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K a i zen

The Japanese Method

for Transforming Habits,
One Small Step at a Time

Prologue: Kaizen & Me


How to Start






Habits & Challenges

Stumbling Blocks

Conclusion: Change for Good

About the Author



Picture Credits
In September 2017, I decided to quit my job working for a
London publisher and move to Japan. I enjoyed my job and
had a fun social life but was feeling burnt out and anxious.
The political landscape was uncertain, and I was feeling
increasingly out of control. I tried to do yoga and practise
mindfulness as much as possible, but I found that it wasn’t
enough to combat the feelings of anxiety and instability I
had about the future. I wanted to change some of my
behaviours that I knew weren’t doing me any good but I
found it difficult to keep up with any new habits. In short: I
was tired, creatively uninspired and definitely needed a
break from my routine.

As soon as I moved to Japan I noticed how, even when you

were in a busy or built-up place, there was a sense of calm.
The Tokyo Metro at rush hour was just as populated – if not
more so – than the London Underground, but there would
be no passive-aggressive jostling for space. You would be
packed into carriages like sardines but it would be
practically silent. The traffic was almost exclusively
congested but nobody would beep their horns or drive
erratically. You hardly ever saw anybody rushing; there was
a sense of order and a slower pace. My new Japanese home
was bigger and busier in places, but somehow less frantic
and a far more welcoming, clean and relaxing space to be
in. And from that, I felt encouraged to slow down, make
some lifestyle changes and embrace new, more enriching
and creative challenges. Taking a step into a different
culture showed me some of the things I was getting wrong
with my habits and routine in London, where I often rushed
around on autopilot, and wasn’t always looking after myself
in the best way.

After living in Japan for six months and noticing these

differences in my own behaviour, I became fascinated by
how small details and incremental change were given more
emphasis in Japanese daily life. If you saw a road being
resurfaced, there would be a huge team working on it, each
focusing on a very small task, whether that was measuring
out the space, doing the digging or directing pedestrians
around the footpath. Rather than the job taking weeks (or
years!), the entire road would be back in action within a few
days. I learned of sushi chefs who train for seven whole
years, each part of the process taught meticulously. In my
Japanese lessons, I was taught how important it is that the
strokes of the Japanese script are performed in a certain
order – the kakijun – and that it takes children almost the
entirety of their compulsory education to learn the full set
of 2,136 kanji characters. Small details matter in Japanese
culture. I started researching this aspect of Japanese life
and, through this, I discovered the philosophy and practice
of Kaizen (Ky’zen).

Roughly translating from Japanese into ‘good change’ or

‘improvement’, the philosophy of Kaizen isn’t about change
for change’s sake, but about identifying particular goals –
both short-term and long-term – and then making small,
manageable steps to achieve those goals. Rather than
forcing us to make big dramatic changes, the method
emphasizes doing things incrementally.

Kaizen uses the psychological teaching around why we find

it hard to give up bad habits and stick to new challenges,
and offers a clear structural framework for going about
change. It is most commonly known as a business
methodology, but it has clear benefits for your own personal
development too. It can transform the way that you feel
about yourself, your goals and your environment.
Learning about Kaizen made me think about the long
history that we have of looking to others – particularly in
the East – for wisdom about living well and with happiness.
We are living in uncertain and stressful times and I don’t
think it is any coincidence that this has resulted in a recent
flurry of interest in looking to other cultures and traditions
for guidance. This can be seen in the trends for all things
Scandinavian – whether that is hygge, lagom, lykke or sisu –
or Japanese concepts, such as ikigai, wabi-sabi, kakeibo,
kintsugi, shinrin-yoku, and Marie Kondo’s popular
decluttering methods.

Having a change of scene and introducing new experiences

into my life meant that I found it easier to break away from
my previous routine. I started to take on some new, positive
habits in the spirit of Kaizen. I felt inspired to write again
and started doing morning yoga every day, an activity I had
previously enjoyed but which I had allowed to lapse. Some
of my habits changed through no choice of my own (it is
very hard to find decent Cheddar cheese to gorge on in
Tokyo!) but I also started to change things of my own
volition. Being away from my usual temptations and
triggers shone a light on where I was misstepping before, in
both my personal and working life. I was now working as a
freelancer and this illuminated many of the things that I
had been getting wrong with my previous office-based
working life. It also meant that I suddenly had to learn to be
disciplined with time and not let work bleed into my
evenings too much (although I often failed with this, I have
to be honest!).

I am now back in London and there are a number of small

changes I made during my time in Japan that have become
fundamental to my daily life. I am more mindful of how my
actions impact upon my physical and mental health,
particularly how I need to slow down, say ‘no’ to invitations,
and take breaks from social media and the relentless news
cycle. Japanese society is by no means a perfect one –
Japan’s gender gap was ranked at a miserable 114th out of
144 countries in 20171: by far the worst of the top seven
major economies. It also has some of the longest working
hours in the developed world, with a systemic culture of
overtime.2 But using my time in Japan as an opportunity to
reflect, taking a step back from habits that had become
second nature, and learning from another culture has made
me think closely about the ways in which I was behaving
before. It has transformed the way I go about my daily life. I
feel far more creative, relaxed and focused.

Kaizen is useful for anybody wishing to change their

routine. Rather than making any scary leaps into the dark,
it is about stepping back and analysing your current habits,
deciding what you could improve in your existing life, or
thinking of new challenges you could start, then putting
into place a plan to change in very small incremental
stages. You will hardly even notice the difference to your
routine. There are countless books that promise solutions to
a happy life – various daft fasting diets, ‘eat clean’ people
telling us to eat more coconut oil, and extreme exercise
routines from nutty-chested former army cadets with
twelve packs. Most people find that these solutions are far
too extreme, their busy lives get in the way, and they find it
a struggle to sustain these kinds of changes in the long
term. Having consulted a number of psychologists who
specialize in habitual behaviour, the consensus is that
making incremental changes to your habits is the key to
sustainable results.

My life is by no means flawless; I don’t own a beautiful

mansion overlooking a lake, and there are days where I
realize I have only eaten beige food. But I am definitely
becoming more mindful of my behaviour and habits, and
slowly improving the areas of my life where I felt
dissatisfied before. I am looking after myself better and feel
more inspired to learn and achieve new things. Amending
my behaviour with small actions has been transformative.
And as my friends and family would attest, if I can do it,
then you can too! I have consulted Kaizen practitioners,
psychologists and inspiring people from my own life so that,
over the following chapters, I can show how incremental
change can have a huge transformative effect on you too.

Not many people will have the luxury of being able to up

sticks and move to an entirely new continent like I did, but I
would love for this book to be your passport to improving
your life, even in just a few small ways, and adopting new
and exciting challenges.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
– Lao Tzu


Welcome to the Wonderful World of Kaizen. This is usually

the part where the author makes bold claims about how
their book is going to instantly transform your life. This isn’t
to say that this book won’t transform your life – it very much
has the potential to do so – but I’m afraid that it won’t do it
by itself. It will, however, tool you up with useful tips and
advice on how to interrogate your existing behaviour, help
you understand why you abandon certain new habits or lose
motivation halfway through, look at how to break free from
bad habits, teach you how to keep track of your progress,
and remind you to practise self-compassion along the way.

The quote from the ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, is

one often used in self-help books and on motivational
screensavers, but it is one that is popular for a reason and
perfectly encapsulates the Kaizen philosophy: you can
change your life by making lots of small steps (and I won’t
force you to walk a thousand miles either).


⊙ Anybody who is interested in Japan or, more broadly,
Eastern philosophies
⊙ Anybody who has tried to take up a new habit or
behaviour in the past but struggled to keep going when
life got in the way
⊙ Anybody looking to refine or change their existing
⊙ Anybody who senses that they could be improving a
certain aspect of their life but isn’t sure where to start
⊙ Anybody who has found that other ‘self-help’ techniques
haven’t worked for them and is looking for a method that
they can mould to their own preferences and behaviours,
playing to their strengths and minimizing their

You can tailor Kaizen to your own needs; you can choose to
do it at your own pace and work towards your own goals –
not anybody else’s. In doing so, you have the potential to
overhaul your current habits, acquire new skills and
knowledge, and abandon unproductive behaviours.
Kaizen is a noun in Japanese and is used to mean
improvement, whether that is big or small, one-time or
continuous. It is also sometimes used in relation to martial
arts, where the idea of improving one area of your practice
meticulously and slowly is encouraged. You are prompted to
focus on one thing at a time, simply, and to practise until
you get results. You could see the philosophy of Kaizen as
very much ‘East-meets-West’ in that the business theory
was actually conceived by the US government, but then
brought over and used to great effect in post-World War II
Japan, where the economy had been completely destroyed
by the war effort. Kaizen is credited with influencing the
huge success of Japanese companies in the second half of
the twentieth century and has since been popularized
around the world as an effective method for improving
existing habits and achieving success in a number of
different fields, from healthcare to psychotherapy to
government institutions.

A lot of other Japanese terms that have been adopted in the

West – ikigai, wabi-sabi, shinrin yoku – can be hard to
translate directly, but the beauty of Kaizen as an
improvement philosophy is that it has developed organically
as a theory between the West and East. Consequently,
Kaizen is not too difficult to grasp or apply to your own life.
Little has been written about how an individual can apply
the principles of Kaizen to aspects of their own life to bring
about their own ‘good change’, but it is easy to adopt
Kaizen and bring about lasting change in multiple areas of
your life; from obvious things which people often try to
improve, such as their health and finances, to inspiring
more unusual change – whether that is learning how to
speak Thai or becoming an expert at life drawing. It is a
flexible and easily adaptable approach to change. Rather
than being dictated to by a fitness guru with unobtainable
abs or a hypnotist who fails to make you stop smoking in
five days, Kaizen encourages you to formulate your own
goals and work towards them at your own pace. You make it
work for you.

The Kaizen philosophy assumes that our way of life – be it our working
life, our social life, or our home life – deserves to be constantly
– Mr Masaaki Imai


The idea of continuous improvement was first trialled in the
States during the Second World War, when it was found
that businesses were struggling to innovate and keep up
with supplies for the war effort when so many men were
abroad fighting the war. As such, the US government
created a series of programmes called Training Within
Industries (TWI), which aimed to stimulate business. The
emphasis was put on the existing workforce to pay attention
to working practices and suggest methods for improvement
themselves, rather than waiting to be dictated to from
above. These programmes were judged a huge success and
ensured that businesses could supply reliable equipment to
the men abroad, while also keeping the domestic side of
things afloat.4

When the war was over, a lot of these American businesses

found that they had been bolstered by the war effort and no
longer needed to rely on the programmes for continuous
improvement. Japan, on the other hand, was completely on
its knees from the loss of life at the end of the war. Its
industries were decimated and morale was low. The US –
interested in strengthening Japan so that it could act as a
buffer to North Korea – sent over a team of advisors, led by
a William Edwards Deming, to provide management
training courses to Japanese businesses.5

The Japanese were immediately enthralled with this new

management technique of continuous improvement and
christened it Kaizen, the already common noun in Japanese
used to mean ‘good change’ or ‘improvement’. Businesses
took to Kaizen with gusto and it was credited with helping
the huge growth of the Japanese economy and the success
of its businesses in the second half of the twentieth century.
Most famously it was used by Toyota to improve its
production line, labelled ‘the Toyota Way’. The emphasis
was on finding ‘lean’ processes, reducing production waste
(or muda), increasing the quality of products, and
encouraging workers to make suggestions as to how
practices could be improved.

Rather ironically, by the 1980s, American businesses had

become nervous about Japanese companies competing with
them, so Kaizen returned to the US as an organizational
theory.6 It was popularized in the West by Mr Masaaki Imai,
a Japanese business consultant and organizational theorist,
whose teachings are still very much used by businesses
around the world today.


Mr Masaaki Imai first popularized the theory of Kaizen in
his book Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success. In
the book, he describes the differences he has seen between
Japanese and Western working practices and from this
advocates the idea that Kaizen is an extension of the
Japanese value system and its incremental attitude towards
change: ‘I came to the conclusion that the key difference
between how change is understood in Japan and how it is
viewed in the West lies in the Kaizen concept – a concept
that is so natural and obvious to many Japanese managers
that they often do not even realize that they possess it!’7

Mr Imai noted how gradual change was a less obvious part

of the Western way of life than it was in Japan, and that
Western businesses were less successful because they
always sought abrupt and dramatic change over
incremental change.

It is now more than thirty years since the release of Mr

Imai’s book and his Kaizen Institute continues to consult for
and train businesses in the philosophy of Kaizen. At first,
they worked exclusively with car companies, but the
Institute has since expanded across the world. They now
work with lots of other sectors, from banking to retail to
government organizations. Mr Imai’s colleague Euclides A.
Coimbra, Senior Partner and Managing Director of the
Kaizen Institute Western Europe, spoke to me about the
Institute and how the theory of Kaizen can be applied to
individual change as well as organizational change.

In his book, Mr Imai stresses that Kaizen should be applied

to every part of an organization, and Coimbra advocates
this universal approach to change: ‘we [the Kaizen
Institute] believe that the only way to have a “Continuous
Improvement Culture” is to practise improvements
engaging everybody, everywhere and every day.’
Continuous improvement involves everyone, whether you
are a junior worker or a senior manager.

The workers at the top of the organization are encouraged

to come up with short-, medium- and long-term goals for
the business around four criteria: growth (or sales), quality,
level of service and motivation. Every employee – whether
that is the person on the reception desk, a till worker, or the
foreman on the factory floor – is invited to also make
suggestions on how to improve. The employees make
suggestions in groups and as individuals, and the emphasis
is on very small things that would transform their working
At the time of Imai’s book release, Japanese workers each
made nineteen suggestions per year on average for ways in
which their companies could improve, and this level of
engagement is still very much encouraged today. Success
for the company is judged on whether it is more productive,
more competitive and more profitable. But the emphasis is
on long-term incremental improvements rather than quick
and drastic change.


Kaizen techniques can work outside of organizational

theory, and Mr Imai himself acknowledges that the
philosophy has wider applications than just the business
world, particularly as – in his view – all individuals have an
instinctive desire to improve themselves. Coimbra asserts
that at the Kaizen Institute they very much encourage that:
‘since we started the Kaizen Institute we have been
applying what we preach internally. We have a course for
our employees where we teach Kaizen principles and tools
for personal development.’ This optional course encourages
participants to assess their lives against a number of
criteria (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) and to
make suggestions for changes. Participants work on a plan
involving small actions they can make to bring about
improvement. This eventually becomes a ‘Life Strategy’, in
which they are asked to summarize the changes that they
are going to make on an A3 piece of paper – which mirrors
the same strategy document that businesses such as Toyota
use when they are formulating their Kaizen strategy.

Coimbra says that when people start their own Kaizen

practice, most of the habits they are looking to change are
physical, such as exercise, sleep and diet. But once
employees try new habits, they are encouraged to work
towards more emotional aspects of improvement. Coimbra
states that ‘it is common to see people adopting meditation
habits and being more conscious of their own emotions and
the impact they may have in the emotions of other people’.
The employees who have signed up to the programme have
noticed considerable improvements in their habits and
happiness, including ‘better exercise habits, rest and
nutrition’ and have demonstrated ‘more sophisticated
behaviours related to emotional intelligence and spiritual
engagement in life as a whole’. Coimbra asserts ‘our most
motivated employees have the Kaizen mindset in their
personal life and this of course benefits all aspects of their
Change is infectious and when success is achieved in one
area, you are encouraged to apply the same techniques to
another area of your life. This is referred to as yokoten or
‘horizontal deployment’, i.e. copying what works in one area
to see if it works in another.

The philosophy of Kaizen is just as easy to apply to

individual change as to change in a business; it is about
setting long-term, medium-term and short-term goals, then
thinking of small, incremental adjustments you can make to
work towards these goals. Coimbra argues that if you adopt
the philosophy of continuous improvement ‘you will always
be looking for ways to do better, even if it is only improving
small things on a daily basis. We can see that the long-term
evolution of our society as human beings is one of
continuous progress and that if we create a spiral [streak]
of continuous wins we will be much better in all senses’.

Over the course of this book, as well as introducing you to

Kaizen techniques and offering tips for small steps you can
make to change your environment and routine in a number
of areas, I will encourage you adopt this philosophy of
continuous improvement. Through taking a step back and
analysing your life as a whole, I hope that it will help you to
see it from a different perspective; whether that’s choosing
to embrace nature, eating more mindfully or thinking about
your career goals. And once one small change makes a
difference, it is likely that you will practise your own
yokoten and be encouraged to try another change.


The field of sport is another area in which Kaizen
techniques have already been used successfully. As well as
it being used in martial arts training, several top sports
teams have cited Kaizen – or ‘marginal gains’ as it is
sometimes referred to – as a technique that they have used
to great effect. Sir Dave Brailsford became head of the
British cycling team in 2002, when the existing team had
experienced little to no success. But by the Beijing Olympics
in 2008, the team won seven of the ten possible gold medals
for cycling, and achieved the same tally at the London
Olympics in 2012.

Brailsford – who had an MBA and an interest in business

management techniques – started to use Kaizen as a way to
improve the team’s performance. He got the team to break
down every aspect of cycling into as small a part as possible
– whether that was the aerodynamics, the nutrition of the
cyclists, the maintenance of the bikes – and then gave them
a target of improving each part by just 1 per cent.
Rather than focusing on perfection from the start, he
looked for marginal gains in each area and celebrated small
successes, which soon became cumulative successes. He
cites these marginal gains as creating a contagious
enthusiasm for change, which then spurred the team on to
even more success.8 Brailsford is now taking his techniques
to members of the British government to show how they
can be applied to public services – such as Britain’s
National Health Service – to improve targets and overall


As we have already discussed, the continuous improvement

philosophy of Kaizen is very much ‘East-meets-West’. It was
conceived as a business strategy in the West but was then
adopted by Japanese companies, who saw the techniques as
an extension of Japanese values and attitudes towards
incremental change. During the course of this book I am
going to explore how Kaizen is a good example of this
ongoing dialogue between Japan and the West, and touch
upon what we can learn from some of the other Japanese
social, cultural and philosophical traditions too.

Japanese society is not without its flaws, but I think we can

gain a lot from observing the way it works. One of the
things that I immediately noticed when arriving in Japan is
how it has retained its own sense of identity and strong
social structures. You are instantly struck by small children
playing out in the street unaccompanied, people leaving
their bikes unlocked outside their houses and often leaving
the doors to their homes unlocked, too. As a woman, it feels
a lot safer to walk around at night compared to other big
cities like London, Paris or New York. There are hardly any
litter bins in central Tokyo (apparently because of anti-
terrorism measures), but somehow no litter whatsoever –
people take responsibility and carry it home with them.

There is a really strong social contract and it is so

refreshing and inspirational to experience firsthand. Being
more conscious of the needs of others around you and of
your impact on your environment is something I feel we
need to introduce into our lives as much as possible. Japan
is dominated by a collectivist culture unlike any that we
have in the West. It will take a foreigner a prolonged period
of being immersed in Japanese culture to fully appreciate
the amount of social rules and small daily courtesies that
dominate the way that the Japanese interact with each
other. The social structures are set up very distinctively and
founded on rules that can sometimes seem alien to those
outside of Japan. Because the inhabitable parts of the
country are so densely populated, there has to be a big
emphasis on social cohesion.
One of the most unique aspects of Japanese culture is the
concept of Uchi-Soto, which dictates a lot of Japan’s social
customs and even extends to their language. Translating as
Uchi (home/inside) and Soto (outside), it is about
separating in-groups from out-groups. A Japanese person’s
in-group would be their family, close friends, and co-
workers, whereas the out-group would be any clients,
customers, visitors or gaijin (non-Japanese people). When
speaking with someone from an out-group, the out-group
must be ‘honoured’, and the in-group ‘humbled’, which
means that different language is used to convey a level of
politeness depending on who you are talking to. This also
extends to gift-giving and other social interactions such as
serving, where the customer is treated with the ultimate
respect. The upside of this is the strong social contract and
relative social cohesion between Japanese people and the
respect and politeness that an outsider will feel when
visiting Japan. The downside of these rules is that as an
outsider it can be hard to be fully accepted in Japanese
society; for example, my British friend has been living in
Tokyo for fifteen years, is fluent in Japanese and has a
Japanese wife, but still feels like he isn’t fully integrated into
society. Younger people are said to be embracing these
rules less, but they are still fundamental to Japanese society
and business culture.
Although there are many things in Japan that a naive
westerner will recognize – there are American coffee shops
on every corner, Western-style sit-down toilets favoured
over traditional squat toilets and gigantic Scandinavian
fashion stores seemingly everywhere – a short time there
will make you realize that, as well as there being traditional
social structures, there is also still a huge emphasis on
traditional Japanese craft and design. There is a definite
melding of Western culture with traditional Japanese
culture. You will see teenage girls dressed up in traditional
kimonos, or the lighter versions, yukata, in summer, but
their mates might be wearing the latest Nike trainers or a
new cult skater brand. This mixing of cultures also happens
in the home. I visited and lived in a number of different
homes during my time in Japan and some of them were
super-modern apartments with Western-style beds and
sofas, while others still had futons to sleep on and retained
the traditional design of tatami matting on the floor. The
choice of bedding would often fit the practicalities of the
space, with traditional bedding often used in smaller
apartments, so that it can be folded up out of the way
during the day.

Many attribute Japan’s distinctive social structures and

emphasis on simple, beautiful design to the fact that the
country was isolated for 220 years until the Meiji-era ‘open
door policy’ in 1868. Prior to that, Japan was a Sakoku
(closed country) with an isolationist foreign policy. Trade
between Japan and other countries was severely limited,
Japanese people were stopped from leaving the country,
and almost all foreigners were barred from entry. There
was some very limited trade with other countries, and some
Western inventions were introduced into Japan this way,
mostly via its trade with the Dutch East India Company;
but, on the whole, exposure to the rest of the world for
everyday Japanese people was non-existent. This meant
that Japan’s social structures, design and culture were
allowed to flourish without any external influences.

When Japan was opened up again, there was a huge flurry

of interest from the West in Japanese society and culture,
and a desire to influence it themselves. The Meiji
Restoration Period of 1868–1912 saw the dismantling of the
previous governmental structures of the Edo Period of
1603–1867, where Japan had been ruled by the Tokugawa
Shogunate, a feudal military-style government. The Meiji
Period saw the establishment of a representative
democracy, the foundation of the Tokyo police force based
on the model used in Paris, and the introduction of Western
cultural activities, such as baseball (now one of Japan’s
biggest sports). Japanese ideas also flowed back the other
way, with the French art critic Philippe Burty coining the
term Japonisme in the early 1870s to describe the massive
appetite for Japanese design and art in both France and
elsewhere. This can be seen in the painting, sculpture and
architecture of Europe in the late nineteenth century,
particularly the impressionist artists, the aesthetic
movement and art nouveau.9

This opening-up of Japan in the nineteenth century started

a dialogue with the rest of the world that has been
continuing ever since, and it is a dialogue which has often
been contentious. The American Occupation of Japan
between 1945 and 1952 introduced reforms that are still in
place today, such as the suffrage of women and a new co-
education system, but it also sped up the influence that the
West was having upon Japanese society. Some have argued
that the Sakoku period of isolation firmly cemented certain
values and traditions that make Japan unique, but that
these have been continuously under threat from the
onslaught of foreign influence ever since.

The dialogue between Japan and the West continues to

develop and ebb and flow, and the philosophy of Kaizen can
be seen as this dialogue in action. It is an idea which came
to Japan from the West, but was very much aligned with the
traditional Japanese attitude towards gradual change,
before being eventually exported back to the West.


There are a lot of problems in the world that are out of our
control. But for the parts of our lives over which we can
have more control, Kaizen is a great way to reduce sources
of stress and bring about new, exciting improvements.
While inept politicians and worries about climate change
aren’t going anywhere (unfortunately), Kaizen can be used
to bring more harmony into your immediate environment
and improve your wellbeing, so that you have more energy
to face and fight the problems of the wider world.

Unlike expensive gym memberships that go unused or an

impulse purchase which you have forgotten about by the
next day, Kaizen is free and accessible to anyone; the only
thing you really need to start is a pen and paper to draw up
your initial plan and track your goals.

The emphasis is on making small, incremental changes to

parts of your routine, which can easily fit around work,
childcare or social commitments. The changes should be so
small that at first you barely notice any difference to your
daily life. As the British cycling team looked to improve
aspects of their process by just 1 per cent, this is the
amount of impact upon your routine you should be looking
at too. It is adding one more fruit or vegetable item to your
food shop or meditating for five minutes every Saturday
morning. Once you have made one change to a habit or
formed a new one, then you can decide if you wish to step
up that habit or move on to changing or obtaining a
different one, for example if you have meditated every
Saturday for a month and found it beneficial, then you could
start including more days in your routine or meditating for
slightly longer. You should find that this small feeling of
success is contagious and will spur you on to achieve even

Ben Gardner, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at King’s

College London, offers a perspective on habitual behaviour
from the world of psychology. Explaining that habitual
behaviours are essential to be able to function every day,
Gardner tells me that we develop habitual patterns because
it is our brain’s way of locking in useful responses. He
describes people as ‘cognitive misers’, i.e. we like (and
need) to conserve our mental resources so that we can then
use those resources on other, more mindful tasks. He gives
an example:

‘If we develop a habit for, for example, putting a

teabag in a cup after taking the cup from the
cupboard, then that becomes one less thing that we
need to think about. So then, our tea-making does not
require us to deliberate over the next steps (“I’ve
taken the cup out of the cupboard – what next?”), but
instead can proceed on autopilot, allowing us the
mental space to think about other things (for example,
trying to solve a work-related problem while making

It is important to state that not all habits are inherently

negative, as they are essential for us to be able to function
on an everyday level. If we had to pay close attention to
every single task that we undertake – such as walking up
some stairs or drinking a sip of water – we would be
constantly exhausted. What this can mean, however, is that
we also turn to our bad habits for comfort and safety when
we are feeling low or tired. For example, if I have had a
tough day at work, I always have a strong desire to go
shopping or order an unhealthy takeaway. Escaping from
the safety zone of our habitual behaviours can be difficult
and, as a result, it can mean that we go about a lot of our
life on autopilot or acting in ways that we know aren’t good
for us.

With many little strokes a large tree is felled – Japanese proverb


Habits are seductive and save us a lot of time and energy, so

when it then comes to changing them it can seem a scary
and daunting prospect. Gardner agrees:

‘The downside of our brains “locking in” behaviours

becomes clear when we want to change those
behaviours. Habitual behaviours can proceed even
when we lack the motivation to do them – and
sometimes, when we expressly do NOT want to do
them. This can be useful where they “help us over the
line” with good behaviours; for example, if I have
formed a habit of going for a run each morning when I
wake up, and one morning I wake up and feel
demotivated, my habit is going to help me to ensure I
go anyway, despite my lack of motivation. The flipside
of this is that, if we have “locked in” something like
smoking (as an automatic response to, for example,
waking up, or experiencing stress), then that
behaviour becomes very hard to change via
motivational means. In other words, you may
successfully change a smoker’s motivation, educating
them of the dangers of smoking, but if they smoke
habitually, despite being motivated not to do so, then
changing their motivation won’t translate into
changing their behaviour.’

