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Scanned with CamS Blackbook of English Vocabulary: a All Idioms asked in SSC Exams [St Selces /ehesses ER MaAnInyLaEeSEOMpeR|ECminal een eae Ree 5 ing (as per SSC Paper: 1 Abad hair day ee) Hina 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 u 1 1 1 1 oO 1 2 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 21 22 23 24 28 Abad patch A bed of roses Abee hive A big draw A bird’s eye view (3) A Blessing in disguise (4) A blue-eyed boy (2) A bolt from the blue (7) A bone of contention (5) A bull in a China shop (2) A burning question A cakewalk (3) A carrot and stick approach (2) A change of heart A child’s play (2) A chip off the old block (4) Aclose shave (5) A closed book A close-fisted person (4) Acold fish A cuckoo in the nest A cut above ‘something (2) A damp squib (2) A damsel in distress A day on which everythin; wean rything seems to go wage A period of difficulty An easy and happy situatio! eee n sivas Ga A busy place Huge attraction as _ A general view from above a tae An apparent misfortune that eventually qubini ge has good results. // a hidden favour // Something that seems bad turns out to be good One who is favourite aie ar art (aga oT) Something unexpected and unpleasant // orate Het complete surprise // a sudden calamity // an unexpected disaster Cause of dispute / cause for quarrel wt frag An extremely awkward, clumsy person herr # ata (set aft) An important question sent Something very easy // an easy xa achievement // Extremely easy Rewards and punishments that influence ara ts te someone's behavior ‘A change in one's opinion fran fi wear Something that is very easy weit aaa (sre =m) Reminds them of one’s father // someone Ser ar Saat similar in character to one’s father // Resembling parents Narrow escape from danger Amystery A miser Someone who seems ‘unfriendly and who does not share his feelings. ‘an unwelcome intruder Superior to isappointi a situation or A disappoint oe eo pressive than expected Ahelpless woman 93. Scanned with CamS 26 ~ aT 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 - 35 36 37 38 39 = 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams SB CUCh OMe Meaning (as per SSC Papers) A dark horse (6) ‘An unexpected winner // someone who unexpectedly succeeds // an unknown entry // a competitor of unknown capabilities A diamond in the rough Someone or something with potential or talent but lacking training or polish: A dime a dozen (2) Very common and of no particular value. A dog's breakfast A total mess. A dog's life A miserable existence A drop in a bucket A very insignificant amount A drop in the ocean A very small amount compared with what (2) is needed or expected. A dry run a rehearsal A fish out of water (6) An uncomfortable position // in unfamiliar circumstances A flying visit Avery short visit A fool's paradise (3) Being happy for foolish reasons // a state of happiness based on a person's not knowing about potential trouble. A gentleman at large Aman without a job ‘Agolden mean (2) _Middle course between two extremes i neither too much nor too little ‘A Good Samaritan A helpful person ‘A green horn ‘An inexperienced man ‘A hair’s breadth Telling about the smallest possible amount or degree of something Ahairbreadth escape A narrow escape ‘Ahad nut to crack Difficult task // a difficult problem to (8) solve // A tough challenge A hornet’s nest (2) ‘An unpleasant situation // a troublesome — situation ‘A hot potato ‘A controversial issue Ahouse of cards ‘An insecure scheme ‘A jame excuse Unsatisfactory explanation stock (3) An object of laughter //an object of A laughing ridicule “aed, ‘An ambiguous compliment // insulting A at (2) remark appearing as praise OULAINICU WILT Udlllo' Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams PUM eaeecs Case) Hindi| 2 50 Aleopard can’t change It is impossible for one to change one’s. aun tia7 saan, 7 its spots character var ga ara (Reh afta at azerat oriva 2) 51 Alittle bird told me Used to indicate that the speaker knows aw qa ft wea something but chooses to keep the a identity of their informant secret. ~ 52 Alittle gush of Friendly feeling aE HET gratitude 53 Alive wire (2) Lively and active arate arts 54 Alot on your plate (2) To have a large number of problems to aga att fataricat deal with // having many responsibilities 55 Amanofletters(3) Proficient in literary art fear _56 _ Aman of spirit is A very courageous man ‘are sare 57 Aman ofstraw(4) A man of no substance // A weak person aaah afer 58 _A mare's nest (2) A difficult situation ‘after ar were Rear 59 Amonth of Sundays _A long time aan aT 60 A moot point Disputed - ‘frente fer 61 Aneedle ina Something that is very difficult to locate arr act gE (tt haystack (3) // Attempting something impossible ths fad Gat. eat a) - 62 Anig-nog A fool saat ar sien (ae aafir) 63 A pain in the neck Irritating meee arett 64 A Penelope's web Endless aa’ 65 Apenny for your Away of asking what someone is thinking af aq ata er ae thoughts (2) et ar atta 66 Apicture paints a An image of a subject conveys its meaning uw fax # Um GR T= thousand words more effectively than a description does. are 67 A piece of cake Something easy ‘aga Sar 68 A piece of cake (3) Avery easy task aed a Ga (aTart arm) 789 Arainy day ‘Time of difficulty ‘afta ae (#foare at era) 70 A ray of hope Something that provides a small amount caren Ay Per of optimism4in a difficult situation. 95 OLAINICU WILT Udlllo' Blackbook of English Vocabulary: Alll Idioms asked in SSC Exams Sct wae Reeeeh ease Hing 71 Ared letter day (10) An important day // a day that is TEE pleasantly noteworthy or memorable // happy and significant day // a very special day 72 Ared rag toa bull An object, utterance, or act which is ais Hae a certain to provoke someone. earn (qa at aq 73 Asacred cow A person never to be criticised are ai - 74 Asafepairofhands A reliable person Frat ay -75 Asea change (2) A profound or notable transformation. wits 76 Ashot in the arm (2) An encouraging stimulus, // something seaTeats there that gives encouragement 77 — Asight for sore eyes A person or thing that one is extremely ata Ate pleased or relieved to see. 78 Asnake in the grass A treacherous person // an unreliable set ar at (7) and deceitful person // A secret enemy ad 79 A sore point with Something which hurts adh we atta - 80. Astiff-necked person _ An obstinate person safgaa ais 81 Astone’s throw away Ata short distance arate (6) 8 82 Astorminateacup Big fuss over a small matter aaa aeT (2) - 83 Astuffed shirt Pompous person sneer - 84 Athor inthe flesh A source of continual annoyance or sf are trouble. 85 A tuming point Anything that brings about changes arte 86 A vexed question Controversial | 87 = Awalk of life A person's occupation or position within Pratt a society, cafe ar a 88 Awet blanket (2) A person who discourages enjoyment o - enthusiasm // someone who prevents. ig other people from having fun (Far fees ee A white elephant (4) Costly and troublesome Ssessic at eg useless to its owner SS°Ssion ‘ge ae Peat 90 Awild goose chase (9) Futile search // unprofitable adventure A wolf in sheep's Hypocrite // a dangerous Person. Hat OF Sothing (2) pretending to be harmless aaa 92 Above board (3) Honest and frank // without any secrer gra 96 OLAINICU WILT Udlllo' En 93 94 95 96 97 98 ~ 99 » 100 © 101 ~ 102 103 104 105 - 106 -107 108 +109 110 BET 112 113 114 2ils Blackbook of English Vocabulai eae ‘Above/Over one’ head (2) Achilles’ heel (4) Acid test (2) Actions speak louder than words (3) Adam’s ale Add insult to injury (4) After one’s own heart Aid and abet Alarums and excursions Alive and kicking All agog, All and sundry (2) All ears (3) All hands on deck All hat and no cattle Allin All in a day's work All moonshine (4) All our might and main (2) Il Idioms asked i SSC Exams eee) All over hell's half acre Everywhere All thumbs (2) Alma mater Alpha and omega (2) ee Ear ‘cyond one's understanding // beyond ak one’s capability to understand something “= A wealmess or vulnerable point. ert Pefinitive proof of truth or falsehood // A aft afte fact, event or situation that proves something fers) What you do is more important than what wert 2 afte ect you say // What you do reveals the real tent ® you // Intentions can be judged by People’s actions Water wt To further a loss with mockery to worsen wa 1 ane fogeaT an unfavourable situation. // Make a bad situation even worse ‘Sharing or having one's tastes or views. 