? He ______ ( be ) still at the office. He usually ______
( come ) home at about six o'clock every day.
4. Lewis Carroll ______ ( write ) the book 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'. It ______ ( be
published ) in 1865.
5. We ______ ( be told ) that you ______ ( be ) in Lakeside last month.
6. The hunter ______ ( raise ) his gun, ______ ( aim ) it between the eyes of the crocodile and ______
( fire ). He ______ ( have ) to fire four shots before the crocodile ______ ( die ).
7. He ______ ( offer ) a toast to the newlyweds before he ______ ( leave ) the party.
8. She ______ ( become ) a qualified teacher after two years in the training college, and she ______
( come ) back to teach in one of the schools here.
9. He ______ ( walk ) along the road when he ______ ( see ) his aunt on the other side. He ______
( call ) out, but his aunt ______ ( not see ) him.
10. We suddenly ______ ( realize ) that she ______ ( go ) out without taking her umbrella along. Now, it
______ ( rain ) heavily, and there ______ ( be ) nothing we ______ ( can ) do.
11. He ______ ( be ) still angry with me for what I ______ ( do ) to his car when I ______ ( borrow ) it
last November.
12. When the professor ______ ( reach ) his office, he ______ ( find ) that he ______ ( forget ) his keys.
He ______( stand ) outside, grumbling to himself, before he finally ______ ( decide ) to drive home
again for them.
13. My father always ______ ( do ) the crossword puzzle in the newspaper. He ______ ( do ) them for
five years, but he ______ ( not strike ) the jackpot yet. However, he ______ ( be ) certain that he
______ ( win ) a prize one day.
14. One of her eyes ______ ( water ) because a particle of sand ______ ( get ) into it. She ______ ( wash )
her eyes with some eye-lotion now.
15. The businessmen ______ ( hold ) a meeting to discuss the low price of rubber and ______ ( pass ) a
resolution that they ______ ( investigate ) the matter.
22.Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of the verbs in
the brackets
1. The child _______ ( burn ) himself while he ______ ( play ) with matches. His mother ______ ( apply
) some ointment to the injured area.
2. Lightning ______ ( strike ) last night and ______ ( fuse ) all the lights in the house. My father ______
( inspect ) the damage and ______ ( call ) in an electrician the next day.
3. Somebody ______ ( ask ) for you just now. As you ______ ( be ) out, we ______ ( tell ) him to come
back in the evening.
4. A very strong wind ______ ( blow ) when the train arrived at the station. It ______ ( begin ) to rain
very heavily just as the passengers ______ ( get ) off the train.
5. A burst of applause ______ ( greet ) him when he ______ ( appear ) on the stage. He _______ ( be )
out of the limelight for ten years.
6. Where ______ ( be ) the rest of the coffee ? I ______ ( drink ) only one cup from the pot. Someone
must ______ ( finish ) up the rest.
7. We used to work there; but a year ago, the shop ______ ( close ) down, and we ______ ( be forced )
to seek employment elsewhere.
8. He ______ ( practice ) as a private doctor for twenty years now. He ______ ( say ) that he ______
( retire ) from the profession next year.
9. Since 1967, she ______ ( live ) in that house. Her father ______ ( buy ) a new house in Green Acres
Park, and they ______ ( shift ) there next month.
10. Though he ______ ( win ) a lot of money through gambling, he ______ ( be ) still not satisfied with
what he already ______ ( have ). He ______ ( not realize ) yet that it ______ ( not pay ) to gamble.
11. Every night, he ______ ( take ) a sleeping pill before he ______ ( go ) to bed. He ______ ( do ) this
for the past few years to get himself to sleep.
12. She ______ ( sleep ) while we ______ ( watch ) a film on television last night. We _____ ( try ) to
wake her up, but she _____ ( sleep ) on. This morning, she _____ ( scold ) us for not waking her up.
13. All the pupils ______ ( be told ) by their teacher go go to the library during the free period. I ______ (
go ) to join them now.
14. The caretaker ______ ( lock ) the gates. No one ______ ( be allowed ) to enter or to leave the grounds
until the conference ______ ( be ) over.
15. I ______ ( try ) to get her on the phone all morning but without any success. I ______ ( not think ) that
she ______ ( hear ) about her lucky win in the lottery.

23.Put in the Simple Future Tense or the 'going to' form of the
verb in brackets.
1. If you do not read the instructions carefully, you ______ ( not understand ) how the machine works.
2. You ______ ( have ) a hard time persuading him to change his mind as he ______ ( not listen ) to
3. His parents ______ ( be notify ) as soon as possible. She ______ ( send ) them a telegram.
4. Everyone ______ ( serve ) light refreshments. There ______ ( be ) a concert after that.
5. When ______ Harit ______ ( return ) the magazines I lent him ? He ______ ( bring ) them back soon,
won't he ?
6. I know that you ______ ( like ) this record. I ______ ( play ) it for you now.
7. Dark clouds are gathering in the sky. I'm sure that it ______ ( rain ).
8. She has tickets for the show. She ______ ( take ) us to the show tonight.
9. Why are the brushes and the tin of paint out here ? ______ you ______ ( paint ) the fence ?
10. The new wing of the school ______ ( open ) by the Minister of Education.

