OpenText StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator S Guide

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OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.

Ad Hoc Correspondence and
Correspondence Reviewer
Administrator’s Guide
Rev C
OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide
Rev C

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About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer ............................ 5

User documentation............................................................................................................ 6
Implementation and configuration tasks ............................................................................. 7
Installing the applications ........................................................................................... 9
Recommended settings .................................................................................................... 10
Deploying the applications................................................................................................ 11
Removing the applications................................................................................................ 13
Customizing the applications ................................................................................... 15
Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence.............................................................................. 16
Adding fonts to the Ad Hoc text editor...................................................................... 17
Enabling or disabling spell checking in the Ad Hoc text editor................................. 18
Enabling non-ASCII characters in story names ....................................................... 19
Managing table styles .............................................................................................. 20
Customizing table styles for Ad Hoc Correspondence ..................................... 20
Adding new table styles.................................................................................... 21
Example – Adding new table styles.................................................................. 21
Customizing Correspondence Reviewer .......................................................................... 23
Customizing columns in the documents list ............................................................. 24
Accessing the applications ....................................................................................... 27
Accessing the SSSP application....................................................................................... 28
Accessing Ad Hoc Correspondence ................................................................................. 29
Inline editing in Ad Hoc Correspondence................................................................. 30
Accessing Correspondence Reviewer.............................................................................. 32
Filtering and sorting searches .................................................................................. 32
Parameters ....................................................................................................... 33
Sorting directions.............................................................................................. 34
Search statements ........................................................................................... 35
Monitoring the applications ...................................................................................... 37
Checking status of services .............................................................................................. 38
Checking log files.............................................................................................................. 39
Using the SSSP log file ............................................................................................ 40
Enabling SOAP logging for the service gateway...................................................... 41
Disabling SOAP faults at missing metadata............................................................. 42
Handling errors when using the applications ......................................................... 43
Server errors..................................................................................................................... 44
Formatting errors .............................................................................................................. 45
Delivery errors .................................................................................................................. 46

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C

About Ad Hoc Correspondence and

Correspondence Reviewer

Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer are included in the

StreamServe Correspondence Management solution.
These two web applications are plug-ins, integrated into an existing business
workflow to enhance its correspondence capabilities. For example, an SAP
document collaboration workflow. The business workflow owns the
correspondence process and invokes the web applications using web service

Ad Hoc Correspondence
Ad Hoc Correspondence enables an organization to create ad hoc customer
correspondence. The application is used to write new personalized documents to
specific customers, or to edit existing documents before they are formatted and
distributed to customers. The document templates used in Ad Hoc
Correspondence are document definitions, published in StreamStudio
Composition Center.

Correspondence Reviewer
Correspondence Reviewer helps an organization to create quality assured
correspondence. The application is used to review documents before they are
formatted and distributed to customers. Reviewed documents can be approved,
rejected, edited, or deleted.

In this section
• User documentation on page 6
• Implementation and configuration tasks on page 7

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
6 User documentation
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

User documentation
Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide
The user guide gives an overview of the scenarios (on-demand and batch), the
technical solution and the configurations required in Design Center and
StreamStudio Composition Center. You also find information on how to use the
Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications.
The user guide is intended for developers, such as StreamServe consultants.

Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s

The administrator’s guide describes how to install, deploy and access the Ad Hoc
and Reviewer applications. You also find information on how to customize the
The administrator’s guide is intended for developers, such as StreamServe
consultants. The guide also contains information for system administrators and
programmers at the customer.

Programming guide for the OpenText StreamServe web service SDK

OpenText provides a web service SDK (Software Development Kit), which
includes a programming guide for the Web Service API and the REST Service
Using the SDK, programmers can integrate Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications
into the business workflow of the company. Programmers can also develop their
own customized web applications.
The required configurations in Design Center and Composition Center described
in the Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide above also
apply for customized web applications developed using the SDK.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Implementation and configuration tasks 7
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

Implementation and configuration tasks

This section gives an overview of the tasks to implement, configure and use
Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer.
The steps 4 and 5 also apply to customized web applications developed using the
OpenText StreamServe web service SDK.

Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer tasks

1 Install and deploy the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications.
See Installing the applications on page 9.
2 Customize the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications (optional).
See Customizing the applications on page 15.
3 Access the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications.
See Accessing the applications on page 27.
4 Configure the Project in Design Center. See the Ad Hoc Correspondence and
Correspondence Reviewer User Guide.
5 Configure document definitions in StreamStudio Composition Center. See
the Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide.
6 Use the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications to create and quality assure
customer correspondence. See the Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence
Reviewer User Guide.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
8 Implementation and configuration tasks
About Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C

Installing the applications

This section contains information about the installation and deployment of

Ad Hoc Correspondence, Correspondence Reviewer, and the SSSP (StreamServe
Service Provider) application.

Before the installation and deployment, the following must be installed:
• A Java application server.
• A Java Runtime Environment, installed on the same computer as the Java
application server.
• A web browser (to access the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications).
For supported software and versions, see the Supported platforms and software

Included in StreamStudio setup

The web application archive (WAR) files for the Ad Hoc, Reviewer and the SSSP
applications are included in the StreamStudio setup.
For detailed information about how to run this setup, see the Installation Guide.

In this section
• Recommended settings on page 10
• Deploying the applications on page 11
• Removing the applications on page 13

Related topics
• Technical overview in the Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer
User Guide.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
10 Recommended settings
Installing the applications

Recommended settings
Screen resolution
• Recommended screen resolution – At least 1280 x 1024 pixels.
• Minimum screen resolution – 1024 x 768 pixels.
• Run the applications in a maximized browser window.