7 fare To help someone to commit a crime anne & fee Sear ar Hee ET Confused activity and uproar sar fafatir In good health wed caret Amazed ar Everybody without distinction // All wat fet te included Listening intently // very attentive wager Everyone available to help with a problem wren & ee & fer anit ar avery eT One who is full of big talk but lacks ‘Si eit wet substance and action Exhausted AOS THT Part of a person's typical work tant ot Far from reality // concocted // nonsense Fraract Full force a (qe 380 @) watt re es oat Clumsy // physically awkward Seis, ee te Institution where I got education aoe at sft Beginning and end 97 bof 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 7131 132 133 134 135 (A396 Ast 138 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams ere eeeed Meaning (as per SSC Papers) Alphabet soup (2) ‘A metaphor for an abundance of abbreviations or acronyms Always a bridesmaid Someone who is never the most important wa# erat 2% ay never a bride person in a particular situation aren eR An about tum Complete change of opinion fra aT ET Re An account which is in That which is overdrawn ear rer Fare Free the red ag aft sea ET a afte a An arm-chair critic Someone who gives advice based on eae fergie STITH theory not practice ware 33 aren aati a A careers 6T ae at ‘An arrow in the quiver Strategies that can be followed grace Pract Fae far ‘An article of faith A firmly held belief eho ‘an axe to grind (4) A private interest to serve // have a fret end selfish interest An iron will (3) A firm opinion // strong determination amg yA An open book (3) One that held no secrets // one about gett fae whom it is easy to know everything (Pea ret ea) ‘an uphill task Difficult task 4 Ne of discord (2) Cause of animosity // something that App! causes friction e gerd a aut 1 2) Very dear to someon Apple of one’s eye ( ec ws oe sa ae (age) . Two unlike thi Apples and oranges ings or people (2) a ara at Gregus eyed Observant ‘around the clock Day and night aaa As a matter of fact Actually as it happens fer ing bald as acue ball Completely bald ora As clear as @ a Readily understood ya ae a As clear as mut Impossible to und: age a oe lerstand ‘as daft as a brush (2) Extremely silly aarwar oreiia it as a fiddl ae As fit le (2) Strong and healthy ‘iol ashardasanail (3) Emoti ‘motionless // unrelenti age sree eared # féelings ing // to have no as high as a kite aa wren ‘oxicated with alcohol mai gt OCAHNeU WILT Udlllo Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams Cucicee Leese 140. As the crow flies The shortest route j41 Ask for trouble Act in a way that is likely to incur problems or difficulties. 142 Asleep atthe wheel _Not attentive to one's duties 143 _Assume airs Pretend superiority 144 “Ataloss Unable to decide 145. Ata stretch Continuously 146 Atany cost Under any circumstances 147 At daggers drawn (3) Enemies // hostile 148. Ateach other's throats Arguing angrily 149 At large (2) A criminal escaped or not yet captured. 7 150 At loggerheads (2) In conflict with someone sreeat % arr fea ‘farare 151 At loose ends In an uncertain situation caPifira far 152 At one’s wit’s end (7) To be puzzled // not knowing what todo qaeqsit ¢-gat filfta /{ Quite perplexed // Be overwhelmed ga fp aan ae st AT with problems wore 153 Atrandom In arandom manner afratrs ate a 184 At sea (3) At aloss // perplexed // confused eat 155 At short notice With little warning or time for preparation ar woe 156 Atsixes and sevens In disorder or confusion Sree a ae (2 157 ° snail’s pace (3) Do something very slowly age eit-ae 158 At somebody's expense Paid for by someone ‘fret ste fer yar oT 159 At stake In danger we, ta 160 At the drop of a hat Without any hesitation // instantly // we (7) without having planned beforehand 161 At the eleventh hour At the very last moment onftad wes ae (6) 162 ie top of your lungs Extremely loudly. ake Rea = 163 At variance with In opposite favar Han orem ST 164 Average out To produce a result that is even and agfera tar balanced when looked at over a period of : time 165 Back in saddle Resume duty amit aaa teat 99 tom scanned witn Lams i i ‘ams Blackbook of English Vocabulary: Alll Idioms asked in SSC Exé ieee Redes asset E a Support ck me ; i or out of Withdraw from a commitment . i 8 Back seat driver (3) Interfering in affairs without having Imowledge 169 Back to square one (2) To return to the starting point 170 Back to the drawing Used to indicate that an idea has been “ board (2) unsuccessful and that a new one must be devised // plan it all over again 171 Bad blood (5) Angry feeling // enmity // ill feeling 172 Bad hats People of bad character 173 Bag and baggage With all one's belongings ‘aeat fare (arr Si) 174 Ball is in your court It is up to you to make the next decision (4) or step // To be responsible for further action Nonsensical talk ‘Threat is worse than the action taken 175 Banana oil 176 Bark is worse than his bite 177 Barking up the wrong ‘Trying to do somethi ing in a way that will tree (6) not work 178 Batten down the Prepare for a difficult situation hatches 179 Bea dab hand at Skilled in a particular area something 180 Beadead meat 181 Beall one to 182 Be an old hat 183 Be behind the times 184 Be born with a silver spoon in the mouth -185 Be down with 186 Be full of beans Full of energy and life 187 Be glad to see the To be in serious trouble Make no difference Be outdated Be old fashioned Be born in a rich family Suffering from Be Be gad to happy when a person leaves afin on a get 188 Be going places (2) Talented and successful ara a a Be in force In great strength or numbers, 190 Be in the air (3) When an emotion or idea is on everyone's fra 2 mind. // under cons; 5S eetlice sideration // still to 191 Be i % in the red (2) To be in a loss or debt, ania ton OLAINICU WILT Udlllo' Sy 192 7193 194 195 2 196 7197 198 199 200 201 ~ 202 = 203 204 + 205 7206 7207 208 - 209 210 72 212 213 214 215 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms aske ieee Be in two minds (2) Be left stranded Be on a high alert Be on the air Be on the square Be out of order (2) Be under no:illusions Be under somebody's thumb (2) Be wet behind the ears (5) Be worlds apart Bear down Bear in mind Bear the brunt of Bear the palm (2) Bear up with Bear with Beat around the bush (5) Beat one's brains out Bed of roses (2) Been nipped in the bud (2) Beggar description Behind one’s back Behind the scenes Bell the cat ue eee) SSC Exams Unable to decide // to be ‘undecided ‘gfaer 8 dat To be the last person on whom the blame — aifaq. afte Bat na falls on eventually sam: are Be watchful and ready to take action ‘stat eT Broadcast over the radio or on tv. Yea ve eet we oT To act and speak honestly Serer 8 aa aot A device not working properly or at all. aya aan set oT Be fully aware of the true state of affairs, ‘fat wr aoe, areca ane steer wT Be controlled by someone completely // fei ah Fae under control of Young and inexperienced aaa Be very different. age err eo To move quickly towards someone ina Ra ARN A ate eh determined and threatening way aaa Remember ea bear the maximum fury ad sare west da i ser To win ter Endure am Have patience iver Avoiding the main topic ae Recer at eT To put forth one's maximum effort wae Tore oT ‘A pleasant situation // An enjoyable state gure fet Dropped at an early stage // To stop emt ant et gaet something before it has an opportunity to ar develop Cannot be described tafe adi fren st aaa In one’s absence ts eh (arte) Unknown to everyone wee Do the impossible task free md Hat 104 steer (area ad a) scamrenwrrcanis ckbook of English Vocabulary: Al idioms askea i oo Blackbook of Engl lat la ir Eeeber asa) d Meaning (as per