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Product Specification


Newhaven Display International, Inc.

2661 Galvin Court, Elgin, IL 60124 USA
Ph: 847.844.8795 | Fx: 847.844.8796 Compliant Compliant
Table of Contents
Document Revision History ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 2
Mechanical Drawing ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….….……... 3
Pin Description ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….……… 4
RGB Interface Mode Selection …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Electrical Characteristics ……………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………….…….. 5
Optical Characteristics ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Capacitive Touch Panel Material Characteristics …………………………………………………………………….…………………… 6
Driver Information ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………. 6
Capacitive Touch Panel Registers ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Timing Characteristics for TFT ……………………………………………………………………………………..………………………..….. 10
Timing Characteristics for Touch Panel ………………………………………………………………..……………………………….…... 15
Quality Information ………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………. 18

Additional Resources
➢ Support Forum:
➢ Github:
➢ Example Code:
➢ Knowledge Center:
➢ Quality Center:
➢ Precautions for using LCDs/LCMs:
➢ Warranty / Terms & Conditions:

Document Revision History
Revision Date Description Changed By

0 2/18/2022 Initial Release CJ

1 5/03/2022 Updated Optical Characteristics CJ

2 6/03/2022 Updated Typ. Backlight Lifetime ZP

3 6/08/2022 RGB Interface Mode Selection Included. Backlight Typ. Rating Updated. ZP

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mechanical Drawing



TFT Pinout: C
Pin No. Symbol
1 LED-
2 LED+
5-12 [R0-R7]
13-20 [G0-G7]
21-28 [B0-B7]
29 GND D
30 CLK
CTP Pinout: 32 HSYNC
Symbol 33 VSYNC
Pin No.
Newhaven Display 1 VDD
34 DE
NHD-4.3-480272EF-ASXP-CTP 35 NC
2 GND 36 GND
Date Code
3 SCL 37 NC(XR)
Part Label (type/format may vary) 4 SDA 38 NC(YD)
5 INT 39 NC(XL)
Product Descrip�on: 4.3” IPS TFT w/ Capaci�ve Touch
Standard Tolerance:
1. TFT Driver IC: SC7283, CTP IC: FT5426 (Unless otherwise specified)

2. TFT Interface: 24-Bit RGB, CTP Interface: I2C Drawing/Part Number: Revision:
Linear: ±0.3mm
NHD-4.3-480272EF-ASXP-CTP -

3. TFT Power Requirement: 3.3V, Backlight: 40mA (25.6V(Typ))

Unless otherwise specified:
Drawn By:
C. Johnson
Approved By:
C. Johnson A3

4. Op�cal Features: Normally Black, Transmissive, 1000 cd/m2

Drawn Date: Approved Date:
• Dimensions are in Millimeters 2/18/2022 2/18/2022 NS
• Third Angle Projection
Do Not Scale Drawing Sheet 1 of 1
F 5. TFT Ma�ng Connector: 40pin, 0.5mm pitch; Ex. Molex 54104-4031 F
This drawing is solely the property of Newhaven Display International, Inc.
6. CTP Ma�ng Connector: 6pin, 1.0mm pitch; Ex. Molex 52271-0679 The information it contains is not to be disclosed, reproduced or copied in
whole or part without written approval from Newhaven Display.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pin Description
Pin No. Symbol External Connection Function Description
1 LED- LED Power Supply Ground for Backlight
2 LED+ LED Power Supply Backlight Power Supply (40mA @ 25.6V)
3 GND Power Supply Ground
4 VDD Power Supply Power supply for LCD and logic (3.3V)
5-12 [R0-R7] MPU Red Data Signals
13-20 [G0-G7] MPU Green Data Signals
21-28 [B0-B7] MPU Blue Data Signals
29 GND Power Supply Ground
30 CLKIN MPU Clock for input data (Rising Edge)
31 STBYB MPU 1: Normal Operation; 0: Standby Mode
32 HSD MPU Line synchronization signal
33 VSD MPU Frame synchronization signal
34 DEN MPU Data Enable signal
35 NC - No Connect
36 GND Power Supply Ground
37 XR - No Connect
38 YD - No Connect
39 XL - No Connect
40 YU - No Connect
Recommended LCD connector: 0.5mm pitch 40-Conductor FFC. Molex p/n: 54104-4031 (top contact)
Backlight connector: on LCD connector Mates with: ---