Recommended JVM memory settings

You must make sure there is enough memory available for the Ad Hoc, Reviewer
and SSSP applications on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
The amount of memory required depends on the installation environment, the
number of deployed web applications, and the load on the Java application
server. For example, deploying the Ad Hoc, Reviewer and SSSP applications to
the same Java application server as the StreamStudio web portal requires more
memory than deploying the web applications to a separate Java application
server. We recommend that you use a Java profiling tool for monitoring and
tuning the Java memory settings on a running Java application server.
When deploying the Ad Hoc, Reviewer and SSSP applications to a separate Java
application server, we recommend the following memory settings (case sensitive)
for the JVM:
For information on how to specify the memory settings, see the user
documentation for the Java application server.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Deploying the applications 11
Installing the applications

Deploying the applications

Ad Hoc Correspondence, Correspondence Reviewer, and the SSSP application
are Java applications and must be deployed to a Java application server.
Note: The Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications are restricted to only access data
from the site where they are deployed. Since they depend on the SSSP
application for data, they must be deployed to the same Java application
server as the SSSP application or with an HTTP web server as a front-end

Deployment in Control Center

You deploy the WAR files for the Ad Hoc, Reviewer, and SSSP applications in
Control Center. For detailed information, see Deploying a web application in the
Control Center documentation.
When you add an Ad Hoc and Reviewer application called <Name> in Control
Center, the following files are deployed:

WAR file Application

<Name>_reviewer.war Correspondence Reviewer

<Name>_adhoc.war Ad Hoc Correspondence

sssp.war SSSP application

If there is an SSSP application already
deployed to the portal root or manual
deploy path, this SSSP application is
automatically reused.

If Control Center is not available, you can deploy the web applications via the
command line utilities. For more information, see the Command line utilities
documentation. End of tip

Multiple application domains

You can link one Ad Hoc and Reviewer application to one or several application
domains. Each application domain can be linked to one single Ad Hoc and
Reviewer application.

Dependencies in file

Ad Hoc Correspondence has a dependency to the SSSP application.
Correspondence Reviewer has dependencies to both the SSSP application and to
Ad Hoc Correspondence.
The dependencies are defined in a file for each web
application. The file also contains information about the application domains that
the web application is linked to.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
12 Deploying the applications
Installing the applications

The files are generated when you link the Ad Hoc and
Reviewer application to an application domain and reside in the following

<Portal root>\<Name>_adhoc\WEB-INF\spring\properties
<Portal root>\<Name>_reviewer\WEB-INF\spring\properties

If you update the linking, the files are automatically

updated in the \properties folders in the portal root or manual deploy path.
Note: Updated files in the manual deploy path must be manually copied to the
Java application server.

Service gateway in application domain configuration file

The SSSP application uses web services, hosted by a service gateway, to access the
runtime repository. The service gateway is defined in the application domain
configuration file.
When you link the Ad Hoc and Reviewer application to an application domain, the
application domain configuration file is copied to the following directory:

<Portal root>\sssp\domains

If you update the application domain configuration, the application domain

configuration file is automatically updated in the \domains folder in the portal
root or manual deploy path.
Note: Updated files in the manual deploy path must be manually copied to the
Java application server.

Keep customized property files

If you redeploy the WAR files, for example to apply a hotfix, any customizations
that you have made to the property files are overwritten.
To keep customizations, you can use an external directory outside the portal root
for the property files. For more information, see Keeping customized configuration
files in the Control Center documentation.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Removing the applications 13
Installing the applications

Removing the applications

To remove Ad Hoc Correspondence, Correspondence Reviewer, and the SSSP
application, you must manually remove the deployed WAR files and the folders
for the applications from the portal root.

To be able to remove the WAR file and the corresponding folder for an SSSP
application, you must stop the Java application server.

Post requisites
After removing the files and folders from the portal root, you may also want to
remove the files installed by the StreamStudio setup. For example, by using the
Add or Remove programs functionality in Windows. Note that this function
uninstalls all StreamStudio files.

To remove the web applications

1 In the portal root on the Java application server, delete the WAR files and
the corresponding unpacked folders.
2 In Control Center, right-click the <Ad Hoc and Reviewer> application and
select Unregister.
3 Click Yes to unregister the applications and to remove the connection to the
application domain.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
14 Removing the applications
Installing the applications

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C

Customizing the applications

You can customize Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer in

the property files for the applications. For example, for Ad Hoc Correspondence,
you can define forward parameters used when submitting and closing
The settings that you specify in a property file apply to all end-users using the
specific application.

If you redeploy the WAR files for the web applications, for example to
apply a hotfix, any customizations that you have made to the property
files are overwritten.
To keep customizations, you can use an external directory outside the
portal root for the property files. For more information, see Keeping
customized configuration files in the Control Center documentation.End of

Personalized settings in URLs

To make personalized settings, a system administrator must define the settings
in the URLs used when accessing the applications. For example, by filtering the
Reviewer searches, only documents to be reviewed by a certain end-user are
displayed to the end-user.
Note: If a parameter is defined both in the URL and in the property file, the
parameter in the URL overrides the parameter in the property file.

In this section
• Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence on page 16
• Customizing Correspondence Reviewer on page 23

Related topics
• Accessing the applications on page 27

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
16 Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence
Customizing the applications

Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence

You customize Ad Hoc Correspondence by editing the file.
The property file contains the settings for a specific Ad Hoc application. You can
use this file to customize the Ad Hoc application. Some examples include:
• Specify forward URLs to direct end-users when closing or submitting
• Change the zoom level at start-up.
• Hide the Close and Submit buttons. For example, if close and submit are
handled within the business workflow of the customer.
• Enable or disable highlighting of editable texts at start-up.
• Enable or disable displaying of thumbnails at start-up.
• Change the size of the toolbar buttons.
• Enable or disable insert icons, to be displayed in empty sections together
with the placeholder Drag text fragment here.
• Enable or disable pagination and specify the finite number of results on
each page for easier viewing across pages.
• Add fonts to the Ad Hoc text editor.
• Configure the position of the Save and Close buttons in the Ad Hoc text
editor (above or below the text editor area).
• Enable or disable automatic opening of the Ad Hoc text editor when a new
text fragment is added to the Ad Hoc document.

Before updating the file, you should back up the file.

