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IA Marks : 25
Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total Hours : 52 Exam Marks : 100
UNIT - 1
Introduction: Need for the compression in product development,
history of RP systems, Survey of applications, Growth of RP industry,
and classification of RP systems.

Stereo Lithography Systems: Principle, Process parameter,

Process details, Data preparation, data files and machine details,
07 Hours
UNIT - 2
Selective Laser Sintering: Type of machine, Principle of operation,
process parameters, Data preparation for SLS, Applications.

Fusion Deposition Modelling: Principle, Process parameter,

Path generation, Applications.
07 Hours
UNIT - 3
Solid Ground Curing: Principle of operation, Machine details,
Laminated Object Manufacturing: Principle of operation, LOM
materials. Process details, application.
06 Hours

UNIT - 4
Concepts Modelers: Principle, Thermal jet printer, Sander's model
market, 3-D printer. GenisysXs printer HP system, object
Quadra systems.
06 Hours
UNIT - 5
Rapid Tooling: Indirect Rapid tooling, Silicon rubber tooling,
Aluminium filled epoxy tooling, Spray metal tooling, Cast kirksite,
3Q keltool, etc. Direct Rapid Tooling Direct. AIM.
06 Hours
UNIT - 6
Rapid Tooling: Quick cast process, Copper polyamide, Rapid
Tool, DMILS, Prometal, Sand casting tooling, Laminate tooling soft
Tooling vs. hard tooling.
06 Hours
UNIT - 7
Software For RP: STL files, Overview of Solid view, magics, mimics,
magic communicator, etc. Internet based software, Collaboration tools.
06 Hours
UNIT - 8
Rapid Manufacturing Process Optimization: factors influencing
Data preparation errors, Part building errors, Error in finishing, influence
of build orientation.
08 Hours

1.Stereo Lithography and other RP & M Technologies, Paul F.
Jacobs: SME, NY 1996.
2. Rapid Manufacturing, Flham D.T &Dinjoy S.S Verlog London
1. Rapid Prototyping, Terry Wohlers Wohler's Report
2000" Wohler's Association 2000.
2. Rapid Prototyping Materials, Gurumurthi, IISc Bangalore.
3. Rapid Automated, Lament wood. Indus press New York.



One of the important steps prior to the production of a

functional product is building of a physical prototype. Prototype is a
working model created in order to test various aspects of a design,
illustrate ideas or features and gather early user feed-back.
Traditional prototyping is typically done in a machine shop where
most of parts are machined on lathes and milling machines. This is a
subtractive process, beginning with a solid piece of stock and the
machinist carefully removes the material until the desired geometry is
achieved. For complex part geometries, this is an exhaustive, time
consuming, and expensive process. A host of new shaping techniques,
usually put under the title Rapid Prototyping ,
are being developed as an alternative to subtractive processes.
These methods are unique in that they add and bond materials in
layers to form objects. These systems are also known by the names
additive fabrication, three dimensional printing, solid
freeform fabrication (SFF), layered manufacturing etc.
These additive
technologies offer significant advantages in many
applications compared to classical subtractive fabrication methods like
formation of an object with any geometric complexity or intricacy
without the need for elaborate machine setup or final assembly in
very short time. This has resulted in their wide use by engineers as a
way to reduce time to market in manufacturing, to better
understand and communicate product designs, and to make rapid
tooling to manufacture those products. Surgeons, architects, artists
and individuals from many other disciplines also routinely use this

 Prototype: It is a model fabricated to prove out a concept or an

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 Solid Modelling: It’s a branch of CAD that produces 2D or 3D objects

in an electronic format.

 Definition: Rapid prototyping is basically a additive

manufacturing process used to quickly fabricate a model
of a part using 3-D CAM data.

 It can also be defined as layer by layer fabrication of 3D

physical models directly from CAD.

Need for the compression in the product development

 To increase effective communication.

 To decrease development time.
 To decrease costly mistakes.
 To minimize sustaining engineering changes.
 To extend product life time by adding necessary features &
eliminating redundant features early in the design.

Trends in manufacturing industries emphasis the following:

 Increasing the no of variants of products.

 Increase in product complexity.

 Decrease in product lifetime before obsolescence.

 Decrease in delivery time.

 Product development by Rapid prototyping by enabling better


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Conventional Machining:

 Its not suitable for complex shapes because they are difficult
to machine.

 Time consuming

 Very costly

 Tedious or very laborious.

 Skilled operator is required.

 Accuracy will be less.

 Increased product development time.

 Pre-processing:- CAD model slicing & setting algorithms

applied for various RP systems.
 Post-processing:- Cleaning operations required to finish a part
after removing it from RP machine.
 Materials for Rapid Prototyping:- Paper, Wax, Plastics,
Resins, Metallic powders.

Methodology of Rapid Prototyping:

RP in its basic form can be described as the production of

three dimensional (3D) parts from computer aided design (CAD)
data in a decreased time scale. The basic methodology of all RP
process can be summarized as shown in following figure.

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Rapid prototyping process chain

 Construct a CAD model.

 Convert it to STL format.

 RP machine processes .STL file by creating sliced layers of model.

 First layer of model is created.

 Model is then lowered by thickness of next layer.

 Process is repeated until completion of model

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 The model & any supports are removed.

 Surface of the model is then finished and cleaned.

(1) Development of a CAD model

The process begins with the generation CAD model of the desired
object which can be done by one of the following ways;
 Conversion of an existing two dimensional (2D) drawing
 Importing scanned point data into a CAD package
 Creating a new part in CAD in various solid modeling packages
 Altering an existing CAD model

RP has traditionally been associated with solid rather than

surface modelling but the more recent trends for organic shapes in
product design is increasing the need for free flowing surfaces
generated better in surface modelling.

(2) Generation of Standard triangulation language (STL) file

The developed 3D CAD model is tessellated and converted into STL

files that are required for RP processes. Tessellation is
piecewise approximation of surfaces of 3D CAD model using series of
triangles. Size of triangles depends on the chordal error or maximum
fact deviation. For better approximation of surface and smaller
chordal error, small size triangle are used which increase the STL
file size. This tessellated CAD data generally carry defects like gaps,
overlaps, degenerate facets etc which may necessitate the repair
software. These defects are shown in figure below. The STL file
connects the surface of the model in an array of triangles and consists
of the X, Y and Z coordinates of the three vertices of each surface
triangle, as well as an index that describes the orientation of the
surface normal.

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Tessellation defects

(3) Slicing the STL file

Slicing is defined as the creating contours of sections of the geometry

at various heights in the multiples of layer thickness. Once the STL file
has been generated from the original CAD data the next step is to slice
the object to create a slice file (SLI). This necessitates the decision
regarding part deposition orientation and then the tessellated model is
sliced. Part orientation will be showing considerable effect on the
surface as shown in the figures.

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Effect of Part deposition Orientation

The thickness of slices is governed by layer thickness that the

machine will be building in, the thicker the layer the larger the
steps on the surface of the model when it has been built. After the
STL file has been sliced to create the SLI files they are merged into
a final build file. This information is saved in standard formats like SLC
or CLI (Common Layer Interface) etc.

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(4) Support Structures

As the parts are going to be built in layers, and there may be areas
that could float away or of overhang which could distort. Therefore,
some processes require a base and support structures to be added to
the file which are built as part of the model and later removed.

(5) Manufacturing

As discussed previously, the RP process is additive i.e. it builds the

parts up in layers of material from the bottom. Each layer is
automatically bonded to the layer below and the process is
repeated until the part is built. This process of bonding is
undertaken in different ways for the
various materials that are being used but includes the use of
Ultraviolet (UV) lasers, Carbon Dioxide (C�2 ) lasers, heat
sensitive glues and melting the material itself etc.

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(6) Post processing

The parts are removed from the machine and post

processing operations are performed sometimes to add extra strength
to the part by filling process voids or finish the curing of a part or to
hand finish the parts to the desired level. The level of post
processing will depend greatly on the final requirements of the parts
produced, for example, metal tooling for injection molding will
require extensive finishing to eject the parts but a prototype part
manufactured to see if it will physically fit in a space will require little
or no post processing.

History of RP system

 It started in 1980’s
 First technique is Stereo lithography (SLA)
 It was developed by 3D systems of Valencia in California, USA
in 1986.
 Fused deposition modeling (FDM) developed by stratasys
company in 1988.
 Laminated object manufacturing (LOM) developed by
Helisis (USA).
 Solid ground Curing developed by Cubitol corporation of Israel.
 Selective laser sintering developed by DTM of Austin, Texas
(USA) in 1989.
 Sanders Model maker developed by Wilton incorporation USA
in 1990.
 Multi Jet Modeling by 3D systems.
 3-D Printing by Solygen incorporation, MIT, USA.

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Most of the RP parts are finished or touched up before they are used for
their intended applications. Applications can be grouped into

(1) Design (2) Engineering, Analysis, and Planning and (3)

Tooling and Manufacturing . A wide rangeof industries can benefit
from RP andthese include, but are not limited to, aerospace,
automotive, biomedical, consumer, electrical and electronics products.

Classification of RP systems

The professional literature in RP contains different ways of classifying

RP processes. However, one representation based on German
standard of production processes classifies RP processes according
to state of aggregation of their original material and is given in

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Here, few important RP processes namely

Classification of RP Processes

Here, few important RP processes namely

Stereo lithography (SLA)

Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

Solid Ground Curing (SGC) are described

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It is the first RP system developed by 3D SYSTEMS of Valencia

in California, USA in 1996.
First Model developed was 250/50 followed by 250/30, 3500, 5000
and 7000.


SLA is a laser based Rapid Prototyping process which builds parts

directly from CAD by curing or hardening a photosensitive resin with
a relatively low power laser.

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StereoLithography (SL) is the best known rapid prototyping system.

The technique builds three-dimensional models from liquid
photosensitive polymers that solidify when exposed to laser beam.
The model is built upon a platform in a vat of photo sensitive liquid.
A focused UV laser traces out the first layer, solidifying the model cross
section while leaving excess areas liquid. In the next step, an elevator
lowers the platform into the liquid polymer by an amount equal to
layer thickness. A sweeper recoats the solidified layer with liquid,
and the laser traces the second layer on the first. This process is
repeated until the prototype is complete. Afterwards, the solid part is
removed from the vat and rinsed clean of excess liquid. Supports
are broken off and the model is then placed in an ultraviolet oven for
complete curing.


Laser Type: Helium Cadmium Laser (He-

Cd) Laser Power: 24mW

Laser Life: 2000 hours

Re-coat material:


Minimum Slice Thickness:

0.1mm Beam Diameter: 0.2mm

Scan Speed: 0.75m/sec

Maximum Part Volume: 0.25x0.25x0.25

m Maximum Part Weight: 9 kgs

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Application Range

 Processing large variety of photo-sensitive polymers including

clear, water resistant and flexible resins
 Functional parts for tests
 Tools for pre series production tests.
 Manufacturing of medical models
 Manufacturing of electro-forms for Electro Discharge
Machining (EDM)
 Form-fit functions for assembly tests.


 Possibility of manufacturing parts which are impossible to

produce conventionally using a single process.
 Continuous unattended operation for 24 hours.
 High resolution.
 Any geometrical shape can be made with virtually no limitation.


 Necessity to have support structures

 Accuracy not in the range of mechanical part manufacturing.
 Restricted areas of application due to given material properties.
 Labour requirements for post processing, especially cleaning.

250 and SLA 500 machines. It has got three packages.
a) SLA VIEW: UNIX based system for viewing and positioning.

b) BRIDGE WORKS: UNIX based software for generating

support structures.
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c) SLA SLICE: Slicing and system operation software.

ii. MAESTRO: UNIX based software
for viewing,
positioning, support generation and slicing, build station for
operating SLA machine.

Build Materials Used:

Epoxy Resin, Acrylate Resin

Epoxy Resin has better material properties and less hazardous but
require large exposure time for curing.


The build chamber of SLA contains

1) A removable VAT that holds the build resin.

2) A detachable perforated build platen on a Z axis elevator frame
3) An automated resin level checking apparatus
4) VAT has a small amount of Z movement capability which allows
computer to maintain a exact height per layer.
5) A recoated blade rides along the track at the top of the rack and
serves to smooth the liquid across the part surface to prevent
any rounding off edges due to cohesion effects.
6) Some systems have Zaphyrrecoater blade which actually softens
up resin and delivers it evenly across the part surface.
7) Behind the build chamber resides the laser and optics required
to cure resin.