ae Ceara cera c ce rere every effort to achieve something, OE TTE ay ew rt | s helpful. // To exe 16 Bend over jally to be fair or me expecially be eda ame end // THY 1 | accommodate and please someone Irrelevant STE gy (2) _Irrelev: parece acids A situation wherein someone has the ahi ert Fj R worl 2 ; eae privilege of enjoying two different (cama ama opportunities // all the advantages 219 Best thing since sliced Most useful innovation in a long time AGI SHE SH gy bread eg th 220 Between the devil and Between two great difficulties amt gait sid ent @ the deep sea wet Bet aah) 221 Between the horns of A difficult situation / choice ary peat Hes aE (a, a dilemma (2) wai Hatt & aie) 222 Beyond the pale (2) Unreasonable or unacceptable Teta 223 Birds of the same Persons of same character wh &t deft & aR feather (2) (era afta & oh} 224 Bite off more than To take more than one can deal with // to art ana & ate one can chew (5) take on a task too big for oneself aa at 225 Bite the bullet (2) To force yourself to do something aad # eaten aa unpleasant 226 Bite the dust (3) Suffer a defeat // to die gt Seat (ere a 227 Bite your tongue Stop yourself from saying something Fo wet age a et = 228 Black out Lost consciousness aaa at +229 Black ox Misfortune or 230 Black sheep Person with bad reputation att ten aren as 231 Blind alley A situation in whi e which no further pro, : can be made Progress omer wen —232 Blow his top Be ver Ty angry ct 233 Blow one’s own Pri et aise oneself // t, 7 ae Rae onset // to boast about their ane Ye frat fig Ft (qe arti a #4) ~ 234 Blow over Pass off -ierr, 235 Blue- blooded Of noble birth Se 236 Body and soul With all your energy 7 Si ort & (et avert ) 237 Bone to pick Cause of quarrel 7 ware Ht ae (aIST j 238 Break in Force entry aeagees aT 1n9 OLAINICU WILT Udlllo' Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams Peeeee ae) oinees mo Break the ice (7) Initiate something // to start a at 2 conversation // To make someone wit ten gomfortable (art qe a) 40. Breath of fresh air someone or something new and refreshing arse 1 Breathing down his Watching all his actions closely 7 neck Seven (en ; Ron 242. Breathing the air Useless tasks eae 7243 Bring about Cause to happen ve 1244 Bringhome the bacon To be successful aan 245 Bring the house Made the audience applaud ait are aed a down (2) enthusiastically en 246 Bring to light Reveal clearly pier 247 Bringto one’s knees _To force to submit wei a (ara : al 248 Brokealance with To argue against fea aeu ot 1249 Broke down (2) Wept bitterly // cried eat 2250 Broke off Suddenly stopped Sa IAT 251 Broke Priscian’s head To use bad grammar “aya ar a SRI 252 Broke up Disbanded itself eta teat 253 Broken reed Support that failed fame att 254 Brought about Caused carlos Fe 7 255 brought to book held accountable eter art 4256 Brought up Introduced for discussion rai fare ber eT 287 Brown study A mood of deep absorption or oar i ga SFT thoughtfulness (Reverie) 258 Bugs me Irritates me TERS 259 Build castles inthe | Daydream // Have unrealistic ideas // to ak fet ART air (4) create impossible dreams or hopes (a2 eer a7) - : we 260 Burn your boats (2) Do something that makes it impossible to «ft? aa id return to the previous situation ae wea eT = Bury the hatchet (7) To make peace // forget past quarrels ina * = Butt in Interrupt wagnt Butterflies in the Being nervous 264 Rgmach (2) ; ar eT ton her lip Stop talking (ata ag =r) 265 B ” F ag HT a ” Ya whisker By a small margin 103 OLAINICU WILT Udlllo' ES 266 267 268 269 4270 271 ee) 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 _ 284 285 286 2287 +288 289 290 291 292 = 293 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All I Peer mestcnhatetes By and By By and large By courtesy of By fair means or foul (2) By fits and starts (9) By hook or by crook (2) By leaps and bounds (9) By putting two and two together By the skin of his teeth (2) Call down Call in question Call it a day (5) Call on (2) Called for Calls the shots (2) Came out of his shell Can't cut the mustard ‘Meaning (as per SSC Papers) Gradually In general Given or allowed by In any way honest or dishonest unsteady // irregularly By any means, good or bad Very quickly // rapidly To deduce from given facts By the narrowest margin // Having a narrow escape To scold Challenge Decide or agree to stop doing something // to give up work and go back to home Pay a visit Asked To be in control // to be the person in charge Became more sociable To be unable to do a job Can't judge a book by We should not judge something primarily its cover (2) Cap in hand Capital punishment Carry out (2) Carry the ball Carry the can Carry the day (4) Carry weight Carve out a niche Cash-strapped cast a slur upon on its appearance Ina respectful manner Death sentence Complete something // execute Be in charge To take the responsibility of some misdemeanour win a victory Be important Developed a specific position for himself impoverished damaged 104 Idioms asked in SSC Exams wae ‘first sa ‘ferett sore fare a fafa a cre enfin freer atest eh Herel acre ett gaigara ae rr TE OLdINICU WILT Udl 5 Ey 294 295 296 2 29T 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 -3il 312 313 314 315 316 -— 317 318 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: Alll Idioms asked in SSC Exams Idioms / Phrases Casting pearls before swine Cat nap (2) Catch 22 Catch a tartar Catch red handed (5) Catch time by the forelock Cat's whiskers Changed colours Chapter and verse Cheek by jowl (2) Chew something over Chicken feed Chicken hearted (4) Chicken out (2) Children should be seen and not heard Chill out Clean hands Cloak and dagger (2) Closed the book on Cloven hoof Cock and bull story (8) Cold comfort Come hell or high water (2) Come in handy Come off race ash) Offering good things to undeserving people To have disturbed sleep // brief sleep A particular situation in which one cannot teh ftaft frat go 7a do any thing To deal with a person who is more than one’s match ‘To catch someone doing something illegal // Caught in the act of committing the crime Seize opportunity To be highly impressive ‘Turned pale Provided minute details Very close together Discuss or consider something at length Very little money ‘Timid // Cowardly To decide not to do something because you are too frightened // withdrew Children should not spealc in the presence of adults To calm down Innocent An activity that involves mystery and secrecy Stopped working on ‘The evil intention ‘An implausible story used as an explanation or excuse // absurd story // Improbable story Slight satisfaction No matter what // In spite of any obstacles ‘Turn out to be useful. Be separated 105 OCAINICU WILT Udlllo' ‘rat aaa ara saan 8 st feat ara (sore at ER) eT aR AT SMT FEAT rates sae shat 3g aT ei ate area Te Aref ara BraK FEAT gr ar te Sc SIT qed at aera A saftata 4 ae ater anf, ‘aia ar, eft afafafer fare wer tte sitestaer mfite et ar For az FT qa feet ‘a-farcte Ht on Fe-eiT ara watt safer & aaa ‘ordhtt eer sre ReT Et AT Blackbook of English Vocabulary: Il Idioms asked in SSC Exams ‘SN Idioms / Phrases Meaning (as per SSC Papers) ery 319 Come rain or shine (2) Under any circumstances // whatever fre oft aitReat§ happens 320 Come to grief Have an accident // meet with disaster Bion ar ore ay 321 Come to light (2) Been revealed // To be known publicly yar # oat (cor ge) ,322 Cometoterms with To gradually accept a sad situation ‘ereara & aah ax gy something 323 Come to the point To speak plainly about the real issue Re Ata aa, 324 Come true To happen in the way you had hoped waa aaa 325 Come what may No matter what happens. ant stat ay, - 326 Cool about working Ready to work 327 Cool as a cucumber Not nervous or emotional // to be calm (2) 328 Cool it To relax 329 Cool your heels (2) To be kept waiting // Unwillingly wait for something or someone 330 Cope with Handle ~ 331 Cordoned off. Isolated 332 Cost an arm anda Very expensive leg (6) 333 Couch potato (4) A lazy person // a person who watches too much television 334 Count one's blessings Be grateful for what one has st fart sat grit 7 335 Crash and burn To fail completely 336 Creature comforts Luxuries 337 Cross out Eliminate 338 Cross that bridge Solve the problem 339 Cross that bridge Deal with something only when necessary when you come to it // deal witha problem when and if it (2) arises. 