One initial step towards understanding how to change our

habitual behaviours is to educate ourselves as to how we
acquire habitual behaviours in the first place:

‘We learn habits through repeated and rewarding

performances in the presence of cues; for example, if
we repeatedly bite our nails (behaviour) when we are
in stressful situations (cue), and we find nail-biting to
help us to deal with stress (reward), then we develop
an association between stress and nail-biting. Each
time we repeat the nail-biting in response to the stress
cue, so that association strengthens, to the point
beyond which merely encountering the stress cue is
sufficient to prompt us to enact the associated
behaviour automatically, without thinking about it’.
So, in order to try to tackle the underlying habits, we have
to identify what our cues are for the unwanted behaviours,
for example work stress is a cue for me to want to go

As well as being aware of the cues for certain habits, we

should also be conscious of the (often temporary) rewards
that we gain from the behaviour and how these rewards
can influence our desire to repeat the behaviour in the
future. Gardner asserts that the positive (even if short-
lived) way these rewards make us feel, makes getting
people to change their behaviour more difficult than simply
educating them on the dangers of certain ‘bad’ behaviours.
The reason for this is because some ‘good’ behaviours
simply aren’t rewarding enough for us. Gardner says:

‘We don’t experience such big and rapid rewards from

doing [good behaviours] as we do from some bad
behaviours. The motivational system is chaotic; at any
one moment, there are multiple potential wants and
needs that compete to push and pull us this way and
that. Often, competing desires arise at the moment
when we plan to “be good”. It is always tempting to
take the more immediately gratifying option (smoke
the cigarette) than the more long-term reward (don’t
smoke the cigarette) . . . For those behaviours that
deliver greater rewards, or more immediate rewards,
it is likely to be more difficult to change these habits.’


Everybody has a friend who seems to boldly go from

achieving one big goal to the next without seeming to break
a sweat. They suddenly decide to quit smoking one day and
never touch a cigarette again, or they announce that they
are going to do a triathlon and easily complete it without
even seeming to train (or moan). There are some
personality types that embrace dramatic change and can
easily achieve their goals, seemingly without any self-doubt
or hiccups. Let’s face it: if you’re not one of them, these
people are incredibly annoying!

But if you do struggle with change, or frequently give up on

New Year’s resolutions two weeks into January, then you
are absolutely not alone. This is because the brain is
programmed to react to change in a certain way. Change
can be emotionally triggering, and it is a very human
response to fear and resist anything that takes you out of
your comfort zone, even if you know deep down that the
change would benefit you. This is especially difficult if you
experience a strong – if temporary – reward from carrying
out the behaviour.

Recent psychological studies10 have concluded that the

reason that some people find it easier to control their
actions and resist temptation to perform bad habits than
others isn’t because they have greater willpower; it is
because they have found a way to make it easier to form
new habits and automate their behaviour to get them to
their goals. The good news is that anybody can train
themselves to do this – and Kaizen provides the perfect
framework with which to do so.


The statistic that is often bandied about in articles about

changing your behaviour is that it takes twenty-one days to
form a habit. A study by psychologists at UCL has shown
this number to be entirely fictitious, however.11 Their
findings in fact show that the amount of time that people
take to reach ‘automaticity’ with their habits (performing
them with efficiency, lack of awareness and/or
unintentionally) can be anything between 18 and 254 days.
The length of time to reaching automaticity varies greatly
depending on the person and the habit, and there have not
been enough studies done for any definitive conclusions to
be drawn.

There is consensus, however, that if you want to transform

your habits in the long term, the new behaviour is best
acquired through incremental strengthening of the
association between the situation in which the habit is
performed (for example, when/where in your daily routine
you do the action) and the action itself. The more that you
repeat a certain habit in a certain situation, the more likely
you will be able to automate it. Ben Gardner believes that
drastic change to your habits can work in some situations
(for example, if somebody wishes to crash-diet for their
wedding), but that ‘the danger of the more drastic change
method is that it may be less sustainable over time . . . We
may experience an aborted behaviour change attempt as a
failure, and failure can be off-putting, preventing us from
wanting to try again’. As the Kaizen method encourages you
to change your habits in a very incremental way and to be
gentle on yourself if things don’t go to plan, there is less
chance of you experiencing these feelings of failure.


Your brain has what is termed by psychologists as a

‘negativity bias’, stemming from the early stages of
evolution where a human’s survival very much depended
upon their ability to perceive danger. We respond to things
of a negative nature much more strongly than we do to
those of a positive nature. The amygdala (the ‘alarm bell’ of
the brain) responds to each negative experience we have
and becomes even more sensitive over time. This means
that we usually overestimate threats and underestimate
rewards and opportunities (such as a positive change in our
habits). This served us well when we were living in caves
and potentially about to be attacked by a pack of lions, but
it isn’t so useful when it is crippling our creativity and
driving feelings of procrastination and inertia. The status
quo is a very seductive thing, while starting something new
or changing an existing habit is a far scarier thought.

People who can make changes to their routine easily are

able to turn this feeling of fear into excitement, and you
may find that there are some occasions when you, too, find
that change is exciting and easy to achieve. But, on the
whole, most of the time we will find the thought of change
terrifying and will want to return to our secure and safe
routine where there isn’t the risk that we might not
succeed. The good news is that negativity bias can be
overcome and using Kaizen techniques to adopt a new habit
or creative challenge can be an extremely effective way of
combatting it.


The voice of negativity bias is often termed our ‘inner

critic’. Our inner critic is a massive pain in the arse who
frequently voices the fear that we won’t succeed when we
either try to change our habits or start a new challenge.
This results in us either not attempting the change in the
first place or us giving up shortly into a project.12 Research
from Strava, the social network for athletes, discovered that
most people start to waver in their commitment to their
New Year’s Resolutions by 12 January!13 This is why there
are huge industries built around people’s inability to stick
to goals, whether that is the expensive ‘health food’ delivery
services that crop up in May and target people wanting to
look good on the beach during their holidays, or the glossy
gyms that try to lock you in to pricey contracts in January
that you will have stopped using by March.

How to silence your inner critic

Mindfulness techniques are a great way of taking stock,
connecting with our feelings and environment, and finding
new ways of approaching the world. We’ll draw upon these
techniques later in the book, as they can be very useful in
helping you to take a step back, slow down and process
negative feelings.

As well as mindfulness, other psychologists such as Robert

Maurer – Director of Behavioral Sciences at Santa Monica
UCLA Medical Center – have specifically encouraged the
use of Kaizen techniques as a way to combat our inner
critic. The reason being that the Kaizen method of change
is so incremental that it fails to trigger the body’s fight-or-
flight response system. Robert Maurer writes: ‘If the
amygdala is like an alarm system, small steps are like a cat
burglar. Quietly, slowly, and softly, they pad past your fears.
Your alarm never goes off.’14 The beauty of making changes
in small steps is that it creates new neural pathways before
your fight-or-flight response or inner critic can be

We have introduced the concept and methodology behind
Kaizen and learned about how it can be used to rewire the
brain’s chemistry to make you more likely to stick to habits
and new challenges. Now let’s explore the practical
application and focus on particular areas in which Kaizen
can be transformative. The following chapters will show you
how to make changes to your life by introducing Kaizen into
your routine. Eventually it will feel like second nature.
Kaizen starts with a problem, or more precisely, with the recognition
that a problem exists. – Mr Masaaki Imai15

The beauty of Kaizen is that once you have grasped the

method you can apply it to pretty much any part of your life.
It is a flexible and personalized approach to change, so
everybody will have their own experience.

To help you along the way, I have included chapters on

some of the most important areas of life and the habits that
people often feel they want to change. Within these
chapters, I have also explored other popular Japanese
concepts that can be used to transform your habits or
reframe the way that you think about your life. Each of
these chapters also includes tips and exercises for very
small steps to help you kickstart your Kaizen practices. The
chosen topics are by no means exhaustive, however, so do
feel free to apply the method to another part of your life
which you would like to transform.

If you are struggling to keep going with your goals, skip to a

chapter called Stumbling Blocks (pages 256–263) with tips
to help you return to your Kaizen practice. The idea behind
Kaizen is to make changes so incrementally that it is
actually difficult to give up entirely.
Its continuous nature also means that there is no specific
endpoint and you are encouraged to keep finding new
challenges. But life can throw curveballs and make it
difficult to sustain good habits at times, so do be gentle on
yourself if things don’t always go quite to plan.


Now it is time to actually bring in the method and put

together a plan. The emphasis in Kaizen is always on doing
things in small stages and treating the idea of change as an
ongoing process rather than a quick-fix ‘to-do list’.

The method will show you how to interrogate your existing

habits, think about long-term goals, and then formulate a
plan to start gradually making small improvements towards
those goals. In the process, you will overhaul your mindset
and attitude towards change. The most important thing to
ensure you stay motivated is that the small changes
shouldn’t feel too scary or impact upon your existing
routine too much.

Because each person will have different priorities and

things they wish to transform, the method isn’t prescriptive
or one-size-fits-all. Various Kaizen practitioners work in
different ways and no person’s plan is going to look the
same. But there are certain questions we can all start with
to stimulate your thinking and provoke thoughtful


Let’s start by taking an inventory of your life as it is at this

very moment. The idea is to make an honest assessment of
your habits and immediate environment to eventually form
a ‘life plan’ of goals and challenges. This probably sounds
like a daunting task, so let’s adopt a Kaizen attitude and
break it down into small steps.

Take out a piece of paper and divide it into sections. This

can either be in columns or a spider diagram, whichever is
more aesthetically pleasing to you. Nobody has to see this
so do whatever feels right for you. If it feels too daunting to
try to tackle every part of your life at once, just choose one
or two things to concentrate on at a time. Each person will
have different priorities and you can populate this inventory
with anything you like, but here are some ideas:

Health – What is your relationship with: your body, your

mental health, diet, exercise routine (or lack of), sleep
patterns? Which areas are you happy with and where is
there room for improvement?

Working life/career – Are you happy in your job? Are you

looking for work or a career change? Do you feel fulfilled in
your working life? How do you get on with your colleagues?
A key thing to address here might be work–life balance. If
you are working towards a qualification, are you happy with
the way that you study? Do you maximize your time
effectively? Or are you currently stuck in a boring job and
contemplating going back to study?

Money – Do an honest assessment of your attitude towards

money and your current financial status. Do you have debt
that you wish you could clear? Or is there something that
you would like to save up for? Do you find that you have an
emotional attitude to spending or are you fully in control?

Home – How do you feel about your immediate

environment and the people in it? Are you happy or are
there things you would like to change?

Relationships – How do you feel about your partner, your

friends and members of your family? What are the
relationships that boost you? Are there any relationships
that drain you or ones that could be improved?

New challenges – What new challenges could you set

yourself? Have you always wanted to learn a language or an
instrument, master a certain cuisine or try a new sport? Try
to think of a few positive goals that you could work towards.

This is a lot to take in, so at first try taking just one or two
areas and brainstorming those. You can come to the others
later. There will probably be some areas which immediately
spring to mind in terms of where you would like to see
change. You could be struggling to stay on a diet, or you
could feel stuck in a job that you hate but feel too
overwhelmed to look for another one. Although the big
things that leap out will be your priority, do not neglect
small things in the same area that could also be important
and are potentially the ‘quick wins’ to improving your life.

As well as including the existing areas of your life that you

want to change, think about potential new challenges too.
Rather than only listing things you are currently unhappy
about, try to include some new and exciting possibilities as
well. It will be more motivating (and less miserable!) if your
inventory includes a mixture of old behaviours that you wish
to change and new activities you might want to try.


Let’s focus on your existing habits first. Now is the time to

look at your inventory and really interrogate yourself. Take
out a new piece of paper, and for each area be brutally
honest and question whether you are happy and doing the
most to achieve what you want. For the areas you want to
change, think about what could be done to improve your
situation. Here are some questions to help:

How am I successful in this area?

How could I do better or how am I ineffectual?
What would it look like if I had a much-improved situation?
What are some very small short-term steps I can take to get
started towards this much-improved situation?
What would long-term success look like?

Take your time over these questions, as the answers to

them might not be immediately obvious. Perhaps take a
different area each day and put together your answers over
the course of a week. Your subconscious brain loves
working on questions in the background and you might
suddenly find that an answer comes to you when you’re in
the shower or queuing for a sandwich at lunchtime.

Home: Living in a house-share

How am I successful in this area?

I have found housemates whom I like (when they aren’t
leaving the toilet seat up/failing to empty the
dishwasher/having impromptu house parties on Monday
nights. . .).

How could I do better?

I could be more honest with my housemates about my
grievances with living in a shared house rather than stew
about them in private in my room.

What would it look like if I had a much-improved

I would love to come home to a stress-free environment.

What are some very small short-term steps I can take

to get started towards this much-improved situation?
I could talk to one of my housemates about how I feel.

What would long-term success look like?

A more harmonious living situation.

It is illuminating to spend time tracking existing habits to

see where you might be able to improve, for example
keeping a food/exercise diary over a week or interrogating
where you spend time at work. I have included tips about
keeping a journal on page 55 and there are various apps
that can assist with this too, depending on the habit.

If you can identify an area that you want to improve but find
it difficult to pinpoint actions that might help, the following
chapters contain ideas for steps you can take in each area
of your life.

Note: There may be existing areas of your life that you wish
you could change but aren’t able to because of circumstances
that are out of your control. It could be that you are a carer for
a family member, suffering from an illness or unable to change
your job because of your location. If this is the case, try to
concentrate on other things you can do to improve your quality
of life or set yourself some new positive goals that you can
work towards. I have tried to include as many small and
inexpensive tips as possible for when it feels hard to make

From the answers that you have given to the questions

opposite, you will find that you have a goal – or several
goals – and a list of actions. They should be very small
actions that you can take in the short term to work towards
more long-term happiness and success.
If you have a set idea of a goal you want to work towards,
try writing it down and keeping it somewhere where you
can see it regularly, such as in your purse, on your
computer screen or on a sticky note attached to your

I want to learn how to drive.
I want to reduce the balance on my credit card.
I would like to reconnect with an old school friend.

If you’re still unsure about your short-, medium- and long-

term goals, there are lots of tips in the following sections, so
don’t worry. You don’t have to have your whole life planned
out right away, but do keep these goals in the back of your
mind when progressing through the book.

For any new challenges that you wish to take on, the first
step is to do a brainstorm of what these could be. Is there a
hobby you used to do at school that fell by the wayside
when life got in the way? Is there a country you have always
dreamed of visiting that you want to save up to go to? And
would you like to know some of the language before you go?
Or is there a physical or mental challenge you have always
fancied trying?

There are probably a few things that spring to mind

straight away, but if you are struggling to think of anything
then canvas friends and the internet for inspiration. Check
out local Facebook groups to see if there is an activity that
you can try close to home, or if you want to try something a
bit more unusual then consult the many websites and online
forums that provide advice on nearly every activity you can
think of. There are also plenty of tips in the Habits and
Challenges chapter (see pages 226–255).

Once you have decided what this challenge could be, again
ask yourself some small questions about how you can get

What will the challenge involve?

Why do I want to do it?
What is a very small thing I can do to get started?
What would long-term success look like?


What will the challenge involve?

I want to run a 10K.

Why do I want to do it?

For the physical and mental challenge.

What is a very small thing I can do to get started?

Download a running app to my phone and try out a first
What would long-term success look like?
Completing the challenge and raising lots of money for

Having both short-term and long-term goals in mind will

keep you focused on why you want to embark on such a
challenge, and breaking them down into chunks will seem
less overwhelming.

Using one of these new challenges to distract you from an

old unwanted habit is a brilliant way to channel your
mindset into something positive, for example, every time
you go to scroll through Twitter, spend a minute on your
language-learning app instead.


Once you have mapped out the various areas of your life on
which you wish to concentrate, it is time to prioritize. Ask
yourself whether there any ‘quick wins’ that can be sorted
out fairly easily, and, rather than overwhelm yourself at the
start, perhaps choose just one area to focus on (although it
is worth looking at all of your answers as a whole to see if
there are any overlaps or things that could be worked on in
unison, for example ‘I want to move about more’ and ‘I want
to learn Beyonce’s dance routine to “Single Ladies”’ could
be combined as one goal).

Once you have chosen your first area of focus, now is the
time to write down the smallest thing you can do to work
towards that goal. Remember the 1 per cent rule! It should
be something that will barely impact your routine and be a
tiny incremental step towards your goal.

Goal: Learning Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ dance routine in

time for my friend’s hen do.
First small step: Watch the music video and then draw up
a plan of which sections you are going to learn. Rather than
trying to learn the whole routine in one go, all you need to
do is allocate five minutes of your day – whether that is
setting your morning alarm five minutes earlier, devoting
five minutes to it when you return from work or before you
go to bed – and build up from there.


Think about when you would like to complete your goal.
This will vary depending on what you are trying to achieve –
aiming to learn a musical instrument is going to take longer
than reading Ulysses (in theory, at least!). Your goal might
not have a finite ending, especially if it is a new hobby. The
key is to make sure that you have a measurable time frame
so that you can track progress, for example, ‘I want to take
up yoga, so I’ll go to one class every fortnight.’

You might find that it is occupying all of your energy and

making you feel exhausted. If that is the case, then perhaps
make the step you are working towards even smaller. For
example, if you are failing to write 200 words each day, then
reduce it to just 100. This might not seem like very much,
but finishing the week having written 700 words is better
than staring at a screen while losing all motivation.

You should find that once you have started to incorporate

one small new step into your routine – and things start to
develop – then you will have more energy to tackle other
things too. You can now either ramp up the step you are
already working on or bring in an entirely new step.


Now that you have an idea of what you want to achieve and
the first small measurable step you can do towards it, it is
time to find a way to make yourself accountable. Different
people will respond to different ways, but some ideas are:

Use a bullet journal. Bullet journals may sound

complicated but they are really easy to put together and a
great way to track your progress. There is a full guide to
how to produce one on page 55. Following #bulletjournal
on social media will also provide much inspiration for how
to create one.

A good old-fashioned wall chart. Did you used to have a

chart at home where your parents rewarded you for good
behaviour or eating your greens? Or did your teacher use
one to reward pupils who had been helpful in class? Make
one for yourself and display it in pride of place at home. Buy
colourful paper and stickers to make it look even fancier.

Tell a friend. Informing somebody else of your goal and

letting them help hold you to account is a good way of
spurring you on. I asked my friend to check in on my word
count while I was writing this book and it really motivated
me (and I only lied a few times!).

Online trackers and apps. Technology can sometimes be

a very good thing, especially when it comes to analysing
your habits or tracking your goals. Explore the many
different options out there for apps that can offer
encouragement and help you to keep track of your

As well as tracking your achievements, a good way to feel
motivated is to reward yourself when you make progress.
Reaching some of your goals will feel rewarding enough –
especially if you are getting a boost in mood from better
sleep or doing more exercise – but some habits may feel
harder to change. And your rewards can be small, such as a
new notebook or a plant for your bedroom. This can spur
you on and encourage you to try to conquer even more
challenges. Another idea of a way to treat yourself could be
with fun cultural or social activities. For example, after
finally running 5K without stopping, why don’t you arrange
a celebratory karaoke night or night out with your friends?
Involving others in your rewards will mean that your friends
can both motivate you and hold you to account if you don’t
stick to your goals.

The very first part of the Kaizen method is about taking
stock and interrogating your existing habitual behaviours.
Lots of books encourage readers to ‘keep a journal’ to do
this but don’t explain how.
Bullet journaling is a technique of creating and designing
your own type of journal, and, unlike the strict layout of a
diary (and the guilt that you feel when you inevitably miss
filling in an entry!), you are in control of the blank spaces
and can use it as much or as little as you want to. It isn’t
something that you necessarily have to engage with every
day. You can mould your journal to be the perfect tool to
track both your habits and your Kaizen goals.

I now use a journal every day to track my habits and to

make plans for future Kaizen challenges. Being able to look
back over previous weeks and months to see how my
behaviours have changed or how a new habit has become
second nature is really illuminating and motivating. It also
brings into focus things that I am struggling to change and
need to work on.

If you aren’t a journaling type, I have included lots of other

tips for ways to track your habits, such as the distance that
you have walked or the quality of your sleep. See what
works for you. The important thing is that you track your
habits; the means of getting there doesn’t matter.
I recommend setting this up yourself in a notebook so that
you can tailor it to what you want and need – it honestly
only takes a small amount of time and you only need a few
basics to get started. Use the following sections initially,
then you can expand it further. Key sections could be:

Monthly calendar. I find it useful to divide my journal into

months and just set up one month at a time. This means
that you can adapt the next month according to what you
used and found helpful in the previous month. To make a
monthly calendar, write the name of the month at the top
(you can make it look fancy if you wish!) then list the dates
of that month in a column down the far left-hand side of the
page. Fill in any important events that month.
Monthly goals. Adjacent to the calendar page, write a list
of bullet points for things that you want to achieve that
month. These can be anything from spending targets (‘I
don’t want to go into my overdraft’), health goals (‘I intend
to go to four Pilates classes this month’), creative
challenges (‘I will learn the E Minor scale on the piano’) or
work targets (‘I will organize a charity bake sale’ or ‘I won’t
stab Carlo in the head with a biro when he is rude to me’).

Habit tracker. This is the section that I use to track a few

habits (sleep/exercise/eating habits/spending, etc.). The
layout for this will depend on what it is that you are
tracking, but if it is something that I wish to track on a daily
basis then I will turn the page horizontally and write the
days of the month along the top (leaving a 5cm column
blank on the left). I then write whatever goal or habit I have
in the blank column. If I have achieved the habit on that
day, then I will colour in the corresponding space or fill it in
with a number if more relevant.

Gratitude list. Next to my habit tracker I like to include a

gratitude list that I fill in each day (more on this in the
Relationships chapter, see page 212).

Daily or weekly to-do list. I don’t always use my journal

every single day so don’t worry if you aren’t keeping up
with it! But when I am using it as a daily to-do list, I write
the day/date and then make a list of bullets underneath of
things that I wish to achieve. Try to include a few items
rather than a huge list that you will never get through!
When you come to the next day, look over your previous
day’s list, draw a forward arrow over the bullet (key below)
and move anything you didn’t achieve into your new day. If
the task is no longer relevant, then ignore it. Cross out
things you’ve achieved and feel very smug.
Bullet key
• To do
• Completed
> An activity to be moved to the next day/month

When you reach the end of the month, take a look back and
see all that you have achieved and what you would like to
change for the next month. Amend the sections and habit
trackers as appropriate, then set up a new monthly
calendar, monthly goals and to-do list section, striking off or
moving forwards any relevant goal.
Fall seven times, stand up eight – Japanese proverb

The Japanese have a phrase shinshin ichinyo, which

translates as ‘body and mind as one’. Rather than seeing
the body and mind as two separate entities, as we often do
in the West, shinshin ichinyo is about a deep
interconnection between your body, mind and spirituality.16
The way that you feel about yourself in your mind and your
body has such an impact on everything else in the rest of
your life that it seems like the perfect place to start to
demonstrate how Kaizen can work in practice and
transform your life. Rather than promoting another fad diet
or extreme exercise trend, this section is going to be about
practising self-love, attempting to banish some of the
negative self-talk, and looking after your body and mind so
that you feel more resilient when going out to tackle the
stresses and strains of the outside world.

It feels like we are constantly being bombarded with

different messages by the media about what we should be
eating, drinking and how we should be thinking about and
moving our bodies. One minute, eating lots of eggs is great
for us – and then the next, eggs are terrible for us. One
article will be detailing the benefits of running – the next
will be telling us that it makes our boobs saggy. There is so
much noise and misinformation, often written by people
with vested interests, that it is hard to decipher what is
useful knowledge and what is made-up nonsense. On top of
this, the growing number of ‘health influencers’ on social
media with seemingly perfect lives, tanned bodies and
incredible abs can make the world of healthy food and
exercise seem very divorced from most people’s reality. This
is before we even get to the extortionate cost of ‘boutique’
gyms, and a day’s worth of ‘healthy’ meals that get
delivered to your door for the price of some people’s weekly
This can make the health world seem even harder to access
for a person on a regular salary. Most people know, deep
down, that they should be trying to achieve the elusive
targets of eating better and doing more exercise, but it is
hard to feel motivated to do so when the ideal seems so far-
fetched, and expensive to boot. A common misconception of
change is that it can be costly, but using the Kaizen method
to slowly discover which exercises suit you and what you
can afford each month means that you take on the changes
at a pace that works for you.

And if you are, like me, a person who hated sports lessons
at school, with traumatizing memories of having to go and
stand on a freezing field holding on to a hockey stick for
dear life while your teacher barked at you about how
useless you are (just me?!), then the thought of an exercise
class can be the most daunting thing. Thankfully, I hear
from my schoolteacher friends that things have improved
slightly on the PE-teaching front, but my fear of exercise
still remains, especially knowing that classes will contain
super-fit and toned people wearing sheer, bum-sculpting
leggings and barely looking sweaty after an hour-long spin

This is why using Kaizen is a great way to motivate yourself

to be healthier, as the way you approach getting fitter or
eating better is incremental and hopefully not too scarily
off-putting or expensive. Breaking down the initial steps
and building up your exercise routine slowly means that it
won’t feel too daunting and it can be done almost
anywhere. It is easier to motivate yourself to get started
with better habits, to then step up to the next level, and
eventually form a long-lasting good habit that you stick to.

Let’s now explore the topic of health in more detail and

show how Kaizen can work in practice.


It is not news that we don’t move around enough. The

World Health Organization tells us that globally, around 31
per cent of people aged fifteen and over are ‘insufficiently
active’ and that approximately 3.2 million deaths each year
are attributable to insufficient physical activity.17 These are
sobering statistics, but it can be easy to acknowledge that
you should be doing something to move around more, and
feeling guilty when you don’t, while still not actually doing
anything about it. The thought of digging out your unused
exercise gear and heading to a gym can seem like the worst
thing in the world when it is cold and dark outside and
there’s a new Netflix series that has to be watched
immediately to avoid spoilers.


If your goal is to start exercising or to take up a new form of

sport, then Kaizen is a great way to set and track your
goals. There is no point in trying to run a marathon with no
training or to start lifting a huge Olympic bar-bell in the
gym having never done so before, as your body won’t be
prepared, and you physically won’t be able to do it. Starting
off small and building up from there will ensure that you
don’t overstretch yourself in the first instance. You will be
less likely to suffer an injury and it will mean that you are
less likely to be disheartened if you don’t immediately reach
your goal.

It might be that you are already sporty and have a clear

idea of what exercise challenge you want to start. For
everybody else – particularly those who are scarred from
sports lessons at school with itchy gym kits and bullying
teachers – the best thing to do is to try out a few activities
and find something that works for you. The good thing is
that exercise no longer has to involve getting hit in the face
by a netball in the freezing rain while your classmates laugh
at you.

First, think about what your main interests are. Do you

enjoy dancing in your bedroom or walking in the park? You
can easily step up these activities and turn them into proper
exercise. Also think about your motivations and why you
want to take up exercise. And from there, you can make
some long-term, medium-term and short-term goals that
work for you and your body. If you have bad knees, then
think about what low-impact sports you could try, or if you
have been feeling particularly anxious recently, then
research yoga classes that are geared towards relaxing
breathing techniques. Once you have an idea of things you
might like to try, then it is time to put a plan in place to
reach each step. Let’s start off with some ideas for short-
term goals and then use those as a springboard to think
about the medium- and long-term goals.

Find an unusual way to exercise. If you are a person who
hates the idea of a treadmill, then why not investigate a
swing dance class or a boxing class? Many gyms are waking
up to the fact that people don’t all want to exercise in the
same way and there are often less traditional offerings,
such as disco yoga, wrestling, circus skills, trampolining,
hula-hooping and even daytime raving (alcohol-free, of
course!). Thankfully gyms and local swimming pools are
also realizing that people don’t always want to sign up to a
monthly membership and are now offering drop-in classes
or pay-as-you-go memberships.

First Kaizen step: research the class and plan the outfit you
will need to wear for it.

