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Current Collaborat ive Economies Business Model Airbnb: Changing t he Hospit alit y Indust ry
José G. Vargas-Hernández

M P RA Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Fit ry Andry
International Journal of Accounting and Financial
Management Research (IJAFMR)
ISSN (P): 2249-6882; ISSN (E): 2249-7994
Vol. 8, Issue 3, Aug 2018, 1-14
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




Research Scholar, Department of the School of Commerce and Management, Sri Guru Granth Sahib
World University Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, India
Assistant Professor, Department of the School of Commerce and Management, Sri Guru Granth Sahib
World University Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, India

Behavioral finance is an open-minded finance which includes the study of psychology, sociology, and finance.
Behavioral finance micro examines behavior or biases of investors and behavioral finance macro describe anomalies in
the efficient market. Nowadays, behavioral finance is not a new concept, the existence, and impact of behavioral biases in
investor’s behavior and human judgment are huge. In this paper, we will review various studies in this area so as to have
a clear understanding of the behavioral finance and its significance in the financial decision making of investors.

Original Article

KEYWORDS: Behavioral Finance, Human Behavior Theories, Behavioral Biases & Investment Decisions of Investors

Received: May 13, 2018; Accepted: Jun 03, 2018; Published: Aug 17, 2018; Paper Id.: IJAFMRAUG20181


In standard (traditional) finance theory considers that investors are ‘Rational’. Rationality means two things
(Barberies 2005):

• First, when they receive new information, agents update their beliefs correctly, in the manner described by
Bayes’s law.

• Second, given their beliefs, agents make choices that are normatively acceptable, in the sense that they are
consistent with Savage’s notion of Subjective Expected Utility Theory (SEU).

According to Jensen and Merckling (1994), Traditional finance theory stands directly on the notion of the
‘Rational man’, a person who is much different from the individual. According to Montier (2002), the rational
construct assumes that individuals, both investors, and managers are capable of understanding vastly complex
puzzles and conduct endless instantaneous optimizations. Due to such thinking, the concept of market efficiency
comes into existence. It was a central part of the traditional theory and behavioral finance theory.

"An 'efficient’ market is defined as a market where there are large numbers of rational, profit maximizes
actively competing, with each trying to predict future market values of individual securities, and where important
current information is almost freely available to all participants. In an efficient market, competition among the many
intelligent participants leads to a situation where, at any point in time, actual prices of individual securities already
reflect the effects of information based both on events that have already occurred and on events which, as of now, [email protected]
2 Rupinder Kaur Gill & Rubeena Bajwa

the market expects to take place in the future. In other words, in an efficient market at any point in time, the actual price of
a security will be a good estimate of its intrinsic value” (Fama, 1965).

In the 1960s and 1970s, in the field of finance a new concept has been studied by psychologist Daniel Kahneman
and Amos Tversky, recognized as the Fathers of Behavioral Finance. The new field-behavioral finance is the study of
psychology, sociology, and finance. It is mainly considers how one’s taste, perception, and thoughts impact on their
financial and investing decisions. Some of the key definitions of behavioral finance are discussed here. According to
Hirschey and Nofsinger (2008), behavioral finance is the study of cognitive errors and emotions in financial decisions”.
It is also known as the study of the influence of psychology on the behavior of financial practitioners and the subsequent
effect on the market (Sewell, 2007). Behavioral finance relaxes the traditional assumptions of financial economics by
incorporating these observable, systematic, and very human departures from rationality into standard models of financial
markets. The tendency for human beings to be overconfident causes the first bias in investors and the human desire to
avoid regret prompts the second (Barber and Odean, 1999).

Schindler (2007) lists three main cornerstones of research in Behavioral finance are sociology, psychology, and
finance. These fields as explained under.

• Sociology: is the systematic study of human social behavior and groups, and the influence of social relationship
on attitude and behavior

• Psychology: is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, which is affected by human’s physical,
mental, and external environments

• Finance: is the discipline concerned with determining the value and making decisions. The finance function
allocates capital, including the acquisition and allocation.

