Field Work 7

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Field Work 7: Differential Leveling

Weather: Date:
I. Introduction
Leveling is a branch in surveying that determine the height of points on the surface of the earth
relative to the point of departure ('zero elevation') or to the level of the sea. Leveling is one of the
kinds of geodetic measurements used to construct a reference grid for geodetic elevation and to
perform topographical surveys, as well as to design, construct, and maintain infrastructure
systems, railroads, highways, etc.

In this chapter you will able to understand the different terms used in leveling and used of
different instrument to obtain the elevation of the ground surface. Also, the method to determine
the difference in elevation between two or more points using differential leveling

II. Objectives
After completion of this course the student should be able to:

1. Perform Differential leveling

2. Familiarize with the leveling instruments
3. Solve the difference in elevation of the given points

III. Instruments

1. Wye/dumpy/automatic leveling device

2. Leveling rod
3. Tripod
4. Plumb-bob
5. Pins

IV. General Procedure for Differential Leveling

 Procedure
When the Instrument is already levelled and the Bench Mark is

1. The Instrument man set up the level at a convenient point

and back sight the rod held on BM1. Thus, will gives the HI.

The initial back sight (BS1) can be determined by taken a point of known
elevation (bench mark) or a point of assumed elevation.
HI= Elev BM1+BS

2. The rod man moves to convenient point which be called as turning point
(TP1) in the direction of BM2.
Elev. The level
TP1=HI- FS instrument takes a foresight on the
rod, thus it provides as the elevation of (TP1)

3. The level Instrument is then moved to a convenient

location beyond TP1, this gives new height of instrument.
The rod man moves forward to new location called
turning point (TP2) and so on. This procedure is
continued until the elevation of BM2 is determined.

 Sample of Field Notes (Differential Leveling)

The upper portion of the right -hand page consist of:
1. Date and time of survey
2. Average temperature observed
3. Prevailing weather condition

It is normal to portray the arithmetic check at the foot of each foot of level notes and the signature
of the chief party should be indicated to authenticate the field notes.

V. Activity:

Determine the difference in elevation of the following building from Dr. J Hernandez Statue: Assume
100m elevation from MSL.

1. JH Building
2. EA Building
3. DHS Building
4. New Building
5. Sports Palace
6. UNC Covered Court

Tabulate Your Solution accordingly:

VI. Discussion

VII. Documentation

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