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Burglary Prevention Tips

• Make your home look occupied, and make it difficult to break in. • Pushbutton locks on doorknobs are easy for burglars to open. Install
deadbolt locks on all your outside doors.
• Lock all outside doors and windows be-fore you leave the house or go to
bed. • Sliding glass doors are vulnerable. Special locks are available for better
• Even if it is for a short time, lock your doors.
• Other windows may need better locks.
• Leave lights on when you go out. If you are going to be away for a length of
time, connect some lamps to automatic timers to turn them on in the • Check with a locksmith or hardware store for alternatives.
evening and off during the day.
• Lawn mowers, barbecues and bicycles are best stored out of sight
• Keep your garage door closed and locked.

• Don't allow daily deliveries of mail, news-papers or flyers build up while you • Always lock your garden sheds and garages.
are away. Arrange with the Post Office to to hold your mail or, arrange for a
friend or neighbor to take them regularly. • Use curtains on garage and basement windows.
• Arrange for your lawn to be mowed if you are going away for an extended
time. • No lock, regardless of its quality, can be truly effective. Key-in dead bolt
locks provide minimum security. Ask a lock-smith for advice on your
• Check your locks on doors and windows and replace them with secure
devices as necessary.
• An alarm system is excellent for home security. It provides peace of mind
to homeowners, especially while on vacation.

If you come home to find an unexplained open/broken window or door:

 Do not enter - the perpetrator may still be inside.

 Use a neighbor's phone to call police.

 Do not touch anything or clean up until the police have inspected for

 Write down the license plate numbers of any suspicious vehicles.

Columbia Police Department | 1 Justice Square, Columbia, SC 29201 | 803-545-3500

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