To customize Ad Hoc Correspondence in the property file

1 Open the file in a text editor. The file is located in:
<Portal root>\<Name>_adhoc\WEB-INF\spring\properties
For example, for Apache Tomcat:
Note: If you use an external directory (outside the portal root) for the
configuration files, you must update the property file in this

2 Follow the instructions in the property file to update the properties.

3 Refresh the web browser by pressing the F5 key.

In this section
• Adding fonts to the Ad Hoc text editor on page 17
• Enabling or disabling spell checking in the Ad Hoc text editor on page 18
• Enabling non-ASCII characters in story names on page 19
• Managing table styles on page 20

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence 17
Customizing the applications

Adding fonts to the Ad Hoc text editor

By default, the following fonts are available in the text editor in Ad Hoc
• Arial – Regular, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic.
If no font is selected in the Ad Hoc text editor, Arial is used by default.
Note: Arial Italic is also used outside the Ad Hoc text editor, in the
placeholder Drag text fragment here. This placeholder is used in
empty sections, which are configured in StoryTeller but not filled
with content in Composition Center.

• Courier New – Regular, Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic.

To add new fonts to the text editor, you edit the file.

To add a new font to the Ad Hoc text editor

1 Open the file in a text editor. The file is located in:
<Portal root>\<Name>_adhoc\WEB-INF\spring\properties
For example, for Apache Tomcat:
Note: If you use an external directory (outside the portal root) for the
configuration files, you must update the property file in this

2 Go to the #tinymce conf section.

3 Add the font using the following syntax:
tinyMCE.theme_advanced_fonts=Arial=arial;Courier New=courier
• <Font_display_name> is the name of the font that is displayed in the
text editor.
• <Font_to_map> is the font that is mapped.
4 Save and close the property file.
5 Refresh the web browser by pressing the F5 key.

Related topics
• The new font must also be available to the StreamServer application. See
Importing fonts to be used in the Ad Hoc text editor in the Ad Hoc Correspondence
and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
18 Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence
Customizing the applications

Enabling or disabling spell checking in the Ad Hoc text

By default, the spell checking functionality built into the web browser is enabled
in the Ad Hoc text editor. You can enable or disable this functionality by
updating the file.

Prerequisite for spell checking

• To enable spell checking in the Ad Hoc text editor, the spell checking
options for the web browser must also be enabled. For information on how
to do this, see the user documentation for the web browser.

To enable of disable spell checking in the Ad Hoc text editor

1 Open the file in a text editor. The file is located in:
<Portal root>\<Name>_adhoc\WEB-INF\spring\properties
For example, for Apache Tomcat:
Note: If you use an external directory (outside the portal root) for the
configuration files, you must update the property file in this

2 Go to the #tinymce conf section.

3 Update the following property to enable the spell checker plug-in for the
text editor:
4 Update the following property to add the spell checker toggle button to the
text editor:
5 Update the following property to enable or disable spell checking on page
Note: Even if spell checking is disabled on page load, the Ad Hoc user can
still enable spell checking by clicking the spell checker toggle button
in the Ad Hoc text editor.

6 Save and close the property file.

7 Refresh the web browser by pressing the F5 key.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence 19
Customizing the applications

Enabling non-ASCII characters in story names

In Composition Center, stories (defined as Exposed stories in StoryTeller) can be
attached to a document definition. At runtime, the end-user can add these stories
to the Ad Hoc documents.
In StoryTeller, you can use non-ASCII characters in the names of the Exposed
stories. For example, characters like “å”, “ä”, or “ö”. To enable usage of these
stories in Ad Hoc Correspondence, you must add the following JVM parameter
to the Java application server configuration:


In the file, the corresponding property

(sssp.request.encoding=utf-8) is enabled by default. For more information
about the property file, see Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence on page 16.

Related topics
For detailed information about Java application server configurations, see the
user documentation for the Java application server.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
20 Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence
Customizing the applications

Managing table styles

Tables can be used in the text editor in Ad Hoc Correspondence. For example, to
present texts in columns. Images and metadata cannot be presented in tables.
To simplify the table configuration, end-users can select predefined table styles
that control the table layout. For example, background color, font size and font
color. In Ad Hoc Correspondence, predefined styles can be applied on:
• Tables.
• Individual rows in a table.
• All odd rows in a table.
• All even rows in a table.
• Individual cells in a table.
The styles are defined in a style sheet file. You can edit this file to add new
customized styles or to modify existing styles.
When running both Composition Center and Ad Hoc Correspondence, the style
sheet files for both applications should be synchronized to ensure the same table
layout in the documents. For information about how to customize styles for
Composition Center, see the Composition Center documentation.

In this section
• Customizing table styles for Ad Hoc Correspondence on page 20
• Adding new table styles on page 21
• Example – Adding new table styles on page 21

Customizing table styles for Ad Hoc Correspondence

In the style sheet file, you can modify the existing styles and add new styles. The
style sheet file for Ad Hoc Correspondence is named content.css and is located
<Portal root>\<Name>_adhoc\css

When upgrading and installing hotfixes, the style sheet file is

overwritten. To save customized styles, you must store a copy of the file
in a safe place before upgrading or installing hotfixes. End of warning.

• To customize styles, you should be familiar with the Cascading Style Sheet
(CSS) language.
• You must verify that the customized styles are presented as expected. Since
the text editor does not always display the correct formatting, you must
close the editor and preview the table in the Ad Hoc document.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence 21
Customizing the applications

Adding new table styles

You add new styles by adding new classes to the style sheet file. Each class must
have a unique and descriptive name, since the class name is exposed to end-users
as the name of the table style.
You add formatting for the style by defining CSS properties for the class. The
properties should be within brackets, see Example 1 below.

Example 1 A class with color and width properties within brackets


Do not set style formatting directly on table elements since that affects
all tables in the application. End of warning.

Before updating the content.css file, you should back up the file.

