Cookery 10 Diagnostic

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Lila National High School

Poblacion, Lila, Bohol


NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ______________SCORE: ______

PARENT’S/GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________DATE: _______

DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully and WRITE the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number.
1. It is a small hand tool used generally in decorative works such as making garnishes.
A. Bread Knife B. Channel Knife C. Butcher Knife D. Paring Knife
2. It is a chamber or compartment used for cooking, baking, heating, or drying.
A. Blender B. Mixer C. Burner D. Oven
3. It is the process of washing and sanitizing dishes, glassware, flatware, and pots and pans either manually or
A. Bleaching B. Ware washing C. Hand washing D. Washing machine
4. It is the egg’s outer covering which accounts for about 9 to 12 % of its total weight depending on egg size.
A. Chalaza B. Shell C. Germinal disc D. Yolk
5. This is the entrance of the latebra, the channel leading to the center of the yolk. 
A. Chalaza B. Shell C. Germinal disc D. Yolk
6. A fried egg is a glory to behold __________ edges and a wobbly, ________ yolk.
A. Yolk. Film B. Crispy, pinkish C. Compact, spread D. Yellow, rounded 
7. A roux-based sauce made with margarine or butter, flavor, and brown stock.  
A. Brown Sauce B. Butter Sauce C. Hollandaise Sauce D. Tomato Sauce  
8. Sauce made by forming an emulsion with fat such as margarine, butter or salad oil and egg.  
A. Brown Sauce B. Butter Sauce C. Hollandaise Sauce D. Tomato Sauce  
9. How many colors are suggested on a plate to make it balanced?
A. Four to Five B. Three to Four C. One to Two D. Two to Three
10. Which of the following is a characteristic of fresh fish?
A. With fresh and foul odor
B. Eyes are dull, shiny and bulging
C. Gills are pink or red
D. Flesh shrink when pressed
11. Nutrient that helps to maintain healthy blood pressure.
A. Potassium B. Calcium C. Vitamin A D. Minerals
12. Peanuts, string beans, baguio beans and soybeans are examples of__ 
   A. Roots and Tubers B. Legumes C. Starch D. Cereal Grains
13. Which ff The Following Is A Common Source of Starch? 
   A. Cassava B. Banana C. Squash D. Taro 
14. Starch that is altered physically or chemically.   
   A. Native starch B. Cassava starch C. Modified starch D. Purified starch
15. The highest percentage of amylose.
   A. Potato B. Cassava C. Wheat D. Cornstarch
16. No percentage of protein.
  A. Potato B. Cassava C. Wheat D. Cornstarch
17-19. Fill in the blank with the correct word/s to complete the procedure in cooking pasta.
17. Put1 ½ liter of water per __________ of pasta in a kettle. 
  A. 300 grams B. 500 grams C. 1000 grams D. 600 grams
18. Add ___________ teaspoon salt.
  A. 1 ½ teaspoon B. 1 teaspoon C. 2 teaspoon D. 1½ teaspoon
19. Drain immediately in a colander as soon as it is al dente, and rinse with _________until the pasta is
completely cooled.  
  A. warm water B. cold running water C. hot water D. cold water
20. Which kind of fish has no internal bone structure?
  A. Fin fish B. Freshwater fish C. Round fish D. Shell fish