340 Cross your fingers To hope that things will happen in the way that you want them to. 341 Crossed swords Disagreed , _. 342 Crunch time A critical moment near the end of a game when decisive action is needed. ~ 343 Cry down saa Cry in the wilderness (2) To depreciate An unrealistic demand // unpopular opinion // an unheeded warning Scanned with CamS 353 = 354 7355 - 356 357 358 2359 360 361 — 362 = 363 2 364 365 366 367 = 368 369 CMC cea tr 345 Cry over spilt milk (7) Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams Meaning (as per SSC Eo) To complain about a loss from the past // to regret about that which cannot be rectified // Feeling sorry over a mistake that cannot be changed Cry wolf To raise a false alarm Cup of tea Something that pleases one Carrying favour with Ingratiate oneself with someone through (2) obsequious behaviour Cut a sorry figure Cut and dried (2) Cut corners (2) Created a wrong impression Ready made // Already decided Do something perfunctorily so as to save time or money // saving money Cut him off, without a Disinherited him Hindi a ere ea at fafa spin a wea ter an fat a mat regi ar Tet Os SISat aT ai onan, we a (naa) aa & eo wir are & aaa shilling ae Cut in Interrupt someone while they are speaking ara i deer Cut no ice with me (2) Had no influence on me aig waa at aga oa-a“e Cut orfé short To interrupt someone a Cut short Make shorter as if by cutting off ae mde Cut the Gordian knot Removed the difficulty // to perform a ait afta we aT (2) difficult task ener Cut the mustard (2) To perform well // To succeed oreo yet eT Cut to the chase (3) —_ To start talking about the important Re SET aspects of something // come to the point Cut to the quick Hurt intensely sraarait Se agar Dance to someone's _Do what others want you to do ref we aren (a6 eT tune sign af) Dead heat Close contest that ends in a tie aust ar yet Dead in the water No chance of succeeding or making any = wea i ara ora progress ef i afr Dead set against Disapproved eg a8 fa Deep pockets A lot of money 7 i yeaa eat Die hard Unwilling to change e Died in harness (3) _ Died while working // to die while in tar ea ER aT service i =a Do good turn (2) To help someone // Render a service fata aa = Do a roaring trade Highly successful . sweater 107 OLAINICU WILIT Udlllo' Blackbook of Enj LG ties erties ‘Meaning (as per SSC Papers) 2370 Do away with ‘To abolish 371 Door die ‘To make a final effort + 372 Dog eat dog Ruthlessly competitive 373 Dog in a manger Selfish 374 Done for Ruined 375 Donkey’s years (2) A long time 376 Don't count your Do not count on a good thing that has not chickens before they yet happened hatch (2) 377 Don't putall your Don't put all your resources in one place eggs in one basket (2) /378 Dot one’s i’s and cross Be detailed and exact W/ one’s t's ~379 Down and out Without money 380 Downinthedumps Sad and depressed -381 Down the drain Wasted or lost 382 Down-to-earth Practical and direct -383 Draconian law Extremely severe law 384 Drag one's feet Be reluctant to act 7%} 385 Draw a blank (3) ‘To be unsuccessful // find no favour 386 Draw a line (2) To fix a limit 387 Dressed to kill Dressed to attract attention 388 Dressing-down Give a scolding Used his imagination 389 Drew on his fancy Emphasise // to emphasize an important _-390 Drive home (2) point 391 Drive someone up _‘Make someone very irritated or angry. the wall (2) 392 Dropping like flies Collapsing in large numbers Hinting at high connections Something that is very disappointing Akcen and enthusiastic person 393 Dropping names 304 Dust and ashes 395 Eager beaver Ease somebody's mind Alleviate someone's anxiety 396 307 Easier said than done Be more easily talked about than put into practice. L 393 Bat anyone's salt (2) To be one’s guest 108 OLdIINICU WILT cals Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams eyicoeaes Tee tence 399 Bats like a horse Eats a lot of food 400 Eggon encourage ‘seer 401 Egged you on Urged ame eT 402 Ended ina fiasco (2) A complete failure at fscret 403 Enough rope Enough freedom for action satan fre wa eae 404 Evening of life Old age agin 405 Every dark cloud has Every unpleasant situation has a positive roe ft sare Ft a silver lining (3) side // difficult times will lead to better wore tet 8 days // Something promising is there in any difficult situation 406 Every dog has his day Everyone will have good luck at some weap a fs omte point in their lives. spies ae 407 Every inch a gentleman Completely gentleman ‘An imaginary double humorously invoked tar gfteie si fata 408 Ewil twin to explain or excuse uncharacteristic or mera reprehensible behaviour. 409 Excuse my French Used to apologize for swearing. smth ett 3 Ferg eT aT ECT 410 Eye wash (3) A deception att geen (dren) 411 Eyebrow raising Something which surprises, shocks, or ora, srr a aE offends people. os 412 Face the music (10) Get reprimanded // be punished // to ft a ator ETT bear the consequences // Accept the blame - 413 Faint hearted Timid os 414 Fairweather friends Friends in good times // supports only ‘earl fa 4) when easy and convenient // a friend who deserts you in difficulties // an unreliable friend k 415 Fair's fair Just treatment aad ara & ea 2416 Fall back on (2) Resort to something // to seek support art Sat out of necessity 417 Fall flat (3) To fail to produce intended effect // to save Ot have no effect «418 Fall short ‘To not reach a particular level // Had no again ot effect 409 Scanned with CamS Bu - 420 AQ R22 423 2 424 7425 7 426 7427 7428 2429 7430 2431 432 433 434 2435 436 - 437 438 439 440 441 442 2443 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams ECT yaeaseta et ig (as per SSC Papers) -419 Falling head over heels Falling deeply in love with someone Fallout To quarrel me Far and wide In all directions aun Far cry from To be vety different from Te a) Feather in one’s cap A new and additional distinction // an at ten (3) achievement // an accomplishment to be proud of Feather one’s own Make money in an improper way // to dort Rh hay nest (7) profit in a dishonest way // promote their own interest i Fed up (2) Annoyed ay Feel blue Gloomy Rt Feel his pulse Find his views feet Pra wy, Fell back Turned back 8 A Fell foul of Got into trouble with after i ya, Fell through Failed sate Few and far between _Rare or seldom-seen a Fight shy of me (2) To avoid encountering qets tae Fight your own battles To try to overcome challenges without wet aed oH help from anyone else Find yourself in In a difficult situation or time ator ait troubled waters : Finding their feet Beginning to understand the work aid ere a eT HL feeling confident sarenfara ae #7 Finish with something Be through a aa Fire the imagination To make Someone feel very interested iti il something and excited about it First and foremost Most impoitant aspect eat etl Fit as a fiddle (2) In a perfectly healthy condition /] ie Healthy and strong Fit like a glove ‘To fit snugly cage area oe a Flash iri the part Someoné bt something whose SUitcess or shies 4 popularity 1s short-lived Floor Puzzled af Fly into a tage To becortit extremely angry amr agit GA “ 410 Odiieu Witt cainS oy 7 444 7 445 446 447 448 ve 7 450 7/451 452 453 454 455 456 2457 7 458 - 459 460 461 462 = 463 - 464 465 466 467 + 468 = 469 470 -471 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: Alll Idioms asked in SSC Exams ee Lone ees) Eat Fly off at a tangent (2) Starts discussing something irrelevant // a vert Change the subject immediately Flying off the handle Suddenly becoming enraged onset AT Follow his nose To go straight ahead are ft ter ae Foot the bill (2) To pay for something // pay for everything fears gar For better or worse. Under any circumstances we ohftata a For good (3) Permanently // forever war fare For keeps Forever ata Forty winks A short nap