Capacitive Touch Panel:

Pin No. Symbol External Connection Function Description
1 VDD Power Supply Supply voltage for Logic (3.3V)
2 VSS Power Supply Ground
3 SCL MPU Serial I2C Clock (Requires 4.7kΩ pull-up resistor)
4 SDA MPU Serial I2C Data (Requires 4.7kΩ pull-up resistor)
5 /INT MPU Interrupt signal from touch panel module to host
6 /RESET MPU Active LOW Reset signal
Recommended connector: 6pin, 1.0mm pitch, FFC connector. Molex P/N 52271-0679

RGB Interface Mode Selection
The Sitronix SC7283 driver IC is user configurable for DE Mode, SYNC mode, or SYNC-DE mode RGB interface.

DE Mode is enabled when HSYNC and VSYNC signals are set to logic-low state, and DE signal is toggled high for valid
pixel data. Data is clocked in using DCLK signal. DE mode is recommended to enable the SC7283 driver IC to synchronize
the display image on TFT panel without depending on specific horizontal and vertical sync timing from host controller.

SYNC mode is enabled when the DE signal is set to logic-low state, and HSYNC and VSYNC signals are used to explicitly
define the horizontal and vertical sync timing to synchronize the display image on TFT panel. Data is clocked in using
DCLK signal. Any change to the HSYNC or VSYNC values may prevent the image from correctly appearing on the display.

SYNC-DE Mode is enabled when HSYNC and VSYNC signals are used to explicitly define the horizontal and vertical sync
timing to synchronize the display image on TFT panel. DE signal is used as an additional indicator for transmission of
valid pixel data. Data is clocked in using DCLK signal. Any change to the HSYNC or VSYNC values may prevent the image
from correctly appearing on the display.

RGB Mode Selection Table DCLK HSYNC VSYNC DE

SYNC-DE Mode Input Input Input Input
SYNC Mode Input Input Input GND
DE Mode Input GND GND Input

Electrical Characteristics
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Operating Temperature Range TOP Absolute Max -20 - +70 ⁰C
Storage Temperature Range TST Absolute Max -30 - +80 ⁰C
Supply Voltage VDD - 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
Supply Current IDD VDD = 3.3V 14 28 56 mA
“H” Level input VIH - 0.7 * VDD - VDD V
“L” Level input VIL - GND - 0.3 * VDD V
“H” Level output VOH - VDD - 0.4 - VDD V
“L” Level output VOL - GND - GND + 0.4 V

Backlight Supply Current ILED - 30 40 50 mA

Backlight Supply Voltage VLED ILED = 40mA 22.4 25.6 27.2 V
Backlight Lifetime* - TOP = 25°C 20,000 50,000 - Hrs.
*Backlight lifetime is rated as Hours until half-brightness, under normal operating conditions. The LED of the backlight is driven by current drain; drive voltage is for
reference only. Drive voltage must be selected to ensure backlight current drain is below MAX level stated.

Capacitive Touch Panel:

Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Operating Temperature Range TOP Absolute Max -20 - +70 ⁰C
Storage Temperature Range TST Absolute Max -30 - +80 ⁰C
Supply Voltage VDD - 2.7 3.0 3.3 V
Supply Current – Operating IDD - 12 13 14.5 mA
“H” Level input VIH - 0.7*VDD - VDD V
“L” Level input VIL - VSS - 0.3*VDD V
“H” Level output VOH - 0.7*VDD - VDD V
“L” Level output VOL - VSS - 0.3*VDD V