Try out running, even if you’ve previously hated it. If

the gym is your complete idea of hell, then there are plenty
more outdoor or indoor options – and this is also where
technology can come into its own. I have always hated
running, but since returning from Japan, I have started to
do small bits and pieces each week and am slowly building
up the distance that I am able to run. I would be lying if I
said I enjoy it all the time, but I definitely feel stronger and
fitter for it, and it is a great way to catch up on podcasts
and audiobooks too. Moreover, it is a completely free
activity and can be done pretty much anywhere, although it
is particularly pleasant if you have a nearby park or
seafront where you can run. Kaizen is the perfect method
with which to approach running, as if you try to do too
much at the beginning then you will completely wear
yourself out and potentially injure yourself. Trying to do a
little bit at a time and slowly building up your distance is
the recommended approach. There are lots of apps which
can help you to plan routes and measure out distance.

First Kaizen step: plan the route that you would like to run in
advance. All experts advise that you should start off mostly
walking and then gradually introduce small runs intermittently
into your routine. Be Kaizen in your approach and you won’t go
too far wrong.

See what exercises are offered in your local park. One

of the strangest and most compelling sights when I was
living in Japan was seeing groups of people – often in huge
numbers – exercising together in public spaces during the
summer, usually early in the morning or when it got cooler
later at night. In the 1920s, in honour of the coronation of
Emperor Hirohito, Japanese radio started broadcasting
rajio taiso, a sequence of simple exercises that people
would congregate in public places to complete. The
tradition continues to this day and involves a series of
continuous stretches and light exercises in time to
broadcasted music. Although this tradition has never taken
off in the West, the idea of communal exercise very much
has and there are plenty of local running groups, parks that
offer exercise classes or boot camps, and community
projects offering to help you get fit. If you live by the sea,
then there are sea-swimming classes or various beach
exercise classes too. Not only are these classes cheaper (or
sometimes free) but you will have a ready-made group of
other people to help spur you on and keep you motivated.

First Kaizen step: google your local park or recreation centre

and find out what activities they are running.

Use your commute to exercise. One of the best ways to

get fit is to include exercise in your commute to work. This
doesn’t necessarily mean that you should sell your car and
start walking ten miles every morning, but could you walk
to the station rather than get a lift? Could you get off the
Tube/train/bus one or two stops early and walk the rest of
the way? Could you investigate cycling or running some of
the way? Even something small like choosing to stand up on
the train rather than sitting down, or taking the stairs at
work rather than the lift is a way to make a difference. And
then once you have got the hang of one small step, think
about ways you can increase the level of activity you are

First Kaizen step: get off one stop earlier and walk the rest of
the way to work.

Start gardening – yes, really! A number of studies have

shown that gardening is great for your physical and mental
health. The American Center for Disease Control classifies
gardening as a ‘moderate cardiovascular activity’ and it can
be a really effective way to keep fit. Rather than being sat
on the sofa or at a desk, gardening forces you to constantly
move about. The various movements it requires actually
mimic those of regular exercise routines and it works out
lots of different muscle groups. You might think that you are
just pulling out a weed, but this actually doubles as a bicep
crunch! If you are lucky enough to have your own garden or
outdoor space then the thought of getting started and the
constant upkeep can be daunting, especially if you are
starting with a mess. Kaizen is a great way to help tackle
this. Rather than feeling like you have to make it perfect all
in one go, why don’t you devote just a small amount of time
each day to one area and make that nice. If you don’t have
an outdoor space, check out whether parks or allotments
accept volunteers to help out – most do – or there are
plenty of schemes where you can assist elderly local people
with their gardens. I’m sure many would be happy to accept
help and you would be doing a good turn at the same time.
You may find that you build better relationships with people
in your community too: win-win!
First Kaizen step: decide on the first patch of the garden that
you are going to work on or research a houseplant you want to

Remember that walking, shopping and dancing all

count! It sounds so obvious, but anything you can do to
move around more is good for you. There are so many ways
to get more movement into your every day, and hopefully
you will find something to appeal even if you are the most
exercise-phobic person, but if getting involved in organized
classes or events is still too off-putting a thought, then how
about just setting an intention to do anything which will get
you off the sofa and outdoors? This can be to walk around
the shops for two hours (have you ever noticed how much
your feet hurt after a shopping trip?), to go dancing with
friends and jump about lots on the dance floor, or even just
to go for a walk with some music on for half an hour. You
will find that getting out of the house and doing even just a
small amount of activity is beneficial for both your body and

First Kaizen step: go for a walk for the duration of your

favourite podcast.


Once you have adopted a new exercise to try (and are

hopefully enjoying it!), it is time to think about how you can
step it up to the next level and set some medium- and long-
term goals. Have a think about whether you can:

Increase the duration of the activity you are doing. If

you are running for 2K each session, can you increase it to
3K? Can you set a target to work towards, such as running
5K without stopping (medium-term goal) or signing up for a
half-marathon (long-term goal)? Or if you feel comfortable
running 2K and don’t want to run further, can you
increasing the frequency of your sessions?

Increase the speed and/or intensity of the activity.

Rather than increasing the time spent doing a certain
activity, can you instead try to do more in the time that you
have? Can you run the 2km in a faster time? If you have
started to lift weights, can you start to build up the
heaviness of the weights that you are lifting?

Flirt with high-intensity interval training (HIIT

workouts). This is about mixing up the level of intensity
during your workout, so that you have multiple short bursts
of super-intense exercise (such as six rounds of thirty-
second bike sprints or six rounds of one-minute road
sprints), interspersed with short periods of low-intensity
movement (such as one minute of walking or ninety seconds
of easy spinning). If you want to try these out at home,
there are hundreds of online workout tutorials to get you
started. All you need is a stopwatch and a pair of trainers.

Do more activity, more often. Rather than relying

entirely on one type of exercise, can you try something else
as well and build it into your routine? Varying the types of
exercise that you do will mean that you aren’t putting too
much pressure on one part of your body and will make
injury less likely. Try stepping up the one session of activity
each week to two or three (medium-term goal).

While making your plan, it is important to be mindful of

potential pitfalls and excuses you will find to avoid
exercising. Just being aware of them will mean that you are
less likely to give in to them. Here are some tips for keeping
on track.

Think about how you can fit the exercise into your

routine so that you are most likely to keep going with
it. If you are a morning person, then plan to exercise as
soon as you get up and make time in your schedule for it. If
you have time in your lunch-break at work, can you find
some colleagues to join you for a run? If you would rather
exercise as a way to let off steam in the evening, then
schedule it for then.

Have the right kit. If it is freezing outside, then make sure

you have some gloves and a long-sleeved exercise top.
Invest in some cordless earphones, so that you can listen to
music while running. Buy some leggings that won’t fall
down as you are running up a hill in the lunch-break
exercise class with your colleagues (this is one I know from
my own bitter experience!). Investing in some trainers that
fit your instep and a good sports bra will save you pain later
down the line. If you’re like me, putting on some kit that fits
you and makes you feel good inspires you to exercise much
more so than an old baggy t-shirt and some saggy leggings.

Listen to your body. If your back is aching, then think of

an exercise that could help to gently stretch it out. If you
feel like you are pushing yourself too far, then reduce the
intensity of the activity that you are doing. And always
remember to do a proper warm-up and cool-down to avoid
sore muscles.

Remember that variety is the spice of life. Doing the

same thing over and over again will invariably lead to you
getting bored. Try changing the route that you run or the
scenery that you can see while you exercise. Mix up the
types of exercise that you do and the music that you listen

Bring the outdoors indoors, or vice versa. If you know

that bad weather outside is going to put you off, then think
about how you can replicate the activity indoors instead.
Can you plan a workout routine around your staircase or
use the cans in your kitchen cupboard as weights (a top tip
from my friend, who is a personal trainer!). Similarly, if you
have been practising something like yoga or Pilates indoors,
can you find a class which takes place in a park or try it in
your garden instead? Note how being out in nature can
transform your experience.

Involve others. We have an exercise club at our work, and

having the peer pressure of my colleagues encouraging me
to exercise at lunchtime definitely gets me out more than I
would otherwise. If you have a friend who also wants to
work towards a similar goal, try completing it together.
When one of you loses motivation, the other one will be
there to boost spirits.

Keep track. I keep a record of each of my exercise sessions

in my journal so that I can look back at the end of each
month and see how many sessions I have completed. Being
able to see my progress on paper, as well as feel it in my
body, helps to keep me motivated when I hear the voice in
my head start to come up with excuses not to exercise. I
also use a running app so that I have a more detailed
breakdown of my times and distances. Choose whatever
works for you, whether that is a wall chart, getting a friend
or loved one to keep track, or even just dropping a quick
email to yourself after every session. My friend does this
and then keeps a folder in his inbox so that he can see at a
glance when he has recently exercised and how each
session went. He then reviews his progress each month.

Practise self-compassion. If you suffer an injury or if your

initial enthusiasm starts to dip, it can be hard to keep
motivated and tempting to give up completely. If this
happens, remember the Kaizen approach by dialling back
the amount of activity that you are doing to the bare
minimum and starting to build it up from there. It is much
better to do a small amount of activity than nothing at all. If
you have an injury, seek professional advice on how long
you need to rest and how to introduce activity back into
your routine again.

Don’t focus too much on weight loss. It may be that you

don’t have any intention to lose weight at all, but if that is
one of your goals, then exercise is a good place to start. But
having weight loss as your sole focus and motivation is
never going to end well, especially as it completely ignores
the other huge benefits of exercising. Building muscle
changes the way that weight is distributed in your body so
the number on the scales might not necessarily reflect how
much stronger and healthier your body is. Instead, reflect
on the following:

Are you sleeping better?

Do you feel stronger?
Do you feel fitter? For example, are you now able
to run for a bus or after your kids without getting
out of breath, or walk up the stairs at work
without wanting to die?!
Do you feel like you have more energy?
Has it improved your mental health? For
sufferers of SAD syndrome in winter, especially,
getting out and exercising in the daylight has
been shown to significantly improve your mood.
Do you feel inspired to eat more healthily?

This isn’t a section about any sort of fad diet or about

encouraging you to lose vast amounts of weight. And any
major dietary changes you are thinking of undertaking
should always be discussed with a doctor beforehand. But
quite a lot of people would admit that they could be fuelling
their bodies better and eating less crap. Applying Kaizen
techniques to your dietary routine can be beneficial to
those who want to make changes to the way they eat and
their relationship with food – whether that is wanting to
build strength, eliminate a health risk (i.e. if you have been
told to cut down on a certain food or food group for health
reasons), be more ethically and environmentally conscious
of what you consume, or simply wanting to nourish yourself
better. Rather than restricting your consumption or
removing the pleasure from food altogether, the aim is to
make incremental changes to the way you eat and drink in
order to create and/or sustain a positive attitude towards
fuelling both your mind and body.

Here are some suggestions for ways in which Kaizen can

help you transform your eating and drinking habits in the
short term, and we will then look at some medium- and
long-term goals towards the end of the chapter.


The amount of water that you should drink each day

depends very much on how much exercise you are doing,
what you eat, your gender and how hot it is outside, but
most people living in a moderate climate will need between
six and eight glasses of water per day.18 As well as water, it
is possible to include milk, tea, coffee and any other sugar-
free drink in your consumption. When it is hot or if you are
hungover or busy with studying or at the office, it can
sometimes be difficult to remember to drink water but
using Kaizen to introduce it as a good habit into your
routine is easy and beneficial. Here are a few ideas for how
you can make some small steps towards becoming better

If you hate the taste of water or want to make it more

interesting, then flavour it with natural ingredients.
Try adding lemons or limes to your food shop and then
using them to flavour your water for the next few days. If
the citrus taste is too bitter for you, then try cucumber or

Link your water consumption to another moment in

your day. A good way to automate your water drinking is to
tie it to another habit that you already have. Plan to drink a
glass of water every time you get up from your desk at work
during the day. Or when you wake up in the morning, go
straight to the tap and drink a large glass of water before
you even have a chance to think about it.

First Kaizen step: try drinking a glass of water for every toilet
trip you take over the course of one day.

Get technology to help you keep track. There are a

number of apps that you can download on your phone to
remind you to drink water – or set a reminder on your
phone or work computer to alert you once an hour. It might
be too much of an ask to drink every time you receive the
alert, but even just being mindful of what you are drinking
will make a difference to your mindset in the long run.

First Kaizen step: download a water tracking app and try to

stick to its alerts for one day.
Buy a fancy water bottle. Invest in a water bottle or
thermos which you can use to store hot or cold drinks. You
can then use this on your commute instead of paying for an
expensive coffee or fill it with flavoured water and set
yourself a challenge of finishing it by the time you get to

Remember that teas count too! There are hundreds of

flavours of herbal tea and they all count towards your water
consumption. Lots of teas contain useful antioxidants and
benefit digestion as well. Invest in some new flavours to see
if any become a favourite. I got really into drinking ginger
tea in Japan and I am now obsessed.

Offset your booze. If you are drinking alcohol, try having

one glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have and
see if it makes any difference to how you feel the next day.

Get your water from your food. Try researching foods

with heavy water content and add one item to your food
shop. Lots of foods are rich in water, including cucumber,
watermelon, grapes, strawberries, celery, lettuce, tomatoes,
grapefruit. . .

Remember: Tune in to your thirst. If you feel thirsty then

you definitely need to rehydrate. But over-hydrating can be
dangerous too, so don’t overdo it.

Some of you might already be vegetarian or vegan, but

many meat-eaters in this day and age also acknowledge
that there are definite health benefits to cutting down on
the amount of meat they eat, that it is more ethical and also
better for the environment. As a result, many people are
trying to reduce their meat consumption, and movements
such as Veganuary and Meat-Free Mondays are becoming
increasingly popular. There are also lots of vegetarians who
are keen to make the leap to veganism but haven’t quite
been able to fully convert. Whatever change it is that you
are trying to make, Kaizen can be an excellent tool to help
with the transition, as it eases you into the change
gradually and will mean that the change isn’t too much of a
shock to the system. Here are some ideas for first steps you
could make:

⊙ Decide on one night of the week when you will make a

vegetarian or vegan meal.
⊙ Research one recipe that you would like to make and
start to include it in your repertoire.
⊙ Choose one day where you are vegetarian at home and
only eat meat when you are out of the house (or vice
⊙ Investigate the meat and/or dairy substitutes on offer and
switch one with a product that you already buy for a

Once you have made one step towards your goal and
decided that it is benefitting you (if it is!) then think about
what next steps for progressing further towards your goal.
Could you start being vegetarian for two nights per week
rather than one? Or could you include one more
vegetarian/vegan recipe into your regular meal routine? Or
decide to eat veggie-only meals at home and then reserve
meat for when you are at restaurants? There are lots of
online articles and communities with plenty of tips to share;
why not try asking your friends and/or family for recipe
ideas too?


The Japanese diet emphasizes the importance of fruit and
vegetables, which is proven to be good for our health. A
recent University College London study showed that people
eating at least seven portions a day reduced the specific
risks of death by cancer and heart disease by 25 percent
and 31 per cent respectively.19

Not only is it healthier for us, but it is usually a cheaper diet

than one which includes lots of meat products and items
rich in fat. As in the section above about cutting down on
meat products, Kaizen methods can be a good way to start
to introduce more fruit and veg into your diet. Some ideas
for how to do so are as follows:

Add ‘secret’ vegetables to your dishes. If you have a

favourite recipe, can you think of a way to add one more
vegetable into it? For example, could you add courgettes to
a lasagne, or two types of beans to your chilli? Can you
grate some carrot into a tomato sauce for a casserole or
add some peas to a cheesy pasta dish?

Add a new vegetarian dish to your recipe rotation.

Research one dish you could add to your repertoire that is
mostly vegetable-based. Try a cauliflower-based pizza, a
vegetable soup or an aubergine lasagne? Lots of Asian
dishes lend themselves to added vegetables, whether that is
noodles, soups, omelettes or stews.

Don’t forget fruit and veg that you can store at home.
Remember that frozen, tinned and dried fruit and veg also
count. Think of one new way that you could consume fruit
or veg as a snack and start to introduce it into your routine.

First Kaizen step: find a tin of vegetables or fruit that you

haven’t used in the back of the cupboard and plan a fancy
recipe around it. Set yourself a challenge to make the dish feel
more luxurious than it should do considering that it came out of
the back of your cupboard!


It is a truth universally acknowledged that consuming too

much sugar and fizzy drinks is bad for your health and your
teeth. The emphasis here is on too much; everybody
deserves a treat every now and then, and sugar occurs in
lots of natural products such as fruit too, so this is not to tell
you to cut out sugar altogether. But health professionals
recommend that sugar only makes up to 5 per cent of your
energy in your diet.20 If you feel like you need to cut down,
then gradually reducing the amount of sugar you consume
each day using Kaizen techniques will make the change in
diet less of a shock to the system. Here are some ideas for
small steps to go about reducing the sugar in your diet:

Read the ingredients. There are surprising amounts of

sugar in ready-made sauces and condiments. Can you make
your own curry sauce? Can you make your salad dressings
from scratch once a week?

Be mindful of cereals or ‘health foods’ that contain

hidden sugars. Some cereals are surprisingly high in
sugar content. If you can’t live without your morning bowl
of granola, can you choose one day a week where you opt
for a lower-sugar option and go from there?

Use fruit to sweeten items instead of raw sugar. If you

like to add sugar to your cereal, can you replace it with

Try to cut down on adding sugar to hot drinks. If you

regularly add sugar to hot drinks, try reducing the amount
in really small stages.

First Kaizen step: make a cup of tea or coffee with a quarter

of a teaspoon less sugar than you would usually use. Do you
notice a difference? Do this for a week and then the next week
reduce it by a further quarter.

Cut down on fizzy drinks, even if they are ‘low sugar’.

Fizzy drinks mostly contain a lot of ingredients that are bad
for your body, even if they are labelled as low-calorie or diet
options. This isn’t to say that they shouldn’t be enjoyed as a
treat, but if you are drinking them every day, then try to cut
down. Each time you have a craving for a fizzy drink, see if
there is an alternative that you can find to replace it with,
such as fizzy water flavoured with fruit, or a new herbal tea.


This won’t necessarily apply to everybody, but for those of

us who find themselves eating too much in one sitting and
who want to reduce their portion sizes, there are a number
of ways to go about it. The Japanese Buddhist monk
Shoukei Matsumoto in his book A Monk’s Guide to a Clean
House and Mind explains the technique of hara hachi bu,
the Confucian idea of only eating until you are 80 per cent
full, practised famously on the Japanese island of Okinawa.
This idea sounds daunting so perhaps, as a first step, think
of the day of the week you usually overindulge the most and
decide that on that day you will only eat until you are 80 per
cent full. If this works for the first week then why not try to
extend this into a second? And after that, why not use this
technique for more than one day in the week?

Other ideas could include:

Measure your food! If, like me, you end up making

enough rice for an entire village when you only mean to
cook for two, then investing in some measuring devices can
help you to work out the correct portion sizes.

Look at your plate/bowl size. However big my plate is, I

usually fill it entirely. A good way to reduce portion size
might be to use a smaller plate!

First Kaizen step: use a smaller plate or bowl for just one
meal a week and see if it makes a difference to how much you
Don’t leave your leftovers in the pan. If you have made
enough food to keep leftovers, then try to divide out
individual portions into bowls or containers/freezer bags as
soon as you have cooked and plated up. That way, you will
have single portions in the future and it will discourage you
from eating the leftovers all in one go.

Look for hunger signals. Like Shoukei Matsumoto says,

the most important thing to do is to listen to your body and
recognize when you are full or indulging for the wrong


We are all busy and often have to rush a sandwich or salad

at our desks while continuing to plough through emails at
lunchtime. Or we get home and rush around trying to make
the kids three different types of meal while we mindlessly
pick at different bits ourselves. But while we are eating and
concentrating on another task, we are not focusing on what
our body wants or needs. Mindful eating stems from ancient
Buddhist practices, and encourages eating with awareness
and concentrating on what you are consuming without
judgement or criticism.

Mindful eating can be one of those things that sounds

simple in practice but is easy to forget once you have been
busy cooking a meal, are hungry and have a delicious plate
of food in front of you. And remembering to sustain this
practice over a whole meal and beyond is an even bigger
challenge. This is where employing the techniques of
Kaizen can be a great help. Some ideas for using Kaizen to
start the habit of mindfully eating are:

Eat one item mindfully. For one week, pick just one item
on your plate each day and concentrate on every mouthful
as you eat it. Once you have mastered this, extend this to
two items per day, and so on.

Eat at the table without distractions. Choose one day a

week to eat at a table, put your phone in another room or
on airplane mode, and just sit and enjoy eating in silence.
Think of the sensations that you are feeling as you eat –
when are you half-full? What tastes do you particularly
enjoy? etc.

Concentrate on the first three mouthfuls of your

morning coffee. If your schedule won’t allow you to eat
your meals without distractions – if you have young children
or busy work commitments, for example – then how about
starting with drinking mindfully instead? Try drinking a cup
of tea or coffee and concentrating on just the first three

Really focus on your food prep. Chop, cut and grate

mindfully! Instead of just acting on autopilot when
preparing food, how about concentrating on the sensation
of chopping or grating for one minute?


These practices will encourage you to have a more mindful

attitude towards the way that you eat; you should feel more
connected with what you are preparing at mealtimes and
how it nourishes you. Make sure that changes happen
gradually and fit in with your existing routine if you want to
make a lasting difference. If your body thinks that you are
depriving it, then it becomes harder to keep it up.

Track your progress and reward yourself when you reach

certain milestones. And if you slip up and overindulge or fall
back into poor habits, don’t worry – you can easily pick up
your new habit again, but perhaps this time try making the
change even more incremental than before. Making
changes to your diet should never feel restrictive; rather it
should be about gaining pleasure from what you are
preparing and eating, safe in the knowledge that your body
and mind will feel better as a result.

Think about your relationship to food and the changes that

you want to make in the long term. It could just be that you
want to feel better in your mind and body. Or maybe you
want to cut out a certain item completely, such as meat or
fizzy drinks. Track your progress and see where it leads.

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our mental and

physical health. Rather than being a time when the body
completely shuts down, as is sometimes said, it is actually
an active time when your body repairs cells, processes
information and strengthens itself. Many of the exact ways
in which this happens are still a mystery to scientists, but
they all resolutely emphasize its importance for good health
and wellbeing. The National Sleep Foundation lists a
number of reasons why we need sleep, including:

⊙ Helping us to solidify recent memories

⊙ Storing and processing long-term memories
⊙ Growing muscle
⊙ Repairing tissue
⊙ Producing hormones
⊙ Restoring and rejuvenating.21
It is easy to acknowledge all of these benefits but if, like me,
you suffer from bouts of insomnia, actually going about
having a good night’s sleep is another matter. The amount
of sleep you need each night is different for every person,
and very dependent upon your age and how much activity
you have undertaken during the day. Most people will need
between seven and nine hours every night. Almost
everybody will have intermittent bouts of insomnia but if
you are finding that you still feel really tired even after
several nights of proper sleep or are regularly sleeping for
less than six hours per night then do, of course, contact
your doctor or a sleep specialist.

For people who think they could benefit from even slightly
improved sleep, then Kaizen techniques are a great way to
alter your existing sleeping habits and adopt a new,
healthier bedtime routine. Not getting enough sleep or
waking up in the night for long periods can be caused by
external sources of stress: worries about work, friends,
family or big life changes, such as getting married or
moving house. This book contains lots of tips on how to use
Kaizen to reduce these sources of stress and better cope
with them when they do arise – but there is also lots that
can be done to improve your bedtime routine and
environment itself in order to promote a good night’s sleep.

Before making any changes to your routine, a good place to

start is with a sleep diary. Keeping a diary for a week will
give you a general overview of how you sleep and will
identify any issues or particular triggers for bad sleep.


Each morning for one week, make a note of the hours you
fall asleep and wake up, how many hours of sleep you have
each night in total, and whether you were awake for any
period. It is also a good idea to rate the quality of your sleep
out of ten. Our phones now have functionality that can help
to track sleep, although the benefits of removing technology
from the bedroom may outweigh the insight gained. Once
you have the information about your sleep patterns, have a
think and note down any factors which could have
influenced the quality of your sleep in a good or bad way.
For example:

Did you have any stimulants (caffeine, alcohol, nicotine) within two hours
of going to bed?
What was the temperature of your room?
How light/dark was it? How noisy was it?
How messy is your room?
Did you look at any screens before going to bed?
Is there anything you were/are stressed or worried about?

You can either make a diary on paper, create a spreadsheet

or use a sleep-tracker app on your phone to fill in the
details. Although this will initially take a little bit of time,
having a week’s worth of information about your sleep
patterns in front of you will mean that it is much easier to
see where you might be going wrong and what external
factors you can adjust to promote better sleep. Also note
whether there are any differences between days when you
are working/studying and your days off.

Sleep specialists recommend trying to keep to a regular

daily sleep routine that doesn’t fluctuate too much between
weekdays and weekends. They advise that you try to go to
bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every
day, whether that is Monday or Saturday. And this is where
Kaizen can be really helpful. It might seem daunting to try
to change your whole sleep routine in one go, but making
one small step at a time will encourage you to adopt better
bedtime habits – and hopefully once one change starts to
make a difference, then you will be motivated to make
more. Over the page are some ideas for small changes that
you could make to your sleep routine, both in terms of the
environment in which you sleep and the actions you take
before bedtime to promote sleep.

Having your bedroom as a calm, clean environment free

from clutter and external interruptions is key to good sleep.
If you are really busy or tired then the thought of having to
entirely transform your bedroom into a minimalist, serene
paradise might seem too big an ask, but there are some
small things you can do to make a difference. And once you
have adopted one change, then try another to see if it
makes even more of a difference.

Declutter your room. Your room should be calming.

Designating it as a decluttered space which you use
exclusively for either sleeping or sex will help to promote
good sleep.

First Kaizen step: you might not always have huge amounts of
time to tidy your entire room before bed, so set a timer on your
phone for five minutes and just tidy up the area around your
bed, so at least that area is free of clutter.

Change your sheets regularly. Changing your bedsheets

once a week or at least every fortnight can help to promote
good sleep.

First Kaizen step: if you are really tired and the idea of
changing your entire bed linen feels too much, then just change
your pillowcases and/or bedsheet. The rest can be done another

Block out noise altogether. If your street or building is

noisy then try sleeping with ear plugs and see if it makes a

Play relaxing noises while going to sleep. If you have

trouble getting to sleep then try playing a relaxing sleep
playlist or white noise (lots of sleep apps have these, along
with YouTube and Spotify).

Shut out the light. Your room should be as dark and cool
as possible. If you can’t afford blackout blinds or thick
curtains and find the room too bright, then try sleeping
with an eye mask and note any differences to the quality of
your sleep.

Sort out your mattress. If you think that your mattress

could be what is causing issues, start to save a small
amount (say, the price of a sleep-depriving coffee) each day
towards a new one. Or if you are renting, then try asking
your landlord to provide a new one. If a new mattress is out
of your price range, then consider investing in a mattress
topper, which are much cheaper and can make a big

Surround yourself in some nice smells. Scents like

lavender and bergamot have a calming effect. Find a
scented candle, pillow spray or aroma diffuser and see if
making your room smell nice makes you have a better night
of sleep.


As well as making sure you create the optimum sleep

environment, there are certain changes you can make to
your actions in the period between returning home and
going to bed in order to promote better sleep. As babies
and children, we are coaxed (and occasionally strong-
armed!) into a set bedtime routine, but as adults we often
forget to perform such rituals, in favour of scrolling through
Instagram or binge-watching the latest boxset. Here are
some ideas for ways in which you can improve your pre-
bedtime routine:

Get out the loungewear. When you get home,

immediately change into comfortable clothes to relax you
and encourage your body to start to shut down.

Have a soak. Try having a warm bath or shower before

bedtime – perhaps with added lavender oil – and see if it
makes a difference to your sleep quality.

Take off your make-up. If you don’t have time or the

inclination to have a full bath, then try taking your make-up
off as soon as you get through the door and apply a
soothing face mask.

Hide your phone. Having phones and laptops in your

bedroom can be a huge distraction. Try sleeping with your
phone in another room and see if it makes a difference—or
if the thought of that is too terrifying(!), then at least put it
on airplane mode for when you are asleep.

