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A Research
Presented to the
Faculty of the Laboratory High School Department
Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Main Campus, Lagangilang Abra

In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the subject


S.Y. 2018-2019

In the Philippines, respective schools filed to offer and implement the Senior High School

program for their students. This is a program offers an additional two years of High School

Education. Being a Senior high student is not that easy because it is already a preparatory for

every student before prior to their tertiary education, and aside from that, this is now where they

are going to practice on how to be a financially responsible student. To be a responsible student

is not something that can be achieved within a day only, it must be taken as an attitude and needs

to put it into their minds. One of these responsibilities of a student is to manage their allowances

given by their parents or guardians.

Money is the most basic requirement of life, without which, one cannot fulfill his basic

needs and requirements of the daily routine. The importance of money is increasing day by day

as the living has become so costly (Archana 2017). Allowance refers to the money given to

students that shall be used for their daily needs and expenses given by their parents or guardian

(Galulu, et al., 2017). Allowance is money earned or given to a child at regular intervals to teach

the child how to manage money. (

As they go towards higher level of education, particularly in senior high school, every

student encounters one of the challenging part of their life is to manage their allowances wisely.

Many of them are getting tough times to manage or budget their moneys given by their

respective parents or guardians because being a senior high student have a similarities of being a

college student. As money serves now as a necessity to every student, it is a need to put in their
minds that they need to be financially responsible. A kind of responsibility where an individual

will be able to save and budget his or her money and spend the money for important purposes.

But the big dilemma is that how will they do it. It is believed that one of the hardest part of

budgeting the allowance of a senior high student is the isolation of their wants from their needs.

A number of students mistakenly categorize their wants as a part of their “needs” because they

cannot perceive what their life is without it. But in the end, many of their needs are literally


As students do not have the same economic status, others have only limited amount of

money of which there exist a distinction in their budget or financial planning. Through this

factors that affects the budgeting of one’s student such as gender, personalities, and their age,

this study mainly focuses in knowing if the students are responsible in budgeting their allowance.

To examine if the students possess budgeting skills. To find out how much money do the

students spend weekly.


The researchers seeks to determine the answers from the respondents as to where and

how they spend their money every day and how do they budget it at the same time. This will

illustrate the traits of the students towards money related issues. The study also aims to benefit

the Grade 12 Senior High students, parents, teachers, and to the researchers upon the information

gathered on the end of the study.


This study aims to find out how much the Grade 12 Senior high students of Abra State

Institute of Sciences and Technology spend their money weekly by conducting a survey. It aims

to answer the following research questions:

1.) What is the allowance of the Grade 12 students?

2.) Is there any distinction of how much is Grade 12 students spends depending on their


3.) Is there any significance on how the Grade 12 students manages their budget?


ssssStudent Profile Process:
 Gender  Data Gathering
 Age  Analysis of data through:
 Year Strand  Survey Questionnaires
 Weekly Allowance  Statistical Treatments

 Food
 Transportation
 Project / Requirements
 Communication

Purposes / Leisure
Allowance and
Budgeting Practices of
Figure 1. Research Paradigm Students
The diagram shows the organization of ideas. The researchers chose to use the Input—

Process-Output diagram. The first diagram show the input needed to gather the data. These are

the certain variables included to the study. The second diagram indicates how the data will be

gathered or collected and the statistical treatments and instruments to be used upon analyzing the

data. The last diagram depicts the main focus of the study.

1. There is a significant difference on every strand of Grade 12 Senior High students in

managing their budget.

2. There is a significant difference on how much a Grade 12 Senior High student spends

depending on their strand.


The research study is limited and conducted only at Abra State Institute of Sciences and

Technology in the 2nd semester of school year 2018-2019. The respondents of the study are

Senior High school students under 12th year level. Each of the respondents will be given a

questionnaire to answer. So as to guarantee the reasonability of the gathered information, the

researchers will only provide multiple questions such. This is used to evaluate and gauge the

measure of the amount of money of Grade 12 Senior High students on where and how they

spend their allowances and how they allocate their budget.