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8) Laser unit is long rectangular about 4 feet long and remains


Stereolithography Apparatus Operation:

1) The process begins with the solid model in various CAD formats
2) The solid model must consist of enclosed volumes before it
is translated form CAD format into .STL FILE
3) The solid model is oriented into the positive octant of Cartesian
co- ordinate system and then translate out Z axis by at least 0.25
inches to allow for building of supports
4) The solid model is also oriented for optimum build which
involves placing complex curvatures in XY plane where possible
and rotating for least Z height as well as to where least amount
of supports are required
5) The .STL FILE is verified

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6) The final .STL FILE one which supports in addition to original file
are then sliced into horizontal cross sections and saved as slice file.
7) The slice files are then masked to create four separate files
that control SLA machine ending with 5 extensions L, R, V and
8) Important one is V file. I.e. Vector file. The V file contains actual
line data that the laser will follow to cure the shape of the part.

9) R file is the range file which contains data for solid or open fields
as well as re-coater blade parameters.
The four build files are downloaded to SLA which begins building
supports with platen adjust above the surface level. The first few
support layers are actually cured into perforations into platen, thus
providing a solid anchor for the rest of the part.
By building, SLA uses laser to scan the cross section and fill across
the surface of resin which is cured or hardened into the cross sectional
shape. The platen is lowered as the slices are completed so that
more resin is available in the upper surface of the part to be cured.
Final step is Post Processing.
Post Processing:

1) Ultraviolet Oven (Post

Curing Apparatus) 2) An
Alcohol Bath.
Clean the part in the alcohol bath and then go for final curing.


1) Parts have best surface quality

2) High Accuracy
3) High speed
4) Finely detailed features like thin vertical walls, sharp corners &
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tall columns can be fabricated with ease.

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1) It requires Post Processing. i.e. Post Curing.

2) Careful handling of raw materials required.
3) High cost of Photo Curable Resin.


1) Investment Casting.
2) Wind Tunnel Modelling.
3) Tooling.
4) Injection Mould Tools.


Fig: Stereolithography Apparatus

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Important Questions:

1. What is rapid prototyping ? and what are the advantages and

disadvantages of rapid prototyping?
2. What is rapid prototyping systems? Classify rapid prototyping
3. What is the need and importance of rapid prototyping?
4. Write a note on history of RP systems.
5. Explain the principles and applications of stereolithography systems.
6. Write a note on stereolithography?
7. Explain the principles, process parameters and process details
of stereolithography.
8. What is the need for a prototype in new product development.
9. What are the applications of rapidprototyping in the medical
field? 10.What are the recent trends in rapidprototyping?
11. List the application areas of stereolithography process.
12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
stereolithography process?

20 | P a g
e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]



Selective Laser Sintering is a rapid prototyping process that builds
models from a wide variety of materials using an additive
fabrication method.Selective Laser Sintering was developed by
university of Texas Austin in 1987.The build media for Selective
Laser Sintering comes in powder form which is fused together by a
powerful carbon dioxide laser to form the final product.

DTM sinter station 2500 is the machine used for the process.

Selective Laser Sintering begins like most other rapid

prototyping processes with a standard

.STL CAD file format.DTM view software uses the .STL files. This software
do the required orientation and scaling of parts.
This machine has auto nesting capabilities which will place multiple
part optimally in the build chamber for best processing speed and
results. Once the .STL file is placed and parameters are set the model is
directly built from the file.

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e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

The sinter station has built piston at the center and feed piston on
the either side. The model is built layer by layer like other rapid
prototyping process so that the build piston will begin at the top of its
range and will lower in increments of the set layer size as parts are
built. With the build piston at the top a thin layer of powder is spread
across the build area by the roller from one of the feed piston. The
laser then cures in a raster sweeps motion across the area of the parts
being built.The part piston lowers and more powder is deposited and
the process is continued until all of the part is built.The build media is
removed from the machine. It is a cake of powder. This cake is
taken to the breakout station where excess powder is removed
from the part manually with brushesthe excess powder that has
been removed can be kept for recycling and can be reused. Some
material needs additional finishing. Some of the

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e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

finishing techniques include grid blasting, sanding, polishing, drilling,

taping and coatin
Purpose of Selective Laser Sintering:

To provide a prototyping tool

To decrease the time and cost of design to product cycle.

It can use wide variety of materials to accommodate

multiple application throughout the manufacturing process


1. As conceptual models.

2. Functional prototypes.

3. As Pattern masters.


1. Wide range of build materials.

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e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

2. High throughput capabilities.

3. Self-supporting build

envelop. 4.Parts are completed


5. Damage is less.

6. Less wastage of material

1. Initial cost of system is high.
2. High operational and maintenance cost.
3. Peripheral and facility requirement.


Fused Deposition Modelling is an extrusion based rapid

prototyping process although it works on the same layer by layer
principle as other RP systems. Fused Deposition Modelling relies on
standard STL data file for input and is capable of using multiple build
materials in a build or support relationship.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) machine is basically a CNC-
controlled robot carrying a miniature extruder head. By feeding the
head with a plastic wire, solid objects are built "string by string". In
this technique, filaments of heated thermoplastic are extruded from
a tip that moves in the x-y plane. Like a baker decorating a cake,
the controlled extrusion head deposits very thin beads of material
onto the build platform to form the first layer. The platform is
maintained at a lower temperature, so that the thermoplastic
quickly hardens. After the platform lowers, the extrusion head
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e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

deposits a second layer upon the first. Supports are built along the
way, fastened to the part either with a second, weaker material or
with a perforated junction.

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e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

Software Used:

FDM machine uses Quick Slice software to manipulate and prepare

the incoming STL date for use in FDM machines. Software can be
operated on various types of workstations from UNIX to PC based.
Build Materials:

1) Investment Casting Wax.

2) Acrilonitrile Butadiene Styrene plastic.

3) Elastomer.

Extrusion Head:

1) It is a key to FDM technology.

2) Compact and removable unit.
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e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

3) It consists of Dry Blocks, Heating Chamber and Tips.

Dry Blocks:

a) These are raw material feeding mechanisms and are mounted

on back of head.
b) These are computer controlled.
c) Capable of precision loading and unloading of filament.
d) It consists of two parallel wheels attached to a small electric
motor by gears.
e) The wheels have a plastic and rubber thread and are
spaced approximately 0.07inches apart and turn opposite to one
f) When the wheels are turned in and end of the filament is placed
between them, they continue to push or pull the material
depending on direction of rotation.
g) When loading the filament is pushed horizontally into the head
through a hole, a little longer than the filament diameter which is
the entry to the heating chamber.
Heating Chamber:

a) It is a 90’ curved elbow wrapped in a heating element which serves

two primary functions
To change the direction of the filament flow so that the material
is extruded vertically downwards.
To serve as a melting area for the material
b) The heating element is electronically controlled and has feedback
thermocouple to allow for a stable temperature throughout.
c) The heating elements are held at a temperature just above
the melting point of the material so that the filament passes from
the exit of the chamber is in molten state. This allows for
smooth extrusion as well as time control on material placement.
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e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

d) At the end of the heating chamber which is about 4 inch long is

the extrusion orifice or tip.

a) The two tips are externally threaded and screwed up into
the heating chamber exit and are used to reduce the extruded
filament diameter to allow for better detailed modelling
b) .The tips are heated by heating chamber up to above the
melting point of the material.
c) The tips can be removed and replaced with different size
openings, the two most common being 0.012 inch and 0.025
d) The extruding surface of the tip is flat serving as the hot
shearing surface to maintain a smooth upper finish of extruded
e) The tip is the point at which the material is deposited onto a
foam substrate to build the model..
Build Substrate:

1) The foam substrate is an expendable work table once which

parts are built.
2) The substrate is about 1 inch thick and is passed on into a
removable tray by one quarter inch pins.
3) The foam used is capable of withstanding higher temperature.
As for the first few layers of the part, the hot extrusion
orifices are touching the substrate.
4) The support material is used to support overhangs, internal
cavities and thin sections during extrusion as well as to provide
a base to anchor (part) to the substrate while building.

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e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]


i. CAD file preparation:

Before building the part, the STL file has to be converted into
the machine language understood by FDM. Quick Slice
software is used for this purpose.

The STL file is read into Quick Slice and is displayed
graphically on screen in Cartesian co-ordinate system (XYZ)

Building box represents maximum build envelope of FDM.

Quick slice gives us options on the FDM system being used, the
slice layer thickness, the build and support materials as well as tip
ii. Part Size:

The part must fit into the building box, if not it will either have to
be scaled down to fit or be sectioned so that the pieces can be
built separately and then bonded together later.

iii. Orientation and Positioning:

Once the part has been built in appropriate built size, the part should
be oriented in an optimum position for building. The shape of the part
plays an important role in this, in that some orientations may require less
supporting of overhangs than the others.
iv. Slicing:
Once the part has been properly oriented and or scaled it must be
sliced. Slicing is a software operation that creates thin horizontal cross
sections of STL file that will later be used to create control code for
the machine.
In Quick Slice, the slice thickness can be changed before slicing,
the typical slices ranging from
0.05 inches to 0.015 inches.

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e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

Quick Slice allows

To perform simple editing functions on slice files. Also editing
function allows repair of minor flaws in the STL file with the
options of closing and merging of curves.
Build Parameters:

A. Sets:

Quick Slice uses sets or packages of build parameters. Sets contain all
of the build instructions for a selected set of curves in a part. Sets
allow a part to be built with several different settings
E.g. One set may be used for supporting structure of the part, one
for part face, another for thicker sections of the part and still
another for exposed surfaces of the part. This allows flexibility of
building bulkier sections and internal fills quickly by getting finer
details on visible areas of a part.
Sets also allow chosen sections of a part to build hollow, cross hatched or
solid if so desired.
Two of the build parameters commonly worked with are road width
and fill spacing.

B. Road Width:

Road Width is the width of the ribbon of molten material that is

extruded from the tip.

When FDM builds a layer, it usually begins by outlining the cross section
with a perimeter road, sometimes followed by one or more concentric
contours inside of perimeters.
Next it begins to fill remaining internal area in a raster or
hatched pattern until a complete solid layer is finished.

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e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

Therefore three types of roads are Perimeter,

Contour and Raster.

C. Fill Spacing:

Fill spacing is the distance left between raster’s or contours that

make up interior solids of the parts. A fill spacing set at zero means
that part will be built solid.

D. Creating and Outputting Roads:

Once all parameters have been set, road are created graphically
by Quick Slice. The user is then allowed to preview each slice if so
desired to see if the part is going to build as required.

E. Getting a Build Time Estimate:

Quick slice has a very good build time estimator which activates
when an SML file is written. SML stands for Stratasys Machine
Language. Basically it displays in the command windows, the
approximate amount of time and material to be used for given
part. Build time estimate allows for a efficient tracking and
scheduling of FDM system work loads.

F. Building a part:

The FDM receives a SML file and will begin by moving the head to
the extreme X and Y portions to find it and then raises the platen to
a point to where the foam substrate is just below heated tips. After
checking the raw material supply and temperature settings, the user
then manually places the head at point where the part has to be built
on the foam and then presses a button to begin building. After that
FDM will build part completely without any user intervention.

11 | P a g
e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

G. Finishing a FDM part:

FDM parts are an easiest part to finish.


a. Concept or Design Visualization.

b. Direct Use Components.
c. Investment Casting.
d. Medical Applications
e. Flexible Components.
f. Conceptual modeling.
g. Fit, form and functional applications and models for further
manufacturing procedures.
h. Investment casting and injection molding.


a. Strength and temperature capability of build materials.

b. Safe laser free operation.
c. Easy Post Processing.
d. Quick and cheap generation of models.
e. Easy and convenient date building.
f. No worry of possible exposure to toxic chemicals, lasers, or a
liquid polymer bath.
g. No wastage of material during or after producing the model.
h. No requirement of clean-up.
i. Quick change of materials.

12 | P a g
e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]


a. Process is slower than laser based systems.

b. Build Speed is low.
c. Thin vertical column prove difficult to build with FDM.
d. Physical contact with extrusion can sometimes topple or at least
shift thin vertical columns and walls.
e. Restricted accuracy due to the shape of the material used: wire of
1.27 mm diameter.
FDM Material Properties:
Material Tensile Tensile Flexural Flexural
Strength Modulus Strength Modulus
(Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa)
ABDP400 35.2 1535 66.9 2626
Medical 38 2014 58.9 1810
ABSP 500
Investment 3.6 282 49.6 282
casting wax
Elastomer 6.55 70 89.69 141

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Fig a: FDM Extrusion Head

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Fig b: Fused Deposition Model Apparatus

Important Questions:

1. What is selective laser sintering?

2. Explain briefly selective laser sintering.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of selective laser
4. Explain the principles, process parameters, and process details
of selective laser sintering.
5. What is the power source (heat source) used to heat-up the material?
6. Explain data preparation for selective laser sintering.
7. List the application areas of selective laser sintering.
8. What is fusion deposition modelling?
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9. Explain briefly fusion deposition modelling.

