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General information
Area: Language Subject: Target language Grade: 1C
Ancona Manrique Nadia
Baños Cordero Paola Denise
Carrasco López Martin
Gomez Genis Sharittin Monserrat Total students: 28
Gutierrez Uribe Maria Julia
Lira Xochicale Katherine
Ramirez Islas Montserrat
Tellez Rivas Hanniel
Date: 11 de Noviembre del 2022
2. Thematic development
10. Made in
Session theme:
Literature insight 1 Huckleberry Finn- Mark Twain

Step Classroom activities Educational resources Time

Fruit cocktail:
Give each student the name of a fruit
(apple, pineapple, peach,
Warm- watermelon).
5 min
up When everyone has their fruit, ask
them to form groups with
classmates who have the same
name as their fruit.
Watch the video: Adventures of
Mark Twain.
Pose open-ended questions about
Pre ch?v=Ntf5_ue2Lzw&ab_chann
the video. Teacher asks: (Have you 15 min
ever heard of Mark Twain?)
Explain the video to the students.
Read with students: About the
Review vocabulary problems. Student's book
Solve the following exercises with
students: Page 85
Exercise1, ask students to help you
read the text Huckleberry Finn.
Review pronunciation.
While Exercise 2, solve the 3 questions Student's Book 50 min
Exercise 3, read the text read on, Page 86
check with the students their
pronunciation of each word.
Exercise 4, play the audio
corresponding to the exercise, let Audio 3.11
them listen to it 2 times, solve
exercise 4 and 5.
Ask the students to read the text
again, check the pronunciation of
each word again.
Ask each group to solve exercise 7. Student's book
Give feedback.
Post Notebook 20 min


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