The study deals with the daily allowance of Grade 12 Students. It looks for answers on

where and how the respondents spend their money. Considering that money is one of the

fundamental needs of a student in order to survive, this study is significant for it will benefit the

Grade 12 students, their parents, the teachers and at the same time the researchers.
 Grade 12 Senior High students:

This study is beneficial for Grade 12 students to make them aware of their

practices of spending money and on how they budget it at the same time. It will also

inform the students where they generally spend their money with and what is the general

total amount of money they spend weekly from that certain variable. Upon gathering this

information, this study will able to help the students to manage their allowance wisely.

 Parents:

As parents have different styles of giving allowance to their children, they

believed that giving allowance to their children can teach them to be financially

responsible. This research will provide them information regarding their child’s expenses

of which they can use the result of this study to monitor on how the allowances of the

children are spent.

 Teachers:

This study will benefit the teachers for them to know the allowance budgeting

practices of the students regards to the requirements or projects they are giving. Also this

study will inform the teachers if the budgeted allowance of the students is enough for

them to finish all the target requirements. Moreover, this study will help to enlighten the

teachers to be more considerate towards students’ concerns and needs. Through this it can

provide them a deeper understanding to the insights of their students regarding financial


 Researchers:

This research study will be beneficial to the researchers. This study is significant

to the researchers, not only because it is a requirement but this will help them to
be aware on how important for a student to manage the allowances given. It can

also inform the researchers about the practices of budgeting allowance of each

and every respondent.


For this study the following was assumed:

1.) The students have differences practices in budgeting their allowances based

on their personal factors.

2.) The high school students participating in this research study would provide

accurate and valid responses on the survey questionnaires to them.


 Allowance – an amount of money given or allocated usually at regular intervals for

specific purpose.

 Project or Requirements – are conditions or tasks that must be completed to ensure

the success or completion of the project.

 Budgeting – is a process of creating a plan to spend your money. It is simply

balancing your expenses with your allowance.

 Wants and Needs – are goods or services that are not necessary but we desire or

wish for (wants); defined as goods or services that are required (needs)

 Budget – an estimate of cost, revenues, and resources over a specific period,

reflecting a reading of future financial conditions and goals.

 Food – any substance consume to provide nutritional support to an individual.

 Transportation – refers to any type of vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods

 Communication Purposes – process of passing information from one person to


 Entertainment Purposes – activity that holds the attention and interest or gives

pleasure and delight.

 Savings – the amount of money the students have saved.


This chapter presented the research design, locale of the study, respondents of the study,

and data gathering instrument. It also includes the methods and procedures, and statistical tools

used in the study.

I. Research Design

A. Research Method

Among the quantitative research methods, a descriptive comparative method was

used in this study in order to gather the necessary data. The characteristics of this method

were used as a tool to compare the different strands of Grade 12 Senior High students

regarding to their allowances and budgeting practices.

B. Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers adopted a questionnaire survey instrument to assess the money

management of the Grade 12 Senior High students and serves as the main tool of

gathering the data. It was designed to know how much the allowance of the respondents

is in general, how and where they spend it to and how they budget it. As indicated by

Kothari (2004), use of questionnaire is one of the most common data collection tools
employed in research works. Questionnaires are used extensively to gather data on

current conditions, practices, opinions and attitudes quickly and in a precise way

(Orodho, 2008). As the researchers adopted a questionnaire survey, the survey

questionnaire is divided into three parts. The first part consists the profile of the

respondents to recognize the data needed for statistics. Second, the parameters or

measurements utilized, for the respondents to distinguish the measures in noting the

survey. Third is the structured questionnaire, where the respondents will measure each

statement in the questionnaire.

II. Local of the Studies

The study was conducted at Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology

Main Campus, this place was selected for knowing the allowance and budgeting practices

of the students. This study was been implemented on the grade 12 Senior High students.

III. Respondents of the Study

There are a total of 192 students from Grade 12 of ASIST Main Campus.

Stratified sampling was utilized to divide the population into strata or sub-group

regarding to the strands they are in. It will include all the strands namely, STEM

(Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), ABM (Accountancy, Business and

Management), HUMSS A & B (Humanities and Social Sciences), TVL ICT (Information

and Communication Technology), TVL HE (Home Economics), and TVL Animal

Science. In order to get the sample size, the researchers used the Slovin formula. Through

this, a sample of 130 students was acquired. The population is presented on the Table 1.