According to Pompian (2006), behavioral finance has two subtopics-

• Behavioral Finance Micro (BFMI) examines behaviors or biases of individual investors that distinguish them
from the rational actors envisioned in classical economic theory.

• Behavioral Finance Macro (BFMA) detects and describes anomalies in the efficient market hypothesis that
behavioral models may explain.


Prospect Theory

The Prospect theory was originally conceived by Kahneman and Tversky (1979) and later resulted in Daniel
Kahneman being awarded The Nobel Prize for economics. The theory distinguishes two phases in the choice process: the
early phase of framing (or editing) and the subsequent phase of evaluation. Tversky and Kahneman, by developing the
prospect theory, showed how people manage risk and uncertainty. In essence, the theory explains the apparent irregularity
in human behavior when assessing risk under uncertainty (Subash 2012). People place much more weight on the outcomes
that are perceived more certain than that are considered merely probable, a feature known as the “certainty effect”
(Kahneman & Tversky, 1979).

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.1964 NAAS Rating: 3.17

Study on Behavioral Finance, Behavioral Biases, and Investment Decisions 3

Heuristics Theory

“Heuristics are simple efficient rules of the thumb which have been proposed to explain how people make
decisions, come to judgments, and solve problems, typically when facing complex problems or incomplete information.
These rules work well under most circumstances, but in certain cases lead to systematic cognitive biases” – Daniel
Kahneman (Parikh, 2011). Tversky and Kahneman identified the influence of human heuristics on the decision making
process. Tversky defined heuristic as a strategy, which can be applied to a variety of problems, that usually–but not
always–yields a correct solution. People often use heuristics (or shortcuts) that reduce complex problem solving to more
simple judgmental operations (Tversky and Kahneman, 1981). The heuristic decision process is the process by which the
investors find things out for themselves, usually by trial and error, lead to the development of rules of thumb. In other
words, it refers to rules of thumb, which humans use to make decisions in complex, uncertain environments (Brabazon,
2000). According to Johnsson, et al. (2002), the prospect theory and heuristic also included these-

Table 1: Theories of Behavioral Finance

The Prospect Theory Heuristics
Loss aversion Herd behavior
Mental accounting Overconfidence & over under reaction
Self control and regret Anchoring
Source: Johnsson, et al. (2002)

Behavioral finance equips finance professionals with a magnifying lens which allows them to scrutiny,
understand, and overcome many proven psychological traps that involving behavioral biases i. e. emotional biases and
cognitive biases. It is applicable to

• Investors – (Retail & High Net-worth Individuals)

• Corporate (Mutual Fund House, FII’s)

• Markets (Equity, Commodity, Currency, Debt etc)

• Regulators (SEBI/FMC etc.

• Finance Professionals – Portfolio Manager, Analysts, Policy Makers etc.


A review of literature consigns a research study in proper perspective by showing the quantity of work already
carried out in the related area of the study. The purpose of this part is to understand the results of various studies already
undertaken in the relevant field and to find out the research gap. Several researchers have studied factors influencing
investor investment decisions from various perspectives and have documented various findings categorized into two
aspects first is the review of Indian studies and second is a review of international studies.

Indian Studies

Lal (1992) examined the individual investors to know the profile of Indian investor, using the sample of 1200
individual investor from different regions of India. The study concluded that the Indian investor preferred to invest in
larger portfolios with more than five companies. [email protected]
4 Rupinder Kaur Gill & Rubeena Bajwa

Gupta et. al (2001) examined and compared the pattern of investor’s preferences among mutual fund
organizations/schemes and other financial products using 312 household investors. The study found that Mutual fund
scheme UTI owned US 64 was the most popular but its position with regard to equity schemes was weaker than others.