21. Which of the following is the second step in scaling whole fish?
     A. Begin to rake the scales from the tail towards the head.   
     B. Remove the scales on both sides of the fish.
     C. Hold the fish down firmly with your hand near its head.  
     D. Lay your fish flat on the board.
22. Which of the following is the third step in opening an oyster?
   A. Cut muscle from the bottom cup.
B. Insert oyster knife at hinge slowly but firmly
   C. Push knife into the oyster and slice muscle from top shell
D. Twist knife handle to open the oyster.
23. It has almost no fat, so it easily becomes dry. It is best served with sauces to enhance moistness and gives
  A. Lean fish B. Fat Fish C. Shell Fish D. Round Fish
24. It becomes tough and rubbery when cooked at high temperature.
  A. Lean fish B. Fat Fish C. Shell Fish D. Round Fish
25. The following is the common causes of food contamination and food spoilage, EXCEPT.
A. Failure to properly refrigerate food
B. Foods prepared 3 days before they are served
C. Failure to thoroughly heat or cook food
D. Failure to reheat foods to temperature that kills bacteria
26. What do you call of a young chicken, usually 9 to 12 weeks of age, of either sex, is tender-meat with soft,
pliable, smooth-textured skin?
A. Peking Duck B. Roaster C. Squab D. Broiler
27. How many percent of protein does the chicken have?
A. 76.3% B. 22.6% C. 22.4% D. 76.4%
28. These are slaughtered birds that have been bled and de-feathered. 
   A. Live Poultry B. Whole Poultry C. Dressed Poultry D. Ready-To-Cook
29. Which of the following good quality poultry has fine and soft feet, if it is old, the feet are thick and scaly?
   A. Live Poultry B. Whole Poultry C. Dressed Poultry D. Ready-To-Cook
30. Which of the cooking methods does not belong to the dry heat method? 
A. Baking B. Broiling C. Roasting D. Stewing  
31. Which of the following uses the seasoning with vinegar and water to turn it into a marinade?
A. Bourbon Marinade B. Jamaican Jerk Marinade
C. Pork Rib Marinade D. Teriyaki Marinade
32. The bottom portion of the middle of the hog is the belly, sometimes called ______.
A. Back -side B. In- side C. The-side D. Outside
33. Which among the factors affecting the choice of cooking methods in meat? 
A. Fat content B. Desired quantity    C. Age of meat D. Texture of meat 
34. Which the following when pressed with a finger, meat feels firm and there is a definite resistance? 
A. Rare B. Medium C. Medium rare D. Well done  
35. Slicing thinly and cutting into strips of appropriate width.
A. Diamond B. Dicing C. Baton Net D. Mincing
36. Meat of carabao is called: 
A. Beef B. Carabeef C. Chevon D. Pork 
 37. Which of the following is a mild marinade so you will want several hours marinating time with it before
you grill?
A. Bourbon Marinade B. Jamaican Jerk Marinade
C. Pork Rib Marinade D. Teriyaki Marinade
38. Which of the following meat structures determine the fine and coarse texture or grains of the meat?  
A. Elastin B. Collagen C. Muscle fiber D. connective tissue
39. The meat consists of ______ percent proteins content.  
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20  
40. Which of the following muscle fiber composed of long, thin, and bound together in bundles?  
A. Coarse B. Connective tissue C. Fine D. Lean  
San Jose National High School
San Jose Talibon, Bohol


NAME: _______________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ______________SCORE: ______

PARENT’S/GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________DATE: _______

DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully and WRITE the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number.
1. It is a small hand tool used generally in decorative works such as making garnishes.
A. Bread Knife B. Channel Knife C. Butcher Knife D. Paring Knife
2. It is a chamber or compartment used for cooking, baking, heating, or drying.
A. Blender B. Mixer C. Burner D. Oven
3. It is the process of washing and sanitizing dishes, glassware, flatware, and pots and pans either manually or
A. Bleaching B. Ware washing C. Hand washing D. Washing machine
4. It is the egg’s outer covering which accounts for about 9 to 12 % of its total weight depending on egg size.
A. Chalaza B. Shell C. Germinal disc D. Yolk
5. This is the entrance of the latebra, the channel leading to the center of the yolk. 
A. Chalaza B. Shell C. Germinal disc D. Yolk
6. A fried egg is a glory to behold __________ edges and a wobbly, ________ yolk.
A. Yolk. Film B. Crispy, pinkish C. Compact, spread D. Yellow, rounded 
7. A roux-based sauce made with margarine or butter, flavor, and brown stock.  
A. Brown Sauce B. Butter Sauce C. Hollandaise Sauce D. Tomato Sauce  
8. Sauce made by forming an emulsion with fat such as margarine, butter or salad oil and egg.  
A. Brown Sauce B. Butter Sauce C. Hollandaise Sauce D. Tomato Sauce  
9. How many colors are suggested on a plate to make it balanced?
A. Four To Five B. Three To Four C. One To Two D. Two To Three
10. Which of the following is a characteristic of fresh fish?
A. With fresh and foul odor
B. Eyes are dull, shiny and bulging
C. Gills are pink or red
D. Flesh shrink when pressed
11. Nutrient that helps to maintain healthy blood pressure.
A. Potassium B. Calcium C. Vitamin A D. Minerals
12. Peanuts, string beans, baguio beans and soybeans are examples of__ 
   A. Roots and Tubers B. Legumes C. Starch D. Cereal Grains
13. Which of The Following Is A Common Source of Starch? 
   A. Cassava B. Banana C. Squash D. Taro 
14. Starch that is altered physically or chemically.   
   A. Native starch B. Cassava starch C. Modified starch D. Purified starch
15. The highest percentage of amylose.
   A. Potato B. Cassava C. Wheat D. Cornstarch
16. No percentage of protein.
  A. Potato B. Cassava C. Wheat D. Cornstarch
17-19. Fill in the blank with the correct word/s to complete the procedure in cooking pasta.
17. Put1 ½ liter of water per __________ of pasta in a kettle. 
  A. 300 grams B. 500 grams C. 1000 grams D. 600 grams
18. Add ___________ teaspoon salt.
  A. 1 ½ teaspoon B. 1 teaspoon C. 2 teaspoon D. 1½ teaspoon
19. Drain immediately in a colander as soon as it is al dente, and rinse with _________until the pasta is
completely cooled.  
  A. warm water B. cold running water C. hot water D. cold water
20. Which kind of fish has no internal bone structure?
  A. Fin fish B. Freshwater fish C. Round fish D. Shell fish
21. Which of the following is the second step in scaling whole fish?
     A. Begin to rake the scales from the tail towards the head.   
     B. Remove the scales on both sides of the fish.
     C. Hold the fish down firmly with your hand near its head.  
     D. Lay your fish flat on the board.
22. Which of the following is the third step in opening an oyster?
   A. Cut muscle from the bottom cup.
B. Insert oyster knife at hinge slowly but firmly
   C. Push knife into the oyster and slice muscle from top shell
D. Twist knife handle to open the oyster.
23. It has almost no fat, so it easily becomes dry. It is best served with sauces to enhance moistness and gives
  A. Lean fish B. Fat Fish C. Shell Fish D. Round Fish
24. It becomes tough and rubbery when cooked at high temperature.
  A. Lean fish B. Fat Fish C. Shell Fish D. Round Fish
25. The following is the common causes of food contamination and food spoilage, EXCEPT.
A. Failure to properly refrigerate food
B. Foods prepared 3 days before they are served
C. Failure to thoroughly heat or cook food
D. Failure to reheat foods to temperature that kills bacteria
26. What do you call of a young chicken, usually 9 to 12 weeks of age, of either sex, is tender-meat with soft,
pliable, smooth-textured skin?
A. Peking Duck B. Roaster C. Squab D. Broiler
27. How many percent of protein does the chicken have?
A. 76.3% B. 22.6% C. 22.4% D. 76.4%
28. These are slaughtered birds that have been bled and de-feathered. 
   A. Live Poultry B. Whole Poultry C. Dressed Poultry D. Ready-To-Cook
29. Which of the following good quality poultry has fine and soft feet, If it is old, the feet are thick and scaly?
   A. Live Poultry B. Whole Poultry C. Dressed Poultry D. Ready-To-Cook
30. Which of the cooking methods does not belong to the dry heat method? 
A. Baking B. Broiling C. Roasting D. Stewing  
31. Which of the following uses the seasoning with vinegar and water to turn it into a marinade?
A. Bourbon Marinade B. Jamaican Jerk Marinade
C. Pork Rib Marinade D. Teriyaki Marinade
32. The bottom portion of the middle of the hog is the belly, sometimes called ______.
A. Back -side B. In- side C. The-side D. Outside
33. Which among the factors affecting the choice of cooking methods in meat? 
A. Fat content B. Desired quantity    C. Age of meat D. Texture of meat 
34. Which the following when pressed with a finger, meat feels firm and there is a definite resistance? 
A. Rare B. Medium C. Medium rare D. Well done  
35. Slicing thinly and cutting into strips of appropriate width.
A. Diamond B. Dicing C. Baton Net D. Mincing
36. Meat of carabao is called: 
A. Beef B. Carabeef C. Chevon D. Pork 
 37. Which of the following is a mild marinade so you will want several hours marinating time with it before
you grill?
A. Bourbon Marinade B. Jamaican Jerk Marinade
C. Pork Rib Marinade D. Teriyaki Marinade
38. Which of the following meat structures determine the fine and coarse texture or grains of the meat?  
A. Elastin B. Collagen C. Muscle fiber D. connective tissue
39. The meat consists of ______ percent proteins content.  
A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20  
40. Which of the following muscle fiber composed of long, thin, and bound together in bundles?  
A. Coarse B. Connective tissue C. Fine D. Lean  

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