Table 1. Distribution of Sample

STRANDS No. Of Respondents

Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) 20
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)


Information and Communication Technology
Home Economic (TVL HE) 15
TVL Animal Science 13

IV. Data Procedures

In collecting the data, the researchers distributed the survey questionnaires to the

respondents. Recipients were approached to finish the survey and were given enough

time to analyze and complete it with honesty. The researchers will assure to gather

unbiased data from the respondents; the researchers will guarantee that the respondents

will answer the questionnaires objectively. After collecting the data the researchers will

tabulate and interpret the following information through the use of statistical tools. When

the results gathered, the researchers will then analyze the significant differences in order

to come up with a conclusions and recommendations.

V. Statistical Treatment


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data


16 – 18 years old 117 90.00
19 – 21 years old 13 10.00
Total 130 100.00
Referring to Table 2, in terms of age, 90% of the respondents aged 16-18 years old, and
only 10% aged 19-21 years old.


Male 54 41.54
Female 76 58.46
Total 86 100.00
As you can see on Table 3, out of the total 130 respondents, 58.46% respondents are
Female and only 41.54% respondents are Male.


below 100 4 3.08
100 – 350 88 67.69
351 – 500 18 13.85
501 – 850 9 6.92
851 – 1000 5 3.85
1001 – 1500 4 3.08
above 1500 2 1.54
Total 86 100.00
Table 4 illustrates the result in terms of students’ weekly allowance, 67.69% of
respondents has 100-350 allowance per week, 13.85% has 351-500 allowance per week, 6.92%
of respondents has 501-850 allowance per week, 3.85% of respondents has an allowance of 851-
1000, 3.08% has 1001-1500 allowance, other respondents has an allowance below 100 with a
percentage of 3.08%, and 1.54% of them has an allowance of above 1500 per week.

Strand Mean
As a Descriptive
A. Transportation AB HUMS AnS
STEM HE ICT whole Rating
M S ci
1. I have regular school
service which eliminates 3.00 2.78 2.73 2.80 2.74 2.85 2.81 Frequently
my transportation expenses.
2. I live in a dorm or at a
house which is just a walk 1.45 2.04 2.09 2.20 1.89 2.77 2.02 Rarely
from school.
3. I spend 50% and above
of my allowance for 2.35 2.06 2.27 2.20 2.63 2.38 2.26 Rarely
4. I take an alternative route
or mode of transportation 2.45 2.46 2.55 2.69 2.47 2.46 2.49 Rarely
that is less expensive.
Parameter Mean 2.31 2.36 2.41 2.47 2.43 2062 2.40 Rarely
Score Range Descriptive Rating
3.26-4.00 Very Frequently
2.51-3.25 Frequently
1.76-2.50 Rarely
1.00-1.75 Very Rarely

Table 5 shows the overall mean of all the statements under Transportation. Based on the
table, it was determined that students of Senior High School frequently have a regular school
service which eliminates their transportation expenses with a mean as a whole of 2.81. With a
mean as whole of 2.49, Senior High School students rarely takes an alternative route or mode of
transportation that is less expensive and they rarely spend 50% of their allowance for
transportation with a mean of 2.26 while it’s very rare for them to live in a dorm or at a house
which is just a walk from school with a mean as a whole of 2.02.



Strand Mean
As a Descriptive
STEM HE ICT whole Rating
M S ci
1. I bring pack lunch of
3.05 2.58 2.27 2.80 3.05 2.85 2.75 Frequently
food to save allowance.
2. I bring pack lunch or 2.90 2.22 2.27 2.33 2.42 2.92 2.45 Rarely
food because it is not
provided for in my
3. I prefer to eat outside the 2.29
school for more affordable 2.05 2.54 2.64 2.47 2.92 2.47 Rarely
choices of food.
4. I eat my meal at home 3.36
before I go to school for 2.80 2.71 3.18 3.11 3.00 2.92 Frequently
less expenses.
5. I spend 40-50% of my 2.43
2.72 2.69 3.20 2.89 3.08 2.78 Frequently
allowance for food
Parameter Mean 2.70 2.55 2.70 2.61 2.79 2.95 2.67 Frequently
Score Range Descriptive Rating
3.26-4.00 Very Frequently
2.51-3.25 Frequently
1.76-2.50 Rarely
1.00-1.75 Very Rarely

Table 6 illustrate the overall mean of all the statements under meal. It can be inferred
that the Senior High Students frequently eat their meal at home before they go to school for less
expenses with a mean as a whole of 2.92 and spend 40-50% of their allowance for food came
second to the most significant with a 2.78 as whole mean. It is also frequent for Senior High
School Students to bring pack lunch of food to save allowance with a mean as a whole of 2.75.
Senior high Students rarely eat outside the school with a mean as a whole of 2.47 for more
affordable choices of food and bringing pack lunch or food because it is not provided for their
allowance with a mean as a whole of 2.45.