To add a new table style

1 Open the content.css style sheet file in a text editor. The file is located in:
<Portal root>\<Name>_adhoc\css
For example, for Apache Tomcat:
2 Add your classes. See Example – Adding new table styles on page 21.
3 Save the style sheet file.
To see the new table style in Ad Hoc Correspondence, you must restart the
web browser and open an Ad Hoc document. In the document, you can
create a table with the new table style. Since the text editor does not always
display the correct formatting, you must close the editor and preview the
table in the Ad Hoc document.

Example – Adding new table styles

In this example, end-users will be able to select table styles that generate tables
with the following layout:

Figure 1 Table generated in Ad Hoc Correspondence

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
22 Customizing Ad Hoc Correspondence
Customizing the applications

Since the heading row differs from the other table rows, you must define two new
classes in the style sheet file – one class for the body rows and another class for
the heading row.

Adding a class for the table

In the content.css file, you add a class named .CorpGreenTable for the table.
The .CorpGreenTable class contains the formatting for font color, table width,
thickness and color for top and bottom borders.
border-top:2px solid #228b22;
border-bottom:2px solid #228b22;

Adding a class for the table heading

In the content.css file you add a class named .CorpGreenHeading for the
heading. The .CorpGreenHeading class contains the formatting for background
and font colors.

Using the styles in Ad Hoc Correspondence

In Ad Hoc Correspondence, an end-user inserts a new table by opening the Insert/
Modify table dialog box and selecting the CorpGreenTable style. The inserted
table has the following layout:

Figure 2 The same style applied on all rows

To use the CorpGreenHeading style, the end-user clicks in the heading row,
opens the Table row properties dialog box and selects the CorpGreenHeading
style. Now the table has the following layout:

Figure 3 Different style applied on heading row

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Customizing Correspondence Reviewer 23
Customizing the applications

Customizing Correspondence Reviewer

You can customize Correspondence Reviewer by editing the file.
The property file contains the settings for a specific Reviewer application. You
can use this file to customize the Reviewer application. Some examples include:
• Change the number of documents shown per page.
• Change the location of the Metadata and Preview tabs.
• Enable or disable the paging toolbar on the Metadata tab.
• Change the size of the toolbar buttons.
• Customize the columns displayed in the documents list.

Before updating the file, you should back up the file.

To customize Correspondence Reviewer

1 Open the file in a text editor. The file is located in:
<Portal root>\<Name>_reviewer\WEB-INF\spring\properties
For example, for Apache Tomcat:
Note: If you use an external directory (outside the portal root) for the
configuration files, you must update the property file in this

2 To update the properties, follow the instructions in the property file.

3 Refresh the web browser by pressing the F5 key.

In this section
• Customizing columns in the documents list on page 24

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
24 Customizing Correspondence Reviewer
Customizing the applications

Customizing columns in the documents list

In the default documents list in Correspondence Reviewer, the following four
columns are displayed:
• Reason
• Creation Date
• Type
• State

Figure 4 Default columns in Correspondence Reviewer

You can re-arrange or remove the default columns, and you can add new
columns with user defined metadata.
You customize the columns by editing the file.

• The total number of columns must not exceed 30.
• The minimum width of each column is 150 pixels. If you add more columns
than fit in the web browser, the end-user must use the scroll-bar to see all
• The new columns are not available in the filter area for limiting searches.

• If user defined metadata is used, the Message context must be enabled for
this metadata in Design Center. See Enabling the Message context for a
metadata in the Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User
• If the user defined metadata is not shared to all document types in the
Design Center Project, you must enable the service gateway to handle non-
strict validation. See To enable non-strict validation for the service gateway on
page 25.
• The GUIDs for the metadata must be available.
– The GUIDs for user defined metadata are available in the Design
Center resource set (select View > Export GUIDs in the Metadata Group
– The GUIDs for predefined system metadata are available in the table

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Customizing Correspondence Reviewer 25
Customizing the applications

Predefined system GUID


ID 6B84E18B-F03C-350C-E040-007F0200026D
TypeID 6B84E18B-F03F-350C-E040-007F0200026D
Note: We do not recommend you to add a column for
TypeID, since this will display the GUIDs for the
document types rather than the names.
Document type names are by default displayed
using the TypeName metadata below.
TypeName B818E360-E05F-4230-9113-BD610987337E
Name 6B84E18B-F03D-350C-E040-007F0200026D
Revision 6C8B0907-0646-2843-E040-007F02005164
CreationTime 6B84E18B-F047-350C-E040-007F0200026D
ModifyTime 6B84E18B-F048-350C-E040-007F0200026D
ExpiringTime 6B84E18B-F044-350C-E040-007F0200026D
State 6B84E18B-F042-350C-E040-007F0200026D
ServiceName 6B84E18B-F03E-350C-E040-007F0200026D
RuleName 5DCB3480-CE30-4B68-B26C-47081188FB8B
RuleID 6C8B0907-0647-2843-E040-007F02005164
Comment 6F6EEB26-252D-CCDB-E040-007F02007C09
ErrorCode 8D4625F5-40C5-4914-90FC-A013CC03FAF0
ErrorMessage BE2F42C9-5D5A-4AEF-A7F3-F5AC8710F94D
Error 5997CABE-3C8F-469B-A32E-AC1EEC9AD622

To enable non-strict validation for the service gateway

Applicable if non-shared metadata is to be displayed in columns.
1 Open the wsconfigurationservice.xml file in a text editor. The file is
located in:
<StreamServe installation>\Applications\Service Gateway\
2 Update validateStrict in the following line to false:

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
26 Customizing Correspondence Reviewer
Customizing the applications

<configuration type=... >

<parameter name="returnTotalCount" value=.../>
<parameter name="lookupAttributeNames" value=.../>
<parameter name="remoteInvokeTimeOut" value=".../>
<parameter name="validateStrict" value="false"/>
<parameter name="excludedMetaData" value=.../>
3 Save and close the file.
4 Restart the service gateway.