Optical Characteristics:
Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Top ϕY+ - 80 - ⁰
Optimal Bottom ϕY- - 80 - ⁰
Viewing CR ≥ 10
Left θX- - 80 - ⁰
Right θX+ - 80 - ⁰
Contrast Ratio CR - 640 800 - -
Luminance LV ILED = 40 mA 656 1000 1230 cd/m2
Response Time (Rise + Fall) TR + TF TOP = 25°C - 30 40 ms
XR - 0.538 0.588 0.638 -
YR - 0.308 0.358 0.408 -
XG - 0.289 0.339 0.389 -
YG - 0.548 0.598 0.648 -
XB - 0.092 0.142 0.192 -
YB - 0.050 0.100 0.150 -
XW - 0.240 0.290 0.340 -
YW - 0.284 0.334 0.384 -

Capacitive Touch Panel Material Characteristics:

Property Requirement Unit
IC FT5426-003 -
ITO Glass thickness 0.55 mm
Surface Hardness ≥6 H
Light transmission >82% -
Operating Humidity 20~85% RH
Storage Humidity 20~85% RH

Driver/Controller Information
Built-in SC7283 Source Driver.
Please download specification at:

Capacitive Touch Panel:

Built-in FocalTech FT5426-003 Capacitive Touch Controller.
Please download specification at

Capacitive Touch Panel Registers
Register No. Access Register Name Bits Value Description
1Ch Swipe Up
14h Swipe Down
10h Swipe Left
01h RO Gesture ID [7:0] 18h Swipe Right
49h Zoom Out
48h Zoom In
00 No gesture
0: No touch detected
02h RO Touch Points [7:0] 0-Ah
A: 10 touch points detected
0 Put Down
1 Put Up
03h RO TOUCH1_Event_Flag [7:6]
2 Contact
3 Reserved
03h RO TOUCH1_XH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of X touch coordinate
04h RO TOUCH1_XL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of X touch coordinate
05h RO TOUCH1_YH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of Y touch coordinate
06h RO TOUCH1_YL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of Y touch coordinate
07h RO TOUCH1_Weight [7:0] Touch Weight
08h RO TOUCH1_Misc [3:0] 00-0Fh Touch Area
0 Put Down
1 Put Up
09h RO TOUCH2_Event_Flag [7:6]
2 Contact
3 Reserved
09h RO TOUCH1_XH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of X touch coordinate
0Ah RO TOUCH2_XL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of X touch coordinate
0Bh RO TOUCH2_YH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of Y touch coordinate
0Ch RO TOUCH2_YL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of Y touch coordinate
0Dh RO TOUCH2_Weight [7:0] Touch Weight
0Eh RO TOUCH2_Misc [3:0] 00-0Fh Touch Area
0 Put Down
1 Put Up
0Fh RO TOUCH3_Event_Flag [7:6]
2 Contact
3 Reserved
0Fh RO TOUCH3_XH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of X touch coordinate
10 RO TOUCH3_XL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of X touch coordinate
11h RO TOUCH3_YH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of Y touch coordinate
12h RO TOUCH3_YL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of Y touch coordinate
13h RO TOUCH3_Weight [7:0] Touch Weight
14h RO TOUCH3_Misc [3:0] 00-0Fh Touch Area
0 Put Down
1 Put Up
15h RO TOUCH4_Event_Flag [7:6]
2 Contact
3 Reserved
15h RO TOUCH4_XH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of X touch coordinate
16h RO TOUCH4_XL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of X touch coordinate
17h RO TOUCH4_YH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of Y touch coordinate
18h RO TOUCH4_YL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of Y touch coordinate
1Ah RO TOUCH4_Misc [3:0] 00-0Fh Touch Area
0 Put Down
1 Put Up
1Bh RO TOUCH5_Event_Flag [7:6]
2 Contact
3 Reserved