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fusion
deposition modelling.
11. Explain the principle, process parameter,
process details of fusion deposition modelling.
12. List the application areas of fusion deposition modelling.
13. What is the heat source used in fusion deposition modelling?
14. What is the meaning of the term “fusion” as used in fusion deposition

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The early versions of the system weighed several tons and required
a sealed room. Size was made more manageable and the system
sealed to prevent exposure to photopolymers, but it was still very
large.Instead of using a laser to expose and harden photopolymer
element by element within a layer as is done in stereo lithography,
SGC uses a mask to expose the entire object layer at once with a burst
of intense UV light. The method of generating the masks is based on
electrophotography (xerography).
1. Large parts of 500x500x350mm can be fabricated quickly.

2. High speed allows production of many parts.

3. Masks are

created. 4.No post

curing required

5. Milling step ensures flatness of subsequent layers.

6. Wax supports model, hence no extra support is required.

7. Create a lot of wastes.

8. Not as prevalent as SLA and SLS but gaining ground

because of high throughput and large parts.

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First a CAD model of the part is created and it is sliced in to layers using
cubitos data front end software.
1. Spray photosensitive resin:At the beginning of a layer
creation step the flat work surface is sprayed with photosensitive resin.

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2. Development of photo maskFor each layer a photo mask is

produced using cubitals proprietary ionographic printing technique.

3. Expose photo maskThe photo mask is positioned over the

work surface a powerful UV lamp hardens the exposed photosensitive

4. Vacuum uncured resin and solidify the remnants After the

layer is cured all the uncured resin is vacuumed for recycling leaving
the hardened area intact the cured layer is passed beneath a strong
linear UV lamp to fullycure in and solidify any remnants particles as
shown in figure.

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5. Wax is applied to replace uncured resin areaWax replaces

the cavities left by vacuuming the liquid resin. The wax is hardened
by cooling to provide continuous solid support for the model as it is
fabricated extra supports are not needed.

6. The top surface is milled flatIn the final step before the
next layer, the wax resin surface is milled flat to an accurate reliable
finish for next layer.

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Once all layers are completed the wax is removed and any finishing
operations such as sanding etc can be performed no post curing is

The entire layer is solidified at once.
Reduction in the part build time for multipart builds.
Larger prototypes can be nested to utilize the build volume fully.
No post curing is required.

The system is large, noisy and heavy.

It wastes a large amount of wax which cannot be

recycled. SGC systems are prone to breakdowns.

The resin models of SGC are not suitable for investment casting because
coefficient of thermal expansion is more than ceramics in resin which
may lead to cracks in casting.

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Laminated Object Manufacturing is a rapid prototyping technique that

produces 3D models with paper, plastics or composites. LOM
was developed by Helices Corporation, Torrance, California. LOM is
actually more of a hybrid between subtractive and additive
process. In that models are built up with layers of cross section of
the part. Hence as layers are been added, the excess material is
not required for that cross section is being cut away. LOM is one of the
fastest RP processes for parts with longer cross sectional areas which
make it ideal for producing large parts.
System Hardware:

1) LOM system is available in two sizes.

LOM 1015 produces parts up to 10x15x14 inches.

LOM 2030 produces parts upto20x30x24 inches.

2) Common build material is paper.

3) Build material has pressure and heat sensitive additive on the
4) Material thickness ranges from 0.0038-0.005 inches.



It provides interface between operator and the system. LOM does

not require a pre slice of STL FILE i.e. once the parameters are
loaded into LOM SLICE, the STL file slices as the part builds. The
process of continuous slicing is called slice on the fly. The LOM has a
feed spindle and a take
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up spindle for the build material. The feed spindle holds the roll of
virgin material whereas the take up spindle serves to store the excess
material after the layer is cut. A heated roller travels across the face
of the part being built after each layer to activate adhesive and
bond the part layer together.
An invisible 25Watts CO2 laser is housed on the back of the LOM
and reflected off three mirrors before finally passing through a
focusing lens on the carriage. The carriage moves in the X direction
and the lens moves in the Y direction on the carriage, thus
allowing focal cutting point of laser to be moved like a plotter pen
while cutting through build material in the shape desired.
This X and Y movement allows for two degrees of freedom or
essentially a 2-D sketch of part cross section. The part being built is
adhered to a removable metal plate which holds the part
stationary until it is completed. The plate is bolted to the platen
with brackets and moves in the Z direction by means of a large
threaded shaft to allow the parts to be built up. This provides the third
degree of freedom where in the LOM is able to build 3D models.
Some smoke and other vapors are created since the LOM functions
by essentially burning through the sheets of material with a laser,
therefore LOM must be ventilated either to the outside air or
through a large filtering device at rates around 500cubic feet per

The way the LOM constructs the parts is by consecutively adhering

layers of build material while cutting the cross section of the parts with
a laser. The LOM SLICE software that comes with LOM machine
controls all these. The following description of operation is described
with paper as build material.

1) As with all RP systems, the LOM must begin with the standard
RP computer file or STL file.
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2) The STL is loaded into the LOM SLICE which graphically

represents the model on the screen.
3) Upon loading the STL file, LOM SLICE creates initialization files in
the background for controlling the LOM machine. Now there are
several parameters the user must consider and enter before
building the part.
Part Orientation:

The designed shape of the parts to be built in LOM must be evaluated

for determining the orientation in which to build the parts.
First Consideration:

Accuracy desired for curved surfaces:Parts with curved surfaces

tend to have a better finish if the curvatures of the cross sections are
cut in the XY plane. This is true due to the fact that the controlled
motion of
the laser cutting in the XY plane can hold better curve tolerances
dimensionally than the layered effects of XZ and YZ planes.
If a part contains curvatures in more than one plane, one alternative
is to build the part at an angle to the axis. The benefits here are too full
as the part will not only have more accurate curvatures but will also
tend to have better laminar strength across the length of the part.
Second Consideration:

Time taken to fabricate a part: The slowest aspect of build

process for LOM is movement in Z direction or time between the
layers. This is mainly because after laser cuts across the surface of the
beam material,
the LOM must bring more paper across the top face of the part
and then adhere to the previous layer before the laser can begin
cutting again.
For this reason a general rule have come for orienting long narrow
parts is to place the lengthiest sections in the XY plane. This way the
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part of the process the actual laser cutting is minimized to a smaller

amount of layers.
There are some third party software renders that have automatic
testing functions that will strategically place parts in
optimum orientations for the selected section.
Cross Hatching:

Cross Hatching is necessary to get rid of excess paper on the

individual layers. Cross hatch sizes are set in LOM SLICE by the
operator and can vary throughout the part. Basically the operator
puts in a range of layers for which we want a certain cross hatch
pattern for sections of the part that do not have integrate features or
cavities, a larger cross hatch can be set to make a part build faster
but for thin walled sections and hollowed out areas, a finer cross
hatch will be easier to remove. The cross hatch size is given in
values of X and Y. Therefore the hatch pattern can vary from square
to long thin rectangles.
The two main considerations for cross hatching are

Ease of part removal.

Resulting build time.
A very small hatch sizes will make for easy part removal. However if
the part is rather large or has large void areas it can really slow
down the build time. This is the reason for having varying cross
hatch sizes throughout the part.
The LOM operator can either judge where and how the part should
be cross hatched visually or use long slice to run a simulation build
on the computer screen to determine layer ranges for the needed
hatch sizes.
Also since the LOM SLICE creates slices as the part build parameters can
be changed during a build simply by pausing a LOM machine and
typing in new cross hatch values.
System Parameters:
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There are various controlling parameters such as laser power,

heater speed, material advance margin, and support wall thickness
and heater compression.
Laser Power: It is the percentage of total laser output wattage.

For e.g. LOM 1015 is operated at a laser power of about 9% of

maximum 25W laser or approximately 2.25W. This value will be
different for various materials or machines but essentially it is set to cut
through only one sheet of build material.
Heater Speed: It is the rate at which hot roller passes across the top
of the part. The rate is given in inches/second. It is usually 6”/sec for
`initial pass and 3”/sec for returning pass of heater. The heater speed
effects the lamination of the sheet so it must be set low enough to get a
good bond between layers.
Material Advance Margin: It is the distance the paper is advanced
in addition to length of the

Support Wall Thickness: It controls the outer support box walls

throughout a part. The support wall thickness is generally set 0.25”
in the X and Y direction, although this value can be changed by
Compression: It is used to set the pressure that the heater roller
exerts on the layer. It is measured in inches which are basically the
distance the roller is lifted from its initial track by the top surface of
part. Values for compression will vary for different machines and
materials, but are
typically 0.015”-0.025”.

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Fig: Laminated Object Manufacturing Process

Fig: Typical Cross Hatch

Pattern Important questions

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1. What is solid ground curing?

2. Explain briefly solid ground curing.
3. What are the steps involved in producing a part by solid
base curing?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of solid ground
5. Explain the principles and machine details of solid ground curing?
6. List the applications of the solid ground curing.
7. What is meant by the term “curing” as used in this process
8. What is laminated object manufacturing?
9. Explain briefly laminated object manufacturing.
10. Explain the principles and machine details of laminated
object manufacturing.
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of laminated
object manufacturing?
12. What is the heat source employed
in laminated object
13. List the applications of laminated object manufacturing.
14. What is the material used to form a prototype in LOM
process? In what form the material is fed into the system?
15. What is meant by “decubing” with reference to laminated objet

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Concept modellers
Introduction (Principle)

Concept modelers, often called office modelers, are a class of rapid

prototyping (RP) system designed specifically to make models quickly
and inexpensively, without a great deal of effort. The systems are usually
small, inexpensive, quiet, and require very little or no training to operate.
For these reasons, the systems are targeted to reside in design office
environments, where they can ideally be operated much like a standard
printer, only the prints from these systems are in three dimensions.

Thermal Ink jet Printer

Ink jet printing comes from the printer and plotter industry where
the technique involves shooting tiny droplets of ink on paper to produce
graphic images. RP ink jet techniques utilize ink jet technology to shoot
droplets of liquid-to-solid compound and form a layer of an RP model.

The additive fabrication technique of inkjet printing is based on the

2D printer technique of using a jet to deposit tiny drops of ink onto paper. In
the additive process, the ink is replaced with thermoplastic and wax
materials, which are held in a melted state. When printed, liquid drops of
these materials instantly cool and solidify to form a layer of the part.
For this reason, the process if often referred to as thermal phase change
inkjet printing. Inkjet printing offers the advantages of excellent accuracy
and surface finishes. However, the limitations include slow build speeds,
few material options, and fragile parts. As a result, the most common
application of inkjet printing is prototypes used for form and fit testing.
Other applications include jewellery, medical devices, and high-precisions
products. Several manufactures have developed different inkjet printing
devices that use the basic technique described above. Inkjet printers from
Solidscape Inc., such as the ModelMake r (MM), use a single jet for the build
material and another jet for support material. 3D Systems has
implemented their MultiJet Modelling (MJM)
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technology into their ThermoJet Modeller machines that utilize several

hundred nozzles to enable faster build times.

The inkjet printing process, as implemented by Solidscape Inc., begins

with the build material (thermoplastic) and support material (wax) being
held in a melted state inside two heated reservoirs. These materials are
each fed to an inkjet print head which moves in the X-Y plane and shoots
tiny droplets to the required locations to form one layer of the part. Both
the build material and support material instantly cool and solidify. After a
layer has been completed, a milling head moves across the layer to smooth
the surface. The particles resulting from this cutting operation are
vacuumed away by the particle collector. The elevator then lowers the
build platform and part so that the next layer can be built. After this
process is repeated for each layer and the part is complete, the part can
be removed and the wax support material can be melted away.

• Several manufactures have developed different inkjet printing

devices that use the basic technique described above.