during the day wast Fought to the bitter end Carried on a contest regardless of the ftom Ft ware fee consequences faa aia am gat Four corners ofthe From alll parts of the world afer av Re earth From stem to stern _All the way from the front of a ship to the yaw et back. From the bottom of my Sincerely : wed fer a heart Full of beans (2) Lively and energetic ster @ aa got Full of hot air Full of nonsense aeare 2 5 KAT Full of sound and fury Merely loud and angry words but aot ineffective Gall and wormwood Hateful re Gate crasher Uninvited guest fe ee tees Gave away Distributed ‘Pratta Gave the ganié away Gave out the secret aaa Save vent to Expressed forcefully fre oc gre Prenat something (3) (gan sae ea) Gerrymandet In a manipulative and unfair way Sraeageaer Get a foot in the doot To have a chance to do something rae Rie | Get a gold star To earn a merit point for doing well [en siftia oT Get a taste of your To be given the same treatment that you aa at dar medicine Have given to others Get cracking To start doirig something sa Get down to brass Start taking up the most important facts att are aor ‘tacks (2) ofa situation Get into a soup ‘Té make things difficult tr set Sat Get on somébody's —_—T6 be an irritant // annoys me fetter Re er TE nerves (3) 144 OLAINICU WILT Udlllo' _™-™—™—~—”—”—OC~ Blackbook of English Vocabulary: Alll Idioms asked in SSC Exams 472 Get out of hand (3) control 473 Get someone's goat 475 Get the ball rolling /476 Get the’hang of 477 Get the message or action 478 Get the sack (2) 479 Get the upper hand 480 Get up on the wrong side of the bed 482 Get your money’s worth to pay and get something of good value 483 Getting a new lease of life (2) eee ener) ‘To become uncontrollable // get out of To irritate someone 474 Get something off your Express something that has been chest worrying you, and you want to say To start doing something Learn how to use Understand what is implied by a remark Be dismissed To get an advantage Start the day in a bad mood, which continues all day long 481 Get wind of something Hear about something A chance to continue living or to become successful or popular again // Became energetic again 484 Getting in everyone's hair , 185. Give a free hand (2) mind (6) 487 Give a wide berth to 4488. Give and take Adjustment 489 Give in (2) Yield 7490 Give it a shot 7491 Give it a whirl (2) 493 Give oneself airs (2) 494 Give somebody a ring Call someone on the telephone Deliberately ignore someone + 495 Give someone the cold shoulder (3) 496. Give up ghost To die - ee She way Collapsed - nash your teeth Express rage Annoying them To exercise complete control over something // Complete liberty 486 Give apiece of one's To rebuke someone strongly // speaking sharply // scolding // To reprimand To stay away from Try something To try out something 492 Give meahandwith Help me with // assist Pretend to be good 112 OUAINICU WILTT Gdll S Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams eT Meaning (as per SSC Papers) piers 499 Go against the grain Something in conflict with one’s value ‘ear 8 % fervtte (2) system // Doing things differently from eat what you usually do 00 Go at equal speed Keep up with ‘are ae 501 Go belly up Go bankrupt ‘aren far 2502 Go down in flames fail completely ft ace & fare Bet 503 Go Dutch Divide the costs ‘amma at Paenfira act 504 Go for a song To be sold cheaply wet iter ot 7503 Go for the jugular Attack all out wae 8 ere _- 506 Go getter A real achiever aeit & acre ar ATT 2507 Go haywire Became out of control Frias & aret eaT , 508 Go over Review vehi eT 509 Go through fire and = Undergo any risk // to experience many até ft aa Aer SAT water (2) dangers in order to achieve something ~ 510 Gotorackand ruin Get into a bad condition // destroyed eet H rover (wate ae (2) =) 511 Goto the dogs(3)_ To be ruined ara AT 512 God's acre A cemetery beside a church cad & ore a afar 513 God's ape A born fool area yet +514 Goes about Goes around adi sc eT 515 Going over one's head Beyond one's capacity to understand wae & aret 7516 Got down to business Began to work seriously sisfear arm a 7517 Got on well Hada friendly relationship oe 7 518 Got the green light Got permission to go ahead with Bat Beh (sega rer) something 519 Grease the palm (5) __Bribe sagt re ar (Peers 1) 520 Great minds think alike Said when two people have the same wad ahi gpinion or make the same choice ‘ach & 521 Green thumb (2) To have a natural interest in gardening // amrartt # ef to have talent in gardening +522 Grin fromeartoear to smile a lot because of happiness ‘Bere ETAT 523 Had better Should ante 524 Had gone down the Was lost forever wen & fee a ae drain <525 Hadn'ta legto stand Did not have much hope of getting it ‘sare sate wet er on 7 526 Hale and hearty Healthy ya ohne 443 Scanned with CamS Sy - 527 2 528 529 530 531 532 = 533 534 535 536 537. 7 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545, S36 2 547 548 549 550 551 552 Blackbook of English Vocabular cree wae Hand in glove (5) Hand over fist Handle with kid gloves {All Idioms asked in SSC Exams Pomerat easses In close association // in partn’ something dishonest Quickly and continuously to treat someone with extreme care ership for Hang one’s head To be ashamed ‘ee yert (i Fa) Hang up your boots —_To take retirement So Hanging by a thread _Be in a dangerous situation aca Raft Hay Hard and fast (3) ‘That cannot be altered // strict // Fixed Sra Hard of hearing To be deaf wrath Has a bee in her Is an obsessed person YW BAK ET (Gt bonnet a) Haul over the coals To scold oat et (Bien) Have a bone to pick Disagree or be annoyed with someone ae, fra eat with somebody ree Have a chip on one’s Entertaining a grudge over a past event yet seat Hanis shoulder (2) // nurse a grudge TSR ET Have a finger in To be meddlesome // to be involved ina wr & sift ati Gt every pie (3) large and varied number of activities or ta enterprises Have a foot in the grave Be close to death aa item teat (ig 3 te ta) Have green fingers To be good at gardening arrart # fig Have one's hands full To be very busy agg ore Have other fish to fry | Some important work to attend to ara recat am Ba Have several irons in Having too many engagements at a time aga srftre rer OT the fire Have the ball at your feet Have the last laugh To be in the best position to do something gy ac aft at 1 To bé victorious at the end of an argument ter: Fast OF Head ini thé clouds (2) To daydream // Cut off from reality fear et Head over Heels Madly in love cant a4 Heads will oll (2) Dismissed or forced to resign seh iat tr (te? — fre # Heart to fieart tall (2) Frank talk // candid talk aie ‘Held up Delayed ae Helter-skelter In disorderly haste ond at 114 scanned with tam 353 << 554 2555 7556 2587 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 « 566 567 7568 569 570 2571 572 573 7 574 - 875 576 < 377 7 3B 879 S80 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: all Idioms asked in SSC Exams reine) ‘Herculean task (2) High and dry (2) High and low High and mighty High handed High on the hog Higti time His blood ran cold Hit a bad patch Hit the nail on the head (3) Hobson’s choice (3) Hocus pocus Hold on. Hold out Hold water (2) Hold your horses Hold your tongue (2) Hope against hope (2) Nurture an impossiblé hope Horse around Horse sense Husband our resources Save Ican't think straight Icing on the cake Co ene) Very difficult task Neglected Everywhere Arrogant Overbearing tear To live in a luxurious or costly way wet at & oT Past the appropriate time wean / ott aaa are a aT He was frightened wre 8 SS oeat (Hae ea) Experienced difficulty wfeang at agra Say or do something exactly right // to wee sar a find exactly the right answer No real choice at all // An apparently free aE Beer a choice where there is no real alternative Meaningless talk or activity, typically ear 85 3 fore fi et designed to trick someone ‘ant fir are To wait for a short time aT To endure a difficult situation (fet Raft a) war ea Seem acceptable /7 To be valid etter Be patient ae eat Be silent Sa TC aT EAT seu SET To behave in a silly and Héisy