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Citizens and citizens?

by Alfred Adask

The ideas in this article flow states and “national” government. into servants can be “re-re-
from (and help explain) the pre- Wheels within wheels. versed”. That is, is it possible
vious “Federal v. National” article On the face of it, there’s for those who’ve been deceived
(this issue). Likewise, the num- nothing unconstitutional in this into accepting the status of “citi-
bers (#1, #2, etc.) in this article arrangement. However, this “na- zens” to recover their birthright
refer to the previous two-page tional within federal” system in- and regain their natural status
diagram describing “Federal/Na- cludes an incredible deception as “Citizens”?
tional Government Relation- and a secret betrayal of the Absolutely.
ships.” American people. The only question is whether
We have been collectively that return can be achieved
tricked, deceived, lured and se- peacefully through law or vio-
As sovereign Citizens, we duced into surrendering our lently through a shooting revo-
created the Federal Government birthright as “Citizens” (#2) cre- lution.
as our political agent and “pub- ated by and subject only to God The answer depends on both
lic servant”. As our creation, the (#1) in return for the lowly sta- the National government (#12)
Federal Government works for us tus of “citizens” (#14) who are and the “citizens” (#14). If the
and beneath us. Its immediate created by and subject to Con- “citizens” remain too lazy to
political subdivisions include the gress (#9A), the National govern- study and learn to recognize
three branches of the Federal ment (#12), and the corporate their own predicament, there’s
government (like Congress) as bureaucracies (#13). little chance for a peaceful res-
well as the several quasi-sover- Through this deception, the toration of Citizenship through
eign “federal” States of the Union Federal government’s creators law and politics.
(like “Texas” or “Delaware”). (the People) have become the Na- Likewise, no peaceful solu-
However, the Federal govern- tional government’s creations tion is possible if the National
ment also indirectly includes the (14th Amendment citizens). The government is too stubborn to
corporate states (such as the sovereigns have become the sub- emancipate its “citizens”. Thus,
“STATE OF TEXAS”) which appear jects; the servants have become if the People stay ignorant or the
to be “political subdivisions” of the masters and the “natural” government refuses to surrender
Congress. Just because Congress order of the Declaration of July its power, the situation will con-
is a political subdivision of “our” 4th, 1776 has been reversed. tinue as is – until someone starts
Federal government does not pre- shooting.
vent Congress from creating it’s You can’t get there from here? However, there’s no sense in
own political subdivisions and The question is whether the starting a shooting revolution to
agencies such as the corporate reversal that changed sovereigns free a mob of incompetents who

AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 adask@ 972-418-8993 41

lack the intelligence, morality or
Blake, Joe 1/6
education necessary to be free.
Every 24 minutes a drunk kills. Are you next?
To suddenly free a mob like that
which currently populates the
U.S. will only precipitate the for-
mation of a government like that
which replaced the Czar’s after
the Russian Revolution.
Take Their License & Car On The Spot. JAIL THEM NOW!
Decentralized powers The irresponsible drinker must be stopped. Send $5 and SASE for 2
I’ve speculated previously in Bumper Stickers, black or red. Police, Security Patrol, Military Police,
this issue that government’s cen- Fraternal C;ubs, 50 Bumper-Stickers $30 S&H incl.
tralized power is inversely pro- BLAKE P.O.B. 114 North Miami,Florida 33161
portional to the public’s “de-cen-
tralized” power. If so, the decen- responsible Citizen or that of lim- Biblical precedent where eman-
tralized internet that empowers ited-liability citizen (subject). cipated slaves or servants are af-
the people must also dis-em- The most important conse- forded the opportunity to volun-
power centralized government. quence of this education is to tarily resubmit themselves to
If government power is de- elevate the people’s educational their masters. They are lawfully
clining, then National govern- status from that of an ignorant entitled to recognize that they
ment may be increasingly unable mob only fit for “citizenship” to are better off as slaves and there-
to stop “citizens” from regaining that of individuals both capable fore “free” to reject freedom.
their status as “Citizens”. This and worthy of being free Citizens But some Americans, per-
is good news since you can’t very endowed with unalienable haps many, will have the spiri-
well have a shooting revolution Rights. tual strength, personal pride or
if one side is too weak to shoot. even arrogance needed to
If government is growing too The dignity of choice choose to reclaim their heritage
weak to resist a return to Citi- The choice between free Citi- of unalienable Rights and accept
zenship, the chances for a peace- zen and citizen-subject is not au- the full responsibilities of Free-
ful restoration are increased. tomatic. Given the opportunity dom.
More importantly, the inter- to choose, many Americans – per-
net is an educational medium haps most – would choose to re- Unpleasant truths
through which all Americans can main as 14th Amendment “citi- “Patriot” dogma has declared
learn to distinguish between “citi- zen” subjects. for decades that we all live in an
zens” and “Citizens”. We are Freedom is not an easy state either-or world where only one
learning to more accurately per- of affairs. Most people are too form of government (Federal or
ceive and explain the differences old, too young, too weak, igno- National) and one form of citizen-
between the two classes of citi- rant, addicted or incompetent to ship (Citizen or citizen) can sur-
zenship. As we do, the “citizens” function as free (moral) men. vive. But just as government has
will be increasingly empowered to Such people may rationally deceived us into accepting the
intelligently and intentionally choose to remain as govern- status of 14th Amendment citi-
choose which status they wish to ment’s protected citizen-sub- zens, the patriots (whether they
embrace: that of the free and fully jects. This kind of choice has know it or not) are “deceiving”
themselves into believing that we
The Phoenix Group must instead accept only the sta-
Powers, Sean tus of sovereign Citizen. These
1/6 5K 101PAIDContractual Business Entities mutually exclusive positions of
Experience (documented by court cases) since 1975 both government and patriots
are equally invalid.
Tax avoidance * Liability protection * Probate Protection I believe there is room in
America for both the Federal and
Common-law Trusts are not what you think!
National governments, and both
Learn what they are, why they often fail, and how they can work! Citizens and citizens.
One truth is unpleasant but
Hours of on-line information at undeniable: most Americans are
amoral (see “The Amoral Major-
or call 541-318-1340 ity,” AntiShyster Vol. 9 No. 3) or

42 AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 [email protected] 972-418-8993

otherwise unfit to be free. For there’s no reason to fight for ei-
patriots to demand the full rights ther government citizenship or Free
and responsibilities of Citizen- patriot Citizenship. Likewise,
ship for such people is equiva- there’s no reason to terminate the AntiShyster
lent to insisting that all children Federal or National government.
left home alone be given We need, and could have, both. Magazines
matches. Just because most Americans at the
A second truth is infuriating are currently unfit for the respon-
and also undeniable: some sibilities of freedom does not jus- AntiShyster
Americans are not only morally tify compelling all Americans to
fit to be free, they are almost in- accept the status of citizen-sub- Website
capable of enduring a world jects. If America is to truly re-
which denies them the freedoms main the “Land of the Free,” there
complete copies of re-
and responsibilities that were must be some publicly recog- cent AntiShyster
granted by God, declared in our nized procedure that allows at
1776 Declaration and protected least some of us to live as Citi- magazines can be
by the Federal Constitution. For zens.
them, 14th Amendment citizen- In the end, a recognition of downloaded from
ship is an unholy, intolerable both kinds of citizenship may not
curse. cause much outward change in
To force or deceive such America. But it will cause great
good, moral people into accept- inward change since the govern-
ing the subject status of citizen ment will be operating without
is not only a political offense but deception and Americans will be
also a spiritual tragedy that de- afforded the dignity of personal
nies them the Right to worship choice that can only make all
their God as free men. Americans – citizens and Citi-
zens, alike – proud of themselves
A civilized alternative and envied by the world.
Why not establish a political
system that openly allows both
classes of citizenship? Those
who choose to be citizens and
enjoy the benefits and duties (like
paying income tax) of a legisla-
tive democracy under a National
government may do so. Alterna-
tively, others may choose to live Steam Temp
as free and fully responsible Citi- Thomas, Ed 101PAID 1/3 10K
zens under God in a Federal Re-
public that only protects them
against abuse by government.
Such people would not receive
government benefits like unem- P A C K E D W I T H I N F O R M AT I O N
ployment, Social Security and TO HELP YOU MEASURE THE
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AntiShyster Volume 10, No. 1 adask@ 972-418-8993 43

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