To customize columns in the documents list

1 Open the file in a text editor. The file is located in:
<Portal root>\<Name>_reviewer\WEB-INF\spring\properties
For example, for Apache Tomcat:
Note: If you use an external directory (outside the portal root) for the
configuration files, you must update the property file in this

2 Go to the following section:

# MetaData to be shown in the columns
3 Edit the uncommented line:
• Add GUIDs for the metadata to be displayed in columns.
• Re-arrange the metadata to the appropriate order.
4 Save and close the property file.
5 Refresh the web browser by pressing the F5 key.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C

Accessing the applications

Ad Hoc Correspondence, Correspondence Reviewer and the SSSP application

are integrated into a hosting system at the customer. For example, a business
application or a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system.
It is the responsibility of the customer to integrate the applications into the
hosting system. For example, a programmer can develop an HTTP POST request
via which a new document is created in the Ad Hoc application (in the on-
demand scenario). For information about how to integrate the applications into
the hosting system, see the programming guide for the OpenText StreamServe
web service SDK.

Parameters in URLs
A system administrator must configure the URLs used to access the Ad Hoc and
Reviewer applications. Apart from accessing applications, the URLs can also
contain other parameters. For example:
• For Ad Hoc Correspondence, forward parameters used when submitting
and closing documents.
• For the Correspondence Reviewer, parameters for filtering and sorting
document searches.
By using different parameters for different end-users, personalized settings can
be made in the URLs. For example, by filtering Reviewer searches, you can
prepare the document list for each end-user to display only the documents to be
reviewed by a specific end-user.
Note: In Correspondence Reviewer, the end-user can override the filtering and
sorting defined in the URL. This means that the end-user can further filter
the list or clear the filtering in order to access all documents.

Communal settings in property files

Parameters that apply to all end-users can be defined by customizing the
property files for the applications. For example, for Ad Hoc Correspondence, you
can define forward parameters that apply to all end-users.
Note: If a parameter is defined both in a URL and in a property file, the
parameter in the URL overrides the parameter in the property file.

In this section
• Accessing the SSSP application on page 28
• Accessing Ad Hoc Correspondence on page 29
• Accessing Correspondence Reviewer on page 32

Related topics
• Customizing the applications on page 15

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
28 Accessing the SSSP application
Accessing the applications

Accessing the SSSP application

On-demand scenario
In an on-demand scenario, a request sent to the SSSP application retrieves all Ad-
hoc-enabled document definitions from the runtime repository. The document
definitions are then listed in a user interface in the hosting application.
In the user interface, an end-user selects one of the document definitions and a
data source. For example, a file with customer data including customer name,
customer address and reference name. The document definition and the data
source are included in an HTTP POST request that is sent to the SSSP application.
A new Message is created in the Message storage in the runtime repository and a
Message ID is returned.
The Message ID will be used later, when accessing the corresponding document
in Ad Hoc Correspondence.

Batch scenario
In a batch scenario, the SSSP application is accessed from the Ad Hoc or the
Reviewer application. The URL to the SSSP application is set in the property files
for the applications, see Customizing the applications on page 15.
No further configuration to access the SSSP application is required for the batch

Ad Hoc one to many

In an Ad Hoc one to many scenario, i.e. when an Ad Hoc document is sent to
several recipients, document definitions are published via the publish REST
method from the user interface in the hosting application. These document
definitions will not be classified as Batch or Batch and Ad Hoc document
definitions, and will therefore not be available for management or editing in
Composition Center.

Related topics
See the programming guide for the REST Service API included in the OpenText
StreamServe web service SDK (Software Development Kit) for information on
how to:
• Retrieve Ad-hoc-enabled document definitions from the runtime repository
and list them in the user interface of the hosting system.
• Develop the HTTP POST request that triggers the creation of a Message in
the Message storage based on a selected document definition and a selected
data source.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Accessing Ad Hoc Correspondence 29
Accessing the applications

Accessing Ad Hoc Correspondence

When accessing Ad Hoc Correspondence, a request that includes a Message ID is
sent to the SSSP application. The Message ID identifies the document that is
opened in Ad Hoc Correspondence.
Note: Because the web browser shares session context between tabs, it is not
supported to run Ad Hoc Correspondence in more than one tab in the
web browser.

The URL to access Ad Hoc Correspondence looks like the following:


• <Host> – The host name or IP address of the computer that runs the Java
application server.
• <Port> – The port the Java application server listens to. Default is 8080.
• <Name>_adhoc – The name of the Ad Hoc application. Set by the
management gateway when deploying the web application. See Deployment
in Control Center on page 11.
• ?guid=<messageID> – The Message ID that identifies the document to
open in Ad Hoc Correspondence.
• &domain=<applicationDomain> – The application domain to access.
Required if the Ad Hoc application is connected to several application
• &submit=<submitURL> – The URL the end-user is directed to after
submitting the document. For example, back to the hosting system. This
parameter is optional. If not specified, the document is submitted and
closed but Ad Hoc Correspondence remains open.
If <submitURL> contains parameters, these parameters must be URL
encoded. See Example 2 on page 30.
• &close=<closeURL> – The URL the end-user is directed to after closing the
document. For example, back to the hosting system. This parameter is
optional. If not specified, the document is closed but Ad Hoc
Correspondence remains open.
If <closeURL> contains parameters, these parameters must be URL encoded.
See Example 2 on page 30.
• &submitEnabled=true|false – Specifies whether submit is enabled in
Ad Hoc Correspondence. If submitEnabled=false, the Submit button is
disabled and submit must be handled from Correspondence Reviewer or
within the business workflow of the customer. This parameter is optional. If
not specified, submit is enabled in Ad Hoc Correspondence.
When the end-user chooses to edit a document in Correspondence
Reviewer, submitEnabled=false is automatically added to the URL when
the document opens in Ad Hoc Correspondence.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
30 Accessing Ad Hoc Correspondence
Accessing the applications

Note: When Ad Hoc Correspondence is run in “one-to-many mode”, i.e.

when documents are delivered to several recipients, you must
disable submit (submitEnabled=false).

