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“Producing Quality Education by Eradicating



Karen Belle M. Castillo – Teacher, Adviser

Malabong Elementary School

06 April 2020

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Feeding Program

Program Title: “Producing Quality Education by Eradicating Malnutrition”

Period Covered: August 03 to October 01, 2020

Proponent: Karen Belle M. Castillo – Teacher, Adviser

Malabong Elementary School

Beneficiary: Grades 1 to 6 pupils of MES

Sto. Malabong, Brgy. Andulauan, Ilog, Negros Occidental

Source of Fund: LGU’s, NGO’s, Private sectors’, Teachers’ and/or Parents’ Donations

Program Cost: Available of Donated Funds


Malabong Elementary School, Sitio Malabong Barangay Andulauan, Ilog Negros Occidental is the
chosen educational institution where the teachers’ compassion and desire to rendered advocacy to feed the
identified malnourish children. It is an institution wherein most of the pupils are from the remote areas of the
said barangay and are from families with inadequate income.
Most of the students belonging to these families often go to school with an empty stomach, have
insufficient food allowance, do not have pack lunch and only got an allowance intended for transportation going
to and from the school.
In connection with this, the school is taking into an initiative to address the said problem which is the
prime factor that contributes to the learners’ irregular attendance, low academic performance, and inactive
participation inside and outside of the lecture rooms. The program will bring into realization through inviting
and encouraging the participation of other government and non-government agencies or organizations,
professional associations, private sectors and concerned, compassionate individuals to get involved and help the
school fight against malnutrition and finally eradicate it to produce quality education.
Further, through the conduct of this program, the mission and vision of the Department of Education
(DepEd) will also be applied and lived out that emphasizes on providing competencies and values that enable
Filipino learners to realize their full potential and to produce life-long learners through the active participation
and engagement of the family, community and other stakeholders.


1. To produce healthy and bright students by providing healthy and nutritious meals.
2. To eradicate malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency.
3. To strengthen the relationship between the school and the community.
4. To increase the participation of the community towards school activities, programs, and advocacies,
specifically the parents, government officials, private institutions/companies and other members of the
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Program Management:

The proposed program is to feed the identified malnourished school children.

The proponent shall provide nutritious foods within two months after the receipt of the financial
assistance gathered from the donated fund and shall be responsible for each management and supervision in
coordination with appropriate offices.
The proponent shall see to it that all requirements have complied before the proposed program.
Specifically, the following offices will be responsible for the following tasks:

a) Barangay Health Personnel – confirmation and guidance towards identified malnourish

school children

b) Faculty Members – provide data regarding the identified malnourished school


c) Office of the Principal – consultant

d) Proponent – connects, communicates, and appeal for assistance

e) PTA Officers – in charge for the dissemination of information

f) PTA Treasurer, Proponent, – manage fund received and layouts and records receipts and
and Office of the Assistant Principal disbursements

Monitoring and Evaluation

The proponent will conduct own monitoring and evaluation of the program in coordination with proper
agencies and submit pertaining documents as may be required.
Specifically, with the help of the classroom teachers together with the barangay health personnel shall
conduct monitoring and evaluation by weighing, scaling, and by getting the Body Mass Index (BMI) of the
learners. The said monitoring and evaluation will further improve the future programs of the school as well as to
ensure the learners’ health and nutrition status.

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