Rajarajan (2002) identified the association between the demographic profile and the risk-bearing capacity of 405
individual investors from Chennai using Chi-square test and correspondence analysis. The study found that a strong
association was found between the demographic profile of individuals and their risk-bearing capacity. Rajarajan in 2003, in
another study, identified the determinants of portfolio choice of individual investors using multiple regression analysis. The
study concluded that the expected rate of return on investments, risk-bearing capacity, a loss avoidance had positively

Kiran and Rao (2004), identified the investor group segment on the basis of demographic and psychographic
characteristics of the individual from 96 respondents using Multinomial logistic regression and factor analysis.

Ranganathan (2006) evaluated the financial behavior and to access the conceptual awareness of individual
investor towards the mutual fund. 100 respondents from Mumbai from sept 2004 to oct 2004 using Factor analysis and
multinomial logistic regression. The study concluded that Factors related to funding qualities, fund sponsor qualities and
investor related services effect on decision-making process.

Gupta and Jain (2008), examined the investor’s performances among the various types of financial assets and also
their problems concerning the stock market. The study was based on Descriptive analysis using 1463 household investors.
The study found that the household investors preferred to invest share as compared to mutual funds due to relatively lower

NCAER(2008), described gain insights into the motives of financial savings, the degree of financial security and
sophistication of the saving and investment decisions made by households using a sample of 60,000 urban and rural
households. The study concluded that People in India saved for the long-term goals; they saved their money into banks
accounts, post office deposits and in other liquid assets as compared to investing them in the stock market.

Walia and Ravikiran (2009), analyzed the investors’ expectations toward mutual funds in Punjab (India) using
100 individual investors from different regions. The study used Ranking and rating method, chi-square and ANOVA and
APS and concluded that the preference of investors varies.

Kabra et. al (2010), studied the factor that influenced the investment risk tolerance and decision-making process
on the basis of age and gender, using a sample of 196 investors working in govt. and the private sector in India. The study
concluded that the investor’s age and gender affected their risk-taking capacity. Parashar (2010) described the effect of
personality traits on investment choice made by 100 individual investors using Cluster analysis, correspondence analysis
Kruskal Wallis test and factor analysis. The study found that the demographic and personality type affect the behavior of
the investor.

NCAER (2011), described the behavior of household investor in dealing with various financial instruments which
were traded in the market regulated by SEBI using 38,000households across 44 cities and 40 villages. The study concluded
that the degree of risk aversion was found to be extremely high in Indian households.

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.1964 NAAS Rating: 3.17

Study on Behavioral Finance, Behavioral Biases, and Investment Decisions 5

Dawar and Wadhwa (2011), identified the factor influencing investor’s behavior in Punjab using 275 investors
living in Jalandhar. The study concluded that neutral information, accounting information, selfimage/ firm image, social
relevance, advocate recommendation, and personal financial needs were found to influence investor’s behavior in Punjab.

Subash (2012), showed the impact of certain behavioral biases on decision-making process of individual investors
in the Indian stock market using primary data of 92 respondents. The study found that gambler fallacy, anchoring, and
hindsight biases were affecting the young investors more than experienced investors.

Chitra K. & Jayashree T. (2014) investigated the impact or interaction of demographic profile on investor’s
behavior by using descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and ANOVA. The study mainly included five factors namely
Representativeness, Conservatism, Regret Aversion, Price Anchoring, and Overconfidence. The data was collected through
questionnaire from 110 investors based on convenient sampling.

Mamta (2014), investigated the presence and analyze the impact of Heuristic Driven and Frame Dependent biases
on different Stock market indicators and to find out which bias is most pronounced in the Indian context using Secondary
data, a sample of different market indicators of Nifty 50 stocks, for a Period 2006-2013. The study found that
overconfidence and the disposition biases increase the market and individual security transaction Volume respectively.

Rushdi (2014) examined the impact of various psychological influences on investment behavior of salaried
investors in India using 1627 respondents. The study concluded that Demographic factors, gender appears to be the most
significant influence on all aspects of investment behavior.