• &locale=<Locale> – The locale used in Ad Hoc Correspondence. This

parameter is optional. If no locale is specified in the URL, the preferred
locale configured for the web browser is used. If a non-supported locale is
specified, an English locale is used.
• &editorButtons=top|bottom – The location of the Save and Close buttons
in the Ad Hoc text editor. Available options are top and bottom (above or
below the text editor area). This parameter is optional. If not specified, the
buttons are below the text editor area.
• &editorAutoOpen=true|false – Specifies whether the Ad Hoc text editor
opens automatically when a new text fragment is added to the document.
This parameter is optional. If not specified, the Ad Hoc text editor does not
open automatically.
• &manageMetadata=true|false – Specifies whether to enable usage of
variable fields in the Ad Hoc text editor. This parameter is optional. If not
specified, variable fields are disabled in the Ad Hoc text editor.
• &previewType=paginated|unpaginated – Specifies whether to display the
document in paginated mode or unpaginated mode. This parameter is
• &inlineEdit=true|false – Specifies whether to enable inline editing of
texts in the Ad Hoc preview. See Inline editing in Ad Hoc Correspondence on
page 30 for more information about requirements and limitations.

Example 2 URL encoding

In this example, the following is assumed:

• URL to access Ad Hoc Correspondence:<Name>_adhoc/?guid=<messageID>
• URL the end-user is directed to when closing a document:
When URL encoded, this URL looks like the following:
The complete URL to access Ad Hoc Correspondence, and to direct a end-user
further when closing a document looks like the following:<Name>_adhoc/

Inline editing in Ad Hoc Correspondence

The Ad Hoc Correspondence user can be given the possibility to edit texts
directly in the Ad Hoc preview instead of using the text editor. To enable inline
editing you can use URL parameters or edit the file:

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Accessing Ad Hoc Correspondence 31
Accessing the applications

• Using URL parameters – add &inlineEdit=true to the Ad Hoc

Correspondence URL.
• Editing the properties file – change inline property to
Inline editing is only applicable when using unpaginated preview in Ad Hoc
Correspondence. To be able to edit the texts directly in the Ad Hoc preview,
inline styles must be applied to the HTML elements. For example:
<h1 style="color:blue;margin-left:30px;">MyHeading</h1>

StoryTeller specifics
If a StoryTeller Process is used as template for a document definition you must
prepare the preview connector for inline styles. The default behavior for
StoryTeller is to reference a css file and not to use inline styles. To change to inline
styles you must edit the driver settings for the unpaginated preview connector.
What to edit depends on whether you have a custom or default preview
• Custom preview connector – set Inline CSS = Yes in the HTML unpaginated
driver settings.
• Default preview connector – edit defaultpreviewconnectors.xml in the
following directory:

To edit defaultpreviewconnectors.xml
1 Open defaultpreviewconnectors.xml in a text editor.
2 Locate the following section: <option name="Inline CSS">No</option>
3 Change to: <option name="Inline CSS">Yes</option>
4 Save the file and restart the StreamServer application for the changes to
take effect.

• Inline editing is only applicable to unpaginated preview.
• Text and paragraph formatting is preserved when inline editing is enabled.
This means styles, font size, font color etc. cannot be modified when editing
inline texts.
• Inline editing is only supported for desktop browsers (Internet Explorer,
Firefox and Google Chrome) and not for tablet devices.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
32 Accessing Correspondence Reviewer
Accessing the applications

Accessing Correspondence Reviewer

When accessing Correspondence Reviewer, a request is sent to the SSSP
application. The paused Messages are retrieved from the Message storage in the
runtime repository and the corresponding documents are listed in the
By filtering and sorting the searches in the URL, only a selection of documents is
listed in the application. See Filtering and sorting searches on page 32.
Note: Because the web browser shares session context between tabs, it is not
supported to run Correspondence Reviewer in more than one tab in the
web browser.

The URL to access Correspondence Reviewer looks like the following:


• <Host> – Is the host name or IP address of the computer that runs the Java
application server.
• <Port> – Is the port that the Java application server listens to, by default
• <Name>_reviewer – Is the name of the Reviewer application, set by the
management gateway when deploying the web application. See Deployment
in Control Center on page 11.
• domain=<Application domain> – Is the application domain to be accessed.
This parameter is required if the Reviewer application is connected to
several application domains.
• restore=true – Is a parameter used to return the end-user to the same
view in Correspondence Reviewer after editing a document in Ad Hoc
When an end-user chooses to edit a document in Correspondence Reviewer,
this parameter is automatically added to the URL. When the end-user closes
the document in Ad Hoc Correspondence, the end-user automatically
returns to the same view in Correspondence Reviewer.
Note: To return to the same view, the web browser must be configured to
allow cookies to be saved.

• <Locale> – Is the locale that is used in Correspondence Reviewer. This

parameter is optional. If no locale is specified in the URL, the preferred
locale configured for the web browser is used. If a non-supported locale is
specified, an English locale is used.

Filtering and sorting searches

When accessing Correspondence Reviewer, the paused Messages are retrieved
from the Message storage in the runtime repository and the corresponding
documents are listed in the application.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Accessing Correspondence Reviewer 33
Accessing the applications

You can filter and sort the searches in the URL to Correspondence Reviewer. By
using different URLs for different end-users, you can prepare the document list
so only documents specific to each end-user are displayed.
Note: In Correspondence Reviewer, the end-user can override the filtering and
sorting defined in the URL. This means that the end-user can further filter
the list or clear the filtering in order to access all documents.

The syntax that is used to filter searches is:


• <URL_Reviewer> – Is the URL to Correspondence Reviewer.
• <Parameter> – Is the parameter to filter and sort the searches by.
See Parameters on page 33.
• <Direction> – Is the direction to sort searches in.
See Sorting directions on page 34.
• [Statement_1,…,Statement_n] – Is an array of search statements.
See Search statements on page 35.

