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Aubrey Walker

Robin Parks

ENG 101


Coronavirus vs. Influenza

Coronavirus, Covid-19, SARS COV-2, what is it, and is it more contagious and even

deadlier than influenza? As many Scientists are racing to find more out about the coronavirus

and a viable treatment or vaccine for it, what we know about the virus responsible for it and the

dangers it poses to the public will change when more current information is available. This essay

will examine the differences and similarities between Covid-19 and Influenza and how they

affect people’s lives.

Influenza (also known as the Flu) and COVID-19 (also known as SARS COV-2), the

disease caused by the novel coronavirus, are each capable of causing infectious respiratory

disease(s). However, there are some significant differences between these two viruses and how

they are treated. Though COVID-19 and Influenza symptoms can appear quite similar, both are

caused by very different viruses. They can both present as a vast range of illnesses, from

asymptomatic, without any physical signs, to very mild symptoms up to severe symptoms

including death.

According to the Center for Dease Control or CDC, both of these viruses could be

preventable by thoroughly washing your hands, practicing coughing in your elbow, staying home

when you're sick, and limiting your contact with people who either are or may be potentially


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Because of the high number of cases reported for COVID-19, many countries, as well as

many states in the U.S., have enacted restrictions on citizens encouraging social distancing and

following sanitary procedures of handwashing and wearing face masks and gloves while in

public areas to lessen the rate of contractions, illnesses, and deaths due to this very dangerous


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