Kannadhasan (2015) described the role of behavioral finance in investment decisions. The author studied the
prospect theory and heuristic decision process with their implications. The study concluded that all investor does not face
the same problem in decision-making process. All the behavioral factors effect on the decisions of the investors

Neelakantan (2015) identified the profile of the investors & ascertain a relationship between demographic Factors
and risk preferences and to develop a suitable model for investor’s behavior using the structural equation model (SEM)
approach. The study resulted that the demographic and psychological factors/biases affect the behavior of the investor.

Sukheja G. (2016), studied biases, moods and emotions influence the financial behavior of individuals based on a
detail study using an empirical approach. The study mainly describes the Overconfidence, Anchoring factors in the
investment decision.

Mounika (2017) studied the relevance of behavioral finance in investment decisions using behavioral biases
impact on investors. The study concluded that investors do not always act in rational and behavioral biases have an impact
on investor’s decision making.

International Studies

Warren et al. (1990) investigated the segment of the investor on the basis of demographic and lifestyle
characteristics. Using the sample of 152 respondents, their study showed the segmented the investors on the basis of their
investment behavior i. e. Active and passive investors as well as light and heavy investors.

Johnsson, Lindblom & Platan (2002), studied the behavioral finance and investor behavior during the speculative
bubble at the end of the 1990s through a survey of private investor in Sweden. The study shows that overconfidence,
earnings, the profitability of companies is the main reason for fall in market values after 2000. [email protected]
6 Rupinder Kaur Gill & Rubeena Bajwa

Massa M (2002), focused on two aspects of investors behavior, first is risk-taking which include loss aversion,
house money effect and mental accounting and second is stock picking with information based familiarity and pure
familiarity. For analyzing the impact of behavioral biases on risk-taking and stock picking, the author focused on holding
& long-term behavior of investors with yearly horizons. The result shows that there was an impact of prior gain/losses on
investors risk-taking but not on mental accounting.

Barberis N & Thaler R. (2003) described behavioral finance, market efficiency, prospect theory, limits to
arbitrage, investor psychology, and investor behavior & beliefs in detail. The study also focused on behavioral finance
application in various fields like the stock market, corporate finance and in investor behavior.

Merikas et. al (2004) examined the factors that influence the behavior of an investor in Greece stock exchange
using 150 respondents from the Athens stock exchange with Factor analysis. The study found that the variable identified by
the classic wealth maximization criteria.

Wood and Zaichkowsky (2004), identified and characterize individual investor into a segment based on their
investing attitude and behavior using the sample of 90 respondents. The study concluded that tolerant traders, confident
traders, loss adverse trader, and conservative long-term trader were identified.

Al-Ajmi (2008), determined the risk tolerance of individual investors in Bahrain using 1,484 individual investors.
The study concluded that Investors with more financial commitment show a decline towards risk tolerance.

Zoghami and Matoussi (2009) identified the psychological factor that influences the investor’s behavior in
Tunisia using the sample of 92 brokers. The study concluded that Precaution, underconfidence, conservatism, under
optimism and informational inferiority complex is the factor that impacts on the behavior of inventors.

Hood et. al (2011) examined the factors that influenced the investment decision of socially responsible investors
in U. S. Sample Chosen from Nationwide discount brokerage list from 1991 to 1996. The study described that Social
characteristics and personal values had the impact on stock owned by an individual investor.

Thomas, Joost M. (2011), showed that how investors behavior change and their impact during the 2007-2009
financial crisis using records of clients and the monthly survey data. The study concluded that investors with a higher level
of risk perception have more turnover as compare to those investors who have a lower risk level.

Bikas E., Jureviciene D. et. al. (2012), analyzed the impact of behavioral factors like recognition, emotional
tolerance, and psychological effect on the financial decisions of non- professional investors. The author used historical- the
orientation perspective through descriptive and comparison method.