• Inkjet printers from Solidscape Inc., such as the ModelMaker (MM),

use a single jet for the build material and another jet for support

• 3D Systems has implemented their MultiJet Moldeling (MJM)

technology into their ThermoJet Modeler machines that utilize
several hundred nozzles to enable faster build times

Common ink jet printing techniques, such as

a) Sanders Model Maker.

b) Multi-Jet Modelling.

c) Z402 Ink Jet System.

d) Three-Dimensional Printing.
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e) Genisys Xs printer.

f) Object Quadra systems.

Fig 4.1 A schematic of Ink jet printer

Sander's model market

The Sanders Model Maker (MM) series captures the essence of the ink-
jet printing technology, and builds in a layer-by-layer fashion, similar to
other rapid prototyping (RP) systems. The MM uses several different types
of data file formats but has only one base type for the build and support
materials, wax. The MM was developed by Sanders Prototype, Inc. (SPI),
a subsidiary of Sanders Design in Wilton, NH, in the early 1990s with
the intention of revolutionizing the industry as it pertains to accuracy and

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Model Maker System Hardware:

The MM system has evolved through three "models," Model Maker

(original model), Model Maker II (MMII, second generation), and recently
Rapid Tool Maker (RTM). The original modeller has a build envelope of 7"
x 7" and the MMII has an envelope size of 13" x 7",
Whereas the RTM has a 12" x 12" working area. While both MMs are
desktop models, the RTM is a self-contained unit with an on-board
computer. Figure
4.1 shows an MM unit.

Fig 4.1 Hardware of MM


Both modelers utilize MW (MW) software, manufactured by SPI, to

prepare and manipulate the incoming file for use in the MM machine.
The software can be operated through a variety of workstations, from UNIX
to PC, and the current modeller has an on-board computer that can
function alone after it receives the prepared file from a "dummy" PC
whose sole purpose is for file slicing and preparation.
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Build Materials:

Both models use a build and support material to produce a 3-D model.
These materials are wax based with the support having a lower melting
point than the build. This insures that during postprocessing, the support
material will melt away leaving only the part, made of build material.
Each material has its own heated reservoir and is very sensitive to
contamination, which means handling should not occur.

The Print-head:

The print-head assembly consists of the print-head; print-head cap,

purge spout, purge spout cap, cable, and saddle (see Figure 4.3). There
are two print-heads, one for building the part and the other for generating
the necessary support. This support depends on the geometry of the part
and can be produced around the entire part or just on certain areas. The
jets sit on a carriage that enables them to move in the X and Y direction
(left to right), while the stage moves in the Z direction (up and down).
There are two processes that enable the materials to be transported to the

Fig 4.3 Print-head assembly of the MM

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Fig 4.3.1 A schematic of MM

1) Material is pumped to the feed lines by compressed air within the

reservoir during the purge operation.

2) There is an actual siphon that is conducted from the reservoir to the

feed lines, to the printhead during the model build. The feed lines are
heated, as are the print-heads. This heating of
reservoirs, feed lines, and print heads is necessary to have a continual
flow of material.

Model Maker Operation

CAD File Preparation:

Prior to actually building the part, the STL file must be translated into
the software language used by the MM. This software is MW and is used
for the purpose of preparing and manipulating the file so that the MM can
build it.
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The file, after being read into MW, produces a picture of the file on screen
in the Cartesian coordinate system (-x , -y , and -z). A box appears around
this grid with a bar that has many functions that allow the user to put the
part in its desired orientation. From this box you can perform slicing
functions, zoom functions, layer thickness alterations, part positioning,
part sizing and other build parameters. The MW software is very useful and
gives the user ultimate control over the end product. Figure 4.3.2 shows
an STL file as viewed by MW

Fig 4.3.2 The STL file is viewed with MW before preparation to


Positioning the Model:

There are several factors to consider when positioning the part. Among
them are the distance the cutter travels, special features, detailing, opening
edges, time to build, and the quality of the model. All of these can be
changed as it pertains to the specific characteristics desired for the part.
The fundamental rule for positioning is to have the longest length of the
part parallel to the cutter.

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Configuration Selection:

This is a very important factor prior to building a part. This particular

feature is accessed through the Config button on the MW window. This
contains the database of settings that determine how the model is
built. Different parameters can be set with five tabs on the screen. These
tabs are: Configuration, Units, Machine, Memory, and Build.


The MM utilizes view as a viewer of the .MM2 and .BIN files generated by
MW. This viewer displays slice cross sections and their respective fill
patterns. A digital readout at the bottom of the screen gives the ability to
extract measurements from this file. This information is helpful in determining
the files integrity and getting a view of slice-by-slice formation.
This slice-by-slice file is the code the machine will use to generate a layer-
by- layer creation of the model. To access this function you must select the
Bview button from the menu. There are several different functions that
you can implement to render the model and file exactly how you desire it
to be prior to building. The Navigation buttons allow you to view the
model slice by slice or at 10 percent increments, the Automated Control
button gives you a real time build slice by slice, the Zoom buttons allow you
to adjust the view of the model on the screen, and the Pan buttons allows
you to adjust the -x and -y plane views of the model. Together, all of these
functions give the modeller complete control over not only how the
machine will build the part, but the customization of the part prior to the

Building a Part:

Once the part has been delivered to the MMII it is time to prepare the
machine for building. Initially, you can check the material reservoirs to
determine if you need to add any build or support materials. You can get
a graphical representation by selecting <1> on your opening screen.
The computer will tell you if additional material is needed and how much
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to add. Once you have added the material(s), allow 45 minutes for the
material to

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be liquefied in the reservoir before use. But while you are waiting you can
check the optical tape receptacle to make sure it is empty and you can
mill the substrate. To do so, select <3> from the initial screen (Run MM),
select <I>, and then <N>, this will allow you to choose the mill command and
level your substrate. Mill the original surface (dull finish) of the substrate
until it has a clean, bright finish. This ensures that the surface is level. The
next and most important step is to check the jet-firing status. Before
each use, perform a manual purge to refill the jet reservoir with material
and make sure that the proper amount of air is within the reservoir also.
Cut a 3-inch piece of plastic tubing, remove the purge cap, and place the
tube on the purge spout. Hold the cylindrical tube over the tube and under
<M> choose the respective jet you are purging (build or support). Once the
jet has been selected, another menu will appear that will prompt your
actions, from this menu, choose the purge
command. Allow the jet to purge until you get an even flow of material
into the tube container and allow it to flow for 2 to 3 seconds, and then
press any key to stop the purge. Immediately remove the tube from
the spout and reapply the cap. After making sure that the jets are firing
properly, go back into new build, select the file you want, and build.


The post-processing procedure is a process that must be monitored

very carefully. When setting your initial temperatures you must be careful
because the support material has a lower melting point than the build
material. Either you can use a porcelain bowl like container, a hot plate,
and a thermometer, or you can purchase a sonicator with heat control
and a built-in digital thermometer. If you purchase the latter,
remember that the sonication produces its own heat, so additional heat
may or may not be necessary depending on the part size. Post-processing
is a hands-on process that involves time and attention. Allow the part to
sit in the recommended VSO solvent solution at 35° C for 30-minute
increments. Depending on part size you may want to play with the
temperature settings and the time you allow it to soak in VSO. You want
the support material to be mushy so that you can easily remove it with a
tool of your preference (be careful not to destroy part surface). When
all the support (red) material has been removed, you may
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refinish your surface, paint it, or leave it as is. Remember, this process takes
time, if you rush it you could sacrifice the integrity of your part.

Advantages and disadvantages

• The power of the MM family of systems lies primarily with the

production of small, intricately detailed wax patterns

• The jewellery and medical industries have capitalized on this

advantage due to their needs for highly accurate, small parts

• Perhaps the most apparent drawback of these systems are the

slow build speed when it comes to fabricating parts larger than a 3-
inch working cube.

3-D printers:

Binder printing methods were developed in the early 1990s, primarily at

MIT. They developed the 3D printing (3DP) process in which a binder is
printed onto a powder bed to form part cross sections. Contrast this concept
with SLS, where a laser melts powder particles to define a part cross section.
A recoating system similar to SLS machines then deposits another
layer of powder, enabling the machine to print binder to define the next
cross section. Three- dimensional printing, or 3DP, is an MIT-licensed
process, whereby liquid binder is jetted onto a powder media using ink
jets to "print" a physical part from computer aided design (CAD) data. Z
Corporation (Z Corp) incorporates the 3DP process into the Z402 system.
The relatively inexpensive Z402 is directed toward building concept-
verification models primarily, as the dimensional accuracy and surface
roughness of the parts are less than higher end systems. The initial
powder used was starch based and the binder was water based,
however now the most commonly used powder is a new gypsum
based material with a new binder system as well. Models are built up
from bottom to top with layers of the starch powder and binder printed in
the shape of the cross sections of the part. The resulting porous model is
then infiltrated with wax or another hardener to give the part dexterity. The
Z402 is the fastest modeller on the market, with speeds 5 to 10 times
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than other current rapid prototyping (RP) systems. A wide range of

polymer, metal, and ceramic materials have been processed in this manner.

Z402 System Hardware:

The Z402 is currently available in only one size, which can build models
up to 8" x 11" x 8". The overall size of the modeller is approximately 3' X
4', so it can fit in a fairly confined area. Parts built with the starch
material can be hardened to fit the application necessary. Wax infiltration
gives the parts some strength but also leaves them usable as investment
casting patterns. Stronger infiltrants, such as cyanoacrylate, can be used to
provide a durable part that can survive significant handling. Since the
starting point of this writing, Z Corp has advanced their 3DP system in
several ways. First, they released updated print cartridges (Type 3)
that last longer along with stronger infiltrants for durable parts.
Secondly, a new material and binder system called ZP100 Microstone
was released that provides stronger models directly from the machine with
little or no postprocessing or infiltrant. Finally, an automated waxer was
released that helps control the wax infiltration process if necessary. The
modeler has several important components, including the following:

1. Build and Feed Pis tons : These pistons provide the build area
and supply material for constructing parts. The build piston lowers as part
layers are printed, while the feed piston raises to provide a layer-by-layer
supply of new material. This provides the z motion of the part build.

2. Printer Gantry: The printer gantry provides the xy motion of the part
building process. It houses the print head, the printer cleaning station, and
the wiper/roller for powder landscaping.

3. Pow der Overflow Sys tem: The powder overflow system is

an opening opposite the feed piston where excess powder scraped across
the build piston is collected. The excess powder is pulled down into a
disposable vacuum bag both by gravity and an onboard vacuum system.

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4. Binder Feed/Take-up System: The liquid binder is fed from the

container to the printer head by siphon technique, and excess pulled
through the printer cleaning station is drained into a separate container.
Sensors near the containers warn when the binder is low or the take up is
too full.

The Z402 is operated through the COM port of a PC Workstation

(not included), although the system has an onboard computer that can
be used for diagnostics if necessary. The Z Corp slicing software is
provided with the purchase of a Z402 system, and is compatible with
Windows 98 and Windows NT.

Z Corp also sells a postprocessing package necessary for detail finishing

and strengthening of the parts produced by 3DP. The package includes a
glove box with air compressor and air brushes for excess powder
removal, a heating oven to raise the temperature of the parts above that
of the wax infiltrant and a wax-dipping unit that melts the wax and
provides a dipping area for the parts.

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Fig 4.5 A Schematic of 3D printing

Z402 Operation:

The Z402 has a very user-friendly interface, where very few commands
are necessary to build a part. Since the parts are built in a powder bed,
no support structures are necessary for overhanging surfaces, unlike
most other RP systems.


The Z402 starts with the standard STL file format, which is imported into the
Z Corp software where it is automatically sliced and can be saved as a BLD
(build) file. When a file is first imported into the software, it is automatically
placed in an orientation with the shortest -z height. This is done as the fastest
build capability, like other RP systems, is in the -x, -y direction. The part can
be manually reoriented if necessary for best-part appearance. Multiple STL
files can be
imported to build various parts at the same time for maximum efficiency.

The default slice thickness is 0.008", however the value can be varied to
fit the needs for particular parts. Objects can be copied, scaled, rotated
or moved for optimum part build. Moving/translating a part can either be
done by a simple drag-and-drop method, or else by entering coordinates.
Parts can also be justified to either side of the build envelope, be it front,
back, left, right, top, or bottom, with a simple menu command. Parts are
copied simply by highlighting the part and clicking one copy command. The
new part is automatically placed beside the current part if there is room in
the build envelope; otherwise it is placed above it. Since the build envelope is
a powder bed, three-dimensional nesting can be accomplished so that parts
can be built in floating space to make room for others. This 3D nesting
capability is only available in a few other RP systems, and provides for a
higher throughput of parts to be accomplished. After the STL is imported
and placed, a "3D Print" command is issued and the part file is sent to the
machine to build. During the build, a progress bar shows the percentage
of the part building, as well as the starting time and the estimated
completion time. When a build is

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complete, a dialog box is displayed with the final build time of the part,
along with the volume of
material used and the average droplet size of the binder used.