Have a communication blackout. In the same vein, try to

avoid social media or work emails for at least two to three
hours before going to bed to minimize interactions whirring
around your head.

First Kaizen step: have a few nights of a complete social

media and communication ‘blackout’ and register if it has an
impact upon the quality of your sleep.
Be organized. Organizing yourself for the next day can be
hugely beneficial for sleep in that it declutters your brain
and gives you less to worry about the coming day. Try
packing your bag, sorting out your breakfast items and/or
packed lunch, and hanging up your outfit for the next day
and see if that makes any difference to your sleep.

Be a bedtime yogi. Try doing some gentle bedtime yoga

or meditation exercises before bed to help to promote
sleep. There are lots of tutorials online or you can use a
meditation app. Remember to keep it to very light exercises
so that you don’t overstimulate your mind and body too
much before bedtime.

First Kaizen step: for one week, try meditating for five
minutes before bed.
Do a ‘brain dump’. If your brain is still whirring, another
idea is to get a piece of paper and write out a ‘brain dump’
of everything that is on your mind from that day. It doesn’t
have to be anything coherent or fully formed – just write out
everything that is troubling you. This can also be a really
useful exercise if you wake up in the middle of the night and
are unable to go back to sleep.

Read a good book. Just six minutes of reading before bed

has been shown to reduce stress levels by two-thirds and
promote good sleep.22 Choose a couple of nights of the
week where you read before bed rather than look at a
screen and see if it makes a difference.

Be kind to yourself. You can do absolutely everything

right and there may still be a way that your body decides to
rebel against you and give you a bad night’s sleep. So don’t
beat yourself up if you have any setbacks when trying to
improve your sleep routine. Simply focus on one small thing
you can do to improve your sleep the next night. Keeping
track of your sleep and the impact of any changes to your
routine is key to identifying the ways in which your body is
responding to the slight tweaks in your behaviour before
bed and in your sleep environment.


For the times when you can’t sleep, I am going to share

with you a short breathing exercise that I find helps me
when it is 3am and my mind is racing with nonsense
thoughts. What yogis refer to as Moon Breath or Chandra
Bhedana involves breathing in through your left nostril only.
The left side of your body is thought to be associated with
the nervous system, and so Chandra Bhedana has been
traditionally used to calm it down and promote sleep. Here
is a short exercise that you can do anywhere:

1. Sit upright or lie down, whichever is more comfortable.

2. Close your eyes and relax your eye sockets. Imagine
your eyeballs are swimming in cooling pools of water.
3. Close your right nostril with your right thumb.
4. Rest the second and third fingers of your right hand in
your right palm and extend your fourth and fifth fingers.
5. Breathe in through your left nostril and then close it with
yourfourth finger of your right hand, while releasing
your thumb from your right nostril and breathing out
through your right nostril.
6. Regulate your breath and keep repeating this action for
a couple of minutes until your breathing is really slow
and you feel more relaxed.
7. Hopefully your brain will feel less wired and you will be
able to fall asleep.

A variation on this is to alternate the nostrils as you perform

the exercise. This is called Nadi Shodhana or alternate
nostril breathing and is a really simple way to quickly
quieten the mind and settle your emotions, so is a useful
exercise to have up your sleeve during moments of anxiety
or stress. It really helps to focus the mind and press the
reset button on your nervous system.


It is all well and good perfecting your bedtime routine and

having a perfect night’s sleep, but not if this is then ruined
by a frantic morning rushing around before work and
stressing yourself out before you even get there. Some
people will be reading this and will be unable to recognize
this last-minute dashing around in the morning, but most of
us will probably acknowledge that we could benefit from a
more relaxed routine first thing! Getting to work or college
and feeling calm and free of frazzle will mean that you are
able to start the day in a more relaxed manner and you will
feel more capable of taking on whatever the day might
throw at you. Or if you are a freelancer or somebody who
works regularly from home, instigating a strict morning
routine before opening up your laptop can make a positive
difference to your productivity. Here are a few ideas for
ways in which you can use Kaizen techniques to form good
morning habits.

Get rid of annoyances. Have a real think about sources of

stress in your morning routine and decide upon something
you can do to eliminate just one source of stress. For
example, if you find yourself getting annoyed by a certain
breakfast DJ on the radio or a politician on breakfast TV
news, could you try listening to a calming playlist or a
podcast instead? See if making this switch for a week
makes a difference. I have recently taken to playing a
morning music playlist rather than listening to politicians
arguing on the radio and it has had a huge effect on my
stress levels.

Get out of bed five minutes earlier. Try setting your

alarm just five minutes earlier and see if it makes a change
to how rushed you feel getting out of the door. If this works,
try extending this further by five-minute increments each
week. Just having a bit more time to get your belongings
together can have a huge impact.

First Kaizen step: set your alarm five minutes earlier every
day for a week.

Exercise early. If you want to start doing more exercise,

research early-morning classes in your local area or go for
a short run first thing. After one session, analyse how it
makes you feel – are you more energized for the rest of the
day? If you can’t commit to a full class, then try doing some
small stretches or a short online HIIT workout.

First Kaizen step: get up thirty minutes earlier one day a

week and use the time for exercise.

Have a mindful morning. Try practising five minutes of

mindful breathing first thing when you wake up and notice
if you feel calmer during the day. If you don’t have time to
commit to a full mindfulness practice, then try doing a part
of your regular morning routine in a more mindful manner
– for example, really concentrate on shampooing your hair
or cleaning your teeth. If your mind starts to wander, then
bring it back to the activity.
‘Brain dump’ in the morning. Similar to the ‘brain dump’
recommended in the pre-bedtime section (see page 98), try
emptying your brain by writing down all of the thoughts
that immediately spring to your mind when you first wake
up. This can be anything from the crazy dream you had
about cats to reflecting on the quality of sleep you had.

First Kaizen step: keep a notebook by your bed and write

down all of your thoughts first thing in the morning for one day
per week.

Start a morning journal. If you want to adopt a more

formal journaling practice, then each morning for one week
try writing down your answers to the following three
questions: What are you looking forward to today? What
are you worried about today? What are you grateful for
today? At the end of each day, look back on the three things
you wrote in the morning and see if your day has panned
out as predicted. See if there are lessons to be taken from
this, for example, do you often catastrophize potential
problems that turn out to be fine in the end?

Make time for breakfast. My mum always nagged me to

have breakfast when I lived at home and many years later I
can finally see that she was right! Research suggests that
people who eat breakfast are slimmer, as they tend to eat
less during the day – particularly fewer high-calorie
snacks.23 If you skip breakfast because you feel like you
don’t have time, try introducing a quick breakfast item,
such as a smoothie, into your routine and see if it makes a
difference to your hunger and energy levels throughout the
day. If you are finding mornings are always too rushed, try
doing some breakfast prep the night before. Chop some
fruit the night before that you can just blast into a smoothie
in the morning. Or try preparing an overnight oats pot.
First Kaizen step: think of a breakfast recipe that you would
really like to eat and get up slightly early one day to make it.
Did having that extra little bit of time to yourself to eat
something delicious make a difference?

Hydrate when you first wake up. If you don’t have time
to make proper food, then you should at least find time to
have a snack and to hydrate yourself properly. Try adding in
an extra glass of water to your existing routine. Can you
have one as soon as you get out of bed? Or just before you
get in the shower? Or leave a bottle by the front door so
that you remember to take it for your commute?

Keep your phone on airplane mode. For one week try

getting showered, dressed and ready for work without
looking at your phone or reading the news until you leave
the house. Does having some time to yourself first thing
without external distractions make you feel calmer?


We are living in an age when we are constantly expected to

be ‘on’. We are more connected than ever, but with this
increased connectivity comes more pressure to be available
at all times. Having ‘read receipts’ on our messages and
information about when we were last available on
messaging apps and social media means it is harder to
switch off and not feel the need to immediately reply to
people. When we have to use our smartphones for work as
well as for our social lives, this pressure can be even
greater and negatively affect our work–life balance.

We have already looked at some of the ways we can reduce

the amount of time we spend looking at screens first thing,
during our lunch-breaks and before bed, but for those of us
who have the constant need to have our phones within
reaching distance, limiting the time spent looking at and
thinking about our phones is definitely to be encouraged. A
recent study showed that the average American checks
their phone forty-seven times a day, and one in ten people
check their phone during sex(!).24 And unsurprisingly,
smartphone addiction is now a recognized condition. Tech
companies specifically design products to be addictive and
hard to live without, and evidence shows that they are
succeeding in their aim.
We might all know that one person who still uses a phone
from ten years ago without the internet (and don’t they
always seem happier?!) but most of us will admit that we
are too dependent on our phones. Have you ever got home
from work and thought you didn’t have the time or energy
to watch a film or read a book, but then get to bedtime and
realize you have been scrolling mindlessly through your
phone for hours without even noticing? Or have you been
out for dinner with a friend and watched as they stop the
conversation to check their phone every time a notification
goes off? Do you feel anxious if you are in another room in
the house to your phone and might miss a notification?
Even if you don’t feel that using your device has a
detrimental effect on your mental health, do you think that
your phone usage is sapping time and energy away from
people and goals that matter?

Some people go to extreme measures to try to cut their

attachment to their phones. There are now countless silent
retreats or digital detox camps, where you pay a huge
amount of money to ‘go analogue’ for a certain period of
time. While these are undoubtedly effective ways in which
to break up with your phone, there are also lots of smaller,
less extreme (and less expensive!) actions you can take in
order to make yourself slightly less reliant on your screens.

This isn’t about rejecting social media and messaging

altogether, but about finding ways in which you can engage
with your phone without it taking over your whole life. It’s
about interrogating how you use your phone and how it can
provide you with a meaningful connection with the outside
world. And this is where Kaizen techniques can be very
effective. Rather than dramatically going from constantly
using your phone all the time to quitting it altogether, here
are some ideas for starting to control your phone usage
rather than letting your phone control you:
Track your usage. There are now various ways in which
you can track your phone usage, including a number of
apps specifically designed to do so, and so it might be worth
doing this in the first instance in order to see how much you
use your phone during the day. See which apps you use the
most, and at what time you use your phone most heavily –
you might be surprised by the results.

Install a detox app. There is a certain irony in using

phone apps to reduce your amount of digital
procrastination but try installing Forest (or others) and
cutting the WiFi connection on your computer or phone for
a certain amount of time, or switching to airplane mode. Do
you get more work done? Do you find it easier to
concentrate on tasks when you’re not flitting between
different websites and messenger services?

First Kaizen step: install a detox app for one day and see
what a difference it makes to your phone usage.

Leave your phone alone for an hour. If you find it hard

to be apart from your phone, try leaving it in a different
room or in your bag for an hour without looking at it. Or put
it on airplane or do-not-disturb mode. Once the time is up,
analyse how you feel. Did you miss anything important that
couldn’t wait until later? (The answer is probably ‘no’.)
What did you get done in that time period instead?

Delete or reorganize your apps. Try deleting social

media apps from your phone and instead access them from
your laptop or desktop computer. Do you use them as
frequently? How has it changed the way that you think
about them? If you don’t want to delete them long term,
then could you save them all in one folder which isn’t on the
front screen and as easy to access? Or change your phone’s
colour settings to grayscale so that the apps look less
sheeny-shiny? Making your brain stop to think before using
them will almost undoubtedly affect how automatically you
reach for them when you unlock your phone.

First Kaizen step: reorganize your social media apps so they

aren’t on your phone home screen.

Turn off notifications. Rather than having email and/or

message notifications pop up on your phone, choose certain
times of day when you are going to check them. This should
reduce your immediate urge to reply instantly to everybody.

First Kaizen step: turn off your notifications for one day and
reflect on how you feel afterwards. Has it made you feel less
anxious? Did you use your time better?

Switch off at mealtimes. If you spend mealtimes scrolling

through your phone it can mean that you aren’t always
concentrating on what you eat or who you are eating with.
Try having one mealtime where you ban devices and see
what a difference it makes. Did you think more about your
meal and enjoy it more?

Give a compliment IRL. Do you find that you are ‘liking’

things your friends post on social media but rarely
compliment them in real life? Engaging with people in real
life can be more rewarding than just mindlessly clicking the
‘heart’ button on Instagram.

First Kaizen step: send a message to one of your friends

telling them something you like about them.

Have a group phone amnesty. If you are out with friends

or at home with family, how about having a ‘phone amnesty’
and keeping everybody’s devices out of view for a certain
amount of time? Does it have an effect on the quality of your
conversation and attention that you pay each other?

These tips are all very small things you can try in order to
see if they make a difference. The idea isn’t to be a
complete social hermit, but to be more mindful of your
phone usage and how it can harm your concentration levels
and the relationships with those around you. Making small
adjustments to your phone habits can have a transformative
effect. It can help to reduce your anxiety, sleep better and
connect with people on a less superficial level.


All of the previous sections have talked about ways in which
you can improve your physical health, and the link between
this and your mental health is, of course, inextricable.
Eating healthy food, moving your body about more,
sleeping well, getting lots of daylight and keeping away
from screens will inevitably have a positive effect on your
mental health too. Coming back to the Japanese phrase of
shinshin ichinyo, your body and mind should be treated as
one entity.

But in our current image-conscious society, where we can

open an app on our phone and instantly see our peers’
carefully curated lives and celebrities living it up on
superyachts in Mykonos, it can be very easy to feel
inadequate and rubbish about ourselves, however much we
are doing all of the right things. There will always be
somebody with more glowing skin, having more fun at their
birthday party or achieving more success in their career
than you. Although social media has democratized who we
can look at, it still often means we are inundated with
images of thin, white, privileged, able-bodied people, who
aren’t representative of society as a whole.

This is nothing new, of course, with women’s and fashion

magazines’ long history of using underweight,
Photoshopped models and their frequent pedalling of an
unobtainable lifestyle, but now social media has entered the
fray. As well as comparing yourself to models and
celebrities, it is now easy to pit yourself against your friends
and colleagues. With one click of a button on our phones we
can see heavily filtered Instagram posts and Facebook
statuses about how great a night out your ex-boyfriend had
on Saturday. If you’re lying in bed in an old t-shirt with your
hair stuck to your face this can make you feel far worse. (I
speak from experience!)
The study of the impact of social media on mental health
and self-esteem is still very much in its infancy, but charities
are becoming increasingly concerned about its effects,
particularly on women. A study by Gothenburg University of
Swedish Facebook users uncovered that the more time
women spend on the site, the less confident and happy they
feel.25 Another study by Penn State University concluded
that looking at selfies had a negative effect on self-esteem.
From my own experience, and from talking to my friends
and colleagues about it too, social media is undoubtedly
something which affects our self-esteem26 and we all
recognize that we start to feel better about ourselves if we
take regular breaks from it.
Everybody’s self-esteem will be affected by different things,
and not necessarily just by social media. We are consistently
inundated with messages about how we should look, speak
and act from birth, and this is a constantly changing ideal.
When this is coupled with social media, who can blame us if
we struggle to keep up with the advice and feel good about

On bad days, the world can seem to contain endless ways to

make you feel rubbish about yourself. You can be feeling on
top of the world, then suddenly be sent into a body-hating
spiral by a horribly lit changing room in a clothes shop. It
could be that somebody undermines you at work and your
confidence plummets, or that you are a new parent and
someone questions something you do with your baby.

And you may find that you respond differently to all of these
things depending on your mood and mental health at that
certain moment. A bad picture you see of yourself may get
to you one day, but then on another day you could notice
that you are smiling sincerely or your hair looks nice.
Having good self-esteem is definitely not something to be
taken for granted and is something that can see-saw from
day to day. This is why it is imperative to do as many small
things as you can to bolster your self-esteem and to try your
best to ensure that your dips in confidence happen less and
less often.

Many of the actions I have recommended already will help

towards your goal of having good self-esteem. Eating well,
exercising and mindfulness, and doing as much of a digital
detox as you can manage, will all contribute to you feeling
healthier, stronger and in a better place mentally. But
sometimes you will still have a bad day no matter how many
burpies you have conquered or carrots you have eaten. Our
inner critic can put a negative filter on everything we do.
We are never objective about ourselves. And this is where
practising small steps towards both body positivity and self-
love can be very beneficial. This next section includes lots of
small ideas for when you are feeling down on yourself but
which you can also practise in-between times, so that you
become more resilient and better able to cope when you
are next struggling.

Important note: Although having bad self-esteem isn’t

actually classified as a mental illness, many of its symptoms
are the same. If you find that you are feeling completely
hopeless, blaming yourself unfairly for an action, feeling
hatred towards yourself or finding yourself completely
incapable of doing things, then these can be symptoms of
depression or anxiety, so do please go and consult a medical
health professional.

Take a step back and think about what the triggers are for
you feeling bad about yourself.

If you can, try carrying around a journal with you for a

week and make a note of each bad thought that you have
about yourself and who or what has caused it. This won’t be
a pleasant task, but it might be very revealing.
Once you have an idea of the trigger(s) that cause you to
feel bad about yourself, the first step is to see if there are
any easy ways you can start to eliminate them.

⊙ If you have an overly critical friend/family

member/colleague, would it help to have a word with
them or write a note/email telling them how they make
you feel? Half of the time people are unaware of their
actions and might not even know that they are causing
you harm. If you feel unable to open up to them, can you
find a way to limit your contact with them? Life is short,
and you should do all you can to fill your time with
people who bolster you!
⊙ This same advice applies to romantic relationships. It
could be that your partner has no idea that they are
making you feel a certain way. If they respond negatively
or you feel unable to talk to your partner in the first
place, then this is a sign that you might not be in a
healthy, balanced partnership.
⊙ If social media makes you feel deflated, try having a
digital detox for half a day (see page 104).
⊙ There is lots of advice on how to combat stress at work in
the next chapter. If you are struggling, try having a
coffee with a supportive colleague, or create a
‘compliments folder’ on your computer desktop for
saving any nice notes you receive about your work.
⊙ If you are feeling low because of a recent personal
change, such as a relationship breakdown, this can make
you feel very exposed, alone and raw. Look after yourself
as much as possible and surround yourself with
supportive people who can counteract any of the
negative things you are thinking about yourself.


A body-scan meditation helps you focus on where you might
be holding physical tension and can also reveal any built-up
emotional tension. I often tense my neck and shoulders, and
even just occasionally becoming conscious of that, taking a
breath and lowering my shoulders makes a noticeable

Try doing the activity below once a week and see if it has an
impact. This is a good exercise if you are having trouble
sleeping or if you want to relax before getting up in the
morning. Let it take as long as feels comfortable – for some
people this is five minutes, others might take half an hour.

1. Find a place that is relatively quiet and free of

2. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
3. Close your eyes and become aware of your breathing.
Start to steady your breath.
4. Starting at the top of your head and scanning down
slowly, bring awareness to each part of your body.
5. First try to release any tension from your forehead, your
temples and your ears.
6. Imagine that your eyes are bathing in pools of water.
7. Move on to your cheeks, jaw and neck, releasing each
part as you go. (Keep breathing!)
8. Next up are your shoulders, your arms, your chest and
your spine. When you reach your belly, be sure to
breathe into it and release all of the tension from the top
part of your body.
9. Next, scan down your pelvis, your bum and each leg in
turn, until you reach your feet.
0. Bring awareness back to the breath and breathe into all
of the areas of tension.
1. Finally, tense all of your body at once. And then release.
How do you feel? Each time you perform the exercise,
focus on the response that you get from each area of
your body. Does it ache, hurt or feel stiff, or is it warm,
cold or itchy? Or do you feel nothing at all (that’s fine
too!)? This exercise can sometimes cause negative
emotions to rise to the surface and make you feel a bit
tearful so don’t worry if it does.

If you find that this exercise has helped to relax and de-
stress you, try stepping it up by either increasing the
frequency with which you perform it or the length of time
that you spend doing it.
We spend a lot of our lives at work, especially if we live in
places with a culture of overtime and where people are
reluctant to take their annual-leave allocation, such as the
US and Japan. The Japanese even have a word, karoshi,
which means ‘death from overwork’. We are working longer
hours than ever before, and technological developments
now mean that we can be on the end of an email 24/7. To
try to tackle this, France brought in a new law in 2017
giving employees the legal right to not check emails out of
hours. But many other countries are lagging behind and
burnout from overwork is a very serious problem around
the world.

Achieving happiness and fulfilment at work is possible but

not a guarantee. You can never fully control the people you
have to interact with or what work problems might arise.
What you can do, however, is create as pleasant an
environment as possible and look after yourself both
physically and emotionally to ensure that you are best
placed to weather the inevitable storms that occur
throughout the day. This is where Kaizen techniques can be
transformative. Taking a step back to see what working
habits don’t serve you and trying out some new things to
shake up your tired old routine can make a huge difference
to your happiness levels during the day and to your work–
life balance. Taking stock of how you feel about your career
and the way it is progressing can be very illuminating too,
and can perhaps highlight areas in which you are unhappy
or prompt you to think about a career change.
In this chapter I will look at some easy steps you can take to
improve your current working environment, provide some
tips on how to enhance your wellbeing at work, and also
encourage you to think about the longer term and whether
the career path you are on is the right one.


For people who have to go into an office every day, it’s hard
to have total control over the environment that you are
working in. You can leave your calming home, do all you can
to make your commute as stress-free as possible, and yet
still end up in a windowless cave with a sad-looking filing
cabinet for company. Many workplaces are waking up to the
fact that their employees are happier and potentially more
productive if they enjoy the space that they are surrounded
by, but many aren’t or don’t want to invest any budget in
making positive changes. Whatever your situation, there
are a number of really small things you can do to make your
workspace a nicer and more stimulating environment.

As with everything Kaizen, the first thing to do is to take a

step back and take stock. Think about ways in which you
can make your working environment more pleasant. Have a
look at your desk space and think about:

The lighting. Are you getting enough daylight? Do you have nice lamps or
is it just horrible strip lighting overhead?
Personalization. Does the space feel like your own?
Green things. Can you see plants and trees?
Posture. Does your chair support you properly? Can you reach your
keyboard without having to lean forward? Is the top of your screen at eye-
level height?
Clutter. Do you have papers scattered everywhere? Is there an old gym kit
or lunchbox festering underneath your desk?
Storage. Do you have enough and is it the right type?
Once you have done an honest assessment, think of very
small ways that you could improve the space. In an ideal
world, your office would pay for all of these improvements
and it is always worth asking if there is any budget. You
should also definitely consult your HR department or office
manager if you are experiencing aches and pains from the
way that you sit, or if you don’t get any daylight. Over the
page are some ideas for very small things you can try that
will transform your day even if there isn’t a huge budget.

Get as much daylight or white light as possible.

Several studies have shown that employees without any
access to natural light will get less sleep at night, report
poorer sleep quality, feel less inclined to do physical
exercise, and generally report a worse quality of life than
their counterparts who do have access to natural light.27 If
you don’t have access to natural light, then talk to your
office manager or line manager about whether any changes
can be made. Can you operate a desk rotation system with
those who do have light desks? Or can the office invest in
white lamps for those who don’t?

Surround yourself with photos and uplifting things.

Printing off a few pictures of friends, family or favourite
artworks will infinitely liven up your workspace. Collect
postcards when you go to art exhibitions and museums and
print off pictures of holidays and fun times.

First Kaizen step: print off a picture or find a postcard that

makes you feel happy and place it next to your desk.

Invest in some plants. A 2014 study by the University of

Exeter of three workplaces in the UK and the Netherlands
concluded that employees were 15 per cent more
productive when they could see plants in their workspace.28
Their memory retention improved and they reported feeling
generally happier at work. Succulents are cheap, happy to
be indoors and are very hard to kill (even for me!), so
unlock your inner millennial and see if having a plant on
your desk makes a difference to how you feel at work.

Go fully Japanese and get a bonsai tree! There are

many shops that now sell bonsai trees – check out your local
flower or plant shop. Or if you are feeling craftier, make
your own from a starter kit – there are lots online.

Surround yourself with nice smells. Japanese

businesses have long espoused the benefits of having
pleasant-smelling offices. A 1985 study by Professor Shizuo
Torri at Toho University discovered that the use of essential
oils in the office can have a stimulating and relaxing effect.
The Shimizu Corporation, one of Japan’s largest
construction companies, took on this study and started
creating ‘intelligent’ offices, which disseminate different
smells into areas of the office to improve efficiency and
relieve stress. A reed diffuser or an aroma diffuser could be
a good alternative. Fill it with your favourite essential oil
and note how different you feel. If you sit near to others
make sure that you discuss their scent preferences

Sort out the clutter. It might seem too large a task to try
to sort out absolutely everything in your office or desk
space at once. So break it down into very small steps. Once
a week, allocate a drawer that you wish to tidy for five
minutes. If there is an old file that you haven’t been through
in years, take five minutes out of your afternoon to look
through it and chuck everything you don’t need away. The
thought of having to do everything at once can feel like a
huge mountain to climb so concentrate on one very small
thing you can do.

First Kaizen step: clear out one of your office drawers and
reflect on how much more zen you feel.

Get your colleagues involved. This means you can all

spur each other on.
First Kaizen step: try setting a timer for five minutes once a
week and all tidying as fast as you can for that short period.
Reward yourselves afterwards with a sweet treat.

Make your storage look pretty. Endless cardboard boxes

of files or old rusty wire trays can look hugely uninspiring,
so think if there are any ways you can jazz up your storage.
Lots of shops now sell very cheap wire baskets in fun
colours or can you cover your existing boxes in wallpaper
samples or cool posters that you like? Get creative and see
how much it can transform your space.

Most people spend at least eight hours a day sitting at work

and so it’s important to try to make it as joyful as possible. If
your office doesn’t have the budget to make any
improvements, can you organize a bake sale or some other
event to raise funds to change the space?

If you do have to commute to and from work, the section on

exercise has already introduced the idea of using your
morning commute to move about more, but have a think
about whether there are any other ways that you can make
your commute less stressful. Over the course of a week, try
writing down at the end of each journey what the small
sources of stress were, and then for each stress, think of a
way in which it could be eliminated. This might not be
possible for absolutely everything – there is no way to
always account for somebody shoving their smelly armpit in
your face on the metro or somebody eating fried chicken
next to you at 8am – but do think of small ways you could
improve your travels. Here are some ideas for short-term

Alter your journey to a quieter route. Although this may

take slightly longer, does it have an impact on your stress
levels? Does getting a train that takes ten minutes longer
but where you get a seat prove a more pleasant experience
than being crammed on the faster train? Try this once and
see if you notice a benefit.

Make a case for changing your work hours. Could you

alter your work hours slightly so that you get to work
earlier and leave earlier, or arrive later and leave later?
More and more work places are waking up to the idea of
flexible working hours. It may be that it helps a lot with
childcare or helps with the fact that you are more
productive in the morning or not a morning person at all.
You may find that altering your working hours even by half
an hour makes a big difference to the stress of your
morning or evening routine.
Block it out! If the various sounds of people around you
are an irritant, then does travelling with some noise-
cancelling headphones make a difference? Can you
investigate new podcasts or soothing playlists that will
change your experience?

Put down your phone. Could you use the time more
effectively? Does reading a book make you feel any different
when you arrive at work? Or can you spend the time
learning a new language?

First Kaizen step: spend one commute with your phone

turned off in your bag and read a novel instead.


If you’re busy at work and in the flow of doing something, it

is easy to just continue to plough on through, eat a Sad
Sandwich at your desk, and not take any time out for
yourself. Statistics show that only one in three workers
takes a proper lunch-break, and this is proven to be bad for
both your physical and mental health. Getting outside
increases your vitamin D and serotonin levels, while eating
mindfully rather than distractedly will mean that you take
more time with your food and will appreciate it more. Here
are some easy ways in which you can transform your lunch-

Exercise! More workplaces are now offering group

exercise sessions or yoga/Pilates classes. If they don’t
already, can you see if there are other colleagues interested
in a lunchtime exercise club? Not only is it bonding but
having others to motivate you to step away from your desk
will ensure that you keep up the habit.