Strand Mean
As a Descriptive
C. Luxury and Leisure AB HUMS AnS
STEM HE ICT whole Rating
M S ci
1. I spend my extra time for
luxury and leisure e.g going
to the mall, watching
1.55 2.12 2.00 1.67 2.16 1.92 1.95 Rarely
movies at the cinema,
playing online games,
arcades, etc.
2. I save 10-30% of my 2.3
money to buy the things
3.00 2.71 2.73 3.05 3.08 2.82 Frequently
that I want and in case I
might need it.
3. I prefer to stay at the 2.30 2.17 2.00 2.67 2.79 2.92 2.40 Rarely
library and read books
during vacant.
4. I prefer to go home after 3.00
class to avoid unnecessary 2.95 2.52 2.73 3.11 3.46 2.84 Frequently
5. I spend 10-30% of my 2.13
2.60 2.06 2.64 2.79 2.31 2.33 Rarely
allowance for leisure.
Parameter Mean 2.48 2.32 2.42 2.40 2.78 2.74 2.47 Rarely
Score Range Descriptive Rating
3.26-4.00 Very Frequently
2.51-3.25 Frequently
1.76-2.50 Rarely
1.01-1.75 Very Rarely

Table 7 summarized the overall mean of statements under luxury and leisure. From the
table, it can be inferred that Senior High Students prefer to go home after class to avoid
unnecessary expenses with a mean as a whole of 2.84 and saving 10-30% of their money to buy
the things that they want and in case they might need it with 2.82 as a whole mean are both
frequently practiced. Staying at the library and read books during vacant got a 2.40 as a whole
mean, spending 10-30% of their allowance for leisure with a mean as a whole of 2.33 and with a
mean as a whole of 1.95 Senior High students spending their extra time for luxury and leisure e.g
going to the mall, watching movies at the cinema, playing online games, arcades, etc. are
practiced rarely by the Senior High Students.



Strand Mean
As a Descriptive
D. Projects and books AB HUMS AnS
STEM HE ICT whole Rating
M S ci
1. I allot 10% of my
3.05 2.77 2.64 2.73 2.74 3.15 2.83 Frequently
allowance for photocopy.
2. I allot 10% of my 2.40
2.10 2.13 1.82 2.53 2.38 2.22 Rarely
allowance for books.
3. Having projects of 2.73
researches increases my 3.00 2.71 2.73 2.79 3.15 2.82 Frequently
allowance for project.
4. My allowance is enough 2.33
2.35 2.37 2.36 2.68 2.85 2.45 Rarely
to cover for my projects.
5. I spend 15% of my 2.47
2.95 2.56 2.73 2.78 3.08 2.71 Frequently
allowance for my projects.
Parameter Mean 2.69 2.51 2.45 2.53 2.72 2.92 2.60 Frequently

Score Range Descriptive Rating
3.26-4.00 Very Frequently
2.51-3.25 Frequently
1.76-2.50 Rarely
1.00-1.75 Very Rarely

Table 8 shows the overall mean of statement under projects and books. Based on the
result, Senior High Students frequently allotting 10% of their allowance for photocopy has a
mean as a whole of 2.83, having projects of researches increase their allowance for project with
as a whole mean of 2.82 and spending 15% of my allowance for their project with as a whole
mean of 2.71. It is rare that their allowance is not enough to cover their projects with a mean as a
whole of 2.45 and with a mean as a whole of allotting 10% of their allowance for books.