• The parts are built in layer-by-layer fashion

• First, blank layers of powder are spread as a starting point for

building upon.

• This is called ―landscaping‖

• This landscaping is done manually

• The remaining steps are carried out after this landscaping automatically

• When the first layer of the powder is spread, the liquid binder is
called for binder spray

• The binder jet moves as per our virtual design (CAD model)

• After spraying the binder, the next layer of powder is spread and
rolled for bonding

• The powder and binder spray depends upon the thickness of the

The parts that are made using 3D printing, not as strong as SLS products.
Because the material is
adhesive bonded, where in SLS, the material is taken to fusion bonding.


Other than the Z402 system itself, there are several components needed
for postprocessing of the part. For a concept model, the starch parts are
generally infiltrated with paraffin wax, although more durable materials are
available, from plastics to cyanoacrylate. Before infiltration, starch parts are
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fragile and

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must be handled with care. The following are the postprocessing steps for a
part to be infiltrated with wax, with a total process time of about 15 to 20

1. Powder Removal: After the parts are taken from the machine, the
excess powder must be removed. With the system comes a small glove
box with an airbrush system inside. The airbrush is used to easily and gently
the powder off the part, and a vacuum cleaner is hooked to the glove box
to remove the powder as it is blown from the part. (5 Minutes)

2. Heat for Infiltration: Once the powder is removed from the part
surfaces, the part is placed in a small oven and heated to a temperature
just above that of the infiltrant wax, to provide a wicking
characteristic as
opposed to coating. The part temperature for paraffin infiltrant is
approximately 200°F. (10 Minutes).

3. Infiltration: Immediately after the part is heated, it is dipped for a

few seconds into a vat of molten wax, then removed and placed on a
sheet to dry. After drying the part is complete. (5 Minutes)

The actual postprocessing time will depend on the complexity of the part,
the skill of the user, and the infiltrant used. Nonetheless, it is still minimal
compared to some other RP processes.

Typical Uses of Z402 Parts

Parts built with the Z402 system are directly intended for use as
concept- verification models in a design environment. The nontoxic
materials allow for the models to be safely handled in meetings or the
office, directly after fabrication. Another application that is beginning to be
explored, not unlike other RP systems, is the use of Z402 parts for investment
or sandcast patterns. The starch-based material burns out of an investment
shell readily, therefore providing a quick way to produce metal hardware
for testing or analysis.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of the Z402

Ultimately, the speed is the most desirable trait of the Z402. With an
average build time of one vertical inch per hour, even a part several
inches tall can be built within a normal work day. This is extremely
advantageous to any company where time is a factor in sales or
production. The key disadvantages of the system include rough part
surfaces, which can be remedied with sanding, and the cleanliness
problems faced when dealing with any system that uses a powder as a
build material or operating medium. Also, the ink- jet cartridges must be
replaced quite frequently, on the order of every 100 hours of operation,
so users must understand that the jets are expendable items just as the
build powder itself. Finally, these concept models aren't fabricated to
high dimensional tolerances, which may hinder the building of complex
assembly prototypes.

Genisys Xs printer HP system

The Genisys (and Genisys Xs) system, produced by Stratasys, Inc. is an office -
friendly modelling system that builds parts with a durable polyester material.
The current line of Genisys systems are small, compact table-top rapid
prototyping (RP) machines that deliver single-
material capability, and interoffice network queues for operation much like
a printer.

History of the System

Not unlike most newly developed technologies, the original Genisys machines
had small quirks and technicalities that prevented it from really being a true
"trouble free" office modeller.
However, after analyzing and working with customers, most of the
systems were recalled and refurbished to correct the problems. The new
line of Genisys, the Xs, apparently has printer-like reliability and operation,
providing concept-modelling capability to the office
environment as intended.

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System Operation


The software of the Genisys systems, which is compatible on both Unix and NT
platforms, is designed for ease of operation. With simple point-and-click
part- building features, the software automatically places, slices,
generates supports, and then downloads the part file to the network queue
to be fabricated. Parts can be set to be scaled automatically as well,
although there is a manual scaling feature. Multiple parts may be nested in
the -x, -y plane, again with single-click

Build Material

The current build material is quoted as a "durable polyester". Since

the systems have only one extrusion tip, the support structures are built
of the same material, requiring mechanical removal
upon completion of the part.


The Genisys has a maximum build capacity of 12" X 8" x 8", whereas the
entire system occupies a space of only 36" x 32" x 29". The unit weighs in
at about 210 pounds and can operate on standard house current of 110 to
120 Volts AC. The polyester material comes stock in the form of wafers,
which are loaded into a bank of cartridges within the machine. One wafer
is loaded into the deposition head, where it is melted and deposited in
thin layers through a single extrusion tip while tracing the cross section of
the part being built. Once the wafer in the head is spent, it is replaced by
another automatically and the build resumes. The build chamber is
operated at ambient temperature,
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and fabricated parts can maintain dimensional accuracy in the range of

+0.013 inches.

Fig 4.6 A schematic of Genisys Xs printer HP system

Typical Uses of Genisys Parts

The intended application of the Genisys system's product was mainly

concept modelling and verification. However, as with all RP devices,
various users have progressed the use of Genisys models into analysis,
direct use, even low- impact wind-tunnel modelling. The material is
said to be suitable for painting, drilling, and bonding to create the
necessary appearance for an application.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Genisys

The advantages of the Genisys system include the ease of use and the
network operability. Since the preprocessing is kept to a minimum, and
the systems can be networked much like printers, the Genisys lends itself
to the office modelling environment. Perhaps the major disadvantage
of the system would be its single- material capacity, which results in more
difficult support removal on complex parts. This situation may well be
addressed in the future, similar to what was done in the progression of its
sister technology of fused deposition modelling, however the vendor has
no plans released at the time of this writing.

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Object Quadra systems

The Quadra process is based on state-of-the-art ink-jet printing

technology. The printer, which uses 1536 nozzles, jets a proprietary
photopolymer developed in-house by Objet. Because it requires
no postcure or postprocessing, Quadra touts the fastest start-to-finish
process of any (RP) machine currently on the market. Objet will initially
offer one grade of material with properties similar to multipurpose resins
currently offered with competitive RP systems. Additional materials with
varying properties are under development. Material is delivered by a
sealed cartridge that is easily installed and replaced. Jetting of different
resins, once they become available, will not require costly investments in
materials or hardware upgrades.

A new cartridge is dropped into place without any complicated procedures

or specially trained staff. Quadra deposits a second material that is jetted
to support models containing complicated geometry, such as overhangs
and undercuts. The support material is easily removed by hand after
building the model. The support material separates easily from the model
body without leaving any contact points or blemishes to the model. No
special staff or training are required. Furthermore, models built on the
system do not require sanding or smoothing where the supports are

Fig 4.7 A Quadra system from Object

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Object Quadra offers significant advantages over previous technologies in

the field. The material properties of items printed on Quadra are
unmatched by machines in its class and price category, and are equalled
only by industrial systems that cost an order of magnitude more. The
Quadra prints in a resolution of 600 dpi, with a layer thickness of 20
microns, and builds parts up to a maximum size of 11" x 12" x 8". The
introduction of Quadra marks the start of a revolution in the area of
three-dimensional imaging. An intuitive user interface aids users in setting
up the build, scaling, and positioning single and multiple models.
Maintenance costs for Quadra are expected to be low. The UV lamps are a
standard off-the-shelf item, priced below $75 each, with a life of 1,000
hours. Users can easily replace the lamps themselves.

Figure 4.7.1 shows parts from the Quadra.

Important questions:

1. What is concept modelling? Explain the applications of RP

components from concept modeling.
2. With a neat sketch , explain the following concept modeling technique
a. Sander’s model maker.
b. 3D printer.
3. Write a short note on Thermal jet printer?
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4. Write a short note on Genisys Xs printer HP system.

5. Write a short note on Object Quadra systems

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Unit 5


Rapid Tooling refers to mould cavities that are either directly or

indirectly fabricated using Rapid Prototyping techniques.
Soft Tooling:

It can be used to intake multiple wax or plastic parts using

conventional injection moulding techniques. It produces short
term production patterns. Injected wax patterns can be used to
produce castings. Soft tools can usually be fabricated for ten times
less than a machine tool.
Hard Tooling:

Patterns are fabricated by machining either tool steel or aluminum

into the negative shape of the desired component. Steel tools are
very expensive yet typically last indefinitely building millions of
parts in a mass production environment. Aluminum tools are less
expensive than steel and are used for lower production quantities.
Indirect Rapid Tooling:

As RP is becoming more mature, material properties, accuracy, cost

and lead time are improving to permitting to be employed for
production of tools. Indirect RT methods are called indirect because
they use RP pattern obtained by appropriate RP technique as a
model for mould and die making.
Role of Indirect methods in tool production:

RP technologies offer the capabilities of rapid production of 3D

solid objects directly from CAD. Instead of several weeks, a prototype
can be completed in a few days or even a few hours. Unfortunately
with RP techniques, there is only a limited range of materials
from which prototypes can be made. Consequently although
visualization and
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dimensional verification are possible, functional testing of

prototypes often is not due to different mechanical and thermal
properties of prototype compared to production part.
All this leads to the next step which is for RP industry to target
tooling as a natural way to capitalize on 3D CAD modeling and RP
technology. With increase in accuracy of RP techniques, numerous
processes have been developed for producing tooling from RP masters.
The most widely used indirect RT methods are to use RP masters to
make silicon room temperature vulcanizing moulds for plastic
parts and as sacrificial models or investment casting of metal parts.
These processes are usually known as Soft Tooling Techniques.
Silicon Rubber Tooling:

It is a soft tooling technique. It is a indirect rapid tooling method.

Another root for soft tooling is to use RP model as a pattern for

silicon rubber mould which can then in turn be injected several
times. Room Temperature Vulcanization Silicones are preferable as
they do not require special curing equipment. This rubber moulding
technique is a flexible mould that can be peeled away from more
implicate patterns as suppose to former mould materials. There are
as many or more techniques for silicon moulding as there are
RP processes but the following is the general description for making
simple two piece moulds.
First an RP process is used to fabricate the pattern. Next the pattern
is fixture into a holding cell or box and coated with a special release
agent (a wax based cerosal or a petroleum jelly mixture) to prevent it
from sticking to the silicon. The silicon rubber typically in a two
part mix is then blended, vacuumed to remove air packets and
poured into the box around the pattern until the pattern is
completely encapsulated. After the rubber is fully cured which usually
takes 12 to 24 hours the box is removed and the mould is cut into two
(not necessarily in halves) along a pre determined parting line. At
this point, the original pattern is pulled from the silicon mould which
can be placed back together and repeatedly filled with hot wax or
plastic to fabricate multiple patterns. These tools are generally not
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injected due to the soft nature of the

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material. Therefore the final part materials must be poured into

the mould each cycle.
Wire Arc Spray:

These are the thermal metal deposition techniques such as wire

arc spray and vacuum plasma deposition. These are been
developed to coat low temperature substrates with metallic
materials. This results in a range of low cost tools that can provide
varying degrees of durability under injection pressures.
The concept is to first deploy a high temperature, high hardness
shell material to an RP pattern and then backfill the remainder of the
two shell with inexpensive low strength, low temperature
materials on tooling channels. This provides a hard durable face
that will endure the forces on temperature of injection moulding
and a soft banking that can be worked for optimal thermal
conductivity and heat transfer from the body.
In Wire Arc Spray, the metal to be deposited comes in filament
form. Two filaments are fed into the device, one is positively charged
and the other is negatively charged until they meet and create an
electric arc. This arc melts the metal filaments while simultaneously a
high velocity gas flows through the arc zone and propels the
atomized metal particles on to the RP pattern. The spray pattern is
either controlled manually or automatically by robotic control. Metal
can be applied in successive thin coats to very low temperature of
RP patterns without deformation of geometry. Current wire arc
technologies are limited to low temperature materials, however as well
as to metals available in filament form.
Vacuum Plasma Spray technologies are more suited in higher melting
temperature metals. The deposition material in this case comes in
powder form which is then melted, accelerated and deposited by
plasma generated under vacuum.