Have a walk outside. Going for a walk can sound like such
rudimentary advice, but escaping your desk and getting
outside can make such a difference. Is there a local park
nearby or a canal or river that you can walk along? If you
work in a town or city centre, are there roads or areas
nearby which you are yet to explore?

First Kaizen step: for one lunchtime per week, try getting
outside for an hour.

Be a culture vulture. Are there any galleries or museums

near to your work which you are yet to visit? Going during
the week will often mean that it is much quieter, and you
can explore in peace while also getting your cultural fix.

Read. Try spending one lunchtime a week reading a book

and see if it makes any difference to how you feel when you
return to your desk. Did it transport you to another world
free from annoying emails? See if there is a local library
that you can join – not only so you can you borrow books for
free, but they often have relaxing reading spaces where you
can really switch off.

Be prepared. How often do you finish your lunch and feel

satisfied? Do you spend too much money at overpriced
sandwich chains? If the thought of having to prepare your
lunch every night or morning before work is too daunting,
try introducing it into your routine once or twice a week.
There are many recipes online for satisfying lunch ideas, or
bring in leftovers from the night before. Investing in a
stylish bento-style lunchbox makes the contents seem more
desirable than an old takeaway container.

Give your nan* a call! Is there a friend or a family

member who you haven’t called for a while? Spending your
lunch-break connecting with a loved one will be infinitely
more satisfying than just scrolling through the internet for
an hour and will let them know that you care too. *Insert
applicable friend or family member here.

First Kaizen Step: try a five-minute lunchtime meditation.

Go and get a bit zen. The office might seem like the last
place that you should meditate, but can you find a quiet
meeting room or breakout space? Or is there a bench or
patch of grass outside that you can use? Taking some time
out to relax your body and just concentrate on your breath
can have transformative effects on how you feel for the rest
of the day.


Whether you work from home or are stuck in a stuffy office
all day, taking five minutes out to concentrate on your
breath and think about how you are feeling that day can
have huge benefits, whether everything is going
swimmingly or if you’re having a total shitshow of a day.
I started taking up meditation after a bad break-up and
found it really helped me to process my emotions – not by
blocking them out but by acknowledging when I felt bad
and accepting those feelings. It resulted in me being kinder
to myself and – I think – handling the break-up better than I
would have done otherwise. During a stressful patch at
work, I also found it very useful to take a little bit of time
out at lunchtime to meditate when it all got a bit much. I
would return to my desk feeling much calmer and far more
inspired to work hard in the afternoon.

There are plenty of guided meditation apps that you can

download to your phone, or videos that you can stream on
YouTube; these are particularly useful if you want to get
into doing longer meditation sessions. If you are new to
meditation though, and not sure if you’ll like it, here is a
really quick five-minute exercise to try. It is super-easy and
can be done literally anywhere you like.

1. Find a quiet space to sit down where you are free of

distractions. This can be in a meeting room at work, in
your work canteen, on a bench outside, under a tree in
the park, on the toilet(!) – wherever feels comfortable.
2. Set a five-minute timer on your phone or watch.
3. Close your eyes (or if you don’t want to close your eyes
in a public place then try to relax them and gently focus
on a specific spot).
4. Start to pay attention to your breathing. Is it shallow or
strained in any way? Can you make it deeper? Do this
for ten breaths.
5. Then expand your awareness out to your wider body.
How do you feel today?
6. Once you have thought about how you feel and you
have acknowledged any emotions, take out your
awareness even further to the environment around you.
What can you hear? Or is it just silence? Are there any
7. Finally, return to the breath and concentrate on slowly
breathing in and out until the timer goes off. Your mind
will probably start to wander during this part, but if or
when it does, acknowledge the thoughts, let them pass
over you, and then return to your breath.
8. When the time is up, gently open your eyes (or bring
your focus back) and take in your surroundings again.
How do you feel? Are you calmer?

You may find that your mind tends to wander more on

certain days, especially if you are particularly stressed.
Don’t panic if this happens, it is all part of the process. If
you find this exercise useful then try introducing it into your
lunchtime routine once or twice a week. If you find this
beneficial then you can step it up by meditating more
frequently or by adding on a few minutes to the time that
you spend meditating.

We have already talked about transforming your morning

routine, your commute and your working environment, but
all this effort is redundant if you then get to work and
immediately feel stressed or out of control. There will
almost always be minor irritations – certain colleagues who
cook fish in the microwave or man-spread in meetings – but
there are also practices that you, yourself, can change in
order to manage your time better and achieve an improved
work–life balance.

In order to establish some of the things you might want to

change, it is a very good idea to take a step back and really
interrogate the ways in which you are working. Could you
be happier at work? What are your current grievances? Are
there any ‘quick wins’ for ways that you can improve

Have a think about the following:

⊚ Do you have a good work–life balance?
⊙ Do you regularly work over your contractual hours? If so,
is it because you are expected to? Is there a culture of
⊙ What are your relationships like with your co-workers?
Do you like your boss? If you manage people, do you
think that you do a good job of it?
⊙ Do you like the company ethos in general?
⊙ Do you feel challenged and motivated in your work?
⊙ Do you take regular breaks?
⊙ How do you feel at the end of the working day? Tired,
thirsty, hungry, frustrated, unfulfilled, like you have done
your best?
Keeping a work journal that’s purely dedicated to how you
feel at work over the course of a week can be really
illuminating. At the end of each day make a note of how you
have felt at work that day and any problems that have
arisen. Is there a particular person who is causing you
grief? Did you manage to take breaks? etc. Once you have
interrogated how you are feeling at work, think of some
small actions you can take to improve your working life.


For most of us, emails make up a major part of our working

life. They are a constant source of stress, seemingly
screaming for our attention. I have always worked in very
email-intensive jobs and at times have found it impossible to
keep on top of them. They can’t be eliminated completely,
but you may find that being mindful of their effect on you
and changing your attitude towards them can make a big

Behavioural psychologists acknowledge that email is

incredibly habit-forming because it mimics what is referred
to as a variable-interval reinforcement schedule. In
layman’s terms, this means that each email demands our
attention because we keep chasing the next interesting one.
Perhaps one in twenty emails we receive will be something
of note, but we will keep checking regularly in order to seek
out the gratification of that one important email, even when
the rest is made up of spam or people complaining that the
men’s toilet is blocked. In the same way that gambling
addicts keep playing the slots in Vegas waiting for their
windfall, we keep waiting for the next interesting email. It
might not sound as harmful, but the unconscious
compulsion to check emails – especially when you’re not at
work – can form a bad habit that can have huge effects
upon your social and home life. Even at work, it means that
you are constantly flitting between tasks and not getting in
‘the zone’. Here are some small ideas for transforming your
email etiquette:

Don’t check email on the way into work. A study

released in 2018 revealed that half of all office workers
were checking their emails on the way into work.29 You
aren’t getting paid for this time so make sure that it is all
your own.

First Kaizen step: choose one morning a week where you

don’t check on emails or think about work at all until you reach
the office.

Turn off email notifications! Do you find that you are

often working on one task and then suddenly an email pops
up and immediately demands your attention? This
happened to me a lot but then I (accidentally) turned off my
email notifications and suddenly found that I could
concentrate far more easily on one thing at a time. It was
like Einstein’s apple-tree moment, but only slightly less

Designate times of day to check email. This will depend

on the nature of your work, but if you have a job that
requires a mixture of tasks then think about whether you
can be off email for periods of time each day in order to get
the other tasks done. Rather than constantly trying to multi-
task between answering emails and other tasks, you will
find that you are far more productive if you concentrate on
doing one thing well for a prolonged period. Close down
your email and focus on a creative task that needs your full
attention for a set period of time. Then return to your
emails when you are done. I find that I have hardly ever
missed anything by being away from my emails for half an
hour or forty-five minutes. If people need you urgently, then
they will ring or come to find you.

Keep only urgent things in your inbox. If you receive

lots of emails every day and find that you have a humongous
inbox that keeps you awake at night, try starting to keep
only emails that you need to action in your actual inbox.
Everything else can be filed into folders and searched for
later. It can be hard to start doing this if you already have a
huge inbox to clear, so try moving all of your inbox into a
folder and then moving out the urgent tasks. You can then
clear the messages in the folder when you have more time.

If you receive an anger-inducing email, leave it for

half an hour. Replying straight away when you are full of
rage will do nothing to calm down the situation (or you!).
Take some time away from your screen or go to seek advice
from a helpful colleague rather than feel like you have to
respond instantly.

First Kaizen step: try this tip with your next annoying email
and see if it has any impact upon how you feel.

Would a phone call be better? I often find that so many

of my tedious email chains spent endlessly pondering over
various situations could have been resolved much more
quickly if one of us had just picked up the phone. This won’t
be the answer every time, but it can save a lot of back-and-
forth. You may also find that somebody who has a
standoffish email manner may actually be lovely in real life
and much more amenable over the phone than via email.

Go to talk to colleagues! Similarly, I used to find that

colleagues who sat across the desk from me would email me
questions when it would have been far quicker to just ask
me out loud.
First Kaizen step: next time you have a question, be brave
and go and find the person instead of emailing them.

For most of us, email will have been part of our job for most
of our working life, and old habits are very hard to break so
don’t try to introduce all of these techniques at once. The
most important thing is to be mindful of your attitude
towards email, notice when you are slipping into bad
behaviour, and trying your best to switch off when you can
(and/or get friends and loved ones to remind you of this).


We have already looked at ways to develop a healthy and

productive commute and lunch-break, but also think about
ways that you can look after yourself during the working

Be mindful of what you eat and drink at work. I am

somebody who used to always get to the end of the day and
be thirsty because I had drunk seven cups of coffee and not
a single glass of water. Don’t be like me! Try replacing your
caffeine with water and having healthy snacks to hand for
when you get sugar cravings.

First Kaizen step: try to tie filling up your water bottle or

glass to a regular activity you do, such as going to the toilet or
speaking to your boss.

Have breaks. Make sure that you leave your screen for at
least five minutes every hour.

Go outside! Even if the sun isn’t out and it is miserable

outside, you can still get a hit of vitamin D and boost your
serotonin levels. It will make you feel infinitely better.
Improve bad working relationships. We are all human
and if you are working in an office with lots of different
personalities – most of whom you probably didn’t choose to
work with in the first place – then it is inevitable that there
may be certain people who you don’t get on with. It can be
easy to get completely bogged down by annoyances with
certain people or feel impotent if you have a toxic
relationship with a colleague. Take a step back and think
about whether there is anything you can change about your
current environment to improve things. Can you discuss
your issues with somebody from another department who
might be more objective? Or could you reorganize the
structure of a meeting so that it is harder for a certain
person to dominate? Finding someone to confide in may
help you solve the problem.

Surround yourself with positive influences. You might

not be able to avoid colleagues who you don’t like
altogether but you can do something about proactively
surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people. If
there is a more senior colleague who you admire, then I’m
sure they won’t mind if you take them out for a coffee to
pick their brains or ask for advice. Similarly, if there is
somebody in a different department who you sense that you
might get on with, then invite them for lunch. Having
supportive people you can turn to when work is tough or
you have a sticky situation with your boss can be so helpful.


If you are a freelancer or work from home, it can be easy to

work propped up in bed with your laptop burning into your
lap until you realize that the only human contact you have
had all day was with the postman and that you haven’t worn
anything but loungewear since the weekend. (Can you tell
that I talk from experience?)
If you are fortunate enough to have space for a home office,
then use some of the tips in the previous section to create
your own calming work environment. Often home offices
become multi-functional rooms that double as a dumping
ground for clothes and/or arm weights for when you
definitely start that routine to get ‘Michelle Obama arms’,
so see if you can change the space so that it is exclusively
your own inspirational place to work.

For those people who don’t have an office space, then do try
to at least move out of your bedroom to work. Separating
out where you work from where you relax is crucial for
achieving good sleep and indicating to your brain that you
are now in ‘work mode’ when you set up in the morning.

Know when you work best. Some people are able to sit at
a table from 9am until 8pm and work consistently for that
amount of time until they are done. I am not one of these
people. One of the benefits of being in control of your
working time is that you can tailor it to how you work best.
Are you an early riser and more able to concentrate in the
morning? Then get up at 6am and work until lunchtime. If
you hate mornings then don’t force yourself to get up early,
but structure your day around a later finish and don’t feel
guilty about it.
Have a strict routine. While you should be flexible with
your schedule according to how you work best, it is still
imperative that you stick to as much of a routine as
possible. If you find that you are more creative in the
mornings, then allocate your creative time for then and
save the boring admin tasks for the afternoon, or vice versa.
And try to always finish at a certain time each day so that
you clearly denote which hours are your work time and
which are your leisure time. It can be so easy to let your
work bleed into your personal life, so be sure to allocate set
working hours, stick to them, and let others know of them
so that they don’t try to encroach into days or hours when
you’re not working.

Get out of bed. Not everybody will have the luxury of a

home office but physically getting up and moving into
another room will indicate to your brain that it is now time
to work. It will also help your sleep environment by
banishing any reminders of work from the bedroom.

Change your scenery. I found that whenever I was in a

creative rut, just going and working in a new place –
whether that was the foyer of a museum, on a bench in the
park or a cool coffee shop – really helped. It doesn’t have to
be every day, but switching up your surroundings can have
a huge effect on your creativity and productivity.

First Kaizen step: designate one day a week to working in a

different place to where you usually work.

Remove reasons for procrastination. There are now lots

of free programmes you can download that will restrict
social media and/or access to the internet altogether for a
set amount of time. I am the sort of person who can
accidentally fall down a social media ‘hole’ for hours
without realizing it, so I find that proactively restricting my
access to the internet really helps my concentration.

Schedule in procrastination time. If you like to scroll

through the news or Instagram for an hour first thing, then
accept that this is the case and schedule it into your plan
for the day. It will remove the associations of guilt and mean
that you then have time to concentrate afterwards.

Accept that you will have off days. If you have a day

where you feel creatively blocked or too tired and
overwhelmed by what you have to do, this doesn’t matter so
much in an office where you are getting paid a regular
salary. But if you are working for yourself and having to
organize your own time then it can make you feel SO guilty.
Be gentle on yourself. If you are able to close your laptop
and give it a rest, then do so and start again the next day.

Cultivate a support network. Working by yourself can be

a lonely business so it is imperative that you build up a
community of other freelance pals. This can either be in a
co-working space, if you have one, online or formulated
from people you meet networking. If you have a number of
friends who work freelance, then forming a WhatsApp
group in which you can bounce ideas off each other or
moan about companies failing to pay you on time can be
such a source of comfort and sanity.


Making a change when you have been slogging away on the

same career path for ages can be a scary and daunting
prospect. It can seem like too much of a leap into the
unknown when you are in a stable job with a regular
income, even if your job doesn’t feel right for you. Most
people also don’t have the luxury of being able to take a
drop in wages in order to start again at the bottom of
another career ladder. So this is where an incremental
approach to change can be highly beneficial. Having a long-
term goal of changing career and working towards it
gradually can mean that you can test out whether you like
your new chosen career first, perhaps without having to
take much of a financial hit in order to do so, and
consequently it won’t feel quite as scary.

You might not have a clear idea of what your dream career
is, but it could be that you have a vague sense that you are
unhappy in your current role but are not sure what you
really want to change. In this instance, it is best to take a
step back and take stock. Write down a list of positives and
negatives about your current role.
Which parts of the job do you like doing and which
parts do you hate? For example: meeting people, being
proactive, negotiating, putting together a really neat
spreadsheet, working in a team, working alone, producing
events, talking on the phone, travelling, networking,
designing things, etc.

Have a think about your strengths and weaknesses

For example: caring, being good with new people, decision
maker, can make PowerPoints look pretty, struggle with
confrontation, not a team player, attention to detail. . .

What about your current work environment? Do you

like working in an office? Or do you want to work outside
more? Is it too busy or too quiet? Do you come into contact
with enough people or too many people? Do you get to use
your brain enough? Is it stressful?
Once you have a list of likes and dislikes, and strengths and
weaknesses, have a think about which careers might suit
you. Again, friends and family can be very useful in helping
with this or else lots of regions operate careers advisory
services. Start to collate a list of the positives that you have
to offer and any transferable skills that would be useful for
your new career path.

It then isn’t about making giant leaps to change careers but

doing small little things to take you in the right direction.
These things might not seem huge on paper but knowing
that you are working towards a meaningful goal will
motivate you to keep going. Some ideas for small steps you
can take to start to explore a career change include:
Talk to your current work. Is there any useful experience
you can gain from where you are now? Could it be that you
are dissatisfied with your current role and believe that
there is a more suitable role within your organization? Or
are there at certain skills you need for your dream career
that you could learn in your current workplace (the bonus
being that you wouldn’t have to pay for an expensive
training course!)?

Have a conversation with someone who does the role.

Before throwing in the towel with your current job, scope
out your dream role and really contemplate whether you
have what it takes and if it will make you happy. Spending
seven years training to be an architect before realizing that
the job is just as unfulfilling as your last one will be time
badly spent. Ask your friends to see if they know anybody
doing the role you are interested in, or approach people
who do the role on social media. Most people are happy to
give up their time for a coffee or a chat over the phone or
email. Otherwise you could seek out podcasts or online
interviews to find out more.

First Kaizen Step: research your dream job for an hour.

Try out your new career for a day. Shadow somebody for
a day to learn what the nuts and bolts of the job are and see
whether you would enjoy it. It might use up one of your
holiday days from work, but it is worth it in the long run if it
means that you can learn something valuable. If you are
looking to move into the charity sector or something to do
with the arts, are there any organisations that you can
volunteer with to get some invaluable experience?

Look into training. If there are certain skills that your

new career requires then research the training options. It
could be that this is something you can do in the evening or
at weekends, which would mean that you can start working
towards your new career while still being paid the salary
from your existing job. Don’t forget the growing number of
online courses that you can do remotely as well.

Get networking. See if there are any industry events that

you can gatecrash and keep abreast of newsletters and
publications. Say ‘yes’ to invites and try to meet as many
people in the industry as possible. You never know where a
chance meeting might lead.

Get your finances in order. If you will have to take a pay

cut to change careers, then do an honest analysis of
whether you can afford it. Could you ask a friend or family
member to help and make a plan to pay them back? Or can
you cultivate any ‘side hustles’ to keep your finances ticking
over in the interim? Side hustles are ways of bringing in
supplementary income and can be anything from selling
some items on eBay, putting your crafts up on Etsy or
similar sites, tutoring a student for their exams, dog
walking, babysitting or teaching an exercise class. My
friend started running a regular Zumba class in her
neighbourhood and made enough money to quit her job and
relocate to work in a different country.


Changing career can use up a lot of time and energy, so

make sure that you are mindful of the timeline and don’t try
to achieve too much at once. Break down the changes you
have to make or the skills you have to learn into really small
steps, working towards a medium-term goal, so that you
aren’t overwhelmed by the workload or alteration to your

If you are already working, then voluntary organizations or

training courses will usually aim to be as flexible as
possible, and don’t be afraid of asking for more time or
some time off if you need it. If you are finding it tough to
juggle an existing job with your efforts to change career
then take it as easy on yourself as possible, slow down if you
can, and try to keep the reasons why you wanted a change
at the forefront of your mind to keep you motivated. Make
some short-term and medium-term goals to get you to the
long-term goal of getting your dream job. Invite others to
support you and remind you of these reasons too!


Whether you are completing exams at school, off to
university for the first time, taking a break from your career
to study or trying to balance part-time study with work,
studying can be extremely stressful. The ‘lazy student’
stereotype doesn’t account for the late nights, the sheer
brain power and energy you need, the disruption to your
routine and the stress that exams can induce. And in an era
when walking out of your studies straight into your dream
job is far from guaranteed, the pressure to achieve the best
results is even more intense. Recent reports have cited a
sharp increase in first-year university students reporting
mental health problems, and there has been a trebling of
UK students dropping out of university with mental health
conditions in the past ten years.30

Moving to an entirely new city for the first time or trying to

fit lectures and library time around an already-busy job
means that other parts of life might be neglected – sleep,
diet and exercise routine (ironically, the very things that
would probably help to reduce stress levels!). If this is
sounding even vaguely familiar, then introducing a few of
these habits could be hugely beneficial:

Discover how you work best. Different studying

techniques will work for different people. You may have a
friend who likes to write out the entirety of the textbook in
green pen and try to memorize it, while you remember
things best if the information is in a pretty picture. Find out
what works for you and don’t try to mimic other people. It
may be that you like to work in complete silence or that you
remember information better when you are listening to
hardcore metal music. Building your study routine around
the way that you work best will maximize your time and
Manage your time around how you work most
effectively. If you can sit in a library for twelve hours
straight without completely losing your mind, then good for
you! For the rest of us, working in smaller bursts and taking
regular breaks will be far more effective. Think about
whether you work better first thing in the morning or
whether you are more productive in the afternoon, and fit
your routine around that. If you are a morning person, get
up early to study but then give yourself the afternoon off. If
you are trying to fit studying around paid work, make sure
that you allot enough time to your studies and that you
aren’t trying to cram in too much when you are tired.

Take breaks! It can be easy to just plough on. But taking

five minutes out of each hour to get some fresh air or drink
water does wonders for motivation and concentration.

Do a little bit every day. This has been a hard lesson for
me to learn, but taking a small amount out of each day to
study is far better and less stressful than trying to cram it
all in at the very last minute. Think of inventive ways that
you can manage to do a little bit of studying each day,
perhaps even on the bus in the morning.

Prioritize. Be honest about your weaknesses and focus on

those first, not on the easy stuff. For example, if you are
learning a language and hate revising verb endings, then
get this out of the way before practising something that
comes easier to you, like conversation.

Keep track of every reference. Make a note of every

page number or journal reference as you go along, as it is a
total pain in the arse to have to go back through and find
everything again. It might seem tedious at the time, but you
will thank yourself at the end when you have mountains of
footnotes to write.
Study in a stimulating space. Rather than having one
really boring wall that you stare at, try mixing up your study
environment every so often. Having a different background
will stimulate your brain. If you find it useful working with
others, set up a study group with people on your course to
break up the tedium of having to revise by yourself.

Keep your goal in mind. When you are in the midst of

revision or essay-writing hell, it can be easy to forget why
you are doing it in the first place. Writing reminders on
sticky notes in your study space or changing your computer
background to a picture of your goal will remind you why
you are doing it. If you want to become a doctor, then hang
a stethoscope in your eyeline to keep reminding yourself of
what lies ahead.

Keep track of your progress. It can be hard to see any

sort of light at the end of the tunnel when you are in the
middle of essay writing and revision. Try keeping a log of
everything that you do each day – whether it is your word
count for an essay or the various books that you have read –
so that you can look back and appreciate how hard you
have worked.

Plan your day. Rather than looking at the day as an open-

ended amount of time in which you have to cram in as much
as possible, set yourself small achievable goals at the
beginning of each day. It might not be that you achieve
them all every single day, but having some focus to your
time is a far better tactic than trying to just blast all of the
work in a kamikaze fashion.

Reward yourself when it is over. If you can afford it, plan

a short weekend break or treat yourself to something that
you’ve wanted for ages. Knowing that there is a Turkish
massage or a killer pair of boots waiting at the end of it all
will help to keep you motivated.


It can be easy to neglect your mental and physical health

when you are studying. Rather than taking an hour out of
your evening to cook something healthy, you might often
feel like grabbing something on the go and using the extra
time for your work. But busy and stressful periods are
actually the time when your body needs you to look after it
the most. It is imperative to stay healthy – and it will help to
improve your concentration and energy levels too. Double
win! Here are a few very small ways that you can continue
to keep up good habits while you are studying:

Don’t overdo the caffeine! It can be easy to rely heavily

on coffee when you are studying, but too much caffeine will
dehydrate you and cause energy crashes. Invest in a
reusable bottle and set an alarm on your phone to refill it
with water every two hours or so. The break from the books
or screen will do your brain good too.

Keep to a sleep routine. It can be tempting to ‘pull an all-

nighter’ when you have loads of work to do, but can you
realistically do your best work at 3am? Try to keep to as
regular a sleep routine as possible and get at least seven to
eight hours per night.

Stay clear of the junk. A friend at university (who shall

remain nameless) often used to eat kebab meat shaved onto
pizza, with extra cheese on top. Don’t do this. Your body will
appreciate it a lot more if you consume foods that contain
some basic nutrients during stressful periods. Batch-
cooking something healthy at the weekend that you can
then eat during the week will save you money in the long
run and you will feel so much better for it.

First Kaizen step: get all of your course mates together and
plan a super-healthy meal to eat.

Move your body. Spending time on exercise might seem

like the last thing you should do, but stretching your limbs
and moving about does wonders for stress and energy
levels. If you don’t have time to go to an exercise class, try a
short yoga video when you first wake up.

Practise mindfulness and breathing exercises.

Devoting even ten minutes a day to concentrating on your
breath and releasing the tension in your body will have a
huge de-stressing effect.

First Kaizen step: practise the Five-minute lunch-break

meditation exercise on page 133.
The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones –

It almost goes without saying that money is a major source

of anxiety for a lot of people, especially in current times
when wages are stagnating in most places and not growing
in line with inflation or the costs of goods and services.
Even if you are earning a decent wage or are lucky enough
to get help from your family or partner, it can still be a
struggle to budget for everything that you need on a day-to-
day basis. That’s before you even get to saving up for things
in the future – whether that’s a deposit on a flat or house of
your own, a car or going on holiday every so often. I have
touched on ideas for ways to change careers in the previous
chapter and there are some ideas for side hustles on page
153, but in this chapter we are going to concentrate on
spending and saving habits.

Lots of people say that they struggle to change their

spending habits. It’s easy to think every so often ‘oh, well
I’m just not going to spend any money this week,’ but that is
an impossible aim because unless you go and live ‘off grid’
in a hut in the wilderness somewhere, you need to spend
money to be able to survive on a daily basis. There might be
some people who can go ‘cold turkey’ and really deprive
themselves of anything but essential items, but I am
definitely not one of them and nor are most of the people in
my life!
One of the reasons it can be so hard to change our
spending habits is because they are deeply cemented into
our daily routine, and the action of spending money also has
an emotional aspect to it. I am one of those people who goes
shopping – either online or in the real world – when I’m
feeling bored, stressed or unhappy about something. I also
shop when I’m happy and feeling celebratory, and I have a
tendency to go overboard and beyond my means. I have
never got into serious debt but there are lots of ways that I
know I could be better, and I’m trying to transform my
attitude towards money.

If you are in debt and find it impossible to not be in your

overdraft at the end of each month or to save any money
whatsoever, then it can seem like an insurmountable task to
actually make a difference to your situation. This is where
starting very small and not trying to change everything at
once can be very effective. I think it’s useful to see this
section not only as a resource for ways in which you can
alter bad spending habits, but also for ways in which you
can reframe money in a more positive light, as something
you can have control over by creating good saving habits.

As with all of the other sections in this book, the first stage
of the process is going to be about taking a step back,
analysing your current habits and thinking about your
goals. We will then go on to look at ideas for small
alterations you can make in order to change bad spending
habits. Everybody’s situation will be different, but I hope
that there will be at least one small, relevant change that
you can make which will spur you on to make other
changes. The final part will then take a more positive
attitude towards your finances and discuss ideas for ways
you can start to save money. And, obviously, the two
concepts are interlinked: if you change your bad spending
habits then you are more likely to be able to save more


The first thing to do is to stop beating yourself up, whatever

your situation. Life can be shit sometimes and spending
money on treats or ways to make life easier and more
convenient when you’re working hard and are tired is what
everybody does. And you should still do this occasionally!
This section isn’t about depriving yourself of any fun
whatsoever but rather it is about altering your mindset so
that you are more mindful of where your money is going,
what your triggers are for spending, and thinking of ways
that you can transform your habits for the better. It’s not
about stopping spending altogether.