Register No. Access Register Name Bits Value Description
1Bh RO TOUCH5_XH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of X touch coordinate
1Ch RO TOUCH5_XL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of X touch coordinate
1Dh RO TOUCH5_YH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of Y touch coordinate
1Eh RO TOUCH5_YL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of Y touch coordinate
1Fh RO TOUCH5_Weight [7:0] Touch Weight
20 RO TOUCH5_Misc [3:0] 00-0Fh Touch Area
0 Put Down
1 Put Up
21h RO TOUCH6_Event_Flag [7:6]
2 Contact
3 Reserved
21h RO TOUCH6_XH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of X touch coordinate
22h RO TOUCH6_XL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of X touch coordinate
23h RO TOUCH6_YH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of Y touch coordinate
24h RO TOUCH6_YL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of Y touch coordinate
25h RO TOUCH6_Weight [7:0] Touch Weight
26h RO TOUCH6_Misc [3:0] 00-0Fh Touch Area
0 Put Down
1 Put Up
27h RO TOUCH7_Event_Flag [7:6]
2 Contact
3 Reserved
27h RO TOUCH7_XH [3:0] 0 -1 Upper 4 bits of X touch coordinate
28h RO TOUCH7_XL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of X touch coordinate
29h RO TOUCH7_YH [3:0] 0–1 Upper 4 bits of Y touch coordinate
2Ah RO TOUCH7_YL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of Y touch coordinate
2Bh RO TOUCH7_Weight [7:0] Touch Weight
2Ch RO TOUCH7_Misc [3:0] 00-0Fh Touch Area
0 Put Down
1 Put Up
2Dh RO TOUCH8_Event_Flag [7:6]
2 Contact
3 Reserved
2Dh RO TOUCH8_XH [3:0] 0–1 Upper 4 bits of X touch coordinate
2Eh RO TOUCH8_XL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of X touch coordinate
2Fh RO TOUCH8_YH [3:0] 0–1 Upper 4 bits of Y touch coordinate
30 RO TOUCH8_YL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of Y touch coordinate
31h RO TOUCH8_Weight [7:0] Touch Weight
32h RO TOUCH8_Misc [3:0] 00-0Fh Touch Area
0 Put Down
1 Put Up
33h RO TOUCH9_Event_Flag [7:6]
2 Contact
3 Reserved
33h RO TOUCH9_XH [3:0] 0-1 Upper 4 bits of X touch coordinate
34h RO TOUCH9_XL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of X touch coordinate
35h RO TOUCH9_YH [3:0] 0–1 Upper 4 bits of Y touch coordinate
36h RO TOUCH9_YL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of Y touch coordinate
37h RO TOUCH9_Weight [7:0] Touch Weight
38h RO TOUCH9_Misc [3:0] 00 - 0Fh Touch Area
0 Put Down
1 Put Up
39h RO TOUCH10_Event_Flag [7:6]
2 Contact
3 Reserved
39h RO TOUCH10_XH [3:0] 0–1 Upper 4 bits of X touch coordinate
3Ah RO TOUCH10_XL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of X touch coordinate
3Bh RO TOUCH10_YH [3:0] 0–1 Upper 4 bits of Y touch coordinate
3Ch RO TOUCH10_YL [7:0] 00 - FFh Lower 8 bits of Y touch coordinate

Register No. Access Register Name Bits Value Description
3Dh RO TOUCH10_Weight [7:0] 00-FFh Touch Weight
3Eh RO TOUCH10_Misc [3:0] 00-0Fh Touch Area
App library version high-byte
A1h RO ID_G_LIB_VERSION_H [7:0] 00-FFh
Default: 0
App library version low-byte
A2h RO ID_G_LIB_VERSION_L [7:0] 00-FFh
Default: 2h
Chip Vendor ID
A3h RO ID_G_CHIPER_HIGH [7:0] 00-FFh
Default: 54h
Firmware ID Number
A6h RO ID_G_FIRMID [7:0] 00-FFh
Default: 14h
CTPM Vendor’s Chip ID
A8h RO ID_G_VENODRID [7:0] 00-FFh
Default: 92h