Strand Mean
As a Descriptive
E. Communications AB HUMS AnS
STEM HE ICT whole Rating
M S ci
1. I allocate 10% of my
allowance for 2.80 2.80 3.00 2.60 2.58 2.69 2.75 Frequently
communication expense.
2. I register to text and call 3.07
promos to maximize my 2.85 2.82 2.82 2.68 2.85 2.84 Frequently
load budget.
3. I used free data 3.07
connection for my
2.90 2.98 2.73 2.74 2.54 2.88 Frequently
messenger application,
rather than loading.
4. I only spend for 2.93
communication, if it is for 2.75 2.73 2.82 2.79 2.69 2.77 Frequently
emergency or needed.
5. I subscribe to monthly 2.36
plan that suit to my 2.15 2.44 1.91 2.50 2.69 2.37 Rarely
preference of usage.
Parameter Mean 2.69 2.76 2.65 2.81 2.66 2.69 2.72 Frequently
Score Range Descriptive Rating
3.26-4.00 Very Frequently
2.51-3.25 Frequently
1.76-2.50 Rarely
1.00-1.75 Very Rarely

Table 9 illustrates the overall mean of statements under Communications. With a mean as
a whole of 2.88, Senior High School Students used free data connection for their messenger
application, rather than loading. Secondly, having a mean as a whole of 2.84, the respondents
register to text and call promos to maximize their load budget. Then, they only spend for
communication, if it is for emergency or needed with as a whole men of 2.77 and having as a
whole mean of 2.75 students allocate 10% of their allowance for communication expense. Lastly,
having a rarely result with as a whole mean of 2.37 students subscribe to monthly plan that suit
to their preference usage.



Strand Mean
As a Descriptive
F. Savings AB HUMS AnS
STEM HE ICT whole Rating
M S ci
1. I allocate 10-20% of my
3.00 2.54 2.82 2.93 3.05 3.00 2.80 Frequently
allowance for savings.
2. I join in ease-up system 2.00
1.85 1.78 1.45 2.32 2.46 1.94 Rarely
or “paluwgan”
3. I lend part of my 2.67
allowance rather than 2.60 2.47 2.73 2.79 3.15 2.65 Frequently
spending it.
4. I open bank account or 1.93
have a treasure box where I 2.30 1.87 2.00 2.47 2.77 2.13 Rarely
can deposit my savings.
5. I save money for 3.13
emergency purposes or just
3.10 2.40 3.27 2.95 3.31 2.84 Frequently
in case I might need extra
Parameter Mean 2.57 2.22 2.45 2.53 2.72 2.94 2.47 Rarely
Score Range Descriptive Rating
3.26-4.00 Very Frequently
2.51-3.25 Frequently
1.76-2.50 Rarely
1.00-1.75 Very Rarely

Table 10 shows the overall mean of statements under Savings. Getting the highest mean of
2.84, respondents save money for emergency purposes or just in case they might need extra
money. Next, with as a whole mean of 2.80 were students allocate 10-20% of their allowance for
savings. With as a whole mean of 2.65 the respondents lent part of their allowance rather than
spending it. Opening bank account or having a treasure box where they can deposit their savings
with as a whole mean of 2.13, and with as a whole mean of 1.19, being the lowest Senior High
School Students answered that they join in ease-up system or ‘paluwagan”.
ANOVA Result on the Significant Difference of Managing Budget Along Parameters by Strands
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Parameter A Between .938 5 .188 .625 .765
Within Groups 37.217 124 .300
Total 38.155 129
Parameter B Between 2.186 5 .437 1.749 .356
Within Groups 30.989 124 .250
Total 33.175 129
Parameter C Between 4.051 5 .810 3.241 .218
Within Groups 31.001 124 .250
Total 35.052 129
Parameter D Between 2.511 5 .502 2.717 .083
Within Groups 22.924 124 .185
Total 25.435 129
Parameter E Between .328 5 .066 .426 .938
Within Groups 19.113 124 .154
Total 19.441 129
Parameter F Between 7.466 5 1.493 5.279 .000**
Within Groups 35.071 124 .283
Total 42.537 129
Overall Between 1.742 5 .348 3.498 .060
Within Groups 12.349 124 .100
Total 14.091 129

In this table, this illustrate under the Parameters from A to E have no any significant
difference which means all of the Strands practice the same way of budgeting through their
transportation, meals, luxury and leisure, and communications. But under Parameter F, this part
means that there is a significant differences on how the strands of the students affecting their
budget. Overall, the result of this test tells that each Strands differ significantly upon managing
their budget except for the Parameter F which is the Savings. This will now accept the first
hypothesis of this research that “there is a significant difference on every strand of Grade 12
Senior High Students in managing their budget” and second hypothesis that “there is a
significant difference on how much a Grade 12 Senior High Student spends depending on their
strand. Referring to the Scheffe Test below this will explain the significant difference of
budgeting along Parameter F:

