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ABM (Accountancy Business and Management ) Department, is a strand offered to senior high school students
under the Academics track. The ABM Senior High School strand is designed for students who intend to take up accountancy,
business administration, banking and finance, hospitality management, and other accounting related courses in college. As part of
their function in the school is to participate during events and programs of the school.
The department will be conducting try-outs and practices that are beyond the class hours of the students to help them
prepare for the competitions that they are assigned with. Furthermore, the try-outs and practice schedule are set at 8:00 - 4:00
p.m. on November 5-11, 2022. Rest assured the scheduled hour is strictly followed to ensure that students will not affect their
academic-related matters.
The said activity is approved by the department head and so as the advisers of the department. As proof, below are the
signatures of the concerned and supervising entities.

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Ms. Rodelyn M. Alianza Mr. Kenneth Malabanan Ms. Ann Marjorie Boban

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Ms. Leny A. Lat Mrs. Geraldine B. Enriquez Ms. Jenelyn C. Ganaba

Below is the consent waiver that the parents/guardians shall sign and agree with before pursuing and permitting the
members in participating the said practice schedule.


As the parent or legal guardian of__________________________, I hereby acknowledge that I have been informed of the details
of the conduct of ABM Department.

I understand that Tanauan Institute Inc., shall implement the minimum public health standards set by the government to
minimize risk of the spread of COVID-19 but it cannot guarantee that my child will not become infected with COVID-19, given
that COVID-19 is highly contagious.

I understand that my child in-person attendance in school will include associating with teachers, fellow learners and school
personnel, and other persons inside and outside of the school that may put my child at risk of COVID-19 transmission,
notwithstanding the precautions undertaken by the school.

I acknowledge that my child participation in ABM Department Try-outs is completely voluntary. While there remains the risk
of possible COVID-19 transmission to my child, and to the members of my household, I freely assume the said risk and I permit
my child to attend school under this activity.

I am aware that the symptoms of COVID-19 include, but are not limited to, fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or
difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose,
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
I confirm that my child currently has none of those symptoms, and is in good health. I will not allow my if my child to physically
go to school to attend the activity if my child or any member of my household develops any of the said symptoms or any other
symptoms of illness that may not be related to COVID-19. I will also inform the school and not allow my child to attend the
practice if my child or any of my household members tests positive for COVID-19. My child and I, with my health household
members, will follow the required health and safety protocols and procedures adopted by the school and our community.
To the extent allow by law and rules, I hereby agree to waive, release, and discharge any and all claims, causes of actions,
damages, and rights against the school and its personnel as well as officials and personnel of the Tanauan Institute relative to the
conduct of the said activity.
With full understanding, I - on behalf of myself, my household members, and my child - hereby freely and voluntarily
give my consent to my child’s participation in SPORTS FEST practice sessions during the School Year 2022 to 2023 at
Tanauan Institute, Inc., Tanauan City, Batangas. I also attest that I had sought the views of my child and he/she has
expressed willingness to participate.

________________________________________ Date: ______________________________

Signature of Parent / Guardian over Printed Name
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Contact Number: _______________________________________________________________

_________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Signature of Student over Printed Name
Strand and Section: _________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Contact Number: _________________
*Attach a copy of parent’s or guardian’s valid ID with signature. You may submit this form through online or in printed copy.

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