Coffie (2013), exposed the implications of individual stock investors being affected by behavioral finance models
and to study whether there are any positive correlations between major stock investment strategies and behavioral finance
theories in Wolverhampton (England). The results of the survey revealed minor correlations between certain strategies and
Herding, Anchoring, Prospect and Regret theories.

Athur A. (2014), studied behavioral biases that influence the individual investors decision in Kenya using primary
data collected from 30 individual investors through snowball sampling technique. The study concluded that Representative,
an illusion of control, cognitive, dissonance; herd instinct and hindsight biases contributed significantly correlation with
individual investor’s decision, whereas loss aversion, self-attribution, regret aversion, and over-optimism bias were not

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.1964 NAAS Rating: 3.17

Study on Behavioral Finance, Behavioral Biases, and Investment Decisions 7

significantly related with individual’s decision.

Sasirekha (2015) studied the determinants of investment behavior of individual investors of the information
technology sector in Coimbatore using 482 respondents, from September 2011 to March 2015. The study exposed the fact
that, the investment strategies of the investors are largely influenced by the socio-economic factors and it further reveals
that the behavioral bias plays a vital role in determining the investment process of Individual investors.

Ahmad B. & Durri K. (2015), Fakhry B. (2016), both based on the review of existing literature related to
behavioral finance and Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Dessi R & Zhao (2017) describes overconfidence, stability,
investment, cultural differences and cultural transmission using evidence from 38 countries. Greg Fibeck et. al (2017)
provided a panel discussion on behavioral finance, behavioral biases, portfolio management, and their influences on
different perspectives held at Sandestin, Florida on Nov 2017.

It is emerging from the literature that all the studies are mainly based on behavioral factors, psychological
influences, perceptions and on personality traits. Too much literature is based on primary surveys. In India, not much
research was undertaken in respect of behavioral biases and their impact on individual investor’s investment decisions and
also on Indian financial market. There is no effective and comprehensive study which related to analyzing the impact of
behavioral biases on Indian financial market with the use of secondary data.


After a thorough study of research done in the field of investors in the financial market, one critical aspect of
research in India is missing that is behavioral finance research in detail to understand the financial decision of investors
into Indian financial Market. In India, research is mainly focused on investors’ behavior from an only consumer buying
behavior perspective, which is not sufficient to understand the economic decision of investment. From a generalized model
of consumer behavior (investor attitude & behavior), one infers the need for focused study of investors behavior rather than
consumer behavior in general, which can pinpoint issues of investors decision making, their perception and behavior from
behavioral finance theory perspective. This is a new paradigm shift in the fundamental theory of finance for economic
decision and behavior of investors in the financial market (Neelakantan, 2015).


Research in psychology has documented a range of decision-making behaviors called biases. These biases can
affect all types of decision-making, but have particular implications in relation to money and investing. The biases relate to
how we process information to reach decisions and the preferences we have (Shefrin, 2000). More brilliant research seeks
to categorize the biases according to some kind of meaningful framework. Some authors refer to biases as heuristics (rules
of thumb), while others call them beliefs, judgments, or preferences; still, other scholars classify biases along cognitive or
emotional lines. While “this sort of bias taxonomy is helpful—an underlying theory about why people operate under bias
has not been produced. Instead of a universal theory of investment behavior, behavioral finance research relies on a broad
collection of evidence pointing to the ineffectiveness of human decision making in various economic decision-making
circumstances” (Pompian 2006). According to Pompeian, biases are mainly classified into two types, given in below table- [email protected]
8 Rupinder Kaur Gill & Rubeena Bajwa