way era Basic common sensé TET arate ae ond et aT Cannot think rationally due to being aetna 6 8 Gt het overwhelmed ‘with emotioti: wt Something that makes a Good situatiot\ at germ (sfaiow even better am) Ifit's not one thing, it's. When one thing goes wrotig, then anothet_ tw arg we wa ait another Ill at ease (2) Ii flutter Iria fog Inia jifty , and another Tad at rT To be uncomfortable ees Bet In a nervous state eeagtee t Confused and dazed wii wer Something that is doné véty tuilckiy dam aaa "se ocanned witn Gams 782 2583 584 585 586 - 587 588 589 7 590 591 392 593 7594 595 596 - 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 Blackbook of Engli pete ease In a nutshell (6) Ina pickle (3) Ina tight corner (2) In apple pie order In bad taste In black and white (5) In cahoots with In cold blood In deep water (2) In Dutch In harmony with In harness In high spirits (4) In lieu of In the ascendant In the blink of an eye In the blues In the dark In the driver's seat In the egg, In the eye of a storm (2) In the good books (3) In the long run (3) In the loop In the nick of time (4) In the offing In the pink In the red In the running In the soup (2) In the swim In the teeth of (3) trouble Ina difficult situation In perfect order Not suitable or offensive In writing In an alliance or partne! Angrily In great difficulty In trouble In agreement with In office Full of hope and enthusiasm // im place of Rising in power or influence ship with. joyful Within a very short period of time Cheerless and depressed In ignorance In charge or in control of a situation In an early stage Deeply involved in a difficult or controversial situation which affects or interests a lot of people // Be in the middle of a difficult situation In favour with Eventually Informed regularly Just in time // At the last possible moment Appear so on In good health In danger Contesting the seat To be in trouble Well-informed and up-to-date ean Inspite of something // directly against // in direct opposition to 116 ovdilicu WILL Udlllo wae | Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All| lioms asked in SSC Exams quer ase en ace ae rete Popular | 613 In vogue wae | pia Iasand outs (3) Full details | ~ 615. Iron fist Strictly ¥ cae | g16 It goes without saying Something which is implied to be obvious safe ara | gi7 It's Greek to me (2) Incomprehensible — | bis I¢snotrocket science Used to say that you do not think that “area at | something is very difficult to do or to understand. 619. Ivory towers Detachment and seclusion ete “620 Jaundiced eye A prejudiced view mera at 621 Jog someone’s memory To cause someone to remember something aa ans aT _ 622 Jumped the gun Acted hastily ee 603 Jumpingdown my —Scolding paces throat 624 Keepaciviltongue* Speak with great politeness fama 8 ater , 625 Keep a low profile To avoid attracting attention to yourself fret TET 626 Keep abreast of Keep oneself updated sara aa 627 Keep at bay (2) To control something and prevent it from aR causing you problems. - 628 Keep in touch To maintain contact with another person ek at cart 629 Keep under one’s hat To keep something a secret ween To pretend to be happier or richer so as to sr aaa eT conceal the real situation 630 Keep up appearances Remain cheerful in difficult circumstances. =f afiftafteil # sf 631 Keep your chin up aT AT 632 Keep your head Remain calm iit TAT 633. Keep your shirt on ‘To remain cool ar re THAT 7 634 Keep your wig on. To calm down wig eT 635 Keeps. an open house Welcomes all members and a Sa AT 636 Kept a level head Was sensible wage aT 637 Kepta stiff upper lip Remained expressionless reat ga ad afb AEE wr 638 Kick the bucket (2) To die ai aan (Pret era) 4 639 Kicked up arow(3) Made a great fuss // created a fuss Ml areas fee Sort cause a disturbance (ees 7) 7 640 Kicking his heels Wasting time wr sed oT 417 OLAIINIeU WILT Udo jocabulary: All 1dio! Blackbook of English V' pre a reeves : fe 641 Kill two birds with To serve two Purp’ ‘with a single effol one stone (4) achieve two results 642 Kith and kin (2) Relatives diagonally opposite each frm fray ‘Things located other i to have detailed knowledge © 643 Kitty-corner omething = TTT aa (rece _-644 Know like the back of one shang thing mere ing about some! 7 645 Know something inside To know everything 2000 out mE Sh afar a, intelligent 646 Knows how many Well informed and intelligen mh beans make five 3 FTE ory 647 Laid down their arms Surrendered (aire Fal st difficult ofa big sift oc Petr Bax, 648 Last but not least ‘The last task is the most difficul a project. _~ 649 Latched on to ‘To become firmly attached Fe something 3 650 Late in the day ‘Too delayed to be of any use age Sat aR 651 Laurels To earn great prestige TR, Bi 652 Lay out (2) Spend ara 653 Laying it on thick An exaggeration aa A 654 Laying off Dismissal from jobs of stett @ sear sa 655 Lead someone by the To dominate someone // To completely sae ee fre (gt nose (2) control someone fer 656 Learn by heart ‘To memorize something aoe aa 657 Learn/Know the Learn to do particular jobs aan a ropes (2) 658 Leave 1 i ed Ty ey pee enue of action in aa wear GH FHF unt order to achieve something // to make all ms possible efforts ates eae] 7 659 Leaves youinthe Leave someone in a helpless condition // Pra nga dae® durch (5) desert someone in his difficulties — 660 Left out in cold to be ignored . es al ~ 661 Lend me your ear (3) To politely ask for someone's full i ie (@ . // to pay attention to attention rH TAT © a 662 Let bygones be For ie ‘get past off bygones (2) Past offences or causes of conflict stata ag at i and be re il i ‘econciled. // To forgive and forget (qe art aa 66. Let off steam , 663 Letoff ste To work or play off excess energy cae (et ®4 Tet 148 . > OULAIIEU WILT UI IS! ES 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 76715 7676 677 7678 679 7680 681 682 683 684 7685 686 687 688 689 Blackbook of English Vocabulai eevee \II Idioms asked in SSC Exams 5 Se Ce ean ree Et Let sleeping dogs lie Do not bring up an old controversial issue aa te at aa Set (2) Let something slip To waste an opportunity to achieve rae chat through one’s fingers something Let the cat out of the Reveal a secret carelessly or by mistake Fe aie bag (2) Let the chips fall where Let something happen without bothering we wat teat (at et they may about the consequences wre eR aa) Let the grass grow To remain idle ‘afore Twa under one’s feet (3) Let your hair down (2) Behave uninhibitedly // To take it easy corner & Fair AT and relax Level playing field A situation in which everyone has a fair We wa ra and equal chance of succeeding Like a dying duck ina Dejected aR FAT thunderstorm Like a phoenix With a new life aq ofa 3 rer Like ashagon arock Completely alone tae a oe Like pulling teeth Extremely difficult ‘ae Reet Like talking to a brick Inattentive var aT Ba wall Like two peas ina pod Similar Hae Lion's mouth A dangerous situation vanrare feafer Little by little gradually stale Live from hand to —_—To have enough money to live on and 8a 8a ga a oT mouth (5) nothing extra // miserably // consuming daily what little is earned Lock, stock and barrel Completely ydawt Look after (2) ‘Take care of deur Fe Look before you leap ‘Think carefully of the consequences - Wa ume aan SEHT Look down upon (2) Regard with contempt // To consider yout someone inferior Look into ‘To investigate aia mer Look out be careful “aaa TAT Look sharp Pay attention vara at Looking for greener Exploring new opportunities FR Ha TTT Pastures Looking forward to Expecting with pleasure Qt s ae sehe aot Lose face Become embarrassed carat art Br (afifer ee) 119 OLAINICU WILT Udlllo' By 690 691 692 - 693 694 7695 Made out of whole cloth Entirely false and fabricated 696 — 697 Make a beeline for (3) Go straight to 698 - 699 Make a fool of oneself Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams Eco eoecos Lose your head (2) Mad as a hatter Made a clean breast of (3) Made light of Made off Maiden speech (4) Make a dent in emer el ean) To lose self control // Panic Eccentric Confessed without reserve // confessed his