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MPAT-2017 (Paper-II) u2 Faculty of Arts Subject: English SYLLABUS SECTION A 16" and 17" Century Unit A- Shakespeare and his Contemporaries I. Shakespearean Tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth IL. Shakespearean Comedies and Tragi-Comedies: Merchant of Venice, Tempest, A Midsummer Nights Dream, As You Like It IML. Ben Jonson: Every Man in his Humour IV. Christopher Marlowe: Dr. Faustus V. Webster: Duchess of Malfi VL. Francis Bacon’s Essays: of Truth, of Adversity, of Simulation and Dissimulation, of Revenge Unit B- Restoration Age and the Augustan Age 1. Metaphysical Poets: John Donne ~ The Sunne Rising, The Exstasie, A Valediction forbidding Mourning, Holy Sonnets Il. George Herbert ~ The Collar III. Andrew Marvel - To His Coy Mistress, Garden, The Retreat IV. Congreve ~ The Way of the World V. Dryden: Mac Flecknoe, Song for St. Cecilia's Day VI. Pope : Rape of the Lock VII. John Milton : Paradise Lost, Book 1 Ne UL. V1. VIL VIL XL XIL XIIL. XV. XVI. XVIL. XVII. XIX, Section B 18" and 19" Century Johnson; Preface to Shakespeare Thomas Gray ; Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Wordsworth : Prelude, Ode on the Intimations of Immortality, Tintern Abbey Coleridge : Christabel, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan Shelly; Ode to the West Wind, To a Sky Lark Keats: Ode to the Nightingale, Ode to Autumn, Ode on a Grecian Um, Byron : The Vision of Judgement Jane Austen : Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park Tennyson : Ulysses, Lotos Eaters Browning: Prophyria’s Lover, My Last Duchess, Andrea del Sarto, Grammarian’s Funeral, The Last Ride Together M. Amold : The Study of Poetry, Dover Beach, The Scholar Gypsy Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights Mary Shelley: Frankenstein Dickens : Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities Emerson : The American Scholar Walt Whitman : When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed Hawthome : The Scarlet Letter, Young Good Man Brown Poems of Emily Dickenson: I Felt a Funeral in My Brain, Because [ Could not Stop for Death, I heard a Fly Buzz, The Morns are Meeker Mark Twain : The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Edgar Allen Poe : The Fall of the House of Usher Thomas Hardy : Tess of D’urbervilles Pre-Raphaelite Poets Lamb: Imperfect Sympathies, Dream Children, In Praise of Chimney Sweepers Hazlitt: On Going a Journey, On familiar Style y u. <25 VL. Vu. Section C 20" Century TS. Eliot : The Wasteland, The Love Song of J. Alfred Pruftock, Murder in the Cathedral W.B. Yeats : Sailing to Byzantium, Second Coming, Lapis Lazuli, A Prayer for My Daughter W. H. Auden : On the Death of W.B. Yeats, Ist September 1939 Bernard Shaw : Pygmalion, Arms and the Man Samuel Becket : Waiting for Godot Arthur Miller : Death of a Salesman Eugene O'Neill : Emperor Jones Tennessee Williams: The Glass Menagerie IX. M.K. Gandhi : Hind Swaraj XL XIL XIL XIV. XV. XVI. XVI. XVIII. XIX. XX. |. Salman Rushdie : Imaginary Homelands XXIL XXIIL XXIV, Tagore : Nationalism, Home and the World Mulk Raj Anand : Untouchable R. K. Narayan : The Vendor of Sweets, Guide Raja Rao : Kanthapura Anita Desai : Fire on the Mountain, Where Shall We Go This Summer? Shashi Deshpande ~ Writing From the Margins, That Long Silence Amitav Ghosh : Shadow Lines Nayantara Sehgal : Rich Like Us Ten Twentieth Century Poets Ed. By R. Parthasarthy (the entire volume) Girish Kamad : Tale Dande, Tughlag Mahesh Dattani : Tara Chinua Achebe : Things Fall Apart Toni Morrison : The Bluest Eye Edward Said : Orientalism English Language Teaching: Grammar and Translation Method; Communicative Language Teaching Dialect, Pidgin, Creole (Dr. Sunita Agarwal) Convener, BOS

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