Table 2: Types of Biases

Emotional Biases Cognitive Biases
1. Status Quo Bias 1. Availability Bias
2. Regret Aversion Bias 2. Framing Bias
3. Loss Aversion Bias 3. Self Attribution Bias
4. Confirmation Bias 4. Overconfidence Bias
5. Optimism Bias 5. Cognitive Dissonance Bias
6. Self Control Bias 6. Hindsight Bias
7. Mental Accounting
8. Anchoring And Adjustment Bias
9. Ambiguity Aversion Bias
7. Endowment Bias 10. Representativeness Bias
11. Conservatism Bias
12. Illusion Of Control Bias
13. Recency Bias
Source: Pompian (2006)

Investors may be inclined toward various types of behavioral biases, which lead them to make cognitive errors.
People may make predictable, non-optimal choices when faced with difficult and uncertain decisions because of heuristic
simplification. Behavioral biases, abstractly, are defined in the same way as systematic errors are, in judgment (Chen et al,
2007). There are so many biases types and categories which define a different number of biases which effect on the
behavior of investor, according to Montier (2002), a taxonomy of biases, figure no.1given as below define there are
broadly three types of biases and all three have different categories. There are so many biases in human behavioral
theories; the detailed analysis of every bias is beyond the scope of any meaningful research.

Table 3: Taxonomy of Biases

Heuristic Simplification (Information processing Social
Self Deception (Limits to learning)
errors) Interaction
Over optimism
Illusion of control, Illusion of Representativeness Emotion/Affect Imitation
Overconfidence Framing Mood Contagion
Self Attribution bias Categorization Self control Herding
Confirmation bias Anchoring/Salience Ambiguity aversion Cascades
Hindsight bias Availability bias
Regret theory Cue Competition
Cognitive dissonance Loss aversion/Prospect theory
Source: Montier (2002).

According to the model used in the study Subash (2012), which is also defined in Pompeian 2006 study, nine
behavioral biases namely, Overconfidence Bias-Overconfident investors overestimate the probability that their personal
assessments of a security’s value are more accurate than the assessments offered by others (Pompeian 2006). Psychologists
have determined that overconfidence causes people to overestimate their knowledge, underestimate risks, and exaggerate
their ability to control events (Subash 2012). Overestimates related to risk, share prices and other related factors related to
investing decision mainly described. Representativeness Bias- This perceptual framework provides an expedient tool for
processing new information by simultaneously incorporating insights gained from (usually) relevant/analogous past
experiences. It endows people with a quick response reflex that helps them to survive. Sometimes, however, new stimuli
resemble—are representative of—familiar elements that have already been classified. In reality, these are drastically
different analogues. In such an instance, the classification reflex leads to deception, producing an incorrect understanding