Example 3 Filtering and sorting documents that are displayed in Correspondence


In the following example, documents created between the 12th of May and 20th
of October 2012 that are rejected, are listed in Correspondence Reviewer.
The documents are sorted in descending order by creation date, with the most
recent documents at in the top of the list.
&search={statements:[{attr:’State’, op:’eq’, val:’REJECTED’},
{attr:’CreationTime’, op:’range’, val:’05/12/2012..10/20/2012’}]}

When filtering and sorting searches, you can use the parameters below
(predefined system metadata).

Parameter Description

TypeID The GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) of the document

type set for the document.
Note: Only for filtering searches. You cannot sort
documents based on the TypeID parameter.
CreationTime The date and time the paused document was created.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
34 Accessing Correspondence Reviewer
Accessing the applications

Parameter Description

State The processing state (case sensitive) for the

corresponding Message in the Message storage. States
available in Correspondence Reviewer are:
For more information about the processing states, see
Processing states in the Message storage in the Ad Hoc
Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer User Guide.
RuleID The GUID for the exception rule that paused the
Note: Only for filtering searches. You cannot sort
documents based on the RuleID parameter.

Sorting directions
When sorting searches, you can use the following parameters:

Parameter Description

asc Sorts in ascending order.

desc Sorts in descending order.

Note: You cannot apply sorting on the parameters Type and RuleID.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Accessing Correspondence Reviewer 35
Accessing the applications

Search statements
The syntax that is used in search statements is:

statements:[{attr:<Parameter>, op:<Operator>, val:<Value>}…]

• <Parameter> – Is the parameter to search by. For example, ’State’.
See Parameters on page 33.
• <Operator> – Is one of the following operators used for comparison:
– ’eq’ – Equals (for exact match of <Parameter>).
– ’range’ – Range (when <Parameter> belongs to a range of values).
The operator can be used for dates and numbers. For example,
’10..20.55’ for numbers or ’01/20/2012..01/25/2012’ for dates.
• <Value> – Is the value <Parameter> is compared with. The value must
have the same format as <Parameter>. For example, ’REJECTED’.
Note: Since date formats are locale specific, you must use the locale for the
computer with the web browser. For example, for a computer with a
US locale, the date format must be ’MM/DD/YYYY’.

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36 Accessing Correspondence Reviewer
Accessing the applications

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C

Monitoring the applications

This section contains information about the services and log files that are
monitored when running Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence

In this section
• Checking status of services on page 38
• Checking log files on page 39

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
38 Checking status of services
Monitoring the applications

Checking status of services

To start Ad Hoc Correspondence or Correspondence Reviewer, the following
must be fulfilled:
• The service gateway must be running in the application domain.
• The services required by the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications must be

To check that the service gateway is running

1 In Control Center, right-click the service gateway application in the
application domain and select Refresh.
2 Check that the State property is Running.

To check that the required services are started

In your operational system, check that the following services are started:
• The service for the Java application server. For example, Apache Tomcat.
• The service for the service gateway.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Checking log files 39
Monitoring the applications

Checking log files

Figure 5 Log files for Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer

Logs files to be monitored

1 For log information regarding Ad Hoc Correspondence, Correspondence
Reviewer and the SSSP application:
a Check the SSSP log file, containing all information related to the
business logic when running the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications.
b Check the Ad Hoc log file (only displays errors that occur the first time
an Ad Hoc document is loaded in the web browser).
c Check the Reviewer log file (only displays errors that occur the first
time a Reviewer document list is loaded in the web browser).
2 For log information about the service gateway:
a Check the application log for the service gateway in Control Center.
b For information regarding SOAP requests, you can enable SOAP
logging for the service gateway.
3 For log information regarding the StreamServer application, check the
StreamServer application log in Control Center.
4 For log information regarding Composition Center, check the StreamStudio
log file.

In this section
• Using the SSSP log file on page 40
• Enabling SOAP logging for the service gateway on page 41
• Disabling SOAP faults at missing metadata on page 42

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
40 Checking log files
Monitoring the applications

Related topics
For information about:
• The StreamServer and service gateway application logs in Control Center,
see the Control Center documentation.
• The StreamStudio log file, see the StreamStudio Administrator’s Guide.

Using the SSSP log file

When using the Ad Hoc and Reviewer applications, the SSSP application
generates a log file (sssp.log) containing all information related to the business
logic. The sssp.log file is located in the following directory:
For example, for Apache Tomcat: <TOMCAT_HOME>\logs

The adhoc.log and reviewer.log files are found in the same directory
as the sssp.log file.
Since the Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer are
web clients, running in a web browser, these files only contain
information about errors occurring at start-up. For example, if an error
occurs the first time an Ad Hoc document is loaded, you may find
useful information here.
For detailed information, you should always check the sssp.log file.
End of tip.

Log levels
The SSSP log has four different levels for the severity of the content:
• ERROR – Displays severe errors.
• WARN – Displays non-fatal errors that might need investigation.
• INFO – Displays informational messages.
• DEBUG – Mainly for developers.
The settings can be changed in the file, located in the
following directory:
<Portal root>\sssp\WEB-INF
For example, for Apache Tomcat:
After changing the settings, you must restart the Java application server for the
changes to take effect.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Checking log files 41
Monitoring the applications

Enabling SOAP logging for the service gateway

If you experience an error and you cannot find the cause in the ordinary log files,
you can enable SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) logging for the service
In the SOAP logs, you find information related to the web services that are hosted
by the specific service gateway. All inbound and outbound data traffic between
the service gateway and any clients accessing the service gateway (for example,
the SSSP application and StreamStudio) is logged.
The SOAP log files are located in the working directory for the service gateway
<Base directory>\<Version>\root\applications\<SGW>\wd\<SOAP_RECV.
log or SOAP_SENT.log>
• <Base directory> – Is the path specified for StreamServe Projects during
the Framework and StreamServer installation.
For example: C:\ManagementGateway
• <SGW> – Is the name of the service gateway application specified in Control
• <SOAP_RECV.log> – Is the name of the SOAP log file for inbound traffic.
• <SOAP_SENT.log> – Is the name of the SOAP log file for outbound traffic.