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Fig: Wire Arc Spraying

Epoxy Tools:

Epoxy tools are used to manufacture prototype parts or limited runs of

production parts.

Epoxy tools are used as:-

Moulds for prototype injection plastic

Moulds for casting

Compression moulds

Reaction Injection Moulds

The fabrication of moulds begins with the construction of a simple

frame around the parting line of RP model. Screw gauges and
runners can be added or cut later on once the mould is finished. The
exposed surface of the model is coated with a release agent and
epoxy is poured over the model. Aluminum powder is usually added
to epoxy resin and copper

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cooling lines can also be placed at this stage to increase the

thermal conductivity of the mould. Once the epoxy is cured the
assembly is inverted and the parting line block is removed leaving
the pattern embedded in the side of the tool just cast. Another frame is
constructed and epoxy is poured to form the other side of the tool.
Then the second side of the tool is cured. The two halves of the tool
are separated and the pattern is removed. Another approach known
as soft surface rapid tool involves machining an oversized cavity in an
Aluminum plate. The offset allows for introduction of casting
material which may be poured into the cavity after suspending the
model in its desired position and orientation. Some machining is
required for this method and this can increase the mould building
time but the advantage is that the thermal conductivity is better than
for all epoxy models.

Fig: Soft Surface

Unfortunately epoxy curing is an exothermic reaction and it is not

always possible directly to cast epoxy around a RP model
without damaging it. In this case a Silicon RTV Mould is cast from
RP pattern and silicon RTV model is made from the mould and is
used as pattern for aluminum fill deposited. A loss of accuracy
occurs during this succession of reproduction steps. An alternative
process is to build an RP mould as a master so that only a single silicon
RTV reproduction step is needed because epoxy tooling requires no
special skill or equipment. It is one of the cheapest techniques
available. It is also one of the quickest. Several hundred parts can be
moulded in almost any common casting plastic material.
Epoxy Tools have the following limitations.
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Limited tool life

Poor thermal transfer

Tolerance dependent on master patterns

Aluminum filled epoxy has low tensile strength

The life of the injection plastic aluminum epoxy tools for

different thermoplastic materials is given below:
Material Tool Life (Shots)
ABS 200-3000
Acetol 100-1000
Nylon 250-3000
Nylon (gas filled) 50-200
PBT 100-500
PC/ABS blends 100-1000
Poly Carbonate 100-1000
Poly Ethylene 500-5000
Poly Propylene 500-5000
Poly Styrene 500-5000

3D Keltool Process:

This process is based on metal sintering process. This process converts

RP master patterns into production tool inserts with very good
definition and surface finish. The production of inserts including the
3D Keltool process involves the following steps

1) Fabricating the master patterns of core and cavity.

2) Producing RTV silicon rubber mould from the pattern.

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3) Filling the silicon rubber mould with metal mixtures to produce

green parts duplicating the masters. Metal mixture is
powdered steel, tungsten carbide and polymer binder with particle
sizes of around 5 mm. Green parts are powdered metal held
together by polymer binder.
4) Firing the green parts in a furnace to remove the plastic binder
and sintering the metal particles together.
5) Infiltrating the sintered parts (70% dense inserts) with copper in
the second furnace cycle to fill the 30% void space.
6) Finishing the core and cavity.

3D Keltool inserts can be built in two materials. Sterlite of A6

composite tool steel. The material properties allow the inserts using
this process to withstand more than 10lakh mould cycles.
Direct Tooling:

Indirect methods for tool production necessitate a minimum of

one intermediate replication process. This might result in a loss of
accuracy and to increase the time for building the tool. To overcome
some of the drawbacks of indirect method, new rapid tooling
methods have come into existence that allow injection moulding and
die casting inserts to be built directly from 3D CAD models.
Classification of Direct Rapid Tooling methods:

Direct Rapid Tooling Processes can be divided into

two main groups 1st group:

It includes less expensive methods with shorter lead times.

Direct RT methods that satisfy these requirements are called
methods for firm tooling or bridge tooling.

RP processes for firm tooling fill the gap between soft and
hard tooling.

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2nd group:

Solutions for hard tooling are based on fabrication of sintered
metal steel, iron copper powder inserts infiltrated with copper or

It includes RT methods that allow inserts for pre production
and production tools to be built.

These methods come under hard tooling.
Classification of Direct RT methods:

1) Firm Tooling Methods

Direct AIM






2) Hard Tooling Methods







ACES refer to Accurate Clear Epoxy Solid.

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Stereolithography is used to produce epoxy inserts for injection

mould tools for thermoplastic parts because the temperature
resistance of curable epoxy resins available at present is up to 200’C
and thermoplastics are injected at temperature as high as 300’C.
Specific rules apply to the production of this type of injection moulds.
The procedure detailed in is outlined below.

Using a 3D CAD package, the injection mould is drawn. Runners,

fan gates, ejector pins and clearance holes are added and mould is
shelled to a recommended thickness of 1.27mm. The mould is then
built using accurate clear epoxy solid style on a Stereolithography
machine. The supports are subsequently removed and the mould is
polished in the direction of draw to facilitate part release. The thermal
conductivity of SLA resin is about 300 times lower than that of
conventional tool steels (.2002 W/mK for cibatool SL5170 epoxy
To remove the maximum amount of heat from the tool and reduce
the injection moulding cycle time, copper water cooling lines are
added and the back of the mould is filled with a mixture made up of
30% by volume of aluminum granulate and 70% of epoxy resin. The
cooling of the mould is completed by blowing air on the mould faces
as they separate after the injection moulding operation.

Number of parts that can be obtained using this process is
very dependent on the shape and size of the moulded part as well
as skills of good operator who can sense when to stop between
cycles to allow more cooling.

Process is slightly more difficult than indirect methods
because finishing must be done on internal shapes of the mould.

Also draft angles of order up to one and the application of the
release agent in each injection cycle are required to ensure proper
part injection.

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A Direct AIM mould is not durable like aluminum filled epoxy
mould. Injection cycle time is long.

It is suitable for moulding up to 100 parts.
Both resistance to erosion and thermal conductivity of D-AIM tools can
be increased by deposition of a 25micron layer of copper on mould

Important Questions:
1. What is rapid tooling? Compare rapid tooling with conventional
2. Write a short notes on indirect rapid tooling?
3. Write a short notes on silicon rubber tooling?
4. Write a short notes on aluminium filled epoxy tooling?
5. Write a short notes on spray metal tooling?

11 | P a g e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

Unit 6

Quick cast process

• QuickCast is a process that allows for the creation of direct

shell investment castings using "QuickCast" Stereolithography
(SLA) patterns.

• The QuickCast method allows you to rapidly build

highly accurate resin patterns in Stereolithography,
bypassing the expensive and time-consuming step of tooling.

• QuickCast facilitates rapid production of small quantities

of metal parts in much less time than traditional methods.

• Instead of the SLA part being completely solid,

QuickCast eliminates 95% of the internal mass of the part.

• This is achieved by curing only external surfaces and an

internal lattice structure.
Holes in the bottom of the part allow uncured resin to drain
from the part.

• The result is a 65-80% hollow part with an internal beehive

or Honeycomb type lattice structure, which gives the
part tremendous structural integrity.

• Beehive or honeycomb structure avoids expansion during

burning, provides high structural integrity.

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Fig 6.1 Honeycomb or beehive structure

QuickCast, a 3D Systems proprietary process, replaces traditional

wax patterns for investment casting with stereolithography (SLA)
patterns created in a robust, durable material, without tooling
and without delay. The net result is QuickCast patterns in as little
as 2 to 4 days and quality metal castings in 1 to 4 weeks.

The QuickCast part resembles a beehive hatch pattern and ends up

being about 80% hollow.
It will burn out in the investment casting process with very little

A Stereolithography QuickCast pattern is created from an STL file.
The pattern is leak tested to make sure it is air tight.
An investment caster is chosen (based on experience & material
QuickCast pattern is given to the caster.

Caster puts part through ceramic coating process and performs firing
procedure to burn out SLA pattern.

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Metal is poured into the fired ceramic shell.

Ceramic shell is broken off to reveal metal part

Points to be considered For QuickCast:

 They must be reliable and repeatable.

 The pattern must be sufficiently accurate to accommodate
normal investment casting problem.
 The resulting casting must be metallurgically sound.
 QuickCast patterns must be fully sealed to ensure no
ceramic slurry leaks into the hollow structure.
 Since humidity and temperature can have an adverse
impact on QuickCast patterns, special care must be taken in

Copper polyamide:

The Copper Polyamide tooling process from DTM (Austin, Texas)

involves the selective laser sintering of a copper and polyamide
powder matrix to form a tool. All of the sintering is between the
polyamide powder particles.

The process boasts an increase in tool toughness and heat

transfer over some of the other soft tooling methods. These
characteristics are provided by the copper and can give the user the
benefits of running a tool with pressure and temperature settings
that are closer to production settings. The primary disadvantage
is the low material strength.


Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) was developed jointly by

Rapid Product Innovations (RPI) and EOS GmbH, starting in
1994, as the first commercial rapid prototyping method to produce
metal parts in a single process. With DMLS, metal powder (20
micron diameter), free of binder or fluxing agent, is completely
melted by the scanning of a high power laser beam to build the
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part with properties of the original material. Eliminating the

polymer binder avoids the burn-off

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and infiltration steps, and produces a 95% dense steel part

compared to roughly 70% density with Selective Laser Sintering
(SLS). An additional benefit of the DMLS process compared to
SLS is higher detail resolution due to the use of thinner layers,
enabled by a smaller powder diameter. This capability allows for
more intricate part shapes. Material options that are currently
offered include alloy steel, stainless steel, tool steel, aluminum,
bronze, cobalt-chrome, and titanium. In addition to functional
prototypes, DMLS is often used to produce rapid tooling, medical
implants, and aerospace parts for high heat applications.

The DMLS process can be performed by two different

methods, powder deposition and powder bed, which differ in the
way each layer of powder is applied. In the powder deposition
method, the metal powder is contained in a hopper that melts
the powder and deposits a thin layer onto the build platform.
In the powder bed method (shown below), the powder
dispenser piston raises the powder supply and then a recoater
arm distributes a layer of powder onto the powder bed. A laser
then sinters the layer of powder metal. In both methods, after a
layer is built the build piston lowers the build platform and the next
layer of powder is applied. The powder deposition method offers
the advantage of using more than one material, each in its own
hopper. The powder bed method is limited to only one material but
offers faster build speeds.

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A schematic of DMLS

Typically, the machine is used for the production of tool inserts,

but it also is possible to produce metal components. Two
materials are available for the DMLS process: 1) bronzebased
materials, which are used for injection molding of up to 1,000
parts in a variety of materials, and 2) steel-based material,
which is useful for up to 100,000 plastic injection molded parts.

This process was used to produce injection mold tooling for a

Germany appliance manufacturer. Seven mold inserts were
produced in 20 hours using the bronze-based material. Several
thousand molded parts were produced in 30 percent glass-filled
polyamide. The tool took two weeks to produce compared to 10
weeks for a machined tool and cost about $6,800 compared to
$8,200 for the machined tool.

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DMLS offers good feature definition, although the surface

definition of the steel-based powder needs improving. Also, the
steel material builds slowly.


ExtrudeHone's (Irwin, Pennsylvania) ProMetal Rapid Tooling System

- named RTS-300 - is the commercial realization of MIT's Three
Dimensional Printing (3DP) process for manufacturing metal parts
and tooling.

The machine is capable of creating steel parts up to 12 x 12 x 10

inches (300 x 300 x 250 mm) in size. ProMetal applications include
tooling for plastic injection molding, vacuum forming, blow
molding, lost foam patterns and the direct fabrication of powder
metal components.

ExtrudeHone sold its first commercial RTS-300 to Motorola,

which was installed in early 1999. Motorola joined a collaborative
effort consisting of several industrial members, all part of MIT's
Three Dimensional Printing Consortium. Although early reliability
problems delayed the implementation effort, recent advances
have provided acceptable results.

Machine types:

• The ProMetal® R-1™

• The ProMetal® S15™

• The ProMetal® S-Print™

The ProMetal® R-1™:

Materials: Stainless steel+Bronze, Tool Steel, Gold

Build volume: 2x1.5x2 in.

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Build speed: I minute 20 seconds per layer

Layer thickness: 50 microns to 200 microns

Sand casting tooling:

Patterns for the sand casting can be made by direct and indirect rapid

Direct routes:

Patterns for sand casting: This included epoxy patterns in SLA

system, ABS plastic patterns in FDM system, paper pattern in
LOM system, PVC plastic pattern in SDP system and resin pattern in
Objet system.