Timing Characteristics – TFT Display
Horizontal and Vertical Input Timing
Item Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
DCLK Frequency Fclk 8 9 12 MHz
DCLK Period Tclk 83 111 125 ns
Period Time Th 485 531 598 DCLK
Display Period Thd 480 DCLK
HSYNC Back Porch Thb 3 43 43 DCLK
Front Porch Thfp 2 8 75 DCLK
Pulse Width Thpw 2 4 43 DCLK
Period Time Tv 276 292 321 H
Display Period Tvd - 272 - H
VSYNC Back Porch Tvbp 2 12 12 H
Front Porch Tvfp 2 8 37 H
Pulse Width Tvpw 2 4 12 H

AC Characteristics

System Bus Timing for RGB Interface

Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Conditions

CLKIN pulse duty Tcwh 40 50 60 %
HSYNC width Thw 2 - - DCLK
HSYNC period Th 55 60 65 us
VSYNC setup time Tvst 12 - - ns
VSYNC hold time Tvhd 12 - - ns
HSYNC setup time Thst 12 - - ns
HSYNC hold time Thhd 12 - - ns
Data setup time Tdsu 12 - - ns
Data hold time Tdhd 12 - - ns
DE setup time Tdest 12 - - ns
DE hold time Tdehd 12 - - ns



DE Mode

Power ON/OFF Sequence

1. Power On Sequence

2. Power Off Sequence

Timing Characteristics – Capacitive Touch Panel
Data Transfer Format

Parameter Min Max Unit

SCL Frequency 0 400 KHz
Bus free time between a STOP & START condition 1.3 - µs
Hold time Repeated START condition 0.6 - µs
Data Setup Time 100 - ns
Setup time for a repeated START condition 0.6 - µs
Setup time for a STOP condition 0.6 - µs

Power ON/Reset Sequence

Power On Time

Power Cycle Requirement

Power ON Sequence

Reset sequence

Parameter Description Min Max Unit

Tris Rise time from 0.1VDD to 0.9VDD - 5 ms
Tpdt Time of the voltage of supply being below 0.3V 5 - ms
Trtp Time of resetting to be low before powering on 100 - µs
Tpon Time to start reporting after power on - 200 ms
Tvdr* Reset time after applying VDD 1 - ms
Trsi Time to start reporting after reset - 200 ms
Trst* Reset Time 1 - ms
*Note: If Reset is tied to VDD data corruption can occur
Sample code to read touch data:

i2c_tx(0x70); //Slave Address (Write)
i2c_tx(0x00); //Start reading address

i2c_tx(0x71); //Slave Address (Read)
{touchdata_buffer[i] = i2c_rx(1);}

Sample code to overwrite default register values:

i2c_tx(0x70); //Slave Address (Write)
i2c_tx(0xA4); //ID_G_Mode
i2c_tx(0x01); //Disable interrupt status to host

Quality Information
Test Item Content of Test Test Condition Note
High Temperature storage Endurance test applying the high storage +80⁰C , 96hrs 2
temperature for a long time.
Low Temperature storage Endurance test applying the low storage -30⁰C , 96hrs 1,2
temperature for a long time.
High Temperature Endurance test applying the electric stress +70⁰C , 96hrs 2
Operation (voltage & current) and the high thermal
stress for a long time.
Low Temperature Endurance test applying the electric stress -20⁰C , 96hrs 1,2
Operation (voltage & current) and the low thermal
stress for a long time.
High Temperature / Endurance test applying the electric stress +50⁰C , 90% RH , 96hrs 1,2
Humidity Storage (voltage & current) and the high thermal
with high humidity stress for a long time.
Thermal Shock resistance Endurance test applying the electric stress -20⁰C,60min -> 70⁰C,60min
(voltage & current) during a cycle of low = 1 cycle
and high thermal stress. 20 cycles
Vibration test Endurance test applying vibration to 10-50Hz , 5G Acceleration 3
simulate transportation and use. 30 minutes in each of 3 directions
(X, Y, Z)
Static electricity test Endurance test applying electric static Air: ±8kV 150pF/330Ω, 5 Times
discharge. Contact: ±4kV 150pF/330Ω, 5 Times
Note 1: No condensation to be observed.
Note 2: Conducted after 4 hours of storage at 25⁰C, 0%RH.
Note 3: Test performed on product itself, not inside a container.

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