Executive Order PSRO Signed

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Republic of the Philippines Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MINISTER Bangsamoro Government Center, Governor Gutierrez Avenue, Rosary Heights VIL, Cotabato City 9600 EXECUTIVE ORDER NO: Series of 2022 CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE PEACE, SECURITY, AND RECONCILIATION OFFICE (PSRO) UNDER THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MINISTER, AND DEFINING ITS SCOPE OF AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Bangsamoro Government is mandated to promote unity, peace, justice, and goodwill among all peoples, as well as encourage a just and peaceful settlement of disputes. WHEREAS, in support of the national policy framework on peace, unity, and reconciliation under Executive Order No. 158 Series of 2021, the BARMM needs to closely work and coordinate efforts for the attainment of a just, comprehensive, and sustainable peace within the autonomous region and in partnership with law enforcement and national agencies. WHEREAS, during the extended transition period, while the decommissioning process of the MILF combatants is yet to be fully implemented and completed, there is a need to constantly monitor the strict observance of the ceasefire agreement and proper coordination with law enforcement agencies in the interdiction of lawless elements and wanted criminals to avoid mis-encounters, effect unhampered law enforcement operations and prevent conflict within MILF communities. WHEREAS, there is a need for a parallel structure in the BARMM dedicated to the operationalization of safeguarding the gains of the peace process and effectively responding to the special needs and concerns of transitioning combatants. WHEREAS, the peace process mechanisms, such as the MILF Coordinating Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities, the Ad Hoc Joint Action Group (AHJAG), and their local monitoring teams and monitoring outposts play a crucial role in peacebuilding and settlement of feuds (“rido”) within MILF areas. WHEREAS, a series of consultations on community peacebuilding and a Regional Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention were conducted with the residents of conflict-affected communities, civil society organizations, MILF combatants, BARMM agencies, and other key stakeholders with the support of the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund. These consultations yielded a very strong recommendation to strengthen and institutionalize support for the existing peace mechanisms. WHEREAS, all public officers and employees of the Bangsamoro Government are committed by sacred oath to protect the legitimate rights and interests of all people in the region, strongly fight the proliferation of all evils of society, and endeavor to promote and sustain peace and security at all times in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region territory and the entire country. WHEREAS, the Enhanced 12 Point Priority Agenda of BARMM seeks to implement special programs for transitioning combatants and their families apart from regular programs of the national government like 4Ps and PhilHealth, among others, ‘to ensure that these programs are tailored to fit their needs so that they will become productive members of the society.’ WHEREAS, in the exercise of executive authority, the Chief Minister, under the Bangsamoro Administrative Code, is vested with continuing authority to reorganize executive offices. As head of the Bangsamoro Government, the Honorable Chief Minister shall exercise all powers expressly granted by the Bangsamoro Organic Law, those necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental for the efficient and effective governance of BARMM and those which are essential to the promotion of general welfare. He shall have control and supervision of all ministries, agencies, offices, bureaus, commissions, boards, and instrumentalities of the Bangsamoro Government. He shall ensure that laws are faithfully executed. WHEREAS pursuant to the above, there shall be created a Peace, Security and Reconciliation Office (PSRO) to provide administrative, capacity building, legal assistance, and technical support to the peace mechanisms and attend to transitioning combatants. NOW, THEREFORE, I, AHOD B. EBRAHIM, Chief Minister of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order: SECTION 1. Peace, Security and Reconciliation Office. ~ There is hereby created the Peace, Security, and Reconciliation Office, which shall act as the primary agency to support and serve transitioning combatants and existing peace mechanisms, such as the MILF Joint Coordinating Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities, Ad Hoc Joint Action Group (AHJAG) and their respective monitoring outposts and local monitoring teams, special committees and task force, to enable these to successfully carry out their mutually agreed peace and security mandates during the extended transition period. Section 2. Powers and Responsibilities of The Office. - The Office shall perform the following functions and responsibil a. Provide technical, logistical, personnel, and administrative support for the efficient operations of the peace mechanisms; b. Coordinate and attend to the needs and concerns of transitioning combatants; c. Conduct regular dialogues with community-based organizations, peace partners, local government units, and civil society organizations; d. Promulgate guidelines, rules, and regulations in the prevention and resolution of “ridos” involving the MILF and their communities in coordination with the Ministry of Peace, Order and Safety (MPOS), local government units, the security sector, and other stakeholders; ‘Train and accredit community peace mediators and conciliators; Conduct Information, Education, and Campaigns; Submit periodic security assessment and report to the Office of the Chief Minister; h. Coordinate with other ministries, agencies, and offices of the Bangsamoro Government to actively assist in the effective implementation of its mandate; and i. Perform such other function as may be directed by the Chief Minister. amp Section 3. Composition and Term. ~The Office shall be headed by a Director who shall be appointed or designated by the Chief Minister. He shall be assisted by Deputy Directors, Project Coordinators, Legal Officers, as well as Technical and Administrative staff. Section 4. Highly-confidential employees. - Considering the sensitive nature of their function, the Director and all personnel under this Office shall be treated as highly confidential personnel and shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. Section 5. Fund. - The funds necessary for the initial operational and administrative expenses to carry out this Order shall be sourced from the funded Contingent Fund of the Office of the Chief Minister in the amount of Fifteen Million Pesos (PhP 15,000,000.00). ‘The funding requirement for the succeeding years shall be included in the Bangsamoro Annual Appropriations Act, subject to the usual budgeting process. Section 6. Repealing Clause. - All other orders, issuances, rules, and regulations inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. Section 7. Effectivity. - This Executive Order shall take effect immediately. Done in the City of Cotabato, this 30" day of September 2022. AHOD B. EBRAHIM thief Minister ——

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