Indirect routes:

Patterns for sand casting: The RP patterns SLA FDM and LOM
are used as master patterns to fabricate a silicone rubber mould,
which is used for making multiple hard patterns from polyurethane
(PU) and epoxy rubber. The figure 9.5a shows PU and epoxy
pattern s fabricated from RTV silicone rubber mould. The figure
9.5b and table shows the summary of the techniques used for
fabricating the PU and epoxy patterns. The life of the silicone
rubber mould is about 15-20 epoxy or PU parts. The PU and
epoxy parts can be used for sand casting.

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Patterns from different techniques to fabricate the epoxy


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Different techniques used

Laminate tooling

As pressure continues to mount to reduce the costs and lead times for
tooling, several companies have turned to laminate tooling as a
solution. Laminated tooling is an alternative to building cavities
directly on an RP machine. Using the similar principles to the
Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) process, layers of
sheet metal are cut to replicate slices through
a CAD model. Laser cutting or water jet technologies generally
produce the profiles.
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This process combines the traditional benefits of rapid

prototyping technologies (lower costs, shorter lead times, and
the option of including conformal-cooling or conformal-heating
channels), with the ability to produce molds that are much larger
than those produced by other RP technologies. Daniel Walczyk of
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, New York)
has been continuing work on Profiled Edge Lamination (PEL)
tooling as part of a five year project. Further work is planned to
examine the use of variable laminate thicknesses, as well as
cost and time predictors and different bonding methods.
Thomas Himmer of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam
Technology, in Dresden, Germany, continues to work with
laminate tooling, particularly looking at new applications for the
automotive and aircraft industries. The process specifically
involves the laser cutting of laminates that are joined together
before being CNC machined to provide an improved surface
finish. A laser/plasma hybrid spraying technique has been shown
to be effective for depositing coatings for surface protection.
Loughborough University is continuing to investigate the use of
laminate tooling for the molding of polyurethane foam.
Research is underway to control tool temperatures more
accurately using conformal-heating channels. The aim of the
work is to improve the flow properties of the foam to allow thinner
mold sections. The researchers are investigating whether better
temperature control will allow the foam to expand further and into
thinner sections. Currently, a thickness of less than 5 mm (0.2 inch) is
not possible.

To produce a mold tool, the CAD model must take the form of
the required cavity. By cutting all of the slices of the cavity in sheet
metal, a stack of laminates can be made to replicate the
original CAD model. Using either clamping or diffusion bonding, it
is possible to create a pseudo-solid cavity in hardened tool steel
without the need for complex post process cutter path planning.
Due to the use of relatively thick laminates - typically 0.040 inch
(1 mm) - the surface finish of the tools is generally poor;
therefore, some form of finish machining is generally required.

Laminated tools have been used successfully for a variety

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of techniques including press tools, blow molding, injection molding


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thermal forming. Research also is being performed into the use of

laminate tools in pressure die-casting. Tool life is a function of
the initial sheet material, which can be hardened after cutting
and lamination. However, part complexity is bounded by layer

One significant advantage of laminated tooling is the ability to

change the design of parts quickly by the replacement of
laminates (if un-bonded). Conformal cooling channels also are
easily incorporated within the tool design and laminated tooling is
good for large tools as well. The need for finish machining to
remove the stair steps is the main disadvantage of this process.

Photo of laminate tool that researchers are using to evaluate

the effect of tool temperature on foam flow properties for
polyurethane foam molding, courtesy of Loughborough

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Soft tooling vs. hard tooling:

Hard Tooling:

RP systems that are used for direct hard tooling due to characteristics
of sintering process and implemented building materials (powder
materials based on metal) require obtaining extremely high
temperatures in primary process of tools manufacturing, which
is mostly realised through the application of lasers or some other
sources of intent energy.

Delivery of first article samples, 4 weeks (very simple parts) – 12

weeks (normal complexity) – longer for complex or parts
requiring ceramic core tooling
Delivery of production, 2 – 12 weeks after First Article approval.

Highest tooling expense

Lowest investment casting pattern cost

Hard tooling will have the longest life. Simple tooling will last for
hundreds of thousands of parts. Complex tooling with slides and cores
will wear over time but can
generally be refurbished. This is not normally necessary for
many years.

Yields the best surface finish and most consistent

dimensional control.


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Soft Tooling :

First a SLA master pattern is built and textured to client specifications.

Next a form is built around the master pattern and silicone is poured
in, encasing the pattern. After the silicone is cured the pattern is
removed and the mold is ready for production. The urethane of
choice is then colour matched and injected into the mold. After the
urethane cures the part is removed from the mold, checked for
quality and accuracy, then post cured for optimum mechanical

Delivery of first article samples, 3 – 6 weeks

Delivery of production, 2 – 12 weeks after First article approval
Soft tooling is less costly than Hard Tooling

Pattern cost is higher than Hard Tooling. This is because the tooling
will cycle slower due to the poor thermal conductivity of mold

Life of soft tooling is limited. Life will depend upon the complexity of
part. The more complex the shorter the life Surface finish and
dimensional control is not as good as Hard Tooling
A single SLA (stereolithography) or Objet pattern is generally used to
make the tooling

Patterns made from individually produced patterns

Each casting produced will require one pattern. This method is

generally used when small quantities of investment castings are

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required for prototypes or rapid production of a few parts. But it

is becoming more and more popular to use as the fastest way
to produce investment castings where design changes or
unknown future requirements allow for higher per piece pricing
since no tooling expense will be incurred. Some information
about suitable investment casting patterns is in order. To
produce investment castings it is necessary to shell the pattern.
This involves coating the pattern with a ceramic material. After
shelling, the pattern must be removed from the shell. This
produces a void in the shell which will be the receptacle for the
molten metal. When the pattern is removed from the shell it must
be removed completely and without damaging the shell. Wax is a
foundry friendly pattern material. The wax is removed from shell
by heating. This is generally done in an autoclave very quickly. As
the shell heats up the wax in immediate contact with the shell
quickly changes state from solid to liquid and is absorbed into
the porous shell thus allowing room for the balance of pattern
wax to heat up, expand and be drained. Some of the RP, rapid

prototype, patterns do not melt and must be burned out of
shell. Unfortunately some also expand and can severely crack the
shell if not hollow. On thin edges it is not possible to hollow the
section and that is where the foundry‘s expertise is needed to
help chose the most appropriate pattern for your application.

3 Dimensional Printers, MJM, Multi-Jet Modeling

ThermoJet RP, rapid prototype, patterns are the best choice

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for certain part configurations where thin sections would be a

problem to

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produce a pattern suitable for investment casting, due to

problems removing some other types of RP, rapid prototyping,
patterns from shell. Surface finish and dimensional stability is
dependent upon part configuration

SLA, QuickCast Stereolithography patterns

Highest quality RP, rapid prototype, patterns from dimensional and

surface finish point of view

SLS, CastForm Selective Laser Sintering patterns

Surface finish is rough, about 250 RMS. Dimensionally of lower

quality than SLA patterns.


Highest quality RP, rapid prototype, patterns from dimensional and

surface finish point of view.
Patterns must be hollowed out.

Z-Corp Investment Casting Pattern Material

Surface finish is the roughest of all RP rapid prototype patterns.

Least consistent dimensional stability of all RP, rapid prototype,
patterns; least costly of all RP, rapid prototype patterns. The most
important thing to remember is to get the foundry involved in your
design early to allow the foundry to give advice on how to make
the part friendlier for investment casting.
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Software for RP

STL File:

STL (Standard Tessellation Language) is a file format native to

the stereolithography CAD software created by 3D Systems. This file
format is supported by many other software packages; it is widely
used for rapid prototyping and computer-aided manufacturing. STL
files describe only the surface geometry of a three dimensional object
without any representation of colour, texture or other common CAD
model attributes. The STL format specifies both ASCII and binary
representations. Binary files are more common, since they are more

An STL file describes a raw unstructured triangulated surface by the

unit normal and vertices (ordered by the right-hand rule) of the triangles
using a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.

This format has long been the industry standard in rapid prototyping.
Let‘s look into the process of approximating surfaces with triangles:
Each 3D form is made out of polygons. A polygon is defined as a flat
shape which is bounded by a closed circuit. Each polygon with n sides
can be represented using n-2 triangles.

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If we look at a box, for example: It is easy to see the box has 6 sides-
each one is a polygon.
Each one of those sides is a square, meaning it can be represented using 12

Since we are dealing with 3-dimensional shapes, each triangle has a

direction. This direction is expressed by the normal of the triangle.
(The outward direction is represented by the normal)

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The two triangles above, though they are identical, are facing in opposite

STL manipulation software

While all CAD software allows the creation of STL files, not always this
process ends with a
printable file. STL manipulation solutions allow:

1. Fixing those models in order to produce watertight models (see

below for explanation)

2. Performing several simple actions to change the model (such as

cutting and labelling)

Magics RP is the most extensive solution available

Meshlab is satisfactory as a free tool, although not very easy to
use and lacking some functionality

Pricing is not specified, as this greatly varies from region to
region. Additionally, most vendors offer several packages. Please
consult your local distributor for pricing.

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Online fixing Service S :

As an alternative to purchasing an STL fixing software, where the user can

upload the file and receive a fixed file, usually within a few minutes. Some
vendors offer free automatic service, while some will have a specialist look
into more complex issues. Pricing (if
applicable) is typically per use, greatly reducing the initial cost.
Some examples are:

• Netfabb cloud service: (free)

•STL fix by Materialise: (free automatic fixing,

15 EUR per file
attended fixing)

Common errors in CAD to STL conversion

Inverted normal:

The meaning of an inverted normal is that one surface does not have
a consistent direction. Occasionally, the interpretation of the
surface between CAD and STL results in inverted normal let‘s
look at an example:

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The box above has one face with an inverted normal. This means we
will need to fix the file in order to print it using an Objet 3D printer. We
will discuss later on this document on how this can be achieved.

Zero thickness:

Since files printed on Objet printers have to be fabricated in real world.

The files have to have a volume which is larger than zero. Sometimes, a
model is represented on the CAD software using just a 2D model, which
has no volume:

The part shown above is a sheet of material which has no volume,

Though it is three dimensional!

In order for the file to be printable, we must give it some volume:

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The second part is printable, since it has a positive


Bad edges:

If we look into the definition of ―watertight‖, we discover that all

triangles must be connected: we cannot allow gaps between triangles.
Gaps like this are commonly referred to as ―bad edges‖. Let‘s look at an
example: The two hemispheres of the shape above are no connected,
and are marked with a thick yellow line to indicate this (note that each
software suite has a different marking) in order to close those gaps we
would need to fill those gaps-an action referred to as stitching.

We distinct between two cases of bad edges:

Near bad edges:

Near bad edges are defined as edges which have a neighbour triangle
which is closer than a set threshold. Those are usually closed automatically
using your software of choice.

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Real bad edges/Planar holes

Real bad edges typically enclose a hole in the shape. This is slightly more
complex, as it might cause a case of zero thickness.

The part above has a real bad edge in one of his faces. As a result, the
boundaries of the box

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have zero thickness.

Since Objet printers require a positive thickness in order for a file to

be printable, this will

require one of two solutions:

a. Close the hole

Once the user closes (adds triangles) to the hole, the model is once again
watertight and has a positive volume. Once again, it is

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b. Create thickness

If the design intent was to create a box with one missing face, the user
would need to create thickness, making the part printable. This is
typically achieved using the ―offset‖ command.

STL File Resolution

Regardless of the CAD program used to design a part or product

assembly, the ultimate input file for stereolithography and most other
RP processes is called the STL file. Fortunately, most major CAD
programs offer the capability to output an STL file suitable for the
process. The catch is tha t the output process involves a configuration
step, and the quality of the final RP part is dependent upon a proper
configuration. To understand what is involved with proper STL output
file configuration requires a look at the STL file itself.