23.Put in the Simple Future or the the Future Continuous Tense of

the verb in brackets.
1. I ______ ( see ) Rosie at the library this evening. I can give her your message then.
2. Mr Hicks ______ ( not be ) at home this evening. He ______ ( attend ) a dinner at the hotel.
3. Why did you hide his shoes ? He ______ ( look ) for them everywhere tomorrow.
4. He ______ ( not act ) in the play because he has a sore throat. We ______ ( have ) to find someone to
replace him.
5. The government ______ ( pull ) down all the old houses along this road in a few years' time.
6. He ______ ( not budge ) from the door until you give him the car keys.
7. I hope that you ______ ( do ) well in the examination. I ______ ( pray ) for you.
8. This time tomorrow he ______ ( fly ) to Sydney.
9. The exhibition ______ ( be ) on Saturday. Many people ______ ( come ) to it.
10. The bus drivers are on strike. We ______ ( walk ) to school tomorrow.

24.Put in the correct tense of the verb in brackets.

1. I ______ ( borrow ) a book from the library last week. I ______ ( not return ) it because I _____ ( not
finish ) reading it yet.
2. They ______ ( eat ) groundnuts when I went into the garden. They ______ ( offer ) some to me but I
______ ( not take ) any.
3. We ______ ( hope ) that Andrew would arrive on time; but after we ______ ( wait ) for almost three
hours he still did not turn up.
4. We ______ ( go ) to the library now. ______ you ______ ( come ) with us ?
5. Fannie ______ ( read ) for more than an hour before she realized that she ______ ( forget ) to cook
6. Mrs Leung ______ ( prepare ) to go to market when the telephone ______ ( ring ). The caller ______
( have ) a message for her. He ______ ( say ) that her son had met with an accident and ______ ( be )
in hospital.
7. "Roy ______ ( get ) the ball, ______ ( look ) around for a team mate and ______ ( catch ) sight of
Ferdinand. He ______ ( pass ) the ball to Ferdinand, who in turn ______ ( kick ) the ball to Shane."
8. "Doctor, I ______ ( not feel ) well the past few days and I ______ ( not have ) much sleep either," the
patient said.
9. When they come, I ______ ( tell ) them what I ______ ( think ) of their suggestions.
10. Nowadays a lot of children ______ ( know ) how to swim. Some ______ ( take ) lessons while others
______ ( learn ) by themselves.

25.Put in the correct tense of the verb in brackets.

Bees, like ants, 1. ______ ( live ) in well-organized colonies. Each colony 2. ______ ( have ) thousands of
bees; that is why a hive 3. ______ ( always buzz ) with activity.

The entrance to a beehive 4. ______ ( be ) very well-guarded. Should another insect try to go in and steal
honey, the guards 5. ______ ( grab ) it and 6. ______ ( sting ) it to death. All the while there 7. ______ ( be ) a
busy traffic of bees coming and going. One after another they 8. ______ ( take ) off while others, heavily
loaded with nectar and pollen, land and 9. ______ ( enter ) the hive. These are the forager bees which 10.
______ ( fly ) out and 11. ______ ( collect ) food for the other bees in the hive. They 12. ______ ( do ) a sort of
dance to tell one another where and how far away food 13. ______ ( be ). The one which 14. ______ ( find )
food does the dance and once they 15. ______ ( tell ) where to go, the others 16. ______ ( fly ) off to bring
back more of the food.
26.Put in the correct Present Tense form of the verb in brackets.
1. No one ______ ( listen ) to him because what he ______ ( say ) ______ ( not make ) any sense.
2. A series of burglaries ______ ( have ) taken place in the neighborhood during the past month. The
police ______ ( be ) hot on the tracks of the thieves.
3. It ______ ( appear ) that no one ______ ( be ) at home. Where ______ ( have ) everybody gone ?
4. _______ ( have ) any of you got a pen-knife ? The one I have ______ ( be ) too blunt.
5. Western-style food ______ ( be ) what every lodger here ______ ( eat ) for breakfast. However, the
menu for lunch and dinner ______ ( vary ) according to the day of the week.
6. Neither you nor she ______ ( be ) to participate in the festival. Work ______ ( come ) first and both of
you ______ ( have ) to complete it before anything else ______ ( be ) done.
7. The ocean-liner, with its passengers and crew, ______ ( be ) tossed about by the turbulent waves that
______ ( be ) higher than the liner itself. All radio contact ______ ( be ) lost and any hope of
immediate rescue ______ ( be ) gone.
8. Neither those boys nor that girl ______ ( be ) willing to go. All of them ______ ( say ) they _____
( have ) more urgent matters to attend to.
9. Many a person ______ ( have ) attempted to do the same thing but failed. Intelligence and not mere
strength ______ ( be ) the deciding factor.
10. The boys, as well as their sister, ______ ( be ) going hitch-hiking. Each of them _____ ( have ) a
knapsack where all their things ______ ( be ) kept.