crime ‘Treated it lightly ran away with First speech to reduce an amount of something, esp. money or work To be stupid 7700 Make a fortune To become rich -701 Make a mockery of There was no serious outcome 7-702 Make a scene Make a public disturbance or excited emotional display -703 Make an ass out of Cause someone or oneself to look foolish or stupid 704 Make away with To remove or steal Sr 7705 Make believe that Pretence ait wat (dire, 706 Make my mouth wateiO Are very tasty and appetising fe Font ae 707 Make no headway Unable to progress ahead amit aa i 708 Make off with To run away srt ( - 709 Make one’s flesh To frighten someone // horrifying creep (2) 710 Make one’s mark (2) Distinguish oneself // attain recognition on tet ora 711 Make room Make space wre 7712 Make short work of Dis Si Pose of quick; aon quickly edt ta 713 i i i : Making hay while the Taking advantage of a favourable ais oe char Ae sun shines opportunity } ae Gage wae | 714 Meal ‘i a —— 2 mouthed (2) Unwilling to state something // afraid to ara a are on speak frankly a - ot tla up Reach the level eee lend your we ‘ : i your ways Improve one’s behaviour araen # qt toe OLAINICU WILIT Udlllo' Es TT 78 719 720 71 M2 723 Te 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 - 732 733 «734 735 736 737 738 -739 740 Pazsl 742 743 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: Alll Idioms asked in SSC Exams eT ehoed Re ae eae na i To confuse issues Mind your language _Tell someone to speak politely. Mouth-watering> Stimulates my appetite Move heaven and carti{ Make every effort to achieve something Murdered in cold blood A murder done without feeling Nail your colours to To make it obvious what your opinions or their mast plans are Nail-biting Suspenseful Neither fish nor fowl Something which can neither be categorized easily nor be accepted befittingly Never-never land An imaginary utopian place or situation. New kid on the block Newcomer to a particular place or sphere of activity. Nine days’ wonder (2) A dazzling short-lived spectacle of no real value // a short-lived sensation No dice Used to refuse a request or indicate that there is no chance of success. No ifs and buts No doubts No love lost between Not on good terms // intense dislike (3) No strings attached Without conditions or restrictions Not fit to hold a Inferior // Cannot be compared to candle (2) Not hold water (2) Does not seem to be reasonable // Cannot be believed Not mince State your opinion clearly Not one’s cup of tea Not one’s choice or preference (2) Not see eye to eye with To have different opinion somebody Not to look a gift horse Not to find fault with the gifts received in the mouth Not to mince matters To speak out politely | clean lg- Nothing doing Not a chance Now and again Occasionally eff Son Null and void (2) Invalid // not binding Of no avail Useless Of the first water (2) Of the best quality 421 arcatier arrester sre Qa Furey aT vane Rea ot ait Fee ARO a (at TT A ana & fore A) ‘any sat ott aig eT ag HTT fen fret of wala ft gr BT (q=3) renfii ae Scanned with CamS Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All ISN Idioms / Phrases PEI ose) Fagan Ley 744 Offandon // Onand Occasionally // Periodically #0 whay Off (4) fend - 745 Off the cuff Without preparation PT ag 746 Off the hook (2) No longer in difficulty or trouble // Fata a, Allowed to escape from blame 747 Off the record Not recorded for official publication; Sra, informally; in confidence 748 Oily tongue Flattery SR 749 Old hand Experienced SR a 750 Old head on young _To be wise beyond his years HR SRE aay shoulders 781 On awing anda prayer With only the slightest chance of success eT a thy ery 752 On account of Because of an 7753 On all hands Everywhere at ak 754 On good terms Was friendly Pang 7785 On one’s guard To be careful WER 756 On one's last legs Near to death afer ash (ey frag ~ 757 On shank's mare On foot te 758 On tenterhooks (3) _In suspense and anxiety // anxious ‘Rat 759 On the brink of (2) At the point of emt 760 On the brink of disaster Very close to failure amas eat 761 On the cuff On credit ae 7-762 On the double at a fast pace adi 763 On the face of it What appears on the surface ved at 764 On the level Honest a 7765 On the same page To understand and agree anger eet 766 On the spur of the To act at once // acting impulsively wart moment (2) without thinking 767 On the tip of my tongue Readily available in my memory ware fae & (eft 768 On the verge of On the brink of xan 769 Onthe wrong side of To be older than sixty aoa ofr ot sixty 770 On thin ice In a precarious or risky situation tee ott | 7771 Once and for all (2) Bring to an end // finally aor { 772 Once bitten, twice An unpleasant experience induces maa aero 1 i shyt caution // a bitter experience making one gap ac ta { cautious for future = «a ar i 122 u OCAIINICU WILT canis Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams Ronen essen Rarely and infrequent always thinking of only one thing Something old fashioned A book no longer available from the No longer in trouble // out of danger To spoil something by trying too hard to Over my dead body (2) Used to emphasize that one completely opposes something. // Opposing Seemed less important To dispose off with the intent to deceive A prolific source of trouble Bssential element // important part Refuse to accept responsibility // Blame someone for what you did wrong. Saying they agree although they do not 123 agen 2) once ‘in a blue moon 9) i ik ne track mind p75. ourand out Totally 776 Outat the elbows Poor ~ Faz out of bounds Forbidden i. t of date (2) 778 Ow 779 Outof hand Not under control 780 Out of my wits Greatly confused 731 Outof print - publisher 782 Out of sorts (2) To be unwell 783 Out ofthe question _ Impossible 784 Out of the woods 2785 Out of thin air Appear suddenly 736 Out of this world Extraordinary 787 Over egg the pudding improve it 788 Over head and ears (3) Completely 789 something fiercely - 790. Pale into insignificance 791 Palm off 792 Pandora's Box 793 Paper over the cracks To hide problems ~ 794 Part and parcel (3) -795 Parthian shot Parting hit 796 Pass the buck (3) 797 Pass the hat To collect money ~ 798 Pay lip service Pretend to regard 799 Pay on the nail Pay promptly 7 800 Paying lip-service = support it v 801 Peas in a pod Very similar _— Erte Taft TT fers ope oir fe awe atta aftr yet a art vr trea (Pacer fare) aga vera it sod af rar eres et orb vad tare rare oon wa seit sie et rat ie ama tat ar arerpt amt iret ar aaa ar oer area #1 fora afard si omit ata ‘age TET oF Fg ET feared sion pra er fear wot “aa omit ked in SSC Exams Idioms as! Blackbook of English Vocabulary: ; Pm SSC Papers) a] Eee ees feaning (as per etm 802 Pedal to the metal To drive very fast Tite Fa Reda, + 803 Pick to pieces Analyse critically q ‘ Te 804 Picking holes in Finding fault with a oa - 805 Picks on someone ‘Treats badly ; wach yr [ ma 806 Pie in the sky Something not possible a amt - 807 Pillar to post One place to another ei expende may 808 Pin-money (2) ‘Allowance made to a lady for her ay // asmall amount of money 4 809 Plain as day Very obvious and easy to understan WHF om -810 Plain sailing Was very easy AS ar 811 Play one’s ace To use one's best weapon or resource FETS (Tae Seg, | efter a Rhy | - 812 Play truant Stay away from duty rr 8 arya a, 813 Played ducks and Spent lavishly // squandered // to use Sra S afie ay drakes (3) recklessly Co) 814 Played havoc Caused destruction EK ST (Fa er 815 Playing to the gallery Appeasing the masses. Sear aT aa 816 Playing with fire Taking a grave risk me 8 Gert (rh ‘Sifter za} 817 Pocket an insult bear an insult quietly anne ae 818 Point-blank Directly agreted 7819 Pore over Go through ema 820. Pot-luck dinner Dinner where everybody brings something qq ay wa ae a to eat pr ATR amt 821 Poured cats & dogs _Rained heavily a 822 Pouring cold water on To discourage doing something aarcaea 4 823 Pull a fast one (2) Play a trick // Trick someone “aret arer (svar 824 Pullalong face (3) Look dejected - (gate rae 825 Pullarabbit out ofa To do something unexpected ~ 7 hat Fo oa Pull strings (2) U i 826 strings (2) se personal influence ara wre a 74 wa 827 Pull the plug Prevent something from h, ii continuing, @ppening or we Has ae 828 Pull the wool over Deceive someone by telling ti someone's eyes »y telling lies. aie a ae (svat 829 Pull together Work harmoniou: { . sly «a em aid 124 OCAINICU WILT Udit Eu 830 7831 7832 2 833 834 835 7836 837 7838 - 839 840 2841 842, 843 844 845 ‘2846 847 = 848, 849 850 851 852 853 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked In SSC Exams eee ‘Pull up your socks (2) pull yourself together 4) Pulled all the stops Pulled the chestnuts out of fire. Pulled up, Pulls no punches Put across: Put into action Put one’s foot down (5) Put one's cards on the table Put our heads together (2) Put something by Put two and two together (2) Put up the shutters Put your best foot forward Putting the cart before the horse (3) Rags to riches Raining cats and dogs (3) Ran in the same groove Ran into Ran riot Rare bird Rat race (2) Reap the whirlwind oe en eae eo To put in extra effort To calm oneself down and begin to think or act appropriately // To keep working constantly with attention // Regain composure To do something with maximum effort or ability Accomplishing a difficult job for someone else Reprimanded Speaks frankly Effectively conveyed To execute ‘Take a firm stand // asserted his authority // not to yield // refuse very firmly to do something ‘To be honest Consult and work together // work in consultation, Saves Reason logically Went out of business ‘Try as hard as one can Doing a thing in the wrong way Used to describe a person's rise from a state of extreme poverty to one of great wealth. Raining extremely heavily Moved in harmony Met accidentally Acted without restraint An exceptional person or thing; a rarity Fierce competition for power Suffer negative consequences as a result of one’s actions 125 OLAIINICU WILT Uallis' antes ara Serer CAT ste te, erat ‘Prtaor Cae HI ET RATT OF BT ar (qf rer we) fart ate 3 fore ark oa TTT sort a0 & gfe oT ae oT gaye fata om, et afta aT eat ‘Saran Tet fioat a oT aaa FUT aie eae aR ae aT qatar sat Eg 854 855 — 856 857 858 859 860 861 — 862 863 864 865 — 866 867 868 869 870 871 = 872 2873 874 875 Blackbook of English Vocabula: OC aed Red herrings Red-tape Reinventing the wheel Rest on one's laurels (2) ? Rides the high horse Ring fencing Rip up old sores Rise like a phoenix Rise to the occasion Rises with the lark Roll back Roll up your sleeves Root and branch Rose-coloured glasses Rub somebody the wrong way (2) Ruffle somebody's feather Rule to roost (3) Run around in circles Run down Run into Run into rough weather Run out of steam (3) | Idioms asked in SSC Exams CERT mses aaa) Clues intended to distract or mi Official procedures causing delay lead ‘Wasting one’s time for things that have already been satisfactorily done To be satisfied with your achievements yet eats Ry and not to make an effort to do anything Se else // To retire from active life To retire from ache = Superior RF eam Guarantee that funds allocated for a ‘in particular purpose will not be spent on anything else. To revive forgotten quarrel ge adi at Gea fg, FRE en To become successful again fet 8 wee a show you can deal with a situation ge # ara aia za successfully Very early ag ae za To reduce, limit, decrease, or devalue ie wea something, or reset something to a previous level or status Get ready to do something difficult aC completely // wholly agai positive outlook on life mercer gait Irked or irritated him // Annoy someone rea fea Annoy somebody ara To dominate // To make all the decisions wit to keep doing something without @ achieving much Rear 2 Criticise acer Incurred ae Experienced difficulties ener ee (oe ‘are od 70ose impetus or enthusiasm and stop arare wor doing something 126 OLAINICU WILT Udlllo' fa 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 - 885 886 = 887 888 889 3890 891 892 = 893 894 895 - 896 - 897 898 899 = 900 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: Alll Idioms asked in SSC Exams aes Sail close to the wind Sailing in the same boat (6) salad days Saved by the bell Saw through (2) Scapegoats (2) Second to none See eye to eye (7) oan obat re) Do something that is dangerous or even illegal Being in the same difficult situation Adolescence Saved at the last moment Detected Punished for others misdeeds As good as or better than all others Be in full agreement // Agree with each other Selling like hot cakes To have a very good sale // To sell quickly (2) Send him packing Set at liberty Set the record straight Set their face against Shake off (3) Sharp as a tack Sharp practices Shook in their shoes Shoot through Shot in the dark (2) Show white flag Silver bullet Sit in judgement Sit on the fence (5) Sitting on a gold mine Sleep on it ‘Terminate his services To release Give a correct account Opposed strongly Forget // to get rid of Mentally active Dishonest means Trembled with fear Leave, typically to escape from or avoid someone or something. ‘An attempt that is not expected to succeed or very little chance of working // an attempt to guess something Surrendered A simple and seemingly magical solution to a complicated problem To criticize someone, especially when you have no right to do so Not to take sides in a dispute // halting between two opinions // Remain undecided and unsure to own something potentially valuable To wait before making a decision 127 OLAINICU WILT Udlllo' EE Ga a Hae TT cr eh afer aifeafe Hf ear farieaeT sor err 3 ere et sar aa ar arr art (aut 3 cre Ferg She} TAT ari) fee & aon ah pie: wera oer age art Pat Ber strat & Perret yet sxeh Fae Bar wear 8 Pate arr agra age et afer ators att sca een aT fae orm (feu at Piarat ar) fC ae eT (GAT gt aa age dara at ‘Boia aa Haar AT Bg 901 ked in Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms as! eae Slip off EEE ee ses aa Leave quietly — 902 Smooth rutiled feathers Make people feel less offended 903 904 905 906 907 908 — 909 910 = 924 925 926 Soft option (3) Sought after Sow wild oats (2) Speaks volumes ‘Spick and span (4) ‘Spill the beans (7) Spin one’s wheels (2) Spread like wild fire (2) Square peg in a round hole (2) Stab someone in the back Stand by (2) Stand for Stand the ground Stand-offish Standstill Status quo Steal someone’s thunder Stick to his guns (3) Stirred the hornet’s nest (2) Stole the show Straight from the horse mouth (2) Easy and agreeable option // Do the thing that is easiest or least likely to cause trouble in a particular situation In great demand To waste time by doing foolish things especially by having a lot of sexual relationships Gives enough proof Clean and tidy To leak the secret // reveal a secret // Give away a secret Expel much effort for little or no gain Spread rapidly A misfit in the environment Betray someone. Support Represent Refused to yield Indifferent Complete halt Unchanged position Take credit for something someone else did Maintain his own opinion Caused anger in many people // Provoke trouble Won everybody's praise Hear something from someone who has direct, personal knowledge Strain every sietve (A). Work vety bard // to males lttnost elferig Straw in the wind Strike a bargain An indication of what might happen To negotiate a deal 128 ovadiilicu ssc Exams orm # ag dad Sgt A ITS fi ‘SR SITET aT a Sire orm hay tar a te gues (rept are] ame wi BR A BET FT rae a vada feat ganda aa et sity a ean ft att a fea it fue gt? aa ret (er oto = aerator ger ater ae WILT Udlito' ES 928 929 7930 931 932 933 934 7 935 936 937 7938 939 940 7941 942 943, 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 Blackbook of English Vocabulary: All Idioms asked in SSC Exams ase eee en een Hindi ‘927 Strike while the iron To act at the right time // grab a ar HE oe est HTT is hot (2) favourable opportunity promptly (fi a1 ars sorn) Struck a chill to the Aroused fear Rate ta sor heart Struck several bad Had many professional difficulties rarera-aate afar patches ear Suit you to aT. Look very good on your face “age rest Saat ‘Swan song Last performance