The STL file is intended to simplify the complex mathematical

descriptions of surface and solid geometry into a form that can be
readily used to drive the imaging systems of RP machines. To do this,
the architects of the STL
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file type chose to use the most basic form of surface that can be
described from point data only — the triangle. If any three points are
chosen from a 3-dimensional surface then a triangle can be described
by those points to approximate a portion of that surface. Of course, a
triangle is by definition flat — lacking any curvature whatsoever — so
if the surface in question contains any curvature then there is some
error, or deviation, in the approximation. However, if the triangle size is
reduced to the point where it is much smaller than any curvature in the
surface, then the deviation can be brought down to a level where it is
negligible. What is the limit to such a reduction? There is a practical limit
— as the triangles decrease to an infinitesimally small size, the number
of them required to complete the surface becomes infinitely large, as
does the size of the final STL file. Most configuration settings for
outputting STL files are aimed at this very issue
— how small to make the triangles to best approximate the
surface geometry while not making enormous file sizes. This knowledge
base article will attempt to give you the tools you need to
understand this configuration process, and visualize the outcome of the
final part.

Let‘s take a look at a ―perfect‖ CAD shape and a rather coarse STL file
approximation of it.

We would not suggest using a file as coarse as this — we merely include

it for the sake of illustration:

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Notice how the areas of curvature are approximated in the STL file with
large flats — deviating from the proper geometry. This effect is
―faceting‖ and it would be evident in the final RP part if built with this
coarse file.

Let‘s take a closer look at the small hole in the centre, and highlight the
edges of the triangles used to create it:

Note that the true shape of the hole is drawn here, and an indication as to
the deviation from true, due to the use of large triangles.

Now let‘s reduce the size of the triangles to get a better approximation
and compare:

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Clearly, this does a much better job of approximating the curvature, and
the triangles are not so numerous as to make a huge file size. The coarse
STL file size was 77KB while the fine STL file is 308KB.

Armed with this information, you can use the help function for the
CAD software that you use, and develop an approximation that works
for your needs. The major CAD software programs such as
ProEngineer and SolidWorks actually show you an image of the
faceted STL file so that you can see for yourself how closely the triangles
approximate your geometry. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak,
so we recommend installing a file viewer for STL files just to be sure.
Doing so, you can rotate, zoom, pan and cross-section the file to be sure
that it is true to form. Here are links to some good STL viewers that are
free to install and use.

• 3D –Tool
• Minimagics

Of course, here at FineLine we always inspect every STL file by eye,

and our quoting staff will let you know if they spot a problem that will
affect the quality of the parts we produce for you. We know that in the
long run you need to succeed for us to succeed.
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Solid view

SolidView software allows non-CAD users to easily view,

measure, translate and markup CAD data, opening up
communication to all who need to be involved in the design process.

SolidView is used across the world by those needing access to CAD data
but not trained in using CAD systems. It‘s a low-cost solution to access
CAD data for manufacturing engineers, scientists, structural
engineers, technical illustrators, managers, product managers and sales

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Magics is rapid prototyping software and is a key element of the Magics e-

Solution Suite, a full range of market-leading software products that will
streamline, automate and boost almost every step in your rapid
prototyping and manufacturing (RP&M) process.

Magics rapid prototyping software enables you to import a wide

variety of CAD formats and to export STL files ready for rapid
prototyping, tooling and manufacturing. Its applications include
repairing and optimizing 3D models; analyzing parts; making process-
related design changes on your STL files; designing fixtures;
documenting your projects; production planning and much more.

Mimics Z™:

For the first time, doctors, nurses, and technicians who have no
previous experience with 3D modelling or 3D printing can create 3D
anatomical models from MRI and CT scan images quickly and easily.

Developed by Materialise (creator of Mimics, the leading medical

imaging software for the rapid prototyping industry), Mimics Z™ is
optimized for output on 3D Systems highdefinition, 3D printers that
produce full-colour models in only hours. Healthcare organizations
worldwide increasingly rely on 3D anatomical models for pre-
operative planning, specialist consultation, implant fit and design,
patient counselling and medical education.

Key Features

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• Software "wizards" guide users with nominal training through the

entire process.
Includes an extensive help function and templates.

• Automates all steps needed to import MRI and CT scan files,

select structures, conduct editing and masking, and export data.

• Processes industry standard DICOM data and outputs ZPR

files optimized for printing on 3D Systems ZPrinters.

• Tight integration with ZEdit software, enabling users to add colour

to highlight areas of interest (such as a bone tumour), and
annotation features that make it possible to label models with
critical patient data and doctor comments.

Bridge the gap between 2D image data & 3D engineering applications

Mimics software allows you to process and edit your 2D image data
(CT, µCT, MRI, etc.) to construct 3D models with the utmost
flexibility and user-friendliness. The powerful segmentation tools allow
you to segment your medical CT/MRI images, take measurements and
engineer directly on your 3D model. From there you can export your
3D data to a wide range of output formats and engineering

16 | P a g e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

applications; such as FEA, design, surgical simulation, additive

manufacturing and more.

Mimics is part of Materialise' total solution for advancing biomedical R&D

Mimics has been adopted by biomedical engineers and device

manufacturers for R&D purposes in various medical industries:

 Cardiovascular
 Craniomaxillofacial
 Orthopedic
 Pulmonology

These industries use patient-specific 3D data to improve their implants

and devices or to get a better understanding of biomechanical
processes. Also non-medical industries like materials science use
Mimics in image-based R&D.

Materialise Mimics is a platform to bridge stacked image data to a

variety of different medical engineering applications:

 3D measurements and analyses

 Computer Aided Design: 3-matic, SolidWorks, Pro/E...etc.
 Computational Fluid Dynamics: FLUENT, CFX,...etc.
 Customized implant design
 Finite Element Analysis: ABAQUS, ANSYS,...etc.
 Rapid Prototyping: EOS, Stratasys, 3D Systems, ZCorp,
Dimension, Objet, ... etc.
 Surgical simulation

Magics communicator:
Magics rapid prototyping software enables you to import a wide
variety of CAD formats and to export STL files ready for rapid
prototyping, tooling and manufacturing. Its applications include
repairing and optimizing 3D models; analyzing parts; making process-
related design changes on your STL files; designing fixtures;
documenting your projects; production planning;

17 | P a g e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]


View STL, IGES*, VDA* and DXF 3d faces*, with fast rotation, zooming and
cross sectioning.


Add 2D and 3D annotations, shapes, text and bitmaps.


Easily create 2D drawings from 3D files. Extensive feature recognition

allows measuring of
distances, radii and angles in 3D. Add tolerances and additional info.


Make a 3D slide show with adjustable colours, shading and transparency.

Important questions:

1. Write a short note on STL files?

2. Write a short note on solid view?
3. Write a short note on magics?
4. Write a short note on mimics?
5. Write a short note on magic communicator?
6. Write a short note on internet based software?
7. Write a short note on collaboration tools?
8. Explain the procedure of modeling. SH file creation and layering
steps before printing 3D model in RP machine for the following types
of models
i. Economical model.
ii. Precision model.

18 | P a g e RAPID PROTOTYPING NOTES [email protected]

Process optimization

The parameters of rapid prototyping can be classified as nuisance

parameters, constant and control parameters. Nuisance parameters
include age of the laser, beam position accuracy, humidity
and temperature, which are not controlled in the experimental analysis
but may have some effect on a part. Constant parameters include
beam diameter, laser focus and material properties, etc. the constant
parameters will affect the output of the process and are controllable in a
run. These include layer thickness, hatch space, scan pattern, part
orientation, shrinkage of the material and beamwidth compensation,
etc. Layer thickness , hatch space, part orientation and depth of cure
are the most vital among the control parameters.

Identification of requirements and key manufacturing


The functional requirements of a manufacturing process include

accuracy, strength, buildtime and efficiency of the process. All the
manufacturing requirements are also applicable to RP. Surface
accuracy is gaining a greater significance as more parts are used
as master patterns for secondary manufacturing process. Build time
is important in the general context of manufacturing for scheduling
and cost estimation. Layer thickness, hatch space and orientation are
the key control parameters for SLS and SLA. These are required indeed
process-independent parameters, and can be applied to other
processes, such as LOM, FDM, etc. Support structures are essential for
SLA and FDM, but they are not needed for LOM and SLS processes.

Factors influencing accuracy

Accuracy of a model is influenced by the errors caused during

tessellation and slicing at data preparation stage. Decision of the
designer about part deposition orientation also affects accuracy of the

Errors due to tessellation: In tessellation surfaces of a CAD model

are approximated piecewise by using triangles. It is true that by
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reducing the size of the triangles, the deviation between the

actual surfaces and

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approximated triangles can be reduced. In practice, resolution of the

STL file is controlled by a parameter namely chordal error or facet
deviation as shown in figure 8.1

Fig 8.1 Tessellation of a typical surface of CAD model

It has also been suggested that a curve with small radius (r) should
be tessellated if its radius is below a threshold radius (ro) which
can be considered as one tenth of the part size, to achieve a maximum
chordal error of (r/ro). Value of can be set equal to 0 for no improvement
and 1 for maximum improvement.

Errors due to slicing: Real error on slice plane is much more than that
is felt, as shown in figure 8.2

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Fig 8.2 Real error slice plane Fig 8.3 Error due to replacement of
arcs with stair-steps cusp height (after Pham and Demov, 2001)

For a spherical model Pham and Demov (2001) proposed that error
due to the replacement of a circular arc with stair-steps can be defined as
radius of the arc minus length up to the corresponding corner of the
staircase, i.e., cusp height (figure 8.3). Thus maximum error (cusp height)
results along z direction and is equal to slice thickness. Therefore, cusp
height approaches to maximum for surfaces, which are almost parallel
with the x-y plane. Maximum value of cusp height is equal to slice
thickness and can be reduced by reducing it; however this results in
drastic improvement in part building time. Therefore, by using slices of
variable thicknesses (popularly known as adaptive slicing, as shown in
figure 8.4), cusp height can be controlled below a certain value. Except
this, mismatching of height and missing features are two other problems
resulting from the slicing. Although most of the RP systems have facility
of slicing with uniform thickness only,
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adaptive slicing scheme, which can slice a model with better accuracy and
surface finish without loosing important features must be selected.

Figure 8.4: Slicing of a ball, (a) No slicing (b) Thick slicing (c) Thin slicing
(d) Adaptive slicing

Part building:

During part deposition generally two types of errors are observed and
are namely curing errors and control errors. Curing errors are due to
over or under curing with respect to curing line and control errors are
caused due to variation in layer thickness or scan position control. Figures
11.5 illustrate effect of over curing on part geometry and accuracy.
Adjustment of chamber temperature and laser power is needed for
proper curing. Calibration of the system becomes mandatory to
minimize control errors. Shrinkage also causes dimensional inaccuracy
and is taken care by choosing proper scaling in x, y and z directions.
Polymers are also designed to have almost negligible shrinkage
factors. In SL and SLS processes problem arises with downward facing
layers as these layers do not have a layer underneath and are slightly
thicker, which generate dimensional error. If proper care is not
taken in setting temperatures, curling is frequently observed.

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(a) Thicker bottom layer (b) Deformed whole boundary

Figure 8.5 Over-curing effects on accuracy in Stereolithography

Part finishing:

Poor surface quality of RP parts is a major limitation and is primarily

due to staircase effect. Surface roughness can be controlled below a
predefined threshold value by using an adaptive slicing. Further, the
situation can be improved by finding out a part deposition orientation
that gives minimum overall average part surface roughness. However,
some RP applications like exhibition models, tooling or master
pattern for indirect tool production etc. require additional finishing to
improve the surface appearance of the part. This is generally carried by
sanding and polishing RP models which leads to change in the
mathematical definitions of the various features of the model. The model
accuracy is mainly influenced by two factors namely the varying amount
of material removed by the finishing process and the finishing technique
adopted. A skilled operator is required as the amount of material to be
removed from different surfaces may be different and inaccuracies
caused due to deposition can be brought down. A finishing technique
selection is important because different processes have different
degrees of dimensional control. For example models finished by
employing milling will have less influence on accuracy than those using
manual wet sanding or sand blasting.

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Selection of part deposition orientation:

This is one of the crucial decisions taken before slicing the part and
initiating the process of deposition for a particular RP process. This
decision is important because it has potential to reduce part building
time, amount of supports required, part quality in terms of surface finish
or accuracy and cost as well. Selection of part deposition orientation is
process specific where in designer and RP machine operators should
consider number of different process specific constraints. This may be a
difficult and time consuming task as designer has to trade-off among
various conflicting objectives or process outcomes. For example better
part surface quality can be obtained but it will lead to increase in the
building time.
Important questions:

1. What are the factors influencing accuracy?

2. Write short notes on influence of building orientation?
3. Write short notes on part building errors?
4. Write short notes on errors in SH files?
5. Write short notes on file exchange errors?
6. Write short notes on error in finishing?


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