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Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing 

1. What kind of game

 Today I am going to talk about an absolutely amazing game that I'm really into playing,
which candy crush 
 It is a puzzle game which is one of the most difficult games types
 Seeing the advertisement for Candy Rush, I was immediately captivated by its superly
colorful art 

 2)Who do you play with

 I often play solo with my sister and the loser will be in charge of household chores that
 In addition ,when my counsins visits we often play together and the losser wil pay for the
3)Where you play it
 Since I download the game on the phone, I can play it anywhere I like. 
 I often play the game on my arrival at home to recharge the battery after a day of
studying diligently at school.

4)Explain why you enjoy playing it

 There are a number of reasons why I am keen on playing this game .
  One of the most significant ones is  the game is visually appealing, allowing  escape the
fast-paced life and immerse me in the virtual world 
 In addition, the higher level is, the more challenging the game is  . Therefore to gain the
victory, I have to  rack my brain which boosts problem-solving skill

1. Why are some sports fans so passionate?

 A number of reasons why several  sports fan are so passionate can be listed Sports provides an
instant bond to other people. They allow people to gather together to share hobbies and support
their favourite teams .Moreover people  fall in lovw with due to its health benefits .It facilitates
people have a healthy and good looking which boost their confidence and also make them have
positive moodwings .In addion ,parkaing in sport match and win also brings back a sense of
fullfilment and satisfaction.

2. Is there any violence at sporting events in your country?

 Yes, It can take place in large-scale to small-scale sports matches such as my school sports events. To gain
victory, several sports players resort to unsportsmanlike behavior causing injuries to others .in addition in
the match, there will have unintentional touches which cause unwanted conflict and misunderstandings,
leading arguments, and even violent conduct
3. Should athletes be better role models?
  Absolutely yes, I believe that they should unstoppably make themselves become the best version of
themselves. You know, nowadays athletes become the role of youngsters because of their talent and their
successes. They have great fame as movie stars due to their media presence. As good role models , sports
players have the ability to help change the lives of unfortunate children, encourage people to be a good
sport, and go to great lengths to achieve their goals. In contrast, if sports players carry out misconduct, they
will ruin their career. Moreover , fans will be disappointed and even mimic those misbehaviors

4. What benefits do international sporting events bring?

 There are a number of benefits that international sporting events produce . First and foremost the
place where international sport events take place attracts a flock of tourists. The host country
earns millions by selling ticket sales for the events, telecast rights, etc. As a result, they can
allocate money to other important sectors such as education, environment. Moreover,International
sporting events are also adventagous in a way that it provides a tremendous boost for
infrastructure in the city when the event is hosted such as road system, hotels, international
standards. As a result, dwellers can have the opportunity to experience high life standard.

Topic 5: Describe a difficult decision that you made.

You should say:

• what decision it was

Today I am going to describe a time that I wrestled to decide, which is

quitting my drawing class

• what difficulties you faced

Due to Covid 19, my parents could not earn money so, at that time, we have to cipe with the
financial problem. My mother asked me to quit the class so that my tuition fee can be allocated
to more important things

• how you made the decision

At first, cried over spilled milk all day. However, in a relentless internal battle, I accurately
perceived the present situation. I think that my family should be put priority over my favorite
leisure pursuit and drop out of the drawing class.

And explain why it was a difficult decision.   

Since I was a child, I have had a great passion for drawing. Drawing not only allows me to
escape from the pressure of study but also recharge the battery when I am exhausted

Moreover, my dream university major is architecture which requires me a skill in the draw.
Therefore I needed to partake in the class to horn this skill to pursue my dream vocational

Part 3:
What kind of decisions do young people have to make?
 Nowadays, youngsters have to face up a lot of problems in their life. one of the most important
decisions that they should make is their job future. They will spend most of their life with job and
job also financially support individuals, and their living standard and quality mainly depend on
salary. Making a wrong career choice makes them always negative, reducing productivity at the
workplace . Another significant decision that youngsters have to do is their relationship romantic
relationships are a major developmental milestone, bringing many emotional ups and downs .
They should be clever when choosing their partner to ensure long term happiness

Who do you think has a harder time making decisions, children or adults? 

 That would definitely be adults – children are much more intuitive and tend to decide as
a knee-jerk reaction. With a dispassionate look, children just go with their guts instincts
and make a decision without considering its reasonability and possible consequences.
Meanwhile, due to loss aversion, adults have to spend more time to accurately perceive
the situation systematically and weigh up pros and cons before reaching a decision. And
probably the biggest difference is that children, in general, have very little concept of
failure, as opposed to adults who may have experienced it and generally fear failure –
and this is what stops many people from trying new things. The thinking process of
children is much simpler, as they have much less life experience to base any decisions on.
Most adults tend to overcomplicate even simple decisions. which are not so difficult to

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