Result of the Scheffe Test on Significant Difference of the Budgeting along __Parameter
Strand N Mean
ABM 20 2.57 ab
HUMSS 52 2.22 a
STEM 11 2.45 ab
TVL HE 15 2.53 ab
TVL ICT 19 2.72 ab
TVL AnSci 13 2.94 b
*means with the same letter are not

Table 12 shows the significant difference under Parameter F which is the savings.
Comparing each strand only ABM, HUMSS, STEM, TVL HE, and TVL ICT have the same
practices of budgeting also with ABM, STEM, TVL HE, TVL ICT, and TVL AnSci as well. As
you noticed, there are only two strands do not have the same letter, for HUMSS it has no letter b
and for TVL Ansci it has no letter a, which means that they are differ significantly to each other
from their mean. If you noticed the number of mean, the TVL AnSci have a greater mean of
2.94 comparing to HUMSS that have a mean of 2.22 only. So this tells that TVL AnSci practice
more saving money or budgeting rather than HUMSS.


TRANSPOR 2. Rarel 2. Rarel 2. Rarel 2. Rarel 2. Rarel 2. Frequ
TATION 31 y 36 y 41 y 47 y 43 y 62 ently
2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Frequ
70 ently 55 ently 70 ently 61 ently 79 ently 95 ently
2. Rarel 2. Rarel 2. Rarel 2. Rarel 2. Frequ 2. Frequ
48 y 32 y 42 y 40 y 78 ently 74 ently
2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Rarel 2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Frequ
69 ently 51 ently 45 y 53 ently 72 ently 92 ently
COMMUNI 2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Frequ
CATIONS 69 ently 76 ently 65 ently 81 ently 66 ently 69 ently
2. Frequ 2. Rarel 2. Rarel 2. Frequ 2. Frequ 2. Frequ
57 ently 22 y 45 y 53 ently 72 ently 94 ently
Score Range Descriptive Rating
3.26-4.00 Very Frequently
2.51-3.25 Frequently
1.76-2.50 Rarely
1.00-1.75 Very Rarely

This Table shows the parameter mean of each variable per strand. Based on the table, it is
rare for all the strand to include transportation in their practices of budgeting except for the
strand of TVL AnSci students who frequently budget their allowance in transportation. For meal,
all Grade 12 Senior High Students frequently budget their allowance for foods and meals. TVL
ICT and TVL AnSci regularly includes luxury and leisure in their allocation of budget except
ABM, HUMSS, STEM and TVL HE. All strands except for STEM students do practice
budgeting for Projects and Books. Senior High Students habitually practiced budgeting for
communication purposes and it is only HUMSS and STEM respondents who rarely practiced
Summary of Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations
This chapter includes the results of the research and covers the findings, conclusion and
recommendations of the researchers.
Summary of Findings
This study was conducted to determine the different budgeting practices of Grade 12
students. A descriptive comparative method was used in the study and survey questionnaires
were disseminated to gather data. The sample was composed of 20 ABM, 52 HUMSS, 11
STEM, 15 TVL HE, 19 TVL ICT, and 13 TVL ANSCI students.
There are six (6) variables included as the factors affecting the budgeting practices of
The salient findings of the research were as follows:
1. What is the allowance of Grade 12 students?
1.1 Allowance
The result in terms of students’ weekly allowance, 67.69% of respondents
has 100-350 allowance per week, 13.85% has 351-500 allowance per week,
6.92% of respondents has 501-850 allowance per week, 3.85% of respondents has
an allowance of 851-1000, 3.08% has 1001-1500 allowance, other respondents
has an allowance below 100 with a percentage of 3.08%, and 1.54% of them has
an allowance of above 1500 per week.
2. Is there any distinction of how much is Grade 12 students spends depending on their
2.1 Transportation