27.Check whether the tenses used in the sentences are right or

wrong. Write 'W' for the wrong tense and 'R' for the right tense in
the spaces provided. Then write the correct form of the tense.
1. In the past, disabled people are treated badly. ______.
2. The blind man was crossing the road when a car knocked him down. ______.
3. Helen Keller is a role model for people with physical impairments. ______.
4. At present, the workers were repairing the broken ramps. ______.
5. As a wheelchair-bound student, Salina faces a lot of difficulties when she was in university. ______.
28.Fill in the blanks with the right words
1. The meeting was at 9 o'clock. When I ______ ( arrive ) at 10, the meeting had finished.
2. When we got to the airport, I realized that I ______ ( leave ) my passport at home.
3. He didn't realize that he had gone through a red light, until a policeman ______ ( stop ) him.
4. They didn't want to go to the cinema because they ______ ( see ) the film the week before.
5. Barbara ______ ( change ) so much that I didn't recognize her.
6. The next day, she moved away, as she ______ ( plan ) to.
7. They wondered where she ______ ( go ).
8. When she had cried for half an hour she ______ ( begin ) to feel better.
9. For three weeks, she behaved as if nothing ______ ( change ).
10. She ______ ( take ) the news calmly as if she had expected it.
29.Give the right forms of the verbs m brackets: Future Tenses.
1. I’m sure they (complete) the new road by June.
2. He (wait) for you when you (get) back tomorrow.
3. At this same time tomorrow, we (drive) through Pennsylvania.
4. We (see) you next Monday.
5. In two years from now, the contract (come) to an end.
6. Who (look) after the children when you are away?
7. By November I (work) for this company for 6 years.
8. If you call her at 6, she (practise) the piano then.
9. By March 15, I (be) here for one year.
10. We (move) to our new house at Christmas this year.
11. By the end of December, John (work) as a reporter for ten years.
12. By the time you arrive, I (finish) writing an essay.
13. I (give) him your message when I (see) him.
14. He certainly (not do) all his homework by ten tonight.
15. Don’t call him at 2:30 p.m. He (interview) job applicants at that time.
16. The teacher hopes we (pass) our exams.
17. By this time next week, he (write) his novel for 6 months.
18. They (arrive) on Wednesday.
19. I hope the weather (be) fine tonight.
20. You (finish) your work by 9 tonight?
30.Supply the correct verb forms.
1. I (see) a car accident while I (wait) for you on this corner yesterday.
2. Mr Jone (be) principal of our school since last year.
3. Mr Smith (teach) at this school since he (graduate) in 1980.
4. My father (not watch) TV every night.
5. I (meet) Arthur three weeks ago.
6. Yesterday the police (report) that they (capture) the thief.
7. My friend (thank) me for what I had done for him.
8. Someone (steal) my handbag on the bus.
9. The Browns (live) in Paris for 7 years when the second World War (break) out.
10. Last month I (be) in the hospital for ten days.
11. Don’t call me in the afternoon. I usually (be) away in the afternoon.
12. Mr Clark (be) in New York 2 months ago. Mr Rossi (be) in New York until 2 months ago.
13. John (drive) that car ever since I (know) him.
14. People (speak) English in most of Canada.
15. The dog (wag) his tail whenever he (see) me.
16. What you (do) when I (ring) you last night?
17. Up to then I never (see) such a fat man.
18. I (not see) him since last Monday.
19. They had sold all the books when we (get) there.
20. I think he (leave) as soon as he (know) the news.
21. She (play) the piano when our guests (arrive) last night.
22. He (come) and (see) you soon.
23. I (come) as soon as I have finished my work. You (be) ready?
24. My mother (come) to stay with us next weekend.
25. Where you (spend) your holidays next summer?
26. Violets (bloom) in spring.
27. We (not live) in England for two years now.
28. I (never forget) what you (just tell) me.
29. They (prepare) the Christmas dinner at the moment.
30. When I last (stay) in Cairo, I (ride) to the Pyramids on a camel that my friend (borrow) the day before.
31. Our teacher (tell) us yesterday that he (visit) England in 1970.
32. George (work) at the university so far.
33. When he lived in Manchester, he (work) in a bank.
34. Birds (build) their nests in summer and (fly) to the South in winter.
35.1 (lose) my key. (can) you help me look for it?
36. My father (not smoke) for 5 years.
37. My teacher wasn’t at home when I (arrive). He (just go) out.
38. How long Bob and Mary (be) married?
39. You (receive) any letter from your parents yet?
40. My brother (join) the army when he (be) young.
41. You (remember) my name or you (forget) it someday?
42. Tom (study) chemistry for three years and then he gave it up.
43. Miss Lee often (write) when she was on holiday.
44. He (leave) home two weeks ago and we (not hear) from him since then.
45. You (speak) to Mrs Baker yesterday? 
No, I (not see) her for a long time.
I (not can) remember when I last (see) her.
46. When the teacher came in, the pupils (play) games.
47. Columbus (discover) America more than 400 years ago.
48. By next month, I (finish) my first novel.
49. By May 5, we (live) in this city for ten years.
50. Bill said he (forget) to buy a dictionary.

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