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.1964 NAAS Rating: 3.17

Study on Behavioral Finance, Behavioral Biases, and Investment Decisions 9

of the new element that often persists and biases all our future interactions with that element (Pompian 2006). Anchoring
and Adjustment Bias- This study clearly demonstrated that anchoring is a very common bias, applying to many areas of
finance and business decision making. Wealth management practitioners need to be keenly aware of this behavior and its
effects (Pompian 2006). Cognitive Dissonance Bias- Cognitions, in psychology, represent attitudes, emotions, beliefs, or
values; and cognitive dissonance is a state of imbalance that occurs when contradictory cognitions intersect. The term
cognitive dissonance encompasses the response that arises as people struggle to harmonize cognitions and thereby relieve
their mental discomfort (Pompian 2006). Mental Accounting Bias- First coined by University of Chicago professor
Richard Thaler, mental accounting describes people’s tendency to code, categorize, and evaluate economic outcomes by
grouping their assets into any number of nonfungible (noninterchangeable) mental accounts. Mental accounting bias can
cause investors to irrationally distinguish between returns derived from income and those derived from capital appreciation
(Pompian 2006). Hindsight Bias- This behavior is precipitated by the fact that actual outcomes are more readily grasped
by people’s minds than the infinite array of outcomes that could have but didn’t materialize. Therefore, people tend to
overestimate the accuracy of their own predictions. This is not to say, obviously, that people cannot make accurate
predictions merely that people may believe that they made an accurate prediction in hindsight. Hindsight bias has been
demonstrated in experiments involving investing—a few of which will be examined shortly—as well as in other diverse
settings, ranging from politics to medicine (Pompian 2006). Regret Aversion Bias- People exhibiting regret aversion
avoid taking decisive actions because they fear that, in hindsight, whatever course they select will prove less than optimal.
Basically, this bias seeks to forestall the pain of regret associated with poor decision making. It is a cognitive phenomenon
that often arises in investors, causing them to hold onto losing positions too long in order to avoid admitting errors and
realizing losses (Pompian 2006). Herding Bias- Herding in financial markets can be defined as mutual imitation leading to
a convergence of action (Hirshleifer and Teoh, 2003). This is the most common mistake where investors tend to follow the
investment decisions taken by the majority. That is why, in financial markets, when the best time to buy or sell is at hand,
even the person who thinks he should take action experiences a strong psychological pressure refraining him to do so. The
main reason for this is pressure from or influenced by peers. The Reliance Power IPO, 2008 is an example of an instance
where many investors subscribed without having full information on the issue. Investors apply to “herd behavior” because
they are concerned with what others think of their investment decisions (Scharfstein and Stein, 1990). Gamblers’ Fallacy
Bias- Kahneman and Tversky (1971) describe the heart of gambler’s fallacy as a misconception of the fairness of the laws
of chance. One major impact on the financial market is that investors suffering from this bias are likely to be biased
towards predicting reversals in stock prices. Gamblers’ fallacy arises when investors inappropriately predict that trend will
reverse and are drawn into contrarian thinking. Gamblers’ Fallacy is said to occur when an investor operates under the
perception that errors in random events are self-correcting. For instance, if a fair coin is tossed ten times and it lands on
heads each time, an investor who feels that the next flip will result in tails can be said to be suffering from this bias (Subash


In concluding, it is hard to explain the recent financial and investment systemwithout referring to the behavioral
finance theory. The nature of behavioral finance and the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in detail explained by so
many authors such as Ahmad B. & Durri K. (2015), Fakhry B. (2016). Another factor like behavioral biases and their
impact on individual investors decision-making highlighted by Warren et al. (1990), Johnsson, Lindblom & Platan( 2002),
Athur A. (2014), and Chitra K. & Jayashree T. (2014). In the book by Pompian, Michael M. (2006) described in-depth [email protected]
10 Rupinder Kaur Gill & Rubeena Bajwa

practical application of behavioural finance, wealth management, investor biases and impact of gender, personality factors
on investment decision. Sukheja G. (2016) provides the impact of issues on decision-making process of individuals,
groups, and organizations. Baker & Nofsinger (2010), Subrahmanyan (2007), and Razek (2011) studied lack of consensus
in behavioral finance theory. Subash (2012), Athur (2013), and Jing Chen (2011) all these authors studied the individual
investors decision making process in behavioral finance. They resulted that behavioral biases had an impact on the decision
process of individual investors. The finding of the Chitra, Adams, and Thornton (2008) indicated that cognitive bias,
framing effect and heuristic biases had influenced the students. So after a review of the related data to behavioral finance,
we can say that behavioral finance has a vital role in decision-making process of an individual, organization or any other
investors. Behavioral biases, which has so many types, influenced the decision making process of an investor. In India, this
is the right time to appraise the behavioral biases and their impact on individual investor’s decision-making and on the
financial market.


The findings would help create awareness to the individual investors on the behavioral biases that they must take
cognizance of when making investment decisions. Stockbrokers and mutual fund companies would be able to identify
biases that mostly influence investment decisions so that they are able to properly educate investors on how to leverage on
the biases. It will contribute to the general body of knowledge by enriching the existing literature in the field of behavioral
finance. It will analyze the presence and impact of behavioral biases in investing decisions of individual investors because
behavioral finance is a newly emerging field to understand financial behavior and decision making of investors in India.


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