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Cradled by majestic mountains

Blest with nature’s flowing fountains
Blooming flow’rs and verdant hills
Is a region of murmuring rills

Here dwell freedom loving people

Strong our bond  it’s hard to topple
For our freedom we rise and fight
Our priceless  ancestral birth right

Cordillera region of wonder hail
Beloved land, your name we shall not fail
Honor and fame  to you well  strive to bring
Your glory won, we shall forever sing.

‘Neath the sky the rains may gather

Angry clouds may crazly wonder
But the sun shine shines forever fair
As we climb up the golden stairs
Dreams of peace of oneness and progress
Cherished goals our region presses
Striving to build a brighter down
For our children to call their own
(repeat chorus)

Baguio Hymn Lyrics

O, Baguio haven for all people,
For you we thank the Lord and God of all.
Pine sifted sunshine, air we breathe so fresh
Tranquil beauty and invigorating breeze.

Your countless wonders known afar and near,

Your verdant hills oft kissed by clouds of pearl.
Myriad flowers bloom so beautiful in you,
Like children of every land and hue.

For any race whether dark or light,

None can resist your great invite,
To love and live in you forever,
Our Eden dream and gift of the Creator.


Dear Baguio Central School

My Alma Mater dear to me
Your breezes gentle cool
All bringing childhood memory
Where school is fun and work is done
And comrades everyone
I’ll always love, I’ll never forget
Dear Baguio Central School
Dear Baguio Central School
My Alma Mater dear to me
Here all are friends and schoolmates gay
Happy at work and play
Here teachers bright and parents right
Work gaily side by side
I’ll always love, I’ll never forget
Dear Baguio Central School
Baguio, Central my School!

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