Start by breaking your spending down into essential and

non-essential items. There are some debit-card apps which
do this job for you and categorize everything that you spend
on the card, and there are other apps available where you
can log your spending yourself. But this probably won’t take
into account the money you are spending on rent/mortgage,
bills, insurance and other essential items.

Depending on whether you are a spreadsheet or paper

person, go with what works best for you. You can either go
through the previous month’s spending or track your
spending as it goes along over the next month. If you are
already doing a bullet journal (see page 56), then add a
money-tracking section to your monthly pages or dedicate a
whole separate journal to it. Or, if you prefer to track your
spending electronically, then set up a spreadsheet. In order
to make sure you remember to fill this in, try to tack it on to
one of your other habits. For example, each Friday morning
fill it in when you have your morning coffee. You don’t have
to go into minutiae but it helps to have a record of your bills
and non-essential spending.



Kakeibo (kah-keh-boh) translates as ‘household financial

ledger’ and was a method invented in 1904 by a Japanese
woman called Hani Motoko, notable for being Japan’s first
female journalist. It is essentially a journaling method,
which she invented to help Japanese women at the time
keep on top of their finances, something which she thought
was essential for general happiness. Similar to how a bullet
journal works, the idea is to keep a ledger of everything
that is incoming and outgoing. Motoko emphasized the
importance of physically writing it down as a way to
mindfully process what you have to spend each month. She
encouraged having a ‘check in’ with the ledger every day to
analyse how your spending is progressing, and also taking
stock at the end of each month to help you decide which
goals to concentrate on in the following month.

Once you have this information in front of you, take a step

back and really analyse your spending by category. Think
about essential spending first – the items you need to

⊙ Housing costs – rent or mortgage

⊙ Utilities – gas and/or electric, phone and internet bills,
⊙ Transport – petrol, travelcard, insurance, tax, any repairs
⊙ Student loan or other debt repayment
⊙ Groceries
⊙ Childcare costs
⊙ Pet costs – food, vet bills, insurance, doggy daycare
⊙ Medical costs – prescriptions, essential toiletries

Most of these costs will be unavoidable (unless you give

away your dog or child!), but do have a think if there is a
way that you can reduce any of them:

Change supplier. Most utility companies rely on the fact

that most people are too lazy to change to a competitor, but
it can save lots of money. There are now companies you can
give your utility details to and they do the hard work of
finding you a new, lower-cost contract.

Make your home more energy-efficient. Lots of

governments are now subsidizing various ways to make
homes greener and more efficient. Whether that is adding
solar panels to your roof, adding insulation to attic spaces
or walls, or smaller initiatives like water-saving showers
and LED lightbulbs. Think of a few ways that you could
make your home more efficient and bring down bills,
whether that is turning the heating down a few degrees
and wearing an extra layer or making sure that you don’t
leave your phone charger plugged in all day because you’re
too lazy to unplug it. If you are tracking your bills, you will
quickly see what a big difference these very small changes
will make to your energy consumption – and therefore the

Negotiate a new phone/internet contract. Make sure

you note down when it is a month before your current
contract runs out as this is the time when companies are
desperate to retain you as a customer and you can
negotiate good deals. Research if any competitors are
offering a better deal than the one you are currently on and
ask your current supplier to match it. If they won’t, then
leave. If you like your handset and don’t need an upgrade,
then SIM-only contracts are far cheaper.

Shop smart and mindfully. Everybody would love to have

the time and money to waltz into their local delicatessen
every few days and stock up on delicious artisan produce.
But most people are frazzled after work and walking like
zombies around their local supermarket, desperately trying
to cobble together a meal. Supermarkets are famously
designed to trick us into spending more money; they have
the cheap fruit and veg items near the entrance to
encourage us to spend more later, and they put pricier
products on the right-hand side of the aisles, as this is the
side that we tend to look at first. An easy way to save time
and money is to plan your meals properly, take a shopping
list with you and do one big shop a week. There are also
online tools you can use that store your shopping list, and
then tell you which supermarket will offer you the best
deals that week.

And now it is time to move on to the harder-to-analyse and

more emotional side of your spending: the entertainment
and non-essential items!

First, break down the cultural items, holidays and any

entertainment or activities that you have spent money on
this month, including:

⊙ Books, newspapers, magazines

⊙ Entertainment subscriptions – TV/film/sport/music-
streaming services
⊙ Tickets – sport, theatre, cinema, comedy, art shows, gigs,
⊙ Gym membership, exercise classes
⊙ Holidays or weekends away – accommodation, flights,
trains, spending money
⊙ Birthday parties, weddings, hen/stag dos
⊙ Haircuts and beauty appointments

Have a think about these purchases and the motivation

behind your decision to spend money on them. Questions to
ask yourself might be:

Were they worthwhile?

Did they provide an opportunity for you to have fun with your
Can you afford them? Or did you overspend?
Are there any ways you could have cut costs?

You will probably find that for most of the items on this list
you will have felt a sense of satisfaction from buying them
because they offered you a fun experience with your loved
ones, they were culturally enriching or they helped you to
relax. You should budget some ‘fun money’ into your
spending plan, otherwise you might abandon your spending
goals. The Kaizen approach to spending is about being
mindful of what you are spending and making the right
choices to ensure that you live within your means.

If you do feel like you are spending too much money, have a
think about whether there is any way you can reduce your

Talk to your friends! I have often spent money that I

didn’t have on various hen dos and weddings when I could
have just gone for less time or done it in a cheaper way. If
you are worried about spending money on a big event, then
have a quiet word with your friend and see if there is a way
you can do it more cheaply. They will definitely understand –
and if they don’t then they probably aren’t worth being
friends with!

Change or cancel your entertainment package. Do you

really need subscriptions to two different film-streaming
services and your monthly unlimited-film cinema ticket? Are
you paying for a service that you don’t use?

Think about your usage. If you are paying for a gym

membership or for every individual yoga class, be honest
about whether you are getting value for money. Could you
buy classes in bulk and save money?

DIY! Getting a regular massage or nail appointment can be

a very enjoyable luxury. But if you can’t afford it then have a
think about alternatives: can you get your friend to do your
nails? Or can you wax your legs yourself? It might not be
quite the same as being in a professional salon, but you will
save oodles of money.


Think about the other non-essential items – the things you

probably buy on impulse and might not necessarily need,
such as clothes and shoes, accessories, homeware, flowers
and plants, make-up, meals out, takeaways, coffee, snacks.

Lots of these things might not necessarily be entirely

frivolous purchases. If it’s cold then you need a winter coat,
or if you are feeling really glum then some flowers are a
fairly inexpensive way to cheer yourself up. This isn’t meant
to be encouraging you to cut all joy out of your life, but we
turn to these kinds of things when in need of a quick
‘spending fix’. While you are tracking your spending, try
asking yourself the following questions when considering
purchasing one of these items:

Do I need this? Will it be useful and does it make me feel excited?

Is there an obvious home for it where I live?
Being truly honest with myself, how do I feel about buying it? Happy,
excited, indifferent?
If it’s an item of clothing, or shoes or accessories: can I think of at
least three existing items in my wardrobe with which I could wear
What is my emotional state in general today? Am I stressed,
celebratory, feeling bad about myself, calm?

From analysing your responses to the questions above, you

can start to identify any emotional triggers to your
spending. It’s a good idea to explore if there are any
environmental triggers too. For example, if you made a
purchase, then ask yourself the following questions.

Was I killing time?

Did I buy the item because I read about it or received a marketing
email about it?
Was I intending to spend money on this item before I went to the
shops or opened the link in my browser?

Think about how you feel about having spent the money:

Do I feel happy with my purchase?

Do I regret it?
Was I in a frenzy when I bought it?
Will I find the purchase useful?
Am I focusing on quantity over quality?
And am I spending in the most ethical, sustainable and
environmentally friendly way?

A lot of these purchases will be justified and essential, but

below are ideas for small ways in which you can modify your
behaviour to ensure you spend more mindfully:

Leave the item for twenty-four hours. This highlights

whether you genuinely want or need it. If you are still
thinking about the item the next day and can afford it, then
make the purchase. I promise you will feel a greater sense
of satisfaction about the decision.

Watch out for sales. I always go a bit crazy when I see a

sale sign. But it often means that I end up spending money
on items that I don’t really need or use. For each item that
you have in your basket during a sale, ask yourself whether
you would buy it if it were full price.
Check your bank balance regularly. I used to be one of
those people who would cross their fingers that a purchase
would go through when it got to the last week of the month.
I never had any idea how much money I had and buried my
head in the sand until I could brave looking at my balance
once I got paid. Checking your balance helps to lower your
anxiety levels because you feel more in control and it really
brings into focus how much money you have to spend.
I make a habit of checking my banking app when I first get
to my desk in the morning. It’s a scary habit to try at first
but does wonders for worry levels.

Spend in cash. Physically handing over cash rather than

just mindlessly tapping your card makes you more
conscious of what you are spending, and you will find it
easier to budget.

First Kaizen step: try taking out a set amount of cash to use
for the week and only spending what you have. Notice if it feels
different to spend in this way.

Put reminders in your wallet. My friend attached a

sticker to her credit card which bluntly said, ‘DO YOU
NEED THIS? REALLY?!’ and it meant that she always had a
prompt whenever she was about to spend money. Anything
which encourages you to pause and take a breath before
making a purchase is going to be beneficial.

First Kaizen step: attach a note to your wallet for a week and
see if it breaks the automaticity of reaching for your card and
buying something.

Change the environments that cause you to spend. If

you notice that you often spend money after clicking on
emails from different brands or seeing pictures of
influencers wearing a brand on Instagram, then unfollow or
unsubscribe. Or if you buy clothes or make-up when you
have time to kill, try using this time to do another activity
instead, such as having a walk in the park.

Be thrifty. Are you an avid reader who doesn’t belong to a

library? Do you mend your clothes when they have holes in
them or leave them at the back of your wardrobe? Do you
sew buttons back on? Do you freeze food, such as bread,
herbs and veggies that you won’t have a chance to eat
before their sell-by date?

Keep reminders of payment deadlines. I have a friend

who has had her car impounded three (three!) times
because she forgot to renew her car tax. Don’t be like her.
If you are using a journal, then make sure to write down
payment deadlines for your credit card, your bills and
annoying yearly payments that are easy to forget (like car

Everybody will occasionally want to treat themselves. This is

fine and to be encouraged! This exercise is more about
cutting out those purchases that might give you a
temporary boost but that you either forget about five
minutes later or don’t use. It’s about encouraging you to
pause and take a breath before making a decision to spend
money on something that you don’t need. Nobody is perfect
and you probably won’t remember to do this every time, but
even being slightly more mindful of the way that you are
spending your money will make a huge difference – and
hopefully the small changes and savings you make will start
to have a cumulative effect on your bank balance and help
you to save money for a rainy day.


The acts of mindfully spending and saving are very much
interlinked, as you will find that the more you spend wisely,
the more money you have left over to save. But there are
also proactive ideas to save more:

Have a separate savings account. It sounds hugely

obvious but if the money is in your current account then you
will feel more inclined to spend it. Open a savings account
and transfer an amount into it at the beginning of the
month so that you know that you can’t touch it. Or if you
have money left before payday – however small an amount –
transfer it over to the savings account. Savings accounts
pay interest, too, so your efforts to open another account
will pay off.

Use savings apps. There are now several mobile apps that
will do the saving for you automatically. They analyse the
amount you are spending each week, then transfer over a
balance that it thinks you can afford to a savings account, or
it will round up whatever you are spending to the nearest
pound/euro/dollar then transfer over the rest. You barely
notice that you are saving because the amounts are so
small, but they soon build up and you can usually transfer
the money back right away if you need to.

Have a coin jar. This may sound a bit old-school, but most
people will have some loose change hanging around their
house. If you keep it to one side and save it up you can then
take it along to the bank to be paid directly into your
account. Lots of supermarkets also have machines that will
count it for you and pay you the amount in larger
denominations for the price of a small commission.

First Kaizen step: get into the habit of emptying all of the
coins in your purse or wallet into a jar at the end of the week
and watch it build up.
Have reminders of what you are saving for. It is good to
remind yourself of whatever goal it is that you are saving
towards to keep up your motivation. Why not have a picture
of the holiday destination you want to go to as your
computer background?

Let a friend or partner hold you accountable for your

spending and saving. If you involve another person in
your spending and saving goals, then you are far more
likely to want to stick to them. Being transparent with
somebody else encourages you to be transparent with
If dust piles up it becomes a mountain – Japanese proverb

The main thing that I have taken away from living in and
visiting Japanese homes is the close attention paid to how
space is used. Because it is limited, especially in cities,
every inch of the room is used, and many rooms serve as
multi-functional spaces.

I stayed in a house in Hiroshima that had just one room for

a living and sleeping space, with a futon bed kept in a
nearby cupboard to roll out at night to sleep on. Although
Japan is the size of California, it has a population of 89.2
million compared to California’s 37.3 million, and around 73
per cent of its land is mountainous. This means that most of
the population inhabits the remaining 27 per cent of space,
and as such, urban areas are very densely populated, with
people living in very close proximity to each other. The
result of this is that people are used to living in smaller
spaces and they work hard to ensure that the space is
utilized to its full effect. Functionality and simple
minimalism are key components of Japanese design – and
ones which have been successfully exported to the West,
with Japanese shops like Muji and Uniqlo popularizing a
very simple and practical aesthetic.

The geological make-up of Japan has also affected the

design of houses themselves and the materials used to build
them. Because of its location and its mountainous terrain,
Japan is prone to natural disasters, such as earthquakes,
typhoons and tsunamis. This has meant that, traditionally,
Japanese homes have been made from natural materials
like wood, clay and concrete; materials which are easy to
replace and rebuild if the house has to be reconstructed
after a natural disaster. It was also very hard to transport
heavier materials before the modern road system, hence
the preference for lighter materials such as wood.
Unlike in the West, where homes tend to be built from stone
or brick and can last for hundreds of years, traditionally,
Japanese homes tend to have a shorter lifespan and there is
less of a focus on permanence. Even nowadays, when the
design of Japanese homes has developed and modern
houses are built to withstand earthquakes and extreme
weather, the average lifespan of a house is still between
twenty and thirty years, and unlike the West,31 the value of
homes depreciate over time, with houses typically
demolished if the occupant moves on or dies, and a new
house built in its place.

The focus on natural materials and functionality is still

prevalent in Japanese homes today, with many modern
homes continuing to use some of the traditional methods of
design and style of furniture. Rooms in the traditional
Japanese style always contain tatami mats, which are
yellow-green mats made from rice straw and soft rush that
have been plaited, pressed and edged with fabric. Tatami
mats are used in multiples to cover the whole floor of a
room. They also serve as a unit of measurement – for
example, cha no yu, the Japanese tea ceremony, would take
place in a space the size of two tatami mats. The rooms are
then divided by fusuma, vertical paper-covered rectangular
panels, which can be moved to reshape the room to
whatever purpose it is needed for. Historically, these would
be painted with scenes from nature, whether that is
mountains, trees, flowers or animals. As well as fusuma,
rooms are also divided by sh ji, similar-sized panels covered
with translucent paper to allow light to pass through
between rooms. Traditionally, the outside walls of houses
would also be made up of these moveable panels so that
there was less of a delineation between the outside garden
and the interior. To this day, many Japanese homes still use
tatami mats as their floor coverings and use panels to help
to delineate the space.
This sense of transience and portability is also reflected in
the furnishings and appliances in the house. Furniture is
often designed to be stacked or be easily moved around.
Rather than having a permanent sofa, there might be floor
cushions or chairs which can be moved to suit whatever
purpose. Traditionally, Japanese people slept on futons on
the floor, which could be rolled up during the day to create
more space, and this is the way that some people still
choose to sleep. Kitchen equipment and appliances are
often cleverly designed so that they can be stacked or
stored easily – the most famous export being the bento style
of lunchbox.


So how does this all relate to Kaizen and your habits? Well,
spending time in a country that offers alternative designs
for homes and a different emphasis on what their function
should be and their permanence – or lack of – has made me
interrogate what I want from my living space. I am keen to
improve my tidying habits and to create a relaxing living
space that works for me. In Japan, I only had a couple of
suitcases of possessions (my friends doubted that I would
survive with so little when I left England!) and it showed me
how you can totally get by with the bare minimum of items.
Before I went away, I used to fill every surface that I had
with items of make-up or jewellery, and my wardrobe was
often bulging with clothes that I didn’t actually wear. Being
more restricted made me vow to embrace minimalism and
donate items that I don’t need.

If you are tired from work or feeling overwhelmed and

mentally drained by the outside world, then dedicating time
to improving your living space can seem like a chore.
Newspapers, magazine articles, television programmes and
lifestyle bloggers often peddle expensive and aspirational
improvements or furnishings for your home, which can
make having a comfortable living space feel out of reach.
And this is before we even consider the stresses that we
have little control over, such as inconsiderate housemates
or children who leave their toys everywhere! It can feel like
an uphill battle to keep everything in order before you even
stop to think if it is a pleasant and welcoming space.

I always felt that tidying was a hugely time-consuming and

boring task that I was never able to get on top of. But living
in such small spaces in Japan transformed my attitude to
tidying and made me want to change my habits. I have
really noticed the difference it has made to my anxiety
levels and sleep quality as well; the messiness of my living
space always correlates to my state of mind and tidying it
helps me to feel better.

For fellow tidying-phobes and anybody who wants to

change their living space, making a small effort each day to
improve your environment can make a huge cumulative
difference. Rather than feeling like you have to tackle
everything all at once, breaking it down into very small
chunks makes it all seem far more manageable.


Before doing anything at all, take some time to step back

and really look at how you are using your living space. If
you live with other people, whether that is family or
housemates, choose just one room in the house (ideally the
one that you spend the most time in or your favourite room)
and analyse how you feel about the room.

Is there clutter?
Does everything have a home?
Do you have enough storage?
Do you need everything?
How does the room make you feel? Calm/happy/stressed/anxious?
Is it clean?
Does anything need fixing?
Do you like the furnishings?
Make a list of things that could be
improved/cleaned/fixed/tidied and next to each item, write
a small thing you can do towards making that improvement.
And then note how it will make you feel to make that


I haven’t hung up my clothes for ages and I have a

‘floor-drobe’ instead of a wardrobe.
⊙ Sort out the pile into clean and dirty clothes and collate
the clean clothes by type of clothing.
⊙ It would give me more floor space and I would feel less

Two of the lightbulbs have gone in the bathroom and I

haven’t changed them because I can’t reach the
⊙ Buy some lightbulbs and ask a friend to fix them.
⊙ I will have a lovely, light bathroom that will feel more

Depending on how much time you have, make a

commitment to implementing one of these changes either
every day for a week, or one on each day of the weekend if
you are busy during the week. They should be small things
that take no more than ten minutes of your time. Lots of
other ideas for tidying methods and ways to improve your
space are in the next section.

Your home should be a sanctuary from the outside world,

not another source of stress! Focus your attention on
improving just one room and see the effect it has on your
mental state and how you feel about your home. It may spur
you on to want to tackle more rooms in the house. And if
you live with others, don’t take all of the burden on
yourself; involve your partner, your children and your
friends. A stress-free home will benefit them as much as


Japanese tidying techniques have been popularized

recently by Marie Kondo’s KonMari method, which has also
inspired many other books, online videos and magazine
articles devoted to tidying. Tidying is having a moment. But
in Japan, tidying and cleaning techniques are instilled in
people from a young age. Schools have a practice called
gakko soji (school cleansing), which encourages pupils to
take responsibility for keeping classrooms tidy. Every day,
often after lunchtime, students tidy and clean the classroom
for twenty minutes before getting back to their studies,
often to fun music played over the tannoy system. The
extent to which students clean varies between schools and
different age groups, but the root of the practice comes
from Shinto teachings, where monks devote time to
cleaning the temple each day and at the end of the year
practise susu-harai (house cleaning), which is like a huge
spring clean.
Hardly anybody will have the time or energy to commit to a
big clean-up every day, but using Kaizen methods to slowly
make changes to your environment will encourage you to
persevere with creating a calming and functional living
space. Even something as small as making sure that you
hang up your clothes in the wardrobe before going to bed
means that you wake up feeling more relaxed.

Take stock of what you own, what matters to you and what
you regularly use. The idea isn’t to throw away absolutely
all of your possessions and live like a Buddhist monk (unless
you wish to). The aim is to have a designated space for
everything rather than having random drawers or
cupboards overloaded with stuff that you’re keeping ‘for a
rainy day’ but will never actually use.

Do an honest analysis of the clothes in your drawers

and wardrobe. Do you wear everything? Are you are
keeping hold of items in the hope that you might ‘one day fit
into them’? Having everything in one visible pile highlights
how much you have, what you like, and the items that are
surplus to requirements.

First Kaizen step: choose a wardrobe or chest of drawers and

take everything out to create a pile.

Sort out the pile. For wardrobe items, rehang everything

that you regularly wear, with the heaviest items (coats and
jackets) on the left and the lighter items to the right (longer
items such as dresses, followed by trousers, then skirts,
then tops). Repeat this for drawer items that you regularly
use, such as t-shirts and jumpers, then put everything that
you haven’t worn in the last year in a pile. If they have tags
on, be honest with yourself about whether you need or like
the item. For the remaining items, do the same thing. If
they are clothes that you don’t wear often but want to keep
because of an emotional attachment, can you find another
place to store them, such as under your bed?

Sort out your underwear! Have your knickers or boxers

lost their elastic? Are your tights bobbly? Do your socks
have holes in them? Do you own bras that don’t fit you?
Chuck them if they are unusable or send to charity/recycle
if they still have wear.

First Kaizen step: sort through your sock drawer and throw
out any socks that aren’t in a pair.

Assess what shoes you have. Do you have any shoes

which are slightly too big but that you spent a lot of money
on and can’t bear to part with? Be honest with yourself
about which shoes you actually wear and will wear in the
future. Recycle any you don’t wear regularly.

Mend holes, broken zips and rips. If you have several

items that you never wear because they have imperfections,
either recycle these items or mend them. If you are lacking
in sewing skills, then ask a family member to help or take
them to a local tailor who will mend items cheaply.

First Kaizen step: set a target of sewing a button back onto

an item of clothing by the end of the week.

Sort out your accessories. Do you have mountains of

scarves, endless tote bags, hairbands or sunglasses that
don’t suit you but that you can’t bear to part with? Lay out
all of your accessories on the floor and be honest about
what you like and actually use. Then make sure that all of
the items that you want to keep have a home –
supermarkets and home shops often sell cheap wicker
baskets which are perfect for keeping them all in one place.

Recycle, recycle, recycle! Once you have decided which

items to chuck, try to get rid of them quickly so that you’re
not tempted to reintroduce them. Sort the pile into:

⊙ Items you can potentially sell on eBay, or on other

clothes-selling sites
⊙ Items you can sell at a car boot sale or flea market
⊙ Items you want to donate to charity
⊙ Items you can give to friends or family. Arranging a
clothes-swap session once or twice a year can be a really
fun way to get rid of your stuff and gain some new items
for your wardrobe. One person’s trash is another
person’s treasure, after all.

The Japanese use the term tsundoku to describe acquiring

books and reading materials which then remain unread.
Having a job which means that I often get given books for
free means that I am particularly guilty of this one! If you
have lots of space in your house and are cultivating a
library, then of course don’t get rid of your books. But if you
feel like you are sometimes overwhelmed by reading
material, then having a clear-out can be cathartic.

Be realistic. Are you holding on to books you will probably

never read but which look good in your bookcase? Have a
think about whether you want your book collection to be
representative of what you actually like to read or if it is
there to make you look intellectual. (It’s fine if it is the latter
but remember that it is restricting space for books you
actually want to read.)

Give yourself permission to keep favourite books. Do

you have a book given to you by a grandparent who is no
longer with us or signed by a favourite author? Then, of
course, hold on to it. But alter your mindset so that you give
yourself permission to have it rather than feeling guilty
about the space it takes up.

Throw away old magazines and newspaper

supplements. I am guilty of having a ‘to be read’ pile next
to my bed. There are only so many hours in the day to get
through everything. Will you ever actually get around to
reading through the pile? Recycle, recycle, recycle.

Sort through your music and film collections.

Approach these as you did your books. Keep anything of
sentimental value and anything which you regularly use,
but be realistic about whether you have the space for items
that you never listen to or watch.

Sell, sell, sell! The great thing about books and music is
that they often have resale value. There are now online
companies that will take a job lot of items and give you a
price for them (often calculated by scanning the barcodes
with your phone). I did this with my books before I went to
Japan and made over £100.


Are you guilty of shoving paperwork in a drawer or box and

forgetting about it? Sorting it out can transform how tidy
your space feels – and how tidy your mind feels.
First, separate out the important stuff. I don’t advocate
becoming completely paperless. Separate out anything
important, such as legal documents, passport, driver’s
licence, marriage/birth certificates, etc. I bought a pretty
box to store these in, but any old shoebox or file will do.

Sort out everything else. Do you really need your old gas
bill from 2009? Take all of your other paperwork and sort it
into date order. You rarely need to keep copies of any bills
older than six months, and most can be downloaded now
anyway. Similarly, do you really need the instruction manual
for your phone or your oven? Nearly every manual can be
found online these days too, and all of the information can
be searched. Throw away or shred.

First Kaizen step: each month, set a reminder and spend five
minutes sorting out the bills and paperwork at the older end of
the date spectrum.


This is anything from batteries, skincare, make-up,

electronic equipment (such as random chargers),
stationery, travel shampoo and a sewing kit to household
items like sticky tape, wrapping paper, string, screwdrivers
and cleaning products. Most of these will be things either
that you take pleasure from or that are useful. But there
are probably also lots which are surplus to requirements.

First Kaizen step: choose one drawer of miscellaneous stuff

and sort through it.

Recycle old batteries and electrical equipment. Check

if batteries actually work and recycle them if not. And do
you know what every single wire or charger does in your
drawer? If not, chuck it! Are you really going to mend that
broken pair of hair straighteners? Be honest with yourself.

Do an inventory of your toiletries and make-up. Do you

have an expensive make-up that doesn’t suit you or half-
used moisturizers that make you break out? If the product
is new, then there are several charities that will accept
make-up and toiletries. Otherwise, do you have a friend or
family member who might use it more?
Sort through stationery, art supplies and wrapping
paper. Does everything still work and do you use it? Does it
all have a home? Find one if not. Lots of schools, churches
and local nurseries will accept donations of art equipment.

Do you need all of your travel accessories? Are you

holding on to some ear plugs that you got free on a flight in
case you might ever need them? Or half-filled miniature
shampoo bottles? If you are honestly ever going to use them
then find a home for them, otherwise get rid.

Be honest with yourself about sports equipment! Are

you holding on to an old exercise bike because you plan to
one day use it again? Do you have a yoga mat covered in
dust? Do you have a pair of arm weights under your bed
that you have never actually used? If you want to keep the
items, then set yourself a monthly target to use them – and
if you don’t, sell or recycle them. They will just sit there
making you feel guilty otherwise.

Items with sentimental value can often be the toughest to
sort through. These can be anything from photos,
ornaments and trinkets to jewellery that you have inherited,
crockery, clothes, holiday souvenirs, old children’s books or
toys and pieces of furniture. The point isn’t to get rid of
everything that you feel attached to, but to decide,
rationally, if you really need or want them. The following
prompts can help:

Do you use it? If so, great!

If not, do you get pleasure from owning the item?

Everything you own should make you feel good. If an item is
making you feel upset or guilty then give yourself
permission to get rid of it.

