01 Why Study The Old Testament Rokser D

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Dennis Rokser
Worksheet #1 G.I.B.S.


 Matthew 22:29

A. WHY Should YOU Study the OLD TESTAMENT?

#1: Because it is necessary to understand the Old Testament in order to correctly interpret the
_____________________New Testament_____ in its ___Historical setting_________________ and
__________________Theological Context______.

 Matthew 1:1, 22-23; 2:4-6

 Romans 8:18-25

 Hebrews 1:1-2

#2: Because apart from the OT, you will not understand the biblical narrative of ______God’s
Story_________ from beginning to end and connect the dots of God’s ______Plan of the
ages________________ to glorify Himself.

 What must you remember about the Bible?

It’s primarily a book about ___God___ and ___His___ story; not about you, though God deeply
cares about you and wants a right relationship with you.

- The purpose of God in His plan of the ages is to glorify his sovereignty and grace in creation
and redemption ultimately expressed in the establishment of His Kingdom in the heavens and
the earth through Jesus Christ.
- The Focus of the bible is about Him.

 What must you remember about the purpose of God’s plan of the ages?
#3: Because the OT, like the NT, is given by the _____Inspiration Of God
____________________________ and is ___________profitable __________ for church age
believers to study and know. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

 What is a trans-dispensational principle? What are some examples of them?

- A trans dispensational principle is a timeless, permanent principle that transcends all
dispensations such as:

1: Without FAITH it is impossible to please God

2: The penalty of sin is death

3: God Hates sin but loves the sinner

4: God wants a relationship not a performance

5: Your personally responsible for the choices you make.

6: Establishment of divine institutions e.g. marriage, government etc.

#4: Because the OT provides for us many negative & positive ____examples_____________ for
us to hear and heed as church-age believers.

 1 Cor. 10:1-14

 Rom. 15:4

 James 5:11, 16-17)

#5: Because the OT points you to ________Jesus Christ_________________ by way of

prediction, analogy, and type.

 John 5:39, 45-46

 Luke 24:24-27, 44-46)

#6: Because the OT forms the context and logic for NT ___Evangelism______________ for
both Gentiles and Jews.
 Rom.1:1-4

 1 Cor.15:3-4

 Acts 17:1-4, 22-34

#7: Because the OT is needed to understand future biblical ______Prophecy__________ and

many other _____ New Testament____ statements. (Matt.24:15; Daniel – Revelation;

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