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College of Education, Arts, and Sciences

Physical Education Area
Major Assessment 3

Guideline for Application of Circuit Training Plan

1. The task is to demonstrate/apply the circuit training plan you

submitted in Graded Task 3.
2. Do one round of the EIGHT exercises, performing each
exercise for 20 seconds with just 20 seconds rest in-between.
3. Do not forget the warm-up and cool down.
4. To achieve the endurance, you need for the performance you
need at least 15-30 minutes exercises every day before the
scheduled MA3.
5. Answer the reflection question.
6. Print and bring the rubrics in the scheduled in-person meeting with
printed name, section and date of the presentation.
7. The schedule of MA3 is on November 7-11, 2022.
8. Take a picture/screenshot of your rubrics with the score and
upload it together with your answer in reflection.
College of Education, Arts, and Sciences
Physical Education Area


What will be your course of action to encourage members of your community to

actively participate in this kind of activity (circuit training)? Identify your five course of
action and number your answer according to priority.

Encourage sports participation (and patience!)
- Conduct some research to determine which age-appropriate organized sports are
available in your area. Children should be encouraged to try out a variety of activities to
see which ones they enjoy. Your child may need to try out several sports before finding
their perfect fit, so be open to exercise in all shapes and sizes, as well as some trial and
error along the way.

Lead by example
Limit your own time on screen, practice healthy eating habits at home, and engage in
physical activity throughout the day to set a good example. Attending sports training
sessions, cheering from the sidelines, and spending time indoors and outdoors with your
child are all simple ways to encourage physical activity to become a regular and
enjoyable part of your child's routine as they grow.

Provide opportunities for active play

- Encourage children to spend time outside and participate in unstructured active play
activities like playing on playground equipment, active games like hunting or tug-of-war, or
jumping ropes. Don't forget to participate whenever you can!

Participating in volunteering activities is one of the most fulfilling ways to help the community.

Emphasize fun. 
Help your child find a sport that she enjoys. The more she enjoys the activity, the more likely she will be
to continue it. Get the entire family involved. It is a great way to spend time together.
College of Education, Arts and Sciences
Physical Education Area
Major Assessment 3 (CAPSTONE)

Name: Domingo Marijane C. Section:

Date of Performance:

10pts 8pts 6pts 4pts 0 SCORE

Exemplary Proficient Emerging Poor Lacking
Perform the Perform the Perform the Perform the Did not
skill/exercise with skill/exercise with skill/exercise with skill/exercise with perform.
total precision confidence and little confidence limitations and
and total understanding of and little
understanding of the exercise understanding of understanding of
the exercise whether it be the exercise the exercise
whether it be regarding whether it be whether it be
regarding flexibility, strength regarding regarding
flexibility, strength or endurance. flexibility, strength flexibility, strength
or endurance. or endurance. or endurance.
5pts 4pts 3pts 2pts 0
Exemplary Proficient Emerging Poor Lacking
Exercises were Exercises in the Exercises in the Stations were not Did not
properly timed out circuit were circuit were not completed. perform.
and began and properly timed properly timed
ended at the out. Stations were out.
same time. All completed too
Circuit Training exercises were quickly or not all
completed in a stations were
timely fashion covered.
given the class

Warm up was Warm up activity Warm up activity Warm up activity No warm up

quick and hit on was done, with was done, with was done, with exercises.
all major muscle almost major some major few muscle
groups and body muscle groups muscle groups groups and body
parts and body parts. and body parts. parts involved.

Cool down Cool down Cool down Cool down Absolutely no

activity was done activity was done activity was done, activity was done, cool down
and properly and almost but with minimal but with activity was
returned the body properly returned effect to return insignificant effect done
Cool Down to its resting state the body to its body to resting to return body to
resting state state resting state

The student The student The student Answer does not Did not
shows thoughtful shows some shows limited reflect students submit.
observations and thoughtful thoughtful understanding of
insights as observations and observations and the question.
evidence that the insights as insights as
Reflection outcome has evidence that the evidence that the
been properly outcome has outcome has
processed and been properly been properly
reflected upon. processed and processed and
reflected upon. reflected upon.


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