Does it have a clear place that it lives in your home? If

it doesn’t have a natural place, is it surplus to

If you want to keep it, is there a better way to store

it? For example: vacuum-packed, in a cool dry place like the
loft? Or can you give it to a friend or family member for

Are you hanging on to stuff from family members

because you feel like you have to? Remember that you
can ditch the clutter without ditching the memories of that
Can you digitize the memory instead? Rather than
keeping boxes and boxes of old photos which you rarely
look at, can you digitize them? (Lots of photo shops will do
this for you.) Rather than hold on to a printed copy of your
dissertation thesis, can you scan it?

Acknowledge your attachment to items. Are you

holding on to all of your child’s old toys because you can’t
bear the thought of him growing up? Or the clothing of a
relative that doesn’t fit you, but which reminds you of a
person who you loved? Can you keep one or two special
items and part with the rest? Donating to another loving
home means you are passing the memory to a positive

Be gentle with yourself. Clearing out sentimental items

isn’t about removing the memory of that person or time; it
is about giving yourself permission to move on and create
room for new memories in your life.

Think about small differences you can make to improve the

rooms that you live in. One tip that a friend gave to me is to
always treat your home as if a loved one is about to visit for
the first time. Think of how nice you’d want to make it for
them (possibly by having a panicked tidy and a quick
change of bedding!) and try to channel that all of the time.
You want your home to reflect your personality, and for it to
be a haven from the outside world.

We’d all love an unlimited budget and an interior designer

who could come up with a ‘vision’ for our homes. But most
of us have to make do with cheap flea-market finds and
Sweden’s popular budget home store. The media constantly
bombards us with pictures of expensive furnishings, but try
these small changes that make a huge difference.

Think about lighting and air. Japanese temples are

traditionally designed to bring in as much air and light as
possible. Getting fresh air into your rooms will make you
feel far more energized than breathing in stale, old air.
Rather than a big overhead light, invest in lamps and
candles to make the space feel cosier and warmer.

Bring the outside inside. In the same way that traditional

Japanese homes have moveable walls on the outside to
reduce the feeling of divide between interior and garden,
think of ways you can introduce the outside into your home.
Can you think of ways that you can make your home more
seasonal? Research plants that are in season.

Improve your storage solutions. Cheap and attractive

boxes and baskets can be found really easily these days and
are so useful for keeping all of your small miscellaneous
items, such as make-up and chargers, in one place.

First Kaizen step: create some pretty storage by covering old

shoe boxes in offcuts of wallpaper or wrapping paper; a really
inexpensive way to make your storage look attractive.

Personalize your space. Decorating your home with

memories of your life is the easiest and cheapest way to
bring your personality into the space and make you feel
more at home. Invest in some picture frames and frame
your photos and any prints or posters that you own. Lots of
charity shops or flea markets have picture frames you can
buy for next-to-nothing. Corkboards are also an excellent
way to pin up postcards, photos and other mementos that
mean something to you.
Introduce some colour. Painting a wall a different colour
can have a transformative effect and it doesn’t have to cost
very much at all. If you have a landlord who won’t let you
decorate, then invest in some colourful cushion covers,
curtains or patterned rugs. Make sure that you keep an eye
on eBay, Gumtree, Facebook, Freecycle and other local sites
where you can pick up furnishings for free or at very low
cost – which has the added bonus of being more
environmentally friendly.

Surround yourself with nice smells. Opening your

windows regularly and keeping your home clean –
especially the carpets and soft furnishings – should
eliminate any nasty smells, but introducing good smells into
your house can also promote relaxation and make the space
feel more pleasant. Use scented candles, buy a reed or oil
diffuser, burn incense or buy fresh flowers. Boiling citrus
fruit and fresh herbs in water on your stove works as a
great natural potpourri, and adding lime or lemon juice to
(cold) light bulbs creates a fresh scent when the light is
switched on.

The idea is to introduce good habits and small changes so

your home feels more like a haven and a place that you
want to relax in at the end of the day. It’s about assessing
your space and then thinking of some small (and cheap!)
ways in which you could make it work better for you.
Friends are known first in hardships – Japanese proverb

Your relationships – whether with a partner, a family

member, a friend, a colleague or with yourself – will evolve
over time and ebb and flow. A university friendship might
look very different when you are in your late thirties and
have stressful careers or families of your own. Similarly, a
couple who have retired together will discover that their
relationship suddenly looks entirely different from how it
was when they were both working and not under each
other’s feet all of the time. Your relationship with your
sibling might transform when one of you moves to another
town. The way that you feel about yourself as a teenager
will be different from your relationship with yourself as an
adult. As such, it is important to keep attuned to how you
feel about the various relationships in your life. If you are
mindful of your relationships and their impact on you, then
you are more likely to recognize those relationships that
enhance your life and those that are a potentially negative


Humans have always formed bonds with others, and it goes

beyond having a cavewoman pal to help collect berries with
or a farming mate in the next field with whom you could
exchange rice. A feeling of social connectedness and
belonging has been consistently linked to happiness.32
Good relationships and the support they offer have been
shown to reduce our stress levels and promote longer life.33
You can have the most successful career, infinite amounts of
money and good health, but you will still be unhappy if you
don’t have fulfilling personal relationships. Hundreds of
studies have shown the correlation between having good
relationships and personal happiness, and psychologists
emphasize the quality of your relationships over the
quantity of them. It is far better to have a few very
meaningful relationships than lots of unsatisfactory ones.
In this day and age, when we are being pulled in so many
different directions, the pressure to keep in contact with
people – not only in real life but online too – can feel too
much at times. It is much easier to stay connected with
people, but it also means that there are more people we
feel the need to stay connected with. We are expected to
quickly respond to every call and message, whether that is
a random person on social media or the childminder asking
why you dropped off your child wearing a tutu again
(answer: she wouldn’t wear anything else without
screaming and you wanted to make your life easier!). As
such, it can be easy to devote your energy to those who
demand attention first rather than to those whom you
would prefer to give your attention.

As with all things Kaizen, the first step is to take stock and
ask yourself some probing questions about your
relationships. Take a piece of paper and divide it into
sections, such as family, romantic relationships, friendships,
colleagues, etc. For each section, write down the most
important people in each category. Rather than feeling like
you have to tackle absolutely every relationship in your life
at once, initially choose just one or two people who you
would like to focus on. This could be because they are the
most important person to you, or a person you feel you are
drifting away from, or somebody who is going through a
tough time. Keep the following questions in the forefront of
your mind.

What are the main emotions that the thought of this person
evokes? (Happiness, sadness, anxiety, joyfulness,
competitiveness, equality, hate, love, hilarity, draining,
boosting, burdensome, trusting. . .)
Does this person make an equal effort with me?

Does this person enrich my life by being in it?

When did we last spend quality time together? Do I feel like

I want to spend more or less time with them?

Do I feel like my best self when I am with this person?

How has our relationship evolved over time and what has
changed (either for the better or worse)?

Do I feel independent enough from this person?

Talk! If you are agonizing over the direction that a
relationship is taking, it may be that a friend or partner has
no idea that you are feeling a little neglected by them or
you are sad that you have drifted apart. Or it may be that
they have been feeling the same and haven’t known how to
broach it. Being brave and letting them know how you feel
can be transformative. If you feel incapable of doing this
face to face, then a wisely worded text or email can do
wonders. Conversely, if they react badly or don’t seem to
care for your feelings, then it is a clear sign that you should
extricate yourself from the relationship.
Practise gratitude. Keeping a gratitude journal or diary
can remind you to take stock and appreciate those around
you. At the end of each day, write down the name of a
person who has made you happy and why. Look back on this
regularly and appreciate the relationships that you have.

First Kaizen step: keep a gratitude journal for a week and

each day write about a person who made your day better.

Let your loved ones know how important they are to

you. It is easy to assume that people know how much they
mean to you, but that isn’t always the case.

First Kaizen step: try choosing one person each week to send
a note to – whether that is via text, postcard or email – and tell
them why they make you happy, give them a compliment, or tell
them that you are thinking of them.

Think of one small act you can do. If your partner is

stressed about work, can you make them breakfast in bed?
Or if your colleague is upset about something, can you buy
them some chocolate from the work vending machine? If
your friend is having a hard time, can you go over with a
takeaway? Try to do one small act per week and notice how
your relationships change.

Celebrate your independence. Try thinking of one

activity you can do per week that is just for you and not
dependent on anybody else. If you usually go to the cinema
with your partner but don’t always agree on what to see,
then plan a solo trip to see something that you can enjoy
without worrying about whether they are hating it or not. It
may feel like a contradiction to advocate independence
when we’re talking about relationships, but having space
from others, and especially from your partner, is important
for cultivating a relationship with yourself.
Find your tribe. If you are feeling isolated or like you have
drifted from some of your friends, then make an effort to
find people who have similar interests to you. You could
seek out new people locally or online (one of the actual
benefits of social media!). And try not to feel guilty about
those who you leave behind. Remember that some friends
will suit you at a certain time of your life but that you might
not have as much in common with them as you get older
and your circumstances change. There may be people who
fitted your lifestyle when you wanted to go out clubbing
every weeknight but who you struggle to talk to now that
you don’t want to do that any more. Or people who you
bonded with over having children at a similar age, but with
whom you now share little common ground. Try to accept
that this is a natural part of getting older and move on. It is
worth spending energy on those who bring you happiness;
remember the old adage of quality over quantity!

Reach out to your community. Feeling connected with

those around us shouldn’t just be limited to your immediate
friends and family. Try doing one act a week that will benefit
somebody who you don’t know. If you have time, then it
could be volunteering with a local charity or helping out at
a community centre. Or it can be just small one-off
gestures, such as buying a coffee for a homeless person and
having a chat to them or giving directions to somebody in
the street who looks completely lost. You never know what
good might happen from these small interactions and
putting a bit of kindness back into the world is no bad thing
for us all.

There can be some relationships in your life which are

unhealthy and can affect you deeply. If there are any people
on your relationship inventory who cause you to feel a
negative feeling, have a think about why that could be. It
may be that the person is going through a difficult time and
you don’t know the whole story; it could be that they are
struggling at work, with their health, or generally feeling
bad about themselves and projecting that onto you. They
could feel competitive with you or envious of you and are
going about it in entirely the wrong way. If the person is
important to you, then it is good to address the tension in
your relationship before it’s too late.
Rather than accosting the person and dealing with the
problem in a hot-headed and impulsive manner, it is much
better to take a Kaizen approach. Step back and think
about where your relationship has gone wrong. Ask yourself
the following questions:

Do you know a clear reason or reasons why your relationship has


If so, is there something that you could have done differently? (Try to
be as objective as possible here!)

If you’re not sure what has gone wrong, what is the best way to find
out? Would that person respond to you asking them directly, either in
person or in writing? Or would it be better to get help from a mutual
friend or relation?
Once you have thought through some of the causes for your
relationship breakdown, think of how best to go about
building bridges. This will very much depend on the nature
of your relationship and what has gone wrong, but
remember to be mindful of the following:

⊙ Patience. You probably won’t be able to fix everything at

once, so keep in mind your Kaizen small steps and take
things slowly. Start out with a coffee or a letter and go
from there.
⊙ Clear communication. Be honest about your feelings
and try to convey them as calmly as possible. Make sure
that you listen to the other person’s point of view too.
⊙ Apologize. If you have something to apologize for, then
do so. Or be ready to accept the other person’s apology if
they are at fault. Try to avoid the classic ‘non-apology’,
such as ‘I’m sorry if you were offended by X.’ Be willing
to move on once you have apologized.
⊙ Remember the good times and plan for the future.
Keep in mind why that person was so special to you in
the first place and why you want to salvage the
relationship. Where can you go together in the future?

If you find that the relationship is impossible to salvage,

then accept that sometimes it is better to let go of things
that are making us miserable. It can be hard to face up to
the decline of a relationship, especially when you have
invested a lot of energy into it, but as relationships develop
as we get older, there might be ones which don’t serve us
any more. This might be a friend who seemed like the best
person in the world at first but who then gradually starts to
make comments which make you feel bad about yourself or
a colleague who starts off seeming friendly but who then
turns on you and makes you feel miserable.
It can be hard to completely cut off contact from some
relationships, especially if they are a family member or if
you have to see that person every day, but be very mindful
of how they make you feel and do try to limit your contact
with them as much as you can. Seek support from others to
help you with this too, such as another colleague who can
change the meeting schedule, or another family member
who can keep you away from your annoying uncle at your
annual family gathering. Focus your energy on people who
boost you and who you come away from feeling positive.

If a person’s behaviour ever extends into being abusive or

harmful towards you, it is important that you cut off contact
with that person altogether if possible. If your partner, a
friend or a family member ever treats you disrespectfully or
causes you harm – whether that is emotional or physical –
then do please seek support to help extricate yourself from
the situation.

One kind word can warm three winter months – Japanese proverb


Western society venerates ‘self-starters’, but it is impossible
to be entirely self-reliant all of the time. Being in Japan and
experiencing their more collectivist culture really brought
home to me the benefits of having a strong support network
around you. Although the value system of the younger
generation in Japan is slowly shifting towards more
individualism, there is still an emphasis on collectivity and
group loyalty, especially with family, friends and colleagues.
You can’t be expected to do all the heavy lifting when it
comes to feeling good about yourself, and it is always
helpful to talk to others to get you through tough times. If
you are feeling in need of some support, adopt a Kaizen
approach and think about how you could build up a better
network around you.

Reach out online to find your tribe. Thankfully, one of

the good things about social media is that it is easy to
access those who have similar interests to you. (Try
searching hashtags on Instagram or finding groups on
Facebook.) If you are finding it hard to meet people who
you connect with in real life, then seeking them out online
can make you feel less isolated. Some people might find it
easier to open up to others online too.
First Kaizen step: find five new social media accounts that
you wish to follow or send a message to somebody who you
already follow and haven’t connected with before.

Think about ways you can reach out to existing

people. As well as trying to reduce your exposure to people
who make you feel negative, try having a think about those
in your life who lift you up and make you feel better about
yourself. Is there a friend or colleague who, whenever you
meet them, you leave brimming with confidence? This
might not always be somebody obvious or even somebody
who you are constantly in touch with, so if this is the case,
think about ways that you could build on the relationship
and try to see them more often. My grandma always told
me that I should fill my time with people who are ‘radiators,
not drains’, and it is advice that I have always tried to
First Kaizen step: if you are feeling particularly low, try
asking one of your friends to send you a daily compliment by
text message. (Or if you suspect that a friend is feeling down,
how about compiling several compliments from those around
him/her and sending them?)

Build some links with your local community. The fact

that we now move accommodation a lot more than previous
generations and often commute long distances to our jobs
means that we feel less of a connection to the place that we
live. This can be especially true if you live in a big city
where the population is larger and more transient. If you
are feeling this sense of disconnection, think of some small
ways you can rebuild your links with your community. Can
you volunteer or find a local class to join? If you have a baby
or small children, are there fellow parents who you can try
to connect with?


Self-love sounds like something a crusty old hippy might

start evangelizing about on a beach in Goa, BUT it is
actually a great way to help combat your inner critic. Self-
love or self-compassion is part of Buddhist teachings, which
encourage showing patience, kindness and a non-
judgemental attitude towards yourself. It is about accepting
that you aren’t always perfect, and acknowledging that
there is always room for growth. As well as opening up to
those around you, here are ideas for some small things to
try to help you pick yourself up when you’re feeling low:

Check in with yourself. If you are feeling particularly

down on yourself, try closing your eyes for five minutes and
doing a body scan. Identify areas of tension and then try
taking a deep breath and breathing into them. Try relaxing
your tongue and jaw, as this is usually an area that holds

Kaizen First step: try the body-scan exercise on page 116.

Practise self-massage. If there are areas of tension in

your body, try gently massaging them to see if you can
release any tight muscles. Most people can’t afford a
professional massage every day, sadly, but you will find that
a lot can be done with a humble tennis ball! There are lots
of online tutorials for how to practise this.

Use mindfulness to help treat your inner critic with

compassion. If you find that you are overwhelmed with
negative thoughts and your inner critic is running away
with itself, take five minutes out to meditate (full guidelines
on how to do so are on page 133). Let the negative
thoughts pass over you and acknowledge that they exist,
but try not to judge yourself. Note how you feel afterwards.

Treat your body like a friend. Rather than feeling like

you are battling against your body, try thinking of it as a
friend who you have to look after and who supports you.
When you think bad thoughts about your body, stop yourself
and question whether you would think something like that
about a friend.

First Kaizen step: allocate one day to combat every bad

thought you have with a positive thought.

Be kind to yourself. Recall a time when a loved one or

colleague has shown you kindness and think about how that
felt. Perhaps write it down. Can you replicate that feeling
when thinking about yourself?
Don’t beat yourself up. If you have messed up at work or
in a personal relationship, remember that everybody makes
mistakes and that it is an experience that you can learn
from. If you need
to apologize to somebody then do so, then try not to
punish yourself further.

Write down reminders of times when you felt good

about yourself. Buy a pack of sticky notes and each
morning write down a memory of when you felt good about
yourself or proud of achieving something, such as ‘The time
when I helped the old man next door with his groceries’ or
‘The time when I looked completely amazing at Suze’s

First Kaizen step: write a positive memory on a sticky note

and attach it to your bedroom mirror to remind yourself of it all

Keep a compliment list or journal. As well as cultivating

memories of when you felt good about yourself, remember
to relish times when others have boosted you, too. If you
receive a compliment from a friend, family member or
colleague, write it down in your journal at the end of the
day, or keep a list in the notes section of your phone. Return
to the list whenever you feel a bit low and see if it
transforms your mood.

Learn to say ‘no’ and set boundaries. Part of practising

self-compassion is not over-stretching yourself by doing
things that you don’t want to do. Do you find that you are
overwhelmed with trying to see everybody and fit
everything in? Try to designate at least one or two nights
per week for vegging out, doing your washing and cooking
something healthy. Having more control over your own
schedule and setting boundaries can feel wondrously

Set yourself a new challenge. If your confidence is low,

learning a new skill or meeting new people can be a
brilliant antidote. There are lots of ideas for how to go
about this in the next chapter. Remember that it isn’t about
being perfect but about having fun and opening yourself up
to new ways of enjoying yourself and/or new groups of
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together –
Vincent Van Gogh

Up to this point, we have very much been concentrating on

ways in which you can amend and improve your existing
habits. The focus has been on interrogating the things that
aren’t working for you and making very small adjustments
to your environment and how you go about your daily life.
But acquiring entirely new habits and taking on exciting
challenges can often be just as difficult to stick to as letting
go of bad habits. You can start off full of inspiration about
how you are going to become a cello
virtuoso/caricaturist/tightrope walker/karate
champion/expert baker (delete as appropriate) in the next
year, but then find that other, seemingly more important,
things get in the way or your motivation wavers. Using
Kaizen techniques to introduce these new hobbies or
challenges into your life at a gradual pace, with minimal
disruption, can mean that you are more likely to keep up
working towards your goal.

Acquiring a new hobby is great because it encourages you

to learn new skills and adopt new habits. And, coming back
to the Kaizen concept of yokoten, as you overcome the
challenges and difficulties in your new hobby, you will build
confidence, which will then build your confidence in other
areas of your life and encourage you to take on more
challenges there too. Not only this, but getting a new hobby
can be a great way to meet people who you have something
in common with or provide some much-needed alone time
away from children/work/housemates. When you are
overwhelmed with the demands of daily life, hobbies can be
a brilliant way to de-stress and refocus your mind. They
stimulate your brain in a different way – a world away from
work where you are answering endless emails, or spending
your evening mindlessly scrolling through social media. It
doesn’t have to cost a fortune and doesn’t involve doing
anything that is detrimental to your health. What’s not to
It may be that you already have a strong passion for
something and a keen idea of what you would like to take
on as a new hobby. Or it could be that you know that you
want to take on a new activity but haven’t got much
inspiration or a clue where to start. As children we are
encouraged to adopt all sorts of hobbies and to challenge
ourselves in new ways, but as an adult it can be hard to
know where to start and how to find the time. In this
section I’m going to provide some inspiration for various
new activities you could try, along with advice on how to go
about introducing these activities gradually into your
routine, using Kaizen techniques, so that you are aware of
what benefits they are bringing to your life and you are
more likely to keep motivated to do them.


Rather than picking one hobby and spending lots of money
on equipment or a whole package of lessons, first try out a
few different things to see what you enjoy doing. Lots of
courses or workshops will let you have a free ‘taster’
session, or ask your friend if you can try out the activity
using their equipment. Trying out several hobbies for size
before committing will make you more likely to pick one
that will genuinely relax you and enhance your life.
Consider the following when choosing a new hobby:

Why do you want to do it in the first place? Consider

the reasons why you want to take up a new hobby. Is it
because you want to get outside more? Or spend more time
away from work? To meet other people in your area? Or
simply to test yourself?

What were your childhood passions? Sometimes the

hobbies that you had as a child are things that you are
genuinely interested in. I used to play the piano and violin
right up until I left school but then let both things fall by the
wayside when I went to university and didn’t have
anywhere to practise. I’m determined to start playing again
soon. Think if you have similar childhood hobbies that you
could pick up again.

First Kaizen step: write down five things that you loved to do
as a child and see if any might be worth picking up again.

Do you have any neglected hobbies? As well looking at

your childhood, are there any hobbies from your near-past
that you could pick up again? Is there a half-written short
story lying in a drawer or a fancy camera stored under your
bed that you bought with the intention of getting into

Get some inspiration! There are lots of ideas in the next

section for small ways in which you can start to explore new
hobbies and there are sources of inspiration all around too.

First Kaizen step: visit a bookshop, an art-supply shop, a

sports shop or music shop, and note what you are most drawn
towards. Do you automatically go to the cookbook section, to
the crochet materials, or are you intrigued by all of the yoga

Can you make it? Think about items that you regularly
buy that you could make instead. Rather than spending lots
of money on a new armchair, can you learn how to
reupholster your existing chair? Can you make your own
candles or knit your friend a scarf for his birthday rather
than buy a new one?

Will this activity relax you? Whatever you choose for

your hobbies, they should enhance your day and not feel
like a drain. Be honest with yourself about what your skills
are and what makes you happy, and you will be more likely
to stick to the new hobby. If you love singing but are
worried about your aptitude, join a choir that accepts all
levels. If you don’t have a natural aptitude for learning new
languages, then taking that expensive Advanced Mandarin
class is probably going to be a waste of money and energy,
but starting a Beginner Mandarin very slowly in a Kaizen
manner will be far less stressful. Similarly, if something
bores you and doesn’t excite you then it isn’t worth
committing time to either. Just because your friend has
become an expert knitter of woodland animals doesn’t
mean you have to too. Your new hobby should be stress-free
and fun, not a boring drain on your time!
Each person is different and will want to pursue their
hobbies for varying reasons, so don’t feel pressured to start
an activity if you won’t genuinely enjoy it. Think about what
you want to get out of starting a new hobby. It might be that
you like solving problems and so want a hobby that
scratches that itch. It might be that you are having a
stressful time of it and want an activity you can get lost in. It
might be that you’ve moved to a new place and want a way
to meet new people. Or it might be that you have a desire to
improve your knowledge of something to stimulate your


One of the main problems I have with trying out something
new or resurrecting an old passion is that I start off full of
enthusiasm which then wanes after a few weeks. I decide
that I’m definitely going to write an award-winning feminist
novel but then stop after a couple of writing sessions, or I
buy a sketchbook so that my hidden artistic talents can
finally rise to the surface and then never use it. I find it
hard to fit new activities into my routine when I’m working,
and often get frustrated that I’m not completely brilliant at
something straight away. If you feel similarly, here are some
tips for how to stick to your new hobby.

Start off very small. Remembering the Kaizen approach

and introducing a new activity into your routine with the
least amount of disruption will mean you are more likely to
stick to it. It can help to peg the activity to something you
already do. Start knitting while you watch the evening news
every day, or use the ten minutes waiting for your morning
coffee to brew to write one hundred words of your novel.
When you get home from work, dedicate ten minutes to
practising the piano before you do anything else.

Commit to spending time on your hobby. Rather than

trying to fit in your new activity when you have a small
break from all of your other commitments, allocate some set
time to your new hobby. Fill out the time in your calendar
and set a reminder so that you definitely don’t plan
anything else in its place.
Start your new activity at a time when you are more
likely to stick to it. If you know that you are going to have
a busy work period, then decide to take up the new hobby
once that is over. Also, think carefully about the time of year
and whether that will affect your motivation for doing
something. For example, you may feel more inclined to take
up indoorsy craft activities if it is cold and miserable
outside, or you may be more likely to stick to your new
birdwatching hobby when it is warm and sunny.

First Kaizen step: write down one hobby that you could start
for each season of the year.

Keep a reminder of why you have taken up the hobby

in the first place. Hopefully, the fact that you have thought
carefully about the hobby or challenge that you want to
take up will mean that your passion will keep you motivated
– at least initially. If you feel your motivation starting to
wane, then it is helpful to have a reminder of why you
wanted to do it in the first place.

First Kaizen step: stick a reminder of why you embarked on

the activity in the first place to your mirror or kitchen fridge to
keep you motivated.

Ask friends and family to help. Involving your friends

and family with your new hobby – whether that’s showing
them the drawings you’ve been doing or playing them the
Bob Dylan song you have learned on the guitar – will help to
positively reinforce your reasons for doing the activity in
the first place. If you are worried that you might lose
motivation, then ask them to keep checking up on you and
hold you to account if you are working towards a particular
Keep a record of how you are progressing and note
the benefits of your new activity. If you are keeping a
journal (see page 55), then dedicate a page of it to your
new activity and write down each day if you have done
something towards it and how it is making you feel.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a few

sessions. Life can sometimes get in the way of the goals
that you have set so don’t be harsh on yourself if your
motivation wanes for a bit. The main thing is that you pick
the activity back up.

BUT: don’t plough on with something for the sake of

it if you aren’t enjoying it. If you really aren’t finding
your chosen new activity fun or relaxing, then it is far better
to channel your energy into searching for a more
stimulating hobby that you might have more chance of
sticking to.

I decided to learn Japanese and then move to Tokyo
because I felt in need of a challenge and that my life could
benefit from a shake-up. And being in Japan spurred me on
to write this book, something that I would never have
thought to do or committed the time to do beforehand. Your
new challenges don’t have to be quite as drastic as mine
though, don’t worry! Getting out of your comfort zone and
testing yourself, whether that is becoming a master of
sudoku puzzles or finally perfecting your illustration skills,
can boost self-esteem, get you out of a rut, and give you
new skills to employ in other areas of your life, such as your
career. For anybody who really doesn’t have any idea of
what activity they would like to take up, here are some
ideas for things you can try and small Kaizen-method-
approved challenges to get started.


Commit to a writing challenge. Rather than sitting at
your computer with a blank page in front of you, trying to
magically be blessed with inspiration, try to do a small
writing challenge each day instead. This can be the
springboard for a bigger writing project and will get you in
the habit of putting words down on the page. There are lots
of podcasts and blogs dedicated to writing challenges.

Learn a new word every day. The OED and various other
online services will email you a word and its etymology each
day. Or seek one out yourself by looking in the dictionary.
First Kaizen step: Start keeping a log of all of the new words
that you discover – the more obscure, the better.

Improve your handwriting. If, like me, you feel like your
handwriting has turned into a spidery mess now that you
mostly use a computer to write, try out some calligraphy
activities or take a course. My friend did a course before
her wedding and saved a fortune on invitations and place
cards, as she made her own with her beautiful handwriting.

Start a blog. There are now tonnes of online sites that will
help you to put together a blog page for free. You can
dedicate it to one of your passions or use it for a brain
dump. Try to write an entry every day, even if it is just
something very short. It can be for your personal
consumption or a way to connect with friends or people
who have similar interests. My boyfriend wrote a blog while
we were in Japan and it was a great way of keeping in touch
with people at home, updating them on what we had been
up to, and keeping a catalogue of our many memories.