Based on the tables on Chapter 3, Transportation got an overall parameter

mean of 2.31 for ABM, 2.36 for HUMSS, 2.41 for STEM, 2.47 for TVL HE, 2.43
TVL ICT, 2.62 for TVL ANSCI. It can be determined that Transportation was the
variable that was rarely included in Grade 12 students personal budgeting except
2.2 Meal
With the reference to Chapter 3, Meal has a parameter mean of 2.70 for
ABM, 2.55 for HUMSS, 2.70 for STEM, 2.61 for TVL HE, 2.79 for TVL ICT,
and 2.95 for TVL ANSCI. All strands frequently budget for meal.
2.3 Luxury and Leisure

The parameter mean of Luxury and Leisure per program were: 2.48 for
ABM, 2.32 for HUMSS, 2.42 for STEM, 2.40 for TVL HE, 2.78 for TVL ICT,
and 2.74 for TVL ANSCI. This variable was frequently included for TVL ICT
and TVL ANSCI students’ allocation of allowance except ABM, HUMSS,
2.4 Projects and Books
Projects and Books has an overall parameter mean per strand of 2.69 for
ABM, 2.51 for HUMSS, 2.45 for STEM, 2.53 for TVL HE, 2.72 for TVL ICT,
and 2.92 for TVL ANSCI. All respondents except for STEM frequently include
Projects and Books in budgeting practices.
2.5 Communications

The parameter mean for Communications per strand were: 2.69 for ABM,
2.76 for HUMSS, 2.65 for STEM, 2.81 for TVL HE, 2.66 for TVL ICT, and 2.69
for TVL ANSCI. All of the respondents agreed that they regularly practice
allocating their allowance for Communications.

2.6 Savings
Savings have an overall parameter mean of 2.57 for ABM, 2.22 for
HUMSS, 2.45 for STEM, 2.53 for TVL HE, 2.72 for TVL ICT, and 2.94 for TVL
ANSCI. All strands except HUMSS and STEM frequently saved money from
their allowance.
3. Is there any significance on how the Grade 12 students manages their budget?
It can be determined from the data gathered that there exists a significant
difference on every strand of Grade 12 Senior High Students in managing their
budget and on how much a Grade 12 Senior High Student spends depending on
their strand based on the survey conducted. The level of preference they gave
each variables varies. It is clear that the profile of the students have an impact on
how students budget or allocate their allowances. In the tables on Chapter 4, it can
be observed how frequently or rarely do they practice the statements under each
variable provided.

Based on the findings, the researchers concluded that for each strand, the level of
preference in terms of the variables differed. This means that there is significant difference on
every strand of Grade 12 Senior High Students in managing their budget” and on how much a
Grade 12 Senior High Student spends depending on their strand. This can be due to the
differences in their profile such the amount of allowance spend weekly and the strand where they
belong in.
It is also determined how frequently or rarely do they practice the statements under each
variable in their personal budgeting.
For ABM and TVL HE they rarely allocate their allowance for Transportation so with
Luxury and Leisures while they frequently budget for the other variables. HUMSS students
rarely do budgeting in Transportation, Luxury and Leisures, and rarely practiced saving money.
STEM students rarely budget their allowance in Transportation, Luxury and Leisures, Projects
and Books, and rarely practiced saving their allowances while regularly include the other
variables in their personal budgeting practices. For TVL ICT students, it was rare for them to
practice budgeting for Transportation. It was only TVL AnSci students who frequently practice
personal budgeting in all of the variables.
There are only two similarities in their personal budgeting in terms of Meals and
Communications where all respondents agreed that they frequently include these variables in
their budgeting. The researchers concluded that TVL AnScie students were the only strand who
really practiced in budgeting their allowances compare to the other strands. In terms of
budgeting, it is concluded that HUMSS students is the strand who rarely comply in saving their
moneys. This can be due to many factors such as opening a bank account or saving money for
emergency purposes.
In overall result of the study, the researcher would like to recommend that each strand
should practice more on managing their allowance and saving their money for the most
necessary things that they need. And for the students who already practiced on saving money
from their allowance should continue doing it. The researcher would like to suggest that the
senior high students should think first on how they will spend their money.
The researchers would also like to recommend to the parents to know where their
children spend their money or allowances in order to help them manage their budget wisely.
For the last recommendation, the researchers suggest that the school especially the Senior
High students should perform more studies related to the study conducted to further assess the
student issues in terms of budgeting and financial management.

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