To enable SOAP logging for the service gateway

1 Open the following file:
<StreamServe installation>\Applications\Service
2 Uncomment the following line:
<!-- <soapdebug recvlog="SOAP_RECV.log"
sentlog="SOAP_SENT.log"/> -->
3 Save and close the file.
4 In Control Center, restart the service gateway.

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42 Checking log files
Monitoring the applications

Disabling SOAP faults at missing metadata

User defined metadata can be included in select, filter and sort clauses from the
web service client application to the service gateway. For example, if a column for
user defined metadata is added to the document list in Correspondence
Reviewer, this metadata is included in the clauses from the SSSP application.
If several document types are used and the metadata does not exist in all
document types, the metadata automatically is excluded from the result set for
these document types. No value is displayed in the column in Correspondence
Reviewer and a SOAP fault is returned.
Note: If the searches are filtered in such a way that the document types in which
the metadata is missing are not included in the document list in
Correspondence Reviewer, no SOAP fault is returned.

If you do not consider missing metadata to be an error, you can disable SOAP
faults from being returned at missing metadata.

To disable SOAP faults at missing metadata

1 Open the following file:
<StreamServe installation>\Applications\Service
2 Update value="false" in the following line:
<parameter name="validateStrict" value="true"/>
3 Save and close the file.
4 In Control Center, restart the service gateway.

Related topics
• Filtering and sorting searches on page 32

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C

Handling errors when using the applications

Errors can occur in different processing stages when using Ad Hoc

Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer.
For example:
• If the StreamServer application goes down, a document cannot be opened
in Ad Hoc Correspondence or approved in Correspondence Reviewer.
• If the connection to the output destination is interrupted, a submitted or
approved document cannot be delivered to the customer.

In this section
• Server errors on page 44
• Formatting errors on page 45
• Delivery errors on page 46

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
44 Server errors
Handling errors when using the applications

Server errors
If the StreamServer application goes down after a Message has been paused, the
corresponding document cannot be opened in Ad Hoc Correspondence or
approved in Correspondence Reviewer.

Ad Hoc Correspondence
A document cannot be previewed if the StreamServer application is down, which
means the end-user cannot open the document in Ad Hoc Correspondence. If the
StreamServer application goes down after a document was opened, the
document cannot be submitted. A web service error occurs and the end-user is
asked to contact the system administrator.

Correspondence Reviewer
If the end-user tries to approve a document in Correspondence Reviewer, a web
service error occurs and the end-user is asked to contact the system
When the end-user refreshes the document list, the state of the document is
updated to Failed. On the Metadata tab, in the Comments field, the end-user
receives information on how to proceed. For example, that the approve operation
failed and the end-user should try again later.
Since the StreamServer application is down, no information about the error is
presented in the ErrorMessage field.

Figure 6 Error information in Correspondence Reviewer

A system administrator must restart the StreamServer application.
When the StreamServer application is up and running, the end-user can open the
document in Ad Hoc Correspondence. A document that previously failed to be
submitted must be submitted by the end-user again.
In Correspondence Reviewer, the failed document is not automatically resent.
The document remains in the documents list (with processing state Failed) and
must be approved by the end-user again.
Note: StreamStudio Reporter cannot be used to resend failed documents from
the Message storage.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
Formatting errors 45
Handling errors when using the applications

Formatting errors
A formatting error occurs when the StreamServer application fails to format a
Message. The Message remains in the Message storage and the corresponding
document cannot be formatted or distributed to the customer.

Ad Hoc Correspondence
Since no document can be previewed if the formatting fails, the end-user cannot
open the corresponding document in Ad Hoc Correspondence. A web service
error occurs and the end-user is asked to contact the system administrator.

Correspondence Reviewer
If the end-user tries to approve a document in Correspondence Reviewer, a web
service error occurs and the end-user is asked to contact the system
When the end-user refreshes the document list, the state of the document is
updated to Failed. On the Metadata tab, error information from the StreamServer
application is presented in the ErrorCode and ErrorMessage fields.

Figure 7 Error information in Correspondence Reviewer

A system administrator must consult the log files to find the cause of the error.
See Checking log files on page 39. The error must then be corrected.

When the error is corrected

When the formatting error is corrected and the StreamServer application is up
and running, the end-user can open the document in Ad Hoc Correspondence.
In Correspondence Reviewer, the failed document is not automatically resent.
The document remains in the documents list (with processing state Failed) and
must be approved by the end-user again.
Note: StreamStudio Reporter cannot be used to resend failed documents from
the Message storage.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C
46 Delivery errors
Handling errors when using the applications

Delivery errors
If an error occurs after a Message is formatted and delivered to the output queue
(and any retries configured for the output queue are exhausted), the job fails. For
example, if the delivery fails due to an email or FTP error. As a result, the
corresponding document is not delivered to the customer.

Ad Hoc Correspondence
When the end-user submits the document in Ad Hoc Correspondence, the
document closes. The end-user is not informed about the failed job. The failed job
must be handled through the ordinary error handling as described below.

Correspondence Reviewer
When the end-user approves the document in Correspondence Reviewer, the
document is removed from the list in Corresponding Reviewer. The end-user is
not informed about the failed job. The failed job must be handled through the
ordinary error handling as described below.

As a system administrator, you must attend to failed jobs to ensure that the
documents are properly delivered to the customers.

Monitoring jobs using Status Messenger

You can use Status Messenger to monitor job statuses. For example, if a job fails,
an e-mail can be generated to inform you about the failure. You can then take the
proper actions, for example using StreamStudio Reporter.
For more information, see the Status Messenger documentation.

Resending jobs using StreamStudio Reporter

You can use StreamStudio Reporter to manually resend jobs from the queues. For
example, if the connection to a customer is interrupted, you can resend the failed
jobs from the output queue when the connection is re-established.
In the Design Center Platform configuration for the queues, both information and
job should be stored for failed jobs. This means failed jobs remain in the queues
until they are successfully reprocessed.
For more information, see the Reporter documentation.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Ad Hoc Correspondence and Correspondence Reviewer Administrator’s Guide Rev C

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