Start reading more. If you haven’t read a book in ages,

borrow one from the library or ask for a recommendation
from a friend and dedicate a short amount of time each day
to reading it – perhaps on your commute or just before you
go to bed. Do you appreciate having some time away from a
screen and a chance to be absorbed in another world or
another person’s voice? If you are already a regular reader,
can you set yourself a challenge to read a certain number of
books in a year or books only written by authors from
different countries?

First Kaizen step: find a new book and try to read it within a
Improve your general knowledge. It could be that you
want to do better on the pub quiz machine or complete
crosswords faster. Or that you feel like your knowledge of
Manchester United’s 1992 squad is lacking or that you wish
you knew more about the French Revolution. Try choosing
one topic a week to learn about and then read some online
articles, listen to TEDx talks or podcasts, or open a good
old-fashioned book about it. Over the course of the day,
make a note of any other topics you come across that you
would like to know some more about, whether that’s
something you read online, in a newspaper or something
you heard about at work.

First Kaizen step: listen to a TEDx talk or informative podcast

and then tell a friend or partner about what you have learned.
Start learning a language online. Is there a language
that you started learning at school but which you let fall by
the wayside? Or are you planning to visit a new country and
want to know some of the language before you get there? It
is never too late to learn another language, and one of the
great benefits of all the technology that we now have access
to is that it has made it very cheap and accessible to do so.
There are lots of language-learning apps that you can
download onto your phone or online courses that you can
take. If you are unsure which language you would like to
try, testing some out on your language-learning app can be
a great way to see if you get on with it before you commit. I
learned Japanese for six months before my trip to Japan,
and practising the various characters on a flashcard app on
my phone really helped me to learn the three alphabets
more quickly.

First Kaizen step: download a language-learning app and try

it out for thirty minutes.

Or learn a language IRL. If you have tried out a few

different languages for size and decided that you want to
take it to the next level, then why not sign up to a course? I
used to find that my weekly Japanese lesson after work was
a great way to switch my brain to doing something that
wasn’t just answering emails. If you don’t have the means to
fork out for a language course then social media can be a
great way to connect with others who might be wishing to
learn a language – my friend learns French by having
conversational lessons with a French guy she met via
Twitter, and in turn, he learns English from her. All for free!
Having a partner or friend to practise with can keep you
both motivated too.

Educate yourself about a new musical genre. Have you
always wished that you knew more about classical music?
Or the history of rock ’n’ roll? There are infinite online
resources for learning about music, whether that is falling
down a YouTube hole of watching lots of music videos, or
seeking out documentaries. I always feel ashamed that I
don’t know enough about classical music so have started to
listen to classical-music radio stations when I have a task to
complete at work and need music to help me concentrate
and block out the rest of the office.

Learn an instrument. Have you always wanted to master

Joni Mitchell on the guitar to impress your friends at dinner
parties? Or play jazz piano in a smoky low-lit nightclub to a
crowd of glamorous people on dinner dates? Or did you
learn the clarinet at school but desert it as soon as you
started to fancy boys instead?! Taking up an instrument as
an adult can be a really rewarding experience and a great
hobby to help you decompress after a stressful day at work.
You don’t have to commit to expensive lessons and buying a
brand-new instrument from the very start. Buy a cheap
second-hand instrument, try one out in a music shop or
music library or borrow one from a friend to see if you like
it. There are also hundreds of online video tutorials and
courses for you to explore before taking the plunge with
proper lessons. Starting small and inexpensive to see if it is
a hobby that fits with your routine will mean you have more
chance of persevering rather than blowing a load of money
on an expensive instrument, practising for a few days and
then letting it sit under your bed for the rest of eternity.
Improve your singing voice. Whether you are a budding
soprano who has never reached the heights of success that
you deserve, or a tone-deaf karaoke fiend who wants to be
able to do a better rendition of Lady Gaga, there is always
room for improvement. Seek out the hundreds of online
videos about singing technique and practise, practise,


Start making your own clothes and accessories.
Whether you prefer to sew, knit or crochet, learning how to
make your own clothes can be immensely satisfying – and
can save or make you lots of money, too. Start off with a
very small project, such as knitting a scarf for a baby or
sewing together a cushion cover or tote bag, and see how
you go from there. Cheap offcuts of material can often be
found in charity shops, on sale at craft stores or online on
second-hand sites. Patterns can often be found for free or
very cheaply online, or club together with a friend to buy
them and share.
Get into flower arranging. Kado, or the art of flower
arranging, is a very popular activity in Japan, and there are
over 2,000 schools dedicated to teaching the subject. While
flower arrangement in the West consists of symmetrically
arranging flowers in a vase, Japanese Ikebana (literally
‘flowers kept alive’) involves far more complex
arrangements; there are different styles of arrangement
depending on the school and the plants and vase used. The
emphasis is not just on the flowers themselves, but on the
whole arrangement and how all of the various elements
work in harmony with each other. Find a local flower-
arranging course or learn via the plentiful online resources
available. Your local florist will also be a useful source of
information – and will potentially give you some leftover
flowers and extras too.
Brush up on your art history. Would you love to know
some more about Hokusai’s wave paintings? Or Picasso’s
Blue Period? There are now lots of ways to learn about art
that don’t have to involve committing to an expensive art
history degree.

First Kaizen step: pick one artist and look up one of their
paintings every day for a week. Or read something about an art
movement for five minutes each day.

Start drawing and/or painting. Did you enjoy art classes

at school, like me, but haven’t picked up a pencil or
paintbrush since? When you’re younger, sitting down and
drawing or colouring is second nature, however good you
are at it, but as you get older the habit often falls by the
wayside, especially if you feel like you don’t have a talent for
it. Being creative has been shown to increase dopamine
(the pleasure hormone) levels, and art therapy is regularly
used as a way to treat a number of conditions, including
depression and anxiety, as it reduces stress levels and
increases self-esteem, and it also improves memory

First Kaizen step: try spending five minutes of your day

drawing somebody – whether that is your husband or a
stranger – and see how you feel afterwards.

Make cards and presents. Rather than forking out for

expensive birthday cards or thank-you notes, can you be
creative and make them yourself? If you feel like your
painting or drawing skills need work, then can you make a
collage of photos that mean something to your recipient?
I’m sure it will be more treasured than a random shop-
bought card and will be much cheaper too. Similarly, rather
than spending a small fortune on a wedding present that
your friends will forget about, can you make them a print of
a poem or song that means something to them?

Learn to make your favourite takeaway meal from
scratch. If you aren’t a very confident cook or are looking
to save some money, challenge yourself to make your
favourite dish from scratch. Teaching yourself some basic
skills and favourite flavour combinations can revolutionize
your attitude to cooking. There are lots of resources to help,
either online or in cookery books, and you could enlist the
assistance of your partner/friends/family too.
Try out a cookery technique you have never tried
before. If you are already a capable cook, think of a recipe
or cookery technique that you have never made before and
try it out, whether that is making a soufflé that doesn’t
immediately sink or the perfect pad thai.

Broaden your horizons. Seek out a cuisine that you have

never tried before and research the food culture. There are
hundreds of brilliant food documentaries on streaming
services now. If you are lucky enough to live in a big city
with a varied food culture, then try out the new cuisine in
real life, or otherwise try to make a dish at home.

Start a supper or cake club. If you feel like your culinary

talents are ready to be shown to the world, turn your hobby
into something you can share with your friends or
colleagues. My friend has a monthly ‘pie club’ with her
friends where each month a different member of the group
makes a pie and they all meet up to eat it. Not only do they
get to sample a delicious pie each month, but it’s an ideal
excuse to regularly see each other when their schedules
are all so busy. If you are a baker, then a cake club at work
can be the perfect way to bond with new colleagues and
show off your skills. You could even sell your items and
donate the money to a different charity each month.

Get to know the history of the area in which you live.
Do you live in a town or city but have little knowledge of the
local history? Do you know the story behind the old factory
building that has now been turned into luxury flats? Have
you noticed any unusual architecture? When I visit a new
place, I love exploring on foot and finding out about the
history around me, but I rarely do so when I’m home and in
the places where I spend most of my time. Local libraries
can be a great source of information on the history of your
area, or see if there are any walking tours available. And if
you are in a city with lots of tall buildings, remember to look
up – you often see a whole other side to a place above

Get out further afield. Is there a part of your city or a

town nearby which you have never visited even though you
have always meant to?

First Kaizen step: if you have a bike, then try cycling just a bit
further away from your usual route and exploring a new place.
Or catch local transport to a station or stop which you have
never been to before. You might be pleasantly surprised by
what you find.

Learn about nature. When I was little, I was always

curious about what a leaf/plant/tree/bird I had just spotted
was, but this curiosity disappeared when I was at school
and there was so much more information to cram into my
brain. But I am finding that as I get older, this desire to
know more about nature and the environment is returning.
I live in south London where there are hundreds of
parakeets living in my local park – something you’d never
expect in such a big city (and, amazingly, people still aren’t
absolutely sure how they got here). I find myself constantly
surprised by the variety of nature that manages to survive
in spite of all of the pollution and noise. But I still wish that I
could automatically identify a species of bird or tree or
flower just by looking at it. If you feel the same, how about
challenging yourself to learn about one of these topics?
Aside from the plentiful amount of books on the subject,
there are now some really useful identification apps that
you can download too.
Try out shinrin-yoku, or Japanese forest bathing.
Getting out in nature has been shown to have multiple
benefits for both our mental and physical health. A guide to
the art of Japanese forest bathing can be found on page
252. Not only is it easy to do by yourself or with a
partner/friend but there are now shinrin-yoku groups
starting up around the world, if you are keen to hang out
with fellow forest bathers in your area.
Shinrin- (forest) yoku (bathing) became popular in Japan in
the 1980s as a form of nature therapy for its stressed-out
and overworked citizens, after the government conducted a
series of studies into the benefits of getting out into nature.
The idea was to go and immerse yourself in designated
forest areas in order to rejuvenate your mind. It was a way
to get people outside and encourage healthier lifestyles,
and eventually it became properly introduced as a public
health programme. The Shinto religion in Japan puts much
emphasis on the importance of nature, and the Japanese
have honoured sacred spirits in nature – in mountains,
rocks, rivers and trees – since ancient times. This, coupled
with the abundance of forest areas in the mountainous
archipelago that is Japan, means it is no real surprise that
forest bathing originated there. But the good news is that
you can practise forest bathing in any green space that you
can find; it doesn’t have to involve a lengthy car journey to
find the perfect pine forest. And, despite the name, no
actual bathing in water is required!


A number of studies have shown the health benefits of

shinrin-yoku.35 Spending just two hours immersed in
nature can boost our immunity, lower blood pressure,
balance the nervous and parasympathetic systems, reduce
stress levels and increase cognitive function. It can be
highly beneficial to our mental health and help to combat
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). And the health benefits
of being in nature have been shown to be more pronounced
than a walk for a similar amount of time in a busy city


So where do you start? Here are some tips for how to go

about your first forest bathing experience:

Find a green space. It will ideally be a forest or a wood,

but any sort of large green space will work. You can always
use it as an excuse to try out a new area you have never
explored before.

Be prepared. It won’t be very fun to wander around a

forest if it is dark or wet, so check the weather forecast
beforehand. Take enough food and water, wear appropriate
footwear, and bring a map if there is a chance that you
might get lost.
Turn your phone off. This should be a mindful experience
without distractions, so turn your phone off or put it on to
airplane mode.

Don’t see it as exercise. The emphasis is on fully

immersing yourself in nature and appreciating it, not on
going for a vigorous workout. Start to explore the area
really slowly on foot and take it all in. Take your time and be

Don’t have an end point. Rather than sticking to a set

route with an end point, walk wherever the mood takes you
and be present (although take a map so that you don’t get
hopelessly lost!). The idea is to savour the feeling of being
in nature, not to try to accomplish anything else.

Breathe. If it won’t embarrass you too much(!), find a quiet

spot to close your eyes and just breathe in and out. Pay
attention to your breath and then start to deepen it. Relax
your shoulders and release any tension that you are
carrying. Keep going until you feel that your breath has
regulated itself into a regular slow rhythm.

Be mindful. Take in what you can see around you. Look up

and around. What smells hit you? What sounds can you
hear? Is it hot/cold? Can you feel a breeze? Touch some
nearby leaves or a tree trunk to see what they feel like. If
there is a stream, then dip your hands or feet in the water.
Appreciate the green around you and the absence of
pollution/sirens/angry people.

Take your time and reflect. Spend as much time as you

like wandering around and taking in your surroundings.
Think of how little time you ever spend just being in nature
and free of annoying distractions. If you are finding it hard
to relax and are itching to look at your phone, note that
feeling and reflect on it.

Once you have finished your shinrin-yoku session note how

you feel. Are you more relaxed than when you started? Did
you find it easy or hard to completely switch off? Did you
miss your devices? If you feel invigorated by the experience,
then try doing it again and see if you manage to switch off a
bit more each time. It can be something that you do entirely
alone or you can involve your partner, friends or kids. See if
you can get them to fall in love with nature too!

Beginning is easy, continuing is hard – Japanese proverb

Your experience of Kaizen is unlikely to be a linear one.
Everybody starts off very motivated to try new habits or get
rid of unhealthy ones and then struggles to keep it up when
other priorities get in the way. It can be especially hard to
persevere when life throws a curveball, such as a job loss, a
relationship breakdown, a bereavement or a health scare.
When something shocking or stressful happens, it can be
easy to slip back into the comfort of old behaviours and not
look after yourself properly. Similarly, if your environment
changes in a dramatic way, such as a big house move, a job
change, retirement or the arrival of a new baby, it can make
you crave routine, even if it’s one that isn’t very good for

Kaizen is a lifelong commitment to change, so there may be

times when your motivation wavers or when you fall on
hard times (unless you’re the luckiest person in the world).
Nobody is perfect, and the idea isn’t to achieve complete
perfection. It’s about approaching life as an exciting
journey and opportunity for improvement. Bringing it back
to Toyota’s car production line where this all started, it is
about developing new ideas and practices while also
polishing and refining your existing methods. There will be
inevitable stumbling blocks along the way, but there are
some methods to keep in mind to make sure you continue
with Kaizen.
Plan for setbacks. Before embarking upon a new activity
or planning to give up a bad habit, think about some of the
things that might trip you up along the way. If you are
trying to cut down on your alcohol consumption, then be
mindful of an upcoming holiday with your friends where you
might feel pressured into drinking a lot. Or if you are
planning to run a marathon in spring, think about how the
bad weather in winter might affect your motivation to train.
Being mindful of potential stumbling blocks will help you to
approach them in a different way if they do occur.

Choose the activity to suit the time of year. If it is cold

and dark outside, you will feel far less inclined to finally
start outdoor swimming than if you tried it during warm
weather. Think carefully about when you are most likely to
keep up a new habit, and plan accordingly. Just because
everybody else is trying a new extreme exercise routine in
January doesn’t mean that you have to!

Celebrate your successes. Keeping track of your progress

and noting the different milestones you have completed will
help you to keep going if your motivation starts to waver.
Success breeds success, so completing one challenge will
then spur you on to try something else. For example, if you
create a nice living space at home and start enjoying it,
then you might feel more inclined to create a nice working
space, too.

Get some cheerleaders. Involving your friends, colleagues

and family in your Kaizen goals means that there will be
more people to encourage you and support you if you are
finding things tough. They can also help to remove
temptations that might set you back, perhaps inviting you
for a coffee instead of wine if you are trying to cut down on
booze, or buying fruit for the office snack supply rather
than cakes.
Go back to small. If you are finding that you are
struggling to keep to your targets, reduce them to the very
smallest possible thing you can do instead. If you are having
a bad mental health day and don’t feel capable of going for
a 5K run, then try to go for a small walk instead. Even just
doing something small is better than nothing, and you can
gradually work your way back up to your target again.

Difficult times can teach you a lot about yourself.

Although suffering a job loss, a relationship breakdown or a
bereavement can be utterly devastating and make you feel
like the rug has been completely pulled out from
underneath you, they can also be the times when you learn
a lot about yourself and your resilience. Be proud of
yourself for making it through the day and what you have
achieved, however small. The Japanese and Chinese
alphabets don’t have a single symbol for the word ‘crisis’.
Instead, it is an amalgamation of the two symbols for
‘danger’ and ‘good opportunity’ . It is hard to see
the wood through the trees when you are having a hard
time, but remembering that good things can come out of
adversity can be helpful. All of my relationship break-ups
have led to more satisfactory relationships in the future,
and the time I got made redundant from my job actually led
to me getting a far better job a few weeks later, so try to
keep in mind that good things, as well as bad, can be round
the corner.
First Kaizen step: if you’re having a tough time, keep a record
of one small thing that you have achieved each day, then look
back on this when things are feeling better and congratulate
yourself on your resilience and for getting through.

And the most important thing: don’t be hard on

yourself. If you are already having a rough time of it, then
beating yourself up for not hitting your goals will only make
you feel far worse. Be kind to yourself and remember that
you can return to your new habits or activities whenever
you are feeling stronger. Start small and build it up again.

Although we have reached the end of the book, I hope that

this is just the beginning of your Kaizen practice. You
should now have an overview of the ideas behind Kaizen
and a good understanding of the theory of constant
improvement, along with some inspiration for ways in which
you can go about acquiring new skills, develop productive
habits and let go of some of the bad ones. And remember
that Kaizen is not one-size-fits-all; one person’s experience
of it will be entirely different from another’s. The important
thing is to listen to your mind and body, then create good
habits that work for you and let go of the ones that aren’t
doing you any favours. Making small improvements in one
area will then inspire you with the confidence to go out and
achieve improvement in another.

The emphasis is on continuous improvement, so you should

always be thinking about ways you can be tweaking your
routine or simplifying your life. Staying mindful of your
feelings and behaviours will mean that you will be more
aware of when you need to take a step back or if you need a
new challenge to get you out of a rut. Before I went away, I
had the worst FOMO and used to say ‘yes’ to absolutely
every invitation, even if I was already knackered and/or
broke. This meant that I had a very active social life but my
sleep, anxiety levels and bank balance were suffering as a
result. Although it was hard to be away from my friends
while I was in Japan, it did teach me two important lessons:
that they were still there when I returned and that it’s
always better to decline an invitation and look after yourself
than to try to stretch yourself in too many directions. It is
about managing your limited physical and mental energy to
ensure that you aren’t burnt out. It will make you a better
partner/friend/colleague/family member and you’ll be more
prepared to face the challenges of the outside world.

We live in a culture that expects immediate results and that

rewards overnight success, so it is no surprise that a lot of
our self-help and health trends also promote quick wins and
miracle cures. There is so much noise and misinformation
surrounding us that it can be easy to forget to listen to your
mind and body and to go with what works for you. This why
Kaizen is so effective. Tracking your habits, stepping out of
your regular routines, and analysing your feelings will mean
that you tailor new habits and tweak old ones to make sure
that they work for you. Working towards your goal at a
steady pace without having to commit lots of time, energy
or money towards it will also mean that you aren’t taking on
a lot of risk. You can try out new routines for size and then
adjust them if they aren’t working. And the whole process
will result in you knowing yourself better; you will
understand why you react to situations in a certain way and
have more of an idea about where your strengths and
weaknesses lie.

And remember to keep looking back on what you have

achieved and to regularly reward yourself too. If you have
been keeping a gratitude journal, then return to it often to
see what and who has helped you along the way. See
change as an ongoing process. If some of your new habits
fall by the wayside, then don’t beat yourself up. Think about
how you can pick your good habits back up in very small
increments and how you can eliminate some of the
obstacles that got in your way the first time.
If you are finding that Kaizen is working for you and
transforming your habits, then one good thing you can do is
to encourage others to take up Kaizen too. Whether that is
supporting people you know in your own life to achieve
something new or finding others online who are looking to
embark upon a similar challenge. Connecting with others
and sharing advice will also allow you to reflect on what you
have achieved and perhaps give you fresh inspiration for
new ways in which you can change.
Sarah Harvey was living in Tokyo working as a freelance
book scout and publishing consultant when she fell in love
with Japanese culture and was introduced to Kaizen. After a
life-changing time away, Sarah now lives in London, where
she works for a literary agency and spends a not-
insignificant portion of her time searching for a Japanese-
standard bowl of Tonkotsu ramen.
First of all I want to thank the brilliant team at Bluebird.
Particular shout outs to Martha Burley, Hockley Raven
Spare, and Zainab Dawood, who have carved my words into
much better shape and made this process so easy. Thank
you also to my copy editor Laura Herring for her excellent
improvements, to Rachel Graves for the Kanji openers, and
to Justine Anweiler and Mel Four for the incredible design,
illustrations, and cover. I also want to thank my Rights
Queens and fellow Nando’s/karaoke enthusiasts Anna
Shora and Emma Winter, who have done such a stellar job
selling Kaizen around the world. Also thanks to Jon Mitchell
for taking me Stateside – unlike Take That, I will break
America! And finally, thank you to my publisher Carole
Tonkinson for being such a great champion and for having
faith that I could do this from the beginning.

I also want to say thanks to Ben Gardner for his illuminating

insights on habitual behaviour, to Euclides A. Coimbra at
the Kaizen Institute for his assistance with understanding
the Kaizen method, and to Keiko Todo for casting a keen
second eye over the Japanese references.

To Lizzie Ackerman, the Paul Chuckle to my Barry Chuckle

(R.I.P.): thank you for always having my (piggy) back,
making me laugh every day, and for visiting me in Japan for
what was an unforgettable time. I hope some of the tidying
tips will be of use to you. To Mary Doherty, who was always
there to make me a calming ginger tea when I was fretting
about my word count and for generally being the toppest of
babes: THANK YOU. And sending lots of love to the rest of
my Lovely Ladies: Kate Blatchford, Dani Salamon, Jen
Kenwood, and Rachael Henry. You managed to avoid me in
Manchester but you’ve got me for life now. Sorry about

To my oldest and dearest friends: Kath Preston, Rav Virdi,

Jess Barnett, Becky Donnelly, Jenny Baker, and Suzie
Moore. I hope we have many more weekends of sitting in
our pants, watching true crime, and not having showers. It
is very rare to still be friends with people you met two
decades ago, when we had weird mullet hairdos (actually,
that was just me) and a penchant for sub-standard indie
bands (that was all of us), but we’re still going! Here’s to
many more decades.

Thank you also to Sam Hutchinson for his endless amounts

of sage advice and for just being a top pal in general.

Before I run out of superlatives and this gets a bit too

‘Gwyneth Paltrow at the Oscars’, I want to say a final thank
you to my family. To my parents Josie and Brendon for their
unwavering love and support and for making the trip to
come and see me on my travels; I will never forget it. To
Will Harvey and Lea Marsden, whose steady supply of
football memes and supportive messages have kept me
going whilst writing this. I’m so lucky to have you guys. And
to fellow ramen enthusiast Lucy Pritchett for being my Sista
from Another Mista and for always helping me put the
world to rights. Finally, to my partner-in-crime Joe Mosby,
without who this adventure would never have happened.
Thank you for talking me down off several ledges during
this process and just always being my biggest fan.
1 Japan Times.
2 BBC online.
3 Imai, Masaaki, KAIZEN: The Key to Japan’s Competitive
Success, (McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York,
1986), p. 3.
4 A clear and concise introduction to the history of Kaizen
can be found in Robert Maurer’s book, One Small Step
Can Change Your Life (Workman Publishing, New York,
2014), pp. 23–31. There is also an overview in Mr Imai’s
KAIZEN, pp. 10–13.
5 Maurer, Robert, One Small Step, pp. 29–31.
6 Maurer, Robert, One Small Step, p. 30.
7 Imai, Masaaki, KAIZEN, p. 3.
8 More on Sir Dave Brailsford’s management techniques
can be found in his interview with Harvard Business
9 Tate online.
10 ‘The strength of habit’. Orbell, S., & Verplanken, B. (2015), Health
Psychology Review, 9(3), 311–317.
11 ‘How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world,’ Lally,
P.; Van Jaarsveld, C.H.M.; Potts, H.W.W.; Wardle, J.; (2010) EUR J SOC
PSYCHOL, 40 (6) 998–1009.
12 A good overview of negativity bias can be found in Dr Danny Penman’s
Mindfulness for Creativity (Piatkus, London, 2015) pp. 22–40.
13 Independent.
14 Robert Maurer, The Spirit of Kaizen, p. 18.
15 Imai, Masaaki, KAIZEN, p. 163.
16 A good introduction to this belief is in Velizara Chervenkova’s Japanese
Psychotherapies: Silence and Body-Mind Interconnectedness (Springer
Nature, Singapore, 2017), pp. 37–40.
17 World Health Organization.
18 NHS online.
19 University College London.
20 NHS online.
21 Sleep Foundation.
22 Reading Agency.
23 NHS online.
26 Ruoxu Wang, Fan Yang, Michel M. Haigh, ‘Let me take a selfie: Exploring
the psychological effects of posting and viewing selfies and groupies on
social media,’ Telematics and Informatics, Volume 34, Issue 4, 2017, pp.
27 Boubekri M., Cheung I.N., Reid K.J., Wang C.H., Zee P.C. ‘Impact of
windows and daylight exposure on overall health and sleep quality of office
workers: a case-control pilot study’. J Clin Sleep Med 2014; 10(6): pp. 603–
28 Nieuwenhuis, M., Knight, C., Postmes, T., & Haslam, S. A. (2014). ‘The
relative benefits of green versus lean office space: Three field experiments’.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 20(3), pp. 199–214.
29 Becker, William J.; Belkin, Liuba; Tuskey, Sarah, ‘Killing me softly:
Electronic communications monitoring and employee and spouse well-
being,’ Academy of Management Proceedings, VOL. 2018, NO. 1
30 Thorley C. (2017) ‘Not By Degrees: Improving student mental health in the
UK’s Universities’, IPPR.
31 Guardian online.
33 Saphire-Bernstein, S., & Taylor, S. (2013-01-01). ‘Close Relationships and
Happiness’ Oxford Handbook of Happiness. (Oxford University Press).
Retrieved 14 Oct. 2018, from
35 Li, Q., Morimoto, K., Nakadai, A., Inagaki, H., Katsumata, M., Shimizu, T., .
. . Kawada, T. (2007). ‘Forest Bathing Enhances Human Natural Killer
Activity and Expression of Anti-Cancer Proteins’. International Journal of
Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 3–8.; Li, Q., Morimoto, K.,
Kobayashi, M., Inagaki, H., Katsumata, M., Hirata, Y., Krensky, A. M.
(2008). ‘Visiting a Forest, but Not a City, Increases Human Natural Killer
Activity and Expression of Anti-Cancer Proteins’. International Journal of
Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 117–127.
Camilla pages 125, 127, 135, 152, 157, 160, 173,
Gratorp 181, 219.
Caroline pages 54, 63.
Chisa Ohashi pages 185, 187, 190, 192, 195, 199, 200,
202, 205.
Dylan Mason pages 82, 87, 141.
Elyse pages 129, 131, 144, 177, 244, 261.
Harriet Butt pages 48, 111, 123, 132, 142, 150, 214,
231, 233, 235, 237, 240, 249, 259.
Naomi pages 96, 97.
Masako pages 165, 246.
Tamsin pages 39, 169.
Shutterstock pages 8, 13, 20, 24, 28, 46, 57, 61, 69, 75,
79, 88, 92, 100, 105, 114, 117, 121, 148,
155, 161, 167, 209, 216, 220, 221, 229,
243, 250, 251, 255, 263, 266.
First published 2019 by Bluebird

This electronic edition published 2019 by Bluebird

an imprint of Pan Macmillan
20 New Wharf Road, London N1 9RR
Associated companies throughout the world

ISBN 978-1-5290-0536-3

Copyright © Sarah Harvey 2019

Cover design © Mel Four, Pan Macmillan Art Dept

The right of Sarah Harvey to be identified as the author of this work has been
asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act

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Designed by Justine Anweiler

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